How to bathe a baby in a bathtub. Listen to the opinions of pediatricians and experienced parents. When to start bathing

Bathing for a newborn child and his parents is a whole event (especially if it is the first time after the maternity hospital). Like any very responsible business, this process raises many questions: how and when to bathe, boil water or not, whether it is possible to add herbal decoctions and how often to do this, is it dangerous to get water into the ears, and so on. The famous pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky, in his books and articles, has repeatedly talked about the basic rules and principles of organizing water procedures for a baby.

It is worth considering the most important points that you should know so that bathing brings pleasure and benefit to both the child and his parents.


Water procedures are beneficial for absolutely all babies from the very first days of life. In the womb, babies are in an aquatic environment, and therefore it is familiar and native to them. The little one feels at home in the water. Bathing is not only a hygienic procedure aimed at keeping the child’s skin and hair clean. Taking baths promotes physical development, contains an element of play, and therefore has a positive effect on the mental and emotional development of the baby.

A few decades ago, pediatricians categorically forbade bathing a child with an unhealed umbilical wound, opposed raw, unboiled water, and set many more fairly strict requirements and restrictions for parents.

Modern doctors look at bathing more democratically.

Parents with experience, as a rule, have significantly fewer difficulties during the first bath of a newborn at home than new mothers and fathers who received their first child just a few hours ago. Komarovsky advises maintaining Spartan calm. It is this that guarantees success in the difficult task of bathing the baby.


Should I bathe with an unhealed umbilical wound?

This question comes up quite often. Some pediatricians allow bathing even with a clothespin on the navel, while others recommend refraining from taking water procedures until the umbilical cord dries. Evgeny Komarovsky says that the choice is, of course, up to the parents. However, if the child is kept in acceptable living conditions, does not sweat, does not overheat, and does not get dirty, then nothing bad will happen to him if the baby does not bathe for a week or two. It doesn't bother him at all. If anyone is worried, it’s only mom and dad, but in this case there are wet baby sanitary wipes that can be used to wipe problem areas and folds at any time.

However, if you still decide to bathe, then until the umbilical wound heals, the doctor advises doing this exclusively with boiled water.

For a long time, doctors advised bathing in water with a solution of potassium permanganate. However, you need to be extremely careful here; undissolved grains of potassium permanganate can cause serious burns on the delicate skin and mucous membranes of the baby. The solution should be pale pink and should be added to the water immediately before bathing. Komarovsky does not recommend potassium permanganate at all, since in small doses it is useless, and in large doses it is dangerous. It is better to replace it with infusion of succession.


A massage before an evening swim is a very useful and important procedure, says Evgeniy Komarovsky. During stroking and patting, the blood supply to the muscles and skin improves, and the benefits will be even more noticeable if you bathe the baby immediately after the manipulations. All parents, without exception, can master a simple massage. To do this, you do not need to enroll in special courses.

Komarovsky recommends doing a light and soothing massage before a bath. First, with baby cream, the mother can easily massage the hands (stroking and circular movements, this should be done with the thumbs). Then the legs are massaged in the same way. The tummy is stroked clockwise with the palm or fingertips. Then the baby is laid on the tummy and the back is gently massaged - first in circular and arched movements, and then with light pats.

The mother's movements should not cause pain to the baby, he should not go to the bath too excited and screaming from the heart.

Water temperature

Doctors recommend keeping the temperature at 37 degrees. It should be followed for at least the first 10-14 days. Then you can experiment - slightly increasing or decreasing the temperature (maximum - 1 degree).

Some parents try to warm up the bathroom in advance by bringing heaters into it (especially in cases where the first bath at home occurs in winter). Komarovsky does not recommend doing this. The temperature in the bathroom should be approximately the same as in the rest of the apartment (optimal values ​​are 18-20 degrees), and overheating the air in the bathing room is harmful.

For a good night's sleep, Komarovsky advises to practice swimming in cool water, the temperature of which is no higher than 32 degrees.

Such procedures will not cause any harm, but the general strengthening effect will be obvious, and in a cool bath it is more difficult for a child to fall asleep while bathing. However, you should not immediately rush to implement this recommendation. This should start gradually. The initial water temperature for a newborn is 34 degrees. A child can reduce it by 2 degrees per month - up to 32 degrees, and bathing time can be increased from 15 minutes to half an hour. At two months, the temperature of cool water can be lowered to 28-30 degrees, bathing time is half an hour.

Komarovsky advises to take these figures rather conditionally. If a 1-month-old child calmly accepts swimming in water whose temperature is 24 degrees, there is nothing wrong with that. He sleeps soundly, rests well, worries less himself and allows his parents to sleep.


The first bath should not be very long. It is better to start with 3 minutes, the next day extend the procedure to 5 minutes, then add a little more time. Komarovsky considers the best duration of bathing to be 15-20 minutes. If a quarter of an hour has passed, and the baby is calm and determined to continue the procedure, nothing bad will happen if the bathing is extended.

A newborn does not have time to get so dirty that he needs to be bathed every day.

Although Komarovsky strongly advises washing the baby every day. When the baby begins to crawl, get dirty, and actively explore the world, water procedures before bed should become regular and mandatory - you will have to bathe the baby every day.

It seems to Komarovsky that evening swimming is not a dogma. Parents themselves have the right to choose the most convenient bathing time for the family. Some evening hygiene procedures are postponed until lunchtime. However, Komarovsky warns that evening swimming has its benefits - for example, it promotes relaxation for a strong and healthy night's sleep.

Herbs and decoctions

No matter what traditional healers say, it is best to coordinate any use of phytotherapeutic agents during bathing with the treating pediatrician. Grandmothers, of course, will advise bathing their granddaughter in a series more often or be sure to brew him nine strength, but the common sense of parents should be above all. If a child suffers from atopic dermatitis, has diaper rash, or has a (genetic) tendency to allergies, be sure to consult a doctor.

For healthy children, bathing with the addition of decoctions of medicinal herbs is a rather useful procedure, says Evgeniy Komarovsky. However, moderation is good in everything; you shouldn’t prepare herbal baths every day, and you should be more careful with the dosage of decoctions and infusions.

Naturally, treating something with herbal infusions added to water will not work, since this is impossible, says Dr. Komarovsky. But there won’t be much harm with moderate dosing.

What to do if a child does not like to wash and screams?

Such situations do occur, says Komarovsky. But the point here is not at all about the child and not even about the fact that he is afraid of something. Most likely, according to a famous pediatrician, bathing conditions should be adjusted. Maybe the water temperature does not suit the baby - it is too high or too low for him. After experimenting for several days, parents will be able to understand which water is most comfortable for their child. Bathing should begin with it - and only then adjust the temperature in favor of cooling (adding cold water in a thin stream) or heating (adding hot water in the same way).

Another reason for a child’s screaming in the bathroom, according to Komarovsky, lies in the baby’s rejection of the bathing process, since it goes against his internal biological clock.

For example, a mother tries to bathe her baby only at night, and it is at this time that the child wants to sleep and not bathe. Therefore, Komarovsky gives some advice that will help parents whose children have trouble in the water:

Change the time of day.

Change your eating and bathing routine. If your baby screams when bathing half an hour after eating, then try bathing him half an hour before eating (or vice versa).

Practice sharing baths with your baby.

Large bath

This can be done as early as 2-3 months, says Evgeniy Komarovsky. At first, a child can get comfortable in a large expanse of water with a circle around his neck. This is a special inflatable device with a recess for the chin and Velcro on the back of the neck. The baby is fixed in such a circle, his head is always above the water, and he can practice swimming on his back, stomach, and turning over on his own in the water. Usually this picture brings the baby’s parents into indescribable delight.

You can swim without a circle. For this, Evgeny Komarovsky recommends three poses:

The baby is completely immersed in water, leaving only his face on the surface. At the same time, it is supported by the index fingers under the neck. There is nothing dangerous about getting water into your ears and eyes, says the doctor. The main thing is that water does not get into your nose and mouth. Even if the baby takes a sip of it, nothing bad will happen.

When discharged from the maternity hospital, you will most likely be advised to start bathing your newborn immediately after the umbilical wound has healed; such permission is given either by the pediatrician at the maternity hospital upon discharge, or by the local pediatrician after an examination. It is not advisable to previously bathe a newborn in a bath, since an unhealed wound is an entry point for infection. During this period, the newborn is rubbed with a cotton swab moistened with warm water.

Children are bathed every day during the first half of the year. It is best at the same time, no earlier than an hour after feeding (bathing a newborn immediately after feeding can lead to regurgitation of everything eaten, but the baby should not be hungry). It is best before bedtime and one of the evening feedings, since bathing somewhat calms the baby, then after eating, he will quickly fall asleep.

It is best to bathe a newborn in the bathroom, placing the baby bath on a stand. Although many people prefer to bathe their child in the kitchen, where there is more space and it is possible to place the bath on the table. However, wherever you decide to bathe your newborn baby, you must remember that the room should be warm (the optimal air temperature for bathing is 24-26 degrees), free from drafts and comfortable so that you can approach the bath from all sides.

What to prepare for bathing a newborn

When planning to bathe a newborn, you need to prepare the following supplies:

  • Children's plastic bath, washed with baby soap. This bath should only be used for bathing a newborn; it is unacceptable to wash or soak clothes in it.
  • Hammock or slide for the bath- These are special devices for supporting a newborn, in which the baby reclines with his head raised. If you do not have much experience, then these devices will help you master the bathing technique at first. They are especially convenient while the mother does not yet have the necessary skills.
  • A small jug of water. When filling the bathtub with water, fill the jug and place it somewhere nearby so that at the end of bathing the newborn, you can rinse the newborn with this water, which has cooled down by about a degree. This procedure is an element of hardening.
  • Water thermometer. For temperature control.
  • Newborn bath or baby soap. It is recommended to consume in small quantities and no more than 1-2 times a week. Frequent use of soap can damage the skin's natural protective layer and cause it to become dry. It is unacceptable to use soap with antiseptic additives.
  • A sponge (washcloth) or just a piece of soft cloth. A newborn can be washed simply with heavily soaped hands or a soft cloth.
  • Terry towel or a terry sheet with a hood.
  • Clothing for a newborn. Baby vests, onesies or diapers, if you are swaddling a baby, a disposable diaper. It must be prepared and laid out in advance on the changing table.
  • Cotton balls, diaper cream, baby oil. For treating the skin of a newborn after bathing.
  • Hair brush or a blunt-edged baby comb.
  • Infusion of herbs or solution of potassium permanganate. It is necessary to consult with your pediatrician about the possibility of using herbal baths. This can be a series of various inflammatory skin lesions. And also chamomile, motherwort, valerian. To prepare an infusion of herbs, you need 1-2 tbsp. Pour a glass of boiling water over a spoonful of the mixture, close the lid, let it brew for at least 1 hour and strain through a fine strainer.

Step-by-step procedure for bathing a newborn

  1. Fill the bath with water (temperature 36-37 degrees). The comfort of water temperature is closely related to the time of year and the ambient temperature. It is not necessary to boil the water; it is enough to fill the bathtub with ordinary tap water. To prevent a lot of steam from being released, pour first cold water and then hot. While filling the bath with water, stir it so that the water is the same temperature everywhere. A special water thermometer is used to measure water temperature. You need to determine the temperature using a water thermometer without removing it from the water. It is unacceptable to rely only on your own feelings according to the “hot-cold” principle. So much water is poured so that it barely covers the body, but the face remains open.
  2. If you use herbal infusions or a solution of potassium permanganate, then add the prepared herbal infusion or a few drops of potassium permanganate solution so that the water acquires a faint pink tint.
  3. Undress your child and gently lower him into the water. To prevent a newborn from being afraid of water, he can be immersed in water wrapped in a thin diaper. The diaper will gradually become wet and envelop the baby's body. This method is called adaptive bathing of a newborn.
  4. It is advisable to bathe the baby together - with your husband or grandmother to be on the safe side. A soapy baby becomes very slippery, and besides, it also moves. If you bathe the child together, then there will be almost no problems: one supports, the other washes. If there are no assistants, a hammock can help at first.

  5. Supporting the newborn when immersed in water.

  6. Wash your hands with soap before bathing your newborn. Remove rings, bracelets, etc., anything that could scratch your baby. Set a watch to help guide your bathing time.
  7. When bathing a newborn in the bathroom, the door should be slightly open. This will make it possible to equalize the humidity and air temperature in the bathroom and other rooms, and then the child will have a smoother transition from room to room after bathing.
  8. It is necessary to hold the baby correctly. To prevent the baby from slipping out, you need to grab the newborn by the shoulder farthest from you with one hand and hold his hand in the armpit, while the back of his head should be above your wrist. With your other hand, grab your butt. This way you protect your child from accidentally slipping out. In this position, the newborn must be lowered and removed from the bath. After immersing the child in the water, the legs can be left free.
  9. With your free hand, you soap and wash the baby’s body, pouring water on it. It is necessary to wash it in the following sequence: neck, chest, stomach, arms, armpits, legs, inguinal folds, back and only then the head. Thoroughly rinse all the folds on the body, remembering to open and wash your clenched fists between your fingers.

  10. Washing a newborn's head.

  11. The baby's perineum must be washed especially thoroughly. For girls, carefully wash all the folds between the labia, and for a boy, just gently wash the penis (without moving the foreskin), the scrotum, and then the area around the anus.
  12. You need to carefully lather your head, tilting it back slightly and holding it with your palm. With the other hand, run water over your hair from the face to the back of your head, then apply and lather a few drops of body wash or shampoo. And in the same position, from the face to the back of the head, rinse with water. Also don't forget to wash the folds behind your ears. In order to subsequently teach a newborn to swim and hold his breath, you can now, when rinsing, pour water from the back of the head onto the forehead after the words “Attention, (or one, two, three) we dive!”
  13. Now you can rinse your baby with water from a jug, which by the time the bath is finished becomes cooler by about 1°C than the water in the bath.
  14. After bathing your newborn, wrap his head in a towel. Under no circumstances should you rub the baby; just apply a diaper or towel and make a few stroking (blotting) movements. All folds of the skin must be thoroughly dried.
  15. Take the baby to the room, change the wet towel to a dry diaper. Treat the umbilical wound and lubricate the baby's skin with oil or cream.
  16. Put on the diaper and dress the baby. Don't forget - a newborn keeps his temperature for no more than 15 minutes, after which he loses heat and may freeze. After washing your hair, you can put on a hat or cap. Do not remove it until your hair is dry.
  17. Next, the newborn can be fed and put to bed.

Duration of bathing a newborn

The duration of bathing changes with age: from a few minutes in the first days, to 15 minutes, when the child gets used to it a little and enjoys this procedure. After a month, the duration of bathing can be increased to 20-30 minutes.

If water gets into your newborn's ears while bathing

If water gets into your newborn's ears while bathing, then there is nothing to worry about. After bathing, you just need to blot the auricle with cotton wool and insert loose cotton wool flagella into the ears - they will absorb the water that gets into the ear canal. It is strictly forbidden to insert pieces of cotton wool into your ears before bathing, as when removing them, a large difference in pressure may appear, which can damage the membrane.

If your newborn cries when you bathe him

If your newborn baby cries every time you try to put him in the water, he may be hungry or the water is too hot or cold. Try changing the temperature, removing or using a diaper, and reducing bath time. Bathing a newborn should occur without any haste. The movements of the person who bathes the child must be skillful and dexterous so as not to frighten the little one, not to cause unpleasant emotions in him and not to harm his health.

Try to create a favorable atmosphere: smile and talk with the baby, bathe the newborn only in a good mood, otherwise your tension and nervousness may be passed on to the child.

If the reason for crying during bathing is unknown, you should not tolerate the child’s crying and forcefully continue the procedure; pick up the newborn in your arms, soothe and feed him, temporarily taking a break for a few days and limiting himself to daily toileting.

When can you bathe in a large bathtub?

A newborn can be bathed in a large communal bath almost immediately after birth, if the parents have the skill, but only after careful treatment with detergents (soda, baby soap). Carefully observe the child’s behavior - if he is not active and lies quietly, it means that this water is too warm for him and does not stimulate him to take active action.

Never Do not leave your baby unattended in the bath, even for a second.

Never Do not fill the bathtub with water when your newborn is there - a sudden change in temperature can harm him.

Never Do not dissolve potassium permanganate crystals in a baby bath so that the baby does not get burned. Prepare the solution in a separate container.

Remember, bathing a newborn is a pleasant procedure! Subsequently, you yourself will receive great pleasure from bathing your newborn baby.

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A young mother (especially if the child is the first-born in the family) often does not know how to properly approach such a process as bathing a newborn baby.

In this article we will try to figure out how bathe a baby correctly, what requirements to comply with and what means to use.

Typically, during the first and subsequent examinations, pediatricians give recommendations on bathing. But let us repeat once again at what time you should start water procedures.

If the baby is healthy, the birth occurred on time, and the baby is full-term, then bathing can begin immediately after arrival from the hospital. But with caution, because the umbilical wound has not yet healed. If the wound is very wide, then you should refrain from swimming for the first month. It is enough to wipe the baby's skin with a damp soft cloth.

Use baby soap with caution. Be sure to look at the label to see what age the detergent is intended for. If you are not sure, it is better to use plain water. After all, an allergic reaction at this age is very dangerous.

Bathing facilities and facilities

Conduct baby water procedures can be done in any room. The main thing is that it is warm and no drafts. And then choose according to convenience: in the bathroom, in the kitchen or right in the children's room. Moreover, the ambient temperature should not be less than 21 degrees.

The water for swimming should be 37-38 degrees, no more and no less. A child may freeze in cold water, but he will feel uncomfortable in hot water.

Very often, new mothers are taught to check the water temperature with their elbow. It is not right. The elbow is not such a sensitive part of the body to accurately determine 37 or 38 degrees. Don’t be lazy to use a thermometer to avoid unnecessary problems and hassle. Let’s say from experience that if the baby doesn’t like bathing for the first time, then with each hygiene procedure the whole process will turn into torture for both you and the baby.

It is better to bathe your baby in a specially purchased bathtub. But you can't use it for anything else. Don't think of washing clothes in it.

Some bathe the newborn immediately in a large bathtub. But there are several significant disadvantages:

  • A large bathtub will have to be very thoroughly washed and disinfected every time, even if the adults who use the shared bathtub are absolutely healthy (which is not often the case). The slightest infection can cause very big health problems. After all, a small organism is not yet equipped to deal with serious threats.
  • You will have to bathe your child in a very uncomfortable position, bending low over the bathtub. It’s good if dad or grandma helps with bathing. But it will be problematic for one mother to do this: she needs to keep the baby suspended, and at the same time manage to lather and wash off the soap from the skin.
  • Large amounts of water can frighten a newborn.

After bathing, use moisturizers that are designed specifically for newborns (creams, moisturizing gels or milk). They are usually hypoallergenic and do not contain any harmful impurities.

How often should you bathe your newborn?

Traditionally, it is believed that bathing should be done daily. For example, before going to bed at night. But there are caveats to this issue: a baby’s skin is very sensitive, and daily water procedures can cause severe dryness and irritation. Does an infant get that dirty? Moreover, with the condition that after defecation you will wash it.

Many doctors advise bathing a newborn 2-3 times a week, and the rest of the time wiping the folds with a damp cloth soaked in warm water.

In summer, when it is hot, the number of baths can be increased. After all, at higher air temperatures, the baby may sweat a lot. Don’t forget to wipe the areas behind the ears, in the groin, under the arms – where sweat and sebum accumulate.

Sometimes various herbal supplements can be used for bathing. But you should use folk remedies (such as chamomile, lemon balm) only after talking with a pediatrician.

When and how long should you bathe your baby?

Immediately after returning from the maternity hospital, bathing the child should not be delayed for more than 5 minutes. By three months, the duration of stay in water can be increased to 15 minutes.

Bathing time is usually scheduled for the evening. But sometimes it happens that water procedures only invigorate the baby, and he does not want to fall asleep. Then move this process to the day, for example, after lunch.

How to wash a newborn?

Today, cosmetic companies offer a wide range of products designed for babies. These are products for bathing and skin products after water procedures. You can also use herbal decoctions, so to speak folk remedies. Once again, herbs should be used with great caution after consultation with a specialist.

  • To reduce inflammation or irritation, you can use chamomile or calendula infusions.
  • If your baby is too restless, you can prepare a bath with lemon balm, mint or lavender. Sometimes valerian is used, but this herb has a rather unpleasant odor that the baby may not like.

Even if your child has long hair, you should not get carried away with shampoos. Special detergents that are intended for the entire body are sufficient. In any case, you need to monitor the condition of your skin and hair in order to choose a specific product.

  • Bathe your child in a special bath that you do not use for anything else. Disinfect the bath container periodically.
  • Before the bathing process, prepare everything you need so that everything is at hand and you are not distracted by extraneous things, but only watch the child.
  • After bathing, do not move a wet baby to another room. Wrap him in a towel and then take him to the changing table.
  • Before swimming, cut your nails short and wash your hands with soap, remove rings, bracelets, and watches.
  • Do not rub the baby with a towel, but simply pat it dry.
  • After drying, lubricate the baby's skin with cream. Using moisturizing oil, you can give a relaxing massage. Just learn how to do it first so as not to cause harm.
  • After this, dress the child in the clothes prepared in advance. While your hair is still wet, put on a thin cotton cap.
  • The whole process is accompanied by conversation; talk kindly to your baby. Mom's voice will calm the child.

Bathing a baby is a procedure that should bring joy and pleasure. When in contact with water, tactile stimulation occurs and physical performance improves.

But a prerequisite, of course, is hygienic manipulations and temperature conditions: both water and ambient air.

During intrauterine life, the baby was surrounded by amniotic fluid for all 9 months. After birth, he leaves this environment and goes through the processes of adaptation to new conditions. Therefore, swimming in water is a reminder for him of his “past” life in his mother’s tummy.

If we talk about the temperature, it is about 37 degrees. If this temperature level increases, the child may overheat or get burned. And, conversely, swimming in cold water can even cause fright in an infant and discourage the desire to swim for a long time.

The baby's first bath lasts about 10 minutes, so you don't have to worry about the water having time to cool down.

Methods for measuring water temperature:

  • thermometer;
  • "elbow method"

Pharmacies sell many water thermometers in the form of fish that are immersed in a bath. You can also use your own hands. Place your elbow in the water and judge roughly whether the water is hot or cool.

It should be remembered that the umbilical wound in very small babies has not yet healed and to bathe newborns in the first days of life it is necessary to boil water. This must be done within the first two weeks. To do this, first fill the bath with cold water, then add boiling water to the desired temperature - 36-37 degrees. Be sure to stir the water.

If your baby overheats, you will notice redness of the skin and lethargy. And, conversely, if the baby is cold, he will clench his fists, cry, and his lips and limbs will turn blue.

If the child cries during bathing, the procedure should be stopped. Look again at what you are doing wrong.

The air temperature in the bathroom should be about 23 degrees.

What do you need to prepare for swimming?

For water procedures you will need the following items:

  • bath;
  • swimming slide;
  • thermometer;
  • diaper;
  • soft terry towel;
  • children's bathing products.

Baby bath products

In modern stores you can find many different kinds of children's shampoos, gels and bath foams. The most widespread is the Johnsons Baby line.

Bathing foam, especially with lavender oil, has hypoallergenic properties and a calming effect.

  1. Hypoallergenic - the absence of harmful dyes and fragrances that can cause an allergic reaction.
  2. Safety. After all, any child can try the foam “to the teeth.”

Of course, if it was not a drop of gel, but a whole sip or two, you need to call an ambulance.

Daria, Moscow, 25 years old:“Johnsons Baby bathing foam suited us, or rather my six-month-old happiness, perfectly. You can purchase a large pink bottle of 500 ml. The price is very reasonable and will last a long time - about 4 months. But, depending on how much you pour it into the bath. For excitable children there is also one with lavender.”

Children's soap "Eared Nannies", Hipp is also popular among young mothers. The form of its use is also convenient - liquid.

This soap should not contain fragrances. An essential component is glycerin to soften delicate skin. Always a big plus for soap is the presence of substances of plant origin and a special dispenser for convenient use.

You can also bathe children in herbal mixtures with thyme, chamomile, and lemon balm. They have a good anti-inflammatory and calming effect. They will provide all possible assistance with diaper rash and hyperexcitability of the baby.

Natalya, 28 years old:“I bought the “Eared Nanny” hair wash, I thought it would be suitable as a bubble bath, but it wasn’t. Foams mediocre. Great for babies, softens the skin well. No allergic reactions were detected. There is, however, a grape scent, so I wouldn’t recommend it for newborns.”

PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. For my son I use liquid soap “Eared Nannies”. It foams very well, so to speak, “2 in 1” - both foam and soap. The smell is pleasant and washes off quickly. I have never noticed any allergies, it softens and soothes the skin very well during diaper rash, if any.

The line of bathing products from the German company Bübchen is also in high demand on the market. But they are a little expensive.

Nowadays you can find a lot of shampoos, bath foams, and bathing gels for children. But even with such diversity, an individual approach and mandatory consideration of possible allergic reactions are required. What to bathe the baby in is up to the parents to decide.

Newborn's first bath

This is the long-awaited moment of discharge from the hospital. You arrived home, and after some time the question arises of how to bathe this small and very fragile bundle of happiness.

Bathing the baby after the maternity hospital should be done the next day to allow the newborn to adapt to his new room and crib.

The child should be bathed in his own bathtub. You should choose a bathtub in children's stores, since the product is certified there, and the plastic and other substances from which the bathtub is made will not harm the baby's health when bathing.

During this procedure, you can use a slide for convenience. There are plastic slides, fabric hammocks, and slides with a metal frame covered with fabric. Special baths with built-in slides are also sold.

PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. My husband and I enjoyed bathing our baby on a fabric slide with a metal frame. My husband even built it himself. It is more comfortable and softer for a child to lie on fabric than on a plastic backing.

Rules for bathing a baby

  1. We are preparing a place in the bathroom where it is most convenient to place the bathtub. You can put it on a stool or in a large bathtub.
  2. Let's prepare the water. If the umbilical wound has not healed, then the water should be boiled.
  3. Check to see if there is a mug or small ladle to rinse the baby.
  4. We fill up about a quarter of the bath with water. Check the temperature with a thermometer or elbow. If desired, add foam or herbal decoction.
  5. We put up a slide.
  6. We close the bathroom.
  7. We are preparing the child.
  8. We undress the baby on the changing table. If the room is warm, you can take air baths for a few minutes. Then we swaddle the head, but not tightly.
  9. We carefully place the baby on the slide, monitor the child’s well-being, the color of his skin, and the large fontanel.
  10. First, carefully wash the baby’s arms, legs, body, then the child’s head, trying to protect the eyes from water. At the end, rinse the baby with clean water. Bathing a newborn should start from five minutes, gradually increasing the amount of time to 15 minutes.

For more information about the age at which a child should be swaddled, read the article by a pediatrician.

How to wash a newborn?

You can wash your child simply with your hand, or with a special washcloth-mitten, which you can buy at a children's store. When choosing a mitten, evaluate the material from which it is made and the smell, so as not to cause an allergy in your child.

After the child has bathed, he should be wrapped in a dry terry towel and dried with blotting movements. Dress in a vest, romper, or swaddle.

The baby should be bathed daily for the first 4-5 months, but hair should be washed no more than 2 times a week. In the second half of life, you can bathe every other day.

Bathing a baby is quite a challenging task. While still pregnant, it will be useful to study the necessary materials on how to properly bathe a newborn baby. Try to involve your husband in this process.

Helpers will never be superfluous. The baby will feel the care of both parents.

A baby in its first days is fragile and helpless. How to pick up such a baby? How to change clothes? How do you know how to calm him down if he cries? How to bathe a newborn? Young parents have to master all the intricacies of life with a small child. This will require a lot of love, patience and a little practical knowledge.

From the first days at home, bathing your baby will become a nightly ritual. A baby's first bath is an exciting experience for parents. How to wash a newborn baby for the first time? How to prepare for this event so that it becomes comfortable for the child and easy for mom and dad.

When should I start bathing?

The very first bath is a crucial moment for the whole family. The further attitude toward bathing the little person and his parents, who have to bathe the baby every day, depends on how taking a bath for a newborn for the first time goes.

Benefits of swimming

Water procedures are important not only for hygiene, but also for the baby’s immunity and emotional pleasure. Water at a suitable temperature is:

  1. cleansing and caring for newborn skin;
  2. calming, calming effect;
  3. hardening and training of the body's thermoregulatory functions;
  4. one of the ways for a child to learn about the world around him;
  5. pleasant emotions for the baby and for the parents.

Important! The first months of life, when the baby's skin is especially sensitive, bathing is carried out once a day. After six months, you can bathe your baby once every two days.

Time for a swim

Bathing will help relax your newborn and will be an excellent preparatory procedure for a sweet night's sleep.

It happens that bathing does not calm the child, but rather invigorates it. In such a special case, it is recommended to bathe the newborn in the first half of the day. The most important thing is to choose the optimal moment so that the bathing procedure brings maximum benefit and pleasure to the baby, and is also easy and enjoyable for parents.

Follow an individual daily routine that is convenient for you and your baby. A daily routine will help you get used to the new living conditions with a small child in the house and establish the healthy development of a child's growing body.

Attention! If you bathe your child in the evening, try to create conditions so that the bathing procedure takes place in as calm an environment as possible. Maintaining emotional balance will help you calmly put your baby to sleep at night.

Preparing for a bath

In order to make bathing an enjoyable procedure for the baby and parents, you need to take into account the following nuances:

  • The most convenient way to bathe a newborn baby is in a baby bath. The bath must be thoroughly washed and doused with boiling water to disinfect;
  • For the first baths, until the umbilical wound has completely healed, it is recommended to use boiled water cooled to the required temperature. Read more about preparing water for bathing a newborn baby >>>
  • Measure the temperature of the water in the bath with a water thermometer. You can also use the “elbow method” to measure whether the water is safe for your baby to bathe. The optimal temperature for bathing is closest to the temperature of the mother’s amniotic fluid – 37-38 degrees;
  • If necessary, prepare herbal decoctions, they will help in caring for the delicate skin of a newborn. Choose herbs with a calming effect, or antiseptic decoctions, to combat allergies or general strengthening;
  • Baby hygiene products. It is not recommended to wash a newborn with soap more than once a week. You don’t need to use shampoo to wash your hair; just wash your hair with clean water;
  • Baby washcloths. In order to wash a newborn baby, you can use special baby washcloths. They are usually made from natural soft fabrics that will not harm the baby’s skin;

In addition, these products are designed in the style of children's toys. They attract the attention of the baby, are pleasant to the touch, and evoke positive emotions. Later, bright washcloths and other bathing toys will become a bright positive moment in the process of bathing and playing with water. In the meantime, the baby is only a few days old, you can wash it with any soft cloth, a small cotton swab or just your hand.

  • To rinse the bathed baby, you need to prepare a ladle with clean water;
  • Prepare a clean, dry diaper and a soft baby towel to dry and wrap your baby after the bath. Regular adult towels, without corners with a hood, are very convenient for this purpose. They are warm, absorb moisture well, and comfortably protect the baby’s wet head;
  • Prepare in advance all the accessories for caring for your baby’s skin after bathing. Cotton swabs and swabs, a clean diaper, skin care products for the diaper and treatment of the umbilical wound;
  • You need to have a set of clean clothes ready to dress your washed baby.

Bathing and feeding

For the bathing procedure to take place in a comfortable, positive environment, the baby must be well-fed.

Know! If the baby is breastfed, there is no need to observe breaks between feedings and bathing. A newborn can be fed before bathing and immediately after. Breast milk, unlike formula, is absorbed very quickly.

A bottle-fed baby can be bathed an hour after feeding.

Bathing in the herbs

Herbs are often used to bathe a small child with delicate, vulnerable skin:

  • and calendula will help with redness and rashes on the skin;
  • Chamomile will help cope with colic;
  • A decoction of motherwort will relax and calm the baby.

To prepare a herbal decoction for bathing:

  1. Pour 3-4 tablespoons of dried herbs with cold water;
  2. Bring to a boil and leave to brew for 20 minutes, covered;
  3. Before adding the broth to the bathing water, strain through cheesecloth or a fine sieve.

Bathing. Sequence of procedure

So, everything you need has been prepared, it’s time to bathe the newborn baby:

  • Your baby's bathtub should be high enough to keep your back straight. This will help you stay alert and not get tired of the responsible and exciting procedure of bathing your baby;
  • Raise one end of the bath by placing a thick book under its edge. A slight tilt of the bath is necessary to ensure that the newborn’s head does not submerge in the water;

On a note! You can also purchase a so-called anatomical bathtub for bathing a newborn. It already has an inclined plane for comfortable placement of a small child.

  • Fill the bath with boiling water and dilute the water to 37 degrees. To ensure even temperature, stir the water, then measure the temperature with a baby water thermometer and/or your elbow;
  • If necessary, prepare a decoction of herbs, strain it and add to the water in which you will bathe the newborn;
  • Place a container of hot water at a convenient location away from you. As the water cools, you will add a little hot water from the far end of the bath so as not to harm the baby;
  • Roll a thick diaper into a pad and place it in the bath in the place where the baby's head will be placed;
  • After short air baths, wrap the naked newborn in a thin diaper;
  • Carefully immerse the baby in the water so that the body and shoulders are in the water, and the head is on the pillow. Keep your warm hand on your newborn's tummy;
  • Using a small ladle, start pouring water over the baby. Let the water flow down your hand onto your baby, this way you will control its temperature;
  • If the water gets cold, run a small stream of hot water over the edge of the bath and stir the water. In this case, the bath should be long enough so that the hot water does not create discomfort for the baby.

Attention! The length of the bathtub for bathing a newborn must be at least 65 centimeters.

  • Wash your baby's arms and legs, one at a time, freeing them from the thin diaper in which the newborn is wrapped. Then cover the baby again with a diaper so that he does not get cold;
  • Whether to use baby soap for the first bath or not is up to mommy to decide. Some mothers do not use soap during their first baths. If the baby was washed with baby soap, then he must be rinsed with clean water, which must be prepared in advance;
  • Wrap the washed baby in a warm diaper that absorbs moisture well. Wrap your baby in a warm bath towel over the diaper.

How to wash a newborn. Rules

You immersed the baby in the water and poured warm water over him. He is warm, comfortable and you are also calm that your baby enjoys water procedures. How to properly wash the head and other parts of the body of a newborn:

  1. The baby's head is on a pad made of a towel or diaper. Wash your head with movements from the forehead to the back of the head. While rinsing the head, you can protect the child’s face by placing your palm with the edge on the baby’s forehead;
  2. Wash the newborn's body with your hand, a baby washcloth or a cotton swab, with or without soap. We wash the neck folds, armpits, spaces between the fingers and toes;

By the way! Through experience, you will eventually find out whether your baby prefers warmer or cooler water.

  1. We wash the folds on the arms, legs, and inguinal folds with a cotton swab; if soap was used, rinse thoroughly. If there is redness, it is useful to rinse the folds with a decoction of herbs and treat them with appropriate remedies (for diaper rash, prickly heat or irritation);
  2. Gently wash the outside of the genitals. During the bathing process, while the baby is in the water, the genitals are cleansed from contact with water. After bathing, rinse with clean water;
  3. We wipe the eyes with a clean cotton swab using movements from the outer edge of the eye to the nose;
  4. Gently wipe the ears with a cotton swab soaked in clean water. We pay special attention to cleansing the folds behind the ears.

Attention! If your baby is cold in the bath, you will notice that his nose and lips turn blue. If the baby is too hot, then the face turns red. In addition, the baby will announce any discomfort with a loud cry.

Watch a useful video tutorial on bathing a newborn:

Age-related features of bathing

If frequent bathing of a baby brings a lot of trouble and worry, then over time this procedure becomes easier. How the process of taking a bath changes as the baby grows and develops:

  • From birth to 1.5 months. Bathing is carried out daily. To protect the baby’s fragile body from the temperature difference between water and air, we bathe him wrapped in a thin diaper. Interesting information about what temperature should be in a newborn’s room >>>
  • From 1.5 to 3 months. The baby bathes in a supine position in a baby bath in a small amount of water;
  • From 3 months to six months. The baby becomes active and shows interest in the world around him. He can still be bathed in a baby bath, or he can bathe in a large bath with his mother;
  • From six months. At this age, the baby is already sitting. Now he will be interested in splashing around and playing with some water. You can bathe in a basin, or in the same baby bath using a special bathing chair. The chair is attached with Velcro to the bottom of the bathtub. The child sits on a high chair, plays with water and washes himself at the same time.

How long does swimming last?

  1. If you bathe your baby every day at a certain time, then how long should you bathe your newborn? As a rule, the baby is not kept in water for long during the first baths. The procedure usually takes 5-7 minutes;
  2. If your growing baby enjoys the bath, then bathing can be extended as long as it is possible to maintain the optimal water temperature. After 1.5 - 2 months of life, bathing can last up to a quarter of an hour;
  3. After six months, when the baby bathes in a sitting position and plays with water, the bathing procedure can last 30-40 minutes.

After swimming

The bathed baby is comfortably wrapped in a warm bath towel. In order for him to remain satisfied and soon fall asleep sweetly:

  • Rock the baby and feed him;
  • Lay the baby on his back, dry the skin folds with a diaper;
  • Treat folds with appropriate hygiene products;
  • Put on a diaper;
  • Put on a cap to keep your newborn's head and ears well protected after the bath;
  • Dress your baby in clean clothes;
  • Now you can go to bed.

For a detailed video about bathing a baby and caring for a newborn, watch

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