Why does the neck age so quickly and how to care for it? Lower face and neck lift: how to get rid of loose skin

Why does the neck age faster than the face and body? You can often see a woman after 30 or even after 40 with a beautiful well-groomed face and a toned figure. At the same time, you just have to look at her neck, and her true age immediately becomes clear. Flabbiness of the skin and telltale rings - wrinkles indicate that insufficient attention is paid to the neck when caring for one's appearance.

The reason why the neck ages quickly is the small amount of subcutaneous fat in its epithelium. Therefore, the skin, having a lack of moisture, fades over time, loses elasticity and tightness.

The aging of the neck begins much earlier than the aging process of the face and the whole body! Caring for her should begin at a young age. After all, it is always easier to prevent than to correct later.

Constant nutrition and hydration of the neck skin- this is a mandatory rule for a woman’s daily self-care. This rule is very simple - while caring for your face, don’t forget about your neck.

Cleansing and toning

1. The skin needs to be cleansed with milk, foam or gel for washing.

2. Lubricate the skin with an ice cube.

Ice is an excellent tonic. The cubes are usually prepared from a decoction of medicinal herbs (sage, parsley, chamomile, calendula). Ice stimulates blood and lymph flow. The cream applied after such rubbing is well absorbed, and its beneficial substances begin to work faster.

Nutrition and hydration

The neck should be lubricated with cream morning and evening. For care, a regular product for dry and normal skin of the face and body is suitable. Under no circumstances should you use drying cosmetics intended for oily skin.

Today, various creams are sold specifically for the neck and décolleté area. The optimally selected composition of these products will ensure proper care. The cream should be applied to cleansed skin in such an amount that it is completely absorbed.

Rules for applying cream

Apply the optimal amount of cream so that excess does not pull on the skin;

Remove excess cream with a cotton pad or napkin;

Rub the cream with massage movements from the base of the neck upward;

Don't forget the area behind the ears and the back of the head;

Apply the cream half an hour before leaving the house so that the moisture has time to evaporate.

Peeling or scrubbing

Once a week, cosmetologists recommend a light peeling procedure for the neck skin.. To do this, select belongings with very small abrasive particles, which are rubbed in with light massage movements. Removing dead skin promotes epithelial regeneration and deeper penetration of nutrients from a cream or mask into the skin.

It is important to know that any manual manipulation of the neck (applying cream, belongings, massage, etc.) should be done exclusively with upward movements, trying not to stretch the skin.

Compresses as a way to combat circles around the neck

There are good folk methods for combating circles around the neck - these are compresses.

1. Hot compress with oil. Olive oil is heated, a piece of cotton cloth is soaked in it and applied to the neck. On top you need to put a hot gauze bandage and a warm heated towel. The procedure lasts 10-15 minutes and is done once a week.

2. Contrast compress. Prepare two small towels. They need to be moistened alternately in cold and hot water and applied to the neck. This temperature contrast works great for rejuvenation and smoothing out wrinkles.

Neck rejuvenation masks

Neck masks can be used in various compositions:

Regular ready-made face masks from your cosmetic bag;

Special ready-made masks for the neck and décolleté;

Masks prepared at home with the addition of fatty foods (sour cream, olive oil).

It is advisable to do masks regularly, 2-3 times a week. After the mask, the neck is rinsed with cool water and lubricated with a light cream.

Correct postures during sleep and wakefulness

The habit of sleeping on your stomach, on your side, with your face buried in a pillow causes great harm to your neck. If you imagine how many hours in a row a woman spends in a position in which her neck folds into rings, then the reason for the appearance of premature wrinkles is clear.

The same can be said about the habit of sitting or walking with your head down. Skin that has lost its elasticity cannot immediately recover, so the folds only deepen over time.

It is very important, no matter how difficult it is, to wean yourself from sleeping face down, and also try to walk straight with your chin raised.

Charging for the neck

Charger– a fairly effective remedy for combating wrinkles, provided it is carried out regularly. Here are a few exercises (each should be repeated up to 10 times):

1. Slowly tilt your head forward, then slowly turn your head to the right and left.

2. Move your chin forward as much as possible. After extending, freeze for 5 seconds and repeat.

3. Played lips try to pronounce vowels, as if singing them - “ooouuuuuiiii”.


Of course, the best thing is a professional massage, which will give not only a guaranteed result, but also pleasure from the procedure. A good specialist knows all the features of such a delicate part of the body as the neck and will help reduce wrinkles and a double chin.

However, you can do the massage yourself.

Massage rules:

Apply only to cleansed skin;

Use oil or rich cream;

Movements are exclusively from the base of the neck up to the chin and back of the head.

Help from specialists

The beauty industry today is ready to offer a lot of options for neck skin care - from laser rejuvenation, chemical peeling, cryotherapy to plastic surgery. The specialist will correctly assess the skin condition and prescribe appropriate procedures.

However, if you properly and regularly care for your neck at home, then you can postpone going to the cosmetologist.

The skin of the neck and chin loses its elasticity with age. Often this area becomes flabby. It is important to choose a method that will help you quickly and effectively get rid of this problem. Loose skin on the neck and chin is tightened only with an integrated approach.

A combination of massage, exercises and masks gives a good effect at 50–55 years old. However, after 60 years, the basic techniques need to be supplemented, since the skin at this age significantly loses its elasticity.

To all of the above methods, you can add a lift with an elastic bandage, which gives excellent results with an integrated approach.

At the age of over 65, more radical measures are needed and home remedies alone are no longer sufficient. But even after salon procedures, you should not forget about nourishing creams that will help maintain skin elasticity for a longer time.

Methods for tightening the skin of the neck and chin at home

To tighten the skin in the neck and chin area at home, you need to use an integrated approach. This area is the most sensitive, so using aggressive rejuvenation products is not recommended. These include various types of chemical peels. It is better to perform such procedures in a salon, otherwise they can cause harm.

Massage for tightening the skin of the neck and chin It is recommended to use essential and cosmetic oils that increase skin tone. Massage actions should alternate. First of all, it is necessary to prepare the composition that will be used in the process. To do this, in 1 tbsp. l. base oil or baby cream, you need to dissolve 2 drops of any ether:

  • rosemary;
  • orange;
  • lemon;
  • grapefruit;
  • lavender;
  • ylang-ylang, etc.

It is better to use wheat germ oil as a base, which can increase skin elasticity and prevent the aging process in it.

Sequence of actions during massage:

  1. Lubricate the chin and neck with the selected composition of oils. Using stroking movements, massage the problem area, gently rubbing the mixture into the skin.
  2. Start light pinching movements from the chin and end with the neck area. Perform for at least 1 minute.
  3. Pat the problem area with the backs of your hands for 2 minutes.
  4. The massage should be completed with soft stroking movements.

To make the effect of the procedure more noticeable, it is recommended to repeat it daily for at least a month. Already at the end of the fourth week, the skin will become more elastic and tightened.

Neck and décolleté massage for wrinkles - video

Exercises for the muscles of the neck and chin

The complex will help to effectively tighten the problem area if you repeat the exercises daily for 2 months.

  1. This does not require any additional funds. Basic exercises:
  2. Take a sitting or standing position. Tilt your head back as far as possible, while pushing your lower jaw forward. Stay in this position for several seconds. Repeat 10 times.
  3. Move your head forward and backward alternately. Stay at each point for several seconds. Repeat 15 times in each direction.
  4. Turn your head alternately left and right. At the same time, you need to slightly lift it up, feeling the tension in the problem area. A total of 10 repetitions in each direction.
  5. Make a tube of your lips and pull them down a little, feeling how the neck muscles stretch. Stay in this position for 1 minute.

Stick your tongue out as far as possible. Hold for 20 counts. The head should be motionless.

Exercises for the neck and chin - video

Masks for chin and neck lift The use of masks for the neck and chin gives a good effect at any age.

It is especially useful to combine various nutritional formulations with other methods of influencing the problem area, such as massage and exercise.

You will need olive oil and wheat germ oil. Both ingredients should be taken 1 tsp. and stir. Add 0.5 tsp. lemon juice. Mix everything and apply to cleansed neck and chin. Leave for 20 minutes. Then rinse with water. Repeat the procedure 2 times a week for a month.

Lifting composition

You will need oatmeal in the amount of 1 tbsp. l., yolk and 1 tsp. olive oil. Mix all ingredients and apply to the cleansed problem area. Leave for 15 minutes and rinse with water. Repeat every week.

Moisturizing mask

You will need 1 tbsp heavy cream. l. and essential oils of ylang-ylang and patchouli, 1 drop each. Mix all ingredients and apply to chin and neck. After 15–20 minutes you can wash it off. Repeat 2 times a week.

To enhance the effect of masks for the neck and chin, you can cover the composition on top with polyethylene.

Ingredients for masks - photo gallery

Olive oil nourishes the skin Wheat germ oil prevents aging Lemon juice tones the skin Oatmeal has a moisturizing effect Yolk has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin Cream has a nourishing effect
Ylang-ylang essential oil stimulates metabolism at the cellular level Patchouli essential oil tightens the skin

Lifting with an elastic bandage

An elastic bandage lift is a very effective procedure. This ensures constant compression. The force of attraction decreases, resulting in an improvement in the condition of the skin on the chin and neck. The elastic bandage gradually returns this area to an attractive and toned appearance thanks to tight muscle fixation.

Muscle fibers have memory. When wearing such a simple product for a long time, the chin is adjusted, and accordingly, the skin on the neck is also tightened. An elastic bandage should be used daily. You can put it on at night or wear it throughout the day. The material from which the elastic bandage is made allows the skin to breathe. You need to wear it at least 5 hours a day. In total, at least 10–15 procedures will be required.

You need to wrap the bandage in such a way that the chin is tightly fixed, but you should not pinch the skin too much. You can purchase a special device designed specifically for lifting the chin and neck. This bandage has a special anatomical shape and is easy to use.

What to do if the skin on your neck is sagging - video

Tightening the skin on the neck and chin is a process that requires a sequence of steps. In this case, it is necessary to take into account age and choose the best way to get rid of the problem. If you additionally protect your skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, the results of other procedures will be enhanced.

7 rules for restoring elasticity and tone of neck skin at home

The three most obvious telltale signs of a woman's age are the neck, the area around the eyes and the arms. So, ladies?

In order not to have a flabby neck... Some of us will rush to the mirror and nod with satisfaction to our reflection, while others will only smile sadly.

While we were young, we were more concerned about beautiful eyelashes and luxurious hair, and we didn’t even think about our necks.But the skin of the neck is so soft!

Due to its structure, it loses elasticity and firmness faster than facial skin.
Add to this our forgetfulness to take care of our neck, age-related dehydration of the skin, cervical osteochondrosis and an incorrectly selected pillow, “irresistible gravity” and neglect of gymnastics.

There are many misfortunes on our beloved neck, but there is only one solution.
And you will be surprised! This is self-discipline.
Every day, persistently and methodically do everything in order to improve the condition of the skin of the neck, not to bring it to a flabby state - that’s what is necessary.
By the way, be sure to add treatments for the décolleté to your neck care.
So what to do?

1. The enemy of a flabby neck is correct posture.

Watch in this video how to develop royal posture. Train this posture until it becomes yours, natural.

When you sit, stand or walk, remember that you are a queen! Posture, nose slightly up (just a little), back straight - and immediately beautiful breasts.
Who says “wrong age”?..
Okay, let’s remember how old Queen Elizabeth II of England is.

Now watch the video and feel the magical posture! And then you'll get busy.


2. Neck care at home

Please remember - caring for the skin of your neck and décolleté is just as necessary as caring for your facial skin. As one of my clients says, “All my skin is cleansed, moisturized and nourished.”

And it doesn’t matter whether your neck skin is toned or fading, or someone might say aging, flabby. At 40 years old or 50 or over 60 years old.

The main thing is daily proper care!

And also remember that neck skin is always dry or normal. But with age it becomes more often dry.

Therefore, choose cosmetics for all stages of neck skin care or folk recipes - for dry and/or normal skin!
Use gentle scrubs, also labeled “for dry skin.”

Anti-aging care for neck skin, flabby or in good tone– is the same. The only difference is the number of masks during the week.
Write down:

  1. Cleansing (washing), toner, day/night face cream or special neck cream - daily morning and evening;
  2. Gentle scrub 1-2 times a week;
  3. (nourishing, moisturizing, restoring, anti-aging, lifting and others - all for dry skin) 3-7 times a week!

How to use cosmetics correctly, how to apply them, how to remove them see below in the series “Facial care after 40-45 years”.

Here “face” means: FACE = face + eye area + neck + décolleté area.

The series is suitable for women of any age: from 40 years to 65 years and older.


3. Self-massage for neck laxity

The third most important rule is self-massage.

Many famous cosmetics houses have even come up with exclusive types of massage for the face, neck and décolleté. But the essence is the same everywhere - patting and pinching, as well as pressing on certain acupuncture points.

In addition, massaging the back of the neck is effective - along the vertebrae and vertebral processes separately, which stimulates proper blood circulation.

As a result:

  1. Thanks to good blood circulation, the skin cells of the face and neck, as well as the brain, actively receive the necessary nutrients and oxygen.
  2. With good blood circulation, your cosmetics work more effectively and you get the desired results.

The stronger and healthier the spine in the neck and so-called collar area, the longer the neck skin will be protected from sagging.

Watch this video and learn proper self-massage of the neck and collar area from a professional massage therapist!


4. Exercises for a healthy neck

Another rule for neck care is gymnastics.
During the day, you also need to slowly bend your neck left and right, back and forth. The amplitude of movements should be small, no sudden jerky movements. The neck, and the whole back, in fact, don’t like this.

Remember, have you seen Chinese qigong gymnastics somewhere, how slowly and smoothly all the movements are performed. This is a more physiological approach than classical European gymnastics with their sharp swings and lunges.

This exercise is useful:

  1. Sit up straight, tilt your head towards your left shoulder
  2. With your left hand over your head, grab the area of ​​your right ear and tilt your head lower and lower, while pulling the muscles of your right shoulder to the side.

This stretch is simple and very effective. Blood circulation in the neck, back of the head and shoulders improves and normalizes. It is useful for both those who work while sitting and those who spend the working day on their feet.

5. Orthopedic pillow for a beautiful and healthy neck

It doesn’t depend on whether you are prone to neck problems or not, but it’s better to sleep on flat, low orthopedic pillows.

Try how comfortable it is, and how well you get a good night's sleep, and you will never go back to using other pillows.

6. Exercises against neck laxity

Also useful for keeping your neck in good condition. gymnastics for the face(these exercises are sometimes called facial yoga, fitness, face-building, shaping, etc.).

Fully all gymnastics exercises for the face look at .

This a set of 10 lessons from Margarita Levchenko, professional massage therapist and facial gymnastics trainer.

Now try it 2 exercises important for the neck:

1) Sit or stand straight with your legs resting firmly on the floor with your entire foot:

a. Stick out your tongue and try to reach the tip of your nose.
b. Move your tongue left and right as you do this.
c. Then lower your tongue, as if trying to reach your chin,
d. and also swing it in different directions.

2) The second exercise is to pronounce the sounds “I”, “U”, “O”, “A”, while actively articulating with your lips.

7. Neck skin care with oils

When caring for your neck at home, use essential and vegetable oils.
Masks with oils or oil compresses are very good at revitalizing aging neck skin.

For example, such a compress as a wrap:

  1. Heat 2 tablespoons of almond, sesame or jojoba oil slightly in a water bath,
  2. apply liberally to neck,
  3. put a layer of cotton wool or a pre-warmed towel on top
  4. and leave for half an hour.
  5. Then blot the residue with a napkin or simply rinse with warm water.

Look interesting recipes for masks with essential and vegetable oils look at .

8. Cosmetology and a flabby neck Therefore, let's direct our attention to ourselves, beloved!

Now turn on this beautiful music and conjure your beauty and youth!

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We women are strange creatures after all. We build entire strategies to combat aging, we take such careful care of our face so that not a single wrinkle, not even the slightest fold reveals our age.

But one day, approaching the 40-year mark, we notice with horror in the reflection one treacherous nuisance, which so defiantly reveals our age that all our many years of efforts turn out to be absolutely futile against the backdrop of the decrepit state of our neck.

How does the skin on the neck age?

In fact, aging of the skin on the neck occurs much earlier than this process begins to make itself felt on our face. The first wrinkles on the neck can appear at a young age - at 15-20 years old, and quite often they occur even in children.

The reason for early is that this area, along with the décolleté and around the eyes, is the most defenseless and weakest. It is very thin here; under it, unlike the face, the layer of fatty tissue is too poorly developed, which cannot provide adequate protection from the effects of free radicals and drying out. In addition, melanin is poorly produced in these areas - a barrier pigment that protects the body from penetration of dangerous UVA rays into the deep layers of the dermis. That is why it is in these areas that the skin first of all loses its ability to retain moisture, a feeling of tightness and dryness appears here more and more often, peeling and irritation occur, and then wrinkles begin to appear, folds, sagging, and pigmentation appear.

Aging of the skin of the face and neck: mistakes that accelerate neck aging

  • reading while lying down, habit of sleeping on a high pillow.

This provokes the formation of early signs of aging on the neck in the form of transverse wrinkles and sagging;

  • smoking and alcohol.

Smoking constricts blood vessels, which leads to insufficient transport of nutrients and oxygen to the skin. Under the influence of ethyl alcohol, processes occur in the body that destroy not only the reserves of collagen and elastin fibers, but also other important structural elements of the dermis;

  • incorrect posture.
  • the habit of walking “hunched over” or slouching leads to the formation of early wrinkles and sagging on the neck;
  • unhealthy diet;
  • ignoring the importance of facial massage,
  • complete lack of physical activity;
  • ignoring the importance of drinking large amounts of water daily;

Aging of the skin of the face and neck: can it be stopped?

Together, the above factors cause not only early aging, but also its accelerated course. That is why it is so important, taking care of your beauty and preserving youth, to radically change your lifestyle to a more harmonious one.

Even in ancient times, Hippocrates advised those who wanted to live in full health to old age to eat moderately and properly, lead an active lifestyle, and take hot baths.

4 basic rules that will help prevent aging of the skin of the neck and décolleté

  • Regularly deep cleanse the skin of your neck and décolleté using peelings.

It is enough to repeat this procedure twice a week to speed up the renewal process and the production of collagen and elastin fibers. The simplest peeling can be made from ground coffee or sugar. You only need one teaspoon of this component. Before applying it, lather your neck with your cleanser and lightly massage the skin with the cleansing component. After the procedure, rinse the mixture with warm water.

  • Moisturize and nourish the décolleté and neck area

Twice a day, lubricate these areas with your moisturizer evenly with your face. In addition, start making masks against aging neck and décolleté. For these purposes, use fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins A, C, B, E, D, as well as clays, gelatin, and starch. The substances contained in them help accelerate metabolic processes in the skin, stimulate collagen synthesis, moisturize and nourish it in the deep layers.

  • Do gymnastics and massage against aging skin of the neck and décolleté
  • Do not talk on the phone while holding it with your shoulder.

This way you will not only accelerate the formation of wrinkles and sagging on the neck, but also provoke deformation of the contours of the face, which is accompanied by the appearance of jowls, sagging cheeks, and nasolabial folds. Be sure to hold it with your hand.

  • Sleep either on a small pillow or on an orthopedic one. Or better yet, without it at all.

The neck betrays age. Proper neck care will help prevent the appearance of unwanted wrinkles and save you from a double chin. This can and should be fought. The main points of successful neck care at home are regularity and persistence.

To maintain the beauty of your neck, you should know the basic rules of care. The first wrinkles appear on the neck and much earlier than on the face. Cosmetologists encourage all women to devote at least a few minutes to caring for the skin of their neck.

Why does the neck age faster than the face?

Here are a few facts from the “life” of the neck. The skin on it is thinner than in other places. The vessels located under the skin are thin. Blood circulates much more slowly in this area of ​​the body. Skin regeneration processes occur at a slow pace. Objective: improve local blood circulation and skin regeneration processes. Regular neck exercises and massage will help with this.

There are no sebaceous glands on the neck. This is the main cause of dry skin. When we cover our necks with headscarves, scarves and high collars, this dries the neck skin even more. The task is to moisturize and nourish the skin with creams and masks. When choosing a neck cream, choose a nourishing cream for dry skin.

The area under the chin is a traditional place for fat deposition. Excess extra pounds are immediately visible under the chin. Fat deposits are actively collected in folds and are reflected in the appearance. Special exercises for the neck will help in the fight against a double chin.

A well-known exercise: Carrying a heavy object on your head makes common sense. This is not necessarily a vessel with water, as in India or ancient Egypt. It is enough to put a volume of the encyclopedia on your head and make a few circles around the apartment. Bad habits affect the appearance of the neck. If you sleep on a high volume pillow, then this is the cause of wrinkles and folds on the neck. When sitting at a computer for a long time with your head down and reading in the same position, folds appear on the skin. Experts advise:

  1. Sleep on an orthopedic pillow that prevents wrinkles from appearing during sleep.
  2. Constantly monitor your posture not only while walking, but also while reading and working on the computer.
  3. Do special exercises to strengthen your neck muscles.

How to take care of your neck

When caring for your face, don't forget about your neck. Beauty requires constant care. Every day, when removing your makeup, give your neck a few minutes of care and attention. The neck needs cleansing. When removing makeup at night, wipe your neck with the same cleansers.

The neck loves nourishing creams. The skin on the neck is drier than on the face. Night face creams are great for her too. To care for your neck, purchase creams for dry skin. Apply the cream to the left side with your right hand, and to the right side with your left hand. Then pat the sides of your neck with the backs of your hands. “Drum” the skin under the chin with your fingers.

Massage is a must. Massage activates local blood circulation. You can massage your neck with a special massage brush or massage mitten in a circular motion before applying the cream.

Neck exercises - very simple gymnastics

Special exercises for developing neck muscles have a rejuvenating and supporting effect. The results of doing gymnastics are noticeable within a week. The main thing is regularity.

  1. Cross your arms and place them at the back of your head. Pull your head back, resisting with your hands. The neck muscles should be tense.
  2. Place your chin on your clasped hands and try to lower it. Hands “interfere” with this process. Resistance exercises are good for strengthening muscles.
  3. Lie on your stomach, tilt your head back, and then lower and try to press your chin to the floor.
  4. With good articulation, pronounce the letters “u-o-a-e-i”
  5. One of the most effective exercises is the “lion pose”. The lion pose exercise tightens the skin and reduces the appearance of a double chin. This is a good prevention of respiratory diseases.
  6. Read the article, do this exercise several times a day. The effect is guaranteed.
  7. Do tongue exercises regularly. Tongue exercises strengthens gums and neck muscles.
  8. Watch the video: face and neck lift at home. Look 5 years younger in a couple of weeks.

Exercises for the chin - the main thing is regularity

A double chin can be a problem even for thin people. It takes a lot of effort to fight the thick fold of skin under the chin. Sometimes, this may be a congenital feature. In any case, by strengthening your muscles, you can get rid of an extra chin. These exercises are suitable for office exercises, will help relieve tension and even prevent headaches.

  1. Sit on a chair and tilt your head back. Open your mouth. Tightening your neck muscles, close your mouth, with your lower lip covering your upper lip. Repeat 10 times.
  2. Stand up straight. Tilt your head back and very slowly tilt it towards your chest. The chin should touch the chest. Repeat 10 times. The exercise should be performed slowly, without sudden jerks.
  3. Sitting at the table, place your hands on your elbows and clasp your fingers. Place your chin on your hands. Tilt your head forward, while resisting with clasped hands.
  4. Place your hands to your temples. Try to tilt your head left and right, while overcoming the resistance of your hands.
  5. Turn your head left and right, trying to see your own tailbone. Perform the exercise without jerking, very slowly.
  6. Place a straw or pencil in your mouth. Write the numbers 1,3, 8, 10 in the air.

Water procedures rejuvenate the neck

When washing your face, don't forget about your neck. The most popular is a contrast shower. Alternately wash your neck with hot and then cold water. The contrast shower should be completed with cold water. It is good to use herbal infusions to care for the neck. The best herbs are linden blossom, chamomile, marshmallow root, rosemary, birch leaves, aloe, and rose petals. It is useful to take baths with infusions of various herbs 1-2 times a week. Phytovannas have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin in general. Regular care and special gymnastics will help you maintain your swan neck and wear your favorite jewelry with pride.

Let's summarize - methods of fighting for the beauty of the neck

  • Exercises for the neck and exercises for the chin
  • Neck massage activates blood circulation and improves skin structure
  • Thorough cleansing and neck masks
  • The neck loves nourishing cream for dry skin
  • Watch your posture, don't hunch over
  • Sleeping on an orthopedic “beauty pillow”
  • Contrast shower and herbal baths
  • Healthy and proper nutrition

Watch the video. Simple but accessible methods will help to effectively tighten the skin of the neck.

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