How to wash a baby for the first time. Preparing a herbal decoction for bathing a newborn. What detergents are best to use when bathing a child and how often can you use them?

For a newborn baby, daily hygienic baths are necessary.

Bath water does not have to be boiled (with a temperature of approximately 36 - 37 degrees), but a small amount of potassium permanganate should be added to obtain a slightly pink solution (in the first 2-2.5 weeks this is necessary for the final healing of the umbilical wound).

The bathing procedure can be carried out at different times of the day, preferably in the evening, before the penultimate feeding, but if the mother notices that bathing has an exciting effect on the baby, it can be done after lunch.

The air temperature in the bathroom should be 25 degrees. The child should be in the water for no more than 2-3 minutes, soap or bathing foam should be used no more than twice a week, then the newborn can be rinsed with cooler water.

Features of the newborn bathing technique

  • The baby is positioned in the water so that the upper part of his chest is under water, and his head is on the elbow of the bather’s arm.
  • First, the child’s face is washed with cotton wool without soap, then the head is washed with soap. Soap should be washed off in the direction from the forehead to the back of the head so as to prevent it from getting into the eyes; the child’s body is lathered with a soapy hand or gauze.
  • After bathing, dry your baby using a soft cloth. If after a bath the skin becomes dry or irritated, you can use baby cream or oil.

The skin of a newborn has an unusually thin stratum corneum, consisting of only 3-4 rows of cells. And since it is this layer that has protective functions, it is easy to understand how vulnerable a baby’s skin is. In addition, such thin skin is not able to provide a sufficient level of thermoregulation, which is why the newborn can quickly cool down and overheat.

The epidermis and dermis of newborns are also very loosely connected. Without going into anatomical details, one can only note that this skin structure contributes to the faster spread of infections than in adults.

A child’s skin is distinguished by a developed network of capillaries, which, on the one hand, again increases the likelihood of the spread of infections in the blood, and on the other, improves gas exchange (the child literally “breathes through the skin”). In other words, the protective functions of an infant’s skin are significantly inferior to those of an adult, and the respiratory ability is much more intense.

Children's skin is too saturated with water. The water content in the skin of a newborn is 80-90% (in the skin of an adult - 65-67%). This moisture content in the skin must be maintained at all times, however, because the skin is too thin, the moisture evaporates easily when the ambient temperature rises, and the skin dries out.

The skin of a newborn has a low melanin content; therefore, such skin is almost defenseless to the action of UV rays.

Newborn skin care

The principles of skin care for newborns depend on its functional and structural features. Briefly, they can be described as follows: it is necessary to help the skin carry out its protective functions, and at the same time not interfere with its breathing.

Let's try to identify the main procedures that will help comply with this principle:

  1. Creating conditions for optimal temperature in the environment, in combination with normal hygiene procedures, is one of the most important conditions for proper care of the skin of newborns. This is due to the fact that the skin of infants is not yet able to cope with thermoregulation, that is, to independently maintain a constant body temperature in the event of changes in ambient temperature. Accordingly, in the room where the child is located, it is necessary to maintain a constant temperature of approximately 20 ° C. Both hypothermia and overheating will be equally undesirable for the child (overheating, in particular, will contribute to the development of prickly heat).
  2. The bathing process. If there are no contraindications due to health reasons, the newborn requires daily bathing of the newborn. In urban conditions, ordinary tap water (with a temperature of 36-37 ° C) is used for this. Until the umbilical wound is completely healed, “potassium permanganate” is added to the water (it is a weak solution of potassium permanganate). It is recommended to wash the child with baby soap 1 or 2 times a week, and also 1 or 2 times a week, you should wash your hair using baby soap or special baby shampoos .
  3. About skin moisturizing. Your child's skin should be examined daily. If you notice dryness in certain areas, it is necessary to moisturize them. To do this, you can use both ordinary home remedies in the form of sunflower or olive oil (only previously sterilized), and special branded oils intended for caring for the skin of a child. It is also acceptable to use petroleum jelly, although it is less effective.
  4. Treatment of natural skin folds. Upon completion of moisturizing the skin, the groin, cervical, popliteal and other folds of the skin should be treated. For this, a specialized cream is usually used, for example, “Children’s” 2. You should not smear the entire body with cream: this causes paralysis of the respiratory function of the skin and can even cause hypoxia (lack of oxygen in the blood).
  5. The process of treating the umbilical wound. The umbilical wound is treated until it is completely closed, or until there is no discharge during its treatment. For treatment, it is advisable to use it, spreading the edges of the umbilical wound during the procedure. If there are crusts at the bottom of the wound, they should be removed. Finally, the wound is treated using a 1-2% solution of brilliant green, or a 5% solution of potassium permanganate. (Parents can learn about the technique of treating the umbilical wound from the visiting nurse.)
  6. Sun and air baths are perceived by parents mainly as hardening procedures, but in fact they are also an integral part of skin hygiene, since they cause a preventive effect against prickly heat and diaper rash.

When a child takes a sunbath, you need to very carefully protect him from exposure to direct sunlight. It will be better if it is in the shade of trees in the garden or on the veranda under an awning, if, of course, the air temperature allows it. With this regime, the baby will breathe plenty of air and stock up on the dose of ultraviolet radiation he needs, thanks to which vitamin D is produced.

In winter, for obvious reasons, sunbathing is impossible. But it is quite possible to arrange aerial ones even in an apartment. When swaddling or changing your baby, give him the opportunity to be naked for a while. For a newborn, it will be enough to lie on his tummy for 2-3 minutes before each feeding session; when the baby is three months old, the total time for taking air baths will increase to 15-20 minutes a day; for a six-month-old baby this time can be increased to 30 minutes, and for a one-year-old baby to 40.

It is very important to observe hygiene standards, because even pedantic implementation of such procedures will lose its effectiveness in a sloppy environment. It is worth remembering that all items intended for caring for a child cannot be used by anyone else; they must be exclusively individual and lie in a certain place, covered with a clean cloth. The entire family, and especially if you have older children, should not touch these items.

Sometimes, even with seemingly ideal care, every young mother may encounter a number of problems related to the child’s skin. There are a great many such problems and they are all quite diverse.

First, let's pay attention to changes in the skin that are caused only by the characteristics of the baby's skin. These types of changes do not require treatment.

So-called transient or transient changes in the skin appear in most newborns. This is an absolutely normal physiological phenomenon that does not need to be corrected in any way.

Eg, simple erythema. It manifests itself as redness of the skin, and in the first hours after birth even with a bluish tint. Redness occurs after the vernix is ​​removed, or after the baby's first bath. This redness appears more clearly on the second day and goes away on its own by the end of the first week of the child’s life. Its intensity, as well as the duration of its manifestation on the skin, depends on how mature the baby is in the womb. In premature babies, this simple erythema can last up to three weeks.

Second type - physiological peeling. It usually appears in children with very pronounced erythema as it fades away, somewhere on the 3rd - 5th day of the newborn’s life. The flakes of exfoliating skin are somewhat reminiscent of plates or crushed bran. Most of them are located on the baby's tummy and chest.

There is also toxic erythema.

This skin reaction is very similar to an allergic one. Quite often, children with manifested toxic erythema subsequently have a tendency to allergic diathesis. Toxic erythema can be recognized by small, dense white nodules (papules) rising above the surface of the skin, which appear on the 3rd to 5th day of the baby’s life. The base of these papules may be reddish in color, and blisters with white contents may also form. The elements of this rash are located mainly on the chest and abdomen, somewhat less often they can be found on the face and limbs. Toxic erythema never appears on the palms, soles and mucous membranes. Over the course of 1 to 3 days, the rash may intensify. Although, often, such erythema itself disappears on the third day. Such a rash does not affect the child’s general well-being; his body temperature does not rise. There is usually no treatment for this rash, but if the manifestation of the disease is too severe, the doctor may prescribe additional fluids and anti-allergy medications.

Milia- This is an inflammation of the sebaceous glands. It appears in the form of whitish-yellow nodules, 1 - 2 mm in diameter, rising above the skin level. Basically, these inflammations are located on the wings of the nose, the bridge of the nose, on the forehead, less often - over the entire surface of the body. This happens due to blockage of the sebaceous glands with abundant secretion. Milia appears in 40% of newborns. It is recommended to treat these inflammations with a 0.5% solution of potassium permanganate at their initial stage.

In addition, the baby may have enlarged sweat glands from birth. They can be identified by their appearance: these are bubbles with thin walls, inside of which there is a curdled or transparent substance. They can often be found in the area of ​​the neck fold and on the scalp, somewhat less often - on the shoulders and in the chest area. They can be removed by simply wiping with a cotton swab moistened with alcohol. This action will not damage the baby's delicate skin. These inflammations do not form again.

In absolutely healthy children, you may notice some yellowing of the skin on the 2nd - 3rd day of life. This happens because the functionally immature liver does not currently have time to process bilirubin. There are no specific treatment recommendations for this. It is only recommended to give the baby plenty of water, which will help quickly remove bilirubin from the body and monitor how regular his bowel movements are. Such physiological (transient) jaundice usually disappears on the seventh to tenth day.

Telangiectasia, or “spider veins” are local thickening of the subcutaneous capillaries. Most often they can be seen on the forehead, back of the head, and bridge of the nose. No treatment is required. Telangiectasia goes away on its own by one to one and a half years.

Sometimes, of course, changes in the skin can signal some diseases. In this case, they need to be treated under the supervision of a doctor.

Allergic rash- the most common phenomenon that almost all young parents encounter. It appears as red or bright pink spots and nodules that rise above the surface of the skin (papules), somewhat similar to a mosquito bite.

Initially, you need to establish the exact cause of the allergic reaction. Mom, if she is breastfeeding, should remember her diet over the past week. Often the cause of allergies can be foods such as red or yellow vegetables and fruits, chocolate, fatty fish, caviar, broths, eggs, if you eat more than two of them a week. If everything is fine with a woman’s diet, then the reason is different. Sometimes an allergy can be local, depending on the place of application, say, of some cosmetic product for children. In this case, such cosmetics should be excluded.

Diaper rash, or - this is skin irritation that occurs at places where it comes into contact with allergens. Irritants may include urine, feces, or rough diapers. The skin lesion in this case is not infectious. Diaper rash can be found on the buttocks, groin area, and also on the inner thigh.

The basic rule in the treatment of diaper rash is enhanced. It is necessary to ensure that the child does not stay in wet diapers for a long time, wash him immediately after defecation and when changing the diaper; if there is no allergy to herbs, then you can take regular baths with the addition of chamomile, string, oak bark (recommended especially for wet diaper rash). You can also use creams with an astringent base, for example, those that contain tannin. If erosions (superficial skin defects) occur, then epithelializing creams containing, for example, sea buckthorn oil will be useful.

Prickly heat- This is also a non-infectious inflammatory process. It appears as a consequence of improper care of the baby. If the baby is wrapped excessively, a compensatory expansion of the sweat gland ducts and capillaries around them may occur. Miliaria can be identified by a pinkish nodular (papular) rash, which is mainly localized on the chest and abdomen, sometimes on the extremities.

When prickly heat appears, you should think about your child’s clothing and do not dress him too hot. Choose a wardrobe that is appropriate to the ambient temperature.

For prickly heat, you can use baths with the same set of herbs as for diaper rash. Air baths for 10 - 15 minutes will also be very useful.

If the child is well cared for, the nursing mother eats rationally and the baby has the correct daily routine, but a tendency to diaper rash or prickly heat is still present, then the doctor may suspect a more serious disease - ECD (exudative-catarrhal diathesis).

Hemangioma- a disease in the form of overgrown subcutaneous vessels. You can notice it by the vascular glomeruli that will be visible through the skin. And if the ball is located a little deeper, then the hemangioma may look like a bluish spot, which becomes brighter during the baby’s screams and attempts. Even in the maternity hospital, the doctor can point out to the mother the appearance of hemangioma in the child and recommend monitoring its development. It is convenient to measure these spots using a sheet of tracing paper, tracing the hemangioma along it after certain time intervals. If it is clear that the size of the hemangioma is becoming smaller, then most likely it will go away on its own, without additional treatment. But if, on the contrary, it quickly increases in size, then medical correction cannot be avoided. Treatment in this case is determined jointly by the pediatrician and the surgeon.

Dark spots can be located on any part of the skin. They need to be monitored by measuring their size monthly. If the area of ​​the pigment spot increases, you should consult a pediatrician.

Gneiss, or milk crust, is one of the types of allergic reactions that appears on the scalp in the form of whitish crusts. Here, as with allergies, a nursing mother should, first of all, analyze her diet and see a dermatologist with her baby. It is also recommended that before bathing, lubricate the scalp of the newborn with sterile sunflower or olive oil and put on a cotton cap. After this, you can carefully remove the softened crusts using a wide-tooth comb or a cotton swab.

In newborns such a phenomenon as candidiasis skin occurs when passing through the birth canal of a woman who has vulvovaginal candidiasis. Often cutaneous candidiasis is combined in children with candidiasis of the mucous membranes.

This disease looks like a weeping diaper rash in the area of ​​the anus, as well as the buttocks and inner thigh. Usually, erosions are added to these diaper rashes. The edges of erosions may be uneven, scalloped, and covered with a thin coating. Plaque can occasionally cover the entire surface of the erosion. A white, cheesy coating can also be seen on the lining of the mouth and on the genitals, since the skin process here is adjacent to damage to the mucous membranes.

To make a correct diagnosis, laboratory tests of a smear are necessary to detect fungi. If candidiasis is confirmed, the baby will be prescribed specific therapy, mainly the use of ointments locally, such as Clotrimazole, Travogen, Pimafucin, etc. You should also pay more attention to the child’s hygiene. It is necessary to carry out regular baths, as well as lubricate the affected areas with a weak solution of potassium permanganate to dry the skin.

The main thing to remember is that if you detect any changes in your baby’s skin, you should immediately show him to your local pediatrician or pediatric dermatologist. There is no need to self-medicate, because skin lesions are varied and so often similar in symptoms that you can only do harm. Only an experienced specialist can make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the correct and necessary treatment.

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 9 minutes


A baby's first bath is always an exciting event. Especially when this baby is the first. And young parents, of course, have many questions about the bathing process - to what temperature to heat the water, how to bathe a baby for the first time, what to bathe in, for how long, etc. Read also. So, what do you need to know about your baby's first bath?

Where to start with the first bath of a newborn: preparing the room, bath for bathing the child

First of all, to make bathing a joy for both you and your baby, prepare yourself emotionally. That is, don’t worry, don’t be afraid, and don’t gather too many relatives around the bathtub. Coping with bathing It's quite possible to do it alone , and even more so if you and your husband are alone.

Video: First bath of a newborn baby

  • To start preparing a regular or bathroom (many people bathe newborns in the kitchen).
  • Heating the air in room.
  • Installing the bath (if in the room, then on the table).
  • If the bathroom floors are slippery, then don't forget about the rubber mat .
  • We put a chair (holding a baby bending over the bathtub is very difficult).
  • If you decide to bathe your baby in a large shared bathtub, then using chemicals to clean it is unacceptable. It should definitely pour boiling water over it (this also applies to a small bath for disinfection purposes).
  • For the first bath it is better to use boiled water (until the umbilical wound has healed). You can soften it, for example, with an infusion of string, 1 glass per bath (potassium permanganate is not recommended for the first bath).
  • If you have doubts about the quality of your tap water, then install a filter on the faucet in advance .
  • To prevent the baby from slipping in the bath, put a thick diaper on the bottom or a towel.

The best time and most comfortable water temperature for bathing a child

Usually, time for swimming choose evening. But there are kids who fall asleep for a very long time after bathing, and also, due to the stimulating effect of water procedures. If this is exactly your case, it is quite possible to bathe him during the day, or even in the morning. The main thing is not to bathe your baby on a full or empty stomach. After feeding, time should pass - at least an hour (and no more than an hour and a half). Concerning water temperature, remember the following:

  • The normal water temperature is individual for everyone. But for the first bath, it is advisable to bring it to 36.6 degrees .
  • The water should not be hot or cold. If you don’t have a thermometer (which is better to stock up on before giving birth), you can dip your elbow in the water and decide based on your feelings whether the water is normal or hot.

How to determine whether the water is suitable for the baby?

  • If the baby is hot in the water, then he will express his protest with loud crying, his skin will turn red, and lethargy will appear.
  • If it's cold– the child usually shrinks, begins to tremble, and the nasolabial triangle turns blue.

Let's begin the sacrament: the first bath of a newborn baby

A few years ago, pediatricians advised bathing the baby on the day of discharge from the maternity hospital, preparing boiled water with a solution of potassium permanganate for bathing, in order to avoid infection of the unhealed umbilical wound. Today, many pediatric doctors say that the first bath of a newborn baby at home should only take place after complete healing of the umbilical wound . Since this issue is very controversial, in each case it is necessary to consult a pediatrician when exactly to bathe a newborn, receiving and performing only professional recommendations . It is also worth remembering that the baby cannot be bathed if the child received a BCG vaccination on the same day (at least a day must pass after it).

How to bathe a baby correctly?

  • The child should be undressed in a warm room to immediately immerse in water. Carrying him, naked, from the room to the bath is wrong. Accordingly, you need to undress him right in the bathroom on the changing table, or bathe him in a pre-heated room, if there is no table in the bathroom.
  • Having undressed the baby, wrap it in a thin cotton diaper – otherwise he may be afraid of new sensations.
  • Put the child in the water (only calmly and gradually) and already in the water, open the diaper.
  • There is no need to wash your child with a washcloth and soap for the first time. Simply wash with a soft sponge or palm . And be careful with the umbilical wound.
  • Special attention pay attention to the folds on the baby's body , armpits and genitals (the newborn is washed from top to bottom).
  • The baby should be held in such a way that he the back of your head was above your wrist .
  • The head is washed last (from the face to the back of the head) so that the baby does not freeze, carefully avoiding the eyes and ears. Scabs on the head (milk scab) cannot be removed by force (picking, etc.) - this will take time, a soft comb and more than one bath, otherwise you risk introducing an infection into the open wound.
  • The first bath usually takes from 5 to 10 minutes .
  • After bathing, the baby should rinse out of a jug .

First, you need to think about when it is more convenient for you to bathe your baby - before the last feeding at night or earlier. Having resolved this issue, you can begin to prepare for the swim itself. For some it is more convenient to do this in the bathroom, placing the bath on the bathtub grate, while for others it is more convenient to move, for example, to the kitchen. The air in the room should be neither too cold nor too warm. That is, there is no need to specifically warm up the room - the main thing is that there are no drafts. And the door to the bathroom does not need to be closed, so that when leaving it there will not be a sharp temperature change.

What should you prepare for bathing a newborn?

Prepare everything you need in advance so that you don’t have to run for a forgotten item at the most inopportune moment. Spread it in the room oilcloth With diaper, on which you will dress your baby after bathing. Place all the necessary clothes and a diaper nearby. Separately, but within arm's reach, preferably even in a separate tray, prepare products for treating the baby's skin and umbilical wound: cotton swab, cotton wool, brilliant green or potassium permanganate, talc or diaper cream Do not forget spare diaper. Try to ensure that the prepared items are already laid out and not stacked, then you won’t have to unwrap them with one hand.

In the bathroom (or the child’s bathing area), it is also necessary to make appropriate preparations: put baby soap or bathing aid, straightened towel or diaper, water thermometer, jug for clean water.

Since your child is still very small, it is better to spend the first bath in a small room. in the bath(you can read more about choosing a bathtub in the article “Device for bathing a baby” in the magazine “Pregnancy” No. 4/2005). And right after giving birth, not every mother will be able to bend over to a large bathtub. Therefore, prepare a bath: wash it with simple baking soda and rinse (you can simply pour boiling water over the bath). Subsequently, the bath will need to be washed after each bath (sediment remains on the walls) and rinsed before bathing.

The umbilical wound has not yet healed. In order to ensure disinfection, in a separate container (jar, jug, ladle) you need to dilute a little potassium permanganate to an intense purple color. Prepare several layers of gauze or bandage for straining. This is necessary so that undissolved crystals of potassium permanganate do not cause a burn if they come into contact with the baby’s skin.

Start pouring plain running tap water into the bath. There is no need to boil water for swimming. At the same time, pour the potassium permanganate solution into the bath through gauze. The water should turn a faint pink color. There should be no potassium permanganate crystals! Make sure that the water temperature does not exceed 37 °C, while the optimal temperature is from 34 to 37 °C. The thermometer must be special, covered in plastic. You need to check the temperature without removing the thermometer from the water.

In a separate jug, prepare clean running water at the same temperature. While bathing the child, the water will cool a little, and you will rinse the child with it after bathing. This will be another step towards hardening.

While water is being filled into the bath, you can do air baths, give your baby a massage or do gymnastics with him.

How to bathe a baby?

Each family is individual, so everyone bathes the child differently: some are helped by their grandmothers, some by their husbands and fathers, and some will carry out this procedure on their own.

Is it possible to do this alone? Certainly! As they say, the eyes are afraid, but the hands do.

Undress the baby. If, when undressing, you find a “gift” in the diaper, then be sure to wash the baby before bathing.

How to hold your baby so he doesn't slip? Many people try to take the child “more comfortably” - so that his head is in the crook of his mother’s elbow. Yes, the baby is so comfortable, but not to swim, but just lie down. Bend over and lower your baby into the bathtub is so awkward: you have to bend quite a bit to get your elbow into the water. Standing in this position for a long time and bathing the baby is also uncomfortable. How to be?

If you are right-handed, then with your left hand support the baby by the back of the head, neck and back with your palm, and with your right hand - under the buttocks and legs (Fig. 1). It is also possible to position the baby with a shoulder grip: the baby's head should be on your forearm, and your palm of the same hand should support the baby in the area of ​​the shoulder joint by the baby's shoulder outer from you (Fig. 2). This way you protect your child from accidentally slipping out and diving under water. With your free hand you soap the baby. This position is comfortable for both you and the baby.

Gently lower your baby into the bath. Submerge it in water. Now you can let go of your right hand, and continue to support the head, neck and back with your left. The baby will not escape anywhere and can calmly move his arms and legs. With your free right hand, you can wash all the folds, soap the baby’s head and then rinse off the soap. In the water, babies relax, and their fingers, usually clenched into a fist, unclench. Use this to rinse the spaces between your fingers, as lint from clothing often accumulates there. To rinse the baby, lift him above the water, take a pre-prepared jug and pour the baby from it (Fig. 3). To rinse, you can also place the baby with its tummy on your left hand, and pour it from a jug with your right hand (Fig. 4).

What to do after bathing your child?

After bathing, wrap the baby’s head in a prepared and already straightened towel and take him to the room where everything has already been prepared. You can change the wet towel to a dry diaper and blot all the folds, spreading the skin. For boys, be sure to gently pat the skin around the scrotum. Now you can start treating the umbilical wound and lubricating the skin with creams.

Answers to frequently asked questions

How long do you need to add potassium permanganate to the bath?

Until the umbilical wound heals. Then you can start bathing your child in a large bathtub, which must first be cleaned with baking soda. You can also add decoctions or infusions of herbs, such as string, to the bath. Just remember that herbal baths dry out the skin, so you should do this no more than 2 times a week.

How often should you use soap?

You should also wash your baby with soap no more than 1-2 times a week. The same can be said about washing your hair. If your baby has long and thick hair, you should wash it no more than 1-2 times a week and do not dry it, but blot it thoroughly.

Is it possible to use foams and other cleaning products instead of soap?

Of course, you can, but just like soap, no more than 1-2 times a week.

How long should bathing last?

The first time - no more than 10-15 minutes. Then you can increase the bathing time to 30-40 minutes. Bathing cleanses the baby's skin not only from the dirt accumulated during the day, but also from exfoliated skin particles, and simply opens the pores of the skin for breathing. In addition, this is an excellent hardening procedure and gymnastics for all muscle groups.

Over time, you will gain confidence in your strengths and capabilities, and you will receive great pleasure from your baby’s water treatments.

Bathing a newborn is a very important process, which is not only necessary for maintaining hygiene. It develops the skeleton and muscles, strengthens nerve cells and immunity, calms and relaxes, improves the baby's sleep and appetite. In addition, the first baths help to quickly straighten the baby’s arms and fingers. They stabilize blood supply and pressure, improve coordination and orientation of the baby in space.

To ensure that bathing and swimming in the bathroom are safe and beneficial, it is important to follow a number of rules and recommendations. Parents are concerned about how to properly organize this procedure and how often to bathe their newborn baby. Let's take a closer look at these questions.

Features of baby bathing

It is not necessary to bathe your child every day if it is not necessary. It is enough to do this once every two to three days. The rest of the time, wipe the baby with wet wipes or a damp towel. Too frequent bathing can negatively affect immunity, body temperature and the protective layer of skin, which only form in the first month of life.

It is not recommended to wash the baby with regular soap. In the first weeks of life, it is enough to simply wash it with warm boiled water. After a month, you can use liquid baby soap without fragrances, fragrances and other chemicals. Baby shampoo “without tears” is used after 2-3 months. You need to wash your baby up to six months using cosmetics no more than once every 7-10 days, then you can carry out bathing procedures with soap and shampoo every 5-7 days.

It is important that cosmetics are natural and hypoallergenic, including wet wipes. For the little ones, choose cosmetics for newborns. Carefully study the composition and expiration date of each product, check the product’s age compliance. When washing, use a soft sponge or cloth that will not scratch or damage the baby's delicate skin.

The first bathing is carried out at a temperature of 36.6-37 degrees, starting from five to seven minutes. Then the time spent in water is gradually increased and the temperature is reduced. In this case, the air temperature should be about 25 degrees. Then the baby will not get too cold and freeze after bathing or, conversely, will not overheat.

Before each bath, the bath must be washed with safe detergents. To do this, use laundry soap, baking soda, neutral liquid soap, baby gel or vinegar. Read more about how to clean the bathtub before bathing your newborn. And then we will look at the basic rules of bathing. Let's find out how to bathe a baby correctly and how often, depending on age.

Rules for bathing newborns

  • The first bathing is carried out for five minutes in the evening in boiled water with a temperature of 36.6-37 degrees;
  • Then the water temperature is gradually reduced by one degree every 5-7 days, and the bathing time, on the contrary, is increased. By the age of six months, a baby can bathe for half an hour;
  • The air temperature in the bathroom should be about 25 degrees;
  • You need to wipe the newborn with wet wipes or a wet towel several times a day, bathe him in a baby bath with boiled water if necessary;
  • It is recommended to bathe your child more often in hot weather, with severe sweating, diaper rash, and skin irritations;
  • When the umbilical wound heals, at 3-4 weeks the child can begin to bathe in a regular adult bath with running water;
  • It is not recommended to wash your child with soap and shampoo more than once a week. Moreover, shampoo is used only after two to three months. Before this, the baby’s head is washed with baby soap;
  • Use only hypoallergenic cosmetics and detergents with natural ingredients that are suitable for the baby’s age;
  • After two to three months, swimming exercises are included;
  • Herbal supplements in the form of string, chamomile or calendula can be used after 3-4 months, pine-salt baths are made for children older than six months. But be careful, the components can cause allergies in the child!;
  • Before bathing, be sure to wash the bathtub with soda, laundry soap or other safe products.

Bathing a newborn in the first month

In the first weeks of life, the baby requires special care and attention, because the child’s body is just adapting to new conditions. The baby should not be bathed in regular running water or in an adult bath until the umbilical wound heals. As a rule, this happens in the second or third week. During this period, the baby is bathed in a special baby bath or simply wiped with wet wipes.

In the first days of life, it is enough to wipe the baby with damp hypoallergenic wipes or a soft towel soaked in boiled water. Then you can start bathing your baby in the baby bath. In this case, too, only boiled water is used with a temperature of about 37 degrees above zero. The first baths should not exceed five minutes.

For bathing, rinse and prepare the bath. Pour in boiled water and wait until it cools to the desired temperature. Then undress the baby, hold him in your arms and press him to you. It is important that he calms down and knows that you are there. Immerse your baby in the water gradually and carefully.

Prepare a table in advance where you will dry your baby after bathing. Lay down a diaper or sheet, wrap the bathed baby in a warm terry towel. When drying your child, do not rub the skin, but lightly blot the moisture. Don't forget to treat the umbilical wound. To do this, blot your stomach with a towel or dry cloth. If there is still a clothespin on your belly button, carefully remove it. Dip a cotton swab in 3% hydrogen peroxide, carefully remove the crust and then thoroughly treat each area of ​​the skin with peroxide.

The clothespin is also treated with peroxide and wiped dry with a cotton pad. Afterwards, it can also be treated with 70% alcohol to enhance protection against infections and bacteria. After the procedures have been completed, the clothespin is put back on. You can then lubricate your baby's skin with lotion or baby oil to moisturize and soften it. After this, they put on a diaper and clothes or wrap the baby in a diaper. Remember, it is not recommended to wear a diaper under a diaper!

Bathing a baby after a month

When the baby is 3-4 weeks old, you can start bathing the baby in a regular adult bathtub. However, it needs to be processed more carefully! But many parents prefer to use a baby bath even after a month. This is not surprising, because it is very comfortable. Plus it's more hygienic.

If you bathe your baby in an adult bath, you can use a children's slide or hammock. This will simplify the procedure, because the mother or father who is washing the baby will not have to bend too low towards the child. In addition, the baby, while in a hammock or on a slide, will not slide around the bathtub.

After a month, it is no longer necessary to boil the water. The water temperature is reduced by one degree every week, and the bathing time is gradually increased to 15-20 minutes. The appropriate water temperature for a baby at one month is 36 degrees, at three months – up to 32 degrees.

For children older than two to three months, you can already practice special swimming exercises. This will further strengthen your muscles and immunity. The baby will not be afraid of water and will learn to swim faster. Thanks to a long evening bath, the baby will eat well before bed, fall asleep quickly and sleep peacefully the whole night.

You can bathe your child every day, and wash your child with soap and other products about once a week. It is important to wash every fold of the baby. It is better to water the child from a ladle. If the baby is afraid of water and is capricious, use various toys. They will help you relax and unwind, because bathing for a newborn can be stressful.

Bathing a baby after six months

Bathing is an important and necessary procedure for a child. It not only ensures hygiene, but also strengthens the immune system and strengthens the body. Swimming and bathing in the bath helps the newborn's arms, legs and fingers straighten more quickly. Stabilizes blood pressure and blood circulation, improves the functioning of the vestibular apparatus and coordination, relaxes and calms. After bathing, the baby eats well and sleeps soundly.

But many parents are interested in how to properly bathe a newborn at home, especially if the procedure is happening for the first time. Let's figure out how to do this.

When and how much to bathe a baby

It is recommended to bathe a child for the first time after the umbilical wound has completely healed. As a rule, this occurs 10-14 days after birth. In the first two weeks, the newborn’s body is wiped with hypoallergenic wet and dry wipes, as well as a towel soaked in boiled water. But today pediatricians allow the procedure to be performed on the fifth day of a child’s life, provided that hygiene rules are observed.

Bathing a child in the first month is carried out only in boiled water at a temperature of 36.6-37 degrees. Start with 5 minutes and gradually increase the time spent in the bathroom to 15-20 minutes. For the first time, 3-5 minutes are enough to bathe at home. It is important to understand that this can be very stressful for a newborn, because he is just beginning to get used to new conditions.

Up to six months, the child should be bathed every day, after six months - once every two days.

Each week, gradually reduce the water temperature and increase the bathing time. But it is better to limit the use of washing products. Bath procedures with shampoo and soap are carried out no more than once every 7-10 days. At the same time, baby shampoo begins to be used only after 2-3 months. Before this, use regular baby soap. By the way, after two months you can introduce special swimming exercises in the bathtub for babies. Read more.

Features of the first bath

For bathing, it is better to use a special baby bath, as it is much more convenient. Plus, bathing in your own tub is more hygienic. To simplify the procedure, many parents use a children's slide or hammock. When the baby is in such a device, the mother or father who washes the child will not have to bend too low. In addition, a slide or hammock will not allow the baby to slide around the bath. However, you can bathe a newborn in a regular adult bath.

Pre-rinse your bathtub or baby tub with laundry soap and baking soda. Fill it with boiled water. The temperature should be 37 degrees. Do not dilute boiling water with tap water, but simply let it cool. To test the water, use a thermometer or dip your elbow in the water. You should not feel either hot or cold.

The optimal water temperature for a newborn is 36.6-37 degrees above zero.

What you need for swimming

  • Bath and slide for swimming, thermometer for measuring water temperature. However, these devices are used only at will, since you can bathe a child without them. But a ladle is simply necessary to thoroughly wash the baby;
  • A soft mitten, sponge or cloth, cotton pads as a washcloth. It should be very gentle so as not to injure or irritate the baby’s skin;
  • It is not necessary to take toys, but they can distract the child. Remember that bathing can be stressful for a newborn, but toys can help you relax and unwind. In addition, while swimming, you can tell stories or nursery rhymes to your baby, or play games in the water;
  • It is better not to use bath additives for the first month. Pediatricians recommend starting to bathe your newborn in regular clean water. After a few weeks, when the baby gets used to it and adapts, you can use various infusions and decoctions of herbs, sea salt. But be careful, as plants can cause allergies in babies!;

  • Detergents include liquid and regular unscented baby soap and fragrances with natural ingredients. After two to three months, you can use “tearless” baby shampoo;
  • Cosmetics include special baby creams or oils after bathing, which are used for irritated or dry skin;
  • Prepare a table with a diaper or sheet where you will dry the baby after water procedures. After bathing, you will need a warm terry towel, powder, clothes and a hair brush;
  • Cotton swabs or disks, brilliant green or 3% hydrogen peroxide for treating the umbilical wound.

Rules for bathing a newborn

After you have prepared the bath, fill it 15 centimeters with boiled water and wait until it cools to the desired temperature. Undress your baby, hold him in your arms and hold him close to you to calm him down. You need to immerse your newborn in water slowly and carefully!

The child should be positioned so that the chest is in the water, and the shoulders and head are on top. In this case, the head should be on the bend of the elbow, and the back should be on the hand of the person who is washing the baby. First, the baby's body is washed with a soapy cotton swab. Rinse your baby's folds thoroughly. The head is washed with baby soap or shampoo, and the soap suds are washed off with a ladle.

After washing, rinse your baby with clean water and immediately wrap him in a clean, warm towel. Place the newborn on a table with a diaper or sheet. Do not dry your body; blot the moisture with a towel using gentle movements. Wipe every crease carefully! For dry skin or irritation, use baby oil or cream. But before use, be sure to consult your pediatrician!

Then the umbilical wound is treated. To do this, drop a few drops of hydrogen peroxide solution into the navel area and rub with a cotton pad. Or you can dip a cotton pad in peroxide and treat the wound with it. At the end of the procedure, put a diaper on your baby. If, use powder in the form of liquid talc.

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