Costumes with an environmental theme. Dresses and children's suits made from waste material. Costumes made from waste material. Ecological fashion, outfits and dresses made from waste for children - “Fashion-chic”. Ecological project

On February 27, a competition was held for the first time in kindergarten avant-garde fashion "Fashion 2014". The hall was beautifully decorated, music was playing, everyone was in a festive mood and 37 competition participants entered the hall one after another in various avant-garde outfits...

The children's outfits were so different, beautiful, and original that they were simply breathtaking. Girls - in beautiful dresses made from magazines, newspapers, plastic bags, crepe papers, from disposable tableware, from paper flowers..., and boys - a heroic costume made from pasta, a gladiator in a costume made from disposable spoons, a robot in a costume from cardboard boxes, Mr. in a suit from garbage bags, a little angel in a polyethylene suit. In general, the spectacle was extraordinary. The models showed off their outfits with great pleasure. The audience greeted each participant in the competition with applause.

The fashion festival was a success. There is no end to the limits of imagination.

I would like to thank our parents for the holiday, for taking an active part in holding this competition, for their painstaking work.

Little fashionistas

Artificial flower dress

The smallest fashionistas present their outfits

Young models

Everything is like adults...

A fashion show featuring outfits made from waste material is a super popular entertainment event in kindergartens. We will help you make it brighter, more effective, cheerful, and memorable.

Look at what wonderful dresses, outfits, and hats were created by “crazy hands” in different regions of Russia and abroad. Pay attention to the “ecological fashion” entertainment scenarios collected in this section. Take note of the original ways to create unusual outfits, presented in the form of step-by-step master classes.

Ecological fashion shows and “trash fashion” in amazing variety.

Contained in sections:
  • Ecological holidays, scenarios, quizzes. Nature, planet Earth.
  • Garbage. Activities, scenarios, crafts on an environmental theme

Showing publications 1-10 of 156.
All sections | Costumes made from waste material. Eco-friendly fashion, clothes and dresses made from waste for children

Scenarios for the Eco-Fashion holiday Fashion show scenario "Eco fashion» Compiled: Dagbaeva Valentina Yuryevna music director of MBDOU No. 27 "Seseg" Target: education of the basics ecological culture, careful attitude towards nature in the process of cognitive and artistic and creative activity. Tasks: -Form children preschool...

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Costumes made from waste material. Ecological fashion, outfits and dresses made from garbage for children - Scenario of garbage fashion “Beauty will save the world”

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Image library "MAAM-pictures"

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PHOTO REPORT OF THE DEFILE OF OUTFIT FROM WASTE MATERIAL "ECO-FASHION" OBJECTIVES: - To form among the participants of the show a sense of responsibility for the environment. - Develop creative imagination. Participants: - All age groups of MKDOU "Nikolsky Kindergarten" Competition conditions: -...

Goal: to bring children joy and pleasure from the holiday. create a positive, emotional attitude and self-confidence. Back and: cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other. encourage children to show interest in the performances of their peers. instill desire in children...

Costumes made from waste material. Ecological fashion, outfits and dresses made from waste for children - ECO fashion “Plastic chic”

An ECO fashion competition was held in Dyatkovo. My student and I took part in this competition. We took 2nd place in the “Plastic Chic” category. A little about the costume. Our costume was called "Little Red Riding Hood". It is made of plastic dishes. Fluffy skirt made of cut in half...

The master class is designed for children of senior preschool age, teachers and parents. Purpose of the master class: making gifts. Goal: acquaintance with waste material as a type of visual activity. Objectives – developing skills in working with waste material;...

In the 21st century, people are seriously thinking about the plight of the environment and ways to improve it. Taking care of your own health, playing sports, eating a healthy diet, clothing and shoes made from organic materials are all important elements of living in an eco-style. Today, many products, things and household items often have a symbol confirming their natural origin and the absence of chemical additives. Eco style in clothing serves as a clear manifestation of concern for a person’s well-being and mood. The popular fashion trend implies the absolute naturalness of things - natural materials, simple cut, natural appearance.

What determines the environmental friendliness of things?

Eco fashion is built on several important principles of its creation:

  • no harm to human health;
  • careful use of natural resources in the production of basic materials;
  • recycling of raw materials;
  • reduction of production waste;
  • presence of certificates of compliance with environmental standards on fabrics;
  • observance of ethnic characteristics, traditional folk techniques in the creation and design of clothing;
  • refusal of materials of animal origin obtained as a result of the destruction of animals and birds.

In addition to the fact that eco-style clothing has a positive effect on the human body, it does not harm the environment at all. In the process of growing raw materials, the use of chemicals and fertilizers is eliminated. Plants are collected and processed only by hand without the use of synthetic components. Only those animals that have been fed exclusively organic feed are selected for wool products.

Eco style in clothes (photo)

The characteristic features of the current trend are noticeably manifested in the basis of all things.

  • Fabrics and materials of only plant or animal origin without additional chemical treatment: cotton, linen, hemp, burlap, wool, lace. Such things create a feeling of lightness and practicality, even if the fabric has a rough texture.
  • The cut of the clothes provides for simple lines and loose silhouettes. By and large, the shape of things is not of decisive importance, the main thing is that a person feels comfortable in it.

  • The color range is provided by natural coloring pigments, creating natural shades of nature. Bright, irritating colors are not allowed in the wardrobe. All shades of brown, beige, gray, and green are considered the main ones. Don't forget about black and white. An organic addition can be blue, yellow, pink tones.
  • The decorative design of the ensemble represents ethnic motifs. This is expressed in embroidery, braid, ornaments, appliqués and other types of decoration.

  • Jewelry is made exclusively from natural substances. Textiles, yarn, wood, straw, bamboo, and stones are suitable for this.
  • Accessories should be in a harmonious color scheme with an eco-friendly image. Objects made in green and white tones look most organic. Textile or wicker bags, straw hats, knitted scarves, and glasses with wooden frames are appropriate here.

Eco-friendly clothing perfectly allows air to pass through, warms you from the cold and protects you from the heat. It does not cause allergies and provides a person with absolute comfort and convenience. Joy and pleasure from natural things contribute to spiritual harmony and unity with nature.

Romantic Eco-style

The excessive urbanization of modern life has led to people striving in every possible way to be as close to nature as possible. Imbued with the ideas of ecology, we surround ourselves with organic things, eat natural products and prefer to relax outside the city.

An excellent opportunity to express natural beauty and harmony with the surrounding world is a wedding in Eco style. Celebrating a significant event in a picturesque corner of nature creates a light and relaxed atmosphere.

The decoration of a wedding celebration usually involves simple and uncomplicated elements: linen canopy, lace curtains, wooden furniture, wildflowers. Tree stumps, burlap matting, and a small stack of hay will add to the effect.

The bride in a snow-white lace dress with a simple silhouette looks gentle and touching. There are neat balls of pink pearls in the ears and on the neck, and the hairstyle is decorated with small flowers. The groom, wearing a traditional dark pair with a white shirt, is modest and reserved.

A set of necessary attributes, organic materials, and a natural color palette create a real atmosphere of a wedding celebration. Following the most ancient folk traditions deeply penetrates the usual course of events. Modern Eco-style rightfully becomes a new philosophy of life and a worthy decoration of everyday life.

Recycled raw materials for creative fashion designers.

The thematic environmental costume competition “Fashion from Waste”, organized by the Municipal Public Institution “Youth Center” of the city of Lermontov, took place at the Rainbow Center for Children and Youth Creativity.

Clothes from household waste. Photo by M. Grechkina.

A person’s behavior should be like his clothing: not too restrictive and not too elegant, but provide freedom of movement and action.”

Agree, this statement by the English philosopher Francis Bacon is an axiom.

Today, fashion increasingly strives to be not only beautiful, but also comfortable, in order to match the rhythm of life of a modern person. How do fashion trends relate to environmental issues?

Everyone in the world strives to save resources - this is the main trend of our era. But new life for old things, recycling waste and using materials left over from waste processing is an economical and environmentally friendly solution.

The “Fashion from Waste” competition was designed to draw the attention of young people to environmental problems and the search for solutions. The competition was attended by pupils of the ecological associations of the CT “Rainbow”, students of the fourth and fifth schools of the city.
Participants imagined that today was not 2014, but 3999. The same global changes that were feared back in the 20th century have occurred on earth. Natural resources have dried up, the face of the earth has become a huge smoky megacities surrounded by mountains of garbage. But man -
mobile creature - decided to use recycled materials to make clothes.

Fashion in the era of environmental disaster.

So, here is an exclusive fashion show from the era of environmental disaster - fashion from waste.
“You shouldn’t be too zealous when choosing clothes: the most stylish people look as if they don’t put any effort into their appearance” - this thought of Giorgio Armani became the motto of the fashion show.

In the “Fashion from Waste” category (making a suit or dress from recycled materials), the Fortuna costume (designed by Ekaterina Rodionova) won, which captured the imagination of the judges and spectators. All clothing details and accessories were made from playing cards and thought out to the smallest detail. The cloak, dress, clutch, earrings and crown - everything corresponded to the image of the fatal mistress of luck.

Second place was awarded to Arina Kornienko, who in her air-tight cascading dress “Running on the Waves” reminded us of our favorite characters from Green’s books. Third place went to the outfit created by Ekaterina Chursinova, which symbolized the dream of any reader.

Nomination of the competition “Crazy Hands”.

In the “Crazy Hands” category, the jury evaluated crafts, souvenirs and toys made from recycled materials. The brightest crafts, made from things that would seem to be of no use, were made by Maria Maganeva, Anna Solovyova, and Arina Chernykh.

Separately, presentations telling about the process and reasons for creating a particular composition from recycled materials were taken into account.
The works of Inga Martirosova (watches made from outdated but still usable materials) and sculptures made from tires by Andrei Mazin were highlighted here.

At the end of the competition, the winners received certificates and valuable gifts.

The People's Choice Award went to the youngest participant in the competition, Albina Salova.

Victoria Mirzaeva,
Director of MKU "Youth Center"
Photo by M. Grechkina

a fashion trend originating in the work of avant-garde artists. It assumes unusual forms, the use of bright ones that ideally fit a single concept, but at the same time unexpected and unusual.

History of the avant-garde

The word “avant-garde” originally meant part of the troops on the front line, which with all its forces had to break through the enemy’s line of defense. Gradually this term began to be applied to any advanced phenomenon of its time. Avant-garde artists today are called innovators in such forms of art as painting, music, and, among other things, fashion, and avant-garde art itself represents a whole layer of different trends and trends that have made this word a household word.

Initially, avant-gardeism strove for marginality, and sometimes even for political or social opposition, but over time it became part of popular culture, losing its rebellious spirit, but giving birth to new directions of creative thought. And it is at this moment that such a style in fashion is born. Many people, both famous and those who have sunk into oblivion, tried to transfer the spirit of avant-gardeism to their works, creating entire collections in this style.

Avant-garde in fashion corresponds to a number of characteristics: the use of unusual materials, shapes, lines, the creation of non-standard silhouettes - often preference is given to volumetric geometric shapes, asymmetry, and the use of eye-catching accessories. In such clothes, even those that were designed for daily wear, it is impossible to get lost in the crowd, especially since it was always recommended to wear them with appropriate makeup and.

The history of this amazing style has no exact frames or dates. According to most modern historians, the avant-garde did not appear closer to the sixties of the 20th century., and was associated, first of all, with the name of the great Cardin.

Representatives of avant-garde clothing style

Among fashion designers there is practically no purely avant-garde fashion designer who would deal exclusively with this area.

Many collections of even the most famous fashion designers are imbued with this bold innovative spirit. So, one of the greatest fashion designers in the world (Pierre Cardin), began to be considered the founder of this style after he created his legendary space collection dedicated to the launch of the first artificial Earth satellite. Cardin often returned to his favorite experimental approach; he was generally distinguished by his non-standard vision of any element of clothing, and knew how to brilliantly combine the incongruous. It is his collections that are considered today as the basis of the avant-garde style of clothing: large details, bright colors, non-standard, sometimes greatly increased sizes of one or another detail - all this was invented by the great fashion designer to use in his work.

Vivienne Westwood She also took a lot from the new direction that arose before her eyes. It went through many stages - from bright and defiant punk to political slogans that decorate T-shirts and, but in all this contemporaries saw that very experimental approach and desire to expand the boundaries of the possible.

The American also enjoyed creating in the avant-garde style (Norma Kamali)– the creator of the “sleeping coat” - a symbiosis and a sleeping bag, pants made of parachute fabric and other delightful examples of non-standard things.

No less popular was Zandra Rhodes, fashion designer of the new wave of British design, working in an avant-garde style. She saw both the era of rampant punk and the era of passion for natural materials, created costumes for theaters and opera, and even dressed Princess Diana.

Japanese fashion designer (Issey Miyake)– a legend of technocratic design, also joined the avant-garde movement when he was just starting his career. His the passion for innovative solutions is embodied in a huge number of men's and women's collections, imbued with non-standard moves and the ability to use the most amazing materials and geometric shapes.

Fashion designers such as (Yves Saint Laurent) And Raymond Clark .

Vanguard today

Contemporary fashion often resorts to the avant-garde in its quest to create something unique in a world that seems to have seen the most incredible ideas. As a result of the popularity of this style, it was included in the list of subjects studied at the San Francisco School of Fashion, which is one of the most important educational institutions for designers in the world.

Among contemporary avant-garde fashion designers, a prominent figure is the young English designer (Gareth Pugh). He started out as a designer of casual suits, but quickly achieved great success on fashion catwalks, using his special style of work.

Interest in avant-garde style today is especially great, since it is this movement that provides fashion designers and their clients with the opportunity to abandon boring clothes in favor of originality.

How to create an image in an avant-garde style?

To convey the avant-garde character in your image, it is important to clearly think through all its details, since the avant-garde style, although it implies an abundance of unusual and extravagant solutions, is still distinguished by the harmony of elements and a single concept. Therefore, first of all, decide what image you want to create, and based on this, place the accents correctly. For example, you can draw more attention to your hairstyle, but be more restrained in your clothes, or vice versa. Remember: the avant-garde should not be excessive, otherwise your costume risks looking ridiculous and ridiculous.


  • Choose things with abstract patterns, embroideries, patterns, asymmetrical cuts and unusual shapes. For example, it can be with voluminous shoulders, hems of different lengths and a stand-up collar. All kinds of ones on frames, decorated with decorative spikes, pompoms, and so on, are also suitable. In other words, the more unusual and original the shape of the thing, the better.
  • in avant-garde style - this is perhaps the most interesting item of clothing. This outfit can combine various decorative elements and have extreme shapes. For example, a huge bow at the waist, voluminous details in the shoulders, chest or hips are striking distinctive features of an avant-garde dress.
  • Contrasts are the basis of almost any avant-garde style costume. Start with a combination of grey, black and white and break it up with pops of orange, electric yellow and pink, green and blue. The main thing, again, is not to overdo it and avoid too colorful combinations that will distort the style.
  • You can also experiment with combinations of materials, playing with their contrast. Choose two or three different textures, such as rough wool, cotton and satin. The surface of the materials should be as different from each other as possible, even if one outfit contains smooth and embossed, metallized, matte and glossy surfaces.

Decor and accessories

  • Choose clothes with large and eye-catching decorative elements: plastic buttons, applications of zippers and metal plates, embroidery, contrasting inserts. As accessories, use voluminous plastic and metal of unusual shapes, large earrings and necklaces of complex designs, unusual hats, and large scarves.


  • The best option to complement the avant-garde look would be boots with figured heels, in the most unusual shape possible. The best example is models from the collections of Thierry Mugler, Pierre Cardin, John Galliano.

Hair and makeup

  • Get an unusual asymmetrical haircut and dye your hair black, platinum red or, for example, pink. Geometric shapes are the main characteristic of avant-garde hairstyles. A great option for long hair is blunt straight bangs.
  • To do makeup in the avant-garde style, you should stick to the same geometric shapes: draw black arrows or apply eyeshadow in rich shades on your eyelids using stencils.

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