An example from my own life of mutual assistance. Mutual assistance is an example from life. Books about mutual assistance

The concept of “mutual assistance”

Text for essay:

(1) Grinka and Fedya gathered in the meadow to buy sorrel, and Vanya went with them.

“(2) Go, go,” said the grandmother. – (3) If you pick up sorrel, we’ll cook green cabbage soup.

(4) It was fun in the meadow: the grass had not yet been mowed, there were flowers all around far, far away - red, blue, and white. (5) The whole meadow was in flowers.

(6) The children scattered across the meadow, which stretched widely to the very horizon, and began to pick sorrel. (7) They walked farther and farther along tall, uncut grass and cheerful flowers.

(8) Suddenly Fedya said:

- (9) There are a lot of bees here!

“(10) True, there are a lot of bees here,” Vanya said. - (11) They buzz all the time.

“(12) Hey, guys,” Grinka shouted from a distance, “turn back!” (13) We wandered into the beekeeping area - there are the hives!

(14) Around the collective farm beekeeper, linden and acacia trees grew thickly, through the branches of which wooden bee houses were visible.

- (15) Guys, retreat! - Grinka commanded. - (16) Just be quiet, don’t wave your arms, otherwise the bees will bite you.

(17) The kids carefully walked away from the beekeeper. (18) They walked quietly and did not wave their arms, so as not to anger the bees, and were completely away from the bees, but then Vanya heard that someone was crying. (19) He looked back at his comrades, but Fedya was not crying and Grinka was not crying, but little Vasyatka, the beekeeper’s son, was crying. (20) He wandered into an apiary and stood among the hives, and the bees flew at him.

- (21) Guys! – Vanya shouted. - (22) The bees have bitten Vasyatka!

“(23) If we follow him to the bee yard, then the bees will bite us too,” answered Grinka.

“(24) We need to call his father,” said Fedya. - (25) When we walk past their house, we’ll tell his father.

- (27) Come here! - he shouted to Vasyatka.

(28) But Vasyatka did not hear, he waved away the bees and shouted at the top of his voice. (29) Vanya approached Vasyatka, took him by the hand and led him out of the beekeeper. (30) He brought me all the way to the house.

(31) Vasyatka’s mother ran out onto the porch and took Vasyatka in her arms:

- (32) Oh, you naughty one, why did you go to the beekeeping? (33) Look how the bees stung!

(34) She looked at Vanya: “Oh, fathers, Vanya, you got it from the bees because of Vasyatka! (35) Don’t be afraid: if it hurts, it will stop!”

“(36) Nothing for me,” said Vanya.

(37) And he went home. (38) While he was walking, his lip became swollen, his eyelid swollen, and his eye closed.

- (39) Well, that’s good! - said the grandmother. - (40) Who decorated you like that?

“(41)Bees,” answered Vanya.

- (42) Why didn’t the bees touch Grinka and Fedya?

“(43) They ran away, and I led Vasyatka,” said Vanya. - (44) What’s wrong? (45) If it hurts, it will stop.

(46) Father came from the field to have lunch, looked at Vanya and laughed.

“(47) Fedya and Grinka ran away from the bees,” said the grandmother, “and our simpleton went to save Vasyatka.” (48) If my mother saw him now, what would she say?

(49) Vanya looked at his father with one eye and waited: what would mom say?

(50) And the father smiled and patted Vanya on the shoulder:

- (51) That's right, son: get lost yourself, and help a friend. (52) And my mother would say: well done, my son! (53) That’s what she would have said!(According to L.F. Voronkova)*

* Voronkova Lyubov Fedorovna (1906–1976) - Soviet writer, author of many children's books and a series of historical stories for children.

Finished essay 9.3 “What is mutual assistance”

What's happened mutual assistance? Mutual assistance is mutual, mutual assistance, support, revenue in any matter. Often in life we ​​are faced with problems that we ourselves are not able to solve. Then we simply need help, the income of other people. I will give examples from the text and life.

In the text by L.F. The funnel boy Vanya helped little Vasyatka get out of the beehouse, while Fedya and Grinka were afraid of bee stings and ran away. Vanya did a good, kind deed: he didn’t leave his friend in trouble, he helped him out. His father praised him for this.

In life, mutual assistance is a frequent occurrence. My cousin Stepan (we are the same age) understands mathematics very well, but the Russian language is difficult for him. For me it’s the other way around. Therefore, I often ask him to explain to me the solution to a particular problem, and he asks for tips on writing essays or spelling a word. This helps us a lot, thanks to mutual assistance we understand these subjects better.

Thus, mutual assistance is necessary for everyone, it helps us in life and makes people better.

Mutual assistance... Spelling dictionary-reference book

Mutual assistance, you for me, I for you, revenue Dictionary of Russian synonyms. mutual assistance see mutual assistance Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z. E. Alexandrova ... Synonym dictionary

G. Mutual, mutual assistance, revenue in any matter. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

Mutual assistance, mutual assistance, mutual assistance, mutual assistance, mutual assistance, mutual assistance, mutual assistance, mutual assistance, mutual assistance, mutual assistance, mutual assistance, mutual assistance, mutual assistance (Source: “Full accentuated paradigm... ... Forms of words

mutual assistance- mutual revenue, and... Russian spelling dictionary

mutual assistance- (1 g); pl. mutual relations/handles, R. mutual relations/handles… Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

mutual assistance- mutual/handle, and... Together. Apart. Hyphenated.

mutual assistance- And; and.; decomposition Mutual assistance and support. Show mutual assistance. The feeling of mutual assistance... Dictionary of many expressions

mutual assistance- mutual/about/revenue/to/a… Morphemic-spelling dictionary

You give me I give you, mutual responsibility, hand washes hand, mutual assistance, help Dictionary of Russian synonyms. mutual assistance mutual assistance (colloquial) / in what l. reprehensible: mutual guarantee you give me I give you (shugal, and ironic.) ... Synonym dictionary


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  1. (43 words) Mutual assistance more than once saved Taras Bulba and his people in the fight against the Poles (in Gogol’s story “Taras Bulba”). Father and son, like the rest of the army, stood shoulder to shoulder. For example, Taras even came to his son’s execution to hold him for the last time.
  2. (46 words) It’s very bad when there is no mutual assistance in the work team. In Gogol’s story “The Overcoat,” the hero was humiliated in every possible way at work. This made him withdrawn into himself and lost meaning in life. It is his colleagues who are to blame for the tragic outcome, because without mutual assistance and respect the team turns into a wild herd.
  3. (44 words) Kolya Krasotkin demonstrated mutual assistance in the part of Dostoevsky’s novel “The Brothers Karamazov” called “Boys”. He protected Ilyusha and showed him his patronage, so the baby became very attached to him. This is what real daredevils should do towards weak children, this is an indicator of strength.
  4. (44 words) Mutual assistance should be the basis in love. In Pushkin’s “The Captain’s Daughter,” the hero was not afraid to stand up for the girl’s honor, and later rescue her from captivity. So he proved to her that he was a reliable young man. Then she helped him out, begging the empress for his release.
  5. (41 words) In Andersen’s fairy tale “The Snow Queen,” Gerda rescued Kai from trouble. The guys grew up side by side, and, of course, always supported each other. From the very beginning they were taught mutual care, which is why the girl was not afraid of danger, just to save the person dear to her.
  6. (46 words) Without mutual assistance, it would not be possible to accomplish a single important collective task. In the fairy tale “Three Fat Men” by Y. Olesha, the heroes make a coup. However, one of the leaders is detained and wants to be executed. Then Tibul and Suok risk their lives just to save their friend, and only then do they succeed.
  7. (48 words) In Twain’s work “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer,” the guys always support each other, otherwise they would not have coped with so many challenges. For example, if one of them chickened out and began to panic, the raft would capsize and all the boys would drown. But the guys behaved confidently and helped each other out.
  8. (43 words) In Pushkin’s novel “Dubrovsky”, the faithful peasants supported their real master and shared his lot with him. Vladimir also helped them out, did not leave them with Troekurova, but led them and took them into the forest so that they could build their own lives away from corrupt officials and cruel landowners.
  9. (43 words) In the novel “Poor People,” Devushkin’s boss selflessly helps him out of trouble, because he has helped him out more than once with his honest service. He gives Makar a hundred rubles, and this amount in those days allowed him to help Varya and not fall into extreme poverty himself.
  10. (45 words) In the poem “Vasily Terkin” by Tvardovsky (chapter “Two Soldiers”), the peasants fed the soldier from the last of their supplies, which were already very meager. And in return, he fixed all their broken things and inspired the old people, instilling in them faith in victory. Without mutual assistance, our people would not have defeated Hitler.
  11. Examples from life

    1. (43 words) My friend, for example, always helps me out. Once he even saved me from a stray dog ​​by throwing a stone at it at the right time. I did not remain in debt and, on occasion, wrote a couple of essays for him when he left for competitions and did not have time to do it.
    2. (45 words) I always considered my brother ungrateful: I helped him, but he didn’t help me. But one day, when I had problems with my classmates, he sorted them out in no time, although I didn’t even ask him about it. Thus, mutual assistance is the basis of the family.
    3. (52 words) One day I skipped school while the class was writing a math test. The teacher called home, but my grandmother, realizing in time what was going on, covered for me so that there would be no trouble later. She, of course, gave me the first number, but I’m still grateful to her for coming to the rescue. No wonder I dug her beds!
    4. (56 words) I always tried to help my sister, and she didn’t lag behind. One day I went on a spree and forgot to pick her up from kindergarten on time. We returned late, but my sister shouted right from the doorway: “Thank you for waiting for me, otherwise I wouldn’t have managed it in my life.” She told her parents that she herself was late, and I was waiting for her. This is such mutual assistance!
    5. (43 words) In our family, mutual assistance is the main rule. For example, I helped my grandmother learn a computer from scratch so that she would not be kicked out of her job. And she allowed me to celebrate my birthday in her apartment and even prepared some treats. Family members should always support each other.
    6. (48 words) Mutual assistance is a manifestation of friendship. I remember there was a new kid in our class, and he was not good at math. Everyone laughed, but I felt bad for him: I’m not friends either. When he stood at the board and couldn’t solve the equation, I gave him a hint. Since then we have become friends.
    7. (37 words) In my social circle, everyone helps each other out. I help a friend with English, he helps me with algebra, my other friend will always explain why Onegin refused Tatyana? Mutual assistance is the basis of life in a team; you can’t live without it.
    8. (45 words) Once a neighbor boy and I went into the forest, I, jokingly, walked away from him and got lost. But he was not afraid and quickly called for help to find me. As a thank you for the summer, I helped him learn English, and he passed the difficult exam without difficulty.
    9. (48 words) One day, my friend and I got into a fight. There was a third boy with us, whom we patronized, but he chickened out and ran away. My comrade took this test with me, and we fought our enemies with honor. It is mutual assistance that gives people an understanding of the difference between friendship and friendship.

How often do we hear the word “mutual assistance”. What kind of word is this? And although the meaning lies in the term itself, which consists of two words - “mutual” and “help” - its meaning is not clear to everyone. If there are difficulties in it, let's figure it out.

Mutual assistance - meaning

In Russian explanatory dictionaries, the word “mutual assistance” is interpreted as nothing other than mutual assistance, mutual readiness to come at the first call in some matter. Almost always, the principle “you give me - I give you” always applies here.

Mutual assistance: quotes, sayings, aphorisms on this topic

Let's look at the meaning of the word using specific sentences as an example.

1. Pierre Bezukhov, knowing that Anatole Kuragin is a scoundrel, saves Natasha from shame when Anatole, on a whim, decided to take her away.

2. In no other matter have peoples shown so much solidarity, agreement, mutual assistance, and common efforts as in the study of Antarctica.

3. In wall combat, joint actions, a sense of comradeship, and mutual assistance were mainly practiced.

4. Always rely on a friend, but don’t forget to help him out yourself.

5. Any help is good when done on time.

6. Take on any task boldly; if you can’t handle it, friends will help.

7. Call yourself a comrade - help in troubles.

8. If you face everyone yourself, people will not turn their backs to you.

9. You need to take someone not as a slave, but as an assistant.

10. In case of fire, even a bucket of water will be expensive.

11. Only a pig does not serve as an assistant.

12. Help your neighbor who is standing with an outstretched hand, because you yourself may find yourself in his place.

13. Your benefits are worthless if you don’t share them with others.

14. The biggest enemies of man are stinginess and reluctance to help.

15. He who asks for help today will help you tomorrow.

16. Dogs don’t go after wolves.

Examples of mutual assistance

What is mutual assistance? Good neighbors know this. There are situations when you prepare a delicious dish, but at the last moment you remember that you forgot to buy, for example, milk. You won't run to the store, but go to your neighbor for a glass of drink. The next time the same neighbor asks you for an onion, salt or sugar, and you will not be able to refuse him. This is an example of mutual assistance in the neighborhood.

Payment for private master classes can also be considered mutual assistance. You paid a friend who knows how to paint a symbolic amount to teach you how to draw. In turn, the artist will provide you with this service, losing personal time and compensating for his efforts with a small amount. That is, mutual assistance is a common benefit. The principle here is “you give me, I give you.”

Mutual assistance does not necessarily mean private assistance. Help can occur at the state level. What is mutual assistance for different countries? Two or more states that may have similar interests may depend on each other and need mutual assistance. This could be financial, military, trade and economic, transit assistance, and so on.

Another option for mutual assistance is charity. It may only seem that by helping the needy or the sick, we are giving away money irrevocably. According to church concepts, this is an important degree of mutual assistance, when you help someone for free, and then in difficult times, help will definitely come to you from anyone.

Friendship and mutual assistance - compatible concepts?

As for friendship, the concepts of “mutual assistance” and “mutual assistance” can have different meanings. Let's look at an example. Friendship is a relationship between people that has no underlying motives, intentions, or receiving any benefits. You like the person, you communicate with him with pleasure and do not expect anything from him in return.

It can also be argued that there are several manifestations of friendship. One of them involves frequent communication, meetings, telephone conversations. Such friendship can last for a very long time, even into old age. It arises on the basis of common interests, mutual understanding, affection and readiness to always come to the rescue and help out in difficult times, answer a night call, etc.

And there is a type of friendship when two people are united by some common activity, they communicate, go for walks together, and group together in groups. But can such people be called friends or is it just a friendly relationship? And finally, as for motives, mutual assistance is possible in both the first and second cases. Only in the latter will it be provided with the hope that you will not be able to refuse something necessary to the person in the future. And in the first case of long-term friendship, the person will be happy to help you, doing everything in his power, and will be glad that he could be of use to you. Besides, he will not expect anything in return.

In this case, let's return to the question of whether friendship and mutual assistance are compatible. Of course not! True friendship is help always and without any conditions. If a person is not able to help you out in a difficult situation, but sometimes helps you, he is just your friend and there is mutual assistance here.

Mutual assistance in the family

In family relationships everything is different. When you sincerely love someone close to you, you are ready to make any concessions to him and will always come to his aid. The very concept of “mutual assistance” in family relationships is categorical. You can't ignore the cry for help from your younger brother, older sister, parents, or grandparents, right? In turn, your relatives are always ready to become a mountain for you, to help you out in any situation, to always help in word, deed, and means. This is mutual assistance.


As we see, mutual assistance and mutual assistance are the same things in meaning. This is the ability to come to the aid of one’s neighbor selflessly or with benefit.

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