Mink oil: composition, useful properties, application and contraindications. Mink oil in cosmetics: pharmacy preparations and handmade creams

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Collection BUSTAN BUDUR.

It has long been a well-known component of a rare and extremely popular cream of Soviet times!

Mink subcutaneous fat belongs to the category unique natural substances, as one of the closest in composition to human tissues. It contains triglycerides of palmitooleic acid, which stimulate lipid metabolism in the skin; it is not found in such a large amount in vegetable oils.

The mink itself uses the amazing properties of its fat in life. In nature, mink lives in forests, where, like other animals, it suffers from forest fires. But like no other mink has an amazing ability to restore its fur. Within 14-20 days, the mink is able to restore the lost hair. And if a mink got into a fire and up to 80% of its body was burned - this figure is certainly fatal for any other animal in the forest, including humans, but not for a mink - it is able not only to survive, but also to completely restore its wool and regenerate fabrics. And all this thanks to the unique composition of subcutaneous fat!

Fat has unique penetrating abilities, any other oil or component, combining with mink fat, increases its ability to penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis tenfold.

Contains a huge amount of essential unsaturated fatty acids, up to 70% of the total composition. Mink oil does not have an allergenic effect, and its content is not limited by dermatological requirements and is used even for babies' skin.

Fat has great therapeutic and preventive potential!

For aged skin of the face and body:

When applied topically, mink oil creates and maintains ideal hydration, improves complexion and skin elasticity. Protects the skin from premature aging, heals minor wounds.

The strongest night option for nourishing and saturating the skin with the necessary natural elements for bright lifting effect, as well as the prevention of the appearance of wrinkles. Also for dry and tired skin.

Applies primarily to correct reversed changes, smoothing wrinkles and smoothing the skin relief.

Renders a visible corrective Effect oval face. Perfectly moisturizes, absorbs quickly and does not leave a greasy film or any unpleasant sensations on the skin.

For young skin:

It moisturizes the epidermis well, quickly relieves redness and irritation of the skin... Effectively softens the skin. And fights inflammatory skin conditions such as acne, acne. Used for eczema as a remedy.
Easily absorbed without stickiness.

Can be used overnight or on a moistened swab with 2 drops of oil as a base for daytime makeup.

It is also possible spot application for severe inflammations or application on infiltrates for their resorption.

For the skin around the eyes:

A good option for moisturizing and nourishing the skin of the eyelids and the area around the lips. For enhanced care of these delicate areas, it is applied either alone or in combination with other targeted fatty oils that enhance the effectiveness of delicate skin care. Can also be mixed with other types of animal fats such as royal fat and tallow

Winter skin protection:

It is especially recommended to use it in its pure form, or as an additive to any creams on especially cold days of winter, or in difficult conditions of long exposure to frost and wind. It is also used to protect the skin of the hands and body.

Before and after sunburn: Possesses pronounced photoprotective propertiesand is used before and after sunburn.

To remove makeup: Perfectly removes eye and face make-up. Good nutrition and hydration also occurs. Apply a small amount of grease to a cotton swab and rub over the eyes and face.

Skin diseases: Significantly improves the condition of the skin affected by various skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis, fungi.

Massage: an ideal component for adding to any massage products.

Pregnancy and the postpartum period:

Use helps prevent stretch marks on the chest, abdomen, thighs and arms. It is used throughout the entire period, like an oil after a shower. Well relieves itching when the skin is stretched. Moisturizes and nourishes the skin.
After childbirth, it naturally promotes good contraction of the abdominal tissue, preventing the appearance of stretch marks, from a sudden loss of volume.

After a cesarean section, it promotes good scarring of the suture, ensures its rapid healing. It is applied to the seams (wounds) at the stage of early epithelialization. Significantly reduces itching by preventing keloid tissue formation.

Foot / hand care:

Will help people great if available varicose veins on the legs - it is necessary to rub into the veins, the procedure improves the condition of the blood vessels and reduces edema. Apply with intensive massaging movements on dry, clean skin of especially painful areas up to 3 times a day. Repeat daily until pain is completely relieved.

Apply to hands, mixing with any hand cream, and once a week making oil masks for hands, rubbing grease into the skin of the hands and nails.

Home use:

It can be used daily for various areas. Can be used neat; for a mixture with other fatty oils, for a mixture with oils for further use for hair, as an additive in any face masks. Enrichment of any face, body and foot / hand creams.

It is added to day and night cream, used in its pure form. Absorbs completely - leaving no residue.

Use by professionals:

An excellent moisturizer, base or addition for any mixtures, cosmetic masks. It is used for the preparation of natural medicinal oil mixtures, creams, balms, shampoos and other products.

Salon business use:

It shows excellent results when used in cosmetology rooms, a manicure room, a hairdressing salon.

For hair:

It manifests itself well in the process of treatment and restoration of the density and beautiful appearance of hair. It is added to oil masks from Amla oil, mixed versions of Amla oil, ready-made hair masks, shampoos and balms.

Domestic use: Well relieves itching and burning after insect bites.

Note: frozen mink fat, to melt it, place a closed vessel for 1-2 minutes under running hot water. After the fat solidifies again. May become liquid in extreme heat.Does not have no unpleasant smell, has a light calm aroma.Has a long shelf life, does not go rancid. Shake the bottle well before use.

Method of obtaining: harvested in South Africa, without invading wildlife, without disturbing the balance of the mink population. The extraction is carried out on a specialized farm, which raises animals for other fields of activity.

Physical properties: Specific gravity: 89.15
Refractive index: 60.19 ± 0.004
Acidity (%): 10.05 ± 1.13
Peroxide number (mEq / kg): 13.10 2.1
Saponification number: 15.10 ± 12.7
Unsaponifiables (g / kg): 2.0 ± 1.2

Natural chemical composition: acids:
Palmitooleic, Myristyl,
Myristoleic, Palmitic, Stearic,
Oleic, Linoleic, Linolenic, Vitamins: F, PP, K,
D, B1, B2.


  • HALAL compliant
  • Russian certificate of conformity
  • EAC Customs Union Declaration of Conformity

Structure: 100% purified Mustelae vision mink oil. Does not contain dyes, preservatives, fragrances. Completely hypoallergenic.

Volume: 30 ml

Manufacturer: Kharnoub Establishment, Damascus, Syria

Origin of raw materials: Syria.

Storage: In a dark place, 2 years. Freezes at temperatures below 10 degrees, place the bottle in hot water before use.

In the cosmetic field, many different products are used. One of them is mink oil, which has various medicinal properties. With its help, wrinkles are eliminated, recovery is improved, wounds heal. The product helps to slow down aging and relieve irritation. It also helps in eliminating acne in young people. The product is perfectly absorbed and leaves no greasy residue on the skin.

Extraction procedures

Mink oil is created by processing the subcutaneous layer of the mink. The agent has an emollient effect due to the special type of fatty acids. It also has many other medicinal properties, therefore, various cosmetics are prepared on its basis.

The composition of the product is similar to the structure of human tissues. The oil contains triglycerides, palmitoleic acids, which are absent in other products. The animal is valuable not only fur, but also fat, which protects it from various diseases. The wounded mink recovers quickly enough.

Healing properties

Mink oil should be included in skin care. Product reviews testify to its excellent effect. The product has an emollient effect, so it leaves the skin soft and velvety. Fat is known for its sunscreen effect, neutralizing the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation.

The product is resistant to rancidity and has a long shelf life. Even years later, it retains its color, smell, and medicinal properties. The product is used in cosmetology. Fat is included in creams and other cosmetics. The component has a protective effect, nourishes and moisturizes.


If there are skin imperfections, then mink oil should be included in the care. Application will prevent moisture loss, which is required for recovery. The skin becomes firm and elastic. Cosmetologists advise using other products that contain mink oil. Their advantages include:

  • smoothing on different parts of the body;
  • elimination of peeling;
  • useful in cold weather as a protective agent;
  • treatment of itching, burning sensation from insects;
  • improvement of hair structure, protection against hair loss;
  • elimination of dandruff.

Therefore, if any cosmetic product includes mink oil, then it should be taken. It will be both useful and harmless.

Indications for use

There are several reasons why you need a mink oil product. Such cosmetics will be needed if you have:

  • freckles, pigment;
  • signs of aging;
  • dryness, redness, peeling;
  • prickly heat, allergies;
  • inflammation;
  • weak, damaged curls;
  • burns;
  • high sensitivity to adverse environmental factors;
  • dandruff, hair loss.

Mink oil can remedy any of these problems. It is enough to use it with a prescription, and then the improvement comes very quickly.

Application features

Mink oil is used for hair, skin, both in pure form and in combination with other components. The product should be applied to the area around the eyes, face, lips, neck, décolleté. To accelerate the healing of wounds, the pure agent should be used 2 times a day. In the cold season, the oil should be applied to open areas of the body. The product is used as an additional component in the composition:

  • cream;
  • means for protection against ultraviolet radiation;
  • soap;
  • shampoos;
  • ointments.

In any form, the product has a healing effect. The skin condition becomes much better.


Mink hair is used. There are many recipes for the preparation of medicinal products. Masks with animal fat have special properties. They are prepared easily at home:

  • To prevent hair loss, you need honey, glycerin, sea buckthorn oil (1 tsp each), with which warm mink oil (1 tbsp) is mixed, after which you need to add lavender and sage oil (1.5 tsp each). ). The finished product should be used to treat the roots 1.5 hours before washing your hair.
  • To improve the condition of the skin around the eyes, a little cream should be mixed with fat (1 tsp), the skin should be treated with patting movements.
  • To prepare the cream, you will need lanolin and honey in a warm form (1 tbsp each), after which they are mixed with almond oil, water, fat (2 tbsp each). The finished product is designed to improve the skin of the face.
  • A remedy based on lemon peel, which is poured with boiling water, and after straining, the liquid must be mixed with lemon juice, mink oil (1 tablespoon each), cream (2 tablespoons), will help improve the condition of the skin. The cream is applied 2 times a day.
  • A remedy made from egg shells, raw yolk, sour cream and flour (2 tablespoons each), mink oil (1 tsp) will help restore flaky skin. You can use the cream every day.

Mink oil has no contraindications, so it can be used to eliminate various skin ailments. The product is non-irritating and non-allergenic. It is ideal for children and adults.

There are many other recipes. The main thing is to use fresh ingredients to prepare the product. You should not make cosmetics in advance, it is better to apply it after preparation, because it has a more beneficial effect. It is necessary to use products that do not cause allergies on the skin, and for this, testing is performed beforehand.

Often in women, the skin of the eyelids deteriorates due to inappropriate cosmetics. Natural oil will help improve her condition. It is advisable to prepare a therapeutic mask based on the product, and after several procedures, skin recovery will be noticeable. The oil will help strengthen the hair and make it shiny. The tool restores them after staining and other influences. With the oil, it will be possible to improve the aging skin, restore its healthy appearance.

Mustela oil

The products are manufactured by Mustela. The mink oil of this company is made using a highly dispersed emulsion and herbal complexes. Cosmetics are created in appropriate sanitary conditions, which testifies to the high quality of the products.

The product has a high degree of purification, so no allergies appear after use. The treatments make the skin wonderfully soft. The oil contains vitamin A, which protects the body from adverse conditions. Cosmetics will solve many skin and hair problems.

The company also produces an oil-based cream designed for the care of various types of skin. The product was created by practicing dermatologists, thanks to which it has a protective effect, including against age-related changes.

Mustela cream

The cream of Russian production includes hypoallergenic substances, is used to restore the skin of adolescents. The special consistency allows the cosmetics to be quickly absorbed, so there will be no oily sheen. It is enough to apply the cream in a thin layer on dry skin. After just a few procedures, positive results will be noticeable.

The composition contains polyunsaturated fatty acids and trace elements. Has the property of protecting against dehydration. Ideal for treating acne, breakouts. The cream is also used for babies - it protects them from the appearance of prickly heat and diathesis. The procedures are needed for the natural synthesis of collagen, tightening the skin, and improving the oval of the face. With him it will be possible to eliminate burns, wounds, abrasions. With each use, the skin regains smoothness and elasticity.

Many girls know about the "hero" of our today's article, who cannot even live a day without skin and hair care procedures. The thing is that it is often found in the composition of various cosmetics, such as creams, oils and balms. But few people know that this is the best way to protect shoes from moisture. And then we will talk about what this tool is, how to use it correctly and how to choose a quality sample of this product.

The magical properties of mink fat

The main feature of Columbus Milk Oil is the ability to use it throughout the year, regardless of weather conditions. In addition to its water-repellent properties, this product is known for softening the skin, making it more elastic. The rapidly growing popularity of this product is also explained by the fact that after its application on shoes or boots, no marks or stains remain.

Mink Oil Kaps Mink Oil

Country of origin: Poland
Shape: fat in a tin can
Average price: 155 hryvnia

The best option for anyone looking for an inexpensive remedy to protect demi-season and winter leather shoes from getting wet. This one is perfect for the care of nubuck products, as well as shoes and boots made of greasy or smooth leather. When buying this shoe care product, it is important to remember that after using it, it must take 6-8 hours before you put on your favorite pair.

TRG Mink Oil

Country of origin: Spain
Form: Pasta in a tin can
Volume: 100 ml
Average price: 165 hryvnia

Despite its low cost, this one is considered one of the most effective in keeping shoes dry even in the rainy weather. Like the previously described samples, it perfectly moisturizes the skin and reduces the risk of cracking to zero. Another feature of the product is that after using it, the color of the “pair” becomes more saturated, and minor abrasions disappear altogether. The visible to the naked eye results after using TRG Mink Oil are best seen after applying it to very dry shoes that have not been cared for for a long time.

Norc oil is used in cosmetology for the treatment and care of facial skin not as actively as hyaluronic acid, lavender essential oil or aloe vera. But it nevertheless remains very effective, extremely affordable and reasonably safe. It has wonderful emollient properties, although in fact, a mask or cream that contains mink oil has many other undoubted advantages. Another indisputable advantage of this ingredient is the possibility of using it in home cosmetology. Moreover, we should especially note that the therapeutic effect on the skin of the face will be practically the same as from the use of expensive purchased preparations.

Main characteristics

What properties of cosmetics, which contain mink fat or oil, are the most demanded? If we leave out of the discussion the dry and hardly applicable theory in everyday life and focus on the practical side of the issue, then the list of medicinal properties that a mask or cream possesses may look like this.

Cosmetic properties:

  • restoration of the hydrolipid protective barrier;
  • additional softening and nourishment of the skin of the face;
  • maintaining a physiologically natural level of moisture;
  • improving the structure of the epidermis;
  • slowing down the processes of natural aging;
  • preventing moisture loss;
  • combating the network of expression and age wrinkles;
  • smoothing the relief of the face and improving its color;
  • active regeneration of damaged facial skin;
  • protection against hard UV radiation and adverse effects of low temperatures;
  • getting rid of itchy skin.

The main advantages of cosmetics with mink oil:

  • leaves no oily sheen;
  • completely absorbed;
  • wide range of applications;
  • remarkable photoprotective properties;
  • suitable for hair care.

Indications for use:

  • skin with pronounced signs of aging;
  • age spots and freckles;
  • the action of unfavorable environmental factors;
  • warts;
  • allergic rash;

  • prickly heat;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • various inflammations of the skin of the face;
  • psoriasis;
  • eczema;
  • stretch marks;
  • burns (mink fat for their treatment can only be used as an adjuvant);
  • keratosis;
  • hair loss.

Pure application:

  • additional nutrition for sensitive skin: once, in the evening;
  • regeneration of damaged epidermis: if necessary, several times a day;
  • protection of facial skin from negative environmental factors: 30-40 minutes before going outside;
  • hair care: mink fat or oil should be rubbed into the scalp 1-2 times a day.

Active additive to other cosmetic preparations:

  • night nourishing cream;
  • preparations for the care of the skin of the hands, face and body;
  • after sun products;
  • baby cosmetics;
  • shampoos and hair rinses;
  • soap;
  • a variety of face masks.

Pharmacy preparations

Mink oil is a very democratic ingredient, so most of the preparations based on it are affordable. Perhaps, its medicinal properties are not as pronounced as in the products of the luxury segment, but the price-quality ratio in this case will be at its best. What is the best cream to choose? Focus on those of them that offer the most balanced composition, have a sufficient shelf life and are suitable for you in terms of their medicinal properties.

  • Cosmetic petroleum jelly with mink fat (Phytocosmetic, 10 g / 50 rubles). The classic representative of the home first aid kit: moisturizes the skin, protects it from the negative effects of the environment, stimulates lipid metabolism and slows down the aging process. Definitely recommended for purchase, especially if your family has small children.
  • Liquid baby soap with chamomile (Nevskaya cosmetics, 300 ml / 60 rubles). An extremely safe option, equally suitable not only for babies, but also for their parents. It works well for all skin types, does not cause any side effects and is offered at a very affordable price.
  • Cream-balm "Zhivokost" (Zhivin, 75 ml / 160 rubles). The medicinal properties of this drug are very diverse: skin regeneration, restoration of joints and ligaments, resorption of hematomas, help with bruises and injuries. In addition to mink fat, the composition contains extracts of larkspur, arnica, cardamom, cinquefoil and pepper.
  • Baarhad (Siberian health, 100 ml / 230 rubles). An effective 2-in-1 product for face skin: cream and mask in one bottle. The product nourishes and moisturizes the epidermis, smoothes fine wrinkles and has a beneficial effect on the area around the eyes.
  • Tapir-100 lux (Mustela, 200 ml / 1100 rubles). Author's therapeutic cosmetics for intensive care of the face, neck and décolleté area. Effectively eliminates negative external manifestations caused by stress and fatigue. The only significant drawbacks are the rather high price and low prevalence in the retail network.

Homemade recipes

As we said, facial skin care products that contain mink oil or fat can be successfully prepared at home. But you must clearly understand that buying the necessary ingredients (there can be quite a lot of them in one recipe) can easily reduce the potential savings to zero, and in some cases it will be simply unprofitable. Therefore, we strongly recommend carefully weighing the pros and cons. We also remind you that you will need a high-precision kitchen scale. The method of preparation and use is standard: just combine all the necessary ingredients, mix them thoroughly, apply the resulting mixture on your face and wait until it is completely absorbed.

After sun cream

  • mink fat, silk peptides - 1 g each;
  • rice bran oils, sesame seeds and coffee beans - 20 g each;
  • kukuya and aloe vera oils, coffee hydrolat - 10 g each;
  • rice bran wax - 4 g;
  • green tea extract, zinc oxide - 2 g each.

Cream for atopic skin

  • mink fat (oil) - 10 g;
  • lavender hydrolat - 20 g;
  • olive-1000 (emulsifier), neem oil, sesame oil, Alexandrian laurel - 5 g each;
  • olive squalane, sodium salt of pyrrolidone carboxylic acid, beta-glucan, sulfur MCM - 3 g each;
  • urea - 2 g;
  • panthenol, phenoxyethanol - 1 g each;
  • essential oil of lavender and tea tree, bisabolol, cognac - 0.5 g each;
  • water - 35 ml.

Therapeutic effect:

  • softening the skin;
  • UV protection;
  • fight against age-related changes;
  • additional food.

Dry skin cream

  • mink fat - 3 g;
  • kukui oil, caprilic triglyceride, cognac - 5 g each;
  • emulium kappa (emulsifier) ​​- 4 g;
  • betaine, urea, wheat germ oil, evening primrose - 3 g each;
  • lanolin, glycine - 2 g each;
  • allantoin, palmarose and lavender essential oils, lactic acid, bisabolol, optifen MIT, licorice extract, aloe vera powder, rosemary leaf extract - 0.5 g each;
  • water - 50 ml.

Therapeutic effect:

  • tonic;
  • moisturizing;
  • restoring;
  • softening;
  • protective;
  • anti-aging.

Emollient cream

  • mink fat, glycerin (anhydrous) - 10 g each;
  • grape seed oil - 20 g;
  • coconut oil - 16 g;
  • Olivem-1000 (emulsifier) ​​- 6 g;
  • D-panthenol - 5 g;
  • water - 35 ml.

Therapeutic effect:

  • softening;
  • narrowing of pores;
  • additional nutrition for the skin;
  • tonic;
  • anti-aging;
  • UV protection.

Beautician review

Cosmetics containing mink oil are certainly effective and efficient and are not particularly popular these days. There are several reasons for this, but not all of them are objective. Therefore, when making a purchase decision, you should first of all focus on the medicinal properties of the drug, compatibility with your skin type and ease of use, and not on the opinions of visitors to numerous thematic forums. If you are ready to spend a little time and are not afraid of difficulties, you can make a cream or mask at home, since the author gives several very interesting recipes. But in the latter case, it makes sense to first consult with a doctor, since mink fat can lubricate the symptoms of hidden internal pathology, which, in fact, has nothing to do with cosmetology.

Mink oil, which has many useful products, makes it indispensable in cosmetology. This oil is able to enhance the regeneration of skin cells, reduce wrinkles, prevent skin aging, promote the healing of abrasions, wounds, burns, various types of irritations, and also helps in the treatment of teenage acne. Mink oil is quickly absorbed, easily penetrating the skin, without leaving a greasy feeling.

This is an animal oil - it is obtained from the processing of the subcutaneous fat layer of the mink.

Two types of mink are known: the European mink and the American mink. Breeding of mink is one of the leading positions in fur farming. Various breeds of mink were bred, differing in the color of their fur, for example, black, sapphire, blue, white and others.

In addition to valuable fur, mink has a unique fat. This fat prevents the development of skin diseases in the animal. Thus, the mink is the only animal that never suffers from skin diseases. A wounded mink with 15% intact skin and fur survives and recovers quickly, thanks to the beneficial properties of subcutaneous fat.

What are these beneficial properties of mink oil?

Beneficial features

Mink oil is distinguished by a special type of fatty polyunsaturated acids and glycerides, which give it excellent emollient and penetrating properties. The oil contains up to 20% palmitoolenic acid (this substance is not found anywhere else in this amount). The high content of all kinds of acids, such as oleic, stearic, linoleic, palmitic, myristic, penetrate deeply into the skin, making it soft, soft and velvety.

In addition, mink oil has a high level of absorption of ultraviolet rays, thereby protecting the skin from radiation.

Mink oil is absolutely safe in all respects, it does not harm the body and does not cause allergies.

The oil is highly resistant to rancidity. Even after 10 years of storage, it retains its natural smell, color and all the useful properties.

The main field of application of mink oil is, of course, cosmetology. A little more about the benefits of oil for skin and hair.

Useful properties in cosmetology:

  1. Mink oil is able to restore and maintain the skin's protective hydrolipidic barrier. Since, having a high penetrating power, it softens, nourishes and protects the skin well.
  2. Perfectly moisturizes the skin, thereby improving complexion and increasing skin elasticity.
  3. Softens and smoothes the skin. Protects against moisture loss.
  4. Most effectively removes shallow wrinkles around the neck, eyes, lips.
  5. It is able to protect the skin from factors that cause premature aging.
  6. Stimulates the processes of regeneration and healing of skin lesions: peeling, cracks, abrasions, diaper rash, small wounds.
  7. It is an excellent protection for the skin during the cold season.
  8. Reduces burning and itching after being bitten by various insects.
  9. Promotes rapid hair growth, prevents hair loss, eliminates dandruff.
  10. Moisturizes and nourishes the scalp.
  11. Perfectly restores damaged hair after coloring, perming and other procedures.
  12. Protects hair from harmful environmental factors. Makes hair manageable, shiny and silky.

Indications for the use of mink oil:

  1. fading skin, wrinkles;
  2. age spots, freckles;
  3. warts;
  4. dry skin, flaking skin, irritation;
  5. allergic rash;
  6. prickly heat;
  7. skin inflammations of various types;
  8. psoriasis, eczema;
  9. stretch marks (treatment and prevention);
  10. scars, scars, burns, curatosis;
  11. sensitive skin to frost;
  12. hair loss (prevention and treatment);
  13. dry, damaged hair, dandruff.

Application of mink oil:

In its pure form:

  1. As a nourishing agent for the skin of the eyes, lips, neck. For the face, it is recommended to use it as a night food.
  2. In case of skin damage (abrasions, wounds, burns, cuts, etc.), apply the oil several times a day.
  3. In the cold season, apply mink oil to exposed skin areas (face, neck, hands).
  4. In case of hair loss, rub oil into the scalp and cover with a warm towel for 1-2 hours.

As a dietary supplement:

  1. as part of nourishing night creams;
  2. as part of hand skin care products;
  3. in means for protecting the skin from ultraviolet rays;
  4. in children's cosmetics (cream, ointment);
  5. as part of soap;
  6. as part of shampoos, conditioners, balms and masks.


Means with mink fat, as well as pure mink oil, have no contraindications and can be used for various problems in adults, children of different ages, including infants.

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