How to hint to a guy that you like him. How to hint to a guy or girl that I like him (she)

If you can’t immediately hint at what a woman wants at the moment, it’s worth paying attention to this article, which contains typical situations and offers recommendations for further actions for each of them.

How to hint to a guy in correspondence that I like him, about my feelings, sympathy, VKontakte, via SMS, take the first step

It’s much easier to talk about feelings through correspondence than face to face. You can do this between words. For example, say that you were invited to visit for a birthday. You would be happy to invite him with you, because you like him.

No need to say: I like you, let's meet. It will be too vulgar, intrusive. Better: I would be pleased if you would join me by going to my birthday party. The first step is not difficult to take, especially when you are confident in the reciprocity of feelings.

How to hint to a man that I don't like him

The easiest way is to come up with reasons not to meet. A smart person will understand everything himself. For more dull men, you can talk in his presence about your sympathy for other men.

How to hint to a guy friend about a relationship that I want and love him if we are not dating

Start flirting, this is the best way to let a guy know that you care about him. When meeting, try to be as close as possible, as if accidentally touching an arm or shoulder. When going to the movies, it’s a good idea to rest your head on his shoulder, and if you’re watching horror movies, hold him tightly by the hand. During correspondence, say how wonderful he is. When communicating, praise.

How to hint to a guy about a walk, a first kiss, a gift, a date, about flowers, to buy a phone

You can invite an indecisive guy on a date or for a walk.

By hiding your eyes, and then looking intently into his eyes, slowly moving your gaze to his lips, you can hint at a kiss. The guys understand sign language very well. When saying goodbye, you need to press your body against him, this will encourage him to kiss.

It’s easy to hint about colors; you just have to tell them which ones you like. Talk about it for about 5 minutes so that the guy remembers the information exactly, or vice versa, in passing.

Men rarely give expensive gifts just like that. Especially if you've been dating for a very short time. You can hint about the desired phone closer to your birthday or other holiday.

The best thing to do when asked what to give as a gift is to say that you really want a new phone. Another option is to often talk about your phone as not working well or being old.

How to Hint a Guy Which Engagement Ring He Likes

Some time before this event, start a conversation about rings, ask him what kind he would like to buy for his wedding, and casually tell him what you like. You can go to a jewelry store to look at a gift for your mother or friend, and, as if by chance, see the ring of your life’s dreams. Show and praise, say how wonderful it is.

How to hint to a guy about wedding, pregnancy

Start a conversation about a future together. How would you like to see your life? How many children. Where to have a wedding. Pregnancy is hinted at by frequent nausea or delayed menstruation.

How to hint to a guy that you're on your period

To say that today is not the best day in a girl’s life.

How to hint to a guy if he has a girlfriend or a car

To delicately ask about the presence of a girl, you can ask in a conversation, clarifying how he spends his time. Ask how things are going in your personal life. Question: will your girlfriend mind? The answer will clarify a lot.

You can find out about the availability of a car by asking for help transporting something.

Relationships between a guy and a girl are always built according to a rather individual scheme. At the initial stage, when lovers have gotten to know each other well enough, it can be quite difficult to move on to intimate relationships for various reasons. Despite the fact that modern youth considers sex an integral part of a love relationship, some couples simply do not know how to do it.

In the case when the initiative comes from a woman due to the fact that the guy, due to his nature, is shy and does not dare to take the first step, the girl may have a natural question, how to tell the guy that I want him? At first glance, such a question may seem ridiculous, but difficulties of an intimate nature can become the main reason for the breakup of a couple in love.

How to hint to a guy that I want him

An intimate question may arise after the third date. Due to indecision, a guy can pretend for a long time that he does not understand his beloved’s hints, or really not notice them. Forcing events so that the guy is ripe for decisive action is not the best way in this case. The most correct thing would be to show restraint and, with the help of female seduction and cunning, push your loved one into intimacy.

In order to correctly approach this situation, a woman will need to take a number of steps:

  • A girl should carefully study her partner. Getting to know his friends will help you get a more complete picture of your loved one’s character and habits.
  • Once the information is received, it must be well systematized and used with extreme caution. Sudden changes in a woman’s behavior can shock a man, which will lead to the opposite result.
  • Once a girl understands which female image is most attractive to her partner, she can use this to her advantage. An intriguing change in the behavior of his beloved will certainly contribute to the fact that the long-awaited spark of passion will appear in the man and he will finally understand the girl’s desire to “be only with you.”
  • At the fourth stage, the girl must make it clear to the indecisive guy that intimacy is a very important period in a love relationship. Realizing this, the guy will inevitably give in and take the initiative himself.

Perhaps from the outside such actions may seem quite complicated and drawn-out. It's much easier to meet your boyfriend in a pleasant environment and talk to him about your intentions. However, such actions do not always lead to the expected result. Therefore, so that the guy does not think that his beloved has a too loose demeanor, the most correct thing would be to do everything gradually.

Ways to show women's interest

In order for the hints sent to reach their goal, it is necessary to choose a suitable place and time. Pleasant music, twilight and the absence of strangers will help ensure that the partner reacts correctly to the actions of his beloved.

A woman can hint about her readiness for intimacy in various ways:

  • A girl can tell about her desire with her eyes. It is unlikely that an alluring and passionate look will leave a man indifferent. However, you should not obsessively drill and hypnotize your partner with your eyes. This behavior can cause greater embarrassment and result in the goal not being achieved. During eye contact, the girl must mentally say the phrase “look at me, I want you.”
  • You can show your desire through flirting. A girl in the image of an affectionate and gentle cat has every chance of counting on reciprocity. You can also enhance the impression with pleasant compliments. Men, no less than women, love to hear pleasant words addressed to them.
  • You can influence a guy using your voice and certain poses. When talking with your loved one, it is advisable not to go into high notes. A pleasant word whispered into your ear has a certain effect. You can strengthen the hint that you want him with flirtatious behavior. For example, during a conversation, play with a pendant in the neckline area or casually touch his hand. During a conversation, you can sit closer to him and, at every convenient opportunity, pat your loved one on the shoulder or remove invisible specks of dust from his clothes.
  • When deciding how to make a man understand your desire, you can use hint tactics. For example, offer to spend an evening together and at the same time hint that there will be no one else but you. You can simply ask the guy what he would do if he were offered to spend the night with a nice girl.

In order to achieve a certain effect, you need to hint at intimacy very carefully. A man must make sure that he correctly understands that the lady wants him. Too intrusive seduction can frighten an indecisive partner and everything will have to start all over again.

If the hint is not understood

If it seems to a girl that her lover is not responding to her hints, then she can take decisive action and tell her directly about her desire. Perhaps her beloved has long understood what his other half wants from him, but due to his character he cannot decide to take a serious step. On the other hand, there are cases when a guy simply doesn’t like a girl and, in order not to offend her, he maintains a certain distance. A frank conversation is just such an opportunity to find out whether sympathy is mutual.

If, after watching the guy, the girl realized that their feelings are mutual, then she needs to inform her loved one about her intentions in the most suitable environment. For example, you can start an intimate conversation in a car, on a walk or in a cozy cafe.

Virtual correspondence

It is much easier to talk about your feelings and desires by correspondence. You can write to a guy about intimacy not directly, but between the lines. Unobtrusively, with the help of flirting, you need to bring your lover to discuss a frank topic, making it clear that the time has come for a closer relationship. The question of how to write to a man about your secret desire is quite difficult for many women. Not every girl is ready to take on the role of initiator of sexual relations. Therefore, when conducting frank correspondence, you need to make sure that it is the man who takes the first step.

Due to the fact that a significant part of modern youth spends a lot of time on social networks, a girl can arouse desire in a guy with the help of a candid photo. This rather bold method is very effective. The sent image will perfectly convey the woman’s desire without words.

It is believed that it is the guy who should show sympathy and take the first steps towards acquaintance. The fear of rejection sometimes makes girls hide their feelings. that the feelings haven’t faded yet? This can be done in various ways.

5 ways to hint to a guy about your feelings


A languid look, trembling eyelashes are a woman’s main weapon. When you meet the eyes of a guy you like, stop your gaze for just a few seconds and look away. Surely a glance thrown over a raised shoulder will arouse reciprocal interest.


A beautiful, sincere smile can conquer a man. It emphasizes your friendliness and makes you feel relaxed around you. A fleeting shy smile upon meeting will let the guy know that he cares about you. In addition, a charming smile transforms even an ordinary appearance.

Tactile contact

Tactile sensations are one of the main sources of information when communicating. An unexpected invasion of a guy's personal space (a light touch with his hand or shoulder) will make him pay attention to you. The desire to reduce the distance clearly indicates sincere sympathy.


Guys love compliments no less than girls. about your feelings? Not rude flattery, but emphasizing real advantages will produce the desired effect. Keep in mind that men will appreciate compliments related to their mental, physical or professional qualities.


Show sincere attention to his interests and hobbies. It could be sports, music or dancing. Similar interests can become the beginning of friendships and then romantic relationships. Achieving good results in this direction will accelerate the desired result.

Knowing how to hint to a guy that you like him, you can attract his attention and achieve mutual affection.


First of all, find out how the man treats you. To do this, come closer to the man (up to half a meter) and evaluate his behavior. If a man does not move away, does not leave and continues to behave as if nothing had happened, then he also sympathizes with you.

Next, evaluate his gestures. Look how his posture has changed. If he straightened his shoulders, tucked his stomach, straightened his clothes, began fiddling with his watch strap, or his mobile phone - this is also a good sign. A man wants to seem more attractive to you, even if he himself is not aware of this.

When talking to you, a man's arms should not be crossed or hidden behind his back. If he puts his thumbs in his pockets or in his belt, it means you are of interest to him.

Evaluate the man's gaze. Shifting eyes, a confused expression on his face, and slightly closed eyes indicate that the man is uncomfortable, he is not ready for contact and does not want to continue communication. And, conversely, an undressing, attentive look speaks of interest.

Use language of postures and gestures

Poses. Avoid closed gestures: don’t cross your legs, don’t keep your hands in your pockets, don’t hide behind your purse. This way you put a barrier between yourself and the man.

Touching. Find reasons to casually touch a man. Pass the plate, accidentally brushing his hand, casually touching his knee under the table, lightly patting him on the shoulder when you laugh at a good joke together. However, such touches should be light and short.

Preening gestures. Also, do not forget about feminine preening gestures - sensually pushing hair back from the face, straightening your hair, showing your wrists, swaying your hips while walking.

Smile with your eyes. When meeting a man, smile, even if you are very embarrassed or you subconsciously want to hide your sympathy. Try to smile with your eyes too. A man will definitely feel the positive energy coming from you.

Give compliments. A compliment addressed to the object of your adoration should be realistic, specific and sincere. Give compliments casually: “Do you like this too?”, “I appreciate people with a sense of taste,” “Tell me, where did you buy such stylish glasses?”

Show interest

To show your sympathy to a man, it is important to be sincerely interested in everything that is important to him. Ask the man to tell you something about himself. Ask about his favorite hobby, friends, childhood, dreams that he wants to make come true. Try to ask about everything positive so that he associates communication with you with positivity.

Confess your feelings

Give the man your phone number, business card, email address, social network page address. At the same time, tell him that he can call or write to you just like that. It is important to convey this information without much emotion, so that the man does not think that you are dragging him into your network.

You can confess your feelings in person. Start the conversation with a neutral topic and gradually move on to the most important thing. Do not confuse the man with long conversations, but simply say that you really like him and would like to date him. Don't rush him to answer. Perhaps the man will be surprised by this turn of the conversation and will need time to think about everything.

With a meeting, resort to tricks. Start telling him something very interesting, even spicy, and then stop. If it was exciting, then the young man will be interested in the ending of the story. But you will be relentless: only in person. You have already told a lot, you need to see his facial expression and look into his eyes before continuing the story. If everything remains the same, tell her that you bought a new dress and got a super hairstyle. It is important to flirtatiously say that now everyone is looking at you and flirting. Let him hurry up. When a young man still regularly contacts you via the Internet, but is delaying the meeting, directly say that you would like to see him. He probably doesn't understand the hints at all. There is nothing reprehensible if a woman is the first to tell a man that she is interested in him and wants to chat with him. If there are still difficulties after this, let him know that he is the most unbearable and slow man you have ever met. Most likely, he will be indignant, and this will spur him on. But here it is important not to go too far and not offend the person.

The first date has passed, and you feel like you like each other. But the trouble is, the young man hesitates with an invitation to the next meeting. Go with your intuition. Find out during the date what interests him. If these are exhibitions, let them know that there will be a rare exhibition just next weekend. Tell a movie buff that an interesting film has started showing. You can come up with a reason for a meeting, both of you. Ask him to join you, because it will definitely be interesting! If the young man is not interested in anything special, offer him something that you like. Tell him that you know a very interesting place that he should definitely visit. Talk about how great it will be to walk in the park in good weather, swim on a boat, ride on the carousel. If you see a sparkle in his eyes, simply ask, “When are we going?”

If a guy is caught up in the harshness of everyday life and is at work around the clock, praise him for such perseverance. In primitive times there would have been no price for it, and the whole cave would have been full of tasty preparations. If you have never met before, tell him that, in addition to work, you also need to be able to relax properly. And here the weather is just good for going on a picnic. If you've already met and he behaves like this, perhaps this is not your date. However, try your luck again. Go to a beauty salon, buy some new clothes and hint at meeting. If it doesn’t work out, don’t be upset, mentally let this gentleman go and look forward to meeting a new man.


No matter how you hint, no matter how you do it, the guy may simply not understand your hint, or not believe it. Therefore, it is better if you try not to hint, but rather to let the guy know that you like him. For example, let the guy know or tell him that you are unusually interested in him and that you would like to communicate with him as often as possible.

Helpful advice

To the simple question of how to hint to a guy that you like him, there is an equally simple answer: if you like a guy, then you need to tell him about it. Write a nice note saying “I like you” and put it in his bag. Write a note saying “I like you”, add who it is for, that is, the name, but do not sign it. Ask one of your friends to pretend that they found this note absolutely by accident and decided to give it to him.


  • how to hint to a guy that I like him
  • How to hint to a guy about a meeting

Girls are different - some of them find it easy to admit their likes, and some of them find it very difficult to let them know guy that they like him due to excessive shyness, upbringing and a number of other reasons. For all shy girls, fortunately, there is a guide to action that will help you talk about your feelings without compromising your moral principles.

You will need

  • Flirting Guide
  • Access to your dream guy
  • Good mood


Use body language. Guys subconsciously react to him. Don't cross your arms or place them on your knees in his presence - this will tell him that you don't want to be with him. Try to reduce the distance between you as much as possible during a conversation.

Confess something to him, share a little secret with him. This will bring you even closer, because now he knows that you trust him like no one else.

Call him and tell him about something you saw that reminded you of him. This way he will know that you are thinking about him even when he is not around. Which means you care about him.

Tip 4: How to hint to a guy that you want to date him

Sooner or later, a guy appears in a girl’s life whom she singles out from the great many other representatives of the opposite sex. She likes him and wants to date him. But here’s the thing: sometimes a girl just can’t let a guy know that she cares about him. My upbringing does not allow me to be too frank, and the guy, as luck would have it, stubbornly does not understand hints. What is the best thing to do in such a situation?


You can overcome your shyness and say directly: “You are for me.” Although from time immemorial it has been the custom that the initiative should come from the “stronger sex”, the “weaker sex” may well take it upon itself. There is nothing wrong with that, it is only important to behave in such a way that you do not get the impression that the girl is frivolous and easily accessible.

If it’s still hard to be so frank, then a lot can be said with your eyes. A gentle gaze directed straight into someone’s eyes has miraculous power. This is where everything will probably become clear. And if you smile shyly, then he will certainly understand everything.

You can talk about your feelings for him not directly, but indirectly. I don't just like compliments. Guys also love to be praised. And there is always something to praise for. You can say: “You are so smart!” Options: “strong”, “brave”, “skillful”.

Sign language is as old as the human race. As if a casual touch, especially in combination with an embarrassed-loving look, will successfully replace the most frank words.

Some try to convey the message of sympathy to the young man with the help of a third person. Maybe you have mutual friends who can hint about your feelings? If you are shy, you can resort to using a cell phone. Write him an SMS and then wait for a response.

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