Gorgeous DIY Christmas tree decorations. Do-it-yourself original Christmas tree toy made of cotton wool - step-by-step master class with photos. DIY New Year's toys: garlands and balls

Do you want to decorate your Christmas tree with unusual decorations that you won’t find in stores this year? The only opportunity is to make making New Year's toys fun and interesting. And don't be afraid, it's not difficult at all.

Christmas handmade can be an excellent decoration for your Christmas tree and a nice gift for family and friends. Take your children as helpers and get to work!

DIY Christmas tree decorations will help create a New Year's mood

1. Decoration from cubes

You can write whatever you want on the cubes! Think about what phrase from a Christmas comedy or line from a New Year's song will cheer up your household?

2. Toys made from caps

3. All you need is glitter, spray, paint and tape

And take a stencil with the image of a rooster! Years later, you will remember with what pleasure you had making Christmas tree decorations with your own hands at the end of 2016!

4. Delicious cocoa toys

You probably won’t be able to eat them, but these balls whet your appetite right away!

5. Pencil balls

Does your child love sharpening crayons? Let him do it profitably! Shavings - into a ball, and the decoration is ready!

6. Do you like rustic style? Then these wooden decorations are for you!

Don't forget to draw a rooster!

7. It's just a ball and thread, but how beautiful!

As easy as pie! Even a small child can handle this!

8. Ribbon decorations

Making these Christmas decorations will help your kids quickly learn how to tie their shoelaces.

9. Snowflake made from clothespins

These gorgeous snow flakes are actually 8 clothespins glued together and painted.

10. We don’t skimp on the glitter!

There's no such thing as too much glitter! Especially at Christmas!

A fairy-tale character will come to visit you, but not to steal the holiday, but to decorate it.

12. Another great idea for decorating a Christmas tree!

Spruce twig, wooden beads, letters, white confetti or paper. We place all this in a transparent ball. Ready!

13. Snowman

Do you like to draw? Then this idea is 100% suitable for you.

14. Yarn decoration

Styrofoam balls + sticky glue + yarn + thin wire. And voila!

15. Foam jewelry

Take paint for foam balls with red glitter and apply it to the base. And tie it with a ribbon.

16. Clay star

If you are not a sculptor, use special clay molds.

17. Glitter decoration

Remember the main rule of creating Christmas tree decorations with your own hands? Yes, you can never have too much glitter!

18. Snow crystals

Apply glue to the ball and roll it in salt to create beautiful crystals.

19. Great gift idea for a loved one

Use special stickers.

20. Paper tape + spool of thread. Very nice!

You can write anything! You can list holiday attributes, you can write the words of a Christmas song or fairy tale, or you can exchange wishes with loved ones in this way!

21. Glowing snowman

Homemade toys for the Christmas tree can be made not only by needlewomen. There are quite simple options that won’t take much time. They can be done with children or on your own. The most important thing is that your furry beauty will not be like others. And the warmth of your hands transferred to the toy will be noticed by all your loved ones.

Greetings to all readers of my blog, New Year is a magical holiday! It carries so much warmth, kindness and inspiration that it should be enough for the next 365 days! Preparing for the New Year is a real sacrament. Buying (or even better - creating with your own hands) gifts for family, loved ones and friends, planning the New Year's menu, decorating apartments and houses and, of course, the most important New Year's process... It's time to decorate the Christmas tree!

But now the next question arises: with what? Surely every home has a box of Christmas tree decorations. Some people have old Soviet houses with snow roofs, ruddy Santa Clauses and bullfinches lying there. They are, of course, dear to the heart, but they are already old, tired, and the paint is worn off. By the way, I advise you to read it, because the holidays are so fleeting.

Others have bright identical balls in the color of the curtains and golden bows.

Stylish, no doubt. But it’s the same – like everyone else’s. So what can we come up with? The answer is the simplest: make homemade Christmas tree toys! Everything about this process is perfect: from the search for ideas to the preparation of materials, from the first detail to the final result.

The flight of fancy is not limited! You can create any crafts from any materials, by any means. But sometimes it’s difficult to come up with an image on your own. In this case, there is no shame in looking: what are others doing? And taking the proposed options as a basis, come up with something of your own, or simply repeat some very cute little thing.

That is why I “climbed” onto the Internet in search of everything tasty and interesting. It’s not for nothing that mine was opened.

There are a lot of tips. We'll look at some of them.

Paper Christmas tree toys

Cardboard, paper and glue are the most accessible materials. They are always in the house, especially when the baby is growing. In addition, such homemade Christmas tree toys are easy to make, do not require special handicraft skills and can be made by a child aged 8-10 years independently or with a little parental help if your child is younger.

Paper balls

These balls are quite easy to make.

Decoupage glass ornaments with vintage German newspapers


  • We will need:
  • 1 ball (you can use foam balls or plastic ones, which are sold in handicraft stores as blanks for Christmas tree decorations) or a hemisphere (for example, molded from plasticine);
  • glue (preferably liquid, it would be ideal to dilute the paste, but you can also use PVA);
  • newspapers;
  • thin wire (you can use a paper clip);
  • a thread;

glitter, stickers or scrapbooking paper - optional.

We tear the newspapers into thin strips, coat each of them with glue and gradually cover the ball with them. As soon as the base is no longer visible under the layer of newspapers, put the product aside and let it dry - about 40 minutes. Then create 2, 3, 4 and 5 layers - similar to the first. If you are using a ball base, you do not need to remove it. If you have only made half of the base, you will have to first make the decoration from individual parts and then glue them together.

After complete drying, you can apply a layer of varnish and sprinkle glitter. Homemade Christmas tree decorations are so valuable because they can be decorated in any way and with anything!

When the ball itself is ready, we begin making the “top”. If the work was carried out with New Year's balls, then we attach their holders on top. It’s even easier to glue a tinsel bow to the ball and tie a thread or ribbon on top so that you can hang the product.

To make “named” balls, just attach a piece of paper with a name to the tinsel using a thread. You can write wishes, compliments and any other pleasant little things on these stickers.

In the same source I saw a New Year's craft that can be done in 10 minutes! You need to make an “accordion” from a sheet of music notes, alternately bending the paper into 1-2 cm strips in one direction or the other. Repeat with another sheet. Bend each accordion in half and glue along the free side to make it look like a “half-toy”. Then connect the resulting semicircles to each other along the sides that remain without folds.

You can use it as a gift for someone dear to you. Take a simple box that you can find at any craft store, decorate it with an old map and the resulting paper toy.

Musical muse

To make beautiful homemade Christmas tree decorations with your own hands, you need a true love of music!

Decoupage glass ornaments with vintage German newspapers


  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • old sheet music;
  • rhinestone (you can simply cut a circle out of cardboard in color).

We cut three A4 sheets with notes each into 4 parts. From the first two we will make large rays, and from the third - small ones. We roll a quarter of the sheet into a cone and glue the joint. Please note that the glue will first need to be applied so that both sides of the cone stick together into one. And then carefully glue the rest. You need 8 such elements.

The next step is to cut the quarters of the last sheet in half. We get 8 parts. The scheme is the same. After this, each ray needs to be glued to a rhinestone or cut out circle. The back part can be covered with a layer of music paper, and a thread can be glued under it.

Another tip: to age paper, you need to soak it in a bowl of strong tea and then dry it. Then crumple and iron with an iron at minimum temperature. I really like the look of the paper, which is scorched at the edges.

Be careful to only burn sheets in close proximity to a water source!

DIY vintage toys

These vintage DIY Christmas tree decorations will harmoniously fit into any interior.

Decoupage glass ornaments with vintage German newspapers

To make such a New Year's beauty, you will need:

  • colored paper (or scrapbooking paper);
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • wooden stick for the base.

Cut out strips from colored paper. Their length should be the same, but the width of each next one should be 1 centimeter more than the previous one. The number of strips and their size can be any - it depends on how you want your homemade Christmas tree toys to look.

Twist each strip into a tube and glue the joint. Then connect all the strips together and put them all together on a wooden base (can be cut out of cardboard). Don't forget the star and thread!

If regular colored paper is used, then I would additionally decorate this madame with cut out balls, circles, stars, sparkles, and pieces of tinsel. Give your child plenty of room for imagination. Let him paint the stripes and stick on bright stickers. Homemade Christmas tree decorations for the New Year can be as colorful and catchy as you like. The main thing is with the soul!

Christmas tree toys made of cardboard

If your New Year's homework is a DIY Christmas tree toy for school, then you can make an owl like this.

Decoupage glass ornaments with vintage German newspapers

For this you will need:

  • toilet paper roll;
  • dye;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • colored paper;
  • white stickers with glitter.

You will need to glue the edge parts of the base and paint the product with white paint. Cut out all the details from paper and place them on top. I would also knit scarves for the owls and add thread tassels to their ears.

Another interesting and unusual idea is to make a cup of hot chocolate from a sleeve.

Decoupage glass ornaments with vintage German newspapers

You will need:

  • sleeve;
  • cocktail straw;
  • colored paper;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • cardboard.

We prepare a paper cylinder from the sleeve - cut it to the required size. Then from thick cardboard we cut out one cylinder of the same diameter - for the bottom, and another - for the “coffee” - a little smaller so that it fits inside but does not fall out. A small circle needs to be smeared with glue and a circle of brown paper, slightly larger, should be placed on top. Next, let's move on to the mug itself. According to the “recipe,” we are asked to cover it with a strip of colored paper, leaving a protruding part on both sides. At the bottom you should cut it with a “fringe” and glue each fragment to the bottom separately.

But I would simply wrap the homemade New Year's decorations on the Christmas tree with packaging material, fixing the joints with glue or a stapler. Or even just foil! But if it’s according to the recipe, then don’t forget to glue the circle to the bottom.

After the packaging is ready, you need to put our “hot chocolate” inside, applying glue to the paper from the inside. Then we work on the top edge: carefully cut the free edge and glue one piece at a time. We insert the “drink” into the vessel. Here in the side edge we make a hole for the future thread.

Now for a pen: rolled paper, soaked in water and left to dry will work just fine. Glue it to the mug.

The base is ready, next is the decoration. There are no restrictions here: you can do it like the author, you can decorate it differently, for example, add a “slice of lemon” using a curly eraser, or draw a picture from “foam” using a corrector or contour. Homemade Christmas tree toys for the New Year can be very non-standard.

There are many tutorials on the Internet on how to make Christmas tree decorations with your own hands, incl. video. For example, to make a ball, you need:

  • foam base;
  • many different buttons;
  • hot glue;
  • tapes.

We cover the ball with buttons, make a bow from a ribbon - and you're done!

For me, threads are a closer material. About how many different mercies can be connected, write and write, this will be a life-long post.

Decoupage glass ornaments with vintage German newspapers

In addition, this is an activity for mothers, probably not for a child. Therefore, I will just show a few interesting things that I found, without going into details.

Decoupage glass ornaments with vintage German newspapers

A knitted ball can be made in any color and any size. The thread is quite simple to sew on. You can tie a foam base, or you can stuff the toy with synthetic padding or other similar material.

Decoupage glass ornaments with vintage German newspapers

But you can make things much simpler from threads. Homemade Christmas tree decorations made from thread always look very interesting, tasty and unusual.

You will need:

  • These wonderful decorations can be ordered, but are easier to make!
  • leg-split;
  • foam base for the ball;
  • scissors;
  • double-sided thin tape or hot silicone;


If you don't have tape, you can try using silicone, but this is more painstaking work. Carefully, one row after another, you need to wrap the base with rope, gluing the thread.

If you decide to use tape to make these homemade Christmas tree toys, then just make a “belt” for the ball from an adhesive strip (from left to right), and then two more lines perpendicular to the belt (from top to bottom).

Be careful not to glue one strip on top of another to avoid problems with removing the protective tape. Attach a string to half of the balloon. Then form a free part by unwinding a little twine, and, as if making a “dead loop,” return to winding the ball in the same direction as you started. Once the first round is completed, secure the “reference point” with a small pin or nail. And start moving around this pin, gluing new pieces of adhesive tape when necessary.

Here you can learn how to decorate the base for a ball using twine. In addition, there is a wonderful option for decorating the resulting craft using ribbons, lace and beads.

You can wrap any figures in the same way. The convenience of this manufacturing method is that subsequent decoration can be made with any elements. You can sew them, glue them, tie them, attach them with Velcro and whatever else you want to do with them!

Here's another option - this is the famous striped candy wrapped in twine. Fortunately, these plastic imitations can now be bought in bags and quite cheaply. Working with them is easier than with balls. You just need to secure the twine with silicone from a hot gun, and then wrap it along the entire length and do the same from the other end.

Decoupage glass ornaments with vintage German newspapers

Another option is to do without foam plastic altogether. For example, like in this video about how to make Christmas tree decorations with your own hands. The neck of a regular plastic bottle is used as a base. First, cover the lid area with mounting tape, making it level. Then put the bag on the bottle. And using glue, carefully wrap the container to a certain level (depending on what size bells you want to end up with. As soon as the product dries, you should remove it from the neck and free it from the bag. And the final step is decoration.

You can make homemade Christmas tree decorations from threads with your own hands, using practically nothing except this very thread!

Decoupage glass ornaments with vintage German newspapers

To make such an adorable snowman, you need:

  • white yarn;
  • small cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • needle;
  • a little felt.

The whole action is based on the principle of making pompoms for a hat. You have to wrap the cardboard in 30 circles with wool and cut the thread. Carefully remove the resulting skein, tie it in two places, preparing areas for the head, belly and legs. Prepare another skein, smaller, for the hands. Remove it from the cardboard and make two narrowings. Then spread the threads in the second segment in the frontal plane and thread future handles through the hole.

Schematically the snowman is ready. Cut the loops of thread on the arms and legs. And then start decorating. Trim all the ends of the fur so that nothing sticks out. From felt you can make our gentleman a face and a scarf, as well as a hat. Or you can link it. Add a belt or buttons on the stomach. Tie a string so you can hang the toy.

Christmas tree star

So, the decorations for the branches are ready! Now our beauty is waiting for her “finest hour” - when we put a star on her top. But how, from what can you make it?

While I was flipping through the pages looking for something interesting, an idea came to my mind: why not decorate the Christmas tree... with a Christmas tree?! And here, for example, is an option!

We will need:

  • sheet of cardboard;
  • glue;
  • green tinsel thread;
  • bag of candy.

We make a cone out of cardboard and glue it along the joint. Glue a layer of tinsel onto the base. Then - a layer of sweets, one to one. Then again tinsel, and again sweets! Or you can replace sweets with a garland of lights and then our top will sparkle and shimmer, as it should be on the New Year!

If you made the musical decorations that were discussed at the very beginning of the article, then the star should be musical!

Decoupage glass ornaments with vintage German newspapers

You can make this by cutting out the parts according to the template. Then you have to fold along the dotted lines, glue the joints - voila, done! The only difficulty is that you will have to redraw the template, or print it initially on music paper. However, you can use any other material.

For balls covered with newspapers, a corresponding star is suitable.

Decoupage glass ornaments with vintage German newspapers

Making such a decoration is quite difficult. There is a special master class on how to make it, consisting of two parts. The first is about how to make an even pentagon, and the second is how to make a star out of it.

A star can be made from book pages, just like a toy can be made from sheet music.

Decoupage glass ornaments with vintage German newspapers

You will have to fold pages or their fragments into cone-rays and glue them to the base.

A good option would be to make a three-dimensional star, for example, from papier-mâché, cardboard, or buy a blank.

  1. We are looking through an old book.
  2. Divide each page in half.
  3. We make an envelope from half.
  4. A cardboard or plastic star blank is pasted over with ready-made envelopes according to the pattern in the photo.
  5. Grease the edges with PVA glue and sprinkle with glitter.

To make it more convenient to install such homemade toys on the Christmas tree, I would advise making one large cone as a support. In addition, to make the star three-dimensional, the rays need to be glued not only on one side of the base, but also on the other.

Christmas is a holiday that for many is as important and significant as New Year. Therefore, the holiday tree must be decorated with themed decorations.

Decoupage glass ornaments with vintage German newspapers

You can do this, for example, using:

  • wooden ring (you can use a special blank, a spare ring from a cornice or a foam ring);
  • several beads;
  • cap for beads;
  • rondel (separator);
  • crochet hook;
  • scissors;
  • threads

But this DIY Christmas tree decoration can only be made if you have shells lying around the house. However, finding decorative material in stores (in the same Leonardo chain, which has representatives in 35 cities of Russia) today is not so difficult.

Decoupage glass ornaments with vintage German newspapers

To make this beauty you will need:

  • shells of different sizes;
  • hot glue;
  • thin wire (you can use a paper clip);
  • decorations for every taste.

In my opinion, it would be unnecessary to talk about the production process; everything can be seen without words.

This master class tells in great detail how to make an angel from a sheet of cardboard, thread, Christmas ball, ribbons and a set of decorations. These homemade Christmas tree decorations are suitable and can be used as decorations for the New Year or Christmas table.

I sincerely hope, dear readers, that this selection of tips on how to make homemade Christmas tree decorations will help you find your inspiration, catch the wave and get carried away with your work! I wish you new ideas and wonderful results!

The New Year is very close, it's time to make festive toys for the New Year tree. What could be better than handmade toys? After all, you put a piece of your soul into them! If you have a rich imagination and a great desire to decorate your home in an original way for the holiday, then these ideas are just for you!

Fill the clear balls with decorative sprinkles or beads.

You can make hearts like this. These particular ones are made from polymer clay with the addition of cinnamon and apple flavors. So you can’t eat them, but they smell – that’s what you need!

And these are already quite edible ginger cookies

You can decorate transparent balls with fragments from an old disk. You will get a kind of Christmas tree disco ball.

A shiny mustache is the hit of the season.

You can draw a reindeer with just one thumbprint.

Yarn toys look very warm and cozy.

You can also make such cute decorations using yarn and pine cones.

Tangerines can decorate not only the festive table, but also the beautiful Christmas tree.

Tree branches can be turned into original and cozy New Year's tree decorations that look quite simple, but at the same time stylish.

A very original decoration in the form of an eco-friendly terrarium ball.

Toys can also be made from paper - just look for suitable origami instructions.

And if instead of simple paper you take, say, an old map, you will get more “global” toys.

You can make cute New Year's toys from small beads.

Make a New Year's cucumber for the Christmas tree! Looks very "refreshing".

You can make unusual Christmas tree decorations from copper buttons and foam balls.

We consider painted acorn caps, inside which you can put a ball of bright fabric or a ball of felted wool, one of the cutest ideas for DIY Christmas tree decorations.

Ball using decoupage technique

Christmas decorations made of wire and rope

You will need just a little skill and a little imagination to turn ordinary wire and twine into elements of holiday decor or an original New Year's toy.

Make great decorations using salt dough and stamps.

Balls can even be made from old rugs.

From polymer clay you can make these cute plates with bright stamped patterns.

Melt colored pencils inside transparent balls to achieve this streaky effect.

Does your child have a lot of plastic toys he no longer needs? Paint them and give them a second life as Christmas decorations.

Well, if this tiny sweater doesn't convince you that it's time to learn to knit, then nothing will.

Mini mittens to go with the sweater.

You can make names out of wire and tie them with beautiful threads.

There is a special paint that, when dry, allows you to write on it with chalk, like on a blackboard. An excellent option for Christmas tree decorations, because you can write anything you want.

Do you love Harry Potter? Make yourself a golden snitch!

Or a LEGO Death Star toy if you're a Star Wars fan.

You can also make prints like this on polymer clay using a napkin. The results will be very soft and airy toys.

Birds love New Year too. Make them a cute feeder.

And from felt you can make cute flat balls with a variety of patterns.

The most beautiful Christmas tree decorations are those made by yourself. Such creativity will help you bring any fantasy to life and make your New Year's decor as original, unusual and very attractive as possible.

In modern stores on New Year's Eve, a person can find a huge assortment of Christmas tree toys made from various materials: glass, plastic, wood, textiles, paper. But just more than half a century ago, it was quite difficult to find a beautiful decoration for the Christmas tree, and people I had to make them myself.

It is worth noting that manual work is very often was distinguished by her skill and was equated to works of art. Many needlewomen still prefer to bring something original to the decor of the room and the Christmas tree, made from the heart and with your own hands.

By following modern master classes, you can learn how to create toys of incredible beauty.

Eg, cotton wool decorations - budget handicrafts. For work you will need:

  • Roll of pharmaceutical cotton wool
  • Paste
  • Newspaper
  • Wire
  • Paints (acrylic)
  • Salty dough

Vatu is necessary pre-paint in different colors. This is done using textile paints, which can be purchased at a household chemical store. The painting process is very simple: put dye in a saucepan with water, add cotton wool, and bring to a boil. The cotton wool is infused for several minutes, after which it is wrung out and dried.

Cooking the paste is also very simple. It is easier to work with than regular PVA glue, as it is more transparent and its texture is more watery. To cook the paste, you need boil a glass of water and dissolve two full tablespoons of starch in it with a slide. The cooled solution will become very sticky.

Salt dough will be necessary in order to create realistic faces and muzzles for toys, since they imitate figures of people and animals. It's easy to knead this dough: mix two parts flour with one part salt and add water by eye so that the texture somewhat reminds you of plasticine.

The dough is formed into the required figurine with notches and baked in the oven for half an hour at a temperature 110-120 degrees. After this, the dough must be painted with acrylic paints, all the details must be drawn: eyes, lips, cheeks and covered with colorless nail polish.

From wire it is necessary make the base. All other elements will be attached to this base. The base should follow the preferred figure, for example, a person. For volume the base is wrapped in layers of newspaper soaked in paste. The ends of the wire (handles and legs) should be wrapped first with cotton wool, wetting it with paste. After this the newspaper also covered with a cotton layer.

The top of the wire should attach a face molded from salt dough (make a hole in it in advance). All details should be done very carefully, hands should be washed often, as the paint will remain on them and spoil the light shades. You can form braids, hats and other little things using thin wooden sticks, which should always help you in your work.

Master class with photos:

Forming a wire base, wrapping the ends with cotton wool and the body with newspaper

Wrapping the figurine with colored cotton wool, shaping the face

Small parts for toys made of cotton wool

Beautiful Christmas toys made of cotton wool for the Christmas tree:

“Girls” - toys for the Christmas tree

Cotton Christmas decorations coated with varnish

Colorful Christmas tree decorations made from cotton wool

DIY cotton toys

Homemade cotton wool toys for the Christmas tree

Beautiful DIY Christmas tree decorations made from colored paper

Colored paper- the simplest and budget material for creativity. Modern stores can offer a large selection of thin colored sheets, colored cardboard, kraft paper, paper with designs and patterns, colored foil, gold and silver paper.

The simplest decoration you can make is multi-colored chain. It looks quite festive and elegant; it can decorate not only the Christmas tree, but the entire room: walls, curtains, cornices, furniture. For product you will need:

  • Lots of colored paper
  • Scissors

From the sheets you should cut strips of the same width and length, depending on what kind of links you want to get in the chain: big or small. A strip of paper is rolled into a ring and the ends are glued to each other. After this, the next strip is threaded through the already formed paper ring and glued together in the same way. The chain can be made to any length.

Chain made of colored paper for New Year's decor

But the chain is far from the only thing paper decoration. From old postcards or colored cardboard you can make volumetric ball for the Christmas tree. You will need exactly eight identical circles, which should be cut one template at a time. To do this, you can use the bottom of the cup, because it is convenient to outline it.

After that Each ball is folded in half and then in half again. After this, four folded cut out circles should be glued to one small one, which serves as the base. The remaining four are also glued to the same base. Wait for the glue to dry completely and start unfold the edges of the glued halves.

Helps to secure the edges together stapler, this can also be done superglue or using hot gun. You can leave the resulting ball the way it turned out, or you can paint with acrylic paints to taste or draw patterns. To the ball on one side should glue the loop so that it can be easily attached to the Christmas tree.

How to make a Christmas tree ball with your own hands?

Paper balls, ideas for creativity:

Christmas tree ball from old postcards

Newspaper ball for Christmas tree

Paper ball for a Christmas tree made of cardboard for creativity

DIY bright paper balls for the Christmas tree

DIY Christmas tree decorations from scrap materials

In fact, with imagination and a lot of decorative elements(ribbons, beads, rhinestones, sequins, sparkles, threads and much more), any material can be turned into an original, and most importantly, a beautiful Christmas tree toy.

Around November of each year, most craft stores offer to buyers Lots of ideas for New Year's decor: snowflakes, snow, silver, artificial berries and Christmas tree branches, miniature gifts, figurines and other little things.

Other ideas for creating Christmas tree decorations from scrap materials:

Wine bottle corks can serve as an interesting material for creating Christmas tree decorations. You can collect them throughout the year, and then make a stylish snowflake or figurine that will be held on by wire or with superglue.

Christmas tree figures made from wine corks

"Soldier" figurine for the Christmas tree made from champagne corks Simple Christmas tree figures made from corks

Bright New Year's toys made from wine corks "Christmas trees"

Christmas tree decorations made from wine corks

One of the symbols of the New Year is a snowflake. She can decorate not only your holiday tree, but also the walls of your house. You can make it from anything: paper, cardboard, plywood, buttons and even pasta!

Ideas for New Year's toys made from scrap materials:

Blue and white snowflake for a Christmas tree made of buttons on a wire basis White snowflake for a Christmas tree made of buttons on a metal basis

Unusual snowflake on a Christmas tree made of pasta painted with gold paint

An unusual idea for creating New Year's toys - iron bottle caps

DIY felt Christmas tree toys: patterns

Felt is one of the most favorite and comfortable materials for creativity, including for creating Christmas tree toys. With felt convenient to work, the store provides it in a large number of colors. You can always choose thin or thick (felt) felt to work with.

SECRET: If you couldn't find felt in stores, but want to create a beautiful Christmas tree decoration, you can use modern washcloths. As a rule, they are sold in packs of three and their material is very similar to felt: it is just as dense and soft, and holds its given shape.

You can make a wide variety of toys from this material. It can be flat or three-dimensional figures, which, if desired, are decorated with embroidery, rhinestones, beads or sparkles. You can sew any figure from felt, any fairytale New Year's character. The filler in such toys is regular cotton wool or felt scraps.

New Year's toys for the Christmas tree, creative ideas:

Bright toys for the Christmas tree made of felt

Felt bears - Christmas tree toys

"Christmas trees" - New Year's decorations

Stylish felt Christmas tree decorations

Flat felt Christmas tree decorations with embroidery

Stylish red and white felt Christmas tree decorations

The following patterns will help you make a neat and proportional toy:

Patterns of animals and children's toys

Patterns for creating New Year's toys from felt New Year's patterns for creating felt toys Simple patterns for felt toys

How to decorate felt Christmas tree decorations:

  • Small parts of toys: eyes, mouths, mittens, horns, and so on, are also cut out of felt. They can be sewn to patterns using thread or glued with hot glue.
  • Glitter, sequins and beads, which you can also sew on yourself with matching threads, will help add shine and shimmer to the toys.
  • Covering the edges of the toy and sewing together the pattern elements can be done in two ways: using a running stitch and a buttonhole stitch (the latter looks more aesthetically pleasing).
  • Think in advance about where to attach the loop on the toy and sew it on the inside.

Running stitch

Loop stitch

DIY Christmas tree toy cockerel: pattern, photo

The festive toy for the Christmas tree deserves special attention. shaped like a rooster. Rooster - symbol of 2017 and therefore his image should be present on New Year's Eve in every home so that bring happiness and prosperity to the family.

You can make a toy from wood, cut it out of plywood or cardboard, but best of all work with felt.

This material allows use many colors in crafts, decorate them beautifully with embroidery and sparkles. In addition, felt allows give any shape to the toy: Make the bird realistic or figurative.

You can cut out the shape of a rooster from felt arbitrarily or use a pattern.

Pattern of a New Year's toy “rooster” made of felt

Ideas for creativity in creating New Year's toys:

Original “cockerel” made of felt for the Christmas tree

Beautiful New Year's toy "rooster"

Felt cockerels for the Christmas tree

Red rooster - Christmas tree toy

Felt chicken and cockerel for Christmas tree

Original felt toy for the Christmas tree - “Rooster”

DIY children's Christmas tree toys: for kindergarten

Children in kindergarten are often asked to bring handmade decoration from home to decorate the New Year tree at the matinee. Modern parents can be very inventive and come up with simple but original ideas. toys for decorating the Christmas tree and room for the New Year.

Ideas for creating New Year's toys for kindergarten:

Paper lantern- a classic elegant decoration for the Christmas tree. Give it more festive look You can use gold or silver paint, glitter, tassels and many other decorative elements.

How to make a lantern for a Christmas tree?

You can make a three-dimensional star for a Christmas tree from two flat pieces of cardboard. You need to decorate this decoration according to your taste: glue rhinestones, sparkles or stones. You can also smear the star with glue and sprinkle generously with gold sand. Golden sand can also be successfully replaced with small broken glass from old Christmas tree decorations.

How to make a three-dimensional star for a Christmas tree?

A paper heart made from colored paper can be easily made from colored cardboard using the quilling technique. It can be of any color and size, decorated with ribbons, sparkles or snowflakes.

Christmas tree decoration “heart” using quilling technique

A Christmas tree decoration made from buttons will help surprise everyone. To do this, you will need to have buttons not only of different colors, but also of different sizes. This way you can form figures out of them.

New Year's decorations made from buttons

Bows will be a simple but elegant decoration for the Christmas tree. They can be made large or small, using themed, bright or shiny ribbons.

Bows - Christmas tree decorations

DIY Christmas tree decorations made from light bulbs

Handicrafts captivate people so much that they are able to turn almost any available material into a beautiful Christmas tree decoration. The most unusual things are used, for example, glass bulbs. You need to use those that have already burned out and are no longer able to shine.

They can be very skillfully paint with acrylic paints, turning in funny snowmen. It is also very easy to attach decorative textile elements, buttons, eyelets and much more using glue.

To quickly paint light bulbs, you can use spray paint or car paint in a can.

Christmas tree decorations from old glass light bulbs, ideas for creativity:

Light bulbs decorated with colored sequins

Light bulbs "penguins" - toys for the Christmas tree

Toy made from an old light bulb “Bear in a hat”

Christmas decorations made from small light bulbs Colorful Christmas decorations made from light bulbs

Simple and effective Christmas decorations made from old light bulbs

Unusual snowmen on a Christmas tree made from old light bulbs

DIY outdoor Christmas decorations

Outdoor toys for the Christmas tree, first of all, distinguished by their large size. Another feature of such jewelry is their simplicity, that is, they should be sufficient cheap and, but at the same time beautiful. People often make street toys with their own hands.

What can you make an outdoor Christmas tree toy from:

  • From the box. You can use absolutely any box: shoes, candy, cookies, juice packaging. It should wrap in any beautiful paper to imitate a gift. At the end of decoration tie the box with ribbon and tie a bow. You can also try to create an original design and make a pig, a nutcracker, a doll, and so on from the box.
  • Plastic spoons, or rather, their rounded part can serve as the basis for creating Christmas tree decorations. For example, they will make a snowflake, a Christmas tree, Santa Claus and other holiday symbols.
  • If you know how to make buboes from yarn, you will also need this skill in creating New Year's decorations. You can decorate any ball or box with a large number of buboes to make a Christmas tree toy.
  • If you have accumulated a huge number of Kinder Surprise packages, they can also serve as an idea for creating a Christmas tree decoration. They can be glued together to form a snowflake, which can then be easily decorated with foil or gold-plated paint.

Toysfor a street tree:

Decorating the box in an original way

Santa Claus made from plastic spoons

Christmas toy made of fluffy pompoms

Snowflake from Kinder Surprise packaging

DIY Christmas tree decorations from plastic bottles

Decorations made from plastic bottles can decorate a street Christmas tree or a Christmas tree at a matinee at school or kindergarten.

Ideas for decorating bottles as New Year's toys:

New Year's bells from two glasses

New Year's bells from two large bottles of Cola

Decorating bottles for the New Year

Original Christmas tree toy made from the bottom of plastic bottles

DIY Christmas tree toys made of fabric

Textile toys look very original. They are beautiful and always create a festive mood. The main thing is not to be lazy and decorate each product as original as possible with lace, sequins, inserts from other fabrics, beads, and ribbons.

The following patterns will help you sew fabric toys:

Patterns for textile toys for the Christmas tree

Ideas for creativity, fabric toys:

Colorful fabric toys for the Christmas tree

Very delicate and beautiful DIY fabric toys

DIY textile toys

DIY fabric Christmas tree toys

Original fabric toys

DIY Christmas tree toys made of cardboard

Cardboard is an affordable and durable material. You can use it to make beautiful New Year’s decorations that are suitable for decorating both the Christmas tree and the entire room.

New Year's toys made of cardboard:

Christmas tree made of cardboard (folding two flat parts)

Bright New Year's toys made of cardboard with decor

Christmas tree toys made of thick cardboard with decor

DIY Christmas tree toys balls

Threads can make very beautiful Christmas balls. You will need:

  • Balloon
  • Threads
  • PVA glue

Making such a toy is very simple:

  • Inflate the balloon. The ball should be the size you want the Christmas tree decoration to be.
  • Tie the balloon so it doesn't let out any air.
  • Dip the yarn into glue and start wrapping the ball
  • If it seems to you that there is not enough glue, you can moisten the wrapped ball with glue again.
  • Leave the ball until completely dry
  • When the ball is dry, pop the ball with a needle.
  • The ball will burst, but the thread frame will remain
  • Attach a loop to the ball
  • If desired, decorate it with sparkles or rhinestones

How to make a ball of thread?

Christmas tree balls made of threads

DIY Christmas tree decorations for a large Christmas tree

Decorating a large Christmas tree can be very difficult only because small toys are simply not visible on it. Such a Christmas tree can be present at a matinee in the garden or at school, in the yard or in the square.

Ideas for toys for a large Christmas tree:

You can buy a foam base in the shape of a ball at a craft store. It can be decorated in any way, for example, with bright buttons.

Large Christmas ball made of buttons

The same foam base can be covered with newsprint and, after complete drying, opened with glitter nail polish.

Christmas tree ball made from newspaper with glitter

You can sew a large mitten from the fabric, which can be easily decorated with New Year’s symbols if desired.

Mitten - decoration for a large New Year tree

You can make a cuckoo clock from cardboard or thin plywood sheets, which will symbolize the New Year's time.

Christmas tree toy

The easiest way to decorate a large Christmas tree is to make candy from any box, wrapping it in colored foil or craft paper.

Candy - decor for a large Christmas tree

Beautiful and original DIY Christmas tree decorations for the competition

During the New Year's Eve, children often participate in various competitions where they present their crafts. Original ideas for creating Christmas tree decorations will help you win the competition:

  • Toys made from broken mirrors (glass). This material can be used to decorate glass balls or other figures made of cardboard, plywood, or paper.
  • Volumetric Christmas tree toy made of felt (wool fabric). To do this, the fabric is folded in several ways to create a pattern of folds.
  • Toys made from fabric. Such decorative elements must be done very carefully, choosing textiles and decorations wisely.
  • Beaded toys. Such decoration can be completely woven from beads, or decorated with them.
  • Plywood toys. You can buy the base for such decorations at a craft store. You can color them to your liking.

Painted toys for the New Year Decorating toys with a broken mirror

Volumetric toys made of felt or drape fabric

Beautiful textile toys

Beaded toys for the New Year tree

DIY Christmas tree toys made from threads

Threads can become an original decoration for Christmas tree decorations. you can use figures on any basis, for example, cardboard. Cut out your preferred shape and use yarn or canvas thread wrap the decoration tightly.

Lubricate the base with PVA glue so that the thread holds tightly and confidently.

New Year's toy made of cardboard and canvas threads

New Year's star made of cardboard, canvas thread and felt

DIY Christmas tree decorations made of polystyrene foam

Often sold in craft and craft stores foam bases of various shapes: balls, cones, cubes. Such figures can be decorated to your liking with any material: ribbons, lace, paper, beads to get beautiful Christmas tree decorations.

Ideas for creativity. Foam-based toys:

Decorating a foam ball with needles and sequins

gluing glitter onto a foam ball

Ready product

DIY Christmas tree toys made from disks

Make mono Christmas tree decorations from materials such as CDs. Most likely, there are a lot of them in the house of a modern person and most of them are either inoperative or not in demand.

Fish - decoration made from disks

Flat decorations made of disks, decorated with threads

Decoration for a large Christmas tree

DIY Christmas tree decorations made from salt dough

Children often work with salt dough. This classic way to sculpt a figurine, including New Year's: Christmas tree, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, deer, snowman and much more. The finished figurine can be painted, decorated with sparkles and varnished.

The recipe for kneading salt dough is very simple: two parts flour, one part salt and a little water by eye, so that the mass becomes similar to plasticine. The dough is baked for half an hour at a temperature of 120 degrees.

Salt dough stars

Salt dough figures for coloring

Beautiful Christmas tree decorations made from puff pastry

DIY Christmas tree decorations made from pine cones

Natural buds can serve as an excellent basis for creating beautiful Christmas tree decorations. In addition, cones are easy to find in the forest, in the park, on the street - they are free and always look natural.

You can transform any bump using paints with gilding, sparkles, ribbons and rhinestones. The larger the cone, the better and more impressive your craft will look.

In the craft store you can find a huge number of ideas for handicrafts: snowflakes, artificial snow, silver.

Cone decorated with beads and seed beads

Pine cone decorated with ribbon Snowflakes made from pasta

DIY Christmas tree decorations made from satin ribbons

Satin ribbon- a very beautiful material with which you can make a Christmas tree toy. As a basis you need to use foam ball. It's necessary cut on four sides, as if into slices.

Wide tape cut into four pieces. Then, using a stationery or regular knife the tape is inserted into the cuts made very tight on all sides. Decorate seams You can use rhinestones, chains or other contrasting thin tape glued with superglue.

Cutting the ball and setting it inside the satin ribbon

Ready product

Video: “Unique DIY Christmas tree decorations. Elena Epinatyeva"

Everyone wants to give a surprise to their loved ones on Christmas and New Year. And you can bring the celebration closer with your creative powers. Take note of the original ideas that we have collected in the selection below, and then the upcoming winter holidays will sparkle with completely new colors. Don’t be afraid to create, involve everyone at home in the process - this will bring the family closer, and maybe even become the beginning of a new tradition.

Winter flowers

It’s not difficult to make a beautiful New Year’s tree bloom. In order to make such Christmas and New Year toys with your own hands on the eve of 2018, you don’t even need to use special colored paper, opting for old books or newspapers. Such buds will look original, and you will pay tribute to the currently fashionable eco-trend. So let's get started:

  • cut out a perfect square from paper;
  • fold it in the same way as shown in the photo;
  • repeat this with the remaining 4 sheets of paper;
  • glue the resulting blanks together to form a flower;
  • We decorate the middle with tinsel, beads, in a word, anything that seems suitable to you.

Ice shards

Who would have thought that old CDs could be used to create such creative balloons? Yes, in most cases, making New Year's Christmas tree decorations will not require either serious material expenditure or the skills of a professional designer. This is what the next master class proves.
To work, you will need transparent (in principle, you can use colored) plastic or glass balls, an unnecessary CD, scissors, and a glue gun.

  • using scissors, cut the CD into pieces of arbitrary shape and size;
  • Apply droplets of glue to the surface of the ball and fix the “mirror” fragments in the desired order, evenly covering the ball on all sides and leaving no empty spaces.

The result is a wonderful toy, no different from expensive designer works. Their soft shine will perfectly complement the overall impression of a magnificent Christmas tree.

Cute snowflakes

A simple but wonderful decoration in its laconism is snowflakes. Backing material... rolls left over from using toilet paper or kitchen towels. Also stock up on scissors, glue, decorative elements in the form of large rhinestones and thin fishing line. The whole process looks like this step by step:

  • we crush the sleeve, pressing it well from the edges;
  • cut the bushing into strips of equal width. The resulting elements are visually reminiscent of flower petals;
  • glue the resulting blanks together in the center so that you get a flower;
  • decorate the middle with rhinestones;
  • We thread a fishing line through one of the petals. That's it, the snowflake is ready to float near the branches of your Christmas tree.

Felt fantasy

Here are some more fun DIY crafts. The toy can become either an independent element of holiday decor or act as an integral part of an entire garland.

  • Cut out a square from felt of the desired color;
  • draw it out as shown in the photo;
  • cut along the lines with a stationery knife, not reaching the center;
  • glue the strips together, folding the corners on top of each other;
  • we alternate actions alternately from one side to the other;
  • We hang the finished toy on a fishing line, decorating it with beads.

If desired, you can create a whole vertical garland from several similar parts, interspersing them with beads. The toy can be hung on the Christmas tree or placed in the interior.

Snowball game

It’s very easy to make fluffy balls of snow that won’t melt no matter how warm it is in your house. We use foam blanks in the form of balls, mother-of-pearl beads, sewing pins, glue, scissors, and braid. The process of making such a toy comes down to the following steps:

  • string beads onto pins;
  • Having coated the end of the pin with glue for better fixation, we stick them into the ball;
  • We continue this until we cover the entire surface of the toy with beads;
  • We attach a braid or ribbon to the ball, using which we will hang the decoration on the Christmas tree.

Funny ninjas

Small ninja toys with cute moving eyes will save your home’s beautiful Christmas tree from being too formal. After all, looking at such New Year's decorations, you involuntarily want to smile.

To work, you will need very few materials: dark opaque balls (they can even be made of plastic), narrow ribbons of different colors, toy eyes (a pair for each ninja).

  • We wrap each ball with two turns of ribbon, securing the improvised fighter’s bandage to a knot at the back. For greater reliability, the tape can be placed on glue.
  • Glue the eyes to the ribbon on the front, that’s it – decorations for the New Year can be hung on the Christmas tree.

Beauty cone

An ordinary pine cone will fit perfectly into the New Year's decor. It would seem how unpretentious an accessory it is, and what wonderful toys can be made from it and how many ideas can be realized. The cone can simply be hung by a coarse twine, and the top can be decorated with a beautifully tied bow made of satin ribbon to match the overall color scheme. Or make New Year trees from pine cones, crowning them with numerous multi-colored plasticine balls. It seems simple, but it looks really unusual and creative.

Snowflakes made from... pasta

For a thrifty and creative housewife, even pasta can become the basis for creating amazingly beautiful decorations in the New Year 2018. You can give free rein to your imagination here - after all, each new snowflake can be completely different from the previous one. All you need to do is stock up on as many different types of pasta as possible in the nearest supermarket (flowers, Christmas trees, spirals, shells, etc.). You also cannot do without glue, white paint and braid (ribbon, fishing line, thread) for hanging.

We form the pattern starting from the center, maintaining symmetry. How the toys turn out depends only on your imagination. We glue the parts of the decoration together with glue. At the end of the work, paint the snowflake white, additionally decorating the decor with sparkles to your liking.

New Year's toys with sequins - festive glamor

You can surprise your loved ones on Christmas and New Year's Eve by making unusual, shiny decorations for the Christmas tree with your own hands. The special beauty of creating such balls is the process itself, which is addictive and very simple. So, we stock up on a small foam ball that fits easily in your hand, sequins of any color, and sewing pins.

We fix the sequins to the ball with pins, as shown in the photo, proceed sequentially, placing the shiny elements close to each other, avoiding gaps. When the ball is ready, all that remains is to place an element in its upper part to fix the decoration on the tree.

Who wants some ice cream?

Do you like ice cream? Why not decorate the Christmas tree with your favorite delicacy for the New Year, especially since you don’t need a lot of materials for this. It is enough to find thick paper to imitate waffle cones and colored napkins or small pieces of compressed paper, a needle, and thin fishing line. Having formed a cone from thick paper, we make ice cream balls from colored paper, the number of which depends on your desire. Then we form a loop from the fishing line, by which our sweets will be hung on the tree, and we thread it through our balls, as was done in the photo.

Rooster on the Christmas tree

It will look good made of paper or other materials. You can make a lot of these cockerels and collect the pendants into a garland to decorate your home. If you are going to make a paper cockerel, use cardboard as a base, which you will cover on both sides.

  1. You will need multi-colored sheets of colored paper (you can use colored cardboard) and a sheet of cardboard. Draw the silhouette of a rooster on cardboard and cut it out.
  2. Using a cardboard blank as a template where necessary, draw the details on colored paper (cardboard): head, torso, wings and tail - first fold the sheets in half so as not to waste time preparing blanks for the second side.
  3. The next stage: we cut out our blanks.
  4. Now we glue the parts made of colored paper (cardboard) onto the cardboard blank. After the cockerel has assembled into a whole picture, you can decorate it with sparkles, beads - whatever comes to mind.
  5. Make a hole in the blank, thread a ribbon and hang it on the tree.

You can make a similar toy from felt and also use it to decorate a Christmas tree.

Draw the pattern by hand or use any ready-made one, for example, this one:

Homemade cockerels made using the origami technique will look original.

pillow toy

A difficult, but very exciting activity in making toys is creating a pillow in the form of a symbol of the year, which will delight you not only in the year of the Rooster, but much longer. You will need a pattern, fabric, filler, felt (depending on the chosen model), thread and needles. Here it's a matter of small things, we trace the pattern, sew the parts together, leaving a hole to fill the pillow with filler. We turn it inside out, put the filling inside the toy, and sew it up until the end.

There is also a more complex plan with fabric painting - this is batik, thanks to which the pillow will acquire a bright color. After you have traced the cockerel on the fabric, paint it using special paints; they can be replaced with gouache if you mix it with PVA glue. We leave it for a day so that the paint dries and continue to finish the pillow in the shape of a rooster.

From salt dough

Children are often asked to bring some New Year's crafts to school competitions. Make it from salt dough. A craft made from bioceramics can also be an excellent gift from children to grandparents. Moreover, this activity is so exciting that it quite claims to be a hobby.

Before you make a toy from salt dough, you need to prepare the dough itself. To prepare the dough, use fine table salt, regular wheat flour and water in a ratio of 2:4:2, respectively. First, mix flour and salt, and then add warm water, kneading the dough thoroughly for at least 10 minutes.

There is another recipe for making dough. In this case, take flour and salt in the same proportions, only the flour is pre-sifted. You need to take a little less than 1 1/3 cups of water. The cooking method will vary. According to this recipe, water must be brought to a boil and salt dissolved in it. Only then is flour added.

When the dough is ready, start making crafts. If you are making crafts with your child, simplify the task by using cookie cutters, for example, in the shape of Christmas trees or bunnies - you will get wonderful Christmas tree decorations. Make a toy (you can use beads or seed beads for decoration), don’t forget to make a hole at the top. To harden the toy, it is left for 24 hours or baked in the oven. After the toy has hardened, it is painted with acrylic paints, gouache, watercolors, allowed to dry thoroughly and coated with either colorless nail polish or nitro varnish for wood. Thread a thread or ribbon through the hole. So the New Year's gift is ready.

Photo ideas for crafts made from salt dough

Soap figures

Soap is always useful. A little unexpectedly, soap can also be used to decorate a Christmas tree. Soap toys for the Christmas tree are made by hand. The process is simple. First, we grate the baby soap on a coarse grater, melt it in a hot bath (make sure no bubbles form), pour the liquid into a mold and leave until it hardens.

  1. If you want to make colored soap with a pleasant aroma, then add dyes to the base - these can be either food coloring or the juice of berries or vegetables, for example, cherries, beets, carrots. Smell can be added using perfumes or flavorings.
  2. If you use a ready-made transparent soap base instead of baby soap, you can make soap with a “filler”. After you fill the mold halfway with melted soap, let it sit for 20-30 minutes, place a slice of lemon or orange on top, coffee beans and fill the mold completely with soapy liquid.
  3. In order for the soap to also have a beneficial cosmetic effect, ground coffee is added to the base, which will work as a scrub, various oils, lemon zest, and ground oatmeal. Such a toy, which doubles as an excellent gift, will definitely not go unnoticed.

Big toys

Using threads, you can also create wonderful jewelry of rather large size - giants. Just inflate the balloon, wrap it with a thread soaked in PVA glue and leave it for 24 hours. After drying, the ball is burst, leaving an airy New Year's toy made of threads, which, for decorative purposes, can be coated with silver or gold paint, decorated with beads, seed beads, sequins, and ribbons. Thread the ribbon and the accessory is ready. If you prepare two or three balls of different sizes, you can make a snowman.

Christmas trees are made from threads using the same principle. Use a Whatman paper cone as the base on which you will wind the thread. You can make such a toy in miniature if you take a simple sheet of cardboard instead of whatman paper. Light beads and ribbon bows are useful for decoration.

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