Games for the family for the New Year. How to have fun celebrating the New Year with your family? New Year's scenario for adults and children

All over the world, the New Year is one of the favorite holidays; everywhere it is awaited with special impatience, and traditionally it is a family holiday. The day before, all family members gather in the house, prepare a festive meal and decorate the Christmas tree, and then sit down at the table to celebrate the next step into the future. Of course, everyone would like to make this night unforgettable, believing in the sign “how you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it.” That's why people are looking for new New Year's pranks and competitions for the family so that the fun doesn't stop.

  • Table
  • Movable


Gift for the wisest and eldest

For this fun you need to sacrifice a light T-shirt, you will also need felt-tip pens or markers. All family members leave their autographs, best wishes and drawings on the T-shirt as a sign of respect. Then everyone evaluates the overall work and chooses the best congratulation. The T-shirt is given to the elder of the family, and the author of the best greeting receives a separate prize.

guess a riddle

Many fun New Year competitions for families involve balloons. In this case, you first need to put small notes with funny riddles in them, and then inflate the balloons. During the fun, the leader distributes them to the feasters. Each owner must burst his balloon and take out a note from there, read the riddle out loud and answer it. If someone finds it difficult to answer, then he will have to complete a penalty task invented by everyone. Riddles need humor, for example:

  • What can a student envy a lizard? (Tail throwing speed).
  • How many pairs of shoes does a woman need to be completely happy? (One more than at the moment or one more than a friend).
  • Which clock shows the exact time only 2 times a day? (Which stopped).
  • What goes from one settlement to another, remaining in place? (Road).
  • There was a very small flock flying. How many birds are there, and what kind? (Seven owls).
  • When is the easiest time for a black cat to get into the house? (When the door is open).
  • Who doesn't get their hair wet in the pouring rain? (Bald).
  • Two birch trees grow. Each birch tree has four cones. How many cones are there in total? (Not one, because cones don’t grow on birch trees).
  • The grandmother was carrying a hundred eggs to the market, one fell. How many eggs are left in the basket? (Not a single one, because the bottom fell (“one fell” should be pronounced by the presenter as “and the bottom”)).
  • When is a person in a room without a head? (When he puts it out of the window).
  • What is lighter: 1 kg of cotton wool or 1 kg of iron? (Weight is the same).
  • What needs to be done to keep four guys in one boot? (Take off each person's boot.)
  • In which month does chatty Annushka talk the least? (In February, because it is the shortest).
  • What is dropped when needed and picked up when not needed? (Anchor).
  • What kind of ribbon cannot be woven into a braid? (Machine gun).
  • In which fields does grass not grow? (On the brim of the hat).
  • How far into the forest can a wolf run? (Until the middle of the forest, because after that he will already be getting out of the depths).
  • One corner of the square table was sawed off. How many corners does he have left? (Five).
  • How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? (One - the second will no longer be on an empty stomach).
  • Which month has 28 days? (Any month has 28 days).
  • Is it possible to bring water in a sieve? (Can be in the form of a piece of ice).
  • How many minutes should you boil a hard-boiled egg? (Not at all, because it is already cooked).
  • What can you see with your eyes closed? (Dream).
  • There were seven candles burning in the room, two were extinguished. How much is left? (Two, the rest burned down).

Creative person

This creative competition at the table will help you celebrate the New Year in a fun and varied way. All those present can participate in it. Among the celebrants, a bag is passed containing many pieces of paper, on each of which one word is written on a New Year's theme (Snow Maiden, snowdrift, snowflake, Christmas tree). Having received the bag, the participant pulls out one note at random from there, reads the word out loud, after which he must remember and perform a fragment of a poem or song with this word. Then the bag is passed to the next participant. There is a prize for the best performance.


The presenter puts a mask of some animal or character on the player’s face so that he does not see it. Then the player begins to ask questions to those present, trying to guess who he has turned into. Guests can only answer with a monosyllable “yes” or “no.” If the player guesses what kind of mask he is wearing, then it becomes his prize.

Black box

Family competitions organized for the New Year should contain some kind of riddle, such as this one. The presenter hides some object in a black box in advance. The task of those gathered is to guess what lies there, using their extrasensory abilities and asking 1 question each, which can be answered “yes” or “no”. If no one managed to guess right the first time, then the presenter begins to give small hints. The competition turns out to be interesting and intriguing. The one who guessed the mysterious object becomes its owner.

Secret name

The advantage of this New Year's competition is that everyone present can have fun with it all New Year's Eve. Before sitting down at the festive table, all guests need to attach a piece of paper to their backs on which the name of an object, animal or plant is written - this will be the person’s temporary name. Everyone will know him except himself. During the feast, everyone can try to find out their “name” by asking others leading questions. You can't just peek! Answers can only be monosyllabic “yes” and “no”. The one who guesses his name on the back first will be the winner. But even after this, the game can continue - after all, others are also interested in finding out their names.


To organize this table competition for the New Year at home for the whole family, you need to prepare several cards in advance. You should encrypt the words on them by rearranging the letters in them. It will take some time to solve this puzzle.

For example, the word "propeller" can be transformed into "preleprol" or something else. In order not to get confused later, and to make it easier to check the answers, the cards need to be numbered and a separate list of words encrypted on them must be compiled.

These cards need to be distributed to the players. Whichever of them is the first to correctly decipher his word will be the winner. But sometimes another word can be made from the same letters, then the player who finds two answers at once will be recognized as the first.


Decorate the Christmas tree

A traditional activity for large families - decorating the Christmas tree with all kinds of toys and garlands - can be turned into an interesting New Year's competition for the whole family. Divide all household members into two teams. Nominate one person from each team to be the “Christmas tree”, and the rest must compete in speed to decorate their Christmas tree. Decorations can include tinsel and soft toys, which can be attached to the “Christmas tree” clothes with clothespins.

You will find other entertainment for your kids in the article “Children's competitions for the New Year”.

Find out a relative

Funny New Year's competitions in the family circle rarely take place without this. Some members of the household are blindfolded and woolen mittens are put on their hands. Then one of the participants in the feast approaches him, and the host invites the player to find out who is in front of him. The player can feel the person's figure without taking off his mittens, trying to guess who is standing in front of him. In fact, even a close and well-known person is not so easy to guess.

Flying snowflake

For this competition you need to prepare “snowflakes” - blue balloons. The presenter distributes them to everyone who wants to have fun, and on command, everyone must throw them up together and then, blowing on their ball from below, do not allow it to land on the floor. The winner is the one whose “snowflake” stays in the air the longest.

Don't wake up Santa Claus

Be sure to think about fun for parents, because they will be happy not only to watch their children, but also to take part in the entertainment. For example, a competition for the New Year could be like this: grandfather is appointed Father Frost, he is seated on a chair and blindfolded. You need to put a gift (box) next to it. Next, each member of the household must walk past Santa Claus as quietly as possible so as not to wake him up and steal the gift. But if grandfather “wake up” and catch the kidnapper, then he will have to fulfill the wishes of the whole family. Well, the thief who successfully stole the box already ends up with a prize.

Super sleuth

If someone is looking for what kind of family competitions on New Year's Eve will be of interest to representatives of different generations, then the “super detective” is perfect. You need to select 2-3 volunteers - detectives, who are taken to the next room so that they do not know what is happening in the main one. And there the presenter begins to quickly lay out a large number (several dozen) of pre-cut snowflakes in a variety of places (on the table, under the table, under the tree, on furniture, and so on). When all the snowflakes take their places, “detectives” are allowed into the room and must find every single snowflake. Those present can prompt them with the words “hot” or “cold.” The detective who finds the most snowflakes wins.

Want to find even more fun competitions for the whole family at home? Then read on our website!

Keen Eye

This entertainment is suitable for all ages, but especially for children. Here you need to prepare candies in advance, which should be hung on the New Year's tree so that they are not visible. Players must discover them. The candies found will become prizes for the players.

Guess what!

New Year's competitions at home are often organized with Santa Claus. In this case, you need to give him a bag of sweets and small toys in advance. When grandfather bursts into the house, all household members should greet him joyfully, then everyone in turn should blindfold themselves and randomly take a present out of the bag, and then try to guess what it is. This will be a joy for children, and for adults too!

Random gift

When everyone is already tired of the New Year's table, cool family competitions, for example, unusual gift giving, will help continue the fun. You need to prepare small prizes (preferably with the symbols of the year): candies, key rings, stationery, which are tied on strings to a rope thrown across the room above their heads. Next, the players are blindfolded and given safety scissors with blunt ends. They must blindly discover the hanging prizes, cut them off and become their owners. Household members of all ages will enjoy playing this game.


Household members sit in a circle and place their palms on their neighbors’ knees. One of them begins to beat out a simple rhythm on the knee of his neighbor, who must reproduce it on the knee of the next player. This task only seems easy at first glance; it will take some time until all participants can beat the given rhythm accurately.

Let's remember our childhood

This nostalgic competition for the New Year with family can appeal to different generations. You need to say a phrase or sing a piece of a song from a famous fairy tale or cartoon character without saying his name. For example, “I am a man in the prime of life,” “Whoever helps people is wasting his time,” “Normal heroes always take a detour.” If no one remembers who they are talking about, the player who made the guess begins to give clues without saying the name of the hero.

What competitions would you be happy to host at home on New Year's Eve? Or do you have your own entertainment and games? Tell us about them in the comments.

All adults and children always look forward to December 31st with great impatience, because celebrating the New Year’s celebration gives a feeling of magic, joy and positive emotions. How to meet him so that he becomes truly cheerful, unforgettable, equally interesting to both old and young?

Of course, you will take care of gifts, outfits, and menus. And if you are going to celebrate this holiday at home, with your family, then you will first begin to plan the course of the event. Therefore, you just need to create a New Year’s scenario for your family, which we will try to help you with. Competitions, quests, their order are your choice, we will give advice and examples of what and how you can use when creating your own scenario.

Creating a festive mood

When celebrating the New Year with your family, first of all, you want warmth and comfort. But in order to create an unforgettable and festive atmosphere, you need to work very hard. After all, the festive mood is the work of the most talented and hardworking people, namely you and me. Take care of New Year's decorations and accessories in advance.

In addition to the elegant Christmas tree, let your home be decorated with garlands, New Year's candles, themed decorative pillows, and toys.

Make various New Year crafts with your children, draw a poster with the inscription “Happy New Year!”, hang up balloons. Let the magical atmosphere and feeling of the holiday be in every corner of your home, so that you will want to spend the New Year with your family more than once without leaving your home.

Prepare a plan in advance, as well as props for New Year's entertainment. Look through the scripts for children's and adult competitions and games, choose from them those that are suitable for age and number of people. For each competition, keep a separate card with the rules, and if there are quizzes, with questions and answers. Prepare fun music for competitions and dances - these can be songs from cartoons or films with a New Year theme. To make the holiday even more interesting, come up with festive costumes. Stock up on masks, ears and other attributes of fairy-tale and New Year's characters.

Write notes with the characters and put them in a hat, so everyone can choose a costume for themselves, pulling out the note without looking. With this “distribution of roles” you can start having fun.

New Year's entertainment

To celebrate the New Year, you must first of all spend the old one. Make a poster with photographs of the most important events of the past year. Let everyone write a funny word or phrase that they associate with the moments in the photographs.

It's more fun to remember together! And in order not to forget about the most important achievements, you can organize an awards ceremony. Find samples of Certificates and Diplomas on the Internet, enter humorous texts and print them out. For example, a diploma recognizing the best grandfather in the world or a certificate to a beloved dad for providing for the modest needs of the family and cooking scrambled eggs.

Magic candies

On New Year's Eve, one especially believes in a miracle. How can you do without fortune telling if you really want to know what awaits you in the future? Therefore, include prediction games in your New Year's scenario for your home. Print out beautiful candy wrappers with fortunes, wrap candies in them and hang them on the Christmas tree. Prophecies can be completely different: in poetry, prose, long or short, the main thing is that they are kind and bring joy to others.

Examples of New Year's predictions:

  1. “In March, May and June, expect good fortune to come your way.”
  2. “You will always have delicious food in the house.”
  3. “Even though you don’t study your homework, you’ll get a hundred A’s.”
  4. “Many journeys and wonderful incidents await.”
  5. “Fate will bring a surprise and you will be very lucky in something.”
  6. “Suddenly you will have a new friend.”

It will be very interesting to play the costume. It’s so interesting to look at dad in the form of a bunny, or grandpa as a snowflake.

Comic concert

Include a mini-concert in your scenario for celebrating the New Year at home. Let everyone prepare a number. Adults, for example, can remember their childhood and read rhymes near the Christmas tree on a stool.

This can also include dance and music competitions, karaoke. And don't forget to reward the winners!


Invite children and adults, line them up by height and ask them to make a train while listening to fun music. It will look very funny to see a picture where a lanky teenager stands in front, grandparents in the middle, and the “last trailer” is a three-year-old baby. Such a train, of course, will quickly fall apart, but this is also good, because by this time the guests will already be ready to dance.

And if your loved ones and friends love riddles, puzzles and adventures, you can include a quest in the New Year’s family scenario. On the Internet there are many ready-made original scenarios for quests for home on various topics with interesting tasks for all ages. You can order the quest with ready-made colorful cards in the form of postcards or download the electronic version with the necessary kit and print it yourself.

Presentation of gifts

One of the most important points included in your family New Year scenario should be the presentation of gifts. To prevent it from being banal and boring, come up with something like a small New Year's quest.

Instead of notes with names of who the gift is for, attach notes with funny characteristics that will help you find out.

For example:

  • the most famous bully in school;
  • to someone who cannot swim;
  • winner of the school gold medal;
  • the one who broke his arm in second grade;
  • the one who has read the most books.

In addition to being fun and reflective, family and guests can get to know each other better. And if you want to make your New Year’s scenario at home even funnier, you can organize a search operation with a map on which you can mark with a cross the places where the absent-minded Santa Claus forgot his gifts. This way you can turn the family New Year into a real adventure.

It is worth preparing homemade aromatic pastries. Pies with several types of fillings, rolls, and kulebyaki are good options.


When planning your New Year's Eve program, pay special attention to the festive table. In addition to an elegant tablecloth, matching napkins and beautiful dishes, you need to take care of festive, unusual, and most importantly delicious dishes. The Internet is replete with various recipes for a feast for the New Year at home, and you can choose ones that will satisfy the tastes of even the most special gourmets in the family, including the youngest.

So don’t forget to include recipes for New Year’s dishes for children in your family holiday scenario. We will be happy to tell you what ideas for the New Year at home you can use for the children's table, so as not to watch the sad picking of cutlery in salads.

Jelly, mousse

Make sure to make the jelly multi-colored, choose a beautiful shape and fill it in layers so that after turning it over you will have a real masterpiece. Decorate with pieces of fruit, berries, coconut flakes.

For mousse, use yogurt or cottage cheese, fruits and berries. Place in layers in glasses or any other glassware, decorate as desired.

Edible snowmen

To make snowmen, use a mixture of processed, curd cheese (choose according to your child’s taste), eggs and mayonnaise or sour cream.

Make a bucket and a spout out of carrots; you can use olives and green peas as buttons and eyes. Believe me, the children will be delighted!

Honey gingerbread

Is this how you want to celebrate this New Year?


Bake bears, Christmas trees, stars, and people from fragrant gingerbread dough. Shapes can be cut out of cardboard. Entrust the children with decorating and painting; they will definitely love it.

As for adults, you can ask in advance what New Year’s food will bring the holiday to their belly, write down their wishes - and take action!

Options for other scenarios

To organize a fun New Year at home, you can approach this issue in a very original way. Find out how this holiday is celebrated in other countries.

Having chosen the most interesting traditions of all, decide as a family who will come to your holiday this year, for example: Santa Claus from the USA, Popeye Noel from Brazil, Weihnachtsmann from Germany or Fairy Befanu from Italy and, of course, draw up a scenario according to the New Year's family traditions in this country.

Bottom line

New Year is a family holiday and there are no recipes or scenarios for an ideal holiday; everyone has their own.

But the most important thing in your New Year's scenario is the truly dear and close people who will be with you on New Year's Eve. Take care of them.

The most family holiday in our country is getting closer and closer. And if so, then the time has come to prepare for it, and there is still a lot that needs to be done. From the list of things to do, the following stand out: gifts for relatives, treats for the holiday table and home decoration. What about entertainment? And we will take care of them. A new interesting scenario for the New Year 2019 is perfect for a holiday with your family. Games, competitions, a lot of ideas - you will remember this New Year's Eve forever.

Let's say right away that this is not the scenario you imagine. There are no words from the leader, no order of actions. We simply wrote down our thoughts and ideas for games and competitions that you could use for the New Year at home. If you like it, we're happy. If you don’t like it, offer something of your own.

Idea 1

First you need to spend the outgoing year. Let's do it this way: each member of seven will write on a piece of paper the three best events that happened to him or his family in 2018. Then we open the champagne, pour it, and put the leaves into the empty bottle. The bottle needs to be capped and the whole family needs to hide it somewhere away. But when to open it - decide for yourself. Maybe in a year, or maybe in ten years.
You can also write down the wishes you want on pieces of paper. To be fulfilled with you in the future. Then such a bottle should be opened in ten years and checked - is it fulfilled?!

Idea 2

Well, everyone is at the table and the TV is on in the room. And what goes on it? That's right - Soviet New Year's comedies! This means that you can play a game on this topic.
Show guests a video where still images appear. The video shows a still from the film, and the rest must guess what kind of New Year's film it is. The one who guesses correctly gets one point. And whoever scores the most points has the right to choose the channel and what to watch on TV all night long!
And here is the video for the game:

Idea 3

Continuing the theme about New Year's films. In this competition you also need to guess films about the New Year, only without videos. The leader, or whoever is in charge of him, reads the riddles, and the rest guess them. It's simple, but fun.
And here are the riddles:

Idea 4

Everyone is looking forward to the chiming clock and the beginning of the new 2019. Do you want to know what the coming year has in store for you? Then play a funny game for your guests - a comic horoscope for the year of the pig.
This can be done in the form of a skit or simply read all the horoscopes about the zodiac signs.

Idea 5

Does everyone remember the cartoon about the three construction pigs? We choose three heroes who will be builder pigs.
And so, our heroes must build a high tower, and the higher and stronger it is, the greater the chance of victory. We will build from different materials: first from empty plastic cups, then from apples, and then from grapes or corn. Let's see who can create the most reliable house.

Idea 6.

It's time to play forfeits. This is a fun game that is suitable for the whole family. Its essence is simple: you write down tasks on separate pieces of paper, and then the guests take turns taking out cards for themselves and doing what is written there.
Examples of tasks for playing forfeits:
- show a happy pig
- show the pig who saw people making barbecue
- you need to sing a New Year's song as if you were a rapper
- without using your hands you need to eat salad with mayonnaise from a flat plate
- you need to come up with an advertising slogan for your grandfather (grandmother)
- dip your nose in mayonnaise and write with your nose: 2019
- quickly list all the significant holidays in Russia

There are many questions and you, knowing your relatives, can come up with others.

Idea 7

Who am I? Usually this question is asked to oneself on January 1, but we will get ahead of things a little. To play the game you will need these masks:

Although you can choose any. If there are no masks, then just leaves with inscriptions. When the masks are put on the guests, they take turns asking questions about themselves, that is, about their mask. And based on the answers of others, they try to guess what kind of mask they have.

Idea 8

Well, let's get back to the topic of New Year's films. This time, guests will have to guess not the name of the film, but what is hidden behind the gift. Everything seems easy, but remembering such little things is not very easy.
Watch the video for the game:

Idea 9

Everyone remembers the game from childhood - pin the tail. This time this game is very relevant. Prepare some cardboard and draw a pig and a place for the tail on it. Make a tail and let guests take turns blindfolded and try their hand at it. Whoever manages to find the right place for the tail receives a piece of meat as a gift!

Idea 10

The chimes are just around the corner and it's time to sing. Let the guests perform New Year's and simply popular songs, but do not sing them, but grunt. And the rest must guess what kind of song it is.

How to celebrate the New Year so that it is fun and noisy? To do this, you need to prepare competitions for the New Year 2019 in advance! New Year's games and entertainment will make traditional New Year's family gatherings in the company of the TV bright, fun and unforgettable! Not to mention a corporate party for the whole company.

However, it is best to prepare a little.

How to do it? We'll tell you more in this article.

How to prepare for competitions and games

1. Make a plan for games and competitions. It is better to make auxiliary materials on cards - if you need to stock up on some phrases, scripts and texts, then write or print them on regular cards in advance, this is much more convenient than using one large script.

2. Prepare your props. Having decided what you will play for the new year, make a list of what you will need for this or that competition. It's best to organize props and prizes into themed competitions (I use small gift bags for this).

3. Stock up on prizes. People love to receive small funny surprises - candies, chocolates, cute New Year's toys. It is better to take prizes in reserve.

4. Choose music.

5. Prepare a place for games.

6. Identify your helpers.

The very first in the series of New Year's fun are corporate parties. How can you celebrate them cheerfully in order to create the mood for the whole year and have a great holiday event? The closer the New Year's corporate party, the greater the excitement.

What's the best way to organize a holiday? How to please all guests at once? How to choose the most interesting competitions for the Year of the Pig?

A group of adults will need to eat, raise their glasses to the New Year, and dance, so the game program should be carefully woven into the natural flow of the party. We offer you great ideas for fun games and competitions.

Competitions for the New Year 2019 for a cheerful company are the coolest

Competition "Let's Sing"

Number of players: Any
No props needed. Uses your own vocal cords.

Essence: Participants are divided into 2 teams. One “choir” must take turns asking a question, remembering a line from the song. For example: “What should I give you, my dear man?” Opponents quickly find the answer - a line from another piece of music, for example: “A million, a million, a million scarlet roses...” The last team to answer wins. You can make the task more difficult by choosing only New Year's questions.

Competition “What is my name?”

Number of players: Any.
Props: Cards made of paper with funny words on them (for example: lemur, bread slicer, bulldozer, cutie, etc.), of course not names.

The essence: Everyone receives a new name for the evening - a corresponding sign is attached to their back. The players' task is to find out their name from others. Questions can only be answered with “yes” and “no”. The winner is the one who first guesses the inscription on his sign.

Competitions for corporate events for the New Year 2019 (Year of the Pig)

Relay race "Pig's hooves"

Props: for this competition you will need paper cups (insert ribbons or strings along the edge of the glass on both sides into the slot, secure with a knot from the inside).

Essence: Guests are divided into two or three teams, depending on the number of people. The first players in the team are given cups, they stand on them, and take the ropes in their hands. On the contrary, there should be a space limitation, for example, a chair, 5-7 meters away. The first participants, accompanied by music, slide to the obstacle, go around it, return to the team and pass the cups to the next participants. The team that finishes the relay first wins, but points can be deducted for accuracy of execution.

Competition "Advertising"

Two young men are called. The presenter asks them to choose one lady from the audience. Then the presenter asks the question: “Why exactly did you like this girl? Viewers choose - eyes, hairstyle, shoes, etc.
Now the task of the participants is to come up with an advertisement for this part of the body, an item of clothing. The most creative advertisement wins.

Competition "Negotiations with polar bears and penguins"

An interesting and fun competition to “stretch” the brains of the whole team. Guests are divided into teams of approximately 5 people. All teams receive the same task: they will negotiate with polar bears and penguins in the same room, but bears are predators, and penguins are birds. In theory, the former should eat the latter. But here you can relax, no one will eat anyone. And the teams will have to answer in a minute of discussion why they shouldn’t worry, because 100 percent of the time, polar bears won’t eat penguins. There will be plenty of options. Ah, here is the correct answer and it is quite simple. But it’s unlikely to come to mind right away - polar bears won’t eat penguins, because the former live at the North Pole, and the latter at the South Pole, and in principle cannot eat each other, so the meeting will go peacefully. And, if suddenly, the team answers correctly, of course, they will receive a prize.

Of course, after unforgettable fun at work, the long-awaited family holiday New Year comes. Bustle, cooking delicacies, dressing up, everyone wants to celebrate the New Year fun and in style.

In order to celebrate this joyful holiday in a fun and funny way, our selection of New Year's competitions for family celebrations and games at the table will come in handy.

And to make the table not only fun, but also delicious, we have prepared for you: .

If, after tasting a little of everything that the hospitable hosts offered, the guests begin to get bored, immediately start games at the New Year's table. They will help entertain everyone, the table will be interesting and fun.

Competition "Say a Toast"

The host invites each participant to come up with a toast, but it must begin with a specific letter of the alphabet. The first one comes up with the letter “A”. “And I want to drink to good luck in the coming year!” The second one starts with the letter "B". “Let's all be happy and rich!” The next one starts with the letter “B”. “Let’s drink to our dear hostess!”

The guests will start having fun when someone has to start an original letter with the letter “Y” or those toasts for which it is difficult to quickly come up with an initial word. The author of the most interesting toast wins.

Competition "Burst the Ball"

Many family fun competitions for the New Year are organized with balloons. In this case, you first need to put small notes with funny riddles in them, and then inflate the balloons. During the fun, the host distributes them to the players. Each owner must burst the balloon and take out a note from there, read the riddle out loud and answer it. If someone finds it difficult to answer, then he will have to complete a penalty task invented by everyone.

Riddles need humor, for example:

What can a student envy a lizard? (Tail throwing speed).
How many pairs of shoes does a woman need to be completely happy? (One more than at the moment or one more than a friend).
Which clock shows the exact time only 2 times a day? (Which stopped).
What goes from one settlement to another, remaining in place? (Road).
When is the easiest time for a black cat to get into the house? (When the door is open).
Who doesn't get their hair wet in the pouring rain? (Bald).
Two birch trees grow. Each birch tree has four cones. How many cones are there in total? (Not one, because cones don’t grow on birch trees).

Game “What will I do with the gift?”

You can also use the idea of ​​a magic gift bag in this table game. The presenter has cards on a tray with options for what can be done with the gift received. Each guest draws a card, reads it out, then randomly takes a gift out of the bag and, if desired, depicts the action predicted with it.

This fun is good as a game at the table at any home holidays.

A list of inexpensive little things that you can take as surprises from Santa Claus: a box of matches, a ball, chewing gum, a tennis ball, a lighter, lollipop, a disk, a brush, a pencil, glasses, an adapter, a bag, decals, paper clips, a tea bag, calendar, notepad, postcard, bag of coffee, eraser, top, sharpener, bow, magnet, pen, thimble, toy, bell, etc.

Cards with answer options: What will I do with my gift?
I'll kiss it.
I'll powder my nose with this.
I'll eat it right away with pleasure.
This will become my talisman.
I'll put it on and admire it.
I will share this with friends etc.

Distribution of gifts at the New Year's table “Win-win lottery”
Each guest draws (or receives for participating in games and competitions) a lottery ticket with a certain number, each number is a certain prize.
Sample list of prizes:
1. You got a piano in the bushes - a New Year's calendar.
2. You surprised the whole world - get a souvenir.
3. You got an ancient gadget, the amount of memory is immeasurable (notepad or notebook).
4. And for you, what adults and children love is, of course, sweet candies.
5. And you got a prickly darling, but a useful fork in the household.
6. And with this prize you will definitely not be lost, carry it with you and always leave full (they give you a spoon).
7. Get a place for a stash and a useful item to boot (stockings or socks).
8. Remember us more often, invite us for tea (pack of tea).
9. It will give you a thrill and will come in handy, no doubt (a jar of mustard).
10. You will be the most beautiful of all with this prize of ours (something from cosmetics).
11. Sadness and despondency will go away, here’s fun for you all night (pacifier).
12. Even if something doesn’t go well and doesn’t stick, you definitely have something to hope for (a tube of glue).
13. You won the main prize - receive and sign (any prize).
14. Paper napkins are useful and important for any feast.
15. Three, whatever you want, don’t mind, because you have a new washcloth.
16. They will help you solve the problem of styling your hair (curlers or hairpins).
17. “Montana” will envy such a product for a slender figure (family panties).
18. Brush your teeth often, your smile will be great (toothpaste).
19. To help you maintain your hair, we will give you a comb.
20. We, friends, won’t hide it - now there is a fashion for crystal, today we are giving you a chandelier made by Montreal (light bulb).
21. You received a flower - a rose, which does not wither from heat and frost (postcard with a flower).
22. The symbol of the year (magnet or souvenir) given today will help you in any weather.
23. Of course, it would be nice to win a Persian carpet or a house. But fortune has rewarded you with a self-writing pen (fountain pen).
24. You got an ancient gadget, the amount of memory is immeasurable (notepad or notebook).

If the celebration is held in a close family circle, then games and competitions can be selected accordingly.

Competition “Get to know a relative”

Funny New Year's competitions in the family circle rarely take place without this competition. Some members of the household are blindfolded and woolen mittens are put on their hands. Then one of the participants in the feast approaches him, and the host invites the player to find out who is in front of him. The player can feel the person's figure without taking off his mittens, trying to guess who is standing in front of him. In fact, even a close and well-known person is not so easy to guess.

Competition "Dance on an Ice Floe"

Any number of male-female couples can participate in the competition. To carry it out you will need newspapers (according to the number of pairs). A newspaper is placed in front of each couple - this is their ice floe. The participants' task is to dance without stepping over the edges of the newspaper. Every minute the ice floe begins to melt, and the newspaper folds in half. Music is constantly changing. You cannot stand; the couple must dance. Participants who step outside the boundaries of the newspaper are eliminated from the game. The last pair remaining wins.

Do you want even more interesting and cool competitions? Read Part 2:
And of course, the most important thing at the New Year's holiday were always children.
And for them it is worth choosing not only individual competitions and games, but also involving all adults in them. Otherwise, what fun is it?

Game "Candy"

Suitable for adults and children. It is necessary to tie the candies to threads in advance and hang them on chairs. Contestants, one at a time, must try to cut the candies with scissors with their eyes closed. Other guests may give incorrect advice in finding candy.

Competition "Hairdresser"

“Victims” sit on chairs, preferably men, of course. At the command of the presenter, young hairdressers must do hairstyles for clients using elastic bands, hairpins and combs. Whoever gets the most creative hairstyle wins.

Competition “Remembering Childhood”

This nostalgic competition for the New Year with family can appeal to different generations. You need to say a phrase or sing a verse or chorus of a song of a famous fairy-tale or cartoon character without saying his name. For example, “I am a man in the prime of life,” “Whoever helps people is wasting his time,” “Normal heroes always take a detour.” If no one remembers who they are talking about, the player who made the guess begins to give clues without saying the name of the hero.

Relay race “Snowball Gatherers”

For the relay race, two large, thick bags are prepared in advance, with slits for the legs at the bottom. In addition to this, you will need foam snowballs. You can replace them with lumps of white paper in the shape of snowballs. Children are divided into two teams. One of the players on each team is given the honorary name “Snowball Collector” and a bag with slots is put on his feet.
Cheerful music plays and the presenter throws snowballs on the floor. At the leader’s command, the children begin to collect snowballs, throwing them into the bag of their “Snowball Collector”. At the end, they count whose team collected the most snowballs.

Game "Throwers, knockers, hits"

There is no need for intelligence here, and it is quite possible to entertain guests from 3 to 103 years old.
From experience, such competitions sometimes turn out to be very exciting. It is difficult to guess what exactly your guests will like, we will simply list some options, and you will decide on the available props and set aside a place for the game:
– If you find any version of darts (magnetic, balls with Velcro), feel free to award a prize to the most accurate, there will definitely be interest in the competition.
– Skittles or plastic bottles filled with beans, peas or water are fun to knock down with a rubber ball at any age. Prize for winning New Year's bowling!
– Throwing “snowballs” from a newspaper into a basket (what if someone gets a 10 out of 10 result?). Choose the distance yourself.

DIY New Year's crafts

Choose the most interesting Competitions for the New Year 2019! New Year's games and entertainment will help make your holiday interesting and unforgettable, which you will remember for a long time with warmth and joy! Happy New Year!

Send the competition to yourself or friends.

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