The concept of family social status. Characteristics and indicators of the social status of the family in various spheres of life. The social status of the family in the questionnaire is what

When studying such an issue as the social status of the family, the types of which have been analyzed in detail by many researchers over the past centuries, one must realize how important the family is as a social institution, what functions it performs in our society. Without understanding what a family is in anthropology and psychology, it is impossible to understand why the state pays so much attention to its social status, and also to strengthening marriage relations in the country.

The family is one of the oldest social institutions. It is difficult to reliably know when it first appeared. It is likely that this group is basically a continuation of relationships common to many animals. After all, not only humans, but also some other species of living beings choose a partner for life. Perhaps man took such a custom with him, evolving into a rational being.

In different peoples and civilizations, the social unit occupied different positions and performed different functions. Somewhere she was only a small part of a common family, often without even having her own separate home. But one thing was always the same - it acted as a means of protecting the individual. It was also needed for raising children.

It is the socialization of the younger generation, that is, children, that is the main function that the family has been endowed with from time immemorial to the present day. As practice shows, it is in the family that children best acquire the knowledge, skills and abilities they need to live in society.

This is due to the fact that the main means of understanding the world for a person in the first stages of life is imitation. By observing his parents, the child learns from their example, absorbs what is necessary - from basic actions like walking to complex non-verbal communication, that is, with the help of facial expressions and gestures.

In recent years, there has been a tendency to reduce the role of the family in modern society. This is especially noticeable in the example of developed post-industrial countries, where raising children takes a back seat, and the first priority is building your own successful career, for which the family can often be not so much a support as a hindrance. But the family is unlikely to face complete extinction in the coming centuries. Let’s not forget that this trend has not affected all countries of the world, and it is too early to say that this is an established movement.

The family as a social unit of society has a certain legal status.

According to the Family Code, this institution is a voluntary union of a man and a woman. Within the framework of this union, they receive certain property and other rights that persons who have never entered into a marriage cannot have in relation to each other. In recent years, the practice has become widespread in which such an alliance is not formalized in any way. If we speak in relation to Russia, a civil status act was not drawn up with a marriage certificate. Some young people think it is a waste of time. However, without this procedure it will be very difficult to prove that you were in a family relationship.

In the event of separation, there will be no division of property, and in the event of the death of one of the spouses, it will be almost impossible for the second to become an heir if a will has not been drawn up. In addition, such a couple cannot qualify for benefits and similar social support measures provided to families in many states, including the Russian Federation.

In modern society, this is not only a voluntary union (officially registered) of adults, but also their children. Such a union serves as a means of socializing children and creates property and other ties between spouses.

Now that you know what a family is, let’s move on to the issue of the social status of the family, let’s figure out what provisions of modern legislation serve to determine the formulation of the social status of a marriage union.

The social status of a family refers to the position it occupies in society. These can be criteria of different types, including all aspects of marital status. For example, financial situation. Next, we will try to figure out what exactly is meant by social status, no matter what form this term is presented under.

The composition of a family is one of the determining factors of its social status. The term “complete and incomplete family” is often used. It is related to how many parents there are in the family - one or two. When it comes to an incomplete family, it is taken into account whether the parents are divorced or whether they entered into a marriage union. In this case, the family is considered to be children and the parent who is raising them (most often the mother).

Another important parameter that helps determine the position of families in society is their financial wealth.

The peculiarities of the financial situation are that the family budget is formed by working family members, and is spent on all its members, including children, of course. There is a certain minimum living wage, which is calculated by the state as an amount sufficient to feed 1 person for a year.

Those unions whose total income, divided among all members, is insufficient to cover minimum needs are considered poor. The insufficiency of the state's work in this area is that some families, especially young ones, find themselves below the poverty line as a result of the financial crisis and rising unemployment.

Those groups whose total income is sufficient to cover the subsistence level for all members are considered families with a normal level of earnings. Their income is enough to meet the necessary needs for food, clothing and the like. Such families are considered prosperous, especially if they are complete, that is, both parents are present.

Those unions whose income significantly exceeds the subsistence level for each member are considered to have a good level of income. Increasing the number of such families is the goal of any state, including the Russian one. After all, in them the socialization of children is much more effective, they receive a better education. They participate more actively in political and social life, as they are not worried about the daily search for a livelihood.

The social status of a certain couple in society is also influenced by some other factors, for example, whether the spouses’ parents live together with them, the presence of their own home, and much more. All of them form the position occupied by a specific unit of society.

As for the general social status of the family in modern Russia, it remains quite high. The state has repeatedly affirmed the position of the family as a key unit, bearing in mind its role in shaping society and the life of the country. Various measures are being taken to strengthen families.

To maintain the social status of the family in modern society, it seems necessary to continue the implementation of already started programs and the opening of new ones, primarily aimed at improving the financial situation of the family, providing property support, and also protecting the family, from a legal point of view, from the negative impact of society.

The concept of family social status, types and meaning
When studying such an issue as the social status of the family, the types of which have been analyzed in detail by many researchers over the past centuries, one must realize how important the family is as a social institution, what functions it performs in our society.

Family social status

Wow, in our garden we have a complete biography, about childbirth, and who is with whom, how they live, who works where. They almost ask you to indicate the amount of income.

At the eldest’s kindergarten, they also gave me a form to fill out. also in quiet horror, why do they need such details?

and on the reverse side there is a geneological history (what illnesses they had) including grandmothers, grandfathers, grandmothers, grandfathers and mother and father.

PS. my husband filled it out. was kidding

Wow!)) You are cool.))))

full-time, part-time, having many children or not. They have no right to ask about income at all, only if we are talking about clarifying whether the family receives benefits for children when it (the family) is recognized as low-income.

Yes, most likely.

Marin, I heard that some schools also have a clause about income. ((Of course, answering this question, in my opinion, is a personal initiative. I would not answer such a question.

Len, The social status of a family has several concepts, so it is better, of course, to clarify with the kindergarten what exactly they meant by including such an item in the questionnaire. Well, there are questions in your questionnaire. With us, everything is simple: the child’s full name, birthday, parents’ full name, residential address, contacts, and then a bunch of questions related only to the child. What are the taste preferences (what does the child eat or not eat)? What toys does he like to play with? What does he like to play? What are your hobbies? How does he fall asleep? What diseases does the child have that educators need to know about and other questions, but everything is only about the child himself.

Family social status
Entry by user Elena (elena-68) in the diary dated 2013-09-10 21:46:52 on

Social status of the family and its typology

Consideration of the family as an integral systemic entity in the process of social adaptation involves the analysis of a number of its structural and functional characteristics, as well as the analysis of the individual characteristics of family members.

The following structural characteristics of the family are important for the teacher:

Ø presence of marriage partners (full-time, formally full-time, incomplete);

Ø stage of the family life cycle (young, mature, elderly);

Ø procedure for marriage (primary, repeated);

Ø number of generations in the family (one or several generations);

Ø number of children (large, small).

Scientists have found that a family can have at least 4 statuses: socio-economic, socio-psychological, socio-cultural and situational-role. The listed statuses characterize the state of the family, its position in a certain sphere of life at a specific point in time.

There are four categories of families that differ in the level of social adaptation from high to average, low and extremely low: prosperous families, families at risk, dysfunctional families, asocial families.

Prosperous families successfully cope with their functions, practically do not need the support of a teacher, since due to adaptive abilities, which are based on material, psychological and other internal resources, they quickly adapt to the needs of their child and successfully solve the problems of his upbringing and development.

Families at risk are characterized by the presence of some deviation from the norm, which does not allow them to be defined as prosperous, for example, an incomplete family, a low-income family, etc., and reduces the adaptive abilities of these families. They cope with the tasks of raising a child with great effort.

Dysfunctional families, having a low social status in any of the spheres of life or in several at the same time, they cannot cope with the functions assigned to them, their adaptive abilities are significantly reduced, the process of family education of a child proceeds with great difficulties, slowly, and with little results.

Antisocial families those with whom interaction is most labor-intensive and whose condition needs fundamental changes. In these families, where parents lead an immoral, illegal lifestyle and where living conditions do not meet basic sanitary and hygienic requirements, and, as a rule, no one is involved in raising children, children find themselves neglected, half-starved, retarded in development, and become victims of violence both from parents and other citizens of the same social class.

Family social status: what is it?

The family is a rather complex social entity. Sociologists are accustomed to viewing it as a system of close relationships between individual members of society, who are bound by responsibility, marriage and family relations, and social necessity.

The problem of adaptation of families in society is extremely acute for sociologists who study this issue. One of the main factors in the socialization of a married couple is the social status of the family.

The main characteristics when considering social status are the material capabilities of members of society united by marriage, the presence of common responsibility, and educational obligations. There are also potential risk factors that increase the likelihood of losing acquired status. Thus, the breakdown of marital relationships most often leads to a deterioration in parent-child ties. Remarriage can, to a certain extent, eliminate these negative trends.

Families, the composition of which has a complex structure, create favorable conditions for the formation of a diverse picture of interaction between individuals, which opens up greater opportunities for the socialization of the younger generation. However, highlighting the negative aspects of such a family formation, one can note the presence of discomfort when it is necessary to live together for several generations. What makes the situation worse in this case is the lack of personal space and space for forming an independent opinion.

What does the social status of a family mean? Its formation is largely influenced by the performance of certain functions by a given public entity. Among the main functions of the family are the following:

  1. Reproductive - procreation, reproduction in the biological sense.
  2. Educational - spiritual development of offspring. The formation of a marital relationship allows not only to create conditions for the birth and upbringing of a child. The presence of a certain atmosphere in the house affects the formation of the personality of children, and sometimes affects a person throughout his life.
  3. Household and household functions are the most important function on which the social status of the family depends. It consists of the ability to maintain the physical condition of relatives and care for immature or elderly persons.
  4. Material - determined by the ability of family members to provide mutual support financially.

When considering the social status of the family, types of statuses, first of all you should look at the concept of a normal family. However, the idea of ​​it is rather conventional and does not have a clear framework. Families are considered normal if they are able to ensure their own well-being at a minimally sufficient level, create healthy conditions for the socialization of the child, and take care of the protection of relatives and friends.

Despite the definition itself, persons who secure this social status of the family experience certain difficulties. As common problems here, it is worth highlighting the presence of conflicts and contradictions, which manifest themselves in connection with the transition to a new level in society and the influence of gradually changing living conditions.

What prevents a family from acquiring such a social status is an excessive desire to help relatives living separately, the formation of an atmosphere of excessive guardianship, or an overly lenient attitude towards loved ones.

It is also worth paying attention to the so-called dysfunctional families, considering the social status of the family. What are the problem structures?

The very definition of social status indicates the presence of difficulties not only in relationships between loved ones, but also in the search for individuals to find their own place in society. Psychological troubles usually arise here due to the unsatisfaction of the needs of several or one family member.

A common problem in dysfunctional families is the presence of unhealthy relationships between the couple or parents and child. Living in dysfunctional, problematic families, children have to look for ways to overcome various psychological difficulties. This often leads to the formation of psychogenic deviations, which later manifest themselves in emotional rejection of the environment and poor development of parental feelings.

If we talk about the social status of the family, types of statuses, one cannot help but highlight such a common phenomenon as an asocial family. This is where the interaction between individuals is most complex.

Formations in which spouses are inclined to lead a permissive or immoral lifestyle can be called asocial. As for living conditions, in this case they do not meet the basic requirements of hygiene and sanitation. As a rule, raising children is left to chance. The younger generation is often subjected to moral and physical violence and experiences developmental delays.

Most often, this category includes persons who have the social status of a large family. The main factor that leads to the formation of such a negative environment is low material security.

In families with normal or prosperous social status, periods of decline often occur, which could potentially lead to a transition to a lower level of socialization. The main risk groups include:

  1. Destructive families are characterized by frequent occurrence of conflict situations, lack of desire to form an emotional connection, separative behavior of spouses, and the presence of complex conflicts between parents and child.
  2. Single-parent families - the absence of one of the parents leads to incorrect self-determination of the child and a decrease in the diversity of family relationships.
  3. Rigid families - the dominance of one individual is clearly manifested, which leaves an imprint on the family life of all related persons.
  4. Broken families - maintaining family contacts when spouses live separately. Such relationships leave a strong emotional connection between relatives, but at the same time lead to some loss of the parents’ own role.

A family is a “house” that unites people, where the foundation of human relationships and the primary socialization of the individual are laid.

Social status, which is a combination of individual characteristics of family members with its structural and functional parameters, characterizes the process of family adaptation in society. A family can have at least four statuses:

✓ socio-economic;

✓ socio-psychological;

✓ sociocultural;

✓ situational-role-playing.

Family social adaptation includes the following components:

✓ first - financial situation. To assess the material well-being of a family, which consists of monetary and property security, several quantitative and qualitative criteria are used: the level of family income, its living conditions, the subject environment, as well as the socio-demographic characteristics of its members, which constitutes the socio-economic status of the family;

✓ second - psychological climate family - is a more or less stable emotional mood that develops as a result of the moods of family members, their emotional experiences, relationships with each other, other people, work, and surrounding events. As indicators of the state of the psychological climate of the family, the following are distinguished: the degree of emotional comfort, the level of anxiety; the degree of mutual understanding, respect, support, assistance, empathy and mutual influence; place of leisure (in the family or outside it), the openness of the family in relationships with the world;

✓ third - educational adaptation. When determining the general level of culture of a family, it is necessary to take into account the level of education of its adult members, since it is recognized as one of the determining factors in raising children, as well as the immediate everyday and behavioral culture of family members;

✓ fourth - situational role-playing adaptation that is associated with the family’s attitude towards the child. In the case of a constructive attitude towards the child, high culture and activity of the family in solving his problems, the situational role status of the family high: if in relation to a child there is an emphasis on his problems, then - average. In case of ignoring the child’s problems and, especially, a negative attitude towards him, which, as a rule, is combined with low culture and activity of the family, the situational role status - short.

The complex typology provides for the identification of four categories of families, differing in the level of social adaptation (from high to medium, low and extremely low):

prosperous families - successfully cope with their functions, practically do not need the support of a social teacher, since due to adaptive abilities, which are based on material, psychological and other internal resources, they quickly adapt to the needs of their child and successfully solve the problems of his upbringing and development;

families at risk - are characterized by the presence of some deviation from the norm (for example, single-parent family, low-income family, etc.), which reduces the adaptive abilities of these families. They cope with the tasks of raising a child with great effort, so the social teacher needs to monitor their condition;

dysfunctional families - have a low social status in any of the spheres of life (or in several at the same time). They cannot cope with the functions assigned to them, their adaptive abilities are significantly reduced; The process of family education of a child proceeds with great difficulties, slowly, and with little results. This type of family requires active and usually long-term support from a social educator;

asocial families - need fundamental changes. In these families, parents lead an immoral, illegal lifestyle; Living conditions do not meet basic sanitary and hygienic requirements, and, as a rule, no one is involved in raising children. Children find themselves neglected and half-starved; are developmentally delayed; become victims of violence. The work of a social educator with these families should be carried out in close contact with law enforcement agencies, as well as with guardianship and trusteeship authorities.

The educational process in the family is a purposeful interaction between parents and children, leading to mutual enrichment, the development of a culture of relationships, and, in general, to the formation of the personality of a growing person.

A child becomes a member of the family, this multi-age group, from the moment of birth and experiences its influence for many years. That is why the family is the most important institution for the socialization of a child. In the family, a perception of the surrounding reality and attitude towards it is formed, knowledge, skills and abilities are acquired in various fields, primarily in the field of communication and human relations. The development of intellectual and creative abilities, moral and emotional culture depends on the family climate. It is parents who not only teach children how to overcome difficulties and adapt to modern conditions, but demonstrate this by their own example. Shared housekeeping, leisure time, and hobbies of family members have a certain impact on the child. The choice of profession is influenced by the family. Summarizing what has been said, the functions of the family can be formulated as follows: reproductive, economic, educational, communicative, relaxation (organization of leisure and recreation).

The specificity of the educational function lies in the special attitude towards children in the family, the creation of conditions for their development, the constant influence of the family team on all family members and the influence of children on parents, stimulating their improvement.

The educational potential of the family is created by the moral, emotional, psychological and work atmosphere of life, and is based on the educational level and professional qualities of the parents. In a certain way, it depends on the development of the family team, the nature of the relationships between family members.

Family education is impossible without parental love for children and reciprocal feelings on the part of children. It is this feeling that underlies family happiness and stimulates the flourishing of personality due to the child’s experience of such a state as emotional satisfaction, being needed by others, security, etc.

Education in a family involves the inclusion of adults and children in various types of activities: household work, play, sports, artistic creativity, etc.

The quality of family education is determined by socio-cultural, economic, technical, hygienic, and demographic indicators. But to a large extent, personality development depends on the style of upbringing in the family. The most typical:

Family with high responsibility for the child. In such a family there is love and goodwill, discipline and the desire to understand the other person.

Alienated family, uninterested in the child. Such a family is an example of indifference to the child, an expression of the desire to keep him at a distance.

Family with a permissive attitude towards the child. The principle of permissiveness is the basis of the life of such a family.

Family with increased attention to the child. Such a family is characterized by overprotection, the dissolution of parents in the child, which does not allow the child to develop independence.

The parenting styles listed above in the family indicate that, one way or another, parents are trying to educate. But, not always doing this wisely and delicately, they create psychological barriers that neutralize the effectiveness of communication with the child.

Among the psychological barriers the following should be included.

"Employment" barrier. Its essence is determined by the impossibility due to workload, household chores, or even simply a reluctance to communicate with your child. This inhibits the child’s emotional development, causes him to have obsessive thoughts about being useless in the family, as a result of which the child, especially in adolescence, is completely alienated from his parents and tries to find mutual understanding in a far from ideal environment.

Barrier of "stereotype", which occurs when parents lack the ability to “look at the child with new eyes every day,” that is, the ability to take into account the dynamics of personality development. Therefore, if the sugary and ingratiating nature of communication, which often “serves” the relationship between parents and preschoolers, is transferred to the attitude towards a teenager, then this will cause an explosion in the child, categorical rejection and will become one of the reasons for family confrontation.

Barrier of "didactism", associated with the attitude of parents to the constant teaching and care of their child. Didacticism is most often a consequence of the self-realization of the authority of a person claiming to be a benefactor. However, manifested in rather harsh edifications, didacticism does not leave the child the right to self-determination, limits his freedom and, in the end, causes him to protest sharply.

Finally, barrier of “family traditions”. It leads to both positive and negative consequences, since parents use approaches and means of influence on the child that duplicate the relationships of their childhood. Therefore, on the one hand, the traditional system of folk pedagogy is preserved in this way, but, on the other hand, if applied without sufficient flexibility (without taking into account sociocultural changes in the environment), this system can come into conflict with the needs of the modern child.

Taking into account the characteristics of family relationships between parents and children will help eliminate such shortcomings and difficulties from family education as:

· lack of communication between parents and children;

· presence of negative examples from the life of parents;

· a system of prohibitions as the basis of family education;

· delay in making decisions;

· inability to organize work and rest of children;

· unsystematic educational influences of parents;

· lack of coordination of actions with the school, etc.

The most common mistakes in parenting include:

lack of uniform requirements in education on the part of all family members;

blind love for a child;

excessive severity;

shifting the care of education to educational institutions;

parents' quarrels;

lack of pedagogical tact in relationships with children;

use of physical punishment, etc.

Family and school- these are two educational institutions of society, without the active interaction of which a full-fledged process of educating a young person is impossible. Therefore, it is the professional responsibility of the teacher to establish direct contact with the parents of his students. True, relations between family and school can develop at different levels: formal-administrative, cultural-educational, tolerant-friendly, commodity-money, partnership-activity, conflict, etc. But whatever these relationships may be, the teacher must remember that pedagogical tact is the main condition for successful interaction with parents.

Of particular importance in the interaction between school and family is the process of improving the pedagogical culture of the family and providing it with pedagogical assistance.

The forms of pedagogical universal education are varied:

Assessing the current state of work with parents, it is necessary to emphasize the leading role of individual contacts in it, allowing one to take into account the specifics and avoid stereotypes and formalism in communication.

There is another line of communication between family and school: the inclusion of parents in the educational process of the school. The work of parents in parent committees, public councils, assistance in conducting electives, clubs, club work, assistance in economic affairs, and in organizing collective activities brings parents, educators and students together. Recent meetings, family holidays, celebrations, sports competitions, and creative exhibitions held at school help bring families together.

Family and school can cooperate constructively, do a common cause, creating conditions for the development of the child’s personality. When organizing this cooperation, the educator must comply with the following conditions:

· spare no time in diagnosing family upbringing;

· rely on the positive experience of family education;

· purposefully improve the pedagogical culture of parents;

· be sincerely interested in the relationship between parents and children and offer qualified advice and pedagogically justified assistance;

· treat children and their parents with respect, regardless of specific circumstances;

· consider parents as participants in a specially organized educational process;

· stimulate the moral qualities of schoolchildren, showing concern for parents.

In our country, school plays a leading role in the development of the personality of children and adolescents. This situation seems controversial, since only the family with its established value guidelines is the determining environment for the individual development of the child and his formation as a person. In addition, the modern school is not going through its best times and, therefore, is unlikely to be able to fundamentally determine the value systems of students.

Meanwhile, educational institutions quite successfully use the educational functions of the family, which are expressed, first of all, in preparing schoolchildren for family life. This work is based on the formation of the personality qualities of the future family man (masculinity, femininity, responsibility, sense of duty, thriftiness). Many outstanding teachers (A.S. Makarenko, V.A. Sukhomlinsky) considered the central line in this process to be the development of a sense of respect and love for parents, especially the mother. Recently, the school has become the initiator of studying the history of its family, surname, and family traditions. A certain place in this process is occupied by the study of fiction, examples from the lives of various families (L. and S. Tolstoy, L. and B. Nikitin, N. Garin-Mikhailovsky, K. Paustovsky, etc.). Sexual and hygienic education, meetings with doctors, sociologists, and psychologists are of great importance in the process of preparing for family life. Quite widely, educators use debates, competitions, family holidays, testing, watching films, simulation games, role-playing games, and training in this process.

But preparing for family life is a complex and multifaceted process. Without the participation of the family, it proceeds detrimentally. Therefore, it is necessary to encourage and welcome in every possible way the conversation between father and son, mother and daughter. A student can get practical advice from literature on family life issues. Properly selected books, the specifics of family relationships, professional assistance from teachers, doctors, and psychologists will help the modern student understand the role and purpose of a family man and parent.

IN "Convention on the Rights of the Child“It is recognized that for the full and harmonious development of his personality, a growing person needs to be brought up in an atmosphere of happiness, love and understanding. In this case, the family is defined as the basic unit of society and the natural environment for the growth and well-being of all its members. One more detail is noted - society must provide the family with the necessary protection and assistance, primarily for the full upbringing of children. But this is, so to speak, ideal.

In reality, both the existence of the family and its relationship with society are burdened with many problems. The modern economic, social, and cultural instability of the Russian way of life provokes a crisis of the family as such.

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1. List the persons involved in this situation::

a) direct participants;

Direct participants include: husband, wife, as well as a sales assistant from this store.

b) those who could influence the decision making

Such people should include all direct participants, as well as any friends or relatives with whom the dialogue could be conducted over the phone.

2. What social factors could influence the selection process and the decision to abandon the purchase?

Factors that could influence the decision:

  • -Economic. It includes both the economic factor of the family itself (availability of the required funds, etc.), and the economic situation in the country (for example, at the moment, due to sanctions and, as a consequence, the growth of the dollar and euro, the price of a large number of goods have increased, even if they were produced in Russia). Also here, as a consequence, one can also highlight the desire to buy cheaper, when the cost is too high.
  • -Market. Availability of a similar product, perhaps at a lower price or better price-quality ratio.
  • - The quality of the product itself, in this case the sofa.
  • -The quality of the store employee’s work, or rather his professionalism and approach to the customer.
  • -Personal. Various emotional and psychological factors, ranging from poor health and mood, up to simple disinterest or bias towards a given product.
  • 3. By what criteria would you determine the social status of this married couple?

The approximate social status of a given couple can be determined by the following characteristics:

  • -Clothes and accessories. Its quality, style, grooming, quality of accessories, presence of precious stones in them.
  • -Age. And also a possible age difference between them.
  • -Manner of communication. Use of slang, curse words, construction of phrases.
  • -Relationships between each other. How do they stay together?
  • -Perhaps it is possible to determine whether there is a car, and if so, what kind.
  • -Appearance. Face, well-groomed. Overweight.

Taken together, using all these signs, you can try to determine the social status of the couple.

4. By what criteria would you determine the distribution of social roles between spouses?

The distribution of social roles between spouses can be determined by a number of characteristics:

  • -Communication with each other. It is usually clear from the conversation who is, for example, more important.
  • -By communication with the seller.
  • -Age, or rather a possible age difference.
  • -Who pays. Often these are also visible.
  • -Who made the final decision?
  • 5. Which of these signs could be clearly present (obvious) in the situation described?

In this situation, of course, one of the first visual signs is clothing and accessories. By the way the spouses are dressed, one can make assumptions about their financial sufficiency; neatness in clothing also strongly characterizes people. For example, dramatic differences in clothing between spouses can also say a lot about the division of roles. The age of the spouses, if the spouses have a Slavic appearance, then determining the approximate age will not be particularly difficult. Their manner of communication with the seller, as well as with each other, is also a fairly obvious sign. Who made the decision is, of course, also visible. Having a car or identifying the spouse who pays are signs that may exist, but recognizing them is a little problematic. The first depends on a number of factors, such as the location of the store and parking lot, to the person’s habit of keeping the keys in a certain place. Secondly, due to the fact that the purchase was not completed, for this reason it can be problematic to find out exactly who would pay.

6. How could the social status of the spouses influence the choice of a sofa and the refusal to buy it?

spouse's social status

There are many options:

  • -Price of the sofa. It could be too cheap or too expensive for this couple.
  • -Level of the store, or rather correspondence to the status of the couple.
  • - Availability of the necessary transport for transportation, or money to pay for this transport.

All these options are based on the social status of the spouses.

7. How could the role relationships between spouses influence the choice of a sofa and the decision not to buy it?

It depends on who is in charge in the pair. And if he... If there is an authoritarian leader, then he will make the decision in any case. If the relationship is built on democratic and joint decisions, then this means a final negative attitude towards this sofa on both sides.

  • 8. In sociology, as you know, the family is considered, on the one hand, as a social institution and, on the other hand, as a small group.
  • 1. Indicate the signs in which the family manifests itself:
    • a) as an institution; From the point of view of institutions, the family is a formal institution. All the main essential features of institutions (of which there are 4) can, to a greater or lesser extent, be signs of the family as an institution.
    • b) as a small group.

On the part of groups, the family belongs to a small group and three main distinctive features (membership, identity, method of interaction) are also inherent in it.

2. Give examples (perhaps from observations in your family) of the distribution of family roles.

In the family there are socio-demographic roles, generalized with a number of stereotypes - husband, wife, daughter, etc. So are interpersonal ones. It is the interpersonal roles in the family that are decisive. For example, in my family, the head was the grandmother, now the roles have changed and now she has a different role. But previously, all major decisions, financial control, all this was in her department. Although he usually believes that the father is the head of the family, according to stereotypes. In fact, everything can be much more diverse.

3. Try to show the conditionality of role behavior in the family by institutional norms. Justify your answer.

Institutional norms can be both formal and informal. Unlike conventional norms, these norms are often the result of many years of work. In an institution such as a family, they will be very much based on the traditions and customs of a particular family, and also take into account the experience of previous generations. Of course, they will not be recorded anywhere. And in general terms, these norms will be similar to other institutions - families, but each will have its own individual institutional norms. But some of the roles are basic, and they will most likely be present in any family, such roles as: the head of the family, the person who decides almost all issues, the main breadwinner, often part-time head of the family, the keeper of the hearth, the one who looks after the house and children, Most often this role is assigned to the mother. Similar roles but with different names can be found in any institute.

News and society

Family social status: what is it?

October 25, 2015

The family is a rather complex social entity. Sociologists are accustomed to viewing it as a system of close relationships between individual members of society, who are bound by responsibility, marriage and family relations, and social necessity.

What is the social status of the family?

The problem of adaptation of families in society is extremely acute for sociologists who study this issue. One of the main factors in the socialization of a married couple is the social status of the family.

The main characteristics when considering social status are the material capabilities of members of society united by marriage, the presence of common responsibility, and educational obligations. There are also potential risk factors that increase the likelihood of losing acquired status. Thus, the breakdown of marital relationships most often leads to a deterioration in parent-child ties. Remarriage can, to a certain extent, eliminate these negative trends.

Families, the composition of which has a complex structure, create favorable conditions for the formation of a diverse picture of interaction between individuals, which opens up greater opportunities for the socialization of the younger generation. However, highlighting the negative aspects of such a family formation, one can note the presence of discomfort when it is necessary to live together for several generations. What makes the situation worse in this case is the lack of personal space and space for forming an independent opinion.

Functional structure

What does the social status of a family mean? Its formation is largely influenced by the performance of certain functions by a given public entity. Among the main functions of the family are the following:

  1. Reproductive - procreation, reproduction in the biological sense.
  2. Educational - spiritual development of offspring. The formation of a marital relationship allows not only to create conditions for the birth and upbringing of a child. The presence of a certain atmosphere in the house affects the formation of the personality of children, and sometimes affects a person throughout his life.
  3. Household and household functions are the most important function on which the social status of the family depends. It consists of the ability to maintain the physical condition of relatives and care for immature or elderly persons.
  4. Material - determined by the ability of family members to provide mutual support financially.

Video on the topic

Normal families

When considering the social status of the family, types of statuses, first of all you should look at the concept of a normal family. However, the idea of ​​it is rather conventional and does not have a clear framework. Families are considered normal if they are able to ensure their own well-being at a minimally sufficient level, create healthy conditions for the socialization of the child, and take care of the protection of relatives and friends.

Prosperous families

Despite the definition itself, persons who secure this social status of the family experience certain difficulties. As common problems here, it is worth highlighting the presence of conflicts and contradictions, which manifest themselves in connection with the transition to a new level in society and the influence of gradually changing living conditions.

What prevents a family from acquiring such a social status is an excessive desire to help relatives living separately, the formation of an atmosphere of excessive guardianship, or an overly lenient attitude towards loved ones.

Problem families

It is also worth paying attention to the so-called dysfunctional families, considering the social status of the family. What are the problem structures?

The very definition of social status indicates the presence of difficulties not only in relationships between loved ones, but also in the search for individuals to find their own place in society. Psychological troubles usually arise here due to the unsatisfaction of the needs of several or one family member.

A common problem in dysfunctional families is the presence of unhealthy relationships between the couple or parents and child. Living in dysfunctional, problematic families, children have to look for ways to overcome various psychological difficulties. This often leads to the formation of psychogenic deviations, which later manifest themselves in emotional rejection of the environment and poor development of parental feelings.

Antisocial families

If we talk about the social status of the family, types of statuses, one cannot help but highlight such a common phenomenon as an asocial family. This is where the interaction between individuals is most complex.

Formations in which spouses are inclined to lead a permissive or immoral lifestyle can be called asocial. As for living conditions, in this case they do not meet the basic requirements of hygiene and sanitation. As a rule, raising children is left to chance. The younger generation is often subjected to moral and physical violence and experiences developmental delays.

Most often, this category includes persons who have the social status of a large family. The main factor that leads to the formation of such a negative environment is low material security.

At-risk groups

In families with normal or prosperous social status, periods of decline often occur, which could potentially lead to a transition to a lower level of socialization. The main risk groups include:

  1. Destructive families are characterized by frequent occurrence of conflict situations, lack of desire to form an emotional connection, separative behavior of spouses, and the presence of complex conflicts between parents and child.
  2. Single-parent families - the absence of one of the parents leads to incorrect self-determination of the child and a decrease in the diversity of family relationships.
  3. Rigid families - the dominance of one individual is clearly manifested, which leaves an imprint on the family life of all related persons.
  4. Broken families - maintaining family contacts when spouses live separately. Such relationships leave a strong emotional connection between relatives, but at the same time lead to some loss of the parents’ own role.

Rutkovskaya // Social pedagogical work. – 2007. – No. 11. – P. 23–27. 4. work: theory and organization: a manual for university students / P.P. Ukrainian [etc.]; edited by P.P.

Ukrainian, S.V. Lapina. – 2nd ed. – Minsk: TetraSystems, 2007. – S.

90–97. Among the objective factors of victimization, a special place belongs to the family. Social status

Determining family status

Determining family status

full, when both parents are married,

incomplete, when the marriage was not concluded (single mother, paternity establishment) and divorce,

large family in the case where there are three or more minor children under 18 years of age in the family,

low-income in the case when the family’s subsistence level does not exceed the established subsistence level in the Chelyabinsk region approved by the Decree of the Governor of the Chelyabinsk region.

© USZN Krasnoarmeisky municipal district, 2011-2019

Family category in the application form, what to write

family category in the application form what to write

In chapter Other household chores To the question, they gave me a questionnaire, and there is a column “Social status of the family.” How is that in general?

Social status is a complex concept. This includes: composition, income, living conditions, educational status of family members (which itself consists of.), belonging to a certain social group (it can also be determined by the above

Social status of the family - what is it?

Family social status: examples

These criteria can be used to assess social status, both individually and collectively. Depends on the purpose of the analysis. How is status determined? In general, social status is quite difficult to clearly define.

It is necessary to use a number of methods that can only be used by an experienced worker.

A person can have different things.

For example, his status set could be as follows: man, unmarried, candidate of technical sciences, computer programming specialist, Russian, city dweller, Orthodox, etc.

Material (grade 1) on the topic: Questionnaire for parents of future first-graders

  • Registration home address: _____________________________________
  • Actual home address: _____________________________________________
  • Which additional education institution does the child attend:
  • Incomplete
  • Divorced
  • Disabled children (who, group, disease)
  • Parents who participated in hostilities
  • Low-income
  • Disabled parents (who, group)
  • Unemployed
  • Large family
What is your psychologist?

family status: examples As a consequence, they can acquire all social skills only within their group.

The form must be filled out in English.

In the right field of the questionnaire there are explanations of the questions in Russian: by hovering your mouse cursor over the text, you will see the translation.

Mother's I.O., date of birth.________________________________________________ Mother's education, mob.

Social status of the child in the questionnaire, what to write

- this is a characteristic that reflects the adaptability of the family to raising a child at the moment. This is a dynamic parameter that changes over time. The effectiveness of raising a child is significantly reduced if it deteriorates.

What does it mean? This characteristic influences the success of raising a child.

This type of family is characterized by an excellent level of fulfillment of functions.

Gorokhova Elena Vladimirovna ->

Social status in the questionnaire what to write

The autobiography is compiled in any form, but certain elements and details must be present in it.

How to write about your financial situation, earnings, income, security

Social status of the family and its functions

Temperament is the individual properties of a person, characterized primarily by the speed of the emergence of feelings and their strength.

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