How to find out that there will be a miscarriage. Problems with hormonal levels as a cause of early miscarriages. Doctors may resort to different tactics

Approximately 20% of all pregnancies end sadly. Women lose their children. The concept of spontaneous miscarriage is known to even more women. You need to understand what the threat of early miscarriage is and how you can avoid it. The information will be useful for both pregnant women and those who are just planning to become pregnant.

At 3-4 weeks of pregnancy, spontaneous miscarriage is often asymptomatic. The woman does not feel the slightest discomfort, there are no alarming symptoms. How does this happen? At first, there is a slight delay in the next onset of menstruation. Then, a few days later, my period comes. They are profuse, with spasms.

In some cases, spontaneous miscarriage is accompanied by short-term and subdued pain and heavy bleeding. Then the woman needs to see a gynecologist as soon as possible! In particular, when bleeding continues for 2 days or more. The gynecologist will examine you to eliminate the occurrence of pathology after a failed pregnancy.

If your period is painful and comes with a significant delay, and a blood clot comes out, similar to a burst bubble of blood, you can most likely talk about a miscarriage. You need to go to the clinic to find out if uterine cleaning is necessary.

Causes of miscarriage in early pregnancy

Why can a woman who dreamed of becoming a mother have an early miscarriage? The reasons are of different nature. Sometimes they are associated with the state of the mother’s body, sometimes they depend on the embryo, and in other cases the basis is external factors. Please note that it is not always possible to thoroughly establish the cause. But it is necessary to find out why this happens in most cases.

The threat of miscarriage is often caused by genetic abnormalities of the embryo. They arise under the influence of external factors or as a result of hereditary abnormalities. In this case, natural selection plays a decisive role. It turns out that an embryo incapable of life is rejected at the very beginning of its development. Therefore, it is almost impossible to prevent such a miscarriage. We can say that there is no need to do this.

By the time rejection begins, the fetus has most often already died. Realizing this doesn’t make it any easier for a woman rejoicing at the thought of becoming a mother. But there is no need to reproach yourself or kill yourself. You couldn't fix the situation. Now we need to establish the cause of genetic abnormalities in order to eliminate the risk of this happening again in the future.

Experts highlight another circumstance behind which there is a threat of termination of pregnancy - hormonal disorders. The most famous is considered to be a lack of progesterone. This hormone supports the pregnancy process. The substance is first produced by the corpus luteum, then by a special organ - the placenta. It is progesterone that is responsible for the implantation of the fertilized egg into the uterine wall. Therefore, if his egg is not fertilized enough, it is rejected.

An excess amount of male hormones - androgens, which inhibit the production of female hormones, can serve as a basis for stopping pregnancy. Androgens are often the reason for permanent interruption.

In addition, the child’s parents may not be genetically compatible. It happens that their genes are too similar. Then the mother’s body does not accept the fetus. If the mother is Rh negative and the father is Rh positive, the same thing happens. In this case, the embryo is perceived as a foreign body. There is a high probability of it being rejected.

Features of the uterus also lead to miscarriage. As a result of developmental deviations, the organ acquires a unique shape. As a result, the egg is not fixed in it. The uterus can be saddle-shaped or bicornuate. In both cases, the process of bearing a child occurs with its own characteristics. The risk of its interruption cannot be ruled out.

What are the symptoms of early miscarriage?

How to recognize the signs of miscarriage in early pregnancy and what to do? Vaginal bleeding is the most dangerous phenomenon. Even if it's small. Spontaneous interruption begins with small bleeding, which intensifies over time. This process is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. The discharge is scarlet or brown in color. However, they may not be very abundant and last several days.

Sharp pain may or may not be present at all. Sometimes symptoms appear and then disappear for a certain time, then return. If one of the signs is detected, you should immediately contact a specialist. Timely medical care can save the baby’s life.

If the pregnant woman’s condition has deteriorated significantly, and pieces of tissue are visible in the discharge, then this is a signal of an incipient miscarriage. Sadly, the death of a tiny fetus occurs before the process of its removal from the mother’s body begins. Do not despair. This is how Mother Nature ordered it. A new pregnancy will occur. Let her be happy.

How does miscarriage occur in the early stages?

In the first days, most women are unaware that conception has occurred. A miscarriage at the beginning of the journey is considered a natural phenomenon that occurs due to some problems in the body.

What does it look like? The woman experiences some pain, weakness and dizziness. These signs should serve as a basis for promptly contacting your doctor. If minor bleeding has started, specialists will be able to stop it. Usually the picture looks like this: a slight delay in menstruation, two test strips and slight bleeding. Some will simply think that their periods started early.

When a woman realizes that she has lost her child, she needs to contact a specialist. If there are tissues left in the body, they must be removed.

Late miscarriage

If the embryo successfully survives the first 12 weeks, the risk of spontaneous abortion is minimized. Since late-term miscarriage is recorded only in a quarter of all cases. Moreover, experts consider a miscarriage after 22 weeks to be an early birth. The little one gets a chance to live. Today medicine has methods for caring for premature babies.

What are the reasons for such a miscarriage? These are no longer deviations in the development of the embryo. Often, this occurs after inflammation of the placenta, uterus, due to early abruption of the placenta, endemic disease, past operations on the uterus, blood vessels, after deep psychological stress.

Remember that re-pregnancy is possible! Don't lose hope. Listen to the doctor’s recommendations and everything will definitely work out for you.

How to prevent early miscarriage

The best preventative measure is intelligent early pregnancy planning. The expectant mother should be examined in advance at a medical facility to ensure her health. This significantly reduces possible risks. And, if there is a threat of miscarriage in the early stages, only a doctor knows how to prevent it. It is important for future parents to give up cigarettes, alcohol and uncontrolled pill taking in time.

Special mention should be made about overdiagnosis. This is when incompetent, and more often unscrupulous, specialists, using well-known medical advances, identify diseases in patients that, in principle, cannot threaten pregnancy. They begin to treat them, reducing the likelihood of conception to zero. For example, the danger of a hidden endemic disease has been significantly exaggerated. Asymptomatic virus carriage usually does not pose a threat. Meanwhile, the woman is prescribed antibiotics and is deprived of the chance to conceive until the course of treatment is completed.

Consequences of miscarriage in early pregnancy

If it was not possible to cancel the risk and a spontaneous miscarriage occurs, this becomes a severe shock for any woman. But you can’t panic, you need to find out the reasons. Miscarriages mainly occur due to the non-viability of the fetus. Most likely, this will not happen again. If a woman consults a doctor on time, there should be no complications. A course of antibiotics and hormonal contraceptives is usually prescribed to restore the body's resources.

Many people become depressed after experiencing stress and are afraid to even think about another pregnancy. Then you can get help from a psychologist to quickly solve the problem. It won't hurt to monitor your progesterone levels for several months. A missing luteal phase is rare, but it would be useful to rule out this problem, as well as get tested for various diseases. Remember, perhaps the interruption was caused by taking medications, alcoholic beverages, etc.

If doctors have not discovered the cause of spontaneous abortion, you need to believe only in the best and start taking folic acid. When the body regains its strength, you can plan to conceive.
The threat of termination at the beginning of pregnancy is not a verdict. Basically, these conditions do not require special treatment. Sparing therapy is prescribed in cases of hormonal disorders or when there is a Rhesus conflict. In other cases, wait-and-see tactics are recommended.

How long after a miscarriage can you get pregnant?

After a failed attempt, women ask themselves the question, how to get pregnant after a miscarriage? The ideal option is for the expectant mother and father to be examined first. At this time, it is wiser for you to put off trying to conceive and spend a few months identifying the causes rather than try to conceive again. It is possible that you will spend several months waiting for happiness, and then lose everything again. In the end, you will still come to the hospital.

But there is no need to delay unnecessarily in resolving the issue. Take care of your body. He will respond by caring for you and your little life. How to maintain pregnancy? Need to:

  • treat it very carefully;
  • no stress, stress or infections;
  • follow the doctor’s recommendations (tell him about any peculiarities of your health);
  • It is important to eat right and take vitamins;
  • Don't forget the benefits of fresh air.

Everything will be OK. Love, health, faith and hope to you. Let happiness knock on your doors.

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Miscarriage refers to the spontaneous termination of pregnancy. Up to 1/5 of all cases of conception end in miscarriage, and the likelihood of this pathological phenomenon is higher before 12 weeks of pregnancy. Symptoms of a miscarriage rarely go unnoticed, and sometimes this allows a woman to see a doctor in time, get treatment and keep the baby.

Spontaneous (spontaneous abortion), as doctors often call miscarriage, is classified into three types, depending on the timing of its onset:

  1. Termination of biochemical pregnancy. In this case, the uterine cavity is cleared of the embryo during the first to third weeks of pregnancy, determined only by taking an analysis for the presence of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in the blood and urine. A woman most often perceives the released blood as menstruation and does not even suspect that she could become pregnant.
  2. Early miscarriage (spontaneous abortion). Pregnancy is terminated before 22 weeks, and the weight of the fetus does not exceed 400 grams.
  3. Late miscarriage, or premature birth. In this case, the symptoms of the pathology are observed after the 22nd week of pregnancy, and the baby can often be saved.

What are the features of early incomplete miscarriage?

A woman’s spontaneous miscarriage can be complete or incomplete. In the first case, all parts of the fetus and its membranes, as well as amniotic fluid, are excluded from the uterus. An incomplete miscarriage occurs when some parts of the fetus remain in the uterine cavity. Typically, incomplete miscarriage occurs in early pregnancy. Most often, the patient’s embryo is expelled, but the amniotic membranes are not separated.

To prevent serious consequences from developing, the woman needs cleansing and other treatment methods (for example, the administration of drugs that contract the walls of the uterus and push out blood and remnants of the membranes). Precisely because there is a possibility of incomplete miscarriage, an ultrasound of the genital organs should be performed after it. If the result of your first pregnancy was an early miscarriage, further attempts at conception should be made only after a thorough examination!

Probability of miscarriage by week of pregnancy

During gestation, there is a period that is most threatening for spontaneous termination of pregnancy. The likelihood of miscarriage is especially high in the early stages - in the first month. If we consider the risk of pathology by week, it is as follows:

  • In the first trimester - 14-21 days, or the third week of pregnancy, as well as the period from 8 to 12 weeks.
  • In the second trimester, the threatening period occurs at 18-22 weeks of pregnancy, that is, the danger is great 4-5 months after conception.
  • In the third trimester, the period of possible premature birth usually occurs at 28-32 weeks of pregnancy, that is, spontaneous expulsion of the fetus occurs at 7-8 months of pregnancy.

The expectant mother should be especially careful during these periods and be sure to follow all doctor’s recommendations!

Why does a woman’s body reject the fetus?

The causes of miscarriage at a very early stage are most often associated with the presence of defects in the embryo that are incompatible with life. In this regard, treatment and attempts to maintain pregnancy until 12 weeks are not advisable. If a woman is unable to get pregnant for a long time, or she insists on preserving the fetus, doctors are often able to prevent a miscarriage. But a pregnant woman should be warned about the risk of genetic defects in the fetus and, if possible, undergo the necessary examination.

Early miscarriage may have the following reasons:

  • “breakdown” of genes during the fusion of egg and sperm (these reasons cause miscarriage of biochemical pregnancy at the earliest stage - in the first month);
  • disruptions in hormonal balance, diseases of the endocrine glands;
  • tumors of the reproductive system;
  • isthmic-cervical insufficiency;
  • severe pathologies of the heart, kidneys, blood vessels;
  • drug addiction, maternal alcoholism, toxic poisoning in the first month of pregnancy;
  • severe stress, nervous shock;
  • heavy physical activity, injuries;
  • history of abortion;
  • taking certain medications, x-ray examination.

Sometimes the causes of miscarriage are surgeries on the abdominal cavity and uterus, infectious diseases (rubella, toxoplasmosis, herpes, flu, tonsillitis, any STIs). There are also immunological reasons for the threat of termination of pregnancy - for example, Rh conflict in parents.

The causes of late miscarriage are often due to inflammatory processes in the placenta or uterine cavity. Sometimes these reasons are associated with the pathological development of the placenta and disruptions in its functioning - with detachment, aging. The likelihood of miscarriage is high if the placenta at any stage stops producing the nutrients the baby needs. There are many factors that can provoke symptoms of spontaneous abortion at any stage, but some of them can be successfully prevented by the expectant mother.

Stages of miscarriage

Signs of a miscarriage can occur in a woman at the very beginning of the pathological process. In total, there are several stages during spontaneous abortion:

  1. Threat stage. If treatment is started at this time, the pregnancy can be maintained. Sometimes a woman has a risk of miscarriage throughout her pregnancy.
  2. The second stage, or the beginning of abortion. Even if the expectant mother went to the hospital not at the threat stage, intensive treatment measures often help save the baby.
  3. The third stage, or miscarriage, is in progress. In this case, the woman is already undergoing a spontaneous abortion, and this condition is irreversible. The fertilized egg dies and leaves the uterus completely or partially.
  4. The fourth stage, or completed abortion. The uterine cavity is cleared of fetal debris, and the organ restores its size. At this stage, it is imperative to do an ultrasound of the genital organs.

Threatened miscarriage: how to recognize the symptoms in time

Symptoms of threatened miscarriage in the early stages usually boil down to the following manifestations:

  • pain in the abdomen (in its lower part);
  • vaginal bleeding (usually blood comes in the form of spotting scarlet or brown discharge for 1-3 days);
  • sometimes the pain becomes very severe and is accompanied by cramps.

If a woman did not know that she managed to get pregnant, she may mistake the symptoms of a threat for another menstruation. Therefore, experts clarify that there are indirect signs of miscarriage that distinguish it from menstruation. Among them:

  • diarrhea and nausea;
  • pain in the form of spasms;
  • weight loss;
  • blood from the vagina, alternating with mucus discharge;
  • aching pain in the lower back.

Symptoms of threatened miscarriage can also appear late in pregnancy, more often at 4-5 months. In this case, subjective signs of pathology may include frequent nausea, nagging abdominal pain, reddish-brown discharge or bright blood spots, increased urge to urinate, and dizziness. The duration of the first stage of miscarriage is not necessarily short: sometimes this condition lasts several days and requires emergency hospitalization.

Clinical picture of an incipient miscarriage

At the second stage, when the miscarriage is already underway, the symptoms of the pathology become more noticeable. They boil down to cramping pain in the abdomen and sacrum, general weakness, and severe dizziness. Blood flows out of the vagina in the form of clots, and these secretions intensify with movement. Immediate consultation with a doctor at this stage in some cases leads to saving the baby, for which conservative or surgical treatment is performed.

Symptoms of miscarriage include sharp pain in the entire abdomen and lower back, significant blood loss and the release of the fertilized egg from the uterus. If the fetus died a few days before release, the woman may see a small gray bubble, whole or divided into parts. In case of incomplete miscarriage, cleaning of the uterus (curettage) is urgently carried out, without which the consequences can be tragic.

What happens after a miscarriage and how long will the bleeding last?

Signs of a miscarriage are primarily uterine bleeding and pain, which occur with varying severity and duration for each woman. Blood flows because when the fetus detaches and passes through the birth canal, small vessels are injured, that is, wound surfaces are formed. You should definitely monitor how long the blood is released. Normally, this period is 4-10 days. If after 14 days you still experience bleeding, you should definitely consult a doctor and have an ultrasound done. Such symptoms may indicate infection of the uterus or the presence of remaining parts of the fetus in it. In some cases, a woman has to undergo surgery or undergo medication treatment.

Possible complications of miscarriage

The consequences of a miscarriage can be quite serious. Fortunately, any complications are rare, and in most cases the body independently releases parts of the embryo and membranes.

Sometimes a life-threatening miscarriage occurs in the later stages or when trying to induce it at home using improvised (folk) remedies. Complications include:

  • Septic abortion. An infectious lesion of the uterus can lead not only to severe inflammation in the pelvis, but also to sepsis.
  • Repeated miscarriages. For some women, improper treatment during the first failed pregnancy leads to further miscarriages or the inability to become pregnant.

Diagnosis of threatened miscarriage

The main method for identifying signs of miscarriage is ultrasound of the uterus. During the study, at the threat stage, segmental contractions of the organ walls are detected, which often resolves after hormonal treatment. If a miscarriage is visualized in progress, then an ultrasound will indicate detachment of the fertilized egg and a strong contraction of all the walls of the uterus. To find the cause of repeated abortions, genetic tests are often performed to look for “broken” chromosomes. Of great importance in the diagnosis of spontaneous abortion is the collection of anamnesis and the presence of clinical signs.

Drug treatment for threatened miscarriage

If a decision is made to continue the pregnancy, the doctor must do everything possible to make this happen. A woman is prescribed pills for miscarriage and injections, including:

  1. sedatives, restoratives;
  2. hormonal medications (usually containing progesterone, for example, Duphaston);
  3. antispasmodics to eliminate increased tone of the uterine walls;
  4. vitamins, especially often folic acid.

Such drugs will help a woman in the early stages of pregnancy. If the threat of miscarriage continues at a later stage, a ring is placed on the cervix or it is sutured.

Treatment after miscarriage: pills

If it is not possible to stop a spontaneous abortion, the doctor chooses one of the following tactics:

  1. Expectant. In case of a complete miscarriage, the woman does not require any treatment, and within 2-6 weeks her reproductive system will recover from the pathological process.
  2. Drug treatment of miscarriage. It consists of taking special tablets that will complete the removal of parts of the fetus from the uterine cavity.
  3. Surgery. It will be required if there are complications or structural features of the woman’s genital organs (for example, if the uterus is bent).

The miscarriage pills are also used to perform medical abortion (misoprostolol). After taking them, strong contractions of the uterus occur within 24-72 hours, resulting in a miscarriage. After such treatment, an ultrasound of the uterus should be done to record its complete cleansing of the remnants of the membranes.

Curettage (cleaning the uterus) after a miscarriage

Cleaning the uterus should be done if the fetal rejection was partial. Cleaning, or curettage, is sometimes ignored by the doctor or the patient herself, which can lead to severe inflammatory processes and even the inability to become pregnant in the future.

Before cleaning, the woman is given an enema and pubic hair is removed. The anesthesiologist will select the type of anesthesia depending on the indications and contraindications. Using speculums and dilators, the doctor opens the cervix, and then uses a special curette to remove the fertilized egg and its membranes. Then the uterine cavity is curetted to prevent inflammation. After a miscarriage, a histological examination of the collected material is required. After a woman has undergone cleansing, she must follow all doctor’s prescriptions during the rehabilitation period. Sexual activity after curettage is excluded for 2 months.

How to restore moral health after a miscarriage

If the physical body works normally 1-2 months after a spontaneous abortion, then the woman’s psychological well-being can take much longer to recover. Often a failed mother tries to get pregnant right away, but this is strictly prohibited. Life after the loss of a child is difficult, but you shouldn’t become isolated and drive yourself to despair. If a woman develops depression, it will not be easy to get out of it. Some ladies experience anger and rage, others experience melancholy, and others look for a way out in alcohol. To relieve post-abortion stress disorder, it is better to visit a qualified psychologist and maintain contact with loved ones. A woman should remember that previously restoring moral health is another step towards the next attempt to get pregnant and finally become a mother!

Sex life after miscarriage

Usually the menstrual cycle resumes a few weeks after a miscarriage. Therefore, you should use the usual methods of contraception, since getting pregnant during this period is extremely undesirable. But sexual activity should not begin earlier than 1.5 months after a spontaneous abortion (after curettage, this period is extended to 2 months). Otherwise, inflammation and damage to tissues that have not yet recovered may begin.

Pregnancy after miscarriage: when to plan

You should try to conceive again no earlier than 6-12 months after the miscarriage. Some women strive to get pregnant after the menstrual cycle has normalized, but this is only possible with complete physical and moral rehabilitation. In other cases, planning a pregnancy after a miscarriage causes great fear in the woman, and the couple stops trying. Therefore, you should act as your own heart tells you, but do not rush. It is better to carefully prepare for future motherhood and prevent the tragic story from repeating itself.

How to prepare for a new pregnancy

If you are unable to get pregnant after a miscarriage, or abortions are repeated again and again, you should undergo an examination to identify the cause of such events. The diagnostic program, in addition to histological examination of the membranes and embryo, should include:

  • tests for all STIs;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • tests for hormones, including those produced by the thyroid gland;
  • blood glucose level;
  • general clinical studies;
  • genetic tests (as prescribed by a doctor);
  • tests for the biocompatibility of the blood of spouses.

Preparing for pregnancy after a miscarriage should include proper nutrition, taking vitamins (especially vitamin E, folic acid), and both spouses giving up bad habits and excessive coffee consumption. Since an overdose of vitamins A and D can cause a miscarriage, you should inform your doctor about taking medications containing them. Sometimes a woman is recommended to be vaccinated against certain infectious diseases, for example, rubella and chickenpox.

Prevention of miscarriage

It is not always possible to insure against spontaneous termination of pregnancy, since it is impossible to take into account various gene mutations and the influence of chronic diseases. But there are several tips that, if followed, will bring real results in preventing miscarriage. Among them:

  • healthy lifestyle;
  • proper nutrition;
  • combating physical inactivity and stress;
  • weight normalization;
  • taking vitamins.

All recommendations are suitable for implementation even before pregnancy. After conception, you should avoid putting stress on your stomach, not take alcohol even in small doses, visit your doctor regularly and take all the medications he prescribes. Even after the first failure, you should not despair, because with the right approach, most women will experience the joy of motherhood!

Spontaneous termination of pregnancy, more commonly referred to as miscarriage, is the termination of a pregnancy between implantation and 22 weeks of gestation.

According to the time of occurrence, doctors divide a miscarriage into early or late. In addition, according to their manifestations, they are divided into, abortion in progress, and miscarriage. This is important so that doctors can choose the most optimal amount of medical care for a woman.

Table of contents:

If, in the event of a threatened or just beginning miscarriage, the fetus can still be saved by using various methods of preserving the pregnancy, then in the later stages it is only necessary to carry out the entire cycle of life-saving measures (in case of severe bleeding due to the remnants of the fertilized egg) and preserving the woman’s health.

Abortion can begin after it has formed or with a completely viable embryo, which for some reason is rejected by the mother’s body.

Current abortion rates

Signs of a threatened miscarriage in the early stages

Usually the first manifestations or the onset of a miscarriage are discomfort, heaviness in the lower back, aches and pains, as if at the beginning of menstruation. In addition, there may be pinkish or brown marks, “smudges” on the underwear, and increased mucous discharge.


Sometimes the threat of miscarriage is detected only by ultrasound data when establishing the fact of pregnancy. The doctor sees on the computer screen a formation in the area of ​​the developing placenta or a hematoma in the area of ​​the placental site, strengthened along any of the walls of the uterus.

In these cases, timely measures to ensure complete rest, as well as bed rest and taking medications that relax the uterus and support the functioning of the ovaries (or synthetic analogues of progesterone), are ways to maintain pregnancy and eliminate the threat.

Signs of an early miscarriage

Usually the first manifestations or the onset of a miscarriage are discomfort, heaviness in the lower back, aches and pains, as if at the beginning of menstruation. In addition, there may be pinkish or brown marks, “smudges” on the underwear, and increased mucous discharge.

Sometimes during an abortion, against the background of pain, signs of bleeding may not appear for a certain time if the blood forms a hematoma in the area of ​​the upper parts of the uterus.

Closer to 10-12 weeks, the fact of a miscarriage will be the release of the remnants of the fertilized egg with the embryo and blood clots out, which marks a complete abortion. If parts of the embryo or membranes remain in the uterus, this is an incomplete abortion and curettage of the uterine cavity is necessary to stop bleeding and prevent complications. Any suspicious symptoms or the slightest spotting during gestation should be a reason to immediately contact a gynecologist or call an ambulance.

Diagnostic methods for threatened miscarriage and termination of pregnancy

The basis of diagnosis in the event of a threatened miscarriage is data. Only with modern devices can a fetus be detected after three to four weeks, and its heartbeat from the fifth week of pregnancy. When, according to the study, the doctor sees a small area of ​​detachment or hematoma, while the fetal heartbeat is good, the chances of carrying the fetus are up to 95%, but subject to normal uterine tone and cervical closure.

If bloody contents are released from the genital tract, if a deformation of the fetal egg is detected, the embryo itself is too small for the given period or it does not have a heartbeat, termination of pregnancy will be inevitable.

Often, with bleeding arising from the genital fissure and pain, retrochoreal hematomas are detected. If their size is small, it is necessary to monitor the woman and take measures to preserve the pregnancy, but if the detachment of the developing placenta is large and the accumulation of blood is large, the chances of termination of pregnancy and severe bleeding are high.

Ultrasound data is supplemented by a blood test for the level of the hormone hCG(chorionic hormone), its determination helps in making a diagnosis at a time when ultrasound data are questionable or not indicative. If, according to ultrasound data, there is no fertilized egg within 3-4 weeks, the hCG level is determined at intervals of two days; if the hormone level does not increase or decreases, this indicates a miscarriage.

Treatment methods for incipient miscarriage

Doctors say that it is almost impossible to influence a miscarriage that has begun during the first trimester, hemostatic drugs are used (if there was a previous history of miscarriages). Therapy measures are limited to this, since it is often impossible to stop them, especially in the presence of chromosomal pathologies of the fetus.

Not applicable in modern obstetrics, such remedies as bed rest, papaverine and analgesics in injections, magnesium and vitamins. These methods have no proven effectiveness and are not recommended for use. In addition, strict bed rest can only aggravate the mother's condition due to constipation and a tendency to thrombosis and stress reactions.

Treatment, tactics for complete abortion

If a complete abortion occurs with the release of blood and particles of the fertilized egg, this condition does not require any additional therapy, it is recommended to take a test (blood test for hCG) 2-3 weeks from the date of interruption. When the indicators are normal, no further treatment is prescribed. If hCG does not tend to decrease or it is weak, the formation of a hydatidiform mole is possible, a serious complication that requires emergency treatment.

Measures to help with an abortion

In the case when a miscarriage began and bleeding began, but there was no separation of the membranes and fertilized egg from the uterus, doctors use three approaches, depending on age and the specific situation:

  • Waiting tactics for a week for detachment and release of remnants of the embryo and tissues
  • Medical induction of miscarriage by taking misoprostol (it contracts the uterus and expels the fertilized egg)
  • Classical curettage of the cavity or vacuum aspiration of the contents, which is applicable when treatment is ineffective and in case of severe bleeding.

Usually the first manifestations or the onset of a miscarriage are discomfort, heaviness in the lower back, aches and pains, as if at the beginning of menstruation. In addition, there may be pinkish or brown marks, “smudges” on the underwear, and increased mucous discharge.

In each case, the question of how to help a woman is decided by the doctor, depending on the situation. If the bleeding is severe, hemostatic drugs, plasma transfusions and blood substitutes are used.

Recovery after miscarriage

If pregnancy was desired, losing it will be a great physical and emotional stress for the body. In addition, we must add to this list also worries about the consequences of a miscarriage and the possibility of having children in the future. Therefore, full-fledged treatment tactics and rehabilitation methods are needed immediately after a miscarriage and then, during the recovery period and new pregnancies.

Doctors can resort to different tactics:

If there was relatively heavy bleeding during the miscarriage, the doctor will recommend taking iron supplements and increased nutrition to restore the amount of hemoglobin and red blood cells. In some cases, the doctor will recommend immediately after a miscarriage that you start taking oral contraceptives to correct hormonal levels while the process of restoring the reproductive system continues.

When can I do it after a miscarriage?

If this was the first miscarriage, and it had no complications or consequences, then you can start planning a pregnancy after 3-4 months or when the woman is ready for it psychologically and physically. If the miscarriage is repeated or there is a diagnosis of recurrent miscarriage, with three or more miscarriages in a row, a detailed examination is necessary to determine the reasons for this.

Alena Paretskaya, pediatrician, medical columnist

Since 15-20% of pregnancies end unsuccessfully in the early stages, you should know what kind of discharge occurs during a miscarriage. There are often situations when a woman does not even understand that she has lost a child. The blood-containing discharge that accompanies a miscarriage is mistaken for menstrual discharge because the timing coincides. Signs that indicate the likelihood of an involuntarily terminated pregnancy allow you to pay attention to your health and make an appointment with a doctor to save the fetus.

Miscarriage or menstruation

It is not easy to distinguish between the loss of a child and menstruation, since the nature of the discharge depends on the woman’s health and her lifestyle. Menstrual bleeding that begins on time makes one think that fertilization has not occurred. But pay attention to the calendar: if there was a delay of only a couple of days, this may not indicate an irregular cycle, but a spontaneous termination of pregnancy. During such periods, a woman suffers from pain more than usual.

If a spontaneous abortion occurs, the menstrual cycle is delayed, lengthened, and the volume and color of the discharge changes. Upon careful examination, elements of the fertilized egg are revealed.

You can distinguish the fertilized egg from other secretions by density and size. The appearance of a large mucous-blood clot may indicate an interrupted pregnancy.

Women rarely pay attention to this, so at home it is almost impossible to understand that a miscarriage has occurred.

If menstruation does not come on time, and unusual pain is noted in the lower third of the abdomen, a spontaneous abortion is likely to occur in the lumbar region. In a situation where a woman regularly suffers from pain during menstruation, it will be quite difficult to recognize a spontaneous miscarriage.

Determine exactly what is happening using one of two methods:

  • hCG analysis.

With an ultrasound examination, the doctor sees whether a fertilized egg is present in the uterus, checks the heartbeat, and monitors the degree of development of the embryo. The gynecologist will tell you exactly whether there is a high probability of losing the fetus. Ultrasound allows you to assess the condition of the cervix and the organ itself.

The first days after fertilization, the egg is so small that even ultrasound will not provide accurate information. A blood test for human chorionic gonadotropin comes to the rescue. This is the name given to the hormone produced by the female body during pregnancy. If a miscarriage occurs, the level of hCG in the blood remains for 5-7 days. The concentration of hCG in the event of a threatened miscarriage or an ongoing abortion will be lower than it should be at this stage of pregnancy.

If a gynecological examination shows that the cervix is ​​open, the pregnancy cannot be maintained. If the cervix is ​​closed and the embryo is alive (according to ultrasound), there is a chance that the pregnancy will continue. For this purpose, hormonal therapy, antispasmodics and other drugs are prescribed.


For a barely born fetus, the most dangerous period is the time when menstruation should have occurred, that is, 2-3 weeks of development. A miscarriage at such an early stage goes unnoticed, without specific sensations. The first sign is bloody discharge, which differs slightly from menstrual discharge.

Characteristic symptoms:

  1. pain in the lower back, sacrum, coccyx;
  2. spasms in the lower third of the abdomen;
  3. discharge that occurs after a slight delay in menstruation;
  4. the appearance of blood clots and mucus.

It happens that bleeding does not open during a frozen pregnancy. The woman does not notice any discharge, she is not tormented by pain, and no rejection occurs. The condition is life-threatening, as there is a high risk of infection of the uterus. Freezing of the fetus in the mother's womb is associated with a high probability of blood poisoning. A timely ultrasound allows you to diagnose the condition and take timely measures.

Rejection of the fetus during a frozen pregnancy can occur, but this is rare, symptoms:

  • spasms, sharp pain in the lower third of the abdomen;
  • elevated temperature;
  • heavy bleeding.

The volume and color of discharge during a frozen pregnancy varies.

Threat of miscarriage

In a situation where there is a high probability of fetal rejection, but this does not happen, there is a threat of miscarriage. The diagnosis is made with increased uterine tone. Against the background of delayed menstruation, nagging pain appears in the lower abdomen. There is no bloody discharge. The development of bleeding indicates an ongoing miscarriage and requires a different approach to treatment.

Discharge during miscarriage

Uterine bleeding is the most dangerous symptom of a miscarriage. The discharge is weak at first, then intensifies. If you visit a doctor at this time, there is a chance to save the fetus.

The condition worsens without any prerequisites; suddenly, many factors can provoke a miscarriage. If you observe pieces of tissue similar to menstrual discharge, you should urgently visit a doctor.

Practice shows that in 80% of cases, the death of the fetus occurs long before its particles are removed from the female body. For this reason, pieces of tissue and elements of the fertilized egg may be observed, that is, the uterus is gradually cleared. If complete rejection occurs, a grayish bubble is found among the blood-containing discharge. White particles are less commonly recorded. Pain and bleeding stop 2-3 days after cleansing the body.

If the uterus was cleansed without medications or medical procedures, there will be no need for treatment. If an ultrasound shows that elements of the fetus or placenta remain in the body, these tissues are urgently removed to avoid infection.

After a spontaneous abortion, menstruation is expected in 1-1.5 months.

If a miscarriage caused by the body’s unpreparedness for pregnancy occurs at 7-8 weeks of pregnancy, an egg similar in size to a quail’s is found in the discharge. The fruit is gray in color with reddish veins.

If rejection occurs at 8-12 weeks, the discharge contains a formed egg, close in size to a chicken egg, somewhat elongated. The fruit is flesh-colored, with veins.

At an even later stage, the fetus leaves the uterus with fragments of the placenta.


A miscarriage indicates that the body is not ready to bear a fetus. But pathology does not put an end to motherhood. Supportive therapy, regular visits to an experienced gynecologist and attention to the body allow a woman to experience the joy of giving birth to a child, even in a difficult case.

Risk factors:

  1. emotional stress;
  2. abnormal development of the genital organs;
  3. previous abortions and miscarriages;
  4. hormonal disbalance;
  5. pathology of the hemostatic system;
  6. infections;
  7. diseases of the uterus and appendages;
  8. abnormalities of fetal development.

The beginning of pregnancy is a difficult period for the female body; various factors cause a sharp reaction that provokes rejection of the fetus. Being pregnant and having experienced an abortion without complications, they can easily bear one or more children in the future. Knowing in advance what kind of discharge women have during spontaneous miscarriage, the expectant mother can determine that there is cause for concern.

Do not be afraid!

Early fetal rejection indicates that something is wrong with the body. There is no reason to be upset: if the fetus had survived, development would most likely have gone wrong, and the child would have been born with disabilities or died during childbirth. Early miscarriage is an evolutionary mechanism that allows strong individuals to survive.

It is important to understand in time that what happened is not menstruation, but the discharge accompanying a miscarriage. This forces a woman to take care of her health and avoid a similar situation in the future. Once she realizes that a miscarriage has occurred in the early stages, the expectant mother is more attentive to herself, carefully monitors the symptoms, controls the discharge, knowing what to expect, what to fear, and what signals the normal course of pregnancy.

Summing up

Noting the changes occurring in the body, the changing nature of the discharge, visit a doctor. In the early stages, pregnancy, even if the body is not ready for this, can be saved. If you have gynecological or hormonal diseases and preservation is impossible, do not panic - rejection of a non-viable fetus does not mean that you will not be able to give birth in the future.

If a woman has had a natural abortion, plan a new pregnancy in advance. In this case, they register with a gynecologist, undergo regular examinations and tests, and strictly follow the prescribed drug support program. This minimizes risks and allows you to carry and give birth to a healthy baby. You can plan a new pregnancy 3-6 months after a miscarriage and treatment.

Miscarriage in early pregnancy is a common phenomenon that occurs in women. Many of them don't even know about their situation. Every girl needs to know how spontaneous miscarriage occurs in the early stages in order to know how to act in a dangerous situation and prevent serious consequences.

Causes of miscarriage in early pregnancy

Experts identify the following causes of miscarriage:

  1. Genetic disorder. In the first weeks of pregnancy, it is important that all organs of the fetus are correctly formed, which requires 23 chromosomes from the mother and father. If a mutating element is present in one of them, then it is considered incompetent, as a result of which the pregnancy is terminated. Such an element can arise due to unfavorable ecology, viruses and occupational hazards.
  2. Hormonal imbalances. Hormones are responsible for a woman’s well-being and health. Their imbalance can provoke miscarriage. A deficiency or excess of the male hormone progesterone also causes this phenomenon. It is important to diagnose hormonal disorders before pregnancy in order to undergo hormonal therapy prescribed by your doctor.
  3. Rhesus conflict. To avoid miscarriage, before conceiving a child, a man and a woman must undergo a blood test to determine the group. If a woman is found to have a negative Rh factor, then it is important that the man has the same Rh factor. Otherwise, a Rh conflict may occur, when the fetus inherits the positive indicator of the father, and the mother’s body perceives its tissue as foreign and does not accept it, thereby saving itself. To eliminate this risk, you should take the hormone progesterone, which is responsible for protecting the embryo during pregnancy.
  4. Infectious pathologies. If you have a sexually transmitted infection, it is necessary to cure it before pregnancy, otherwise the fetus will become infected and rejected by the body.
  5. Abortion. If a woman has previously had an abortion, then there is a high probability of spontaneous miscarriage or infertility.
  6. Taking medications. In the first trimester, it is prohibited to use any drugs to prevent defects in fetal development. You should also not take decoctions based on parsley, nettle and tansy.
  7. Frequent stress and emotional overstrain. Severe stress and unstable mental state can lead to sudden termination of pregnancy. A patient with such a threat is prescribed sedatives.
  8. Lifestyle. A woman is strictly prohibited from drinking alcohol and smoking. You should also adjust your diet and make your diet balanced.
  9. Physical impact. Heavy stress in the form of heavy lifting or an unsuccessful fall can lead to miscarriage.
  10. Systemic pathologies of the mother. If a woman has thyroid disease or autoimmune disorders, then her risk of spontaneous abortion increases.

Moderate physical activity, sex before the 13th week, and airplane flights do not provoke a miscarriage.

In the first weeks of pregnancy, special attention is paid to the healthy formation of all organs of the future person, which requires equal 23 chromosomes from mom and dad. And if one of them suddenly contains a mutating element, then it is recognized as incompetent, and a miscarriage occurs

Signs of a miscarriage

Symptoms of early miscarriage are:

  • pain in the lower abdomen and lower back;
  • bleeding from the vagina with or without pieces of tissue;
  • release of amniotic fluid.

With minor discharge there is a chance to continue the pregnancy. If the bleeding was accompanied by parts of the embryo, this indicates a miscarriage that has already occurred.

You can avoid an unpleasant outcome if you consult a doctor in a timely manner. This should be done in the following cases:

  • spotting at any time;
  • severe pain in the lower abdomen;
  • unpleasant sensations in the groin area that were not there before;
  • release of a large amount of fluid;
  • weak state of the body;
  • heat.

To diagnose the symptoms of miscarriage in early pregnancy, the following research methods are used:

  • PAP test.

With an ultrasound, the doctor can detect the fetus from 3-4 weeks of pregnancy. After a few more weeks, a pronounced heartbeat of the embryo appears. If, with minor bleeding, a specialist detects a fetal heartbeat, then the probability of carrying the pregnancy to term exceeds 95%. If the bleeding is combined with a damaged fetus, the embryo is too small, and there is no heartbeat, then abortion is an inevitable procedure.

Important! Quite often, with bleeding, ultrasound shows a retrochorial hematoma. It is not dangerous if it is not large. In the case of severe detachment and large hematoma, the risk of abortion and heavy bleeding increases significantly.

The study of human chorionic gonadotropin is usually carried out only in the early stages, when ultrasound does not yet show the vital activity of the embryo. If the period is no more than 4 weeks, and the fetus is not found, then there is a need to determine hCG 2 times, with an interval of 2 days. Depending on the results obtained, an ultrasound is prescribed or a termination of pregnancy is confirmed.

In some cases, if there is bleeding, a smear is done for oncocytology. This measure is necessary if an ultrasound revealed a living embryo, a hematoma in the chorion area was not detected, but the bleeding does not stop. A smear helps rule out cervical cancer.

If you still have a miscarriage early on, be sure to consult a doctor to find out if cleaning is necessary. A specialist will examine you and make recommendations

How does early miscarriage occur?

At first, the woman feels weak and dizzy. She is worried about pain in the lower abdomen. Such symptoms should not be ignored. If minor bleeding begins, promptly seeking medical help will help stop it. Typically, a miscarriage occurs at home according to this pattern - a slight delay in menstruation, the test shows 2 lines, then slight bleeding appears.

Important! When a woman realizes that she has lost her baby, she should consult a doctor, since an early miscarriage without cleaning is almost impossible. Remaining tissue will need to be removed from the body. If this procedure is not performed, the remains of the fetus will begin to decompose, which will lead to the spread of harmful microorganisms and the appearance of an inflammatory process.

Cleaning is carried out 2-3 days before the start of menstruation (after a miscarriage this is not always possible). Scraping of fetal remains is carried out on a gynecological chair. First, anesthesia is required, after which the doctor inserts a special dilator into the vagina, which allows you to visually observe the condition of the cervix. Then a probe is inserted into it to examine the cavity using a portable video camera. For scraping, a surgical instrument is used that resembles a spoon in appearance. The specialist carefully removes the surface layer of the uterus, then the resulting material is used for histological examination. The operation lasts on average 30-45 minutes.


Treatment for threatened miscarriage depends on the cause that may cause it. It is impossible to influence the course of events before 3 months of pregnancy. Doctors often prescribe Tranexam to patients to stop bleeding. If a woman has had experience with unsuccessful pregnancies, then she is prescribed Utrozhestan.

The following drugs do not have any effect on bleeding:

  • Baralgin;
  • Magne B6;
  • Vitamin E

If the level of male hormones is high, a woman is prescribed medications for hyperandrogenism. You cannot do without certain medications if there is a threat of Rh conflict. If Rh conflict does arise, then therapy includes intrauterine blood transfusion to the fetus through the umbilical cord. After birth, the baby will need treatment for jaundice. To do this, it is placed under special blue lamps. Sometimes such treatment is not necessary.

Most patients with threatened miscarriage in early pregnancy are treated in a hospital setting. In some cases, therapy begins in a hospital, and then the woman may be sent home.

Quite often, the doctor prescribes the drug Duphaston if there is a threat of miscarriage in the early stages. It is a synthetic analogue of progesterone in tablet form. The dose of the drug is prescribed in each case individually, focusing on the condition of the expectant mother and her hormonal disorders. It should be taken at the full course until all symptoms of early miscarriage disappear. When a woman’s health improves and there are no signs of threatening miscarriage, she is prescribed a “maintenance” dosage of the drug. In case of a repeated threat, the course of treatment must be repeated.

Side effects of the drug Duphaston include:

  • bowel dysfunction;

If pain occurs in the right hypochondrium, as well as with obvious signs of jaundice, you should stop taking Duphaston.

Prevention of miscarriage

Pregnancy planning should be done intelligently. A woman should undergo a medical examination to ensure that she is healthy and ready to bear a child. This significantly reduces possible risks. Expectant parents need to promptly stop drinking alcoholic beverages, smoking cigarettes and uncontrolled use of any medications.

Before conceiving, a woman must treat all existing infectious pathologies. Also, while pregnant, you should avoid company with infected people.

It is important for pregnant women to monitor their diet and not worry about trifles. If for some reason stressful situations cannot be avoided, then you should take sedatives as recommended by your doctor. You should also avoid strenuous physical exertion and blows to the stomach.

If a woman’s first pregnancy occurred at the age of 30-35, then she should especially carefully monitor her health and undergo regular examinations.

What to do after a miscarriage?

In many cases, termination of pregnancy cannot be avoided. This situation becomes a huge tragedy for the woman and her loved ones. The natural reaction then is to conceive a new child as soon as possible. However, doctors strongly recommend planning a pregnancy only 6 months after a miscarriage. It is important to take birth control correctly during this period. According to statistics, a pregnancy that occurs immediately after a miscarriage has a high risk of also ending in termination.

If a woman has a sexually transmitted infection and the bleeding is prolonged, then after a miscarriage it is necessary to take antibacterial drugs. If there is heavy bleeding, you cannot do without taking medications that contain iron for therapy.

If a woman has had more than 3 miscarriages, she must undergo additional procedures and pass all the necessary tests.

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