Essay on "the bright holiday of Christmas." Christmas traditions. Christmas traditions


5th grade students


Under the Christmas star.

year 2014.


In my family, among all the winter holidays, Christmas is the most revered. For us, as for many Russians, this is a family holiday. We celebrate Christmas with my grandmother and aunt. I look forward to mom calling me to the table with treats.

We are preparing for the holiday in advance. Mom and grandmother prepare fragrant buns with raisins. My friends and I are going caroling. Caroling means singing carol songs. For this, carolers are treated to sweets. We study several carols in advance, go to our friends’ houses and sing them. We joke and have fun so that people can rejoice, because this is a special holiday - the birthday of Jesus Christ.

In the evening, our whole family gathers at a large festive table. We eat kutya, a treat made from rice and raisins, and other dishes that relatives prepared during the day. Adults talk about how they used to celebrate Christmas, dress up in costumes of “evil spirits,” put on masks and go home to sing carols. And as evening approached, the girls wondered. According to terrible beliefs, by telling fortunes, girls found out the date of their marriage and the name of their betrothed. I really like listening to such almost fabulous stories.

For me, Christmas is one of the most revered holidays. I am baptized and, like many Christian believers, I attend the Orthodox Church and rejoice in the birth of our savior, Jesus Christ.

Glebets Vadim,

student of 5th grade.

Christmas in my family.

My family celebrates not only New Year, but also Christmas. For us, this is a family holiday. My little sister and I are spending Christmas with Mom, Dad, and Grandma and Grandpa. Usually all the relatives gather at our house near the decorated Christmas tree. A beautiful garland hangs on the Christmas tree. Mom puts a lot of candles on the table. After all, Christmas candles are a symbol of the hearth.

We start preparing for Christmas in the morning. Mom buys a lot of sweets on this day and prepares a delicious festive dinner. I help her set the table and bring treats to my godmother, who lives next door. And she gives me a Christmas present.

On this day we also go caroling. We come to our friends and neighbors and sing carols. We are treated to sweets, cookies and fruit. Once we even dressed up in costumes and walked around as mummers. We had a goat, gypsies and other characters. I was an Indian. We had a lot of fun!

In the evening, our whole large family gathers at the festive table. We wish each other a Merry Christmas and give inexpensive gifts, because the main gifts have already been given for the New Year. At the table we remember relatives, close and deceased relatives, and grandmother puts a separate plate of kutya, as if for them.

The holiday is over, but in the hearts of each of us there remains a Christmas mood, the hope that all our dreams and wishes will come true, that we will all be healthy and happy.

Surikov Alexey,

student of 5th grade.

Christmas and my family.

The whole family is together - and the soul is in place.


I'm looking forward to the Christmas holiday. On this day, all my brothers and their families gather in our house. First, Vanya arrives with Zhenya and little Masha. Masha plays with my cars and squeals with joy. Mom and Zhenya begin an important task - they begin to set the festive table. Sweets and fruits appear on the table, as if on a self-assembled tablecloth... Then brother Lyosha arrives with Ira and son Slavik. The house is getting crowded. Slavik and Masha share toys. For some reason, they need one toy and both of them at once. There are a lot of toys, but you can’t explain to kids that they can play with others. Misha is the last to arrive. Here is our whole family assembled.

We sit down together at the table, small gifts are given, congratulations, jokes and laughter are heard... Afterwards - karaoke, songs, competitions. If we have free time, we go to the hill, go sledding, and make a snowman. Of course, we freeze and go home to drink hot tea.

Christmas is a fun, family holiday. I like that we all get together, it’s just a pity that it’s rare. Adults have things to do, work... That's why I'm looking forward to this holiday.

Skomorokhov Evgeniy,

student of 5th grade.


An angel flew across the midnight sky

And he sang a quiet song,

And the month, and the stars, and the crowd of clouds

Listen to that holy song...

M. Lermontov.

Christmas is a fun holiday. We celebrate it with joy, with fun. In every house they decorate the Christmas tree and prepare gifts. After all, it was on this day that Jesus Christ was born. Christ was born not in a palace, but in a stable. The Mother of God swaddled the wonderful Child and laid her on straw in a manger. Now people, remembering this event, place bunches of ears of wheat in vases on the table, and when they set the table for dinner, they put hay under the tablecloth, since Jesus was born on hay.

I remember
like the first time as a child
I heard a story about Christmas.
I was excited to tears!
After all, little Christ was born
Not in a rich eminent house
And he was not lying in a lush cradle,
And in a remote cave, on straw.
The angels, bending over him, sang,
And the shepherds came to the cave
Worship the true God
Sages of the East, old men
They found the way to him by the star,
As a gift to a child from his land
They brought gold and incense.
It was all wonderful and harsh!
And filled my soul with a new feeling
A wise gospel word.

I want to end my little story with these words: you need to believe in God, pray, ask him for help. I am reminded of the Jesus Prayer: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.” God gave us life. We are all his children. Whoever acts badly is punished by God, and whoever acts according to his conscience is praised. We are one friendly family, so we must live peacefully, without war.

Chevelyuk Eva,

student of 5th grade.


The best holiday is Christmas! Great church holiday! On this day, people rejoice at the birth of Jesus Christ, go to church services, gather around the Christmas tree, and at the festive table. A variety of dishes are served at the table: baked goose, fish, pickles... On this day, the whole family gathers for the holiday, loved ones give each other cards and gifts. Children go caroling: they dress up and sing carol songs.

I like the holiday of Christmas, which always brings a good mood. I believe that on this day all dreams and desires come true!

Yunyshev Andrey,

student of 5th grade.

New Year!

Of all the holidays of the year, I like New Year the most. I like it because you meet him with the whole family. I haven’t believed in Father Frost and the Snow Maiden for a long time, but what would New Year be without them! That’s why I’m happy when I see them on TV or on store shelves. And most of all I like the Christmas tree. We dress it up with the whole family, rejoicing and having fun.

On the morning of December 31st, I run to the tree and take out from under it the gifts that “Santa Claus” put for me. And the evening of December 31st is unlike any other evening of the year. The festive table is set, but we do not sit down at it because we are expecting guests. When guests arrive, there is noise, laughter, sweets, tangerines, gifts and congratulations at home... This is what it is - the New Year, a magical and joyful holiday!

Lesnevsky Dmitry,

student of 5th grade.

My favorite holiday.

My favorite holiday is Christmas. The most memorable holiday! After all, on this day Jesus Christ was born. Remembering Christ, believers go to church and light candles for him.

I love this holiday: it is shrouded in some kind of mystery and holiness. The only pity is that not all people believe in God. And I will always believe in him, because he is kind!

Vrublevskaya Daria,

student of 5th grade.


Christmas is a Christian holiday that glorifies Jesus Christ. From the moment of his birth a new chronology began.

Orthodox Christians go to church for services on this day. They are smart and kind, with smiles on their lips. Everyone is waiting for the candle to be taken out as a symbol of the Star of Bethlehem. After the service, everyone sits down at the festive table, congratulates each other and gives gifts. According to an ancient custom, people go caroling.

Shcherbinin Andrey,

student of 5th grade.

My favorite holiday is Christmas.

One of the warmest and most magical holidays in our country is Christmas. Great Christian holiday! On this day, all people rejoice at the birth of Jesus Christ.

In Russia, we celebrate Christmas differently than in America. For us, January 7 is a holy day, and Santa Claus does not come to us. This is a home holiday when several generations of the family get together.

On Christmas, people go to church for a festive service, then visit close relatives, remember deceased ancestors and honor godparents. And young people and children go caroling and perform a nativity scene, a traditional Christmas performance. The nativity scene is played by colorful characters dressed in bright outfits. This is a horned goat, a witty gypsy, a cheerful grandfather, a doctor who treats a goat, and others. The youth congratulates everyone on the birth of the Savior and glorifies him.

I love this holiday and look forward to it every year. I believe that this is a truly magical holiday, because on this day all your loved ones are nearby, and a radiant smile shines on their faces.

Doszhanova Sofia,

student of 5th grade.


The great holiday of the Nativity of Jesus Christ is preceded by Christmas Eve. Christmas Eve is the final day. Traditionally, on this day one could only eat so-called sochivo - soaked wheat grains with honey and fruit. This tradition gave the holiday its name. On Christmas Eve, until the evening star, they ate nothing and did not sit down at the table. With the appearance in the sky of the first joyful light, which once announced to the Magi about the birth of the Savior, one could begin to celebrate Christmas.

The main culinary event is the Christmas Eve dinner. On Christmas Eve, our ancestors always put a bunch of fresh hay on the table - in memory of the manger in which Jesus was born. The table was covered with a snow-white tablecloth and twelve dishes were placed on it - according to the number of Christ's Apostles out of 12 - and all of them were fasting. But with the onset of the 7th, it was allowed to put meat dishes on the table.

And now the long-awaited Christmas comes. On this day, every family remembers our Savior, Jesus Christ.

What would Christmas be without carols! We go caroling with friends. During the singing of carols, it is customary to shower the owners of the house with grain or millet. This is a sign of a rich harvest year. We usually sing songs about the baby Jesus born in a manger, about the Virgin Mary, the lambs and the first star in the sky. Costumed carolers go from house to house and tell everyone that joy has come to the earth because Jesus Christ was born. The owners, in turn, give them sweets and baked goods. People are kind and peaceful.

Cheprasova Tatyana,

student of 5th grade.

Great holiday.

I remember how we celebrated New Year and Christmas last year. Mom reminded me that I must put up a Christmas tree on December 24th. When I asked why so early, she replied that although we are not Catholics who celebrate Christmas on December 25, we still need to adhere to traditions.

And now the tree is decorated! How many beautiful toys she has! And it is crowned with a bright star - a symbol of hope. After the merry New Year holidays, our whole family celebrated Christmas, the greatest holiday. On this day you feel happy and believe in the triumph of goodness, in miracles. You believe that everything planned will definitely come true, and there will be eternal peace on earth!

Gladush Ksenia,

student of 5th grade.


Christmas is a wonderful holiday.

When my family gathers around the table, we remember stories related to the birth of Jesus Christ. I want to tell you a story that I always tell my friends.

One day a bright star lit up in the sky. A shepherd who was grazing sheep nearby heard a child scream. He started crying. In the distance he saw a cave illuminated by the sun. Angels flew above her. The shepherd entered the cave and saw a little boy wrapped in a piece of dress. Next to him lay the girl Maria, that was her name. She came out of the cave and said: “I gave birth to the son of God”! The shepherd was surprised. Then they walked around the city. And they shouted, “The son of God, Jesus Christ, is born.”

We love Christmas very much. This is our family holiday.

Tarakanova Kristina,

student of 5th grade.

MKOU "Emelyanovskaya secondary school No. 3"



Yakimova Ksenia,

student of 5th grade.

year 2014.


Today is a celebration of the heavenly forces.
Take the needles out of your heart.
Know that if Christmas doesn’t warm your soul,
You're unlikely to find magic under the tree.

There are many holidays in the world. Some people love the Eighth of March, some the twenty-third of February, and some the First of April, but my favorite holiday is Christmas!

Once on Christmas Eve, my grandmother was stuffing a goose with buckwheat porridge, I went up to her and asked: “Grandma, why do we stuff the goose with buckwheat every time around Christmas?” "Because it's tradition!" - answered the grandmother. I immediately asked: “Who came up with these traditions, and how did Christmas appear?” And she began her story: “A long time ago, many years ago And let's go to because of , held under the emperor e. At this time managed . According to the emperor's decree, to facilitate the census, every resident of the empire had to come “to his city.” Since Joseph and Mary were descendants of David, they headed to Bethlehem. After the birth of Jesus, the first people to come to him were , notified of this event by the phenomenon .

According to the evangelist , a wonderful thing was revealed in heaven which led to baby Jesus . : , And ; by that time has already found shelterin the house. Upon learning of the birth and wanting to destroy Him, the king of Judah ordered under 2 years of age. However, Christ was miraculously saved from death because an angel commanded Joseph together with his family, where they lived until the death of Judea.

“Why is Jesus Christ considered the savior?” I asked again. "Christ is , consubstantial with , by God, into human . Christ died to atone for human sins, and then rose from the dead, ascended to heaven and will come a second time to judge the living and the dead,” said the grandmother. A shiver ran down my spine.

On the waves of blue ether
A star was born in the East -
Wonderful light of the salvation of the world,
Never shone before.
Above the wretched shepherd's cave
She sparkled for the first time -
Reflection of the Southern God
Awakening the earth from sleep.
Having thrown off the shackles from the old world,
Proclaiming Christ's Christmas,
She pierced the harsh darkness,
So that the triumph of love shines.
So that the sun of Christ's teaching
Warmed and invigorated hearts,
Brute force softening the torment,
So that the blood does not flow endlessly.
So that a greedy flock of ravens
Didn’t torment my heart and body...
And in the mansions and in the huts the saint
Radiant truth blossomed!

P. Bykov.

The evening came, everyone sat down at the table, which was beckoning with delicious smells! Everyone read the prayer:

“Oh, Most Holy Lady, God-chosen Mother of Christ our Savior,
asked from God with holy prayers, dedicated to God and beloved by God!”

And they started eating. After dessert, grandparents began to tell legends. I remember one legend very well, listen to it:

“A wonderful little Christmas tree grew in a forest clearing. In the summer, she caught the sun's rays with her fluffy, needle-like paws, and in the winter, the patterned sparkles of snowflakes. She was never bored: pine trees, birch trees, rowan trees grew nearby, and very close - a big old spruce tree that knew everything. The Christmas tree, which had just come into the world, was weak and was afraid that the wind would tear it out of the ground or break it. During bad weather, she trembled and clung to the soil with all her might with her roots. But as soon as the storm subsided, she again enjoyed life with every needle. Sometimes on a moonlit night a long-eared hare would run across the clearing, jump up to the Christmas tree and rub its muzzle against its trunk.
Forest and migratory birds loved to rest on its branches.

- Grow and be friendly to everyone, - the wise Spruce taught the Christmas tree. And the cheerful tree liked most of all the chirping of birds, the light breeze and intricate clouds running across the sky. When the Christmas tree was three years old, she learned to understand the mysterious rustling of branches swayed by the wind. She heard many forest stories.
Winter has come. And then one night an amazing miracle happened. Some unknown force filled the forest. A life-giving light shone from the sky. Mysterious voices were heard. They sang joyfully and soothingly.
- What is this, what is this? - Frozen with delight, Elochka asked Elya.
- These heavenly angelic forces glorify the birth of the beautiful Baby God.
The voices were getting closer. The trees bowed their tops before them. The blanket of snow became thinner and thinner. And suddenly a crystal brook ran across the clearing and began to gurgle. The earth has woken up. Sap flowed through the trees. From under the rotten needles and leaves, snowdrops, daisies, violets, and forget-me-nots quickly jumped into the light, stem by stem. The bells laughed in the grass, birds chirped over the clearing, butterflies and dragonflies circled. Animals and little animals stood on their hind legs and with all their beings reached out to where the melody of joy and love poured onto the earth. And when this victorious force passed over the clearing, the forest became cold and quiet again...
- What was it? Tell me, tell me! - Fir-tree bothered the old Fir-tree. And then El told her the cherished legend, which is passed down from generation to generation from old trees to young ones.
This happened a long time ago, when neither our forest nor you and I existed. My great-great-great-grandmother grew up in the distant southern country of Palestine. Her neighbors were a beautiful Palm Tree and a fragrant Olive Tree. The three of them stood at the entrance to a cave where shepherds drove their cattle in bad weather. One winter evening, a tired old man approached the cave. He led the donkey by the bridle, on which sat a Virgin of indescribable beauty. Golden-brown strands of hair spilled out from under the coverlet onto Her bright and thoughtful face. Clear eyes shone with purity and humility. Everything about Mary - that was the name of the Young Lady - was filled with heartfelt simplicity and gentle importance. There was not a shadow of pride in Her, not the slightest pretense, but all nature trembled from Her royal greatness. The gray-haired traveler, whose name was Joseph, helped the Young Lady get off the donkey and enter the cave. And he hurried to the nearest town, Bethlehem, to find shelter there for the night and get food.
Left alone, Mary devoted herself to prayer with all her soul. In the quiet silence of midnight, She joyfully gave birth to the Baby, swaddled Him in thin snow-white swaddling clothes, laid Him in a manger and bowed to the ground. A source of clean spring water immediately appeared in the middle of the cave. The cave was filled with singing angels, the Bethlehem vineyards blossomed, everything around rejoiced just as you saw it now in the forest. Then the Virgin lovingly took the Baby in her arms and fed Him with her milk. He warmed up and fell asleep. The Virgin and Son were surrounded by oxen, donkeys and sheep. With their breath they warmed the Most Pure Mother and the newborn Christ, who was born on earth to save people from death and sin. When Joseph returned, he froze in surprise. But Mary with the Divine Child in her arms was so beautiful, so bright, that he knelt down and bowed to Them.
Meanwhile, the three trees saw an extraordinary star floating across the sky, approaching the cave, and shepherds from a nearby pasture were rushing towards its light, and in the distance - a caravan of camels with three royal horsemen at their head.
The shepherds quietly entered the cave and in the simplicity of their hearts bowed to the Infant God. Following them, three horsemen approached Mary. These were wise men from the distant countries of the East. Having bowed to the ground, they brought their gifts to the Baby Jesus: gold - as a King, incense - as God, and myrrh - as a Man.
But not only angels and people wanted to look at the born Savior; trees and flowers also stretched their branches and heads towards the cave.
“Let us worship the Divine Child,” said the beautiful Palm Tree to the Olive Tree. “Take me with you,” the Christmas tree timidly asked.

- Where are you going? “You have nothing but green thorns,” Maslina muttered. The Christmas tree was sad. But then the Baby woke up. His loving gaze settled on the poor tree. He understood everything, held out his pen and gave a sign to the stars. And then a flock of multi-colored lights flew from the sky and dotted the top and branches of the Christmas tree. She became so dazzlingly beautiful that the proud Palm and Olive shyly lowered their branches so that the Christmas tree could be the first to worship the Savior. And He smiled and said: “You, dear, kind tree, for your humility, every year on this day you will show off in the radiance of lights, and children and adults will have fun around you. You will remind the whole world of My birth.”
- So this is what we are, Christmas trees! - Christmas tree whispered joyfully...
And a year later, on the eve of the Nativity of Christ, people took the Christmas tree to the city and placed it in the church near the altar.
All night long, angels and people glorified the Nativity of Christ. Icons looked at the Christmas tree from the walls. Priests in snow-white vestments came out of the Royal Doors of the altar and burned incense near the Christmas tree, so that it became fragrant. Children stood near the Christmas tree. Some of them subtly sang along with the church choir: “Your Nativity, Christ our God, rise up in the world, the light of reason!..” Someone put and adjusted candles in the candlestick. And the smallest one affectionately stroked the spruce branches.
The Christmas tree stood in the temple for a whole week. A sweet feeling unknown to her before touched her wooden heart. She learned to fold the branches into a cross and bow to the icon of the Nativity of Christ. She was the first of all the trees that decorated the temple to become Orthodox and told everyone: “Rejoice! Believe! Praise God! We will never die now. The Lord will take us with Him to the Kingdom of eternal light!”

Christmas! Both earth and sky
United in the Christ Child,
And life-giving true bread

Now we all have it.

Merry Christmas in Bethlehem manger
They shone with triumph forever
God's plans are simple and clear:
Man is dearer to Him than all others.

In this Child, meek and peaceful,
God illuminated hope in our hearts,
We don't have gold, frankincense and myrrh -
He gave us Heaven with Himself.

MKOU "Emelyanovskaya secondary school No. 3"



year 2014.


Christmas is a special holiday

Announces to you and me,

That our Savior was born

In Bethlehem under the stars!

There are many peoples in the world,

But for most of us

Definitely the most important

The one who saved us from sin.

We know that he was born

To help everyone

Free yourself from sins

And live in a world without enemies.

And the parents of Jesus, and now,

Of course we know that

He had to be cruel

Pay for your sins.

Year after year we cope

Christ's birthday

And let's not forget him

Remember at the altar.

Let's go to church in the morning,

We will light the candles

And let's pray for everyone,

And let us glorify Christ!

We will call all our relatives,

Happy holiday

And health, happiness to them

We wish you a lot!

And, of course, all of them

We will invite you to visit.

Let's celebrate Christmas together

We're tonight.

Let's decorate the beautiful Christmas tree together,

And we’ll put gifts under it,

All in garland, tinsel

And to the delight of the children.

We are preparing the most important table,

White tablecloth on the table.

Christmas is a special holiday:

Let's be sad alone.

We will sit down to eat at 12,

How God's son was born

And we’ll get all the gifts,

And we'll give it to each other.

And then the carols will start,

Songs and dances in the yard,

Everyone hugs each other

And Jesus is glorified!

Ivanova Milana,

student of 5th grade.


Here comes Christmas -

A celebration of goodness and peace.

Christ will come to my family,

To give your will.

A star will light up in the sky,

Harbinger of birth

And the soul will call you

On the path of worship.

And let your hearts be filled

Unearthly love.

We glorify Christ forever,

He saved the entire human race.

Bochkareva Maria,

student of 6th grade.

In my family, we celebrate not only the New Year, but also the Nativity of Christ. For us this is a family holiday. My brother and I meet him with his parents and grandparents. Usually all the relatives gather at our house, near the decorated Christmas tree left over from the New Year.

We start preparing for Christmas in the morning. Mom cooks delicious kutya with raisins. As soon as it gets dark, I take some of this kutya to my godmother, who lives nearby. This is the tradition. And she gives me some kind of gift for Christmas.

Then I go caroling with my friends and girlfriends. Mom doesn't allow us to go out late, so we do it before the holiday dinner. We come to people we know and sing carols about the baby Jesus, the Virgin Mary, the lambs and the first star in the sky. We say that joy has come to Earth because Jesus Christ was born.

We divide the “decorated” candies and small money among ourselves. One day we changed into costumes and walked around as mummers. We had a goat, and also gypsies, a bear and other characters. I had a gypsy outfit.

In the evening, our whole family gathers at the festive table. This evening is called Christmas Eve. We don’t give each other expensive gifts, because everything has already been given for the New Year. Everyone sits down to eat kutya first, and then other dishes. As a family, we remember our deceased relatives, and grandma puts a separate plate of kutya, as if for them.

One of the warmest and most soulful holidays in our country is Christmas. And Christmas, like Easter, is the greatest Christian holiday. On this day people rejoice at the birth of the Savior, Jesus Christ.

The history of this holiday is as follows. More than two thousand years ago, the Son of God came to Earth. He came as ordinary people come into the world: as a tiny baby. As a little boy he lay in a manger. Even the animals, donkeys and oxen welcomed his arrival. The earthly parents of Jesus, the Virgin Mary and the carpenter Joseph, were very happy. But they knew that their son would then have to suffer cruelly and die for human sins.

To honor Christ, who saved humanity through his death, Christians celebrate his birth every year. On Christmas Eve, people gather around the Christmas tree at the table with festive food. Catholics do this on the evening of the twenty-fifth of December, and the Orthodox, Greek Catholics and some Protestants do this on the evening of the sixth of January.

Christmas for us is a family holiday. On this day in the morning they go to church for a festive service. They also visit close relatives, honor dead ancestors, remember godparents and bring them kutya. And young people and children go caroling and perform a nativity scene, that is, a traditional Christmas performance.

The nativity scene is played by colorful characters dressed in bright outfits. This is a horned goat, a witty gypsy, a cheerful grandfather, a bear, a doctor who treats a goat, and others. The youth congratulates everyone around on the birth of the Savior and glorifies him.

Christmas is one of the main church holidays. Named after the birth of Jesus Christ. The date of celebration depends on the faith of the people and our calendar. Catholics celebrate Christmas on December 25, Orthodox Christians celebrate it on January 7. Christ was born in Bethlehem. Jesus' mother is the Virgin Mary. She gave birth to God, which is why she is also called the Mother of God. She has her own icon. The icon depicts the Mother of God with little Jesus. You can ask the Mother of God for help in all family matters.

In Bethlehem, at the birthplace of Jesus, there is now a cathedral, but there used to be a cave. That's where Jesus was born. After birth, he was placed in a special compartment with straw and hay, which was called a manger. At the birth of Jesus, a new star appeared in the sky, and an angel announced his birth. The first to know about the birth of Jesus Christ were simple shepherds. They came to congratulate the Virgin Mary. And the eastern sages, the Magi, also came to congratulate the Virgin Mary and brought gifts. They gave the baby gold, aromatic resin incense and myrrh incense.

Everyone was happy about the birth of Christ. Only King Herod was very afraid that Jesus would grow up and take his throne, so he wanted him dead. He ordered the killing of all boys under 2 years of age in Bethlehem. He hoped that Jesus would also be among them. And then 14 thousand little boys were killed. They are considered the first martyrs who died for Jesus Christ. They are called the Innocent Babies of Bethlehem and are constantly remembered on Christmas Day from January 7 to 17. This is called honoring memory. But Herod failed to destroy Christ, because the family with Little Jesus fled to Egypt.

The evening before Christmas is called Christmas Eve. Before this, the Nativity Fast lasts 40 days. It was impossible to have dinner until the first star appeared in the sky. And she showed up at 6 pm. It was necessary to have dinner solemnly on a white linen tablecloth. Food made from cereals and honey, called kutia, was always placed on the table. They drank a special brew, similar to compote.

On Christmas Eve it was customary to tell fortunes. They wondered about the harvest and the weather, about love and marriage. Children and adults went caroling. At first they dressed up as if for a masquerade. And then they went into all the houses and sang short poems in chorus, which are called carols. And for this they were treated to pies and apples. After all, people used to live very simply.

The time from January 8 to January 17 is called Christmastide or Christmas Day. At this time we should rejoice and celebrate the Birth of Jesus Christ.

Option 2

Winter is the most enchanting time of the year. During this period there are many holidays that can take us to the world of fairy tales. Such holidays include Christmas. In most houses, the Christmas tree is decorated, garlands are sparkling and a lot of treats are laid on the table. Our house is no exception. Mom always prepares delicious dishes for Christmas. The house smells of baking with cinnamon and tangerines. And I just love Christmas tea with spices.

Every Christmas I always try to learn Christmas songs, greetings and carols. I always love the night before Christmas. Snow often falls this evening and there is light frost outside. This evening you want to walk and enjoy the Christmas weather.

Grandpa and Grandma come to visit us at Christmas. Grandma bakes delicious pies for the holiday. They are very nice to drink with Christmas tea that mom brews. The secret of this tea is in the spices, which give the tea a warming effect.

I also love Christmas because there are always a lot of sweets and candies on this holiday. Their packaging always sparkles and shines, making the holiday even brighter and more radiant.

I always wish Merry Christmas to all my relatives and classmates, and I also love to receive congratulations on this holiday.

An essay about Christmas in my family (my favorite holiday). 3rd grade, 4th grade.

Nativity. There is not a single holiday that is so rich in ancient customs, rituals, and signs. Christmas is the most magical and joyful holiday. On this day, January 7, a mysterious baby was born - the savior of all people - Jesus Christ - the son of God. From December 25 to January 7 of the following year, Russian rituals took place - Christmastide, bright days. These were days of fun on the eve of the Holy celebration - the Nativity of Christ.

Our family is small: grandmother, mother and me. We love this holiday very much and begin preparing for it in advance. Christmas is a holiday of light and spiritual purity. Therefore, we begin preparing for the holiday by cleaning the apartment. The fact that the apartment becomes cleaner and brighter, the joy of working together brightens our souls. By December 25, a Christmas tree in festive decoration appears in the house. According to the tradition that began in our family when my mother was little, each family member makes a paper Christmas angel for the tree - a symbol of Christmas. On the wings we write wishes to each other, which we read on Christmas night. A few days before Christmas we go holiday shopping. We try to buy everyone a gift that they have been dreaming about for a whole year; the purchased gifts are kept secret and placed under the tree on the eve of Christmas.

The most solemn and mysterious day is Christmas Eve - Christmas Eve. This year the neighbor boys gave us a surprise on this day. In the evening the doorbell rang. The mummers stood on the threshold. They had a star in their hands. Their faces shone with joy, their eyes sparkled with joy. They wished us a Merry Christmas, wished us health and sang together: “On the eve of Christmas, Kolyada came. Through snowdrifts. She walked, laughing and having fun, both to friends and strangers.”

We invited the boys into the house, gave them tea and sweets, and, thanking them according to the old Russian tradition, added sweets to their bag.

On Christmas night we gathered at the festive table and lit candles. Everyone read the written wish and received a long-awaited gift. Then we watched the solemn Christmas service from the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. It is extraordinarily beautiful and exciting. I really wanted to attend such a festive service in one of our churches. Next year, my grandmother and I will definitely try to go to the service and celebrate the Nativity of Christ together with other Orthodox Christians.

The holiday is over. But in the hearts of each of us there will remain a Christmas mood, the hope that our dreams and wishes will come true, that we will all be healthy and happy. After all, for the sake of our salvation, the Son of God came to earth, whose birth is celebrated in our family.

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