How to make dark skin at home. How to make your skin darker: folk remedies. Tanning cosmetics

It turns out that in order to make your skin darker, you don’t have to expose it to the bright rays of the sun, visit a solarium, or apply self-tanning products. Easy tanning effect can be obtained in simpler and more accessible ways folk ways. Folk remedies for tanning are especially relevant to those people who do not have the opportunity to get a natural tan while spending their time on the beach.
Of course, the tanning effect from such products will be much less pronounced than from fake tan in a solarium, or from using various self-tanners. But, firstly, you will not do absolutely any harm to your facial skin, because, as you know, solarium lamps are several times more harmful sun rays, and by applying self-tanning to your face, you can simply get the “Dalmatian” effect.

Folk remedies for tanning

All listed below folk remedies Designed to give a slight tanning effect to the skin of the face. But if you have enough endurance and patience, you can use them for the whole body.

You can get a tanning effect on your face using products such as coffee, cocoa powder and tea. For example, the easiest way is to brew a strong natural coffe, or black tea, cool, and wipe your face with it every morning. This procedure not only makes the skin darker, but also refreshes and tones it well.
For healthy and ruddy color Refreshing ice cubes frozen from strong brewed black tea and natural coffee are perfect for your face.

You can also make homemade masks for a tanning effect from natural ground coffee. To do this, dilute coffee beans crushed in a coffee grinder with a small amount of water to form a thick mass, which you apply to your face for 10 minutes. For very dry skin, it is recommended to use vegetable oil instead of water. Made using the same recipe cocoa powder masks .

Another folk remedy for tanning is carrots. It can be used as a mask, putting grated carrots on the face for 15-20 minutes, or wiping the face with the juice squeezed out of it, mixed with a small amount olive oil. After wiping your face carrot juice same as after carrot mask You should wash your face after 15-20 minutes and then apply moisturizer to your face.

But be careful with carrots, especially if you have a very snow-white skin. Instead of the expected tanning effect, the skin of the face may simply become yellow. It is advisable to use carrots for naturally darker skin tones, or to maintain an existing tan for longer.

An effective folk remedy for tanning is the herbal plant rhubarb, or rather its roots. To give light on the face tanning effect, you need to lubricate it with juice squeezed from fresh rhubarb roots 2 times a day.
But keep in mind that rhubarb juice can cause dryness and tightness of the skin, so it is advisable to use it when more fat type facial skin. For dry skin, it is recommended to wash your face 10 minutes after applying the juice, and then lubricate your face with moisturizer.
Or, for dry skin, you can prepare homemade tanning masks from rhubarb root juice:

Recipe 1: Stir well 1 tbsp. a spoonful of juice from rhubarb roots with 1 teaspoon of nourishing or moisturizing face cream, which you use until a homogeneous mass is obtained. This cream-mask doesn’t even need to be washed off.

Recipe 2: Thoroughly rub 1 tbsp. spoon of sour cream or 1 raw egg yolk with 2 tbsp. spoons of juice from rhubarb roots. Apply the resulting mask to your face for 15 minutes, then rinse with lukewarm water.

You can also use a decoction of rhubarb roots to give your face a tanning effect. To do this, pour 1 tbsp. spoon of dry roots 1 cup cold water, bring to a boil, and simmer over low heat for 15-20 minutes, stirring regularly. Then remove from heat, strain, and cool slightly. Wipe your face with the resulting decoction using a cotton swab, and wash after 10-15 minutes.

With ok and a decoction of rhubarb roots is even used in folk medicine for the treatment of vitiligo (white spots on the skin), as well as for dyeing hair at home.

Washing with a strong infusion of herbs such as string and chamomile also contributes to the tanning effect of the face. In order to prepare the infusion, pour 7-8 tbsp. spoons of dry herb or chamomile inflorescences (you can use a mixture of these herbs) 1 liter of boiling water, and cover tightly with a lid and leave for 2 hours. Then strain and rinse your face with the resulting infusion every morning.

And finally, eat more fruits and vegetables, red and orange color, such as apricots, peaches, carrots, tomatoes, pumpkin, etc. According to experts, such products can also give the skin a bronze tan.

Gone are the days when rich ladies dreamed of pale skin, but just a century and a half ago, pampered aristocratic pallor attracted men's views, A porcelain skin stirred their hearts.

Today, pallor has almost gone out of fashion, especially considering how rapidly tanned, dark skin is gaining popularity. " Dark skin“, the fashion that Coco Chanel introduced, became not just a hobby, it grew into mass insanity, turning previously normal people into true drug addicts. And glossy magazines, comparing a face without a tan to an aspirin tablet, only add fuel to the fire.

That is why now girls with pale skin suffer from an inferiority complex and torment themselves day after day, trying to give their skin a tanned look.

How to give your skin a tan effect

Our advice is addressed to those young ladies who really can’t wait to get rid of their own pallor.

First, be sure to visit a doctor, because pale color skin may be associated with anemia and low hemoglobin. If so, eat more red and orange foods - apricots, peaches, carrots, tomatoes, pumpkin, etc. Eat persimmon. It contains iron and calcium. These microelements improve the body's hematopoietic capacity, and pallor goes away. Pundits tend to believe that eating “orange ones” will give the skin a bronze tint. Include other foods rich in iron in your diet - pomegranates, apples, meat, liver. You can read about products that increase hemoglobin in our article.

Besides, pale face may indicate problems with the kidneys and blood vessels of the skin, so do not neglect consulting a specialist.

And if everything is in order with your health, and your pale skin- this is just a genetic feature, like being tall or short stature, you can use our tips on how to give your skin a tanning effect using folk remedies. Products from our table are perfect for this: carrots, cocoa, coffee, tea, cinnamon.

You can make your skin darker using homemade masks:

- From grated carrots. Grate one carrot, add a little olive oil to it (if your skin is dry), wrap the slightly mashed mass in a cloth and apply it to your face for 15-20 minutes. Tanning course - 2 weeks.

- From cocoa. The mask is made like this: water + cocoa until it becomes a liquid mass. Apply the mask on your face for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

- From brewed coffee. Brew ground coffee in a small amount of water in a coffee maker or coffee pot. Apply cooled coffee to your face for 15-20 minutes. Again - if you have dry skin, add olive oil.

But be careful! Frankly, some girls can look funny with a “tanned” face and pale skin on the neck and arms.

Therefore, it is better to use methods that allow you to darken the skin of the entire body, and not just the face. For example, take a bath with a liter of strong black tea diluted in it. Thanks to this simple procedure You can make your skin darker, but be prepared that it will take a lot of time.

And for those girls who take their pale skin for granted and only want to emphasize their natural feature, we recommend the following.

Choose your nail polish wisely. Pale-skinned beauties will enjoy delicate pinkish tones, beige and red shades.

Choose and use cosmetics correctly. You will have to give up dull and expressionless makeup, a pale face will seem tired, and you will appear haggard. For example, a great thing can be done lipstick. Makeup for pale skin is special: make-up artists recommend choosing bright lipstick: orange or red with a cherry tint and be sure to use lip pencil. If you are afraid that your lips will appear narrow, use a contour pencil, it will make your lips fuller.

Look at the photos and see how famous pale-skinned beauties take full advantage of the effect of bright lips.

Marilyn Monroe

Scarlett Johansson

Elisha Cuthbert

Anne Hathaway

Rose McGowan

Or, alternatively, you Makeup will do V nude style. What is it and how to do “makeup without makeup”, “ Fashion makeup for autumn 2011".

Scarlett Johansson

Julia Roberts

Elisha Cuthbert

Lindsey Lohan

And finally, I would like to say to all pale-skinned people: although pale skin has lost its relevance, it has defended its right to exist and, perhaps, will soon become in demand again, largely thanks to the “brides” of vampires who filled television screens. Apparently, there is something “poisonous” and attractive in this.

All of us dream of beautiful tanned skin, but, unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to go to the sea in the summer or just sunbathe in the sun. Of course, the most effective way get it quickly tanned skin is a solarium. But most prefer more safe look achievements dark skin. Therefore, in order to look tanned in winter and summer, you can use folk methods.


1. Tea, coffee, cocoa for tanning

To give light tan Wipe your skin every day with strong tea, coffee or cocoa. These products not only give the skin dark shade, but also refresh and tone the skin well. You can freeze the infusions and wipe your face with ice cubes.

Coffee mask for tanning skin

Take 2 teaspoons of instant coffee and pour boiling water to form a slurry. Apply this paste to clean face for 10 minutes. Rinse it off cool water. Instead of coffee, you can use cocoa, and if your skin is dry, use vegetable or olive oil instead of water.

2. Carrots. An excellent product that colors our skin is carrots. Rub carrot juice onto your skin, but don't overdo it; carrots stain very well.

Carrot tanning mask

Finely grate a medium sized carrot and add 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Apply the mask on your face for 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water.


3. Herbal infusions.

You can freeze the infusions and wipe your face with ice cubes.

Infusion of chamomile and string for tanning

Pour boiling water over the mixture of dried chamomile and string flowers at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 1 cup of boiling water, and let it brew under the lid for about 2 hours. Strain, wash your face with this infusion every morning instead of water.

Just as in the previous recipe, infuse chamomile flowers. Use to wash your face morning and evening. Chamomile has a good effect on the condition of the skin, tones it, and protects against the appearance of pimples and blackheads.


4. Onion skins for tanning your skin

Which of us hasn't painted? Easter eggs onion skins. You can also color your skin with this product. Take onion skins, wash them very well and cook them in water for a few minutes until the water turns dark. Wipe your face, neck and décolleté with the infusion.


5. Bath to give your skin a light tan

Take this bath to give your skin a light tan: 4 tsp. black tea, pour 300 ml of boiling water and leave for 10-15 minutes. add the infusion to the bath. Take a bath for about 20 minutes.


6. Recipe for an even tan

Mix olive oil with a few drops of iodine, add a little red wine vinegar. Shake everything well and apply to cleansed skin.


7. Tanning mask

Mix 2 tbsp. cottage cheese, pulp of 1 tomato, 2 tsp. vegetable oil and 1 tbsp. milk. Apply the mask for 15-20 minutes, and then rinse thoroughly with warm water and rinse with cold water.

It’s just that the range of these materials is quite wide and during finishing operations it is necessary to take into account quite a lot of factors.
You can tint with alcohol or aqueous solutions of aniline dyes. The recipe for them largely depends on the skin.
But to generalize, we can say this, by 10 weights. parts of dye, 25v.h. denatured alcohol or alcohol, then add warm water to 100%.
This is something that can be done quickly and at home. For high-quality and sustainable results, it is better to use branded leather materials. industry. If there is no “exit” to the industry. chemistry, you can walk around shoe stores or stores like "Gift & decor" and look there for consumables for leather work.
In Russia, leather paints from the company "Zafir" are famous and popular; they come in alcohol, water-soluble and casein.
Among the most affordable and which can be bought on the open market are all kinds of acrylics (wide range of colors), good hiding power, no foreign odors, dry quickly.

Alcohol-based dye finishes are usually sold in shoe repair stores. True, the color scheme is not very dense, only three or four colors (black, brown, red and white). They require careful handling as they are highly flammable and have a pronounced smell of methyl alcohol (it is better to work with them in a draft).

Casein dyes and paints, depending on the manufacturer, can be either translucent or dull opaque. Quite big too color palette. Good adhesion and stable paint film. Among the disadvantages - they are often simply “smelly” (especially from scoop manufacturers), they take quite a long time to dry, and often take on dust when drying.
An example of Spanish-made semi-synthetic casein:

Next comes the prom. chemistry is just a sea of ​​colors with a huge number of inputs to the skin - density, porosity, fatliquoring, salt content, moisture, etc. etc. It is best to drive up to the dealers and have a heart-to-heart conversation with them. Firstly, you will learn a lot of new things, and secondly, they will recommend you something specifically for the skin you are working with.

Synthetics, polymers and about half a thousand other names and types.
Materials and specifications for a couple of fairly thick volumes.

I use prom. chemicals produced by Italian Fenice or Turkish Girba.
A very wide range of consumables, one common drawback is the minimum packaging - a 5-liter bucket or canister.

For home crafting, it is quite possible to use cream paints or cream emulsions, waxes, glosses for clothes or shoes. Very good products in this regard Turkish made, which can easily be found on the open market and even in markets. Naturally, conscious choice will come with a certain experience (both successful and unsuccessful). Since there are a lot of these products on the market, it is not easy to recommend a specific brand. I can only say that the products Russian manufacturers like "Twist", I personally don't like it. And also try not to buy waxes and glosses from additional components type "lanolin", "natural" beeswax", "natural wood pigments", etc.
If you are working on dry, thick, “uncovered” leather, try simply frying the product with stearin or paraffin using a flat metal iron (ampus), placed on the tip of an ordinary, fairly powerful, household hoop (but not for soldering electronics).
Look in woodworking stores for impregnation based on carnauba wax, or even better, an aqueous solution of carnauba wax with synthetic plasticizers.

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