Jane Porters is the most desirable man. Beverly Barton is the most desirable man Oh, sex, you are the Universe

Harmonious couple [What happens when a Desirable Woman meets a Desirable Man] “C” Doctor

CHAPTER 1 Desired Woman, Desired Man - what's next?

Desired Woman, Desired Man - what's next?

So, you are a Desired Woman!

So, you are a Desired Man!

But this does not mean that you have reached the pinnacle of sensations, although, of course, this is better than nothing; In order to make the best use of the knowledge you have acquired, you need to become sensual not only yourself, but also become sensual with SOMEONE. In other words, you must become a Sensual Couple.

And don't make the mistake that many couples make, believing that because they have learned to be sensual and know many ways, then it will affect everyone without exception and always the same. Moreover, pelvic thrusts and vaginal compression can drive a man crazy today, but only irritate him tomorrow.

Every love meeting should be thought out to the smallest detail. And not just the first date - this is important for every meeting, even with long-term and regular relationships.

Nothing overshadows or depresses sexual relationships so much as an attempt to take a partner for granted. You can have a completely satisfying orgasm and feel good afterwards, but if you made love mechanically - the most Desirable Man and the most Desirable Woman can fall into this trap - then you will not experience that amazing, magnificent feeling of joy and pleasure, which will be a real thoughtful reward and a carefully planned meeting.

It is not at all necessary to know what your partner will do next moment and what you yourself will do.

If a Desired Man and a Desired Woman want to become a Harmonious, Sensual Couple, then they must think quickly and react instantly so that no action remains unanswered.

You will not be able to achieve this exciting love, no matter how sensual you are, until you get to know him, and he knows you so well that there will not be a single square millimeter left on each other’s body that you would not caress with all known caresses (which you, as Desired, know more than others) until you know how he will react, until you learn to perceive this information at the slightest twitch of your eyelashes.

You had to work hard to be desired, and you will have to work even harder to evoke a sensual response in your partner.

I dwell on this for so long because I believe it is the most important aspect of a love relationship. Many people make little effort to get to know each other's bodies and reactions thoroughly, and one of the reasons for this is that they do not spend enough time making love.

A quick act behind the bushes on the golf course may provide relief to an aroused, throbbing penis or clitoris, may be remembered by the location, the circumstances, or the thrill of being seen, but this kind of sex is only satisfying for the moment in which 90% of the physical attraction and 10% intelligence, when a good date should be 100% of both. This may seem crazy, illogical and impossible, but nevertheless it is true! Body and mind can, SHOULD, complement each other; and if this is so - and this can be achieved - then the results will eclipse what was sung by Shakespeare.

What is your goal when you make love?

You have put so much effort into becoming Desirable Men and Desirable Women that your goal is obviously physical sensations.

In my experience, this is not enough. Of course, sex should be enjoyable, joyful, and bring happiness. A mistake that many (especially young) couples make is that they take sex too seriously. On the other hand, however, emotional contact is necessary.

When I started talking and writing about these things, I emphasized from the very beginning that for couples who have regular sexual relationships, the physical side should be a clear expression of the emotional love they feel for each other. I am confident that I am right because if you build your physical relationships on this basis, the results are fantastic and this is the only way to achieve this. It gives meaning to everything, which if you make love just for the sensations, is lost and you reduce yourself and your partner to the barnyard level.

Moreover. When you make love, you always strive to express your love for her or him and you should always try to give him or her the greatest possible pleasure that the circumstances and your relationship allow. Otherwise, it probably wouldn’t have been worth spending so much effort to turn into a Desirable Woman and a Desirable Man?

The most important reason for this is that it prevents you from becoming selfish. One of the most common reproaches from disappointed partners is: “You just have to have fun!” If you want to give your partner real sensations, then you must forget about yourself and concentrate on his body. And he will take care of yours.

Do you remember I said that couples make love to express emotional love to each other?

This should be a mutual process. A woman must ensure that her lover is distracted only in order to see how she moves towards the moment when she reaches the highest point of pleasure.

They are partners and both are equally responsible towards each other.

Despite what some people may say, you did not become Desirable to lure men into bed, and you did not become Desirable so that any woman who knows your reputation or who harms a connoisseur will fall over at the sight of you with her legs in the air. You have become a Sensual Couple and when you connect physically, you truly become a Being with Two Backs, a multitude transformed into unity in a complete and all-encompassing fusion of soul and body.

And if you think that by doing this you may not have fun, then you are mistaken!

When you truly know each other and are convinced of your mutual love, then you do not need to constantly remind yourself of this. If you devote yourself to the pleasure of another, then serious intentions will always be present, no need to worry.

Let sex be pleasure for you. I will not refuse if I am asked to bet that it is love that goes to your head in those magical moments after orgasm, when you return to an unrecognizable, welcoming world and are filled with gratitude to your partner for what he has done for you.

Then you will think about love, about what you gave to your partner, and your satisfaction and happiness will be even greater if you achieved them with a light heart and joyful laughter.

The thunder in your ears after the end will sound like distant mighty organ chords and the sweat with which your bodies overflowing with love are covered is the divine anointing with which you are dedicated for the sacred in the Temple of Love.

My book is not about frantic copulation, except, of course, in those rare cases when both are so excited even before they take off their clothes that there is no point in waiting; if bodies and souls are so disposed, then delay would be a crime against nature.

For me, these furies, as Dr. Roben says in another context, are simply masturbation in the vagina for both (unless, I repeat, this is not the case I described). I don't see the point in it, except maybe just for the pleasure of the head of the penis and maybe - just maybe - the tip of the clitoris. You can get the same effect using the cream and your own fingers; it all seems like a waste of effort, resources, and the few minutes you spent.

But I understand that I am already preaching to the converted. A real Desirable Man and a truly Desirable Woman know that truly joyful sex requires certain preconditions for its implementation - environment, time, place...

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Chapter Four Theater of relationships “man - woman” 1. The labyrinth of female ambivalence If a man’s problem is stupidity, then a woman’s problem is ambivalence. At the age of four, a woman is already false, she acts out her “dual”

Any woman wants to remain the only one, loved and desired for her man throughout her life, but not everyone succeeds in this. Winning the heart of a man is not so difficult; every charming woman has a lot of ways to lure the object she likes into her network. But not everyone succeeds in keeping a loved one close and becoming for him the center of the Universe and the meaning of life.

1. Man is a hunter, woman is a trophy

It is not without reason that they say that women and men are inhabitants of different planets, and accordingly, they have completely different views on romantic relationships. A woman looks for protection, stability and confidence in the future in her chosen one, and for her partner, oddly enough, the emotional aspect is more important. Remember how your feelings arose. You got to know each other, new sensations attracted, excited and aroused open interest. Over time, it began to weaken. Why? The man achieved his goal and calmed down, you are already a trophy for him. You haven't forgotten that a man is a hunter, have you?

But there can also be different attitudes towards trophies. A stuffed killed pheasant can gather dust in a closet for years, and he will constantly show off his luxurious bear skin to his friends. Have you ever wondered why this happens? In order to get a pheasant, the man did not have to put in much effort, which cannot be said about bear hunting. Here he had to buy an expensive gun and special ammunition, go to the taiga, track the beast and go one-on-one with it in mortal combat. Do you feel the difference? This suggests the following conclusion: become a precious and desirable prey for a man, for which he is ready to spend his time and money. Never call first and don’t pick up the phone after the first ring, reschedule meetings, flirt and intrigue, demand special treatment, do not refuse gifts and signs of attention. At the same time, you must treat your partner with respect, without humiliating your own dignity. A real hunter cannot help but be provoked by such difficult prey.

2. Man is a child, woman is a wise teacher

Men are big children, you should always remember this. What does an experienced kindergarten teacher do when the kids get bored with something? That's right, it switches their attention to something else. Therefore, in order to captivate a man and maintain his interest in her person, a woman herself must be a self-sufficient and integral person.

Remember, the circle of your interests cannot and should not be limited only to your chosen one. Live a full life, work, create, read, travel, discover the world and share your knowledge and emotions with your loved one. A man must see and understand that he is not the center of your Universe and with his appearance, your companion is not ready to completely change the usual way of her life and put it on the altar of family relationships.

3. Everyone has their own chair

There are two chairs in a relationship – male and female; it is very important to always remember this and not claim someone else’s place. Since Old Testament times, it has been the custom that a man is the breadwinner, and a woman is the keeper of the hearth. Of course, time has made its own adjustments, but the essence remains the same. Therefore, you should not grab onto male responsibilities, even if you can handle them. It is important to be able to inspire a man and properly motivate him for masculine actions and actions. It may take some time, but you will know that there is a reliable companion next to you who is ready to take responsibility for your family.

You need to constantly remind him that he is the best and you can’t do it without him. Do not skimp on praise and thank your loved one, compare with others (in his favor, of course), let him feel his importance and irreplaceability. Take a closer look at how men dote on their little daughters. And all because these tiny women sincerely, at the level of natural instincts, admire their fathers, quite truthfully considering them the best on Earth. Remember that no great man would have succeeded without a woman to inspire him.

4.Oh, sex, you are the Universe!

Sex is the most important aspect of relationships between men and women, so this area of ​​​​life should be given great importance. To prevent carnal pleasures from turning into a boring routine, you need to make a lot of effort. Remember how you were going on a date at the beginning of your relationship, how you carefully selected your wardrobe and meticulously assessed your reflection in the mirror. Take these simple but vital tips as a rule:

Wear only beautiful and sexy underwear. A man should not see stretched everyday panties and washed out shapeless nighties. Walk around the house in playful robes that are ready to slide off your body at any moment. Teasing short shorts will also not leave your partner indifferent, no matter how hard his day is. Ask him to bring a towel and slippers to the bathroom, and don’t even doubt that he will carry you to bed in his arms and will not leave you there alone.

Get your body in order. Lose weight, go in for sports or dance, get your skin and hair in perfect condition. Even if your body does not have model proportions, it should be fresh, clean and smell delicious. What could be more pleasant than soft, silky female skin and a head of fragrant hair, still slightly damp after a shower!

Don't be prudes and don't be shy about experimenting in bed. Watch porn movies together, practice role-playing games, have sex in different places, not limited to the bed. Let your partner be woken up in the morning not by the sound of a hated alarm clock, but by your passionate oral sex. Believe me, he will remember this throughout the day and will adequately thank you in the evening!

5.Feed your man right

Everyone knows the proverb about the way to a man’s heart through his stomach. No matter how trivial it may sound, there is a deep meaning in this, inherent in the peculiarities of male physiology. Let a traditional meal turn into a ritual for your couple. If a man brought breakfast in bed at the beginning of a relationship, do not refuse such a privilege in the future. Let him know that for this you will thank him with a passionate kiss, a good mood and a romantic dinner.

Even if you haven’t prepared anything grandiose, set the table beautifully, serve your partner food, offer a napkin, salt shaker, bread, refills. Be sure to sit at the table with him, even if dinner is late and at this time you are no longer eating. Do not start serious conversations until the man satisfies his hunger.

We hope these simple tips will help you become the most desirable and only woman for your beloved man. Good luck!

Jane Porter

The most desirable man


Bought to Carry His Heir

“The most desirable man” © “Tsentrpoligraf”, 2017

© Translation and publication in Russian, Tsentrpoligraf, 2017

On a cold February day, the atmosphere in the law office of Lila, Laurent & Abraham on West Peachtree in Atlanta was extremely tense.

Lawyer James Laurent fiddled with his glasses, his expression menacing.

“You signed the contract, Miss Nielsen.” This is a must in any country...

“I have no complaints about the contract,” Georgia interrupted him, more irritated than embarrassed by the icy contempt in the lawyer’s tone. She was absolutely sure that she was carrying a child only to abandon him. She was to become a surrogate mother, and she was serious about it. - The child belongs to him. But the contract does not stipulate where I should give birth, and I was not warned about giving birth abroad. If I had known about this in advance, I would not have agreed to the role of a surrogate mother and would not have entered into a contract with Mr. Panos.

– Miss Nielsen, Greece is not a third world country. In Athens you will receive excellent medical care before, during and after childbirth.

Georgia gave the lawyer a long look. She tried to contain her emotions.

“I'm a medical student at Emory. I am not interested in medical care before birth. But your tone worries me. If a mistake was made, it was either your mistake...or your client's mistake. After all, you were the one who prepared the contract. You know what this agreement entails. It doesn't say that I have to get on a plane and fly five thousand six hundred sixty-six miles to have a baby.

“It's a matter of citizenship, Miss Nielsen.” The child must be born in Greece.

Georgia Nielsen looked at the huge map hanging in a frame on the wall of Mr. Laurent's office. It was an old, collectible card. Judging by the boundaries and names, it was compiled at the end of the nineteenth century - in the 1880s or 1890s, when Africa was divided among European colonialists. But even on this old and yellowed map, Greece was easily recognizable - the cradle of Western civilization.

It is in this country that she will give birth.

If Georgia had been in a better mood, she might have found the situation funny. But now she felt disgusting. She was furious, she was disappointed. From the very beginning, she took care of herself and paid close attention to the health and well-being of the child. She had to bear a healthy baby, and she fulfilled her role - she ate right, slept as much as possible, did gymnastics and tried not to be nervous. But a trip to Greece was not part of her plans.

“As we speak, preparations for the trip are being completed,” added Mr. Laurent. - Mr. Panos will send a private plane for you, modern and luxurious. You will have a servant, you will have a good rest and you will not even notice when the time comes to give birth.

– The third trimester has not yet arrived. In my opinion, the trip is extremely premature.

– Mr. Panos prefers to pay increased attention to you and the child. Doctors do not recommend international flights during the third trimester.

– Only during pregnancy with a high risk of complications.

“You had IVF,” the lawyer noted.

– I didn’t have any problems.

“My client prefers to do things his own way.”

Georgia bit her tongue to keep from saying something she might regret. She understood that Nikos Panos cared about his son. Her wishes don't count. She is a womb for bearing a baby, nothing more. As expected, she will give birth to a healthy child and make sure that he ends up in the arms of his caring father. And then her work will be considered completed.

But this does not mean that she should leave Atlanta, where everything is so familiar to her. A trip to Greece is a huge stress. Surrogacy is a job and a way to provide for her sister, but Georgia is not so naive. It was hard not to have feelings for the baby you were carrying, and those feelings were getting stronger. She was already on edge. One can only guess how she will feel in another three and a half months.

But motherhood is not her future. Her future is medicine.

For a long time there was silence in the office. Finally Mr. Laurent tapped his fingers on the table.

– Can you fly out this Friday? - he asked.

– I have classes at the university.

– You have just completed your pre-clinical course. You are preparing for the medical licensing exam and can study in Greece.

“I’m not going to leave my sister for three and a half months.”

“She is twenty-one years old and lives in Durham, North Carolina.

“Yes, she is a senior at Duke University, but she is financially and emotionally dependent on me.” I am her only surviving relative. – Georgia met his gaze. “She has no one but me.” – She pursed her lips. – Your client paid for the egg and surrogacy. If Mr. Panos wants to be there for his son's birth, he should come to Atlanta. Or the nurse will take the baby to him. As agreed.

“Mr. Panos can’t fly on a plane right now.”

Georgia raised her chin.

- It doesn't concern me. Your client's affairs are none of my concern. Once I give birth, I won't care what happens to the baby. I'm paid to be indifferent, Mr. Laurent, and I intend to keep my word.

The lawyer closed his eyes, took off his glasses and rubbed the bridge of his nose. For some time, the silence in the office was broken only by the ticking of an ancient clock.

Mr. Laurent opened his eyes and looked intently at Georgia.

– How much do you want for the flight on Friday? - he asked. “I know everyone has a price.” You too. This is why you agreed to donate an egg and carry a fertilized embryo. You were satisfied with the monetary compensation. Let's not bicker. Tell me how much you want to fly to Greece and I will make sure the money is transferred to your account tomorrow morning.

Georgia looked at the lawyer, trying to hide her excitement and disappointment. Yes, she needed money, but she didn’t want anything extra. She was just trying to finish what she started. Georgia hoped to easily cope with the role of a surrogate mother, but lately it has become increasingly difficult for her to contain her emotions. It's too late to retreat now. Her opinion won't change. She signed the contract. The child does not belong to her. She just carries him.

She must be strong. This is her only way out. Once she gives birth and the baby is taken away, she will forget about him.

“Name the amount,” Mr. Laurent said quietly.

- It's not about the money.

“But they will help you pay your bills!” So pay them, provide for your sister. Take advantage of this offer to never do anything like this again.

Looking at him point blank, Georgia dug her short nails into her palms.

Mr Laurent is right. She could never do anything like that again. It will break her heart. But Georgia has seen worse times. Besides, she won’t throw the child into the clutches of a monster. Nikos Panos passionately wants to have a son.

Taking a sharp breath, Georgia quoted an outrageously large amount that would cover the cost of medical school and living expenses. She deliberately inflated the figure to shock the old lawyer.

But Mr. Laurent didn't blink an eye. Instead, he wrote something on a printed piece of paper.

“This is an addition to the contract,” he said, moving the sheet to her. – Sign and date it.

Georgia swallowed, surprised at how readily he agreed to her outrageous demand. Most likely, he was ready for her to ask for even more. She could probably ask for millions and he would agree.

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