What do women want from men? Emotional support

Absolutely the entire female population is very emotional and sensitive. This should not be taken as a violation, but rather as a fact. Men express themselves in fewer words, while women express themselves in detail. There are many such differences between the sexes and these differences should be respected and not changed. This article will help you understand why women are very emotional, expressive and talkative.

Scientific research says that the left and right hemispheres of the brain of men and women are structured differently, and therefore have different effects on the functioning of the emotional state. Women tend to use both sides of their brain, but prefer the right side; men tend to use the left side.

The left brain is responsible for logical thinking and the skills needed to solve problems, while the right side is responsible for prosodic language functions, creativity, facial perception, and for generating emotions.

The left side of the brain takes care of our IQ and the right side takes care of our EQ. Therefore, those people who use the left brain look at situations more adequately, applying logical solutions and rationality. While the female population uses both sides of their brain, they have trouble with creativity. The right brain is also responsible for our ability to express our feelings and thoughts.

Women are more emotional

Women have a more developed limbic system. The limbic system deals with human aspects such as behavior, emotions and memory. This allows them to feel and express their feelings in a better way and to connect with others easily. Although the problem is that it opens the door to depression, especially when going through the phase of hormonal shifts during their menstrual cycle and pregnancy. So, during such stages, a woman may seem overly emotional and capricious.

Stress management

Additionally, the way women cope with stress differs from men. The hormone oxytocin is released during stress. These hormones work differently in men and women. When people are stressed, their testosterone reduces the effect of oxytocin; when it runs out, it makes a man aggressive and angry. Women, on the other hand, have estrogen, which increases the hormone oxytocin, an effect that leads to feelings of calm and nurturing. Men do not know how to express their emotional feelings and thoughts, and instead, they react angrily or aggressively.

Moreover, they are always ready for battle. Women tend to cope with stress using the “making friends” strategy. Women feel more pain in the amygdala region of the brain, which is activated when a person experiences pain. The amygdala is also part of the limbic system, but deals more with emotions related to pain. The almond is present in both men and women. However, men and women accept and show pain differently. Women feel more pain than men. This can be explained by the fact that when in physical pain in men it gives less than morphine in women to achieve the same amount of pain reduction. Women feel pain more than men, they communicate their pain and also try to heal it.

What are securities? You will learn about this and much more.

Men and women are different

Women feel differently compared to men. They cry and grieve, especially when they are going through PMS or during pregnancy. There are so many changes that happen in a woman's body every month. This is why when they seem to be more emotional during times of pain or stress. Men undergo changes with relatively less intensity. So if you look from a human perspective, women seem to be more emotional. They are only "so emotional" when you compare them to men. But thanks to precisely this feeling, like emotionality, a woman is a good mother. After all, in order to raise children, you need to feel them with your soul and heart, and not think with your head. They can feel someone else's pain in addition to their own.

The logical answer is: it’s better not to talk. But sometimes you still have to, for example, when she is so dear to you. Or I really need it for work. Or... and many other reasons. Communicating with emotional girls is a great art that you need to learn. I haven't met many dudes in the world who understand how to treat girls. I have met even fewer who know how to communicate with emotional specimens. The reason that bros do not know how to communicate with emotional girls and girls in general is, in my enlightened opinion, that we, men, simply do not want to attach importance to the feelings of girls and their behavior. It seems flawed to us, while it is simply a little more emotional than ours. Feelings, tears and other elements of emotional girls frighten bros who give up the idea of ​​understanding their girlfriends and simply go into their online games or with friends. And the girl gets even more upset because they don’t want to pay attention to her and don’t want to listen to her. Yes, and she is essentially right.

An emotional girl is a girl to the n-power. What to do with them when they are upset about something, cry and feel bad?

1. “Everything will be fine”

When a girl cries, we are used to saying that “Everything will be okay,” as heroes do in films, but this is a disgusting way of consoling. “Well, thank you, Captain Obvious, of course, everything will be fine, give me a few minutes to cry!” the girl thinks. The best alternative for comfort, say: “I see you are REALLY upset right now. Come here…".

2. "Don't cry!"

“Perhaps you can still order me not to breathe?” the girl will think to herself. Any phrases in the spirit of “Don’t be sad!”, “Smile!” They infuriate both girls and bros equally. When a girl starts to cry, it’s not so easy to stop: you need to wait until they stop coming on their own, that is, when the resentment or sadness passes. Best Alternative:: “Let me give you a handkerchief.” Dudes who approach girls when they are crying with a handkerchief increase the chances of adoration and sex after tears many times over!

3. “Don’t cry, let’s have sex!”

Do you even need to tell me how lame this phrase is? “Yes, sex is generally the last thing on my mind. Does he think his penis is magical? Instead of a stupid proposal, after which you may well lose a pair of teeth, just start hugging her, kissing her, stroking her hair... And everything will be

4. “Be strong for me!”

“Are you implying that I am weak?” or “The fact that I am emotionally vulnerable is weakness.” In fact, this phrase is disgusting because it is terribly hackneyed. The girl will remain strong, but only for her own sake. Best Alternative:“You are strong, you can handle it!”

5. "…"

She cries, and you are silent. She cries, and you are silent again. She cries, and you sigh sympathetically and heavily. Insensitive brute! Best Alternative: eye contact. A small sympathetic smile and a pat on the shoulder. The pinnacle of empathy: cry with her.

6. “Well, why are you crying? It doesn't really matter! Stop making mountains out of molehills!”

“If I cry, then it already matters,” the girl will answer you silently. Best Alternative: explain why you're so upset.

7. “Are you PMSing?”

“Can I be sad and cry on other days?” the girl will be sincerely indignant. By the way, girls don’t always have changeable moods these days, oh, not always! Best Alternative: You're feeling extra sensitive today, right?

8. “You can't help it. So why are you so upset?

Unfortunately, many men try to avoid sensitivity, empathy and emotional dependence. Such words are spoken after something difficult, for example, the death of a loved one. In my opinion, saying such words is a little blasphemous. Unfortunately, these people cannot understand that if every person living on earth followed your logic, the world would be an even more unpleasant place than it is now. Best Alternative: I know this is hard to accept...

9. “You’re taking this too personally!”

If a girl cries, then it still makes sense to her. Best Alternative:“I understand that now it seems to you that everything can’t get worse, but everything can change over time!”

10. “Pull yourself together”

“Oh wait, where is my emotion switch... Oh yeah, I don’t have one!!! Go to hell!". Best Alternative:“Cry as much as you need. I will be near"! And she’s yours, man, wholeheartedly! Because it was incredibly beautiful!!!

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I received individual training from Roman Vinilov on the topic of dating and getting to know girls. All classes were very productive. There were many exercises that gave results instantly. Roman showed his skills, gave advice, motivated. I learned a lot, understood a lot and am very glad that I studied with Roman. For this reason, I even came to Novosibirsk from distant Tyumen)

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Your advice helped me a lot. Only 4 Skype conferences and I learned how to have dates and get sex on them without spending a lot of extra time, nerves, money and everything else) Success is not difficult! The main thing is to learn from a good coach. It's such a novel :)

Vsevolod, Minsk, 22 years old

How could I seduce beautiful girls before? No way. No car, no apartment. But after undergoing training with Roman Vinilov, I did the impossible. I’ve changed myself so much that girls are now just staring at me!!! It’s very cool to study with Roman, the motivation is effective, the kicks are magical, the experience is limitless. I am very glad that I once became acquainted with such a person as Roman.

Artyom, Samara, 24 years old

Thank you, Roman, for your courses and advice! They always help, I’m very glad that I know you and your materials.

Ilya, Novosibirsk, 22 years old

Girls are creatures so complex that it is almost impossible to understand them. Sometimes even they themselves cannot figure out what they really feel and why they behave the way they do. There are many different explanations for female emotionality. A sensational discovery from the point of view of specialists was published on the website of the US National Center for Biotechnology Information. It turns out that in girls, when they have negative experiences - distress, anxiety, a feeling of humiliation, etc. – a dopamine metabolite, homovanillic acid, is released. In boys, this substance is not released under stress. Somewhere here lies the key to the chemistry of women's experiences. But for people far from pharmacology, this information does not provide practical benefit or understanding of the causes of girls’ experiences. Women's emotionality can be tiring for the woman herself, but evolutionarily it is a useful property. From the point of view of the ability to survive, a woman should be emotional, sensitive and anxious. Unlike a man. Let's imagine: a man follows a bear's trail, tracks down prey and sits in an ambush; a bear appears - a hefty carcass full of rage. The beast must be lured into a trap and killed. All this time the man should not be affected by any emotions; the hunter should be cool and quiet.
And the hunter’s wife who remains on the farm, on the contrary, is better off constantly worrying about the most seemingly insignificant reason. Moreover, the reason for her excitement arises precisely at that moment when everything is quiet and calm. Why is little Gyrkh quiet? Had he caught the tarantula again to tear its legs off? Why do little Brugh and Khrugh laugh so merrily? Are they getting too excited, will they start hitting each other with a moose thigh bone? Will the fire in the hearth go out? Have rodents gotten into the pantry? But this applies to adult women who are responsible for children and family. And an emotional girl simply enjoys the privilege of obeying impulses. An emotional girl is pure poetry and romance. An emotional girl captivates the eye and allows less sensitive people to see fragments of reality that they themselves would never notice. A feature of a girl’s emotionality can be considered that the reasons for the surge of her feelings are not external circumstances, but internal ones. When a girl explodes, the immediate cause of her frustration turns out to be only the last straw that overflows her patience. In most cases, she can easily brush aside any trouble. But if there are too many disappointments that follow one after another, the girl feels helpless and cornered as a victim.
Her sudden flash is essentially a signal flare that informs all observers within range that the girl is in distress. Some emotional girls manage to retain the impulsiveness of their nature as a universal justification for their extravagances even into adulthood. "I'm an emotional girl, what can I do." Here, for example, is a song by Canadian country singer Terri Clark, which is called “Emotional Girl”. The video sequence of this clip seems to hint to us that Terry could easily kill someone and nothing would happen to her for it, because well, she’s so unpredictable. Enjoy. Free translation of this song. I see the way you look at me. Bet I know what you're thinking? About how you can get what you see. But underneath the cold steepness of my appearance beats a frantic stream of passions. So before you get any closer, I want to warn you: I’m an emotional girl. Chorus: I'm an emotional girl and I can't cope with myself. Sometimes I laugh, sometimes I cry, sometimes both. I have a passionate heart and there's nothing you can do about it. You and I could spin a whole whirlpool, but I warn you, young man: I am an emotional girl. I like the music to be loud and the lights to be far below. I like to drive fast and dance slowly. Some people say that I'm an extreme person because when I start something, I can't stop. But I can't help this half of my heart.

Write your questions and wishes in the comments. Bye!

It would seem that the very girl of your dreams has finally been found. You plucked up the courage, met her, and you are already going on a date. After some time, a relationship begins, and everything would be fine, but you began to notice that sometimes she is as emotional as a cracker or a nettle. Sometimes you want a little more sensuality, giving, support, but it seems that even a rubber doll can give out more emotions than your friend. You are trying to figure out what is the reason for this behavior, but conversations do not bring any benefit. Here are 12 signs that will help you recognize that a girl is as responsive and emotional as a battery or Kristen Stewart before you get into a serious relationship with her.

She has trouble expressing her feelings

One possibility is that her emotionlessness developed many years ago, and the reason does not lie specifically in your relationship. Often, even in childhood, parents themselves suppress overly active and cheerful children, forming a sedate model of behavior in them. If this is the reason, then it’s up to you to decide: continue this relationship or immediately separate. Perhaps you will be able to open up the girl and change her attitude towards the world. But it may also happen that all attempts will be in vain. The choice is yours.

She doesn't want to know everything about you

You are constantly trying to find out more about her interests, preferences, outlook on life, but after hearing a monosyllabic answer, she does not bother to ask what you do for life. This is wildly infuriating and reminiscent of a one-sided game, because why should you be interested in a person’s life at a moment when he is not interested in what you are interested in, what kind of music you listen to? A possible reason is that she wants to know as much about your personality as can be understood from ordinary small talk. This is due to the fact that you have certain skeletons in your closet that she knows about from other people. He just doesn't want to run into them. If your reputation is pure, then most likely your friend is simply selfish.

She's afraid of being vulnerable

Another reason may be that her emotional detachment is caused by fear. An unpleasant experience, the fear that she will fall in love with someone, or, having shown feelings, will be betrayed, and not open up to you 100%. On the one hand, such a friend can be understood, because there are enough different people in our world. If you open your soul to the wrong person, you can greatly regret it. In this case, don’t shoot from the shoulder - give her a little time. Most likely, you will treat her appropriately, and she, feeling that you can be trusted, will show her true self. Let's hope her true self turns out to be sweet and not worthy of being burned at the stake.

She gets defensive

This behavior occurs as a result of the fact that the girl was once very hurt in a past relationship. Her aggression in small conflicts and detachment in moments of intimacy may be a consequence of past trauma, so be prepared for such a scenario. If you are ready to deal with these consequences, then go ahead. Just keep in mind: if your struggle does not bring results for a long time, then it is unlikely that anything will change in the future.

Some people cannot stand various conflicts and quarrels and find a way out by emotionally closing themselves off from the other person. Their logic is simple: emotions are basically the catalyst for a quarrel, so if there are no emotions, there is no conflict, although it is sensual detachment that leads to swearing.

She tends to blame others and avoid responsibility

On the other hand, her behavior can be as unpredictable as the behavior of a wild badger trying to defend its territory. In serious situations, she would rather constantly joke and blame others for her troubles than admit her own guilt. Sarcasm is her calling card, and selfishness is her best friend, with whom she is quite close. If you encounter such a person, you can initiate your own kidnapping and then send a letter claiming that you are being held in Angola. Or just break up with this friend - no one will judge you for this.

She doesn't want a perfect relationship

As a rule, an unemotional friend will be interested in rather superficial relationships in which little will be demanded of her, and in return she will not want more. But as soon as her partner shows a little more feelings, she will immediately want to end this relationship. Such girlfriends are somewhat selfish and clearly know what they want. So, when faced with such a special person, do not pin all your hopes on her and do not make serious plans.

She only spends time with you when it's convenient.

As a rule, such a girl will be unavailable emotionally and will prefer to live exclusively for herself, even if she is in a relationship. First of all, she builds her own world in which she will feel comfortable, and compromising is an unacceptable step for her. Personal interests will always remain a priority, so she does not consider it necessary to waste time on her man. Think about whether you need such a friend when there are many girls around who are ready to build normal relationships.

She is manipulative and narcissistic.

Such a friend is so passionate about her life that she is ready to manipulate other people if only everything goes according to her plan. At first, she may even be responsive and cheerful, but this is only as long as everything goes as she wants. As soon as such a person feels resistance to his will, he immediately comes out. Most likely, they will force you to spray her with holy water and hastily retreat.

You know that situation when you try to give a compliment, and she sits there as if she had just recovered from anesthesia? This means that you are faced with a girl who lives in her own world and does not know how to respond to compliments from other people. She'll just pat you on the shoulder and say thank you, and you'll likely be taken to the next level of friend-zoning.

She doesn't want to change

Sometimes girls prone to such behavior believe that their position is correct. Moreover, they are not going to change. If you tell them that such behavior can cause pain to another person, then the answer can be heard that this is his problem. Such a person is not capable of introspection, because she believes that people should accept her as such, even if they don’t like it. The most interesting thing is that many nice men take this behavior as a challenge and begin to woo such a woman, and, being disappointed, accuse her of all mortal sins. Well, she certainly won’t find anything good in her arrogant behavior, but you knew what you were getting into. So you shouldn’t complain about mistakes that you yourself made, especially since you suspected about them, but were engaged in self-deception.

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