Summary of an open event in the second junior group. Summary of an entertainment event in the second junior group “Magic Chest” What activities can be carried out in the junior group

Olga Nikolaevna Mudretsova
Summary of an entertainment event in the second junior group “Magic Chest”

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten "Cheburashka" Yalchiki village

Yalchik district of the Chuvash Republic"

Summary of the entertainment event

at 2 younger group

« Magic chest»

Completed by the teacher

second junior group

O. N. Mudretsova

Yalchiki, 2014


1. Improve children’s motor activity skills.

2. Develop creative imagination of children.

3. Evoke an emotional response in children to joint activities with peers.

4. Develop ability to answer questions.

5. Convey the emotional state through facial expressions, gestures, and movements.


« Magic chest» , models of trees, a laptop with slides of fairy tales, a handkerchief, balls (for each child, sweet prizes.


Educator: Quiet, children, don't make noise

Don't frighten off our fairy tale.

Miracles happen here

The fairy tale is hidden for now.

Don't be sad, smile

The fairy tale gives us a surprise.

Guys, do you want to get into a fairy tale? But only those who love and know fairy tales can get into a fairy tale. Do you love fairy tales? Do you know them? Let's check it now.

(Children recognize and name fairy tales from the slides.)

Well done, you know the fairy tales. And so we go into a fairy tale. Our road lies through magical forest.

Children and their teacher walk through the arch and music sounds.

They pass by bare trees and describe the autumn forest (in autumn the forest is quiet, the birds don’t sing, there are fallen leaves underfoot).

A bear is sitting under a tree.

Who is this? Shall we play with the bear?

Logorhythmic game

“The bear has a big house, but the hare has a small one, our bear went home and the bunny jumped.”

Children, who is the bunny afraid of? How does a wolf scare a hare? (gestures, facial expressions)

The children walked along the road found a chest on the way, the chest is not simple, He magical that's how.

Educator: Guys, let's see what we have in chest?

Children: Handkerchief.

Educator: Tell me, what game can you play with a handkerchief?

Children: Blind Man's Bluff.

A game "Blind Man's Bluff".

Educator: Guys, I still see something here, but I won’t tell you. Try to guess for yourself. Guess it riddle:

It is both round and smooth.

He jumps very deftly. What is this?

Children: Ball.

Educator: What game can you play with a ball?

A game "Ride and Catch".

Educator: You guys are great. Children, tell me what we found in magic chest? Who did we meet in the forest?

Children's answers.

Educator: Did you like the fairy tale? Me too. I wanted to sing and dance. What kind of fairy tale is this if there are no songs, dances and fun in the fairy tale?

Dance “We are kicking stomp stomp”

Educator: Well done. It's time for us to return home.

In the kindergarten there is a box with an inscription waiting on the table "Present", inside is a note from the fabulous wizard.

Children receive sweet prizes.

Publications on the topic:

“Fun Starts” Summary of an entertaining event for parents and teachers.“Fun Starts” Summary of an entertaining event for parents and teachers. Developed by: Serebrennikova N.N., Badmaeva S.A., Khatkevich.

Summary of the integrated GCD in the second junior group “Magic Chest” Summary of the integrated educational activity in the 2nd junior group “Magic Chest” Educational goal: - remember the Russian folk tales “Kolobok”,

Summary of the comprehensive final event in the second junior group “Magic Chest” A municipal preschool educational institution is a general developmental kindergarten with priority implementation of physical development.

Summary of educational activities for speech development in the preparatory group on the topic: “Baba Yaga’s Magic Chest.” Educator: Shigeeva L.V. Purpose: To exercise.

Objectives of the lesson: to develop the ability to apply one’s knowledge when solving non-standard problems, the ability to express one’s thoughts in a form that is understandable.

Entertainment for Literature Day in the first junior group “Magic Chest” Goal: To promote a sustainable interest in books; Introduce children to the world of artistic art.

Scenario of an educational and entertaining event for children in the middle group “Bird Day” Goal: To consolidate children’s knowledge about migratory and wintering birds, their way of life, and their connection with the environment. Cultivate emotional positivity.

Target:To develop children's interest in playing together, evoking positive emotions in the game.

- improve the skills of young children in various types of walking and running;
- to teach to act together, adhering to a certain direction of movement based on visual guidelines, to change the direction and nature of movement while walking and running in accordance with the instructions of the teacher;

To develop the ability to walk and run without bumping into each other, with coordinated, free movements of the arms and legs;
- develop children's motor imagination.

Develop children's interest in physical activity;
- develop the ability to play games that help improve basic movements (throwing);
- instill in children a desire to help others;
- to cultivate in children an interest in learning about the world around them.

Foster a general culture of children’s behavior;
Materials and attributes:
- stumps (chairs), twigs for stepping over, hummocks - footprints, trees - imitation of a forest;
- bear, bunny, fox toys – 1 pc.
- massage and ribbed paths, as an option - health paths.

Paper leaves for breathing exercises.

Musical accompaniment.

Preliminary work:
- reading works about the bear, spring, spring natural phenomena, actions and games of children, if possible, children - memorizing;
-examination of illustrations and pictures with images of a bear, hare and fox; conversation about animals, looking at tracks on the ground and snow.
Musical accompaniment warm-up “fun drops”
Slow music (short excerpt) for breathing exercise;
A cheerful melody for the game "At the Bear's Forest".
Before entering the hall, the teacher invites the children to take a walk in the forest and visit the bear.
The teacher invites the children to walk along the paths, look around and stretch our legs and arms a little. Draws the children's attention to the fact that a strong wind blew in the forest and broke the branches. You have to step over them so as not to fall. It will not be easy for us to walk along the bridge along the path.

combined with walking along massage (ribbed) paths, then the paths are cleaned by teachers.

We came to the clearing, what do you guys see? (there are hare tracks on the floors)

Children's answer: traces.

Educator: Guys, let's look at them, whose tracks?

Listen to the riddle carefully (the riddle about the hare).

Children's answer: Bunny

Educator: Guys, where is he? Children are looking for a bunny (they find it under the Christmas tree).

Children and teacher say hello.

The bunny complains that he has no one to play with.

Educator: I suggest you play with the bunny. (jumping in place to musical accompaniment).

Educator: It’s time for you guys and me to move on, let’s say goodbye to the bunny.

We will walk with you along the bridge, and a river flows under it. Walk carefully and don't fall. (children walk along the bench). Ahead of us is a swamp and we are walking over hummocks (children step from hummock to hummock).

Guys, we came to the clearing, look, what do you see?

Children's answer: Traces

Educator: Guys, whose tracks do you think these are?

Riddle about the fox

Children's answer: Chanterelle

Educator: Where is the owner of these tracks?

Children are looking for a fox. (they find her behind a birch tree). They greet the fox and look at it.

Fox: guys, it’s so cold for me to sleep in the hole, help me collect some leaves.

Educator: guys, can we help the fox?

Children's answer: yes

Accompanied by music, I collect the leaves in a basket for the fox.

Educator: Guys, how can you play with leaves?

Children's answer: blow on them.

Educator: let's teach the fox.

Breathing exercises to music.

Educator: guys, let's say goodbye to the fox and move on.

Educator: we walked along the hills, along the hills, between the fir trees and birches. Here we come again to the clearing.

Children: and here are the traces.

Educator: yes, there are traces here too, but whose are they?

Riddle about a bear.

Children's answer: bear.

The bear comes out and greets the children.

Bear: guys, it’s good that you came, I was waiting for you. I wanted to play with you.

Educator: guys, let's play with the bear.

Outdoor game: “In the gardens in the forest, there lives a bear.” (performed 2-3 times).

Bear: guys, for visiting me, I prepared you a treat, I know you also love sweets. (gives sweets).

Educator guys, let's thank the bear for the treat and say goodbye to him. It's time for you and me to return to kindergarten.

The children say thank you to the bear and say goodbye to him.

The teacher escorts the children to the group.

Integration of educational areas:“Communication”, “Cognition”, “Physical education”, “Socialization”, “Labor”, “Artistic activity”.

Target: To help children get clear ideas about their mother, enrich their ideas about family and family relationships, awaken in children emotional responsiveness to the state of loved ones and a desire to help - to have pity, to console, to say a kind word, to cultivate love and respect for their mother.

Help the child master the first concepts and the corresponding vocabulary about specific types of household chores directed by mothers to care for children (washing dishes, changing bed linen, cooking, cleaning the apartment, ironing, laundry, etc.). Encourage individual self-care activities. Cultivate love and kindness towards mother.

Develop the ability to rhythmically apply brush strokes, repeat the image, filling the free space of the sheet. Cultivate a desire to please mother.

Preliminary work:Reading poems: “Mom’s hands” by M. Rodina, “I have a lot of troubles” by V. Orlova, “Care” by E. Blaginina. Conversations on the topic: « Getting to know the work of mothers and grandmothers”, “how does a mother take care of children?”, “how do you help a mother?”

Equipment: Drawing « tree without leaves", multi-colored leaves for applique, glue pencil, cardboard balloon template, paints, brushes, baby doll in a bathtub, children's iron with doll things, flower with watering can, crib with bed linen, children's dishes, wad of cotton wool ( for kneading dough), a doll with a comb, a children's apron, treats for children.

The teacher reads a poem by Ubair Rajai, addressing the children:

Who came to me this morning? Mommy!
Who said: “It's time to get up? Mommy!
Who managed to cook the porridge?….
Who poured tea into the cup?...
Who braided my hair?...
Cleaned everything at home, swept it?….
Who as a child loves laughter?...
Who is the best in the world?….Mommy!


-Who is this poem about? ( about mom)

— Guys, what are your mothers’ names? ( children call their mothers' names).

- What beautiful names your mothers have!

- Guys, do you love your mothers? (Yes)

— Do you want to give a gift to mothers? (Yes)

- Look, guys, what kind of chest I have. It contains magic leaves. Let's choose the most tender, kind, kind words for your mother, I'll write them on pieces of paper and we'll stick them on the tree.

Children select words, the teacher helps the children with leading questions:

- When mom hugs and strokes us? What is she like? (affectionate).

- When does mom laugh? What is she like? (cheerful).

— When children are naughty, but mother doesn’t scold? What is she like? (good).

- And if you love your mother, what is she like? (darling).

- And when mom plays with us, what is she like? (good).

- And when mom prepares food, what is she like? (Thoughtful).

- When mom smiles, what is she like? (Darling).

- When mom kisses us, what is she like? (tender).

(golden, beloved, best, responsible, beautiful, joyful, sincere, dear, beautiful, etc.).

- Look, guys, what a tree of kindness and tenderness we have for our mother!

Game “Tell about Mom”

The teacher starts first:

“My mother’s name is Ekaterina Fedorovna.

She works in construction

participates in the construction of houses,

hospitals, kindergartens. She is kind, cheerful,

affectionate, beautiful, beloved...”.

What about your mother?

(children talk about their mothers).

Physical exercise “Mom”.

The teacher reads a poem, the children perform the appropriate movements:

I love my mom
I will always help her:
I wash, rinse,
I shake the water off my hands.
I'll sweep the floor clean
And I’ll chop firewood for her.
Mom needs to rest
Mom wants to sleep.
I'm walking on tiptoes
And never, and never
I won't say a word.

Game - dramatization "Mom's Care"


- Guys, let's play our mothers? Let's show how mothers take care of us?

(Children in the scenes play the role of mother, taking care of the dolls).

Our mothers:

  • Prepare to eat;
  • They teach us to eat carefully, feed us;
  • Wash dishes;
  • They bathe us;
  • They comb us;
  • They wash our clothes;
  • Ironing things;
  • They clean the apartment;
  • Making the bed;
  • They knead dough and bake pies;
  • They play with us;
  • Watering flowers.


- Guys, look how much work mothers do to care for us? How they care for us and love us!

- Shall we help mothers? (Yes)

— Shall we put away our toys? (Yes)

— Should I make my own crib? (Yes)

- Well done boys!

ANDgra - warm-up "Mimic exercises":

The teacher shows the movements with facial expressions, the children repeat:

— Guys, how happy are we about buying a new beautiful T-shirt? ( joy)

— Are we surprised by mom’s new hairstyle? (astonishment)

— Do we admire mom’s new suit? (Delight)

— Are we sad because we accidentally stained our hat? (chagrin)


- Guys, how do mothers make us happy? (children's answers)

(After the children’s answers, treats - sweets - are distributed.)

- Guys, let's say loudly to our mothers for taking care of us and loving us - “Mommy, thank you!” (children repeat)

— Now let’s listen to poems about mother:

(children recite poems).

My mother brings me toys, candies,

But that’s not why I love my mother.

She sings funny songs

The two of us are never bored together.

Today is the best holiday

And the sun smiled on us!

Smile soon

Mom, don't be sad!

I'll give you

Sunny days,

I'll give you leaves,

I'll give you flowers.

Let them come true for sure

All your dreams!

Kind, most gentle,

You are no longer in the world of relatives

How good it is to be next to your mother,

With my dear mother!

Result of the holiday:Making a gift for mom.

On a pre-prepared cardboard balloon, children draw patterns with paints, decorating the balloon.

teacher Budgetary institution "Preschool educational institution

general developmental kindergarten with priority implementation of physical

child development No. 4 “Rodnichok” municipal formation of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Ugra urban district Raduzhny city

Raduzhny, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra, Russia

Scenario for entertainment in the younger group on the topic “Our favorite kindergarten”

Tikhonova Alena Petrovna, teacher of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 25 "Romashka", Nefteyugansk
Description of material: I offer you an entertainment scenario for children of the younger group (3-4 years old) on the topic “Our favorite kindergarten”. This material will be useful for educators, music directors of junior and middle groups. Entertainment is the final event when completing the topic “Hello, kindergarten!”, It can be used in the implementation of the “Kindergarten” project. During the entertainment, the pupils’ elementary ideas about kindergarten are reinforced.
Target: enriching children's emotional experience in the perception of objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality.
- promote the formation of warm, friendly relationships between children;
- consolidate students’ ideas about kindergarten;
- cultivate love for kindergarten and respect for the work of adults.
Material and equipment: costume for grandmother, girl Tanya, small toys, two baskets.
Characters: presenter, girl Tanya, grandmother.
Preliminary work: learning poems from A. Barto's cycle "Toys", the round dance game "Gifts".

Progress of entertainment:

Children live in kindergarten
Here they play and sing,
This is where you find friends
They go for walks with them.
They argue and dream together,
They grow up imperceptibly.
Kindergarten is your second home,
How warm and cozy it is!
Do you love him, children?
The kindest house in the world!
G. Shalaeva
Leading:- Guys, look how light and cozy it is in our group! Various toys live here, about which I have prepared riddles for you. Listen carefully!

I like to play with him:
Run, jump, catch up!
What kind of ball is jumping briskly?
- It's my favorite (ball)

I build whatever I want
I lay brick by brick -
I will build a tall house
And I will settle the animals in it.

I change her outfits
I put you to bed, I take you for a walk,
I’ll comb it, and if necessary,
I'll tie a beautiful bow.
Why am I playing with this?

Tell me, friends?

She doesn't need a driver at all.
You start it with the key -
The wheels will start spinning.
Place it and she will rush.
(wind-up machine)

Leading:- Well done, you guessed all the riddles correctly!

Loud crying is heard from the group.

Leading:- What happened, who is crying?

A girl appears and cries loudly.

Leading:- Who are you? Why are you crying, did someone offend you?
Girl:- My name is Tanya, and I’m crying because I’m sad. I have no friends at all, I have no one to play with. (Crying)
Leading:- Wait, Tanechka, our guys love to play, they will play with you. Really, guys?
Children:- Yes, let's play.

Round dance game "Gifts"

Girl:- What an interesting game! Where did I end up?
Children:- To the kindergarten "Romashka"!
Girl:- Isn’t it scary here?
Children:- No, it's fun here!
Leading:-Have you never been to kindergarten?
Girl:- No, this is my first time here.
Leading:- Tanya, who is watching you when your parents are at work?
Girl:- Grandmother. Who looks after the children in kindergarten?
Children:- Our teachers (say first name, patronymic). And also (they say the name and patronymic of the junior teacher), she brings us food and cleans up the group.
Girl:- What are you doing in kindergarten?
Children:- We play, draw, walk, sing, read poetry...
Girl:- And I don’t know poetry at all.
Leading:- It doesn’t matter, our guys will now read poems to you.

Poems from A. Barto's cycle "Toys"

Girl:- And I really love to dance. What about you guys? (Invites children to dance)

General dance "Squat" lyrics. Yu. Entina, arr. A. Roomer

- I see you love to dance,
Well, what about helping adults?
Leading:- Guys, how do you help adults in kindergarten?
Children:- We put away the toys, pour water into watering cans, help set the table, arrange chairs...
Girl:- Now let's check what kind of helpers you are!

Game "Collect toys"

Leading:- Well done, you collected all the toys! Real helpers!

Grandmother quickly enters the group.

Grandmother:- Hello guys! Hello! (greets the presenter) Have you seen my granddaughter Tanya?
Leading:- Hello! Your Tanya is here.
Grandmother:- Guys, please explain to my Tanya why you can’t leave the house alone and without permission.
Children:- You can get lost, get hit by a car...
- Everyone knows: it’s dangerous and you can’t walk alone,
After all, a stray dog ​​can bite.
You can just get lost and get into trouble,
On the road, you can get hit by a car while moving.
Girl:- Oh, how scary! I won't go without adults again!
Grandma:- Thank you very much for teaching my granddaughter wisdom.
- I liked it in the garden,
I won't leave here!
We'll sing and dance
Very fun to play.

Dance-song "The bear and the doll are briskly stomping"

Girl:- Grandma, sign me up for kindergarten.
I want to play with the guys
Songs to sing and dance.
I liked it in the garden
I'll come here again!
Grandmother:- Definitely, Tanechka. Let's go and sign up right now. Goodbye! (The girl and grandmother say goodbye to the children and the presenter
Our favorite kindergarten,
He meets all the guys.
There are toys and friends here,
The teacher is waiting for you!
Kindergarten is our second home,
How warm and cozy it is!
Do you love him, children?
The kindest house in the world!

Summary of an open event in the second junior group.

Prepared by teacher: Presnyakova N.V.

Subject: Organization of a role-playing game in the second junior group “Visiting the Bunny.”

Goals: Organize the role-playing game “Visiting the Bunny” through the creation of an exciting, educational activity, through problem solving by children under the guidance of a teacher.


Cognitive: consolidate children's knowledge about wild animals (what their homes are called, what they eat, habits); consolidate the main types of actions in the role-playing games “Tea Party”, “Reception of Guests”, traveling by transport.

Educational: cultivate a caring attitude towards animals, a desire to care for and help them, and cultivate a sense of responsibility; teach to be hospitable, consolidate the skill of setting the table, cultivate a culture of communication; learn to play together, avoiding conflict situations.

Physical: develop motor activity, accuracy in throwing, flexibility in climbing, teach orientation.

Speech : learn to recite counting rhymes after the teacher, repeat riddles, encourage answers to questions in complete sentences.

Progress of the game:

Children sit on the carpet and listen to a fairy tale (read by the teacher). The phone rings. The teacher takes the phone and conducts a conversation with the subscriber in such a way that the children understand who is calling and for what purpose.

IN .: (talking on the phone) Hello, bunny! How do you feel? You were sick, but now you are better. Doctor Aibolit himself came to treat you! The doctor advised you to cheer up after an illness, and for this you decided to invite us guys to visit. Wait, bunny, now I’ll ask the guys if they agree to go visit you, because the path is not close.

IN.: Guys, the bunny invites us to visit him. Will we go to support a friend after illness? Children: Yes! Guys, let Kirill tell the bunny about this by phone.

IN.: Hello Bunny, we agree and will be very glad to visit you. Wait for us. Goodbye.

IN .: Well, let's get ready to visit. What is needed for this? You need to get some treats for the bunny. Probably the bunny will treat us to tea. Let's take some cookies with us. Children: Yes.

What does a bunny like to eat? Children: cabbage, carrots. What kind of treat will we get for the wolf (chicken), for the squirrel (nuts), for the mouse (cheese), for the hedgehog (mushrooms), for the bear (honey)?

IN.: Well, we have prepared some gifts. Shall we play with the bunny? Let's take with us a large piece of cloth, with which we play hide and seek, and play hide and seek with the hare (Children: Come on).

IN.: And then what should you do?

Children: Go to the forest to see the bunny.

IN.: We'll head straight into the forest. Undressed? Children: No. Need to get dressed.

IN.: Guys, what clothes should you wear for a trip to the forest? Children: winter, warm. Let's dress warmer(imitation game):

We will go to the forest with you.

I'll put on my pants

I'll put on a jacket

I'll put on my hat

I'll put on a scarf -
I'll tie it tighter.

And then beautiful

Warm, fluffy,

Crumbs - mittens,
I'll pull it on the handles.

I'll put boots on my feet

feet will walk along the path,

small legs,

the legs are remote.

Stomp and stomp your feet, stomp and stomp your crumbs.

IN.: What kind of transport will we use to go to the forest? Children answer: by bus. Let's use a little count to determine who will be the driver:

The month has emerged from the fog,

He took the bun out of his pocket:

- I will feed the children,

And you, my friend, should drive!

Children get on the bus andsing a song:

We're going, we're going, we're going,
To distant lands,

Good neighbors

Happy friends.

We have fun
We sing a song

And the song says,

About how we live.

Beauty! Beauty!
We are taking the cat with us,

Siskin, dog,

Petka the bully,

Monkey, parrot -

What a company!

Driver: We've arrived! Stop "Forest". Carefully! The doors open. (Children get off the bus).

IN.: Hello forest, wonderful forest

Full of fairy tales and miracles

Who's lurking in your wilderness?

What kind of animal, what kind of bird?

Open everything, don’t hide it

You see, we have arrived.

IN.: Here comes the forest! How snowy. There must have been a snowstorm here. What big snowdrifts, the storm even bent low trees to the ground.


We will quietly go into the forest. (Walking in place)
What will we see in it? (Turns head left and right)
The trees grow there, (They lift them smoothly through the sides
The branches are directed towards the sun. hands up)
The wind is blowing strong,
And he shakes the trees. (Swinging hands raised up)
Hush, wind, don't make noise, (Children shake their fingers)
We want to find animals.

IN.: How can we find the bunny's house? You need to ask someone. Let's step over those snowdrifts and get to that tree. I think there's someone's house there.

We are walking through the snowdrifts,

Through steep snowdrifts.

Raise your legs higher

Step over the snowdrifts.

IN.: So we got to this tree. There really is someone's house here. I'll quietly look into it. Oh, I know whose house this is, so guess what?riddle:

There's not a bird on the branch -
Small animal
The fur is warm like a hot water bottle
Who is this?.. (Squirrel)

Children: Hello squirrel! And we brought you a treat - nuts. Please take some, you're probably hungry. We are going to visit a bunny, can you please tell me the way to his house. He was sick for a long time, then recovered. Doctor Aibolit said that in order for him to fully recover, he needs a good mood, and friends always bring a good mood with them.

Squirrel: Perhaps I can help you. But on the way we’ll check on my neighbor, I haven’t seen him for a long time. No matter how bad it happens.

Children: Who is your neighbor?

Squirrel: guess the riddle, then you’ll find out:

The furry beast loves honey.
If he doesn't understand something,
Can roar wildly
Because he is (Bear)

The children go to the bear's house; there are obstacles on the way - arched trees that the storm bent to the ground; the children crawl under the arched trees. They approach the spruce tree under which the bear lives.

Children: knock-knock-knock (the bear does not respond).

IN.: Guys, let's quietly look into the den, maybe the bear is sick (the children look in, the bear is sleeping in a crib, covered with a blanket)? Why is the bear sleeping, because night has not yet come.

Children: because the bear sleeps in winter; and until the snow begins to melt, he will never wake up.“The clubfoot sleeps in a den, he sucks his paw until spring”...

IN.: The bear is doing well, let's not disturb him, let him sleep until spring. It's time for us to hit the road. Squirrel, show me where to go next.

Squirrel: Another neighbor of mine lives here along the way, let’s check on her too, I haven’t seen her for a long time, I hope the fox didn’t eat her. Guess who it is:

Small stature
a long tail,
Gray fur coat,
sharp teeth.

Children approach the mouse's hole and knock quietly on it. The squirrel calls out to her. A mouse appears. The children ask how things are going with her. The mouse asks the guys if there is anything to eat. She got very hungry while she was hiding from the storm. Children treat the mouse with cookies and say goodbye to it. Everyone moves on together. The squirrel shows the way. On the way they meet a wolf.

Wolf: Hello guys!

Guys and V.: Hello wolf Vasya! Why do you live here?

Wolf: I live - I don’t worry. It's been a while since I came to your garden. The storm covered all the roads, it was impossible to pass. And what wind carried you into my forest?

Guys: We came to visit the hare. Go with us.

Wolf: Ehe-he... Guys, I would love to, but my lair is covered with snow, I need to dig it out of the snow. Guys, the storm has swept away all the stitches and paths - I can’t get food, but I want to eat so bad, do you have anything for the wolf to eat?Guys: We have a treat for you - boiled chicken. Help yourself, wolf. Bon appetit. Maybe you need help?

Wolf: Thank you guys. I can manage on my own, you already helped me, you didn’t let me, a miserable wretch, die of hunger. Hurry to the hare - he may also need your help. Just check on my neighbor first - I haven’t seen him for a long time.

Children: What is your neighbor's name and where does he live?

Wolf: And you guess the riddle, then you will find out who my neighbor is.

There are needles on his back,

Long and stinging.

And he will curl up into a ball -

There is no head or legs. (Hedgehog)

Children: Goodbye, wolf!

The children, together with the teacher and the squirrel, find the hedgehog's hole, but discover that the hedgehog is fast asleep. He doesn't care about anything.

Squirrel: Hey, prickly head, it’s day outside - night is still far away, but you’re sleeping. Come on, wake up.

Children: Hush, squirrel, don't make noise! It’s winter now, and hedgehogs sleep in winter, just like bears. When spring comes, the sun will warm up - a hedgehog with a teddy bear and wake up. Then we will come to visit them. Is that clear.

Guys: Sweet dreams to you, hedgehog. Lead us further, squirrel.

The squirrel leads everyone to the hare's house .

Children knock on the door of the house. From there the voice of a fox is heard, which drives the children away.Fox: There is no hare here. This is where I live - a fox. I didn't invite any guests. Get out as quickly as possible, otherwise as soon as I jump out, the pieces will go down the back streets.

Children hear a hare crying. The hare sits on a stump and cries bitterly.

IN.: Hello bunny! What happened to you, why are you crying?

Bunny: (speaks in a sad voice) Hello, my dear guests! How can I not cry? So you all came to visit me, but I have nowhere to invite you.

Guests: Why? Isn't this your hut?

Bunny: It was mine. And now she has become a fox - a cunning beauty. She asked me to wait out the storm, I let her in. And she kicked me out of the house.

Guests: Bunny, the main thing is to calm down. Now you are not alone. We will help your grief. One head it's good, but two better. And look how many of us there are, now we’ll come up with something. First you need to warm up.

Let's play in the game “The little white bunny is sitting”:

The little white bunny is sitting (the children are squatting and

And he moves his ears, imitating with his hands the movement of his ears)
Like this, like this
And he wiggles his ears.

It’s cold for the bunny to sit (children stand up and clap their hands)
We need to warm our paws,
Clap - clap, clap - clap,
We need to warm our paws.

It's cold for the bunny to stand
The bunny needs to jump (children jump like bunnies)
Bevel - skok, skok - skok,
The bunny needs to jump.

The game is repeated 2 - 3 times with increasing tempo.

IN.: So you bunny has warmed up, and now let’s think about how to help your trouble. Guys, let's repay the fox in kind - she tricked the bunny out of the hut. So we will deceive her. Let's pretend we turn into an Unseen Monster. We will cover ourselves with a large piece of cloth and begin to stomp our feet loudly, clap our hands, and shout loudly. The fox will get scared and run away.

Children: We agree.

IN.: Guys, you just need to do everything on command and everyone together.

Children knock on the window.

IN.: Hey, fox - cunning beauty! Get out of the bunny's hut!

Fox: Who is so brave there! I know all the animals. I have no one to fear in this forest. Our wolf is kind and doesn’t know how to be scary. He is even friends with children from kindergarten and goes to visit them. And the bear sleeps in its den until spring. And the rest of the animals are not scary to me. Get out as quickly as possible, otherwise, as soon as I jump out, the scraps will go down the back streets.

IN: The teacher and the children turn into an Unseen Monster (speaks in a scary voice):

Hey, the fox is a cunning beauty!

Get out of the bunny's hut!

This is what I tell you - an Unseen Monster.

And not like I’ll trample you underfoot (the children all stomp loudly together),

How I’ll beat you with my hands (the children all clap loudly together),

How I will deafen you with an unheard-of scream (the children are all screaming together),

Here you will die!

Fox: Oh oh oh! Wait, Unseen Monster! Do not hit me! I'm running away! I'm running away (the fox is running away). A fox in a deep forest has a hole - a safe home.

Children: So run to your house, red-haired cheat.

Everyone is happy : "Hooray!" "We won!" "We drove out the fox."

The bunny invites everyone to the house.

Bunny : Guests, dear, honest guests! Come in, have a seat. I was so excited that I completely forgot how to greet guests.

IN.: Bunny, sit down and calm down, and we will help you. Bunny, guests are treated to tea and pie, the pie takes a long time to prepare, we brought you a treat - we have delicious cookies. Now we'll warm the kettle. Nastya will lay out the napkins, Dasha will arrange the cups and saucers, and put the cookies in Vika’s cookie bowl. We still need to arrange the spoons, Vanya, please help. Guys, who has honey in their backpack, which was carried for the bear, but he never needed it, but it will be just right for us. Let's drink tea with honey so as not to get sick.

Bunny: What great fellows you all are! It seems everything is ready. You can also drink tea. Have a seat, dear guests. Bon appetit! (The teacher pours tea, invites everyone to take cookies, put honey in the tea)

There is a tea party and a conversation with the bunny.

Conversation with the bunny:

Bunny: A Was the road to my hut easy? (children answer)

Bunny: Well, guys, tell me who you met along the way in the forest (children answer).

Bunny: Oh, how great it was for us to drive away and teach the fox a lesson. I think now she will forget the way to my hut forever. Thank you all. Without you, I would have been worse off; I would have been completely frozen for a little while longer; and Dr. Aibolit would not have helped.

Bunny: The storm has completely subsided, the weather in the forest is calm. Let's play in the snow. We'll clear the table a little later.

Children go to the forest and play snowballs (hit the basket) "The most accurate shooter."

Children: Bunny, let's play your favorite game “Hide and Seek”.Children play hide and seek.

Progress of the game: using a counting rhyme, a child is selected who must hide from everyone (you can choose 2 - 3 children). The rest are covered with a large piece of cloth so that no one can peek.

Counting table:

The cart was traveling through a dark forest

For some interest.

Knocks, knocks, knocks, ringing,

You - get out!

Children hide while the words are spoken:

One two three four five,

We are coming to look for you,

if you didn't hide

it's nobody's fault!

At the end of the words, Bunny and the other children look for the hidden children. The game is repeated 2-3 times.

IN.: It's late - time to go back to kindergarten.

Children: Bunny, we will help you clear the table and wash the dishes (the children return to the little hut and help the bunny clean up). They say goodbye and leave the forest. They get on the bus and go to kindergarten.

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