Kangaroo for a child: a safe way to free up mother's hands. Kangaroo carrier: mother's helper or baby's health enemy

The baby is growing, becoming more active and inquisitive. The rhythm of life changes for both mom and dad. Parents are increasingly interested in the issue of active walks in the fresh air. For such cases, manufacturers of children's goods have come up with baby carriers. Every parent has thought about the age at which a child can be placed in a kangaroo, and whether this type of “transport” is harmful for the baby.

Types of kangaroo backpacks for children

There are several types of kangaroo backpacks:

  1. Transformable carriers. These are new types of kangaroo backpacks that allow you to carry a child in different positions: sitting and lying down. This type is intended for walks with the baby. This will allow mom or dad to constantly be in contact with their baby, because in the first months of life this is especially important.
  2. Single position carriers. These are backpacks in which children sit while sitting. The instructions for these carriers say at what age you can put a child in a kangaroo -

Please note that if for some reason at 4 months your baby cannot hold his head up or is in poor health, consult your pediatrician about when you can put your baby in a kangaroo and how long he can stay in the backpack. Doctors are of the opinion that at 4 months the baby can already be placed in a carrier. However, a more optimal age is closer to 6 months. After all, at this age, babies begin to sit independently.

Now, I would like to say a few words about the time a child spends in a backpack. You need to start wearing your baby for 10-15 minutes a day. This is necessary so that the baby gets used to the new type of “transport” and his legs do not become numb. Over time, continuously wearing a child can increase to two hours or more.

To summarize, we can say that the time at which months a child can be placed in a kangaroo is the period from 4 months to six months. This is the most optimal age for introducing your baby to a baby carrier in a sitting position. If you have a transformable kangaroo, then from birth. Carrying babies in a carrier is not harmful if you maintain the time limits for the child to be in the backpack and the baby is comfortable in the kangaroo.

In the modern world, parents have the opportunity to use all the new products that did not exist before, for example, diapers, a washing machine, a basket or an envelope for a child. For their comfort, many mothers and fathers also acquire a newfangled trend - slings or kangaroos for a newborn. It’s worth understanding in more detail whether you need to buy it and what it is.

"Kangaroo" is a special carrier with which a young mother and father can carry their child. The baby sits inside, while being in a natural position. There is no need to worry about the child falling, he is securely fastened with a belt, and the bag itself fits well to the body of the carrier.

There are many advantages to such a purchase, since it not only makes life easier, but radically saves time. Even when the child is small, he will always feel the warmth of his mother, who will be able to carry him and do all household chores with him.

Let's highlight the main advantages of using a kangaroo carrier for newborn babies:

  1. Mom can carry the baby and do all her chores while looking after the baby.
  2. Your hands are free.
  3. The baby sleeps well.
  4. The cost of the “kanguryatnik” is inferior to other carriers or strollers.

But there are also disadvantages, including:

  • Inability to bend down with a kangaroo in which a child is sitting.
  • You basically need to walk or stand.
  • A kangaroo carrier allows not only mothers to comfortably carry their children, but also their fathers. Constant contact with your baby also has a beneficial effect on his psychological health.

    How to use a kangaroo and at what age

    Choosing a kangaroo for a newborn baby is very important, since at such a young age he cannot yet sit. There are plenty of models with a lying position, but it is best to choose those in which the position can be adjusted. So, when the baby grows up, you can “put” him in a kangaroo. Both boys and girls can use kangaroos from birth, and from 4 months (when the child holds his head) it is extremely important to take into account the model. Some come with head support, while others require a certain weight of the baby and do not support the head.

    The baby should be kept in a horizontal position in a kangaroo for up to 4-6 months, depending on the pace of development. Then you can move to a vertical body position.

    Only after independent attempts to sit down can the child be transferred to a sitting carrying position. This way he will be able to support his weight on his own, and his spine will be well trained and not so weak.

    The physiological position of the child in a kangaroo sling is ensured even for children under 6 months of age. The baby's movements are not constrained, which is important for both boys and girls. A kangaroo backpack allows the child to play with objects, make various active movements, feeling comfortable.

    Possible positions for your baby:

    • facing mom;
    • back to mom;
    • behind.

    When choosing a kangaroo carrier, you should definitely take into account the minimum weight of the child, since most models are only suitable for children weighing 10-12 kg (this is the weight of babies at 9-12 months), but it is worth noting that when a child is at this age, as a rule, does not require the use of a kangaroo. He needs to learn to crawl and walk, and carrying him only hinders further development.

    When using such a bag, everything is very simple, but it is recommended to check the reliability of all fastenings and locks each time so that the child not only feels comfortable, but is also safe.

    A kangaroo with a hood is an excellent carrier with protection from the vagaries of the weather, such as rain.

    How to choose the right one

    The choice of baby carrier should be made according to the following points, the presence of each of which will help you save money and time while searching for the ideal baby carrier:

    • Material. The quality of the material itself is very important; it is worth considering the tenderness and sensitivity of children’s skin. Testing of the material must be carried out by the manufacturers; do not hesitate to ask any questions, because this will protect you from irritation and rashes on the body of a girl or boy. It is best to choose natural fabrics. For example, cotton.
    • Fastenings. As mentioned earlier, good fastenings are the key to safety. You should not buy a carrier thinking that the baby will not fall out. Everything is possible, so you should only take a device that has all the seams and locks well processed, and that has fairly wide straps.
    • Comfort. First of all, the child must be comfortable. He should be in a natural position so that nothing presses on his body and he does not get tangled in the buckles. Also pay attention to your own comfort. The carrier should give room for movement, not squeeze the mother’s chest, and should have an even distribution of weight, without resting on the back.

    It’s best to go shopping for a kangaroo carrier with your child so you can try it on.

    • Size and functionality. As already mentioned, you need to buy a kangaroo with the future in mind. There are excellent models only for newborns or older children, but this way you will only overpay. The “kenguryatnik” may have additional pockets. For example, to put a small bottle or stuff in a pacifier or tissue. This is very convenient for the mother if she goes out for a short time or goes with the baby to the hospital for a routine check-up.

    You should not approach hot surfaces with your baby in a sling. For example, to a stove with cooking or heating. Eating in kangaroo is also not recommended.

    Expert opinions

    Children's doctors are skeptical about the modern invention. This is explained by the outdated views of our doctors, because they consider it harmful. At the same time, European experts, on the contrary, recommend using slings and kangaroos. However, our doctors’ concern is justified, because in the case of a kangaroo, the child’s spine can actually be subject to stress, so, as a rule, it is recommended to use a kangaroo from 5-6 months, when the child begins to sit up a little.

    If you have the opportunity to choose a kangaroo not through the Internet, but in a specialized store, ask specialists to choose a kangaroo for a newborn baby. This way you can use a model with a horizontal position and the child will feel great and develop.

    A kangaroo carrier is the optimal solution for modern parents when it is not possible or even necessary to buy a stroller!

    Modern parents are trying to use various newfangled devices to make caring for and handling their baby easier. One such device that has become very popular recently is a kangaroo for carrying newborn babies. What is it and what is this unique thing for? Read in the article.

    A kangaroo bag/backpack/carrier is a special device for carrying newborn babies. It is attached to the parents' shoulders and belt using reliable fasteners. The child is placed inside the carrier in a lying or sitting position (depending on the child’s age) and secured with a special belt (See the picture above).

    Advantages of kangaroo carriers:

    the child is nearby and always under supervision; a woman’s hands are free and she can independently perform certain household chores; with such a device, walking will become a real pleasure (you don’t need to carry a heavy stroller down the floors and push it in front of you for several hours); the baby, feeling the warmth and closeness of his mother, will be calm, and will quickly fall asleep under the steady rocking; Compared to expensive strollers, the “kenguryatnik” is a fairly economical and profitable purchase.

    From what age should I use it?

    Kangaroo can be used by parents almost immediately from the moment the child is born. The only and main rule is that for carrying newborns it is necessary to select special models in which the baby can be placed lying down. The newborn should be positioned in front and facing the mother. It is recommended to use such models when the child is in a horizontal position (up to 5 months).

    When the baby tries to sit down on his own, and his spine is ready to load and support his own weight, you can move on to kangaroo models with a vertical position of the child.

    Most models of kangaroo backpacks are designed for 10-12 kg (the average weight of a child is 9-12 months). However, at this age, children begin to explore the world themselves, taking their first steps, and the need for carrying usually becomes less.

    Kangaroo bags are quite simple and easy to use. However, it is important to check the integrity of the fasteners and the reliability of fixation before each use.

    How to choose

    When choosing a kangaroo, it is important to focus on some points:

    The quality of the material from which the bag is made.

    The skin of infants is very sensitive and receptive. In this regard, when choosing a “kenguryatnik”, make sure that it is made of high-quality materials that have passed testing and quality control.

    Reliable fixation.

    The safety of the child and the peace of mind of the parents depend on how reliable the fastenings and locks for securing the carrying backpack are. Therefore, pay special attention to the width of the straps, seams, and locks.


    This applies to both mother and baby. For mom, convenience should include quick donning, easy use of such a bag for carrying a toddler, the presence of not only shoulder straps, but also a lumbar belt (this contributes to optimal distribution of the load on the spine and long-term wearing without fatigue).

    For a baby, ease of movement in a kangaroo backpack is especially important. If the baby is comfortable, he will be happy to walk in such a bag! Parents must remember that for the child’s convenience, the baby carrier must have sufficient space that will not squeeze the baby and hinder his movements. The back of the backpack should be rigid, with a high headrest. This will provide the newborn with a “place to sleep.” Particularly convenient in such cases are transformable models, in which children can be carried both vertically and horizontally.

    Pay attention to what age manufacturers recommend this or that model. The carrier must be able to be adjusted in size.

    When buying a kangaroo for a newborn, it is advisable to try it on with your baby. This is the only way to understand whether it is right for you and your child or not. Also pay attention to the presence of additional pockets where you can put the necessary things, a protective hood. It must be possible to adjust the size.

    Precautionary measures

    Keeping your baby in a certain position for a long time and limiting his movements can lead to blood stagnation and rapid fatigue. To avoid this It is recommended to use the kangaroo for no more than 1-2 hours. Every 20-30 minutes it is advisable to take a break and remove the newborn from the bag. This will allow both the child and the mother to rest.

    The baby's legs and arms should remain free. A wide seating area helps spread the child’s legs and provides additional prevention of dysplasia.

    Parents should also pay attention to ensure that the straps and other parts of the bag do not rub the child’s skin, and that the headrest securely fixes his head.

    You should not use baby kangaroos when cooking, being near a hot stove, or eating.

    When carrying a child using a baby carrier, a young mother should be especially careful and attentive, because such a device somewhat blocks the view.

    Watch the video:

    How to carry a baby forward-facing in a baby carrier:

    Sling or kangaroo

    A baby sling is considered a great alternative to a kangaroo carrier, especially for carrying babies under 6 months of age. In a sling, the baby's position is as close as possible to the physiological position in the mother's arms.

    Slings are simple and easy to use and do not take up much space. The baby is especially comfortable in a soft sling that does not hinder his movements.

    However, when the child grows up, and his manipulations with objects and his own actions expand significantly, it is better to purchase a kangaroo backpack, which has much more possibilities for carrying the baby. So, in baby kangaroos you can carry a child in several ways: in front, facing the mother or away from the mother, and also from behind.

    Experts' opinions

    Pediatricians, orthopedists and other pediatric doctors are quite skeptical about this invention, citing its harmfulness. They stipulate this by the fact that up to 6 months the baby should be in a free position and not experience stress on the spine and pelvic area. In the case of using a “kenguryatnik” such a load takes place. However, at the age of 5-6 months, when the baby makes attempts to sit independently, the use of such devices is allowed. Until this age, it is better to use models with a horizontal position or a sling.

    See articles about slings:

    Types of slings, how to choose and how to wear a sling, read here in this publication -

    You don’t have to buy a sling; you can make it yourself.

    See video: Sling scarf, Kangaroo wrap

    Thus, for newborn babies, a kangaroo carrier bag is a great option for modern parents! These inventions will allow young mothers to go shopping, go to the library, and go on a visit without any problems. And at the same time, the “valuable cargo” is always nearby and safe! The only thing that needs to be taken into account is that it is advisable to use kangaroo backpacks no more than 1-2 hours a day.

    More videos:

    Currently, young parents are striving to acquire modern devices to help take care of their child. After all, mothers also need to go somewhere, and with a large stroller this is not always convenient. To help young mothers, slings and baby carriers were developed, which have already gained enormous popularity. What is the difference between these unique devices, and what age children are they made for?

    Carrying a kangaroo

    A kangaroo carrier is a special purpose device for carrying children and newborns. The kangaroo is fixed on the shoulders and belt of an adult using safe fastenings. The child is either seated or placed in a carrier, depending on the age of the baby.

    The child is secured in the kangaroo with a belt specially designed for this purpose.

    This device is very popular due to the presence of a large number of positive properties:

    The child is always nearby and in front of the mother. Mom's hands are always free, which gives her the opportunity to go shopping, or just relax and walk. Babies can be safely fed without getting out of the kangaroo. Feeling the closeness of the mother, the child will be calm and can easily fall asleep. “Kenguryatnik” is a fairly economical and profitable purchase compared to a bulky stroller.

    What age is appropriate

    Many parents wonder what ages baby carriers are designed for. Kangaroo care can be used almost immediately after birth. This is also an advantage of this device. It is very important to select a specific model for a newborn, in which the baby can sit in a lying position.

    This model is recommended for children under five months.

    In it, the newborn is in front and lies facing the adult. However, the model for newborns has some disadvantages:

    The presence of thin straps creates inconvenience when children are worn for a long time. Despite the presence of a rigid back, there is no orthopedic effect in the kangaroo, which can lead to problems with the spine. If an adult bends down, then the child changes his position with him.

    You can switch to other models with vertical placement of children when children begin to sit down on their own and their spine is ready to support their body weight.

    Almost all models are designed for one-year-olds, that is, for children up to 12 kilograms. Next, the child is interested in exploring the world on his own, so the interest and need for carrying disappears.

    The device itself is very easy to use. However, before purchasing, you should check the condition of the fasteners.

    Selection rules

    Very often, parents are in a hurry and make the wrong choice of carrier, and then complain about back pain. To avoid pain, you need to pay attention to the straps and belt. The latter should be adjustable, and the straps should cross on the back. In this situation, the load on the spine is evenly distributed. Therefore, no pain or discomfort should occur.

    There are kangaroos in which the straps cross on the back, but there is no belt. In this situation, the load is placed on the upper back, and parents complain of pain in the neck and lower back.

    It is better that the headrest or back of the device is fixed above the child’s shoulders. After all, many kangaroos have attachments at the level of the child’s armpits. It is also desirable that the clamps be as simple as possible, so that the device will be more comfortable to use.

    Quality of manufacture of the carrier - it is necessary to purchase a carrier made from high-quality materials due to the sensitivity of the skin of newborns. Reliability of fastenings - the safety of the child and your peace of mind will depend on this. Comfort – applies to both children and parents. A comfortable model should be easy to put on and have both shoulder straps and a lumbar belt so that the load on the spine is even. The child should also feel comfortable. To do this, there must be enough space in the carrier so that the child’s movements are not constrained. After all, if the child is comfortable, he will be happy to go for a walk. Consider the age for which a particular model is designed.

    Chicco Kangaroo

    Nowadays the Chicco model is more popular. The Italian brand Chicco is rightfully considered to be of high quality, as it produces safe and environmentally friendly devices. The specialists of this brand research the interests of parents and their children and, based on extensive research, produce their own devices.

    Chicco kangaroos are affordable for every family. All Chicco models are comfortable and reliable to use, which will provide you with assistance in raising children.

    The most popular models:

    ChiccoGo Baby. Chicco You & Me. Chicco Soft & Dream. Chicco New Soft & Dream. Chicco Go.

    Chicco's function is to delight children and their parents, starting their journey in comfort.


    A sling backpack is an excellent alternative to a kangaroo. The sling has wide straps, a safety belt, and many different straps. The answer to the question whether a sling backpack is intended for newborns will be negative.

    You can place a child in this device when he weighs at least seven kilograms and reaches 70 centimeters. After all, vertical carrying is inappropriate for a newborn. The baby's head will recline and the spine will bend, which is absolutely unacceptable. The shape of the sling is large enough for the baby’s small body, and panties and straps can harm the skeletal and muscular corset of the newborn. Therefore, it is not recommended to use a sling backpack before the prescribed date.

    At what age is it best to use a sling backpack? From the age of four months, the baby can be placed in a sling backpack. But a sling scarf or sling belt can be used earlier. However, you should know that 4 months is the minimum age, and it is not advisable to rush to use a sling. It would be better to wait until the baby gets a little stronger and begins to sit down on his own.

    The sling is easy to use and takes up little space. The child will be comfortable in a soft model that does not restrict his movement.

    Medical experts believe that a sling backpack can be used without harm to the health of a child from 6 months. At an earlier age, there may be a risk to the baby's health.

    What is the difference between a kangaroo and a sling?

    In a sling, the baby feels as if he is in his mother’s arms, since his position is extremely close to the physiological position. The baby's legs are separated in an upright position as if they are hugging the mother's waist. The baby's butt falls into the sling pocket. The fabric is equally directed from one knee to the other, which prevents the baby from sagging at the crotch. The sling presses the baby tightly against the adult's body, distributing the weight on the hips rather than on the spine and pelvis.

    In addition, the sling is safe for the parent - the wide belt holds the child’s center of gravity without putting much strain on the adult’s back. This advantage cannot be said in favor of the kangaroo.

    As for the kangaroo, in this device the child’s legs hang down, the baby takes a sitting position, which creates pressure on the perineum, thereby loading the spine.

    Many parents do not understand why a sling is better than a kangaroo, and consider these two devices to be almost the same. But you must understand that their design is completely different. No kangaroo model can compare with a sling in terms of safety and convenience.

    Mothers are completely absorbed in caring for their newborn baby and sometimes forget to pay attention to themselves. How to combine a pleasant time with your child with no back pain and a fitness walk? All this is possible thanks to the kangaroo backpack. This device will help you go everywhere together and not get tired. How to choose a kangaroo or a sling? What rules of use should you be aware of?

    A kangaroo backpack helps mother and baby stay together all the time

    We carry in a kangaroo: when is it possible?

    At what age can babies be carried in a kangaroo pouch? What types are they and how are they different?

    The age recommended by doctors to start using kangaroos is 7 months. By this time, the child should sit confidently on his own and weigh at least 7.5 kg. Six months of age or a little older is more suitable for proper distribution of the load when moving. The back muscles have become stronger and can fix the spine in the desired position.

    Until the baby sits on his own, it is not worth putting him in a kangaroo. From a physiological point of view, the child’s body is not yet able to withstand such loads. The spine is not supported when sitting in such a backpack, its bends are not repeated, which means that the risk that the child will have problems with the hip joints and spine is very high. Improper loading can lead to displacement of the vertebrae.

    If you plan to use a baby carrier from birth, choose only recumbent carrying methods. There are models that allow you to combine both use cases - vertical and horizontal.

    Species of kangaroo

    There are a variety of baby carriers. Some of them are intended for newly born babies, others for older toddlers:

    Kangaroos for newborns are carrier bags made of fabric, designed in such a way that the baby lies in them. For recently born babies, this position is optimal and most comfortable. Typically, children traveling in such a bag are calmer. First, the mother must put on a recumbent backpack, fasten it like an apron, and then put the baby in it. Everything is securely fixed, and the end of the material is attached to a hook. A sling or kangaroo for newborns should allow the baby to take a horizontal position. Kangaroos for children over 6 months of age require a vertical wearing position. The device is fixed in the area of ​​the mother's chest using clasps, straps and carabiners. There are models designed to be worn facing the mother or facing the world, as well as options for carrying behind the back. A separate type of kangaroo implies the ability to fix the bag on its side. These carriers allow you to carry your baby lying down or reclining, which is especially convenient when breastfeeding. Often, bags of this type allow you to change the position of the baby (from lying to sitting and back) without removing the baby from the bag. This becomes possible thanks to multifunctional fastenings. Transformable kangaroos should be purchased with the future in mind. These options usually come with a mattress for newborns.

    Features of choice

    Do not buy carriers for growth under any circumstances - it can be dangerous. With intensive growth, the child changes completely: body weight, back width and spine shape - everything undergoes changes. The baby carrier is unable to adapt to these updated parameters. The backpack can only adjust the straps to suit the increased volume of the toddler’s body, but it cannot change its back. The backrest is not designed to support the natural physiological curve of the spine. Remember important selection rules:

    For the little ones, it is better to buy an orthopedic kangaroo for newborns, a photo of which you can easily find on the Internet. Such bags have a rigid back, support for the head and are equipped with additional safety belts. An orthopedic backpack confidently supports the child’s head. Before buying a backpack in a store, carefully check all the straps and fasteners. Since the child's weight will increase over time, make sure that the shoulder straps are wide enough and soft enough. The fabric for the backpack should be natural. Foam inserts and synthetic materials will not allow the skin to breathe in the hot season and will create a greenhouse effect. The fabric in the area where the legs are fixed should be as soft as possible so as not to damage or rub the delicate skin. All seams should be neatly stitched and not protruding. Pay special attention to the groin area. The presence of a waist belt ensures that tension is relieved from the spine and protection from overload. A bib that can be fastened to a backpack will be very useful. The baby may burp or drool. A bib also protects your baby from your clothes.

    Are kangaroos harmful?

    Doctors, including Dr. Komarovsky, express a categorical ban on transferring children to kangaroos until they learn to sit on their own. This, of course, applies to seated forms of carrying. In this position, the entire weight of the child presses on the perineal area and the entire load goes on the spine. This puts the spine at risk and can also lead to the development of dysplasia in absolutely healthy babies. In other words, such a method of traveling with a small person will be very harmful.

    The kangaroo carrier does not have wide shoulder straps, a waist belt or tension straps. This design does not allow the baby to be pressed as closely as possible to the mother. The center of gravity is shifted forward, which provokes in an adult the need to bend, and this is fraught with back pain.

    A kangaroo backpack cannot give a physiological shape to the spine. The baby's legs dangle, and this can cause improper formation of the hip joints.

    The correct fit for a 4 month old baby in a backpack should resemble the letter “M”. A little later, when the baby masters sitting independently, the position should resemble the letter “P”.

    Such positions are only possible when using an ergonomic backpack or, in other words, a sling backpack. You can watch a video on the Internet to see how to put a baby in a backpack.

    The angle of spread of the legs should be 90-110 degrees relative to the vertical position of the body. This angle guarantees correct fit, which means it will protect the hip joints from improper development and will not allow displacement of the vertebrae. Not a single model of kangaroo pouch is able to provide a physiological fit for the baby. Until the baby sits on his own, it is too early to think about buying a kangaroo pouch.

    The correct angle of leg extension protects the hip joints


    Kangaroo backpack Cybex first.GO

    The baby kangaroo is called Cybex first.GO. It is designed to carry babies from birth weighing more than 3.5 kg until the age of three years, with a body weight of no more than 18 kg. Cybex Fest Go allows you to carry children in 4 positions:

    lying down (0-4 months, weighing no more than 6 kg); vertically facing the mother (over 4 months); on the hip facing an adult (from three months); “facing the world” (after six months) and behind the back (also after half a year).

    The basic kit includes a special insert for a newborn, equipped with a 5-point harness. It is possible to adjust the backpack according to the child’s height (5 positions). Average cost: 5700 rubles.

    Kangaroo backpack Baby Bjorn Miracle Organic

    Next in the ranking is the Swiss Baby Bjorn Miracle Organic backpack. It is intended for babies from birth weighing more than 3.5 kg and up to one and a half years of age weighing no more than 12 kg. Material – 100% cotton. The high quality of the product is reinforced by the ability to adjust the slings. The backpack will be comfortable and easy to use; you will not have to buy additional pillows or inserts. Average cost: 7800 rubles.

    BabyBjorn Original Kangaroo Carrier in mesh (Air)

    From the moment of birth, children can be carried in the Swiss BabyBjorn Original mesh backpack (Air). The baby's weight must be at least 3.5 kg. This breathable backpack is designed for children in their first year of life. Mom will appreciate the opportunity to use it at home and during walks in the hot season. The backpack is made from mesh, which is particularly durable and easily breathable. The manufacturer claims, and positive reviews confirm, that the special quality of the material allows you to adapt the backpack to a growing child day by day. The angle of the legs is 45 degrees. Can be used in 2 positions:

    facing mom; facing the world.

    Average cost: 6000 rubles.

    Baby Kangaroo Carrier Baby Bjorn Active

    A special kangaroo carrier was specially designed by specialists for active parents who want to walk and travel with their child for a very long time. Babies older than 1 week can already use the services of this backpack. The weight for which the backpack is designed is 3.5-12 kg, i.e. It is intended for babies of the first year of life. The manufacturer guarantees that the physiological characteristics of a newborn are fully taken into account in this model. The child's head is securely fixed with additional straps. There are two positions for use:

    facing mom; facing the world.

    The angle of the legs is 45 degrees. Average cost: 7500 rubles.

    Baby carrier Chicco Soft& Dream

    The Italian backpack Chicco Soft& Dream is designed for children from birth and throughout the first year of life with a maximum weight of 9 kg. It is possible to carry the baby in three positions:

    lying down (up to 4 months); facing mother; facing the world.

    The set includes a special mattress for babies from birth. It is possible to adjust the side fastenings based on the baby’s height. Average cost: 3500 rubles.

    Chicco YOU ​​& ME Kangaroo Bag

    The Italian Chicco YOU ​​& ME bag can carry newborn babies and infants no older than 9 months. Maximum weight – 11 kg. The double strap adjustment system allows you to adjust the backpack in both width and height. The shoulder straps are made of breathable material, which ensures that the adult does not sweat excessively during use. Thanks to the ergonomic design of the belts, mom or dad will not have unnecessary stress on the spine. Babies can be carried in two positions:

    facing mom; facing the world.

    The kit does not include an additional mattress for a newborn to carry the baby in a horizontal position. Average cost: 4700 rubles.

    Chicco Go Baby Kangaroo Backpack

    The next representative of the Chicco company is the Chicco Go Baby backpack. The material for the device is 100% cotton. The maximum weight of a child is 9 kg. This model does not have a special insert for carrying newborns in a horizontal position. It is possible to carry the baby in two positions:

    face to face; face to the world.

    Thanks to the waist fastenings and comfortable shoulder straps, the load on the back is distributed evenly, which means back pain will not accompany an adult. The kangaroo has a rigid back. Additionally, the kit includes two bibs. Photos of the model and reviews about her can be found on the Internet. Average cost: 1500 rubles.

    Rules of application

    Choosing the best for your child is not an easy task, but the most important thing lies ahead of you. After purchasing a backpack, do not forget to regularly check its reliability:

    Fasteners, fasteners and latches must be in good condition. While walking, pay attention to the straps and fasteners from time to time. You need to put on the backpack carefully, following all the manufacturer's recommendations described in the instructions. The mother's view is difficult due to the baby located in front, so be extremely careful when going up or down steps, when crossing the road and in other dangerous places. The first use of the kangaroo should last no more than 10 minutes. Gradually increase this time, but remember that the child cannot be carried in it for more than two hours at a time. It is advisable to take short breaks in use, approximately every 20 minutes. To do this, you should stop and take the baby out of the backpack. To avoid the risk of burning your little one, never iron, cook or drink hot tea while you are holding the baby facing you. If you need to do a number of household chores, move the baby to a position behind your back. Monitor the baby’s well-being and appearance during transportation. If redness appears from the straps and seams, it is necessary to stop carrying. This point is especially important regarding the groin area.

    Modern parents are trying to use various newfangled devices to make caring for and handling their baby easier. One such device that has become very popular recently is a kangaroo for carrying newborn babies. What is it and what is this unique thing for? Read in the article.

    A kangaroo bag/backpack/carrier is a special device for carrying newborn babies. It is attached to the parents' shoulders and belt using reliable fasteners. The child is placed inside the carrier in a lying or sitting position (depending on the child’s age) and secured with a special belt (See the picture above).

    Advantages of kangaroo carriers:

    • the child is nearby and always under supervision;
    • a woman’s hands are free and she can independently perform certain household chores;
    • with such a device, walking will become a real pleasure (you don’t need to carry a heavy stroller down the floors and push it in front of you for several hours);
    • the baby, feeling the warmth and closeness of his mother, will be calm, and will quickly fall asleep under the steady rocking;
    • Compared to expensive strollers, the “kenguryatnik” is a fairly economical and profitable purchase.

    Contents [Show]

    From what age should I use it?

    Kangaroo can be used by parents almost immediately from the moment the child is born. The only and main rule is that for carrying newborns it is necessary to select special models in which the baby can be placed lying down. The newborn should be positioned in front and facing the mother. It is recommended to use such models when the child is in a horizontal position (up to 5 months).

    When the baby tries to sit down on his own, and his spine is ready to load and support his own weight, you can move on to kangaroo models with a vertical position of the child.

    Most models of kangaroo backpacks are designed for 10-12 kg (the average weight of a child is 9-12 months). However, at this age, children begin to explore the world themselves, taking their first steps, and the need for carrying usually becomes less.

    Kangaroo bags are quite simple and easy to use. However, it is important to check the integrity of the fasteners and the reliability of fixation before each use.

    How to choose

    When choosing a kangaroo, it is important to focus on some points:

    • The quality of the material from which the bag is made.

    The skin of infants is very sensitive and receptive. In this regard, when choosing a “kenguryatnik”, make sure that it is made of high-quality materials that have passed testing and quality control.

    • Reliable fixation.

    The safety of the child and the peace of mind of the parents depend on how reliable the fastenings and locks for securing the carrying backpack are. Therefore, pay special attention to the width of the straps, seams, and locks.

    • Convenience.

    This applies to both mother and baby. For mom, convenience should include quick donning, easy use of such a bag for carrying a toddler, the presence of not only shoulder straps, but also a lumbar belt (this contributes to optimal distribution of the load on the spine and long-term wearing without fatigue).

    For a baby, ease of movement in a kangaroo backpack is especially important. If the baby is comfortable, he will be happy to walk in such a bag! Parents must remember that for the child’s convenience, the baby carrier must have sufficient space that will not squeeze the baby and hinder his movements. The back of the backpack should be rigid, with a high headrest. This will provide the newborn with a “place to sleep.” Particularly convenient in such cases are transformable models, in which children can be carried both vertically and horizontally.

    • Pay attention to what age manufacturers recommend this or that model.
    • The carrier must be able to be adjusted in size.

    When buying a kangaroo for a newborn, it is advisable to try it on with your baby. This is the only way to understand whether it is right for you and your child or not. Also pay attention to the presence of additional pockets where you can put the necessary things, a protective hood. It must be possible to adjust the size.

    Precautionary measures

    Keeping your baby in a certain position for a long time and limiting his movements can lead to blood stagnation and rapid fatigue. To avoid this It is recommended to use the kangaroo for no more than 1-2 hours. Every 20-30 minutes it is advisable to take a break and remove the newborn from the bag. This will allow both the child and the mother to rest.

    The baby's legs and arms should remain free. A wide seating area helps spread the child’s legs and provides additional prevention of dysplasia.

    Parents should also pay attention to ensure that the straps and other parts of the bag do not rub the child’s skin, and that the headrest securely fixes his head.

    You should not use baby kangaroos when cooking, being near a hot stove, or eating.

    When carrying a child using a baby carrier, a young mother should be especially careful and attentive, because such a device somewhat blocks the view.

    Watch the video:

    How to carry a baby forward-facing in a baby carrier:

    Sling or kangaroo

    A baby sling is considered a great alternative to a kangaroo carrier, especially for carrying babies under 6 months of age. In a sling, the baby's position is as close as possible to the physiological position in the mother's arms.

    Slings are simple and easy to use and do not take up much space. The baby is especially comfortable in a soft sling that does not hinder his movements.

    However, when the child grows up, and his manipulations with objects and his own actions expand significantly, it is better to purchase a kangaroo backpack, which has much more possibilities for carrying the baby. So, in baby kangaroos you can carry a child in several ways: in front, facing the mother or away from the mother, and also from behind.

    Experts' opinions

    Pediatricians, orthopedists and other pediatric doctors are quite skeptical about this invention, citing its harmfulness. They stipulate this by the fact that up to 6 months the baby should be in a free position and not experience stress on the spine and pelvic area. In the case of using a “kenguryatnik” such a load takes place. However, at the age of 5-6 months, when the baby makes attempts to sit independently, the use of such devices is allowed. Until this age, it is better to use models with a horizontal position or a sling.

    See articles about slings:

    Types of slings, how to choose and how to wear a sling, read here in this publication -

    You don’t have to buy a sling; you can make it yourself.

    See video: Sling scarf, Kangaroo wrap

    Thus, for newborn babies, a kangaroo carrier bag is a great option for modern parents! These inventions will allow young mothers to go shopping, go to the library, and go on a visit without any problems. And at the same time, the “valuable cargo” is always nearby and safe! The only thing that needs to be taken into account is that it is advisable to use kangaroo backpacks no more than 1-2 hours a day.

    More videos:

    Mothers are completely absorbed in caring for their newborn baby and sometimes forget to pay attention to themselves. How to combine a pleasant time with your child with no back pain and a fitness walk? All this is possible thanks to the kangaroo backpack. This device will help you go everywhere together and not get tired. How to choose a kangaroo or a sling? What rules of use should you be aware of?

    A kangaroo backpack helps mother and child stay together all the time. We carry it in a kangaroo: when is it possible?

    At what age can babies be carried in a kangaroo pouch? What types are they and how are they different?

    The age recommended by doctors to start using kangaroos is 7 months. By this time, the child should sit confidently on his own and weigh at least 7.5 kg. Six months of age or a little older is more suitable for proper distribution of the load when moving. The back muscles have become stronger and can fix the spine in the desired position.

    Until the baby sits on his own, it is not worth putting him in a kangaroo. From a physiological point of view, the child’s body is not yet able to withstand such loads. The spine is not supported when sitting in such a backpack, its bends are not repeated, which means that the risk that the child will have problems with the hip joints and spine is very high. Improper loading can lead to displacement of the vertebrae.

    If you plan to use a baby carrier from birth, choose only recumbent carrying methods. There are models that allow you to combine both use cases - vertical and horizontal.

    Species of kangaroo

    There are a variety of baby carriers. Some of them are intended for newly born babies, others for older toddlers:

    • Kangaroos for newborns are carrier bags made of fabric, designed in such a way that the baby lies in them. For recently born babies, this position is optimal and most comfortable. Typically, children traveling in such a bag are calmer. First, the mother must put on a recumbent backpack, fasten it like an apron, and then put the baby in it. Everything is securely fixed, and the end of the material is secured to a hook.

    A sling or kangaroo for newborns should allow the baby to take a horizontal position

    • Kangaroos for children over 6 months of age require a vertical carrying position. The device is fixed in the area of ​​the mother's chest using clasps, straps and carabiners. There are models designed to be worn facing mom or facing the world, as well as options for carrying behind the back.
    • A separate type of kangaroo implies the possibility of fixing the bag on its side. These carriers allow you to carry your baby lying down or reclining, which is especially convenient when breastfeeding. Often, bags of this type allow you to change the position of the baby (from lying to sitting and back) without removing the baby from the bag. This is made possible thanks to multifunctional fasteners.
    • Transformable kangaroos should be purchased with the future in mind. These options usually come with a mattress for newborns.

    Features of choice

    Do not buy carriers for growth under any circumstances - it can be dangerous. With intensive growth, the child changes completely: body weight, back width and spine shape - everything undergoes changes. The baby carrier is unable to adapt to these updated parameters. The backpack can only adjust the straps to suit the increased volume of the toddler’s body, but it cannot change its back. The backrest is not designed to support the natural physiological curve of the spine. Remember important selection rules:

    • For the little ones, it is better to buy an orthopedic kangaroo for newborns, a photo of which you can easily find on the Internet. These bags have a rigid back, head support and are equipped with additional seat belts.

    Orthopedic backpack confidently supports the child's head

    • Before buying a backpack in a store, carefully check all the straps and fasteners. Since your child's weight will increase over time, make sure the shoulder straps are wide enough and padded enough.
    • The fabric for the backpack should be natural. Foam rubber inserts and synthetic materials will not allow the skin to breathe in the hot season and will create a greenhouse effect.
    • The fabric in the area where the legs are fixed should be as soft as possible so as not to damage or rub the delicate skin.
    • All seams must be neatly stitched and not protruding. Pay special attention to the groin area.
    • The presence of a waist belt ensures that tension is relieved from the spine and protection from overload.
    • A bib that can be attached to a backpack will be very useful. The baby may burp or drool. A bib also protects your baby from your clothes.

    Are kangaroos harmful?

    Doctors, including Dr. Komarovsky, express a categorical ban on transferring children to kangaroos until they learn to sit on their own. This, of course, applies to seated forms of carrying. In this position, the entire weight of the child presses on the perineal area and the entire load goes on the spine. This puts the spine at risk and can also lead to the development of dysplasia in absolutely healthy babies. In other words, such a method of traveling with a small person will be very harmful.

    The kangaroo carrier does not have wide shoulder straps, a waist belt or tension straps. This design does not allow the baby to be pressed as closely as possible to the mother. The center of gravity is shifted forward, which provokes in an adult the need to bend, and this is fraught with back pain.

    A kangaroo backpack cannot give a physiological shape to the spine. The baby's legs dangle, and this can cause improper formation of the hip joints.

    The correct fit for a 4 month old baby in a backpack should resemble the letter “M”. A little later, when the baby masters sitting independently, the position should resemble the letter “P”.

    Such positions are only possible when using an ergonomic backpack or, in other words, a sling backpack. You can watch a video on the Internet to see how to put a baby in a backpack.

    The angle of spread of the legs should be 90-110 degrees relative to the vertical position of the body. This angle guarantees correct fit, which means it will protect the hip joints from improper development and will not allow displacement of the vertebrae. Not a single model of kangaroo pouch is able to provide a physiological fit for the baby. Until the baby sits on his own, it is too early to think about buying a kangaroo pouch.

    The correct angle of leg extension protects the hip jointsRating Kangaroo backpack Cybex first.GO

    The baby kangaroo is called Cybex first.GO. It is designed to carry babies from birth weighing more than 3.5 kg until the age of three years, with a body weight of no more than 18 kg. Cybex Fest Go allows you to carry children in 4 positions:

    • lying down (0-4 months, weighing no more than 6 kg);
    • vertically facing mother (over 4 months);
    • on the hip facing an adult (from three months);
    • “facing the world” (after six months) and behind the back (also after six months).

    The basic kit includes a special insert for a newborn, equipped with a 5-point harness. It is possible to adjust the backpack according to the child’s height (5 positions). Average cost: 5700 rubles.

    Kangaroo backpack Baby Bjorn Miracle Organic

    Next in the ranking is the Swiss Baby Bjorn Miracle Organic backpack. It is intended for babies from birth weighing more than 3.5 kg and up to one and a half years of age weighing no more than 12 kg. Material – 100% cotton. The high quality of the product is reinforced by the ability to adjust the slings. The backpack will be comfortable and easy to use; you will not have to buy additional pillows or inserts. Average cost: 7800 rubles.

    BabyBjorn Original Kangaroo Carrier in mesh (Air)

    From the moment of birth, children can be carried in the Swiss BabyBjorn Original mesh backpack (Air). The baby's weight must be at least 3.5 kg. This breathable backpack is designed for children in their first year of life. Mom will appreciate the opportunity to use it at home and during walks in the hot season. The backpack is made from mesh, which is particularly durable and easily breathable. The manufacturer claims, and positive reviews confirm, that the special quality of the material allows you to adapt the backpack to a growing child day by day. The angle of the legs is 45 degrees. Can be used in 2 positions:

    • facing mom;
    • facing the world.

    Average cost: 6000 rubles.

    Baby Kangaroo Carrier Baby Bjorn Active

    A special kangaroo carrier was specially designed by specialists for active parents who want to walk and travel with their child for a very long time. Babies older than 1 week can already use the services of this backpack. The weight for which the backpack is designed is 3.5-12 kg, i.e. It is intended for babies of the first year of life. The manufacturer guarantees that the physiological characteristics of a newborn are fully taken into account in this model. The child's head is securely fixed with additional straps. There are two positions for use:

    • facing mom;
    • facing the world.

    The angle of the legs is 45 degrees. Average cost: 7500 rubles.

    Baby carrier Chicco Soft& Dream

    The Italian backpack Chicco Soft& Dream is designed for children from birth and throughout the first year of life with a maximum weight of 9 kg. It is possible to carry the baby in three positions:

    • lying down (up to 4 months);
    • facing mom;
    • facing the world.

    The set includes a special mattress for babies from birth. It is possible to adjust the side fastenings based on the baby’s height. Average cost: 3500 rubles.

    Chicco YOU ​​& ME Kangaroo Bag

    The Italian Chicco YOU ​​& ME bag can carry newborn babies and infants no older than 9 months. Maximum weight – 11 kg. The double strap adjustment system allows you to adjust the backpack in both width and height. The shoulder straps are made of breathable material, which ensures that the adult does not sweat excessively during use. Thanks to the ergonomic design of the belts, mom or dad will not have unnecessary stress on the spine. Babies can be carried in two positions:

    • facing mom;
    • facing the world.

    The kit does not include an additional mattress for a newborn to carry the baby in a horizontal position. Average cost: 4700 rubles.

    Chicco Go Baby Kangaroo Backpack

    The next representative of the Chicco company is the Chicco Go Baby backpack. The material for the device is 100% cotton. The maximum weight of a child is 9 kg. This model does not have a special insert for carrying newborns in a horizontal position. It is possible to carry the baby in two positions:

    • face to face;
    • facing the world.

    Thanks to the waist fastenings and comfortable shoulder straps, the load on the back is distributed evenly, which means back pain will not accompany an adult. The kangaroo has a rigid back. Additionally, the kit includes two bibs. Photos of the model and reviews about her can be found on the Internet. Average cost: 1500 rubles.

    Rules of application

    Choosing the best for your child is not an easy task, but the most important thing lies ahead of you. After purchasing a backpack, do not forget to regularly check its reliability:

    1. Fasteners, fasteners and latches must be in good condition. While walking, pay attention to the straps and fasteners from time to time. You need to put on the backpack carefully, following all the manufacturer’s recommendations described in the instructions.
    2. Mom's view is difficult due to the baby in front, so be extremely careful when going up or down steps, when crossing the road and in other dangerous places.
    3. The first use of the kangaroo should last no more than 10 minutes. Gradually increase this time, but remember that the child cannot be carried in it for more than two hours at a time. It is advisable to take short breaks in use, approximately every 20 minutes. To do this, you should stop and take the baby out of the backpack.
    4. To avoid the risk of burning your little one, never iron, cook or drink hot tea while holding your baby facing you. If you need to do a number of household chores, move the baby to a position behind your back.
    5. Monitor your baby’s well-being and appearance during transportation. If redness appears from the straps and seams, it is necessary to stop carrying. This point is especially important regarding the groin area.

    With the arrival of a child in the family, parents try to do everything to make the baby comfortable. But at the same time, we must not forget about ourselves: no one can cancel important things, but they just need to be done not by ourselves, but together with the baby. Therefore, the first purchase for a newborn is a stroller. A vehicle in which the baby can sleep feels comfortable. However, the dimensions of the stroller often do not allow the mother to go where she needs to go. It may just be inconvenient with a stroller. In this case, various baby carriers come to the rescue, which today can be bought at almost any children's goods store. A very common model is the kangaroo carrier. Many experts argue that carrying children in kangaroos is unsafe. We will tell you this in our article.

    What is a kangaroo carrier and its differences from an ergo-backpack

    This carrying model is a backpack in which you can place a child. It is fixed on the body of an adult with two straps, which are put on the shoulders, as well as on the waist with fastex fasteners. Depending on the age of the child, you can sit or place the baby in a kangaroo. It is allowed to use a kangaroo for children from 4 months to 1–1.5 years, until the child’s weight reaches 10 kg. A baby who cannot sit independently can only be carried in a carrier in a horizontal position. There are special kangaroo models for this.

    Kangaroo carrier for children

    Review of useful device

    Baby carriers are equally suitable for both boys and girls. However, it is worth considering the fact that such models are not intended for carrying a child for a long time. Doctors insist that the position in which the baby is in the carrier is not physiological. That is why an additional load is placed on the still fragile spine. Carrying children in a kangaroo is allowed for no more than two hours, and every 20–30 minutes you must take the child out of the carrier so that the muscles can rest.

    At what age can you carry a child in a kangaroo carrier: the opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

    Some parents confuse a kangaroo with an ergo-backpack, thinking that there is no difference in these models of baby carriers. However, this is absolutely not true. First of all, they differ in design features:

    • The ergo-backpack, unlike the kangaroo, has wide and dense straps that do not dig into the mother’s shoulders;
    • the kangaroo carrier has a narrowed belt that is fixed at the waist, and the main feature of the ergo-backpack is a wide, dense belt, thanks to which the mother does not feel the weight of her baby;
    • The back is also different: in a backpack it is soft, fits tightly to the baby and securely fixes it, but a kangaroo has a hard back.

      Differences between a kangaroo and an ergo-backpack

    Comparative characteristics of a kangaroo carrier and an ergo-backpack: table

    Convenience for baby and mother in different models of carriers

    Today, a kangaroo carrier is not considered the best option for carrying children precisely because of the position in which the child is located. However, this type of carrier is not prohibited by specialists if the rules for carrying a baby are followed. If parents nevertheless opted for a kangaroo carrier, then they should not carry the child in it for a long time; breaks are required so that the child’s legs and spine can rest.

    If you limit wearing time to one to a maximum of three hours a day, then it is not harmful from the age of two months. Try to choose a kangaroo model so that the baby does not just hang in it, leaning on the crotch, but presses more or less tightly against the mother’s body. This makes it possible to significantly reduce the vertical load on the spine.

    Comparing a kangaroo with an ergo-backpack and a sling

    The kangaroo design is almost the same for all models. There are carriers with a hard back and additional support for the baby's head, in which you can carry the baby horizontally. There are also simpler models that do not have such a long back and the fabric is not so stiff. On the modern market for children's goods you can find baby carrier models designed specifically for twins.

    Types of carriers in the photo

    Doctors' opinions on use

    Orthopedists and pediatricians do not prohibit the use of kangaroos, but insist on a minimum amount of time for carrying such a child model. This is due to design flaws:

    • for a child’s fragile spine, prolonged wearing in a kangaroo is unsafe;
    • the position in which the baby is in the carrier is not physiological: the baby’s legs are not arranged in an M shape, as in an ergo-backpack or sling. There is no prevention of hip dysplasia;
    • due to the rigid back of the kangaroo, the baby cannot be pressed tightly against the mother, which creates additional stress on the spine;
    • For a mother, carrying a child in such a carrier, according to doctors, is also undesirable. The thing is that when carrying such models, the main load goes on the mother’s spine. Surgeons and traumatologists note the possible development of spinal disc herniations due to constant tension in the spine and back muscles.

      Comparison between carriers of different models

    You should pay attention to the fact that if the baby has low muscle tone, it is forbidden to carry him in a kangaroo. For parents who want to purchase a carrier for themselves and their baby, experts still recommend paying attention to slings or an ergo-backpack, depending on the age of the baby.

    Today, kangaroos are not an option when it comes to baby carriers.

    Comparison of a kangaroo with an ergo-backpack on video

    How to properly carry a baby in a kangaroo carrier

    The position of the baby in the kangaroo depends on his age. Babies up to six months can be carried in a horizontal position. To do this, you need to choose a special carrying model that can be secured in this position. The main rule is that if parents intend to carry the child in a lying position, they should choose a kangaroo with a hard back.

    Horizontal position in a kangaroo carrier

    1. Lay the carrier out on a surface. Take the baby and place him in the kangaroo, while inserting the legs into the special holes.
    2. Secure the child with special straps in front of the carrier.
    3. Take a kangaroo with your child. Holding the baby behind your back with one hand, throw one strap over your shoulder with the other and fasten it to the fastex on the opposite side.
    4. Place the second strap under your arm along your back and also snap it onto the fastex.
    5. Be sure to hold your child with one hand while walking.

    As soon as the baby has learned to sit independently, he can be carried in a kangaroo in a horizontal position facing his mother or with his back to his mother. Some models with a tight back can easily be transformed from a horizontal to a vertical position. To do this, you just need to unfasten the additional hood, which served as support for the baby’s head.

    Vertical position of the child in a kangaroo carrier

    1. Fasten the straps on the baby carrier.
    2. Take the kangaroo and fasten the carrier to your belt using the buckles.
    3. Now you can put the baby in the carrier. Take your baby and put his legs through the special holes.
    4. Secure your child using the chest strap.
    5. Adjust the length of the straps, if necessary, using the fasteners.
    6. If you want to carry the child with his back to the mother, then simply turn the baby around, while rolling back the back to the level so that the child’s face is visible.

    How to carry a baby vertically in such a backpack: video

    In a kangaroo you can carry a child on your back. If the mother has chosen this position to use the carrier, it is important to remember that the baby is securely secured in the carrier and does not dangle. After all, if the baby is not sufficiently secured, he may fall out of the kangaroo.

    Position behind your back in kangaroo

    1. Fasten the kangaroo straps. Place the carrier on your shoulders and secure the belt at your waist with the buckles.
    2. It is better for someone to help the mother put the baby in the carrier. But if there is no one nearby, experienced mothers can cope on their own.
    3. Sit down, pick up the child and carefully place him in the carrier. Make sure that the legs fit into the special holes. While holding your baby, secure the straps on the carrier.
    4. Be sure to check that all fastenings are securely fastened and the baby is pressed tightly to the mother.

    How to choose the best baby carrier

    • material: children are very sensitive, so the carrier should be made of natural fabrics that will not cause irritation. Also, the material must be durable to support the weight of the child;
    • fastenings: all fasteners must be reliable, because the safety of your baby depends on the quality and strength;
    • width of the straps: the wider the straps, the less the load on the mother’s shoulders, so choose a model in which the width of the straps is at least 7 cm;
    • presence of a belt: not all kangaroo models are equipped with a belt that is fixed at the mother’s waist. Without this belt, the weight is distributed unevenly, and the mother often has back and lower back pain;
    • adjustability: in cheap models you cannot adjust the length of the straps and the waistband, as well as the straps on the backpack itself. Be careful when buying a carrier; all parts must be adjustable;
    • the presence of a headrest: this element can be removable, the headrest must be rigid in order to securely fix the baby’s head;
    • back: this carrying part should also be rigid;
    • width of the seat: at this age it is recommended to carry children with their legs apart. Therefore, the wider the seat, the more comfortable it is for the child to sit and the load on the spine is reduced.

    The most popular models are the kangaroo from BabyBjorn, the Italian company Chicco and Tiny Love made in the UK.

    25/07/2013 13:01

    Russia, Sochi

    Mr. Evgeniy Olegovich, the difference between a kangaroo and a sling, or ergo-backpack, is significant. It’s strange that you, as a doctor, don’t know this. And carrying a baby in a kangaroo is dangerous. By pressing tightly, you will not relieve the load, because the kanga has a rigid back that straightens the child’s spine in order to ensure the correct bends: for a baby who does not yet sit or crawl - in the shape of the letter C. Wear it facing away from you just as unacceptable for a baby. There is too much unnecessary information flow for someone who is completely undeveloped and nervous. systems. Plus pressure on the perineum, which is not good primarily for boys. And the back arch. Those who are completely unfazed by this are simply irresponsible.

    07/11/2012 20:46

    Russia, Apatity

    Irina, at least up to 5 years old) it’s just yours up to 2 years old. And then - seats, ergo backpacks, etc., of course, for long distances (hiking, shopping, amusement park)

    25/07/2011 19:12 #
    Slingomama from St. Petersburg
    Kangas are worn no earlier than 6 months, when the child’s spine is already sufficiently formed, and only with the baby sitting. It’s unrealistic for a parent to carry a baby in a kangaroo for more than 2 hours, and they don’t use it every day (not as a sling), the back is not made of iron, so if parents carry a baby in a kangaroo to the store once a week, nothing bad will happen...
    Lincolna is from the city of Krasnogvardeiskoye, but I think that cabbage rolls are tasteless and even harmful, because I don’t like them. Also IMHO.

    07/11/2012 03:02

    Russia, Taganrog

    And I am categorically FOR! Just not “IMHO”, but I’ll explain. I myself have been using the sling for 2.5 months, but my daughter is only 3 months old. The sling can be used from birth to 2 years, as written in the instructions. Next there is an explanation of why this is not harmful, but even useful, and also explains in detail how to place a child there and what positions are allowed for what age. Newborns are naturally carried only lying down. An indispensable thing to keep the mother active and the child calm. I can easily move around the city, in any public transport, visit work, the hospital, other institutions, shops. Our trips are often not limited to an hour or two, and the whole time the baby in the sling remains calm and feels great. I move and she, too, sways from side to side, up and down, like she once did when she was inside me, and she also smells like mom and her mother’s heart beats very close by - the first sound of her life. We hardly use it at home, there were once or twice when we needed to devote time to her, and I urgently needed to move around in the kitchen, but mostly we play with hanging rattles, listen to rhymes or songs, gymnastics massage, and, of course, the sacred thing - to eat and there is no time left for anything else to sleep. But most likely, when she grows up and stays awake longer, she will have to be involved in housework, again by placing her in a sling. What else do you need for happiness? - the child is with his mother, looked after, calm, caressed with a glance and a warm word every extra second, otherwise he even decided to tickle his mother and at the same time the borscht was cooked and the laundry was hung up and a bunch of other things were done. In a word, I am FOR slings!!! Try it! This is definitely not an innovation - children have not been carried like this for centuries, millennia!!

    10/01/2012 12:51

    Moldova, Kishinev

    This absolutely cannot happen in my opinion. For example, I just have the following situation: 5th floor (no elevator), 5-month-old baby, heavy stroller (13 kg) + baby another 9 kg, dad at work until the evening (who carries us take the stroller outside on weekends), but you need to go for a walk! Here's the solution - a sling. You sit in it - both for a walk, and if you really need to go to the clinic (but we try not to go there) - you have to get there by transport... and the poor mother alone cannot drag a stroller and baby into it. I'm not saying that you need to constantly carry the child on you, but sometimes this is a solution.

    25/07/2011 19:06

    Russia, Saint-Petersburg

    An ergonomic backpack is not the same as a kangaroo, a kangaroo is harmful, but an ergonomic sling backpack is safe for a long time, it can be worn for up to 2-3 years:) http://vkontakte.ru/photo68492709_176978513

    26/02/2011 08:55

    I am also in favor of slings (especially if you live on the 4th floor without an elevator) - theoretically. because in practice, my child in a sling only agreed to sleep. my daughter didn’t like to sit in her arms at all - she moved away, pushed herself with her hands, asked to sit on the floor, on her play mat. and, to be honest, this was only to our advantage - we had an asymmetry of tone, and the doctor recommended lying on a flat surface most of the time. In general, of course, it’s convenient - we went on vacation with our daughter at 3.5 months, it’s time for her to sleep, and we put her in a sling, and
    excursion - it’s good for us and for her. in a sling and you can feed in any public place - it covers everything well, nothing is visible from the outside. If my daughter would still agree to sit in it during waking hours, it would be absolutely beautiful.

    17/11/2010 15:59

    The sling is a miracle. Solves the problem of a second child, the problem of moving with a baby around an apartment, block, city, the problem of pain in the back and arms. It seems to me that you need to carry in a sling as much as you are ready and your baby is ready. Regarding research in the USA and Ms. Malysheva’s program - 13 deaths in 20 years. This is ten thousandths of a percent. It is dangerous to carry children close to you - there is a risk of suffocation. If you put on a sling correctly and carry your baby in it, then there are no threats. But for particularly “attentive” mothers, the baby is not safe in the crib. I AM FOR! slings)))

    17/11/2010 11:57

    Recently there was a TV program with E. Malysheva. They said that in America, a large-scale study was conducted on the harm/benefit of backpacks for children after a fairly large percentage of children died in these devices (I don’t remember exactly how many). So these are the conclusions.
    It is recommended to carry your baby in such a backpack for no more than 40 minutes to 1 hour per carry. Because a large load on the fragile spine and impaired blood flow, especially in the neck and head (the blood flow of the brain is impaired).
    I put on a backpack with the baby - went to the store, took it off, cooked food, took it off, rocked it to sleep, took it off, etc. Everything is good in moderation!

    03/06/2010 11:46

    I have already sifted through a lot of information and many pediatricians are trumpeting that it is better not to use baby carriers. Replace with slings and ergonomic backpacks - they do not harm the child’s spine and perineum. We took an ergonomic backpack - it’s very convenient

    07/04/2010 10:59

    Slings are a great thing. You can always communicate with your child, you can do household chores, and he is with you, and you don’t worry about where he is (crawls:). The baby is always calm and does not cry; wearing it in a sling is very calming. There is simply no better thing for the development of the musculoskeletal system. The legs are spread apart like a frog (against dysplasia), the back is in the correct position (let the doctor confirm), the weight of the child’s body is taken by the tissue, and not by the mother or his spine. It’s convenient to move around, walk, and this is just the find of the century, I think. What would I do without him?

    12/05/2009 22:13

    The kangaroo must be correct: wide, soft, long straps that do not cut into the shoulders, and also allow for an additional belt on the belt; wide soft seat - so that the child’s legs are spread apart and the pressure on the butt is minimal due to the large area. In addition, the baby carrier should have a lying position for little ones. We have one :)
    But when the child is small, a sling is still more comfortable, and a kangaroo - if the child sits looking forward, with his back to the parent (from 5-6 months).

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