During pregnancy, you can practice sex. Transformation of attraction in a woman and a man. What is the positive effect of sexual contact for a pregnant woman and the fetus? This is about

Sex during pregnancy causes a threat to interrupt or pairing the placenta.

This statement can be called correctly only in part. The fact is that sex during pregnancy at a healthy woman against the background of a complete well-being, the threat of interrupting pregnancy does not cause. And if the pregnancy proceeds normally, without complications, and the doctor is not prescribed by sexual rest, they are not necessary to exclude from his life. For the development of the threat of interrupts, there must be any causes, and quite a lot of them. These can be anomalies for the development of genital organs, gynecological diseases to pregnancy (such as the uterine mioma, endometriosis), hormonal disorders in the body of a pregnant woman, sexually transmitted infections, exhausco cervical failure (a state at which premature shortening and cervical disclosure takes place The uterus when it cannot perform its fetus retention function inside the uterus). In the absence of these features, sexual contact is not the cause of increasing the tone of the uterus and the development of the threat of abortion. But it is worth noting that if the future mother has an increased uterus tone and the doctor diagnoses the threat of interrupt, then it is better to refrain from sex. In this case, the sexual contact can lead to the interruption of pregnancy by increasing the tone of the uterus and the appearance of bouts. The ban on intimate life is superimposed if the woman had previously miscarriages and premature births. At the same time, the days of alleged menstruation are considered dangerous, as well as the dates of previous miscarriages.

With the assumption that sex during pregnancy can cause a pair of placenta, the situation is the same as with the threat of abortion. With a normal placenta location, intimate proximity cannot cause its detachment. The placenta detachment is the untimely separation from the wall of the uterus, which is not occurring after the birth of the fetus, as it should be, but before childbirth. The causes of this hazardous state may be malformations of the uterus, severe diseases of the future mother - diabetes mellitus, diseases of the kidneys, thyroid gland, infection, severe flow of gestosis (complication of the second half of pregnancy, which is accompanied by an increase in pressure, adhesions and protein in the urine). The placenta detachment can cause injury to fall or a strong blow into the stomach. Another common reason that causes the placenta separation is a uterus hypertonium or a threat to interrupting pregnancy.

Contraindication for sex during pregnancy is the pregnancy of the placenta - the condition when it is located very low in the uterus and overlaps the output from it. In this case, intimate proximity can provoke its detachment and bleeding. The danger of the placenta detachment during attachment in the region of the uterus is associated with excessive stretching of the lower segment of the uterus as the fetus grows.

True or myth?

Sex during pregnancy can cause child infection.

If it comes to a fairly widespread opinion that intimate contact contributes to the enhancing bacteria from the sex paths of partners in a pregnant uterus, of course, so unlikely. The fruit in the uterus is reliably protected from microflora. The shell of the fruit bubble, the mucous plug, located in the cervical cervical channel, and the cervix itself, tightly closed throughout the entire pregnancy, carry a protective function during the baby tooling. Therefore, the risk of penetration of any bacteria to the fetus is minimal.

However, during sex during pregnancy, there is a risk of infection of a pregnant woman with various sexually transmitted infections, viral diseases (cytomegalovirus, herpes), hepatitis B and C. These infections can have a serious effect on the course of pregnancy and the health of the future kid, so it is extremely important to identify And to treat them from both partners before conception.

True or myth?

During sex during pregnancy, it is possible to mechanically injure the fruit.

Such an opinion is myth. As already described above, the baby in the uterus is reliably protected from external influences. Around it there is an oily fluid that shocks all the more or less severe shocks during sexual contact, just like, for example, while walking in a future mother or trip in transport. In addition, on the way to the kid there is a dense, closed cervix, the length of which is at least 3-4 cm.

True or myth?

Sex during pregnancy can cause childbirth ahead of time.

Indeed, special substances are prostaglandins, which are contained in male sperm, have a positive effect on the ripe neck of the uterus, softening it. However, this effect is implemented only directly before childbirth, with a diluted pregnancy and the prepared neck of the uterus. It is known that the body of a pregnant woman begins to prepare for the birth of a kid in a few weeks. First of all, the hormonal background is changed, in particular, the number of female sex hormones - estrogen increases, which contributes to the preparation of the generic pathways, softening and opening the cervix. The placenta and the fetal shells begin to produce prostaglandins - hormone-like substances that are the main stimulants of generic activities. To start birth, the formation of the generic dominant is necessary. This is the name of a single system that combines changes in the hormonal background, the nervous system of the future mother, an increase in pressure inside the uterus, the presence of certain signals from the fetus side of its readiness to appear on the light. Only after that the birth begins. Thus, in the absence of a threat to the abortion of pregnancy and the preparedness of the body, sex cannot provoke the beginning of the generic activity. Also, making love during pregnancy will never lead to premature revelation of the cervix.

Contraindication for sex during pregnancy is the Eastic and cervical insufficiency. In this case, the neck of the uterus does not perform the impressed locking function, and the sexual contact can provoke its disclosure, premature expulsion of the accumulating waters and the beginning of labor.

True or myth?

Sex during pregnancy causes a rupture of the fruit bubble.

The communal bubble protects the fruit in the uterus, from injury, infections and concussions. The shell of the fruit bubble produce the amniotic fluid in which the kid is located. The octoped water is important physiological significance: they provide freedom of movements to the fetus, protect it from adverse external influences, protect the umbilical umbilical cord between the uterus wall and the body of the fetus, participate in the exchange of substances of the growing organism. During the birth, the lower pole of the fruit bubble contributes to the normal disclosure of the cervix. Normally, the fruit bubble is very dense, elastic and elastic. It is very resistant to external influences and bursts when the cervix is \u200b\u200bopened by 4-5 cm and active fights. Premature (i.e., the prenatal) is the influence of the oily water is possible only with any pathology of the fruit bubble, for example, its infection with bacteria or viruses. The thinning of its walls can occur even after the future mom suffered during pregnancy influenza or ARVI, against the background of genital infections, bacterial vaginosis, "thrush". Often, the premature rupture of the fruit bubble happens if the woman shelters two and more kids, with multi-way (increasing the number of accumulating waters of more than 1.5 liters), transverse or oblique position of the fetus. In these cases, sexual contact can really provoke the rupture of the fetal shells, as well as the movement of the fetus, the uterus tone, physical activity of the future mother can cause it. In the absence of pathology on the part of the fruit shells, sex during pregnancy cannot provoke the rupture of the fruit bubble regardless of the period of pregnancy.

True or myth?

Orgasm during sex during pregnancy is dangerous for pregnant.

It is no secret to anyone that the orgasm is accompanied by the cuts of the uterus. It is this fact that I lay down the basis of this myth. It is probably assumed that this may cause a threat to the abortion of pregnancy or provoke the beginning of labor in the wrong time. Indeed, during orgasm, the uterus is reduced, but the emerging waves are completely unlightly and cannot cause an increase in its tone. Therefore, it can be concluded that with normal course of pregnancy, the orgasm cannot cause any harm to the fruit. In addition, pleasant emotions from the proximity to the beloved person will bring a future mother only benefit. This is a psychological discharge, and "recharging" hormones of happiness (endorphins), which are distinguished into blood during orgasm. And this most likely affects the mood and state of a pregnant woman and, as a result, and her baby.

True or myth?

During pregnancy, a woman usually do not want to have sex.

It is worth noting that the sexual attraction of a woman during pregnancy can be treated and growing. It depends on its initial sexual activity and hormone fluctuations in different periods of pregnancy. So, quite often, future mothers celebrate a sharp increase in sexual desire, and the rise of sexuality can grow along with a period of pregnancy. At the beginning of pregnancy, interest in sex can decline. Most often, this is due to hormonal perestroika in the body of a woman, the appearance of unpleasant symptoms of toxicosis. During this period, the future mother forms a completely different dominant, aimed at preserving pregnancy and tooling the child. By the beginning of the second trimester, most women, on the contrary, wake up stronger than usual, sexual desire. On the one hand, it is explained by the strengthening of the blood supply to the genital organs, on the other - hormonal changes. In the third trimester, closer to childbirth, a decrease in sexual desire can again be celebrated. This is mainly in women, painfully experienced changes in their appearance that occurred during pregnancy. A decrease in sexual desire can also contribute to fear to harm the baby. But I would like to note that women who are not affected by the myths, sexual desire is most often maintained until the end of pregnancy and brings a pair of the same pleasure as before, otherwise, more vivid sexual impressions.

We have talked about the intimate side of life during pregnancy and touched upon some delicate problems of future mothers arising in connection with sexual relations during the nesting of the baby. However, the most basic problem in this survey is the danger of intimate life for a child as such. Let's look more detailed the question of whether sex during pregnancy affects the child and can it be affected by the course of pregnancy.

Is sex for the future child dangerous?

Often, you can hear that having sex during pregnancy can provoke miscarriage or damage to the future kid. And of course, on the one hand, the future mother really wants to make a nice partner, but on the other hand, the restful fear for the course of pregnancy and the child's health does not give her to relax. Therefore, instead of pleasure with his new position and joys of life and intimate proximity with a man, the future motley either completely refuses any options for intimate proximity to the partner, or makes consent to intimate terms only for the man itself and is experiencing constant fears for their future kid.

But there is a solution for this problem and quite adequate. Pregnancy is not a disease, but, nevertheless, this is increased responsibility for their health and the health and life of the future child. Therefore, . Sexual relationships are an additional risk factor for pregnancy, and the body can cope with it quite adequately and without any difficulties, but it does not always happen. If the future mommy is completely healthy, her pregnancy has no complications in its course, then you can not at all give away all your usual sexual relations in a pair.

However, even at the same time it will be necessary to closely monitor all its sensations and in the presence of the slightest unreason or problems in health to contact the doctor for advice. But be afraid that when conducting sexual intercourse you can accidentally harm the child, it is not worth it. The child is reliably protected from the outer environment with walls and cervical cervix, as well as a fruit bubble and its shells, and the oily water waters themselves perform the functions of a natural shock absorber for a kid at strong points. But with intimate proximity, you need to be absolutely confident in the health of your partner and the absence of various kinds of intimate infections.

However, it is possible to make a final decision on whether you can have sex with your partner, only the doctor who observing you will be able to help you. It can explain in detail to you - it is possible or impossible to keep intimate life in principle, and if it is impossible, then in what time frames, as a long or throughout the entire pregnancy. If the doctor allowed you to allow you, the final decision will be already yours, you define - whether you want sex and are ready for it physically and morally. If you decide for yourself that intimate proximity during pregnancy you will continue, it is worth listening to your feelings after sex. If after intimate relationships I will enhance or simply turn into the bottom of the belly of a pulling nature, there will be discomfort in the lower back, there will be oscillation or bleeding, then it is worth refranking from intimate proximity and to consult with the doctor, for what time it is worth imposing a ban on sex and as in the future resume. If your pregnancy proceeds with difficulties and refers to the discharge of the high risk of interrupting it, then it is worth refuse not only from the sexual relations themselves, but even from sexual excitement and intimate caress.

It is necessary to refrain from intimate proximity in some cases, even with quite good well-being. So, the ban on intimate proximity will be imposed in the presence of multiple pregnancy double or triple, even if you feel well at least with a twentieth week of pregnancy. This is associated with the fact that multiple pregnancy entails the risks of premature births, and with sexual exciting and sexual intercourse, generic activities can be stimulated. It is also necessary to abandon intimate proximity to constant tone of the uterus, while regardless of the period on which you are. With a sexual act, the uterus is always rising, and enhanced uterine reductions may be provoked and premature delivery will begin (or miscarriage in early).

If you have been installed low placenta location or incomplete / complete placenta prelation, then sexual relationships can provoke bleeding. In such cases, intimate proximity or limited to absolutely or doctors can recommend a refusal of such poses, in which deep penetration occurs (the back of the rear, the posture of a woman from above). It is also worth abandoning intimate proximity in the presence of oscillations or bloody discharges, at least before you spend an inspection from a doctor and find out their cause. Usually, the prohibition is extended. It is also worth abandoning intimate proximity to the presence of a previously thought of miscarriage or premature births, in the threats of miscarriage, especially in dangerous periods. The most critical and dangerous periods in pregnancy are deadlines, when there would be menstruation, not be pregnancy - in the fourth, eighth, twelfth and sixteenth weeks, or at the date of previous interruptions of pregnancy.

The ban on sex is superimposed if there are any of venereal diseases and in the case when the occurrence of pregnancy coincided with the time of treatment from these diseases. It is not necessary to have sex with candidiasis and pathological discharge from the vagina before finding out and eliminating the problem. Also, it is also necessary to refrain about two or three weeks before the deadline when childbirth is expected. In the presence of sexual excitement in the female body, a special hormone is actively produced - oxytocin, which stimulates the cutting of the uterus. Also, special substances are also provided - prostaglandins, which are contained in the male seed fluid. Therefore, sex acts immediately before the start of childbirth can cause the beginning of generic activities and contractions. But with a tendency to overestline pregnancy, the occurrence of childbirth doctors, on the contrary, recommend classes with love in order to naturally stimulate childbirth and their mild start.

Pros and cons of sex during pregnancy

In addition to certain difficulties and problems, certain advantages can exist in the intimate life of pregnant women. First of all, now you can finally relax and think only about pleasure, since you have the most quiet time. The most favorable time for intimate proximity will be the second trimester of pregnancy - no manifestations of toxicosis, the threat of miscarriage passes, the woman is already accustomed to his new position, and its emotional background has stabilized, to childbirth, the tummy is still not quite large, gradually grow up. However, it is worth reminding you that during pregnancy it is impossible to engage in intimate proximity with condoms. And the point is not even in the potential risk of infection with any venereal diseases, although this is also not excluded.

With sexual act, microtraums arise in the field of genitals, which lead to the exacerbation of the candidiasis, tormenting almost half of pregnant women. In addition, even ordinary microbes that may be contained in the seed liquid of a man will be for a pregnant woman alien. Although they will not provoke intimate infections, but they can become the causes of the inflammatory process, including cystitis, which will not be very pleasant. In addition, the microbes will excessively strain the immune system of the woman. Microbes fall into the cervical area, which increases the risks of their penetration to the fruit shells. Therefore, it is worthwhile.

From the first week of pregnancy increases blood supply in the uterus and in the vagina, which leads to changes in intimate life. Before pregnancy, women may have a state of lack of orgasm due to violations in the mechanism of blood flow to pelvic authorities, the uterus and full excitement. And during pregnancy, these violations are restored, which leads to intensive blood circulation and the possibility of obtaining new bright sensations and orgasm. Among other things, immediately after sex and orgasm, the outflow of blood from the pelvis area is slowed down, and a slower decline in sensations occurs, which allows you to enjoy pleasant sensations longer. But, if for some reason you do not want to have sex during pregnancy, it is not worth it even for the sake of your beloved person. You are now more important than the birth of a child and care for yourself and about him. Favorite person will understand you, and together you will find a solution that will suit you both, including in relation to intimate intimacy.

A strange thing ... Seeing two stripes on pregnancy test, the first thing you start to do is read all the horror stories on the Internet.

You sit on the forums, analyze someone else's negative experience and do not see a person next to you, who also needs support, confidence in your love, proximity to your beloved woman. However, in some cases really shown by sexual rest. So when is intimate life forbidden during pregnancy and when is it just necessary?

In addition to the pleasure of communicating with a partner, sex during pregnancy has a number of positive points:

    During intimate proximity, "hormones of pleasure" are produced, which have a positive effect on the kid.

    Orgasm relieves tension, and abstinence, on the contrary, enhances the nervousness of a pregnant woman, who also has something to hide, the psyche is not stable.

    When else can you completely relax during sex without thinking about contraception? Of course, by default, you are confident in your husband's loyalty and in the absence of both any infections transmitted by sexually.

    Prostaglandins, which are contained in seed fluid, prepare the cervix to the upcoming birth, softening it.

    The uterus is a muscular organ, cuts during orgasm, is a kind of training before childbirth.

    Orgasm and, as a result, cutting uterus can stimulate generic activities in cases where a woman is already somewhat redesamed pregnancy.

    Proximity is more important to strengthen the emotional relationship between spouses. The expectation of the baby is always a difficult time for a young family.

    It is important for you to feel beautiful, beloved and desirable. A full sexual life adds a woman confidence in his attractiveness and that it is valuable in itself, and not only as the mother of the future child.

A woman always gives an anxiety when she is in burden, and her husband's eyes are too often looking for someone else's glance.

Maurice Duron

In addition to purely emotional moments, such as a sense of loneliness, lack of attention to loved, jealousy to the future child, there is from a long sexual abstinence and quite specific physical harm.

    A full-fledged sex life is important for the normal operation of endocrine and cardiovascular systems.

    With prolonged abstinence there are risks of congestion, problems with prostate gland, adenoma and even malignant tumors. Regular seeds in this case serves as prevention.

    There are statistics according to which in 80% of cases the cause of neuroses is abstinence.

    Another consequence of the multi-month abstinence is premature ejaculation.

There is, what to think about. Do you need it?

Sex is not more important than a sandwich with cheese. But if you have no crumbs in your mouth before the evening, the cheese sandwich is exclusively important.

Jan Dury

When it is really impossible

Whatever your online girlfriends advise you, try as early as possible to your gynecologist. Intimate life during pregnancy for weeks can carry various risks. After inspection, ultrasonic research and conversation with a pregnant woman, the doctor can either be able to continue living in sexual life or recommends the sexual rest. To refrain from sex follows in such cases:

    If you are happy, who is waiting for a twin or triple, then, most likely, after 20 weeks, the doctor will forbid you intimate proximity, since the risk of premature births is. But before that time you can do everything, so do not deprive yourself and your husband's pleasure from intimate intimacy.

    Periodic painless cuts in the uterus is the norm. But if the uterus in the tone is constantly, it may be an alarming signal, and it is better to give up from sex, at least today.

    Placenta's presence is the most common reason for the ban of sexual relationships. This pathology is found in 1% of pregnant women.

    Much more often you can find a low location of the placenta. In this case, sex can be engaged with caution and in poses, in which the penetration is not too deep.

    If you discovered blood on the underwear, then you need not to bed to my husband, but straight to the doctor. And not in the morning, but right now.

    If a history has miscarriages or premature birth, then the penis is recommended to 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, and so on weeks, that is, on days when menstruation could begin, do not be in position. These days are considered particularly dangerous.

    Sex contacts are prohibited in the case of one of the spouses of sexually transmitted diseases.

    The dead is considered pregnancy since 38 weeks, but it is better not to hurry the events and not to stimulate the generic activity earlier than 40 weeks. It is better to rest and distribute on these last couple of weeks. But since 41 weeks, if the bouts do not start, then the stimulation of sex is what you need.

Such a different toxicosis

It has sex when you are constantly sick, and for the whole day you ate only a lonchik slicker, of course, it is impossible. Toxicosis can begin already on week 5 and end only to the second trimester. No one knows why some women have it at all, while others literally live in the bathroom all 12 weeks, and then lie in the hospital under the drip. It just needs to be survived. Recipes of traditional medicine to combat toxicosis - in the article

In exceptionally rare cases, there is a so-called "toxicosis on her husband." This is when nausea begins at the sight of her husband, from the smell of his body or voice sound. The reasons for this phenomenon of science are unknown, but as a hypothesis is voiced by a version, according to which a woman has complaints about her husband. Perhaps she was not ready for pregnancy and subconsciously blames in the spouse. It will help time, caress, trusting conversation.

And in very rare cases, a man suffers from toxicosis. It is also nauseous, he reacts to smells, food behavior may change, the mood differences appear. Male toxicosis takes place when too impressive husband is very worried about his woman and literally perceives her pain as his own. In this case, consultation with a family psychologist is shown.

Several proven ways to cope with toxicosis:

  • in the morning, eat in bed, for example, a cracker, some dried fruit, a spoonful of honey, milk chocolate slicing;
  • it is better to abandon hot food and choose liquid or semi-liquid food as possible;
  • for some, a real salvation is ginger tea or tea with lemon;
  • there is better often and gradually, and after eating there are a little bit and try to relax;
  • out with me mint lollipops, a sachet of raisins or kuragi, Pei tea with mint or melissa;
  • pey as much as you need, "in the thirst", but do not drink anything for anything, otherwise you are threatened with nausea.

In general, experimenting with various tastes - and you will definitely find a way to deal with nausea, which is suitable for you.

Pregnancy makes a woman in her husband's eyes even more mysterious, mysterious, revealing in some new capacity, and instead, sex becomes very rare. Most men are ready to accept the fact that in connection with the hormonal restructuring during pregnancy, the spouses are changing not only to the taste habits. The mood changed, it can be discharged without a reason, neither from this to be offended, to break. Very often, future fathers feel some cooling to their person, they seem to be moved to the background.

After the fertilized egg at 7-8 days was vaccinated to the wall of the uterus, she had already started division and acquired the status of a fetal egg. In the body of the future mother, the hormonal background under the slogan is rebuilt: "Everything for the child". The extraction of choriotropin (HTH) is joined to the production of progesterone - pregnancy tread. Its level is growing day by day about 10-11 weeks of pregnancy. But the level of estrogen responsible for the sexual attraction falls, and the future mother during the pregnancy of the early deadlines is not as before you want to make love.

Another reason for the abandon of sex during pregnancy is a really existing early toxicosis in most women.

A fetal egg for her alien protein, an object to which you need to adapt. It is a pathological impulse, or it is distorted by subcortical structures responsible for digestion. That is why pregnant women are often pivoting, vomiting, saliva, stool disorders, bloating. Vomiting with severe toxicosis reaches up to 25 times a day, it requires inpatient treatment. Is there a sex here?

Powerful under the influence of progesterone The chest during pregnancy often becomes unbearable painful, nobuch nipples annoying even a bra and underwear, and earlier pleasant affairs cause anger.

Do not be offended, it is worth the patience, care, attention. Gentle embraces, kiss and affectionate words are more in demand during this period. Often after sexual intercourse in the first trimester, especially if he coincided with the dates of missing menstruation, minor bleeding may appear. This may mean a threat to the abortion of pregnancy, cervical disease, inflammation of the mucous membrane.

Regarding them immediately need to obtain a consultation of the doctor, at the same time consult on the issues of sexual activity. You should know that the uterus under 12 weeks is in the cavity of the small pelvis, so there is no restrictions in the choice of poses and techniques.

Second trimester

Toxicosis went on decline, fatigue and irritability either did not overly bother. Begins to grow abdomen, especially quickly after 25 weeks. From 20 weeks of pregnancy, the movements of the child and the future dad can also feel them, putting his hand on the belly. It causes him some concerns in terms of the fact that the baby is already big, so he is here, beside, but does his penis damage during frictions? Does he understand what is happening? Soothe dad. It is impossible to harm the child with a sexual member, it is reliably protected by a fruitful, closed neck, shells and spindlewater.

With an enlarged tummy during pregnancy, it is necessary to worry about the replacement of the traditional posture "man from above" to a safer, for example, on the side.

To his surprise, attentive and supervisory man will notice that in the second trimester pregnancy, the woman more willingly go to the proximity, the libido is clearly rising. Moreover, many women in this period are experiencing first orgasms after sexual intercourse. "To blame" again hormones, they begin to increase estrogens.

An important point in enhancing the female libido is that adapting to his state, the woman drops the shackles of fear of unwanted pregnancy and its intense waiting. Finally, she can completely surrender to love and pleasure with a loved one, the father of the future child. What should be feared in the second trimester:

  • The same threat of interrupting pregnancy, premature childbirth;
  • Premature oral influence;
  • Bleeding due to the prelationship of the placenta, low placenta;
  • Driving infections on the swollen and edema mucous membrane;
  • Ascending infection in the form of chorioamnionitis and fetal infection.

Third trimester

A huge belly, gravity in the lower back, swelling, increased pressure and one thought - when? That's what a woman is in the third trimester of pregnancy. Estimation on the upcoming birth, especially in the last 2 months of pregnancy, make sex for her less desired. In addition, after sexual intercourse, there may be painful sensations in the vagina and an increased tone of the uterus at which pain is lower abdomen and in the lower back.

At the end of pregnancy, the neck softened, shortening, its protective function is reduced. Rough frictions deeply entered into the vagina, a member can provoke an extension of waters and premature birth. By summing up, we note that the first and last one and a half or two months during pregnancy from vaginal sex should be abstained, while no one canceled deep petting, oral-genital affairs. For re-pregnant after operational delivery, that is, with a scar in the uterus, sex life during pregnancy can represent an increased risk. Consultation is needed.

With elastic or without

The mucous vagina in the third trimester is very raw. Immunity pregnant is reduced. Often, during pregnancy, thrush appears, which indicates a violation of the microbiocenosis of the vagina. Based on the risk of infection of the mother and infection of the intrauterine fetus, it is advisable to use a condom. For couples, which at the stage of pregnancy planning passed a joint survey on STDs, none of them violated marital loyalty, both observe personal and intimate hygiene in the absence of thrush, sex life is allowed without a condom.

Sex after childbirth

Are there sex after childbirth? More likely no than yes. When discharge from the hospital, the doctor recommends refraining from vaginal sex 5 weeks. This gap is not chosen by chance. In the old days they said that at this time the woman was "raw." The uterus continues to be cleaned, a wound surface is tightened in its cavity. The uterus after the statement is increased to 12-14 weeks, the cervical canal is opened. In addition, there could be a crotch or gaps in childbirth. The seams were removed before discharge, but the scar had not yet formed, perhaps the discrepancy between the seams. And finally it just hurts!

After the cesarean section, the skin scar requires care. The scar on the uterus heals much longer than the skin. From its usefulness depends on the outcome of subsequent pregnancies. Five weeks will fly unnoticed if the maximum attention to pay a new family member and helping mom.

For a long time it was believed that the main purpose of the woman to give birth and raise a child, and sex should be engaged only to continue the kind. Consequently, a pregnant woman should not be interested in men, and they she. Many modern matrimonial couples adhere to other opinions on this account and continue to have sex throughout all nine months. True, they are faced with certain difficulties.

Both for a woman and for a man "Pregnant" and "non-empty" sex differ significantly from each other. Future mothers react differently to her husband's attempts to fulfill their marital duties. Some experience even more desire and sometimes bring up husbands to exhaustion. And others try to avoid fulfilling their marital duties or go to the beloved, but all their appearance demonstrate that they make a favor.

The reason for the five most common problems, deciding which you will learn to enjoy pregnant sex.

Problem 1. Hormonal explosion

Your body is experiencing a strongest hormonal explosion, which, naturally, is reflected in sexual life. Pregnant women are not able to control their emotions, and are subject to a sharp change of mood. One of my acquaintances during sexual excitement began to cry. And her husband rushed to console her and could not understand anything.

Solution to the problem. Ensure explain to my husband that you are currently experiencing. After all, he cannot get pregnant with all the desire. And, therefore, it does not recognize your fears and experiences. Achieving sexual harmony is possible only if the spouses will carefully relate to the psychological and physical requests of each other. For a man, now the most important thing is not to neglect the unstable emotional state of the wife and do not respond to its often unreasonable accusations. And you do not try to keep experiences in yourself, otherwise you will find a real storm of emotions. Tell your husband about all your experiences, doubts and fears. Sexual satisfaction is possible only if you fully trust the partner. Throughout the next nine months, your mood will constantly change, and every day you will receive new emotions from sex. So do not refuse sex just because yesterday you did not like. As at the very beginning of sex life, look for what you gives the greatest satisfaction, and that, on the contrary, causes negative emotions.

Problem 2. Three in one bed

A significant role is played by the psychological factor. After all, in bed, you are no longer two, but three and that it will take time to get used to this thought. It is for this reason that some men perceive the pregnant wife as a mother, and not as a woman. And one of my friends, the refusal of sex explained this way: "It seems to me that the child from the uterus constantly watches me and evaluates my behavior. And I can't relax in bed. As if you have sex in people."

Solution to the problem: It's no secret that children are not found in the cabbage. The beginning of each lifetime gives sexual intercourse. This in the presence of an adult child is immoral to have sex. And over the next nine months you are with a single whole child. Remember the baby well only when it's good mom. At the time of orgasm there is a powerful energy exchange between partners. Naturally, the fetus feels these changes that have a beneficial effect on a pregnant woman and on him. Scientific studies show that babies in the uterus respond to sexual games of parents. According to observations, ultrasound is visible how the fetus reacts to the maternal orgasm with disorderly movement and rapid heartbeat. During the sex act, the uterus begins to shrink and the maternal orgasm for the baby is a kind of training before the upcoming births.

Problem 3. Toxicosis

Nausea, dizziness and fatigue, too, do not add desires. In the morning you are sick of just an eaten breakfast, as soon as the toxicosis passes, I want to sleep, then there is again, and in the evening you are so overlooked that I don't want to think about anything other than sleep. In addition, it is terribly annoying that the husband cannot share with you all the unpleasant symptoms of pregnancy.

Solution to the problem. Transfer bed games at the most convenient time for you. After all, you are nauseous not all 24 hours a day. According to most future mothers, the optimal time for sex is early morning, before breakfast or after day sleep. Do not adapt to your husband to the detriment of your desires. The most unpleasant, if you are sick of your own husband, but at the same time I want sex. In this case, try to understand what it is annoying: cologne, bristles, smell of tobacco, etc. And try to eliminate the source of irritation.

Problem 4. Pregnant Body

The body of a woman is changing right in front of: the stomach becomes simply incredible dimensions, the chest becomes painful and when excited from it can flow mosper. Attempts to embody your favorite sexy postures look ridiculous and nothing but inconvenience do not deliver. And instead of enjoying her husband's caress, you want him to at least hit.

Solution to the problem. Love your pregnant body. Those changes in the appearance that the woman is so afraid, for men are an additional highlight. Many men kind of pregnant wife excites much. Stop complexing about a huge abdomen. You will fully gradually, and the husband will have time to adapt to your new sizes. In the next nine months, you can be proud of your belly, it will be the main affairs to him. Of course, as the abdomen increases, you will have to show ingenuity in finding convenient poses. But the variety in sex is only welcome. Pregnancy - time of gentle and leisurely sex without complicated acrobatic tricks. As for breasts - do not tolerate, if your husband's caress causes you pain or discomfort. Explain to your beloved how to handle a pregnant bust. If, when excited from the chest, the colostrum begins to leak - buy yourself beautiful underwear and do not remove it in bed.

Problem 5 (basic). Sex is dangerous for a child

It is believed that intimate life during pregnancy can provoke miscarriage or damage to the future child. On the one hand, a woman really wants to make a pleasant husband, and on the other hand, fear for a child does not allow to fully relax. And instead of rejoice in life, a young mother either deprives the spouse of a full sex life, or agrees for sex only for the sake of her husband and suffer from fear for the kid.

Solution to the problem. Pregnancy is not a disease, but dual responsibility, which means caution. Therefore, some restrictions are still present. Sex is an additional risk factor. It happens that the body is coping with him, but not due to, but contrary to. If a woman is healthy, and pregnancy proceeds without complications - you can not give up a full sex life. But at the same time, it is necessary to carefully follow their feelings and with the slightest doubts to seek the doctor. Do not be afraid when sexual intercourse accidentally harm the child. It is well protected by a fruit bubble and uterus, and the oily water of the water reliably absorb strong shocks. It is necessary to be sure that the partner does not suffer from venereal diseases.

But to make a final decision, can you have sex, can only watch you a doctor. He will explain to you, it is possible or not, if it is impossible - then only for some critical time or until the end of pregnancy. If you can, then you decide for yourself, whether you will do it. And if yes - then you clearly listen to your feelings after. And if after proximity, the abdomen is reinforced or appear at the bottom of the abdomen or in the lower back, bleeding, - then from sex it is necessary to refuse - and again with a doctor to understand - before childbirth or for some time.

And if your pregnancy belongs to the category of "high risk", then it is necessary to refuse not only from sex contacts, but also from sexual excitement.

It is necessary to refrain from sex:

  • with multiple pregnancy (twin, triple), doctors, regardless of the well-being of the future mother, recommend to abandon sex life from the 20th week. This is due to the fact that with multiple pregnancies there is always a risk of premature births, and sexual arousal can stimulate generic activities;
  • if the uterus is constantly in a tone. In this case, regardless of the term of pregnancy, sexual intercourse can provoke a reduction in the uterus and premature labor;
  • if, according to ultrasound testimony, you have a low location or prediction of the placenta - sexual intercourse can cause bleeding. In this case, doctors recommend abandoning the pose providing deep penetration (a man behind, a woman from above, etc.);
  • when bleeding or separating seals appears, it is recommended to refrain from sexual contacts to a visit to the doctor;
  • if you have already been miscarriage and premature childbirth or in the threat of miscarriage, in particularly dangerous periods it is necessary to abandon sexual contacts. At the same time, the days of the alleged menstruation are considered dangerous, that is, every fourth week of time (4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, etc.), as well as the dates of the previous miscarriages;
  • with any venereal diseases, as well as in cases where the pregnancy occurred during treatment from sexually transmitted diseases;
  • for 2-3 weeks before the alleged lifetime, most doctors recommend refusing intimate proximity. With sexual excitation, the female organism produces a hormone oxytocin - stimulating cutting of the uterus. A man's hormone prostaglandin contained in the seed fluid has a similar effect. So sexual intercourse directly before childbirth can cause contractions. But if the woman overesses, and in the alleged period, childbirth does not begin, doctors, on the contrary, advise to stimulate the beginning of the generic activity with the help of sexual affection.

The advantages of pregnant sex

In intimate life during pregnancy, in addition to a number of problems, there are also special advantages:

  • finally, you can completely relax and think only about the pleasure. The most favorable for sex is the second trimester of pregnancy: the toxicosis has already passed, the threat of miscarriage is removed, you are accustomed to your new position, but the stomach is not quite large enough to childbirth.
    Just at the same time it is necessary to remember that pregnant women can have sex only with a condom! And we are not talking about venereal infections. Sexual intercourse, causing microtrauma, provokes an exacerbation of a banal candidide, which is so often sharpened during pregnancy; The usual microbes contained in sperm are for female genital organs, and although they do not cause venereal diseases, but sometimes provoke the inflammatory process - cystitis, for example, in any case, this is an excess load for the immune system, and during pregnancy it is not needed. And sexual intercourse delivers these microbes directly to the cervix, and it increases the risk of intrauterine infection. So during pregnancy, though you do not need to be protected from pregnancy, but it is necessary to protect even more from infections;
  • already from the first week of pregnancy, the blood supply to the uterus and the vagina increases sharply. The absence of orgasm (anhorhasmia) in some women is caused by a violation of the mechanism of the inflow of additional blood to the uterus and the genital organs during the excitation. Thus, the changes in the vascular system and the intensive blood supply to the uterus allow women to experience orgasms. In addition, immediately after sexual intercourse, the outflow of excess blood is delayed, thereby braking the decline in sexual tension. So pregnant orgasms are not only more frequent, but also longer in time.

If for some reason you do not want to do traditional sex, do not force yourself, even for your beloved husband. You are now in order to give birth to a healthy and calm child, only positive emotions are needed. And it will take nine months, and everything will return to their places.

But also to deprive the spouse of sexual life is also not worth it. It must be satisfied at no less than before, because with the birth of a child, he will feel deprivable, it is impossible to strengthen this underwent antagonism and competition. There are many ways of sexual discharge and mutual satisfaction without a traditional sexual intercourse. And the rejection of your orgasm (uterus cuts) is not torture for her husband.

Pregnancy - a special period in the life of a married couple. It is now that future parents, more than ever, it is necessary to feel spiritual proximity and support for each other. And often trusting conversations, gentle touch and kisses bring much more satisfaction than traditional sexual intercourse. Tell your spouse about your experiences, talking together with the child and dream. If you will safely survive these nine months, then your spiritual intimacy will become even stronger, and the family is stronger.


Oh, these men, then it's not that, yes it is not the case))) I also hear about the condom during pregnancy, I also heard my wife and everything was fine, pah pahff

Now 36 weeks, there was no special desires in terms of sex, but I can say exactly what it is worth doing this with a condom for sperm can cause a banal thrush ... nothing terrible, but not very nice ...

08.08.2008 22:32:20, Christie

And I have a term of 38-39 weeks, from 30 weeks stopped having sex at all !!! ((And I can not convince your husband that it won't hurt a baby. And I want it! Now I will make it read this article and in bed!))

05.08.2008 23:23:36, Olya

i myself, for example, with medical education. And very doubtfully, about pregnant sex in a condom .... Nowhere and never read about it. And not one gynecologist did not even stutter about it. Avtor-reinsurer

08/03/2008 20:55:13, Alexander Shd

Yes, ..... I just yesterday, under the slogan "For Safe Sex!", I distributed to girlfriends all the remaining condoms. A, it turns out, to be protected during pregnancy you need!

07.07.2008 17:00:53, Verona

all I would have nothing, just my husband is categorically confident that we can simply have sex. In his opinion, he harms the baby ... Eh and this is 6 weeks of pregnancy I refuse to leave me not satisfied for the year. And the roof is demolished (((

my term is already 22 weeks, at the beginning of pregnancy and sex and attachment to my husband everything was fine! And then it became to serve everything ... I do not know why, I am more pleasant to satisfy yourself (when suddenly wants, but rarely) than when we have sex !!! I rarely cum ok ((it kills me ... and my husband is a pity, because I love him so much ...
what to do? Maybe someone knows, write to soap!

10/04/2007 15:26:16, Angelica

Orange flower, disgust with time must pass. I had toxicosis was the whole first trimester, so I was not only sick of me. I didn't even transfer my husband to the smell, although the problem is not in hygiene, naturally ... and the desire for no, only the thoughts "would soon end up this nightmare," so Krenovo was ... a husband, poor, worried that so until the end of pregnancy Sex neither mood is normal from me will not wait. Nothing, in the second trimester, everything fell into place) and the desire is strong returned, and sex is diverse and bright, and the mood is excellent, and we like the changes in my body. We like it and even more excite).

09/04/2007 17:51:55, Lina

I have a short time - 3 weeks, but me to the groom (and just for men) does not pull at all! I used to live before, I had 2 partner for a month (as a schedule), even after I decided to get married, I continued my sexy marathon (just a new partner was added to the groom every month), and now it's just every desire to beat ! It's just a darkness of some kind! So offend! Scalco everything uvt.? I know how to delve yourself and his pleasure, and I don't have the bride and the bridegroom - Maestro; Rough just melted, and now I can not look at him when he is shirtless, and if I am a bang of his body, I'm just kogotit from disgust and anger!
At first he tried my wash long for a long time to smell only shampoo and gel, but I had all my nerves in a lump and wanted to break it, but I would look at his chest (beautiful such chest, without hair), I want to linch !!!
What it is?! I have only 3 weeks, and already such changes! I'm so completely in the form and forget that there is "sex"! It's horrible! What to do? How to deal with it?

28.06.2007 14:43:06, Orange flower

i think that sex is good, useful to everyone, Momashka, dad, and if my mother really can be a bad child. He herself had sex, and even how, her husband ran away from me, and since he worked at this time at home, he fell on the full program. The threat was put in the hospital lay, so after five days without sex I had sex in the ward, the chamber was paid and I was alone there. Only stopped having sex in the last month, it became scary, and not comfortable, the belly is very good. Large was, and now I understand that in vain, since in the maternity hospital I couldn't give it a long time, weak swells, the neck has long been opened, in general there was everything there. Therefore, when I go for the second I will be more active, but of course moderate. And on the account that you have sex in the condom Lily do not have it to decide, I was a good doctor, so he told me that the sperm acts on the neck as a growing agent, that is, it becomes loose. so I made a decision on my own risk, and the doctors are always reinsured

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