Food poisoning in a nursing mother while breastfeeding: is it possible to breastfeed a baby, how to treat it? Breastfeeding during a cold. Common Sense Is Important

Breast milk is the most important food for a newborn. It is it that helps to strengthen the health and immunity of a small child. However, no one is immune from unpleasant surprises. It happens that the mother has a fever, and she does not know what to do in such a situation. Continue feeding or not?

In reality, the correct decision depends on many factors that provoked the disease. To understand whether it is possible to breastfeed at a temperature, it is important to learn how to measure it correctly and find out the reasons that led to the increase.

Reasons for feeling unwell

Before deciding whether to continue feeding the baby with breast milk, you need to find out the reasons why the mother has a fever.

  1. The temperature sometimes rises due to the intense stress experienced by the woman. In this case, it does not affect the quality of breast milk.
  2. Infectious diseases accompanied by a runny nose and dry cough. If women have acute respiratory viral infections, it is necessary to consult with a doctor about treatment and determine whether or not you can continue to breastfeed your baby.
  3. The cause of a high temperature in the first few weeks after childbirth can be an inflammatory disease. There is a possibility that when a child is born, the mother's chronic ailments are aggravated.
  4. Mastitis. Cracks form on the nipples and the mother has a high fever. It is not recommended to continue feeding your baby with breast milk.
  5. Food poisoning. A woman needs to revise her diet, since all the food consumed enters the baby's body.

These are the most common causes of fever. Sometimes the body temperature rises due to the individual characteristics of the body. Only a doctor can find out the exact reason..

How to correctly measure the temperature

If a nursing woman has a temperature of 38, no hasty conclusions should be made. There is one interesting pattern that everyone needs to know. This is the only way to learn how to measure the temperature correctly and get a reliable result.

The process when milk leaves the mammary glands involves the release of heat and a strong contraction of muscle tissue. It is for this reason that the temperature during breastfeeding or immediately after expressing rises to 38 degrees.

To measure it correctly and get a reliable result, you need to wait 30-35 minutes after feeding the baby.

A body temperature of 38 degrees is considered normal and does not provoke changes in the taste and composition of breast milk. However, if the fever increases to 39-40 degrees, lactation may be impaired, and it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

The importance of lactation and breastfeeding

Mother's milk is important for the formation of the newborn's immunity. Now doctors are of the opinion that if the mother's body temperature rises, it is not recommended to stop feeding. This is due to the following reasons.

  1. Breast milk provides your baby with antibodies and nutrients, the lack of which leads to a weakening of the immune system.
  2. A small jump in the mother's body temperature is sometimes beneficial because the baby has a “protective barrier” that reduces the risk of infection.
  3. Abrupt interruption of breastfeeding can lead to the fact that the baby completely abandons breast milk.
  4. A break in breastfeeding leads to the formation of mastitis, and as a result, the milk simply burns out.

When to stop breastfeeding

A small jump in temperature is not capable of harming a mother and her child. However, there are situations in which it is better to refuse breastfeeding.

How to lower the temperature during lactation

Even a small temperature during breastfeeding provokes a deterioration in a woman's condition and a feeling of discomfort. It needs to be knocked down, but very carefully so that it does not affect the child's health. These tips will help you get rid of your symptoms of feeling unwell.

  1. It is necessary to try to bring down the fever with medications that do not affect the taste of breast milk. Ibuprofen or paracetamol can be used for breastfeeding women.
  2. In the event that a woman is afraid to take pills so as not to harm the baby, you can use antipyretic rectal suppositories, which are absolutely safe.
  3. At any temperature, you should not immediately run to the first-aid kit for pills. If the thermometer shows no more than 38 degrees, wait a little, let the body fight on its own to strengthen the immune system. It may be a temporary rise in temperature due to stress, or you measured it immediately after feeding (which is not recommended).
  4. If a woman has ARVI, drinking plenty of fluids will help reduce fever. However, if you have symptoms of mastitis, this approach will be useless - it can provoke milk flow.

Summing up

Based on the recommendations of doctors, it can be concluded that it is impossible to stop breastfeeding at a low temperature. Mother's milk for a baby is an important building material from which immunity is formed.

It is possible to stop breastfeeding only if the fever pursues the woman for more than a day, and it is impossible to lower the temperature. This can be dangerous for a child.

The main thing is not to rush to drink antipyretics right away. Think about whether you measured the temperature correctly, establish the reason for its rise, and only after that you can draw any conclusions.

Breast milk is the best food you can offer to a baby under one year old. It helps the baby to grow up healthy and strengthens his immune system. But sometimes during breastfeeding, young mothers get sick and then it is necessary to decide whether feeding will harm.

Many women do not know how a rise in temperature affects milk and whether it is possible to breastfeed in this condition. The answer to this question depends on the causes of the fever and some other factors.

Reasons for the rise in temperature

To decide whether to feed your baby, you need to analyze your health. If the temperature is above 38 ° C, it is better to consult a doctor for the correct diagnosis and selection of adequate treatment. There are several reasons for the slight increase in temperature:

  • Stress and ovulation can cause low-grade fever. They do not affect the quality of milk, but they can affect the quantity. Therefore, frequent breastfeeding is even more important in such a situation.
  • Viral and infectious diseases. It is best to discuss breastfeeding with your doctor, but in most cases it is not prohibited.
  • Postpartum inflammations also require consultation with a doctor, but breastfeeding is not prevented.
  • Lactostasis or mastitis is one of the most common causes of fever in the postpartum period. It often occurs if a woman does not properly attach her baby to her breast, allows cracks in her nipples, or chooses the wrong underwear.

In most cases, a rise in temperature is not a barrier to breastfeeding. Of course, it is better to discuss this topic with your doctor, but usually they advise you to continue feeding with some precautions.

When the temperature rises, first of all, it is necessary to examine the breast for lactostasis. Sometimes it does not cause noticeable discomfort, and only a warm red spot can be found on the skin.

With a slight increase in temperature, in most cases, doctors recommend continuing feeding. This is due to the fact that:

  • Stopping natural breast emptying can cause an even greater fever due to overflow of breast segments and lactostasis.
  • To avoid stagnation of milk in the breast, a woman will have to express it often. This can lead to impaired lactation, as milk residues will remain in the breast.
  • If an increase in temperature caused the activity of a virus, protective antibodies to it are immediately formed in the mother's blood. Together with milk, they are passed on to the baby, guaranteeing his protection from the disease. If you deprive him of this support, the child will have to defend himself against the disease himself. This increases the risk of infection and severe illness.

If a woman's well-being is slightly impaired and she does not need treatment that is incompatible with breastfeeding, feeding is not prohibited. Moreover, it is especially useful during this time. A slight decrease in the amount of milk with a mother's illness is normal. Gradually, everything will return to normal, the main thing is to regularly apply the baby to the breast.

If you have acute respiratory infections, which is accompanied by a runny nose, cough and other respiratory symptoms, you need to approach the child wearing a special medical mask. This will reduce the risk of infection.

When to stop breastfeeding

Although in most cases, an increase in temperature does not pose any risks to the health of the mother and baby, there are situations when it is better to stop feeding for a while:

  • If the rise in temperature is caused by a serious illness of the mother. Feeling unwell and weakened by the mother can lead to the disappearance of milk, since feeding requires a lot of energy, so it may not be able to the woman. In this case, you need to take care of your health and stop breastfeeding.
  • During treatment with drugs incompatible with HB. For example, the temperature after childbirth often rises due to inflammation. In this case, the doctor prescribes antibiotics, and at the time of taking them, you will have to refuse breastfeeding.

There is a myth that when the temperature rises above 39 ° C, it causes a change in the taste of milk. It does not become harmful to the baby's health, but it can provoke breast refusal. This is not true, the composition of milk does not change at temperature.

How to treat a fever while breastfeeding?

If the fever is not associated with a serious illness, it can be brought down with the help of antipyretic drugs approved during lactation. Most often, doctors recommend medicines based on paracetamol and ibuprofen. Be sure to follow the instructions and not exceed the recommended doses.

Sometimes on the Internet there are recommendations to choose medicines in the form of suppositories. They are supposedly safer. In fact, there is not much difference, with any method of administration, the drug must enter the bloodstream to begin to act. And from there it goes into milk.

If the temperature does not rise above 38 ° C, you can take your time with the antipyretic and give the body the opportunity to cope with the problem itself. It is with such readings of the thermometer that the production of interferon begins - a special protein that destroys pathogens.

Drinking plenty of fluids is the standard recommendation when the temperature rises. Compotes, such as raspberries, lemon tea, or plain water are usually recommended. But not all drinks are allowed for breastfeeding, some can cause allergic reactions in the baby, so you need to be careful. In addition, drinking a lot of fluids can cause a surge in milk flow. With mastitis, it is dangerous.

With acute respiratory infections, there are many symptomatic treatments that do not affect milk quality in any way. Inhalation with simple steam, gargling without swallowing medicine and rinsing the nose with saline are absolutely safe for nursing mothers.

Sometimes doctors recommend using antibiotics to treat a disease that causes fever. Most of them are contraindicated for breastfeeding, but it is very difficult to defeat sore throat, mastitis or bacterial pneumonia without drugs of this group. There are medications that are considered conditionally harmless for hepatitis B, but they can also cause minor side effects, so in most cases, feeding has to be stopped for a while.

Only a doctor can prescribe an antibiotic for breastfeeding, self-medication in such a situation is strictly prohibited. The doctor always talks about the possibility of breastfeeding and recommends the optimal regimen for taking the medicine to minimize harm.

Almost all modern doctors advise trying to maintain lactation, despite the rise in temperature. The only exceptions are serious diseases that require treatment incompatible with HB. Therefore, first of all, a young mother should try to determine the cause of the ailment.

It is very important to change the temperature correctly. In no case should nursing mothers do this in the armpit, since the temperature will always be higher there. It is also best to measure after feeding or pumping.

If a young mother finds out that she has a fever, there is no need to panic. You need to measure it regularly, tracking all changes, drink more fluid and monitor your well-being.

A cold during breastfeeding always raises many questions for mothers. Is it possible to continue breastfeeding the baby? Is it okay to drink an antipyretic? What if it's not a cold? Let's see why a nursing mother may have a fever and how this affects breastfeeding.


All the reasons that can cause an increase in temperature in a breastfeeding woman can be divided into three separate groups:

  1. Acute infectious diseases of a viral nature.
  2. Acute diseases caused by bacteria.
  3. Exacerbations of chronic diseases.

It is very important to establish the cause, as tactics will differ from case to case. An increase in temperature in the first weeks of the postpartum period can be caused by the occurrence of inflammatory diseases, for example, mastitis, suture inflammation, endometritis and others.

An increase in temperature in the first weeks after childbirth can be caused by postpartum inflammatory diseases, be careful about your condition

How to measure temperature?

If a nursing mother measures the temperature during feeding or immediately after it (as well as after expressing) under the arm, then the readings of 37.1-37.3 degrees or slightly higher will be considered normal. This is due to the formation of milk in the depths of the mammary glands, as well as the release of heat by the muscle cells of the breast at the time of feeding. That is why it is recommended to measure the temperature in the armpit area about half an hour after feeding or pumping. It is also important to wipe off sweat before measuring, as water has the ability to absorb heat and the presence of sweat in the armpit can make the result unreliable.

It takes 30 minutes to measure the temperature after feeding. Wash your armpit and wipe it dry

When can you breastfeed?

When a viral infection has become the cause of the fever, feeding can be continued. Firstly, the mother became a carrier of the virus even before the external manifestations of infection, so the virus could already enter the crumbs' body. Secondly, after the virus enters the mother's body, the production of antibodies has begun, which will go to the baby with breast milk. This can prevent the disease in the baby or make its course easier. In addition, the decision to stop breastfeeding because of a fever can harm a woman's breasts, causing congestion and mastitis.

When is it forbidden?

Contraindications to continued breastfeeding may be associated with:

  1. The risk of contact with the baby of the pathogen or the toxins secreted by it.
  2. The need to use medications that are contraindicated or undesirable for young children.

Prescribing antibiotics is not always a reason to stop breastfeeding a baby, but it happens that a mother has to take exactly those types of antibiotics that can damage the baby's body. In this case, the woman is advised to temporarily stop breastfeeding.

If a woman has mastitis, the question of continuing breastfeeding should be decided individually. Mastitis is not an absolute contraindication, however, most often infection with Staphylococcus aureus leads to its occurrence, and there is a high risk of infection of the baby with this microorganism.

In the case when the mother has an exacerbated existing chronic disease, for example, sinusitis, pyelonephritis or bronchitis, there are often no contraindications to continuing breastfeeding. Among all infections that occur in adults in a chronic form, only syphilis, active tuberculosis, viral hepatitis C and B, and HIV can act as an obstacle to breastfeeding.

Mom can breastfeed not only during ARVI, but also with a number of chronic diseases. Contraindications to feeding - syphilis, viral hepatitis C and B, active tuberculosis and HIV disease

A nursing mother with a fever should see a specialist to pinpoint the cause of the fever. In addition, the doctor will recommend a treatment that is compatible with breastfeeding. If six weeks have not yet passed after giving birth, you should consult an obstetrician-gynecologist. In the event of symptoms of an intestinal infection or a cold, a therapist should be called at home.

With an acute viral infection, the mother should try to protect the baby from airborne infection. It is recommended to isolate the baby from the mother at least during sleep, and also often ventilate the room. When feeding a baby or caring for a baby, a sick mother should wear a disposable or gauze (4-layer) bandage, which should be changed every two to three hours.

Around the baby's crib, you can put containers with crushed chives, since the essential oils of this plant are quite effective against various viruses. Also, in the room where the mother and baby stay, you can turn on the germicidal lamp for 10-15 minutes, four to five times a day.

A nursing mother should carefully read the annotations to the medications prescribed to her in order to know if medications pass into the milk. If possible, it is better to choose agents with local action - ointments, inhalations, aerosols, rinses. Very often, when the mother has uncomplicated acute respiratory infections, herbal medicine is enough. However, there are herbs that are incompatible with breastfeeding, so the appointment of herbal teas should also be discussed with your doctor.

If mom has to temporarily interrupt breastfeeding, but she wants to continue breastfeeding after recovery, she will have to express regularly - every three hours during the day and every five hours at night.

Many women who have recently given birth during the breastfeeding period find out about their new pregnancy. Of course, sometimes this is planned, but most often the birth of a new life is perceived by the mother as a surprise, since she relied on the natural contraceptive effect during lactation. In any case, a serious question arises before the woman: should she continue to breastfeed her older child or interrupt the process. Will lactation harm a new pregnancy?

What is the lactation period in pregnant women

The ability to breastfeed during pregnancy, in general, is inherent in the female body by nature itself. Our distant ancestors did not even think about this issue.

Today, doctors believe that the optimal break between two pregnancies for a woman should be at least two years. This time is needed to fully recover from childbirth, to replenish the nutrient costs associated with breastfeeding. If a mother finds herself in a "position" earlier than the specified period, then her body is forced to work in an enhanced mode, spend additional resources on maintaining the new life that has arisen in it, and at the same time also support the lactation process. However, in life it is impossible to plan everything in advance, and many breastfeeding women soon after giving birth find out that their family will soon be replenished again.

Of course, it is optimal to maintain an interval between two pregnancies of at least two years, but in life it is impossible to plan everything

Meanwhile, the problem of the possibility of lactation during pregnancy is relevant, as a rule, in developed countries. In modern countries of the third world, characterized by poverty and a low level of development of medicine, women, as in ancient times, still successfully combine breastfeeding with bearing a child.

So, according to statistics, in Guatemala, half of pregnancies coincide in time with breastfeeding. On the island of Java this figure is 40%, in Senegal - 30%, Bangladesh - 12%.

Breastfeeding with a new pregnancy has its own characteristics. Mothers faced with this note the following nuances:

  1. Excessive nipple sensitivity, general breast tenderness. This is due to natural hormonal changes during pregnancy (especially if a woman has always experienced similar sensations before the onset of her period). Various home remedies can help reduce discomfort: cooling the nipples with ice cubes, moistening them with herbal infusions, for example, from oak bark. In addition, the nipple should be inserted deeper into the baby's mouth to reduce pain.
  2. Fatigue, rapid fatigability. It is especially pronounced in the early stages and is again associated with the hormonal factor (but not with the feeding process). Therefore, it is very important for a pregnant woman with a small child to have time to sleep or just to relax in those moments when the baby is sleeping. As the gestation period increases, the woman's condition will improve.
  3. Change in the taste of breast milk. Under the influence of pregnancy hormones, the amount of lactose in the nutrient fluid decreases and, conversely, the amount of sodium increases. Of course, babies feel these changes, but many of them do not give up breast, but still willingly take it.
  4. Problems with choosing a feeding position. When the mother already has an impressive tummy, it can be difficult to attach the baby to the breast: here you already have to experiment.

Photo gallery: the nuances of the lactation period in pregnant women

During pregnancy, a woman's breasts become overly sensitive, including the nipples, so breastfeeding can cause discomfort to the mother When the mother already has a large belly, it may be difficult to choose a position for feeding.In early pregnancy, a nursing mother gets tired quickly, so she just needs to rest when baby is sleeping

Is it possible to breastfeed during pregnancy: pros and cons

The rejection of breastfeeding during pregnancy is associated with a number of arguments that are not justified upon a deeper consideration:

  1. During lactation, the level of the hormone oxytocin increases, which can provoke a miscarriage or premature birth. By stimulating the release of milk from the mammary glands, this substance simultaneously increases the contractility of the uterus. That is why the uterus of nursing mothers quickly returns to its usual state. However, the state of the organ at the beginning of pregnancy is significantly different from its postpartum state: the uterus contains much fewer receptors that absorb oxytocin (their number increases 12 times only by the 3rd trimester). Therefore, in the first half of pregnancy, even high concentrations of the hormone are not dangerous. In addition, oxytocin levels are very high only during the first time after birth, when lactation is established. Then the body adapts and produces less of it: thus, there is no particular danger for terminating pregnancy during lactation, even at a long gestation period. The only thing that a nursing mother should not do in order to avoid artificial contractions, carrying another child, is to regularly and for a long time stimulate the breast with a breast pump.
  2. Increased levels of the hormone progesterone reduce milk production. Indeed, many pregnant women notice this early in their pregnancy. And theoretically, lactation should come to naught closer to childbirth. However, wise nature has made the process of milk synthesis reflexively dependent: if breast stimulation occurs, then a nutritious fluid will be produced in the mammary glands. In addition, the mother must maintain lactation as much as she can: with a balanced diet, intake of vitamins, etc. It is necessary to monitor the height and weight of the child in order to introduce supplementary feeding in case of a lack of milk.
  3. Under the influence of hormones before childbirth, mature milk will be replaced with colostrum, but this is not a reason to end breastfeeding. After the birth of another baby, it will be possible to feed the children in tandem.
  4. The unborn child (youngest) will not have enough nutrients, because they go to maintain lactation. In fact, in this case, only the mother can suffer, because the female body has certain priorities in the distribution of nutrients. First of all, he worries about maintaining pregnancy, then he tries to maintain milk production and only the remaining nutrients go to maintain maternal health. This is why breastfeeding pregnant women often experience very severe bouts of hunger. To maintain their health, they need to regularly eat a balanced diet and observe a drinking regime.

Thus, in most cases, a mother who has become pregnant again can continue feeding the older child without threatening the unborn child. In this case, lactation can be gradually completed by the time of birth, or not, in order to then feed the two children in tandem.

Lactation may not be completed by the time of birth, which then feed both children at once in tandem

Not the least role is played by the age of the older baby and the state of his health. It is advisable to breastfeed the baby longer if he was born prematurely, took antibiotics, is prone to allergies, has problems with the gastrointestinal tract, and is lagging behind in development (physical or psychomotor). In any case, even if the baby is healthy, it is good to extend the lactation period to at least six months.

Of course, a nursing woman who finds out about a new pregnancy should think carefully. Mom must realize that an additional load is still placed on her body. Therefore, it is extremely important for her to have opportunities for good rest (here, assistants, which not everyone have), eat very well, walk in the fresh air, and have a positive psychological attitude. After all, children first of all need a healthy mother.

Before deciding to continue or end lactation with a new pregnancy, a woman should think carefully and assess her capabilities.

Contraindications to breastfeeding during pregnancy

The decision to continue or end breastfeeding should be made with the doctor in charge of the pregnancy. After all, there are a number of contraindications for continuing lactation during the period of bearing a child:

  1. Age of the woman (too early or late pregnancy).
  2. The general health of the mother, the presence of chronic diseases (for example, diabetes mellitus).
  3. Multiple pregnancy.
  4. Past miscarriages or premature birth.
  5. Pronounced toxicosis with weight loss in the mother.
  6. Gestosis.
  7. The threat of termination of pregnancy.
  8. Isthmico-cervical insufficiency (dilatation of the cervix with increasing load ahead of schedule).
  9. Suture on the cervix.
  10. A low hemoglobin level in a woman (anemia), which is fraught with an increased risk of intrauterine hypoxia in the fetus.
  11. Taking certain medications.
  12. Abdominal pain that worsens during feeding.

Photo gallery: some contraindications for breastfeeding during pregnancy

If the pregnancy is late, then, most likely, you should not combine it with lactation. additionally breastfeed an older child
If a pregnant mother has low hemoglobin, it is better not to breastfeed an older baby.

Video: mom "in position" talks about her experience of breastfeeding during pregnancy (features of each trimester)

How to stop breastfeeding without harming pregnancy

If the mother decides to wean the older baby, it is best to do it gradually.At the same time, the process of stopping feeding for the baby will be psychologically painless, and the amount of milk in the female mammary glands will decrease naturally, without causing lactostasis and other problems.

First of all, a woman should consult with her attending physician. Indeed, during pregnancy, not all methods of suppressing lactation are allowed. For example, seemingly harmless herbal infusions and decoctions can pose a threat to a developing fetus and even provoke a miscarriage.

Before completing breastfeeding, a pregnant mother should definitely consult with her doctor.

The principle of gradual completion of lactation (the most optimal method during pregnancy) is a consistent decrease in the number of feedings. First, the mother removes one daytime attachment to the breast (replaces it with a mixture or other food), then another, etc., leaving only nighttime ones. Then they disappear too. At the same time, the woman shortens the time of each feed. Thus, the female body will not experience severe stress, milk production will gradually decrease, and as a result, it will completely disappear. Likewise, the weaning process will be calm for the baby.

It is necessary to wean the baby from the breast gradually, consistently removing feedings, first daytime, then nighttime

As for more radical methods, they can be dangerous during pregnancy. For example, pulling the chest with an elastic bandage can be fraught with the development of mastitis. This means mandatory antibiotic therapy, which is highly undesirable during childbearing. Chemicals (for example, Dostinex) in the early stages can seriously harm the embryo.

During the period of gestation, compresses on the chest with the use of alcohol and camphor oil are not allowed (you can use only cabbage leaf or just a cold effect on the chest).

It is undesirable to wean the baby before 12 weeks of gestation. This will avoid the hormonal "surge" in the body and its consequences (termination of pregnancy). If health permits, you need to feed the child at least this period.

It is psychologically easier to wean an infant from breastfeeding if he is still very small. An older kid (especially after a year) is already aware of his “loss”: after all, he already needs not only food, but also close contact with his mother. He may remember breastfeeding with regret for a long time and try to resume his favorite way of eating.

If the mother does not plan tandem feeding, then it is necessary to stop feeding the older child before giving birth (at least a couple of months), so that the baby can forget about the mother's breast. If this is done after the birth of the younger one, then problems may arise: the appearance of a brother or sister will be associated in the mind of the little one with negative - weaning from his favorite food. The appearance of a “competitor” will be very difficult for a child.

If the mother does not plan tandem feeding, then the older child should be weaned from breastfeeding before delivery in order to avoid child competition

It should be remembered that sometimes even without such an apple of discord as breastfeeding, with the appearance of a younger brother or sister, jealousy awakens in an older child. For example, when my husband was born, his older sister, two years old, was very upset that now all the attention in the family was shifted to him. And once the parents saw how the girl was trying to hit the baby with a bottle of perfume - so she tried to get rid of the "rival". Of course, over time, the jealousy passed, but I can imagine how it would have worsened in that period, if the struggle for my mother's breast had also been connected here.

Expert opinion

Many modern pediatricians and breastfeeding consultants are fully aware of the possibility of breastfeeding during pregnancy. So, Nina Zaichenko believes that this can be done if only the mother has no medical contraindications, and when the baby is applied, there is no discomfort (severe pain in the nipples, etc.). The specialist explains that tandem is a normal phenomenon, laid down by nature itself (after all, it is not for nothing that every woman was given about 300 eggs).

Video: breastfeeding during pregnancy (various aspects of the topic are covered by breastfeeding consultant Nina Zaichenko)

Dr. E. Komarovsky is of the opinion that although an older child can be fed during a new pregnancy, it is better to complete this process before delivery.

... the truth is somewhere in the middle between "quit immediately" and "feed up to 6 months." That is, you really need to end feeding, but do it gradually - in 1–2 months: reduce the number of feedings, shorten the length of the baby's stay at the breast, and never pump.

E. Komarovsky

If a young mother finds out about her new pregnancy, she does not have to complete breastfeeding of an older child. It's just that a woman needs to be more attentive to her well-being and follow some rules. However, in some situations that pose a threat to pregnancy, lactation must be completed. This should be done only in permitted ways and delicately in relation to the older child.

Breastfeeding not only provides nourishment for the baby, but also helps to establish a deep emotional connection between mother and baby. In this article, you will learn how to breastfeed properly so as not to cause discomfort to your baby.

How to breastfeed your baby

The sooner you attach your baby to your breast, the better. This will ensure the establishment of a normal lactation process.

In the first days after childbirth, not milk is released from the breast, but colostrum. It has a special composition: a minimum of carbohydrates, a large amount of easily digestible protein and microelements. This allows the formation of immunity and microflora in the baby's digestive tract.

So that in the future breast milk is produced in the right amount, you need to follow some rules from the first days of feeding.

Basic rules for breastfeeding a baby

In the early days, the baby should be applied to the breast as often as possible. The fact is that colostrum is produced constantly, but in small quantities. Frequent feedings will help not only to satisfy the baby's hunger, but also to establish normal lactation. Irritation of the nipple during feeding will lead to the production of mature milk in the right amount.

It is important to properly attach the baby to the breast. If the nipple is not properly positioned and gripped, the baby may swallow air, and this can lead to profuse regurgitation or colic. How to breastfeed your baby?

    Get into a comfortable position. Expand the baby with the whole body to yourself, make sure that the head is not thrown back: it should be in line with the body. Do not fix the head, the child should be able to comfortably grab the nipple and release it at the end of feeding.

    The chest should not cover the baby's nose and prevent him from breathing.

    Do not force the nipple into your mouth, in this position it will not take it right.

    Make sure that the baby takes the nipple along with the halo: from below it should not be visible at all, from above - only the edge. It is this kind of grip that will allow you to get enough without injuring the nipple.

    If the baby is sucking too hard, choking, stop feeding. Gently open the jaws with your finger, remove the nipple and hold the baby upright until burping occurs.

    When feeding, there should be no painful sensations. If you feel pain in the nipple area, it is most likely that the baby has not properly seized it. In this case, you need to correct the position of the chest.

    Breastfeeding is recommended for 20-30 minutes, but you need to focus on his behavior. If he continues to actively suck, do not interrupt the feeding. But if the baby falls asleep ahead of time and does not respond to the nipple, the meal should be stopped.

    Can I breastfeed at a temperature? If you are not taking strong medications, you can. If you have a cold, you should put on a gauze bandage before feeding.

If a lot of milk is produced, the excess should be decanted to avoid stagnation and inflammation of the ducts. If there is not enough milk, do not rush to switch to artificial mixtures.

Continue breastfeeding regularly, nipple stimulation promotes milk production

If milk does not appear in the required quantity after 2 days, while you see that the baby is hungry and behaving restlessly, artificial feeding should be established. The pediatrician will help you choose the mixture.

How many months to breastfeed?

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