After beets, the urine is red. What you should pay attention to? Pathological processes and diseases

The only indicator by which one can judge a person’s health at home is urine, and for more accurate and effective conclusions, urine must be collected in the early morning, since it is generally accepted that the color and smell of urine before midnight comes from food, and after midnight – from existing diseases of the body.

The color of urine also changes after eating carrots, rhubarb and other foods that contain pigments in their structure that can color urine.

Doctors often prescribe patients to donate urine for a biochemical analysis, which determines the quality of liver function and identifies various inflammatory processes.

Also, biochemical analysis reveals various disorders of water-salt metabolism, the balance of microelements, and diagnoses rheumatic processes.

A change in the color of urine also indicates the presence of disease. Various pathologies of the gallbladder are indicated by urine the color of strong tea, glomerulonephritis - a reddish tint of urine, kidney disease - colorless or dull yellow urine, inflammation of the urinary tract - cloudy urine.

If protein was detected in the urine, this may indicate the presence of diseases such as heart failure, hypertension, urinary tract diseases, chronic diseases and other specific diseases.

A change in the shade of urine can occur for completely banal reasons that have nothing to do with diseases. Products that color urine red are present in the diet of almost every person. The list of food product factors is as follows:

  • Red beetroot.
  • Chokeberry (chokeberry). Chokeberry juice (Succus Aroniae melanocarpae recens).
  • Dark grape varieties.
  • Blackberry.
  • Blueberry.
  • Cherry.
  • Red cabbage (red cabbage).
  • Rhubarb roots.
  • Black currant.
  • Pomegranate.
  • Some varieties of basil.
  • Red leaf lettuce (Lactuca sativa).
  • Juices, nectars, fruit drinks, smoothies containing anthocyanins.

Products that color urine red are rich in a specific pigment - anthocyanin. Anthocyanins are plant glycosides, natural pigments that move freely in cell sap and dissolve in any aquatic environment. For industrial purposes, they are extracted from the skins of grapes and other brightly colored fruits and fruits, designated as E-163. Unlike the notorious harmful components with the E symbol, anthocyanins in products are completely harmless, moreover, they can be beneficial, working as antioxidants.

It is anthocyanin that gives a dark red, pink or burgundy hue not only to inflorescences, leaves or fruits, but also to the excretory fluid that removes waste products from the body. Each person has their own level of acid-base environment. The color intensity of the urine depends on the balance of acidity and the level of alkaline activity. The higher the acidity, the brighter the red color of the urine becomes. If the acidity is low, the urine will have a pinkish tint.

Red urine after beets

Beets are not just a healthy product, a storehouse of microelements, but also a root vegetable that can turn urine red. After beets, urine is red in color due to a specific pigment - betalain. The main healing properties of beets are given by these compounds, which are divided into two subtypes - betaxanthins (yellow pigments) and betacyanins (giving a burgundy hue, pigments). Betalains are excellent antioxidants; these substances oxidize well and dissolve in a liquid medium, which is why they color urine red; the color saturation depends on the acidity of the urine.

Read more about betacyanins, which are responsible for information about why urine is red after beets:

  • Until 1960, chemists had no idea about plant pigments in this category. Only in the 70s of the last century betalains aroused the curiosity of chemists and began to be studied as a separate type of phytopigments.
  • Betacyanins belong to the group of glycosides (organic carbohydrate-containing substances).
  • Beanidin and betacyanin also belong to the group of alkaloids, phenolic amino acids that “pick up” the biosynthesis process of tyrosine and proline.
  • Betalains are found in all plants of the cactus family, they can be found in mushrooms, and there are quite a lot of subspecies of the betalain group (betanidin and betacyanin) in red beets.
  • Betacyanins are excreted in the urine and are poorly soluble in organic media.
  • It is noteworthy that betalains are synthesized only in plants; no creature in the animal world is capable of producing these pigments.
  • In addition to betanidin (betanin), beets also contain isobetanin, isobetanidin, and probetanin.
  • An extract for coloring food products is extracted from red beets; it is designated as E162.
  • Betacyanin works as a bactericidal, antifungal substance, and also activates many biologically important processes in the human body.

Change in urine color after eating beets is a temporary phenomenon. Usually, urine returns to normal color within a day. This sign is not a symptom of pathology and does not require treatment.

Do cranberries turn urine red?

Cranberry is considered a herbal antibacterial agent due to its unique composition. Before answering the question - does cranberry turn urine red, you should study the beneficial properties of this berry.

  • Vitamin C.
  • B vitamins.
  • Phylloquinone (vitamin K1).
  • Vitamin E.
  • Lemon acid.
  • Oleanolic acid.
  • Benzoic acid.
  • Apple acid.
  • Quinic acid.
  • Chlorogenic acid.
  • Succinic acid.
  • Ketoglutaric acid.
  • Fructose.
  • Phenolcarboxylic acids.
  • Calcium.
  • Iron.
  • Bioflavonoids – anthocyanins, leukoanthocyanins, betaine, catechins.
  • Pectins.
  • Manganese.
  • Potassium.
  • Phosphorus.
  • Copper.
  • Zinc.

Do cranberries turn urine red? The answer is positive, since the composition contains a plant, active pigment - anthocyanin. These are specific glycosides that provide cranberries and other plants containing them with the color of the red spectrum. The most anthocyanins are in blueberries, black currants and cranberries, slightly inferior to the leaders in color - cherries, grapes, raspberries. The beneficial components of cranberries, anthocyanins, have the following properties:

  • Adaptogenic.
  • Diuretic.
  • Antispasmodic.
  • Antioxidant.
  • Bactericidal.
  • Hemostatic.
  • Choleretic.
  • Estrogen-compensating.
  • Antiviral.

Anthocyanins in cranberries are a powerful source of beneficial substances that cannot be produced by the body itself. The norm of glycoside supplied from outside is up to 200 mg, an increased dose of anthocyanins is needed for diseases of bacterial or viral etiology (up to 300 mg per day).

The color of urine when eating cranberries or cranberry juice can vary from normal, light yellow, light pink to red, it all depends on the acidity of the urine. The higher the acidity level of urine, the more intensely it turns red when products containing anthocyanins enter the gastrointestinal tract. If urine tends to be alkaline, its color often cannot be changed - glycosides do not find the acidic environment they need for coloring.

Changes in the color of urine to red after eating beets are always preferable to be considered as a signal indicating some kind of metabolic disorder. The question will only be if the change in urine color occurs one-time or is systemic in nature.

Cause of red urine color

The lilac (red-violet) color of beets is due to the presence of betalain pigments. The vegetable contains both red (betacyanins) and yellow (betaxanthins) varieties of coloring matter, but the amount of the latter is insignificant.

Among the compounds of the betacyanin group, betanin plays the main role in coloring. The useful natural food coloring E-162 (beetroot red) is synthesized from it. The latter, by the way, is labeled as doubtful only because of the possibility of chemical modification or the addition of nitrates when growing beets.

When entering the human body, especially in large quantities and in its raw form, betanin must be completely broken down in the stomach. However, if this does not happen (perhaps due to the pH level of the gastric juice), it ends up in the intestines, where it is absorbed into the blood.

It is a popular statement that the anthocyanins contained in beets are responsible for the color of urine. This is not true: anthocyanins in the vegetable are present in small quantities, insufficient to create such an effect.

Ultimately, you can understand that staining urine red is a completely natural process in the body after eating beets.

What shades of urine can there be after eating beets?

The intensity and tone of urine pigmentation can vary significantly; many variations can be identified, among them:

  • bright red;
  • brownish-red.

Color (including lightness) may depend on:

  • acidity of gastric juice, as well as taking medications that affect this indicator;
  • drinking regime, and, consequently, volume. If a lot of liquid is consumed, the color may not be noticeable;
  • the presence in the diet of other products containing coloring pigments (coffee, carrots, some berries);
  • time of food processing in the stomach and absorption in the intestines;
  • characteristics of a particular root crop. Different varieties of beets differ in the amount of betacyanins, for example, the pigment content in beets of the “Ball” variety is 195 mg for every 100 grams, and the vegetable of the “Cylinder” variety is “poorer” in the presence of betanin - here it is only 45 mg/100 g;
  • features of vegetable storage (presence of freezing cycles);
  • the type of product consumed according to the degree of final processing - whether it is raw beets, boiled, canned, pickled or beet juice. In general, the longer the processing, the closer the color tone of the urine is to brown.

Is stained urine normal?

However, everyone eats beets, and the problem of changing the color of urine worries few. Why? It is believed that most often this is a consequence of a minor imbalance in the body, for example:

  • dysbacteriosis;
  • genetic characteristics of metabolism;
  • excess or stomach acid.

Serious treatment is not required here. However, if episodes of urine pigmentation become regular, you should think about changing your diet or taking probiotics.

It definitely cannot be normal for a red tint to appear in urine for more than two days after the last consumption of a vegetable, as well as an unpleasant odor, general weakness, etc. In these cases, consultation with a doctor is necessary.

In general, svela is a tasty and healthy vegetable. Coloring urine against the background of its use should not be a reason for panic, but, on the contrary, an opportunity to pay attention to the work of your body.

The color and smell of urine can tell about the patient's health. When a patient undergoes an examination, the first thing that needs to be taken is. If more serious diseases are suspected, the doctor will prescribe a specific urine test for sugar and bacterial culture.

Most often, it is not the consumption of beets itself that affects the color of urine, but the consumption of beet juice. It is useful and has a beneficial effect on the body. It is not recommended to drink beet juice immediately after preparation due to the high content of volatile substances. It can harm the body, so you should take the juice no earlier than two hours later.

For many, red coloration of urine occurs after consuming beetroot dishes, such as vinaigrette or herring under a fur coat. Is urine staining this color considered normal and is it not a symptom of pathology? There are two opinions on this matter:

  1. Pink or red coloring of urine is not normal and indicates impaired kidney function. In such a situation, you should seek advice from a specialist.
  2. Right away, without examination, not a single doctor will give an exact guarantee that everything is fine with a person. The test may show kidney dysfunction. However, not all patients experience changes in the color of their urine from consuming beets, and not everyone experiences this as a symptom of kidney disease: abdominal or back pain.

Some claim that after treatment of kidneys and kidney infections, the color normalizes and the urine turns yellow. What properties of urine are paid attention to when examining the analysis?

Characteristics of urine by properties

  • quantity;
  • density;
  • transparency;
  • smell;
  • blossom.

The normal amount of urine excreted per day is one and a half liters. A deviation from the norm, up or down, indicates the presence of dysfunction in the body. If urine is not excreted or its amount per day is no more than 50 milliliters, then this is a symptom of disease, and the patient requires immediate treatment.

The density of urine increases in the presence of glucose or other osmotically active substances. A decrease in urine density occurs with acute damage to the renal tubules.

A healthy patient has clear urine. If you do not consume enough water during the day, your urine will turn a deep yellow color. Usually this sign is not a signal that a person is sick. And when the water balance is replenished, the urine regains its natural tone. Urine takes on a cloudy appearance and foams if there is protein, pus or salt crystals in it, which are signs of the presence of the disease.

In a healthy state, urine has a slight specific odor. If the patient is unwell, the nature of the smell changes. In diabetes mellitus, it acquires a specific fruity smell.

Normally, the color ranges from pale yellow to a rich straw shade. During the day, urine has a different shade, which depends on the amount of fluid consumed and food intake. In the morning, urine has a darker shade than at the rest of the day.

Why can urine from beets be pink and red?

Many people are scared by reddish urine after beets. Why does this happen and is there any reason to worry about it? Many experts have differing opinions on this matter.

Some believe that it is normal for the urine to become colored after consuming beets. Others say that in a healthy patient, the urine should have a yellow tint, even after consuming this vegetable, and the presence indicates dysbiosis. There is also an opinion that the red color after consuming beets indicates the presence of kidney diseases. There is a possibility that after eating beets, the urine becomes colored due to the presence of iron deficiency anemia in a person.

How can you tell if your urine is red because of beets?

There is a way to help identify the cause of red urine and understand whether there is blood in it or the coloring came from consuming beets. To carry out the experiment you will need soda, vinegar and urine. First add soda to the urine, and then pour in a little vinegar. If after adding soda the color disappeared, but after vinegar it reappeared, then the reason for the color change lies not in the admixture of blood in the urine, but in the consumption of beetroot dishes.

From eating this vegetable, your urine should be clear red. If there is blood, it will take on a cloudy hue.

To find out the exact cause of red urine and rule out dysbacteriosis, or iron deficiency anemia, etc., you should consult a doctor and undergo the appropriate tests. This will help determine the cause of the red color of urine.

This is normal after eating beets. Others are of the opinion that urine should not change color after eating such a vegetable, and this condition indicates a disruption in the functioning of the body. So there must be pink urine after beets, is this normal? Let's try to figure this out.

Properties of urine

If a person cares about his health, then he should know the main characteristics of urine inherent in a healthy body:

  • Quantity. The volume of fluid released per day should be approximately 1.5 liters. If the daily discharge is much more or less than normal, then it is likely that some disturbances are occurring in the body. We can talk about serious diseases if urine is excreted less than 50 ml per day or is completely absent. In this case, immediate treatment is required.
  • Transparency. If the body functions normally, then the urine is clear. A slight cloudiness usually indicates that a person is not consuming enough fluid. When water balance is restored, urine becomes clear again. But if there is severe turbidity and foaming of the discharge, you should consult a doctor, because this may indicate the development of a disease.
  • Density. Usually, the thickening of urinary secretions is facilitated by glucose and other substances that enter the urine through intravenous injections. A decrease in the level of density occurs with renal diabetes or pathology of the renal tubules.
  • Smell. quite specific, but not harsh. If any pathological condition develops, the smell changes its qualitative characteristics. For example, with diseases of the urinary system (cystitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis), the urine begins to smell like ammonia.
  • Color. It may have a pale yellow or straw hue. In addition, the color of the discharge can change throughout the day due to the consumption of different foods or liquids.

The most common example of how food can change the color of urine is the redness of urine after eating beets. Is this considered a natural process or does it indicate the presence of a possible pathology? Let's try to figure this out.

Reasons for color change

Should I start worrying if my urine turns pink after eating beets? Parents are especially worried about this if this phenomenon is observed in a child. According to most people, this is the norm because beets are famous for their strong coloring enzyme. To verify this, you can pick up this vegetable and peel it - your hands instantly turn pink, just like the water in which it was boiled. Since urine is usually pink after beets, it is not recommended to consume such a product before taking tests.

According to some doctors, the body should absorb the coloring pigment, and not remove it. In their opinion, pink urine after eating beets may indicate the following diseases:

  • dysbacteriosis;
  • lack of iron in the human body;
  • various problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Only a doctor can determine whether there are disturbances in the functioning of the body and whether this is why the urine turns pink.

When is pink urine normal after eating beets?

If your urine is pink after eating beets, is this normal or not? You can find the answer to this question yourself at home:

  • it is necessary to collect urine in a container;
  • add a small amount of baking soda to it and stir;
  • pour a little vinegar into the solution.

If the pink color disappeared, and then appeared again after some time, then we can safely say that beets are to blame for its occurrence. But such an experiment is not 100% accurate, therefore, if there is a suspicion of problems in the body, it is best to visit a doctor.

Many people are concerned about the question: how many days does pink urine last after beets? Usually this color lasts a day or two, but if it lasts much longer, then the reason is not this vegetable.

Other reasons

Sometimes urine turns pink due to the following problems in the body:

  • intoxication or poisoning of the body with lead or mercury;
  • bleeding in the soil (this is indicated by worm-like clots);
  • stones in the kidneys;
  • injury in the lumbar region;
  • taking certain medications, such as diuretics and painkillers;
  • cystitis;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • infectious diseases of the urinary tract;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • malignant tumors.

What you should pay attention to?

Most doctors still agree with this opinion that urine is usually pink after beets. But in some situations it indicates a problem, especially if you have the following symptoms:

  • frequent urination, which gradually intensifies;
  • chills and sweating;
  • fever;
  • pain in the lower back and abdomen;
  • its strong clouding.

Pink urine in women after beets, as well as in men, is considered normal only when the person ate this vegetable before urinating and the liquid is clear. Its cloudiness indicates pathology.


If your urine has been pink for several days after eating beets, you should visit a doctor. To establish the reason why urine is of this color, it is necessary to undergo a set of diagnostic measures, including:

  • passing a general urine test, which will help identify an infectious or inflammatory disease in the internal organs, as well as other pathologies;
  • taking a biochemical and general blood test to determine the level of hemoglobin and the number of red blood cells per unit of blood;
  • performing an ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs if there is a suspicion of diseases of the urinary system or kidneys;
  • carrying out other diagnostic studies.

Based on the results obtained, the doctor makes a diagnosis and prescribes the necessary therapy.


If, as a result of the diagnostic measures carried out, it was determined that after beets the urine is pink due to a lack of hemoglobin, then the doctor prescribes drugs containing iron: “Hemohelper”, “Aktiferrin”, “Fenuls”, “Ferlatum”.

Most often, urine is colored due to infectious kidney diseases, the treatment of which involves the use of complex therapy, consisting of taking anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs. The patient is prescribed the following medications:

  • "Urolesan" - helps not only to treat kidney diseases, but also removes stones from them, while simultaneously providing an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.
  • "Fitolysin" - the drug has diuretic, bactericidal and analgesic properties. It is prescribed for urolithiasis and pyelonephritis in acute and chronic form.
  • "Furagin" is a remedy for the treatment of diseases of the urinary system, which has an antibacterial and antimicrobial effect.


Thus, if the urine is pink or red after beets, then it may not be so harmless. This condition is typical for many quite serious diseases. Therefore, if there is even the slightest doubt that the urine has become colored as a result of any pathological process occurring in the body, then you should visit a doctor as soon as possible.

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