Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world in the preparatory group. Classes on the surrounding world in the preparatory group. Familiarization with the surrounding world Familiarization with the surrounding environment preparation group

Summary of an open lesson in senior preparatory groups on familiarization with the outside world. Topic: "Journey to the forest"

The integrated lesson includes sections:

  • cognitive activity (ecology; awareness of the surroundings);
  • speech development
  • artistic and aesthetic activity (drawing, musical development).


  1. To develop children's understanding of the plant world, coniferous and deciduous trees.
  2. Reinforce the general concept of “trees”.
  3. Clarify children's ideas about the place where trees grow - forest.
  4. Foster a caring attitude towards nature;
  5. Enrich children's vocabulary;
  6. Develop imagination and thinking;
  7. Learn to listen to music; perform movements to music;
  8. Strengthen the ability to paint with watercolors, hold a brush correctly in your hand, learn to draw an autumn forest.

Progress of the lesson

I. Preliminary work. Conversation with children.

Guys, today we will get to know trees.

What trees do you know?

Where do many trees grow?

What happens to trees in autumn and winter?

Play a musical work by P.I. for the children. Tchaikovsky "Seasons" (questions about the musical work: guys, did you like the music? What do you think the name of this piece is? What kind of music was it: funny, sad, alarming, loud, quiet, slow, fast? Etc.)

II. Introduction to the topic.

Musical warm-up by E. Zheleznova "Bus" . Children sit on chairs and perform movements to the music that simulate a bus ride.

The teacher shows illustrations depicting a forest.

Question: Guys, look carefully, where have we come? Children's answers. That's right, into the forest. What do you know about the forest? What is a forest? Look and listen.

The forest gives us magical beauty, provides shade and coolness on a hot day, oxygen for breathing. And how wonderful the air in the forest is - healing. All trees emit special volatile substances that kill harmful bacteria. The resinous smells of pine and spruce, the aroma of birch, oak, and larch are very beneficial for humans.

It’s not for nothing that trees are called the green lungs of the planet.

In spring and summer, the trees bloom, the breeze carries pollen, insects fly from tree to tree, pollinating the plants, and by the end of summer, seeds are formed on the trees.

In autumn, the leaves on the trees dry out, turn yellow, and fall off, covering the ground under the trees with a colorful carpet. This phenomenon is called leaf fall. And what kind of trees are in winter, look carefully. Winter forest illustrations.

Trees are deciduous.

Why are they called that?

Name deciduous trees.

There are also coniferous trees.

Why are they called that?

Name the coniferous trees (Teacher shows illustrations)

Look at the trees.

What do they have in common? What are the similarities? What does every tree have?

Why does a tree need roots? (Teacher shows illustrations)

What is the bark on the trunk for? The teacher shows illustrations)

Educator: Guys, tell me, what should you not do in the forest? Children's answers. Is it possible to play ball in the forest? Can. Let's play.

III. Physical exercise. Didactic ball game “Which sheet? ” (speech development game)

Birch leaf - birch leaf.

Oak leaf - oak leaf.

Linden leaf - linden leaf.

Aspen leaf - aspen leaf.

Maple leaf - maple leaf.

Poplar leaf - poplar leaf.

Rowan leaf - rowan leaf.

Spruce needles - spruce needles.

Pine needles – pine needles.

Well done, everyone did a good job. And I have one more task for you. Let's see if you remember what types of trees there are. Listen carefully to the riddles.

IV. Puzzles

  1. In spring the white one sheds tears (birch).
  2. Stands golden in summer, filled with sweet honey (Linden).
  3. If the breeze blows, its leaves will tremble (aspen).
  4. This tree will come to every home on New Year's Eve. It's called green and pungent (Christmas tree).
  5. A flock of scarlet bullfinches comes to visit her. They scurry along the branches, pecking at red berries (Rowan).
  6. What kind of girl is this, neither a seamstress nor a craftswoman? She doesn’t sew anything herself, but wears needles all year round. (spruce).
  7. We saw him dressed in spring and summer, but in the fall all the shirts were ripped off the poor thing. But winter snowstorms dressed him in furs (tree).

Guys, how good are you at solving riddles? Well done.

Surprise moment.

Look what I found under the spruce tree in our magical forest. Shows a box tied with ribbon. What's there? Shows the game box. Let's play?

V. Didactic game “The Fourth Wheel”

Maple, rowan, spruce, tulip.

Birch, oak, rosehip, poplar.

Spruce, currant, rowan, oak.

Aspen, linden, spruce, strawberry.

Raspberry, maple, pine, poplar.

VI. Conclusion. Music warm-up E. Zheleznova "Bus" . We are returning home from the forest.

Guys, here we are back to kindergarten. Let's remember where we were today, what we talked about, what we saw? What trees do you remember? What types of trees are there? Name deciduous trees. Name coniferous trees. What does each tree have? When do trees shed their leaves and why? Where do many trees grow? What are trees for?

On the children's tables there are sheets of paper, jars of water, watercolor paints, brushes, and napkins. Guys, we visited the autumn forest with you, now you will turn into artists and draw your own autumn forest. Children draw. The teacher helps. Exhibition of children's works.

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 160", Kurgan, Kurgan region

Mukhina E.A. Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world in the senior and preparatory groups of the kindergarten “Journey into the past of the telephone” // Sovushka. 2016. No. 1..2016.n1-a/ZP15120114.html (date of access: 07/05/2019).

Purpose of the lesson:
Enriching children's ideas about the world of surrounding objects.

1. Introduce children to the history of the appearance and development of the telephone, expand knowledge about communications.
2. Consolidate knowledge of emergency phone numbers: fire, police, ambulance...
3. Develop attention, imagination, memory through didactic games and exercises.
4. Enrich children's vocabulary - signal fire, signal bell, rotary telephone, pay phone, mobile phone, etc.


Dybina O.V. "What happened before..." (games of traveling into the past of objects). When developing the presentation, materials from the site were used
And also, photographic materials from Internet resources.

Introductory part:
Slide No. 1
Guys, do you know who inventors are? (children's answers). That's right, these people are very observant, inquisitive and try to find answers to any questions. And I know the inventor, he invented a very necessary and important device. You will find out what kind of device this is if you guess the riddle:
Slide No. 2 Through the field and forest
A voice comes out.
He runs along the wires -
You say it here, but it’s heard there.
(Children's answers: telephone)
That's right, it's a phone. How did people communicate when there were no telephones? (children's assumptions).
Would you like to travel back in time? I also decided to play the role of an inventor. I came up with a "time flywheel". All we have to do is wave our hands and we can immediately be transported back to ancient times. Let's close our eyes ONE TWO THREE - let's go back in time!

Main part:
Slide No. 3
- A long time ago, when people lived in caves and dressed in animal skins, they could not speak, but they had to communicate with each other. Do you think they communicated without using a phone? How did they do it? (Children's answers: gestures, dancing, facial expressions)
- Come on, we’ll try it.

Game "Tell without words."
Guys, was it easy to communicate like that? (children's answer)
It turns out to be some kind of nonsense. Let me help you and give you some hints.

Physical exercise.
“A fun moment”
- How are you?
Like this (show thumb).
- How are you going?
Like this (children march).
-Are you running?
Like this (children run in place).
- Do you sleep at night?
Like this (hands under cheek).
- How do you take it?
Like this (hands towards yourself).
- How do you give it?
Like this (arms extended forward).
- How are you being naughty?
Like this (children make faces).
- Are you threatening?
Like this (they shake their fingers).

Educator: Well done boys!

As time passed, people learned to speak, built homes for themselves, started farming, and continued to look for new ways to transmit information. If it was necessary to report some news to another village, people climbed a high mountain and made a fire.
Slide No. 4 This fire was called "signal".
Slide No. 5 Later they used the sounds of drums, trumpets...
Slide No. 6 Signal bell. Everyone found out that some event had happened, reacted to it and came to the general meeting. Were these methods convenient? Why? (Children's answers)
-Then the man began to spread the news himself. They chose the fastest and bravest, or they chose the fastest and hardiest horse for him.
Slide No. 7 Such a person was called "messenger". He received a letter or information that needed to be conveyed to another and set off on his way.
-Do you remember Elisha from a cartoon?
-A little one Flour ? They were both messengers.
Slide No. 8 The messenger's job was very difficult. In any weather - rain or sun, heat or cold, a person had to get from one place to another at any cost. It’s good if these are two houses in the same city, but what if it was necessary to convey an important message to another city or even country?!
-Here birds came to the aid of man.
Slide No. 9Homing pigeons .On whose paws a letter was tied. But was it convenient to convey a message by messenger or dove? Why? Indeed, a person could get lost on the road, and a bird could die or be caught by a predator. And the message would never be delivered.
Slide number 10. But time passed. And so a device for transmitting data over a distance was invented. American scientist Alexander Bell invented telephone It consisted of two funnel-like tubes, which were connected to each other by a long wire. One by one they brought the receiver to their lips and spoke, then to their ear and listened to the answer. This device was called "TELEPHONE". The word "telephone" means: the first part "tele" - far, the second part - "background" - sound. With this device, sound could be heard very far away. But, to be honest, the sound was so quiet, there was a lot of unnecessary noise that it was very difficult to hear the interlocutor. The invention required further development.
Slide No. 11 But a start had been made and the telephone numbers changed. People invented more and more convenient phones. For home and work. Wall and tabletop. A special profession was even invented to connect one number to another - "telephone operator"
Slide No. 12 And now I will ask you to work as telephone operators. You need to sort through this tangle of wires and determine which circle-number all these phones are connected to.

Visual gymnastics
Slide No. 13 Over time they were invented phones with disk , to dial a number. A finger was inserted into the holes on the disk, marked with numbers, and the disk was turned. This was not very convenient: the finger got stuck, the disk rotated slowly. Therefore, the disk was replaced with buttons. Many people have such phones There is still one, but such a device could be used while indoors. What to do if you need to make an urgent call and you are on the street?
Slide No. 14"Street" was invented pay phone" . He was in a special booth. Remember how the Hare wanted to make a call, but the Wolf almost caught him in such a booth?
But this phone was also inconvenient. You can't take it with you. Why? ...Scientists again began to think about how to make the telephone convenient for communication and transmitting information.
Slide No. 15 And so they invented "mobile phone" . True, at first it looked completely different from your mom and dad. And some needed constant recharging from battery. And they were huge. This is not easy to put in your pocket!
Slide No. 16 And now phones look something like this...Why do people all over the world use it? (Children's answers) Because it's convenient. Really, mobile - means portable, you can take it with you and communicate wherever you are. Some modern phones have built-in answering machines; if we are not at home or we were unable to answer, the person who called you can leave a message for you.
Each phone has its own number. This helps us call exactly the person we need. Do you know mom and dad's phone number? (children's answers: number). What numbers should every person in our country know? (Children's answers: telephone numbers of services: fire, police, ambulance, gas emergency service). Let's see if you remember them.
Slide No. 17
Well, it seems that’s all I wanted to tell you about the history of the phone. It's time for us to use the time flywheel and return to kindergarten. We close our eyes and say - ONE TWO THREE and wave our arms….So we’re back. Is no one left in the past?
You have learned so much today. What do you remember most? Did you encounter any difficulties in today's lesson? But have you overcome all the difficulties? I'm very happy!

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

Sitneshchelkanovsky child development center - kindergarten "Beryozka"

Stupinsky municipal district

Summary of the integrated lesson

to get to know the environment

in the preparatory school group

“What do people need hands for?”

Prepared by:


first qualification category

Petrova Elena Alexandrovna

Goal: to give children a basic understanding that hands are an important part of the human body.


1. Educational:

To cultivate in the process of communication a friendly attitude towards each other, the ability to cooperate and empathize;

Cultivate an interest in studying your body, a careful and caring attitude towards it.

2. Educational:

Expand children's understanding of the importance of hands in human life;

To consolidate children's knowledge about actions performed with their hands - touching, taking, giving; create, etc.

Exercise children in selecting verbs and adjectives.

Enrich your vocabulary with the concepts: “leading hand”, right, left.

3. Developmental:

Develop the ability to establish relationships between objects;

Develop motor skills, fine motor skills;

Build children's self-esteem;

Develop attention and logical thinking.

Integration of educational areas

Cognitive development

Speech development

Social and communicative development

Preliminary work:

  • daily finger exercises and acupressure;
  • conducting games “Find out by touch”, “Funny palms”;
  • holding board games “Mosaic”, “Constructor”;
  • conversations aimed at developing sanitary and hygienic skills in children;
  • reading the works “Moidodyr” by K.I. Chukovsky, “What is good and what is bad”;
  • conducting classes in applique, modeling, drawing;
  • carrying out work activities in a group;

Materials and equipment:

1. Ball, tape recorder.

2. Items for experiments: pencils and paper; pasta trays; books; scissors.

3. Diagrams depicting emotions of different moods.

4. Children's clothing - two skirts, two T-shirts.

5. Handout didactic material for each child: “Bad - Good” cards.

Progress of the lesson:

Children enter the group to the music and stand in a circle.

Guys, look at the guests, at each other, smile and say hello.

To make our lesson today fun and friendly, let's play the game “Pass Friendship.”

All the children gathered in a circle,

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

And let's smile at each other!

Imagine yourself as a little sun, your hands are warm rays. First, stretch them forward to each other, and then to the sides, holding hands. Warm each other with your warmth, close your eyes and feel it. (Music) Take a deep breath and exhale 3 times. Open all your eyes.

I noticed that during the game you all smiled and treated each other with warmth and tenderness. Let your hands give everyone warmth and kindness. Thank you, everyone, sit down on the chairs.

Today I invite you to talk about an important part of the human body, and which one you will see in this picture when you solve the riddle.

What are these two sisters?

Two sisters-craftsmen,

Two braids are braided.

They sew, and knit, and bake,

Don't they just sing songs? (Hands.)

That's right, hands. Let's remember the parts of the hands. I will show, and you will answer. (Shoulder, elbow, forearm, hand, fingers)

Each finger has its own name.

Who is ready to tell us the names of the fingers? (Thumb, index, middle, ring, little finger)

Visiting the big toe

They came straight to the house

Index and middle

Nameless and last

The little finger itself is a little one,

He knocked on the threshold.

Together fingers are friends.

They can't live without each other

Game “One - many”, “Call it kindly” (Finger, elbow, etc.)

Tell me, when you brushed your teeth today, what did you use to hold your toothbrush with? (With hands.)

At breakfast, what did you use to hold the cup with? (With hands.)

What about a spoon? (With hands.)

What did you fasten the buttons with? (With hands.)

When we went to kindergarten, mom and dad also held hands. How many important things our hands can do. This means that hands are our helpers.

Game "Think and Say"

What types of hands are there? (Strong, fast, friendly, dexterous, hardworking, affectionate, etc.)

Vika reads a poem:

Hands can reach everything

You can hold it in your hands

And a toy and a blade of grass,

And a heavy chair behind the back.

You can wave your arms

You can play with cubes

Draw, dig sand,

Break off a piece of bread.

Even droplets from a cloud

- Thank you all for the worthy answers, you are all very attentive, stand in a circle.

Game "Repeat"

- I will now show you several actions in a row, and you will have to repeat the actions in the sequence in which I show

1.Hands raised up.

2.A clap is made above the head.

3. Arms spread to the sides.

4.Hands down.

The game continues 5 times

They also say about hands - “gentle”. Who has gentle hands? What are they doing? (They caress, stroke, hug, feel sorry for, etc.)

How do you understand the expression “Golden Hands”? (These are hands that know how to do everything well: heal, make, etc.)

Playing with a ball “My mother (father, grandmother, grandfather) has golden hands, because she knows how...”

I have these wonderful balls, let's play with them and stretch our hands.

I roll the ball in circles
I drive him back and forth,
I will stroke their palm,
And then I’ll squeeze it a little.
I'll press the ball with each finger,
And I'll start with the other hand.

Educator: - Thank you everyone for the game, sit down at the tables.


No. 1. Examination of hands.

Place both hands on the table. Look at them carefully and tell me: how many hands does a person have?

(Two arms)

How are our hands similar to each other?

(Have 5 fingers)

Guys, let's see what our hands can do. There is a book in front of you. Try turning its pages without your hands. Hide your hands behind your back.

Was it easy for you?

How did you turn the page?

(You can blow with your nose)

Now turn the page with your hands. Well done.

No. 2. - Next task. Transfer the pasta to another plate without using your hands.

And now with your hands. See how our hands work. Many different actions are performed by human hands.

What are hands for?

(Hands are needed to serve yourself, that is, to eat, work, draw, dress, etc.)

#3 - Okay. Well done. Now let's check whether they work equally well. But first, let's check if you know where the right and left hands are.

Raise your right hand, and now your left.

Take a pencil in your right hand and draw a sun on the paper. Drew.

Now draw the same sun with your left hand.

Dima, which hand is more comfortable to draw with?

Take scissors and cut the strip first with your right hand and then with your left.

Tell me, Nastya, is it equally good to perform a task with your left and right hands?

The hand with which it is more convenient for a person to work is called the leading hand.

Which hand is more comfortable to hold a spoon? (host)

Raise your hand those whose right hand is dominant. Now raise your hand, those whose left hand is dominant. Which people are there more?

Guys, do you know what is good for our hands and what is bad?

Children's answers.

Now we will check this with you.

The game “Good - Bad” to develop children’s ability to classify.

Instructions for use. - There are cards on your table. There are two palms on the cards: a silhouette with a “cheerful” palm, and a silhouette with a “sad” palm. Your task is to think about what is good for our hands and what is bad. What is good for our hands should be associated with a cheerful palm, and what is bad with a sad one.

Calm music plays and the children complete the task.

Vika, what pictures did you connect with the “sad” palm? Why?

Christina, what pictures did you connect with the “cheerful” palm? Why?

Well done guys, stand in a circle and let's play

We stomp our feet

We clap-clap our hands

We are the eyes of a moment-a-moment

We shrug our shoulders

One here, two here,

Turn around yourself

One sat down, two stood up

We raised our hands up

One two, one two,

The game is over

No. 4. Experiment "The Meaning of Hands"

Let's check, maybe, really, one hand would be enough for us, and the other hand would be extra? Sit down on the chairs.

Instructions for use. - Look, I have items of clothing for girls. While the music is playing, one will put on the item with one hand, and the other with two. Your task is to see who completed this task faster.

Music plays, children complete the task.

Look who got dressed faster, who found it easier? (with both hands)

Who had it more difficult, and why? (with one hand)

This means that both hands are equally important to us. Therefore, you need to treat your hands with care.

I think your hands are kind and skillful!

Look at your hands. Do they get dirty quickly? (Yes)

Where does dirt accumulate the most? (Under the nails)

How should we take care of our hands? (Wash with soap, trim nails, do not injure hands, do not put fingers in mouth)

3. - Today I was convinced that in my group there are very smart, attentive, quick-witted, friendly and well-mannered children who take care not only of toys, various objects and people around them, but also of themselves, their hands!

Music game “Right hand forward...”


1.A.I. Ivanova “MAN” Naturally - scientific observations and experiments in kindergarten.

2. I.A. Morozova Acquaintance with the surroundings. Lesson notes.

3. O.V. Epifanov “Development of speech”, “The world around us”. Didactic material for classes with older preschoolers.

Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world

in the preparatory group

Lesson topic: “The North - the kingdom of snow and ice”

Target: Expand children's understanding of living conditions in the North.

Tasks: continue to introduce and deepen children’s knowledge about Russia, namely the North;

bring children's knowledge to the fact that nature, wildlife, and people's way of life depend on the climatic conditions of a given strip of Russia;

expand children's horizons, develop thinking, intelligence, imagination, speech;

to cultivate in children a love for the Motherland, its people, and an interest in knowledge.

Demo material: interactive whiteboard, presentation, globe.

Handout: a sheet for each child with animal tracks (polar bear, reindeer, white wolf); piece of dough, pencil, toothpick; cut-out pictures depicting animals of the north (polar bear, reindeer, polar wolf, walrus).

Preliminary work:

Looking at pictures from the album “Animals of the North”;

Reading: V. Kataev “Tsvetik - Semitsvetik”, G. Snegirev “How Alyoshka lived in the north”;

Watching cartoons “Umka”;

D/i “Who eats what”, “Who lives where?”, “The fourth odd one” “Guess the animal”, “Name it correctly”;

Visit to a virtual zoo.

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, look what I brought to your group today. What does the globe represent? What color is there the most on the globe? - What do you think is indicated by this color?

The darker the color; the deeper the sea or ocean in this place.

What other colors are there on the globe? Green is plains.

What does brown mean? (mountains are indicated). The darker the color, the higher the mountains.

What is indicated in yellow?

Remember the fairy tale "The Little Flower of Seven Flowers". Where did the girl Zhenya go after tearing off the first petal?

Show where North is located on the globe. Why do you think so?

Children, what is the North? What do you know about him? (The kingdom of eternal cold, snow and ice)

Do you want to visit the North like Zhenya?

One, two, three, four - open the North wider to us. One, two, three, four, five - here is the northern surface.

Slide No. 1

The climate in the Arctic is very harsh. Ice and snow cover lasts almost the entire year. In winter, temperatures drop to -60 degrees. What happens to water at this air temperature? What types of precipitation are there? (Children's answers) And strong winds blow there, and snowstorms often rage. In summer, a polar day arrives in the Arctic. This is when the sun shines around the clock. It never rises high above the horizon here, and its rays little heat the surface covered with ice and snow. These places are cold all year round: both winter and summer. In winter it is dark in the North: there is no morning, no day, no evening - night all day long. It's a polar night. It lasts six months. Often during the polar night, you can see the Northern Lights in the sky. The Northern Lights are a mesmerizing, beautiful sight. The dark blue sky shimmers with colorful lights for hours.

Slide No. 2

If in winter there is a polar night, then in summer there is a polar day: continuous day, white nights. Despite the harsh climate, there is summer in the North, but it is very short and not hot. Do you think people live in the far north?

They live in very difficult natural conditions, but would never exchange their land for any other. Because the North is their home, their small homeland, which they love with all their hearts. They live in special houses that look like tents. Who knows what this house is called? Such a dwelling is called a tent. What do you think they are made of?

Slide No. 3

Such houses are well protected from wind and cold.

Physical education minute

Icy winds blow

(Children wave their hands above)

The mountains are snowy and steep.

(raise your arms up, stand on your toes)

They haven't heard of summer there

(palm pressed to ear, tilt to the sides)

You'll hardly get warm there

(hug yourself with your arms)

He is neither small nor big

(Bring your arms together and spread them apart)

This snowy continent.

(clap your hands at chest level).

The conditions here are very harsh for all living things. Few species of animals dare to inhabit the Arctic deserts. What animals live in the Arctic?

Why do you think most animals are white?

Slide No. 4

That's right, well done. The polar bear is the largest bear and is the largest carnivorous mammal in the world. There are not many polar bears left on Earth, so hunting them is prohibited; they are listed in the Red Book. The body length of an adult bear can be up to 3 meters, and the weight can reach a ton. Polar bears can run quite fast and swim well too. The polar bear has a subcutaneous layer of fat, which in winter can be up to 10 cm thick. Therefore, a bear can easily swim in icy water and endure extreme cold. What kind of paws does a polar bear have? His paws are very wide, so he does not sink in the snow, he can swim for a long time and quickly, his soles are covered with thick hair, so his paws do not freeze. The main food of the polar bear is seals.

Slide No. 5

Reindeer is a resident of the Far North. He has wonderful fur - thick, soft. It becomes especially warm in the winter months, when frost sets in and snowstorms rage. Reindeer hooves are special. They are wide and can even be moved apart like splayed fingers. Why do deer have such hooves?

To find out, let's conduct an experiment.

You have a piece of dough on the table, make a flat cake out of it, 1-1.5 cm thick. Now take a toothpick and pierce the flat cake. Did she touch the tray?

Now take a pencil and press on a piece of dough with the unsharpened side. Examine the marks left by the toothpick and pencil. What happened? What can be concluded?

The wider the foot of the hoof, the less the animal’s legs sink into the snow.

The edges of the deer's hooves are still strong and sharp. It is very important! With its hooves, like shovels, the reindeer digs and rake the snow to get to the tasty moss (resin moss). The main decoration of reindeer is their large branched antlers. Every year deer exchange old antlers for new ones. Baby deer also have horns, only small ones. Deer give tasty milk. Reindeer are travelers. Huge herds roam the tundra, making long journeys. And at the head of the herd is the leader - the most experienced and powerful deer.

Slide No. 6

Walruses are very large animals, reaching a length of 3 to 5 m. Their body is very flexible. Walruses have a pair of long tusks protruding from the upper jaw in a downward direction. The older the walrus, the longer its tusks. Walruses can rest and sleep right in the water. On the upper lip of a walrus there are long, thick mustache, similar to a brush. With their help, the walrus examines the bottom in search of food, because at great depths, and even under the ice, almost nothing is visible, you have to search by touch. Walruses lie on the shore, huddled closely together. This is how they keep each other warm. They feed on fish.

Slide No. 7

Polar wolf - Lives throughout the Arctic and tundra, with the exception of ice floes and large areas covered with ice. To survive, the wolf has adapted to eat any food that comes his way. It is well adapted to life in the Arctic: it can live for years at sub-zero temperatures, go months without seeing sunlight, and go weeks without food. In search of food, a wolf pack can cover large areas. They eat other animals and birds. Polar wolves live in packs of 7-10 wolves. The pack is usually led by a leader. During feeding and raising the young, all adult animals help each other. Often one or two young wolves look after the cubs while their mother goes hunting. They live in a den.

So, what helps animals survive in the Arctic?

Thick layer of fat.

Thick warm wool.

Wide paws.

Fur coloring.

Now let's play the game "Find out whose trace." On your table are cards with animal tracks and animals: a polar bear, a deer and a polar wolf. You need to think about and place each animal opposite its track.

I still have an interesting task for you. Now you will divide into 4 teams, go to the tables and assemble the animal of the north from the cut-out pictures, and then we will all see together who got what animal.

Well, today our journey through the North ends. What animals did you meet today? What did you like?

Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world in the preparatory group


Teacher Turygina S.B.

Program content:

    Introduce children to reptiles;

    Clarify, systematize and consolidate the child’s knowledge about reptiles;

    To form ideas about the appearance and life characteristics of reptiles;

    To develop children's active speech: reptiles (crocodile, snake, lizard, turtle); reptile - reptile. Expand active and passive vocabulary

Equipment: presentation, handouts: “Complete the picture” - coloring pages “Circle by numbers” (snake), coloring pages “Circle by dots” (turtle, crocodile).

Progress of the lesson.

    Organizing time. 1 slide

Educator. Do you like to solve riddles? (child's answer)

Then guess a few riddles.

1. He's green and ugly

He's toothy and dangerous

Swims quickly, dives,

Fear is creeping up everywhere.

Lives in hot countries

What's his name? Who knows? (crocodile -2 slide)

2. Rustle, rustle the grass,

The whip crawls alive.

So he stood up and hissed:

Come whoever is very brave (snake - slide 3)

3. Runs among the stones,

You can't keep up with her.

He grabbed the tail, but - ah! -

She ran away with the tail in her hands. (lizard - 4 slide)

4. Quietly walks over the river,

He always carries the house with him.

Who is this in the special shirt?

Well, of course... (turtle - slide 5)

How can these animals be called in one word? (answer).

Reptiles got their name because they move by reptiles (crawling) on ​​the ground. They usually have four legs, but they only help move the body, like movable levers, because... located on the sides of the body, and not under it. The word “reptile” translated from Greek means “to crawl on its belly.” This is why reptiles are also called reptiles. (6 Slide)

All reptiles have hard, dry skin covered with horny scales or plates. Turtles, for example, are covered with a bony shell. And the head and back of crocodiles are covered with hard bone plates. (7 Slide)

Reptiles reproduce by laying eggs. They usually do this in secluded areas, under rocks, under logs or in empty tree stumps. But in some reptiles, the cubs hatch from an egg in the mother's body and are born alive. (8 Slide)

Dinosaurs are the most ancient reptiles (Slide 9)

    Finger gymnastics “Be careful, crocodile!”

Five little fish played in the river

The palms are closed, slightly rounded. We perform wave-like movements in the air.

A large log lay on the sand

Hands pressed to each other. turn them from side to side

And the fish said: “It’s easy to dive here!”

The palms are closed and slightly rounded. We perform a “diving” movement with them

The second said: “But it’s deep here!”

Swing with closed palms

And the third said: “I feel sleepy”

Palms turn to the back of one of the hands - the fish is sleeping

The fourth one began to freeze a little

We quickly shake our palms - trembling

And the fifth shouted: “There’s a crocodile here!”

The wrists are connected. Palms open and connect - mouth

Swim away from here so you don’t swallow it!”

Quick wave-like movements with closed palms - float away

Well, guys, we have arrived in those places where reptiles and amphibians live. You see, they surrounded us on all sides and asked who we were. We must answer correctly, otherwise they will understand that we are actually children from kindergarten, and not animals. (Slide 11)

Lizard, you have a long tail, so what are you?


And you, Crocodile, have thick skin,

does that mean what kind of person are you?


And you, turtle, eat grass.

So what are you?


And you, lizard, have cold blood.

So, what are you?


Well done guys, everyone answered correctly. Amphibians and reptiles recognized us as their relatives. And now they really want to play with you.

4. Didactic game “Complete the picture”

Look, I have pictures. But something is wrong with them. What? (they need to be completed).

Complete the pictures.

Tell me what happened (snake).

5. Summary of the lesson

Who did we talk about today? (about reptiles)

What about reptiles? (answer). What are they called differently? (reptiles - reptiles).

Lists of reptiles (crocodile, snake, turtle, lizard)

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