HCG hormone levels during ectopic pregnancy. HCG level during ectopic pregnancy

Ectopic pregnancy is a disappointment for a woman and a threat to life. It is important to identify the pathology in time and take measures to eliminate it and restore reproductive function. Diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy in the early stages can be determined by the level of hCG. The analysis indicators differ from its normal course.

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What is human chorionic gonadotropin

HCG is a hormone that produces the chorion, the outer membrane of the embryo. By its presence in the body, one can judge the fertilization of the egg. Over time, its saturation increases.

The production of gonadotropin begins immediately after the embryo attaches to the wall of the uterus (or another organ in the case of ectopic conception). This happens approximately 4 days after fertilization.

Symptoms of ectopic pregnancy

Normally, the characteristic hormone doubles every two days. This does not happen with an ectopic pregnancy. By week 7, the hCG level increases sharply, then gradually begins to decrease.

Why monitor hCG levels?

A deviation of the gonadotropin level from the norm allows doctors to suspect various pathologies, including ectopic, frozen pregnancy, abnormal fetal development, etc.

The low level of gonadotropin during ectopic conception allows the doctor to choose treatment tactics. Ectopic pregnancy is a dangerous condition for the following reasons.

  1. There is no chance of saving the fetus.
  2. The health and life of the patient is endangered in the absence of timely medical care.
  3. After an ectopic pregnancy, the chances of conception decrease. According to statistics, 30% of women who have had a tube removed suffer from infertility.
  4. The symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy are easily confused with a normal one, which makes it an insidious pathology. A complication is a sudden rupture of the tube, followed by shock and massive bleeding.

There are several methods for determining the hormone, which are taken in any clinic, for example, Invitro or another:

  1. Blood analysis. It is considered the most reliable. Its effectiveness is 99%. Shows an increase in hCG levels already during the 4th day after conception. With normal fetal development, the level is higher than 15 - 25 mU/ml. In case of ectopic pregnancy it may be underestimated. Blood for hCG is taken from a vein in the morning, on an empty stomach. If your result is different from the norm, the test is repeated after two days to clarify the result.
  2. General urine analysis. Not as reliable as a blood test for ectopic pregnancy. On the eve of the test, a woman is advised not to drink more than 2 liters of liquid. This may affect the reliability of the result.
  3. Pregnancy test. Unreliable, but women choose it due to ease of use. If hCG is present in the body, the test shows 2 stripes. This means that fertilization has occurred. Namely, with ectopic conception, the second stripe usually has a dim color.
  4. Ultrasound. If the doctor suspects an ectopic pregnancy, an ultrasound examination is performed. An ultrasound does not detect an embryo in the uterine cavity, but a small formation is visualized in the tube.

Explanation of increased hCG growth in ectopic pregnancy

A non-pregnant woman does not have hCG in her body, i.e. the test should be negative. It begins to be produced after conception, which is why it is called the fertility hormone.

How does the hCG level increase and does it really increase during an ectopic pregnancy? Determining the hormone in the blood allows you to reliably establish the fact of conception. If it is normal, hCG increases rapidly, slowing down only by 7-12 weeks.

Detection of pathology by ultrasound

When the fertilized egg attaches outside the uterine cavity, hCG shows a discrepancy between its concentration and the expected period. Pathology is indicated by too slow an increase in the hormone.

If the date of conception is known, a single test is sufficient to suspect an ectopic pregnancy. When the day of fertilization is unknown, the diagnosis is carried out twice with an interval of several days. In 80% of ectopic fertilizations, the hCG level increases by less than 2 times from conception.

Knowing that hCG levels during an ectopic pregnancy may differ from the normal level of the hormone, it is possible to diagnose the pathology in a timely manner and protect the woman from complications.

HCG levels are normal

Blood collection

There is a hCG table that determines the amount of the hormone. With its help you can find out whether you are pregnant or not. If the tests fit into them, there is nothing to worry about: the pregnancy of the child is proceeding normally. But if hCG numbers rise or fall, you need to undergo additional examination and rule out ectopic pregnancy.

Duration, weeksHormone level, honey/ml
1-2 20-150
3-4 100-4880
4-5 1120-31400
5-6 2550-82400
6-7 23200-151100
7-11 27400-233100
11-16 20800-291100
16-21 4730-80200
21-39 2500-…

Taking into account the general readings of the table, the doctor can determine ectopic conception. You should not interpret the data yourself. Firstly, a woman may make a mistake with the estimated period of fertilization and misinterpret the meaning of the analysis. Secondly, deviations can signal not only ectopic conception, but also other pathological conditions.

Abnormal hCG growth during ectopic pregnancy: analysis of the table by week

A blood test when the fetus is implanted outside the uterus will show low gonadotropin values. This is due to the fact that chorion cells produce the hormone in small quantities compared to the progressing embryo in the uterus.

The table shows the norms for the level of the hCG hormone during ectopic pregnancy, which should be in the early stages:

If the doctor doubts the presence of an ectopic pregnancy, you need to take the hCG test again after 48 hours, or until the doctor tells you. This will allow you to track its increase in dynamics day by day.

At the antenatal clinic

Additionally, a woman can understand ectopic conception by the following signs:

  • weakly positive pregnancy test (faint line);
  • dizziness;
  • bloody spotting;
  • pain in the lower abdomen on the left or right side;
  • loss of consciousness.

In 98% of cases, ectopic conception occurs in the fallopian tube, much less often in the ovary, cervix, and abdominal cavity.

An embryo implanted outside the reproductive organ has no future. Most often, at 6–8 weeks it ceases to exist, threatening severe complications and even death for the woman. If the pathology is not diagnosed in time, destruction of large vessels, rupture of the pipe and serious internal bleeding are possible.

This is why it is so important to know what normal hCG levels should be for an ectopic pregnancy. Resolution of the pathology occurs by removing the fertilized egg using minimally invasive techniques. It happens that it is too late to make gentle interventions. Then the woman undergoes a laparotomy followed by excision of the fallopian tube. After surgery, the hormone value changes and reaches minimum levels.

Explanation of Low HCG Levels

Determining the concentration of gonadotropin can begin as early as a week after the expected conception. But the result may be uninformative. It is best to evaluate the dynamics of the increase, i.e., conduct the study repeatedly at equal intervals.

A gonadotropin level between 0 and 5 mU/ml indicates the absence of pregnancy or a premature analysis; 25 and above – about its presence.

Maximum hCG activity occurs between 7 and 11 weeks. Then the amount begins to gradually decrease and remains at an average level until delivery. If hCG decreases significantly, this indicates pathologies of fetal development:

  • embryo death;
  • risk of miscarriage;
  • non-developing (frozen pregnancy);
  • ectopic conception;
  • implantation problems after IVF;
  • chronic placental insufficiency.

Deciphering the high-level hCG analysis for ectopic pregnancy

One option is IVF

If the fetus is located outside the uterus, the hCG test may show a positive value, but the numbers differ from the norm and change all the time.

With progressive pregnancy, by the end of 3 weeks the gonadotropin level is 195 mU/ml; 4-5 – 1120-31400. At 7–11 weeks, when the placenta is formed, the concentration of the hormone reaches its maximum.

If the egg is located ectopically, hCG does not grow so quickly. Pathology can be distinguished by low indicators. The hormone will slowly increase for up to 3-4 weeks, then growth will stop. Analyzes will not show dynamics. After this period, an ectopic pregnancy usually causes a tube rupture or abortion.

Elevated hCG may also indicate:

  • incorrect deadline;
  • embryo pathologies;
  • tumors;
  • early or late toxicosis (gestosis);
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • diabetes mellitus

We need a norm

Maximum hCG value during ectopic pregnancy

If you track the dynamics, how does gonadotropin behave week by week? Its sharp growth continues until the second trimester. Then it begins to grow more slowly and gradually decreases.

What level of hCG is determined during an ectopic pregnancy? Maximum – 25000 – 115000 mU/ml. The analysis shows a slow increase in gonadotropin from the beginning of conception, and a stop in growth after the first month. This is due to unnatural implantation of the chorion and its gradual detachment.

Video: how to donate blood for hCG

Are there other methods for detecting ectopic pregnancy?

If the results of the gonadotropin test are suspicious, the doctor will prescribe a number of additional tests.

  1. Ultrasonic.
  2. Diagnostic laparoscopy, which is also a therapeutic method. If an ectopic pregnancy is detected, the doctor immediately eliminates it.

Possible diagnoses based on ultrasound results and hCG levels:

  • less than 20 mU/ml, fertilized egg in the uterus – possibility of miscarriage;
  • more than 25, an egg was found in the uterus - normal pregnancy;
  • over 25, there is no embryo in the uterus - ectopic conception.

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- a hormone produced by special cells of the outer membrane of the embryo, which attaches to the mucous membrane of the uterus. Normally, it increases when implantation occurs and the fetus begins to actively develop. This biologically active substance increases its concentration in proportion to the growth of the baby in the womb.

But what happens when the embryo is not implanted in the uterine cavity (ectopic). In this case, the concentration of gonadotropin still continues to increase, but with some peculiarities. The level of hCG during an ectopic pregnancy is not the same as the normal process. Conducting a special laboratory test will help establish and show whether everything is fine with the fetus in the woman’s body or not.

HCG is a complex peptide that consists of two basic parts - alpha and beta. It is the second subunit of this substance that is the marker that can be detected in biological material during pregnancy. When a person donates blood or urine and this substance is detected in them, this may show that:

  • The female body is pregnant and a child will soon be born (if gestation proceeds normally).
  • A hormonally active tumor develops in the body, producing hCG.
  • Hydatidiform mole progresses.

HCG during pregnancy remains the best laboratory indicator by which doctors judge the physiology of its course and the presence of any problems. There is a special table that shows how hCG increases during pregnancy week by week:

Gestation period, weeksHCG value, mIU/ml
Non-pregnant woman0 - 5
Questionable result5 - 25
3-4 25 - 155
4-5 100 - 4890
5-6 1100 - 31600
6-7 2550 - 82400
7-8 23000 - 150000
8-9 27200 - 232000
9-13 20800 - 290000
13-18 6150 - 102000
18-23 4710 - 80200
23-41 2710 - 78000

The dynamics of hCG indicate normal activity of the embryo. Any deviations from the specified values ​​should alert doctors and become a reason for a more detailed diagnosis.

Ectopic pregnancy

One of these pathological situations in which the hCG hormone increases, but not in accordance with the above standards, is the ectopic attachment of the embryo.

This problem occurs when the fertilized egg does not have time to reach the uterine cavity. In order to survive, it has to attach itself to structures on the way to the endometrium. Most often these become the Fallopian tubes.

The main dangers and problems that accompany the pathology remain:

  • 100% fetal death. He has no chance of normal development due to the inability of any organs other than the uterus to provide him with normal growth.
  • Burst of pipes or damage to other body structures becomes a threat to the health and sometimes life of a woman.
  • After ectopic implantation of the embryo, the chance of a second normal conception and birth of a baby is reduced. This largely depends on the individual characteristics of each woman.

But does a change in hormone levels indicate the development of this pathology? After all, at first the embryo still synthesizes it. The phenomenon of hCG growth during ectopic pregnancy is also observed, but it differs from the usual process.

Decoding the analysis results

HCG levels during ectopic pregnancy are one of the best diagnostic tests to suspect improper attachment of the embryo. The fact is that even as the pathology progresses, the fetus continues to synthesize certain doses of the hormone.

However, the nature of this activity is quite different. The first signs of improper attachment of the embryo, according to the results of hCG during an ectopic pregnancy, are:

  • Incomplete staining of the second strip if the woman uses a standard pharmacy test.
  • A decrease in the total concentration of the hormone relative to standard indicators by 10% or more. The initial period of ectopic pregnancy is characterized by the fact that hCG grows, but not as it should.

In addition, the increase in hCG during an ectopic pregnancy does not occur as quickly as during normal gestation. The physiological process is marked by the fact that the concentration of the hormone doubles every 36 hours up to 5 weeks. When it occurs ectopically, such intensity is not recorded.

Important nuances

Thus, doctors should always monitor exactly how the hCG concentration will increase during an ectopic pregnancy. However, it must immediately be clarified that it is impossible to make a final diagnosis only on the basis of a laboratory test. The fact is that hCG analysis for ectopic pregnancy must be confirmed by ultrasound control. Sometimes there are situations when the amount of the hormone decreases for other reasons.

Hormonal imbalance can also occur due to:

  • . When, due to certain factors, the fetus stops developing, it stops synthesizing the hormone, which can cause diagnostic errors.
  • Placental insufficiency. This organ, after its formation, begins to independently synthesize the peptide to maintain adequate development of pregnancy.
  • High risk of miscarriage.
  • Intrauterine fetal death.

So will hCG detect an ectopic pregnancy? Definitely no, but depending on what level of the hormone is in a woman’s blood at a particular moment, one can suspect the presence of a problem. In any case, it is necessary to carry out additional diagnostics in order to establish the presence of an ectopic pregnancy in the early stages and carry out appropriate intervention in a timely manner.

How is testing done?

So, the fact remains obvious that ectopic pregnancy and hCG concentration are two interrelated concepts. That is why it is very important to carry out appropriate laboratory and instrumental diagnostics in a timely manner.

A rather serious problem of ectopic pregnancy remains the presence of almost all standard symptoms of fetal development, as with normal attachment. A woman feels sick in the morning, she notes a characteristic pulling sensation in the lower abdomen, her nipples become coarser and become more sensitive. All this develops due to hormonal changes in the body. However, if the problem is not identified and corrected in time, undesirable consequences may occur.

Ectopic pregnancy and hCG levels are closely related concepts. To determine the concentration of the hormone in the blood, it is necessary to undergo an appropriate test. The woman will have to donate 5 ml of her venous blood to the laboratory. After about 24 hours, she will receive a form indicating the amount of hCG in her body.

If the indicator does not meet the standards indicated in the table above, you should immediately contact a doctor. They will conduct a more thorough diagnosis and be able to determine the presence of a particular pathology.

Traditionally, additional tests, in addition to the hormone, are:

  • Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs. The main method for diagnosing ectopic pregnancy.
  • Clinical blood test.

Any deviation of the results from the relevant standards must be verified.

If we talk about the methodology for detecting hCG in the blood, the test itself is based on the fixation of a bioactive substance in biological material. Using chemiluminescence immunoassay in a test tube, it is possible to determine the exact concentration of hCG.

Individual reviews

As examples from life, we can give answers to questions from pregnant women given by a professional gynecologist at one of the famous Russian clinics:

  • Ekaterina: “After passing 4 pharmacy tests, 2 stripes appeared on all of them, but the doctor did not see the fetus during the ultrasound. hCG=967mIU/ml. Could it be an ectopic? - In this case, you need to take into account that the period is still too short, the device could simply not detect the fertilized egg.
  • Anna: “I’m 40 days late. hCG=0.1 mIU/ml. Maybe I have an ectopic pregnancy? - A more thorough diagnosis is definitely needed here to clarify the situation.
  • Julia: “Good afternoon! I had an ultrasound on March 23, 3 weeks, but nothing was visible in the uterus! On March 22, the hCG showed 1086, and on the 27th 8850. Is this normal for a normal pregnancy? Thank you in advance!". - Again, additional diagnostics are required.

HCG analysis is a good laboratory test for monitoring the progress of pregnancy. They cannot be neglected.


  1. Non-developing pregnancy. Radzinsky V.E., Dimitrova V.I., Mayskova I.Yu. 2009 Publisher: Geotar-Media.
  2. Emergency care for extragenital pathology in pregnant women. 2008, 2nd edition, corrected and expanded, Moscow, “Triad-X”.
  3. Medicines used in obstetrics and gynecology /edited by V.N. Serova, G.T. Sukhikh / 2010, ed. 3, corrected and supplemented - M.: GEOTAR-Media.
  4. Purulent-septic infection in obstetrics and gynecology. Abramchenko V.V. 2005 Publisher: Special Literature.

An ectopic pregnancy is a pathology in which implantation of the fertilized egg occurs outside the uterine cavity. How do hCG levels change during ectopic pregnancy?

Causes and symptoms of ectopic pregnancy

Ectopic or ectopic pregnancy is one of the most dangerous phenomena in obstetrics. If assistance is not provided in a timely manner, this condition can lead to massive bleeding and even death of the woman. That is why it is so important to identify this disease in time and save the woman from possible problems as soon as possible.

Risk factors for ectopic pregnancy:

  • inflammatory diseases;
  • genital endometriosis;
  • use of an intrauterine device;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • tumors of the uterus and appendages.

Ectopic pregnancy is characterized by the location of the embryo outside the uterine cavity. The embryo can attach to the wall of the fallopian tube, develop on the surface of the ovary or in the abdominal cavity. Such a pregnancy has no chance of a favorable outcome. The embryo cannot exist outside the uterus, and sooner or later this pregnancy will be terminated. Most often, embryo death occurs at 4-7 weeks.

Typical signs of an ectopic pregnancy:

  • delayed menstruation;
  • lower abdominal pain;
  • irradiation of painful sensations to the groin area and sacrum;
  • bloody discharge from the genital tract.

Treatment for ectopic pregnancy is only surgical. In the early stages, organ-preserving operations can be performed. In this case, only the fertilized egg is removed, and the fallopian tube is carefully sutured. This operation increases the chances of conceiving a child in the future. If the size of the fertilized egg is more than 5 cm, as well as in case of repeated ectopic pregnancy in the same place, the fallopian tube is removed. Priority is given to laparoscopic methods of surgery.

HCG changes during ectopic pregnancy

Human chorionic gonadotropin is a specific hormone synthesized in a woman’s body during pregnancy. HCG performs the following functions:

  • stimulates the production of progesterone;
  • triggers the mechanisms of natural immunosuppression (decreased immunity) for the successful development of the fetus;
  • creates conditions for normal adaptation to pregnancy;
  • influences the synthesis of sex hormones and differentiation of the fetus according to the male type.

HCG begins to be produced 6-8 days after conception. A day after implantation of the fertilized egg, the hormone is detected in the blood at a concentration of at least 5 mIU/ml. During a normal pregnancy, the concentration of hCG doubles every two days. The growth of the hormone level continues until 8-11 weeks, after which its concentration in the blood decreases. After the 26th week of pregnancy, the amount of human chorionic gonadotropin does not change until birth.

Growth dynamics HCG during normal pregnancy:

Gestational age in weeks HCG level (mIU/l)
1 5 – 50
1-2 50 – 500
2-3 100 – 5 000
3-4 50 – 10 000
4-5 1 000 – 50 000
5-6 10 000 – 100 000
6-8 15 000 – 200 000
8-12 10 000 – 100 000
13-14 15 000 – 60 000
15-25 10 000 – 35 000
26-37 10 000 – 60 000

With an ectopic pregnancy, the picture will be completely different. The level of the hormone will invariably increase, but its increase will not be as pronounced. The concentration of hCG during ectopic pregnancy will be slightly lower than the established norm for a given period.

Features of diagnosis for ectopic pregnancy

Human chorionic gonadotropin is determined not only in the blood, but also in the urine. This hormone can be detected in urine using conventional pharmacy tests. The study is carried out after a delay in menstruation. New generation tests allow analysis at any time of the day, while older systems only allow the use of morning urine.

Since during an ectopic pregnancy the hCG concentration will be lower than normal, the test may show a false negative result. A faint second line may appear, in which case the test will be considered questionable. To confirm the diagnosis, the study should be repeated after a few days.

Pharmacy tests are not used by obstetricians to diagnose ectopic pregnancy. For this purpose, more accurate studies are being carried out, among which a blood test to determine the level of hCG deserves special attention. Blood is donated from a vein at any time of the day. A hCG concentration below normal may indicate the development of an ectopic pregnancy.

There are several important points to consider when diagnosing. Firstly, the hCG concentration is assessed taking into account the actual gestational age from conception. Obstetricians calculate the gestational age from the date of the last menstruation. But fertilization of the egg usually occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle. As a result, the true gestational age will differ from the obstetric one by 2 weeks.

Secondly, when interpreting results, you should focus on laboratory performance. The form with the analysis data must have a table with the hCG norm for all weeks of pregnancy. Without this, the assessment of hCG levels may be incorrect, leading to an incorrect diagnosis.

Thirdly, you should make sure that the gestational age was set correctly. Errors often occur with an irregular menstrual cycle, when it is difficult to calculate even the approximate date of conception. In this case, the result may be misinterpreted.

Finally, if an ectopic pregnancy is suspected, the hCG concentration should be checked several times. If, upon repeated examination after 2-3 days, the hormone level does not double, the likelihood of ectopic pregnancy increases several times. A single deviation of hCG from the norm is not very indicative in this situation.

Additional Research

Low hCG levels occur not only with ectopic pregnancy. This indicator may be a symptom of other equally dangerous conditions:

  • threat of miscarriage during intrauterine pregnancy;
  • regressing pregnancy;
  • fetal chromosomal abnormalities.

To accurately diagnose an ectopic pregnancy, an ultrasound examination is necessary. In the early stages, ultrasound is done transvaginally. Upon examination, it is clear that the fertilized egg is located outside the uterine cavity. There may be accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity. The fetal heartbeat may or may not be detected.

A doctor can also suspect an ectopic pregnancy when examining a patient in a gynecological chair. In this case, there is a slight increase in the uterus, which does not correspond to the duration of pregnancy. In the projection of the fallopian tubes and ovaries, a painful round formation is determined. In such a situation, the doctor must refer the patient for additional examination.

An ectopic pregnancy is a serious condition that threatens a woman’s life. In diagnosing this disease, you should not rely solely on determining the level of hCG in the blood. In some cases, the concentration of the hormone may remain within the normal range, which leads to an incorrect diagnosis. A timely ultrasound will dispel all doubts and increase the chances of a favorable outcome of the disease.

Throughout the entire period of bearing a child, the hCG hormone can either rapidly increase or have a relatively stable level - this is normal. It all depends on the specific period of diagnosis. You should be concerned when hCG slowly picks up its growth rate at the very early stages. This is one of the signs of an ectopic pregnancy. It is in the interests of the woman and the doctor to identify this discrepancy as early as possible and identify its causes. Otherwise, the woman’s reproductive function is at risk.

What is an ectopic pregnancy and what are its symptoms?

Ectopic (ectopic) pregnancy is a common pathology in gynecology. In a successful scenario, the egg, after conception, moves to the body of the uterus, where all the conditions are created for its subsequent division. Sometimes, for some reason, the embryo remains in the middle of the journey - in the fallopian tube, attaching to its mucous membrane as deeply as into the endometrium.

An ectopic pregnancy is an extremely undesirable situation that causes psychological trauma to a woman and can lead to death. Once attached, the zygote divides, constantly growing, but the organs it has chosen for implantation are not able to withstand such changes.

In such a situation, the embryo is doomed to death, and for the woman it is fraught with dangerous consequences. The female fertilized cell is constantly growing, and after a few weeks the tube (if implantation occurred there) cannot accommodate it, and a rupture occurs with internal bleeding. If surgical care is not provided to a woman in a timely manner, death is possible.

If you have the following symptoms, you should immediately seek medical help:

  • dizziness;
  • unclear coloring of the second strip of the pregnancy test;
  • vaginal spotting;
  • sharp pain in the abdominal cavity;
  • fainting.

If the attending physician promptly notices the absence of hCG dynamics during an ectopic pregnancy, additional studies are prescribed to confirm this diagnosis. Ultrasound is considered to be an accurate diagnostic method in this case. Also, during a gynecological examination, an experienced gynecologist will accurately identify this pathology. If implantation of the embryo outside the uterus is confirmed, emergency surgery is performed. More gentle surgical methods - laparoscopy and laparotomy - also justify themselves. The fallopian tube can be preserved, but even with one of them there is still a chance of getting pregnant.

Untimely treated infectious diseases that become chronic, the formation of adhesions are factors that increase the risk of ectopic pregnancy. After surgery, you need to undergo a series of examinations to find out the exact cause and prescribe comprehensive treatment. After a course of drug therapy, re-planning of pregnancy is allowed after 6-8 months.

Normal dynamics of hCG during pregnancy

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To decipher the results of hCG levels, tables have been developed with standard hormone levels for the week and day of pregnancy. With their help, the doctor deciphers the tests and draws conclusions about the normal or pathological course of pregnancy.

If it turns out that hCG levels are below acceptable values, do not worry; additional examination is required. A low level of the hormone may indicate the absence of pregnancy. In a normal person it is 0–5 mIU/ml. The first weeks of pregnancy (up to 6 weeks) are decisive, but it is possible to detect pregnancy in subsequent months.

HCG correspondence table by week:

Gestational age (in weeks)HCG level (thousand mIU/ml)
1−2 0,035−0,350
2−3 1,150−5,000
3−4 2,560−31,050
5−8 23,050−200,500
9−10 10,800−100,050
11−14 9,500−61,080
15−25 8,050−30,400
25−35 8,000−59,889

The table shows that the hCG level at the beginning of pregnancy is rapidly gaining momentum. At the beginning of the second trimester, the mature placenta begins to function, which takes on the task of producing the necessary hormones for the life support of the fetus, so the concentration of hCG decreases. From the 30th week, a repeated peak in the growth of hormone concentrations is often observed. Until recently, this phenomenon was perceived as a variant of the norm. Today, surges in hCG growth in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters indicate the presence of trophoblastic disease or placental insufficiency.

All indicators are averaged, and it is worth considering that the laboratory where the analysis is taken has developed its own hCG correspondence tables by day. Therefore, it is worth taking tests throughout pregnancy in one laboratory for the most accurate interpretation of the results.

HCG level by week during ectopic pregnancy

HCG is produced by the chorion during fertilization from the very first hours, thereby helping the embryo to take root and develop correctly. Under its influence, physiological hypertrophy of the adrenal cortex occurs and their production of glucocorticoids increases.

With ectopic attachment of the embryo, the membranes of the embryo cannot produce a sufficient amount of this hormone. HCG levels during ectopic pregnancy are low and do not have positive dynamics. The hormone should double every two days, but in this case it shows such values ​​only after 2 weeks. If a woman notices a trend towards a decrease in hormone levels in her tests, she should consult her doctor.

In the table presented, you can compare the level of hCG during an ectopic pregnancy and the normal indicators:

Will a rapid test indicate the presence of an ectopic pregnancy?

A woman can use rapid pregnancy tests on her own at home. Their use does not cause difficulties; for reliability, it is worth using several test strips at once. In their manufacture, synthetic material is used, impregnated with a special reagent. Morning urine is suitable for analysis, because... it contains the highest concentration of the hormone, and the result will be more reliable. When the indicator is dipped into liquid, one strip appears first, and the second one becomes colored almost immediately.

How many tests are needed to get an accurate result if you doubt the reliability of the result? Limit yourself to a couple of tests; it is better to repeat testing in a week. If you ovulated late or have an irregular cycle, the test will not determine the required hCG concentration.

When looking at the test, you will notice the following. If the second line appears pale, an ectopic pregnancy may be suspected. This can also happen when the test is carried out before the delay, when the concentration of the hormone is still low. The test will only show the presence of the hCG hormone in the urine, without giving an idea of ​​​​the location of the embryo itself. Whether carrying out such a test at home is justified or not is up to the woman to decide. The manifestation of gonadotropin in the blood is detected much earlier than in the urine, so it is better to resort to laboratory testing.

Does a low or high hCG level always indicate an ectopic pregnancy?

The hCG hormone serves as a faithful companion to pregnancy and is produced at the initial stage both during normal pregnancy and during ectopic pregnancy, because the very fact of fertilization has taken place.

The dynamics of the indicator are crucial. Often, high values ​​indicate a multiple pregnancy, because 2 or more fetuses develop inside the mother, and each of them produces hCG. But low hormone results give cause for concern. This indicates developmental pathologies, ectopic or frozen pregnancy.

However, each pregnant woman is individual, and it is possible that such results will be normal for you in the absence of other signs of pathology. An ultrasound may be the decisive test.

HCG for frozen pregnancy in the early stages

There are cases when, after a standard increase in hCG, a sudden drop occurs. This dynamic is typical for a frozen pregnancy, when the embryo stops its development for some reason.

The woman, not suspecting any abnormalities and not noticing strange symptoms, continues to enjoy pregnancy without toxicosis. Typically, detection of an undeveloped pregnancy occurs at the first ultrasound screening at 12 weeks, if this study and blood sampling for hCG levels were not carried out in earlier weeks. Then a miscarriage occurs, or curettage of the uterus is required. When performing an ultrasound, the device can see the embryo only for a period of at least 3-5 weeks.

What symptoms are characteristic of this pathology? Toxicosis stops, the stomach tightens, or the pain becomes intense. Bloody or dark brown vaginal discharge may appear. Not all women who experienced a non-developing pregnancy noted the listed signs. This is the insidiousness of the described pathology. To diagnose a frozen pregnancy, the hormone level is determined several times at intervals of 2-3 days.

When a woman’s period is late, the first thing she thinks about is pregnancy.

An analysis of a blood sample for the content of human chorionic gonadotropin helps to accurately determine whether conception has occurred or not.

However, pregnancy does not always develop normally. Therefore, it is very important to clear all doubts. However, ultrasound is not always able to recognize the fertilized egg in the uterine cavity.

It happens that the egg is simply not visible - a common situation in the early stages, or an intrauterine pregnancy is mistakenly diagnosed, and the fetus is actually absent.

Such diagnoses can be confirmed or refuted by a blood test for hCG. How does the course of pregnancy affect the concentration of the hormone and is it possible to promptly detect a disruption in the process based on its changes?

Immediately after conception, hCG begins to be produced.

The hormone consists of 2 subunits - proteins α and β. Alpha-hCG is in demand for the production of other hormones and is present in minimal quantities in the body of every person.

If the process proceeds correctly, a significant amount of protein is produced already on the 5-7th day. The maximum value, up to 200 mIU/ml, is reached by the end of the first trimester.

Human chorionic gonadotropin plays an important role in ovulation and the subsequent production of corpus luteum. Thanks to the hormone, an increase occurs after fertilization and stimulation until the placenta takes over its production.

The tasks of hCG include maintaining immunity and creating conditions that prevent the mother’s body from rejecting the embryo.

In addition, the hormone stimulates the functionality of cells that produce testosterone, which ensures the normal formation of the male reproductive system.

How does the concentration of hCG change?

However, you should not rely only on determining the hormone indicator, since its scatter is significant. That is why it is recommended to use 2 methods in diagnosis.

Ultrasound does not always show an ectopic pregnancy, but it confirms the absence of a normal one.

The combination of a negative ultrasound result with a slow increase in the concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin makes it possible to timely identify pathology and take measures to reduce the risk of fallopian tube rupture.

What reasons can lead to a decreased reading of hCG growth?

Low hCG levels can result in more than just ectopic pregnancy. The reasons causing slow growth of the hormone include:

  • Irregularity of the menstrual cycle.

The inability to accurately determine the date of fertilization often leads to incorrect diagnosis of timing. As observation progresses, the error is corrected.

  • Threat of spontaneous miscarriage.

The threat of interruption or placental abruption provokes a decrease in the indicator by 50% below normal.

  • Frozen pregnancy.

Accompanied by cessation of hCG production. Therefore, its level gradually decreases.

  • Placental chronic insufficiency.

It develops due to the lack of normal blood supply to the fetus and causes hCG deficiency.

  • Early analysis.

The concentration of the substance has not yet reached the required limit.

In any case, a decrease in hormone levels is an indication for a thorough examination. To ensure the healthy development of the fetus and reduce the risk of rupture of the fallopian tube, it is recommended not to neglect the appointments of the obstetrician and undergo examinations on time.

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