How to interest a guy over the phone? Rules for telephone conversations with men. What to talk about with a guy on the phone: some simple tips

Even the most sociable girls sometimes feel awkward in moments of silence while communicating with the opposite sex. Such situations often arise when communication has just begun and common ground has not yet been found. At this moment, it is extremely important for a girl to know what to talk about with a guy, because their further communication depends on this. It is especially important to choose topics for conversation with the young man you like and want to get to know better.

Secrets of communicating with a guy

If girls easily find a common language with each other, even when their views are completely different, then with guys it is a little more difficult. It is important to pay attention not only to the topics of conversation, but also to the manner of communication. Some girls with good all-round development can scare off a young man, and he will stop communicating with them, begin to avoid them, and ignore them. How to communicate with guys in this case?

By phone

Most guys don't like to talk on the phone for hours about nothing. You shouldn’t call every half hour to tell her that you miss her again, especially if you’re just acquaintances. SMS messages are also not an option. Frequent cell phone calls can irritate a guy and make him feel like he's just bored and has nothing better to do. But you can wish your beloved guy good morning or sweet dreams, it will please him.

In rare cases, young guys like to talk for a long time on the phone with their girlfriend. It’s easy to recognize them - such people themselves will often call and write. Otherwise, follow these rules for communicating on the phone:

  • Provide only specific information.
  • Get the guy interested at the very beginning of the conversation. The topic of communication should be extremely interesting for a young man.
  • Present everything in clear language, avoid complex sentences and metaphors.

By correspondence in VK

Social networks greatly simplify communication; starting a conversation on the Internet is much easier. It can all start with a simple “Hello” message. Pages on VK, Odnoklassniki, Facebook or other services will suggest the guy’s interests and help him find a suitable topic for conversation. Sometimes even looking at a profile reveals so much about a young man that the desire to communicate with him disappears.

If you decide to start a correspondence, it is better to unobtrusively start a topic based on the guy’s interests; the topics of cinema and music will be a win-win, even if the tastes do not coincide at all. By discussing films (acting, interesting moments), there is an opportunity to get to know a person better, right down to what kind of girls a guy likes. Communication on social networks is good because it is possible to convey your emotions or make the conversation brighter and more interesting with the help of emoticons, pictures, photographs, and audio recordings.

By Skype

Communication on Skype provides more opportunities. The service allows you not to limit yourself to simple correspondence, but to talk while looking at the interlocutor. Such communication is more emotional, and you can see how the second participant in the conversation reacts to certain things during the conversation. The guy's reaction will tell you which topics to avoid and not touch upon. Video communication on Skype is much better than by phone or correspondence on VKontakte, but nothing can replace a live conversation during a meeting.

Topics for communication with a guy

The conversation should interest the guy. A young man will not talk for several hours about which nail polish is best to choose for this outfit or about your friend’s new boyfriend. When communicating, avoid gossip and unclear or uninteresting topics. It is especially difficult to choose a topic at the first meeting. In such cases, it is better to give him the opportunity to talk about himself: about his studies, work, friends, interesting moments from his life. Excessive conversations about your biography will be unnecessary for a girl; it should always remain a mystery, and you should not talk about the details of your personal life.

There are a lot of topics that will be of interest to both guys and girls. You can start a conversation about something you don’t really understand. It is extremely important to avoid disputes in such matters. This will not only make the guy in the know laugh, but it will make you look bad. When starting a conversation on unfamiliar topics, make an interested face, sometimes nod your head and ask questions. This will help you learn more about the young man and expand your horizons.

If you don't know what to talk about with your guy, it's better to discuss:

  1. Relationship. At the beginning of communication, find out what type of girls the guy prefers. If the couple has already been together, even for a short time, the girl can start a conversation about what she expects from this relationship and what she will not tolerate. When communicating on this topic, do not allow memories of former partners. In the conversation, you can touch on the problems that the couple has, if any. Sooner or later they will have to be resolved, so do not drag out such conversations and resolve the problems immediately. You can talk to a guy about relationships only when he is in the mood for this conversation.
  2. Movie. There are a lot of interesting films now, so it’s easy to start a conversation about films or show programs. Such a conversation will certainly captivate both participants, especially if the film is truly exciting. It will be interesting to find out what new things have already come out and can be seen.
  3. Hobbies or sports. This is another topic that will be of interest to a young person. In this conversation, discuss what the guy likes to do in his free time, what his hobbies are, what team he supports. A girl doesn’t have to be a fan of a sports club that a guy likes, but showing respect for the interests of her interlocutor will be useful.
  4. Literature. Lately, not every guy is interested in talking about books, but there are still some who like to read. In conversation, you can use phrases or quotes from famous works. But you shouldn’t bother a guy with a topic that’s not interesting to him. If a young man is not interested in literature, do not bore him with such stories.
  5. Museums or memorial sites. Every city has attractions. It would be nice to talk about this with a guy on a walk and visit these places. The meeting will be interesting and exciting, and to make it memorable, you can take a few photos.
  6. Computers. Young people love to talk about all kinds of gadgets and technology, and they discuss not only software, but also the insides of the PC. Such conversations will help the girl learn about why the computer sometimes freezes, where viruses come from and how they affect the performance of the “machine.”
  7. Holidays and travel. Discussing plans and desires for the coming weekend will be not only an interesting, but also a useful topic for the couple. Such a conversation will help plan your rest time and avoid any conflicts or unpleasant situations. Tell us about what you want to visit and describe in detail what you expect from your vacation together.
  8. Cars. This topic is interesting to almost all guys, but unknown to most girls. If a woman shows at least a little interest in cars and starts asking relevant questions, the young man will be happy to continue the conversation and tell everything he knows. A guy will appreciate such a girl and feel that she is interested in his hobbies. In such conversations, trust in each other develops.
  9. Work or study. This is where the young man spends most of his time. Various interesting situations occur during moments of activity. Ask the guy how his day was. Thanks to such conversations, the young man will share what worries him and will feel cared for by you.

What else do guys like to talk about?

A conversation with a guy is not limited to these topics. Various conversations help to get to know the guy’s interests, preferences, plans for the future (self-development, additional education). Also, during a conversation, there is an opportunity to touch on the topic of your partner’s shortcomings and express your opinion, but you shouldn’t be too critical. It’s better to present it in a humorous way, with a smile on your face. You can ask a young man to advise something on an issue that is important to you.

What topics should not be discussed when talking on a date?

In order for the date to go well and leave only pleasant impressions, do not touch upon the following topics when communicating:

  • past relationships;
  • details of intimate life;
  • own failures, complaints;
  • discussion of details of the personal lives of girlfriends, friends (gossip);
  • policy;
  • religion;
  • health problems.

How to behave when talking

During a conversation with a guy, do not behave arrogantly and intrusively - young men do not really like such girls. The interlocutor should arouse interest, and not a desire to end the conversation quickly. A girl needs to be welcoming, friendly, interested in conversation. Speak in a language that the guy understands - avoid hints, especially ambiguous ones. The young man must understand you correctly. Only mutual interest in the conversation will make communication enjoyable. If the topic is unpleasant for the guy, close it and don’t bring it up again.

French writer and the thinker Nicolas de Chamfort said that a woman is like a shadow: when you run after her, she rushes away from you, but when you leave, she follows you. But in the time of Chamfort, women took an exclusively passive position in mating games and, as a rule, did not initiate them. Today, in the era of universal female emancipation, the fair sex is increasingly active in building intimate relationships with the stronger sex. And what was revealed to women in this experience? The only thing is that men behave exactly the same!

Cold and calmness, the absence of any attention, warms them up and forces them to seek love, but as soon as they take just a couple of decisive steps in response, apathy attacks the man, and he already casts only cursory and lazy glances at yesterday’s object of his desire. The Lord probably makes a lot of fun at our comical struggles in creating personal happiness.

Having recently become active game, women ask each other a lot of questions and share experiences. Is it possible to approach with a feather? How to show signs of attention correctly so as not to scare them away? Can I call first? Write first? All this sometimes makes my head spin.

And modern ones too" knights"They are also disappointing, more and more day by day. They have become so fearful - what can we say about dragons, if they are afraid to even approach their lady love? Most of the acquaintances are made on the Internet and remain on the Internet. Rarely does any communication reach the stage of exchange numbers and telephone conversations. And here many new questions arise about whether to call yourself or wait only for his call, what to do if he doesn’t call, what to talk about and, most importantly, how to unobtrusively push the gentleman to more active actions? For a date, for example?

Well, let's start in order. It's best not to call, and not at all because this is a sign of bad taste, it’s not accepted and grandma will scold you. It’s just that, as stated above, a man needs to pursue a woman so that he doesn’t lose interest in her. Oh, you should call first, and he will begin to imagine himself as the first guy in the village. What can we say about a date - as soon as a girl takes the initiative and invites a guy to a meeting, in most cases he will immediately spread his peacock tail. Of course, there are happy exceptions, but exceptions are called that for a reason.

In general, if the guy doesn't call for a day or two, this is not a reason to give up. It is quite possible that he himself is following some stupid pick-up manual that tells him to be as restrained as possible in expressing his interest. But if there are no calls for three or four days, then you can already remind about yourself. It doesn't have to be a call. This could be some message on a social network, an SMS. But you don’t need to write anything, like: “Why don’t you call?” - this is a losing option. It's better to write something neutral. If he, let’s say, is showing off, or is simply too timid to call, he will call back. If not, then most likely you can move on to the next candidate.

Win a guy over mobile phone conversations possible. He may not be able to appreciate your beauty, but you can spur him on to more active actions. The first thing to learn is not to talk too much. Many girls, out of excitement, and in order to seem like an interesting conversationalist, begin to jabber madly about everything in a row, from their views on monetarist theory to retelling yesterday in real time, until they hear distinct snoring at the other end of the line.

It should be remembered that the best interlocutor is attentive listener. You can make a much better impression of yourself by encouraging your interlocutor to talk about himself, rather than trying to interest him in himself. It sounds a little paradoxical, but it works. If you talk about yourself, the interlocutor will be sure that you are an arrogant, arrogant, self-obsessed person. If you listen, the guy will immediately understand how smart you are and how great you are at communicating. And this is exactly what we need. Don’t think that you will always have to do nothing but look into a young man’s mouth and silently catch his every word, this is not so. But, in the first stages, it would be a wise decision to hold your tongue and assent more.

Don't forget to smile! Many people think this is pointless, because mobile phones have not yet evolved enough to transmit a picture, so the person you are talking to will not be able to see your charming interlocutor. But it is not so. When we talk to someone on the phone, we create a mental image of them in our minds. Smiling during a conversation changes the timbre of the interlocutor's voice and articulation. It is usually not difficult to recognize a smiling person by ear. So, smile while talking to a guy on the phone and he will see your attractive smile as if in reality. This will make it easier for him to fall in love.

It often happens that " telephone relations" drag on without developing into something more meaningful and real. Most often, this happens due to the excessive timidity of a young man who cannot dare to do such a harmless thing as an invitation to a date. You should not rush him too much, but from time to time hint as transparently as possible that you are bored, that you are tired of sitting at home all day, that no one is inviting you to go for a walk. And repeat these hints from time to time, at some point, your timid Romeo will still dare to do this. feat and suggest going somewhere together. The main thing is not to laugh, because, most likely, out of excitement - this will be the most lopsided invitation to a date in your life.

Well, what if invitations does not do so, then it is quite possible to take the bull by the horns, frankly asking why he does not invite you on a date. What to lose? This is better than just burying another relationship. Will it work? But it is better, of course, to save this extreme method for extreme situations, when everything looks completely hopeless.

One of women's favorite leisure activities is talking on the phone. In this case, they become real talkers. They talk a lot, on all topics and in great detail. But they only behave this way with their girlfriends. But if they call a man, then often after a couple of sentences they no longer know what to talk to him about, since they do not see a proper response to their questions and reasoning.

And so, today, dear women, we will discuss with you the topic of how to communicate with a man on the phone. After all, if we get pleasure and some degree of relaxation from communicating in this way, then a man sees in the phone only a way to obtain information. And sometimes we want the communication with our chosen one to be long and interesting, and so that he is always waiting for our next call. Yes, and the ability to communicate with a man on the phone will be useful in other situations when we need to be heard and get a positive result from our telephone call.

When not to call a man

You know what busy people they are and that they consider telephone chatter a waste of time. Moreover, men love with their eyes, and a live conversation, when you can look into your girlfriend’s neckline, appreciate her new stockings and fantasize while looking at her elastic ass, is more important for them than a telephone conversation. If they talk on the phone, it goes in one ear and out the other.

So, in order for people to hear you and understand what we are talking about, you need to definitely exclude early morning calls. This is what men definitely don’t like. They have not woken up yet, they are in a hurry to get to work, they are not ready to change their plans if you puzzle them so early. In the midst of a working day, they have a lot of problems without you. At lunchtime, they rush to drink a cup of coffee and discuss with colleagues a football match, new products in the automobile industry, and a party at a nightclub. It is useless to call in the evening, because you will meet soon anyway. It only takes a few minutes to dial your loved one’s number to find out where he will meet you, what he will order for dinner, or whether it’s worth stopping at a store on the way. After a date, calling late at night is generally useless. He's tired, he's busy, he's already discussed everything he wanted with you. There will be no meaningful conversation.

Now think about when to call these guys. But, all these restrictions can be safely discarded if you intrigue a man. Call and immediately tell him that today you bought “awesome” lingerie in which you look stunning, or found a funny, depraved film on the Internet that you would like to watch together. And after that, you can safely sit on your partner’s ears, without fear that he will say that he is very tired and will go to bed.

If you know each other closely enough, you can throw your chosen one a small sex party over the phone, igniting his passion with your story about what you will do with him when he gets on your network. Once you have cheered up your chosen one a little, you can discuss your girlfriends, his friends, your bosses at work. He will agree to everything.

The main thing is that he is ready for such a conversation, and not afraid of your violent sexual fantasy. There are also men who are scared off by this type of sex. They may still think about your promiscuity. But is it worth having relationships with such boring men?

In what other cases will a man always listen to you carefully on the phone? Of course, when the conversation concerns him personally, his work, car, money, housing and other similar issues. Just don’t tell him about all the little things, where, what you saw and heard, how much tire fitting costs and that you know how you can apply for a subsidy for utilities. The man is not interested in various rumors and scandals. Speak only to the point, clearly expressing your thoughts. Have you spoken? Have you heard his opinion? Well, goodbye.

Basic rules for communicating on the phone, which will apply to all men, acquaintances, strangers, fiancés and husbands. Always speak in a confident voice when you answer the phone. If there are notes of sexuality in it, it will be generally great. Say hello, say goodbye and give compliments (well, not to your boss, but only to your loved ones). If you don’t want to tell the truth to your interlocutor over the phone, then you shouldn’t lie. Just quickly jump to another topic, as if by chance.

When talking to a man, try not to lose your train of thought. And sometimes it happens that you start discussing the menu for the upcoming party, and immediately insert how it was at your friend’s, where she bought her dress, and how beautiful her mother’s apartment is. Ultimately, the man will not understand anything and will become annoyed by such conversation. If a woman knows how to think about everything at the same time, then a man needs consistent and logical thoughts.

And one moment. When talking to a man on the phone, do not interrupt him. Wait for the end of the remark and then insert your word. These are simple rules of decency that we sometimes forget about when listening to our girlfriend. But men don’t like this behavior.

How long can you talk to a man on the phone without him getting tired of you? Yes, no more than 15 minutes. And then during the conversation, maintain his interest with intonation, sighs and aahs. So that he feels not only your voice, but also your sexuality.

Important! If you call your boyfriend and he is in the car while driving, do not distract him from the road, even if you urgently need to tell him about what ring you saw today and who you met. Let him park, then talk. I don’t think it’s worth explaining to you why this is necessary.

And now let's move on to the conclusion. If you decide to break off a relationship with a man, then you should not do it over the phone. Firstly, he will not believe in the sincerity of your decision and will try to figure out the relationship one-on-one. And secondly, it’s much more pleasant to express to a man’s face everything that you think about him, while wearing a spectacular dress and doing beautiful makeup. Let this bastard understand what he lost.

Now you know all the basic rules for communicating with a man on the phone and can show your best side. Don't be intrusive, become tactful and attentive. and then your call to the man will be long-awaited and pleasant for him.

Girls are sure that a man must make the first step, and men, in turn, are very shy. Talking to a girl they like is sometimes more difficult for them than learning to fly an airplane. What to do in this case? How to overcome this embarrassment and start communicating? The solution may be a simple phone call. After all, talking to your interlocutor and expressing your thoughts to him if you don’t see him is much easier than face to face. In this article I will tell you how to start a conversation over the phone so that it is easy and relaxed.

How to start a conversation

Many women believe that “forcing” themselves on a man is a shame. What can you do? In our society there is still an opinion that it is the valiant “knight” who must win the heart of a beautiful lady. But a phone call is a non-binding thing. So why not take the first step forward and call him? But many girls are worried about the question: “What to talk about with a guy on the phone?” We will answer this later. Now let’s talk about how to start a conversation with a young man. The first thing you should do is find out as much as possible about him: his habits, activities, studies, work, and so on. This way the risk of getting into trouble will be minimal. Second tip: when you start a conversation with him, try to get him to talk as much as possible. Let him tell you about himself. Ask him, ask for his opinion on this or that event. But just don’t be too zealous; being too attentive to his person can scare him away.

Topics for telephone conversations

Now let’s talk about what topics you can talk about over the phone. It is believed that if a girl talks on the phone, she spends a third of her free time on this. So spend this time usefully for yourself and your future relationships. Below is a list of possible conversation topics:

His occupation, hobby. If your loved one is involved in sports, music or any other activity, be sure to ask what led him to this and what he expects from these activities.

His passions. Are you not interested in his preferences in food, clothing, and everyday life? This means that you are not interested in the very object of your desire. Is it worth continuing the relationship in this case?

News. Every day something new happens in the world. I wonder what he thinks about this?

Men have a reasonable question: on the phone?" But here the advice will be simple: all girls love it when it comes to them, their loved ones. Therefore, give her the opportunity to tell you as much as possible about herself, become her grateful listener, and it may very well be that soon you will become her beloved, close person who knows absolutely everything about her.

What to avoid when talking on the phone

Now let's talk about what topics should be avoided in telephone conversations. If you are concerned about the question: “What to talk about with a guy on the phone?” - then know that in no case should you start a conversation on too serious topics, for example, on the topic of money, children, religion or former relationships. And also, try not to speak negatively about a particular person or event. Your interlocutor may be put off by the fact that you think poorly about people and some things that are dear to him.

Now you know what to talk about with a guy on the phone. Don't be afraid of anything, don't hesitate to take the initiative into your own hands, call him and win him over with a pleasant conversation. Have you tried everything, but no common topics for communication have emerged? Then this is simply not your person!

Building a relationship with the person you like is not so easy. You want to do everything right, not to be weird or stupid. That is why in this article I would like to tell you what you can talk about with a guy and what topics it is better not to touch upon in a conversation with representatives of the opposite sex.

First meeting

The first date with a man is always exciting. Girls prepare for it in advance, carefully thinking through their wardrobe, makeup, and accessories. But not every lady thinks about what is best to talk about at the first meeting. So, first of all, of course, you need to get to know each other. The girl must tell the main information about herself. As they say, born, baptized, studied. However, you shouldn’t go into details just yet; a somewhat formal tone of communication will suffice for the first meeting. There is no need to tell funny situations about your relatives yet. We can say with confidence that on the first date there may not be enough time for this. So, a short list of what you can talk about with a guy at the very first meeting:

  • About the place of birth (tell a little about your small homeland, about the family - who the parents are, what they do, about the brothers and sisters).
  • About the date of birth (many girls miss this point, but you can simply talk about the month of birth or who the lady is according to the horoscope - for many this is quite important and interesting information).
  • About studies (school, institute - profile, talk about your inclinations towards certain sciences, about the interest shown in this or that subject, and if the girl is already a student, tell what the choice of future profession was based on).
  • About hobbies (you can briefly talk about what you like, what hobbies, what clubs or courses the girl attended for self-development).

For now we can stop there. For a first date, this information will be quite enough for the guy to be able to draw certain conclusions about the girl. You shouldn’t open up too much at the first meeting, because it’s not a fact that there will be a second one.


Many girls are also concerned about what they can talk about with a guy on the phone. Here it is definitely worth saying that it is not worth having long conversations on a mobile phone, it is not interesting. It's better to chat in person. Thanks to mobile communications, you can always be within reach, but it’s better to use the handset for short conversations about clarifying the meeting place, you can simply ask the guy how his day was (if it’s not possible to meet), you can wish him a great day or pleasant dreams. Philosophical reasoning on the other end of the line will simply tire the interlocutor, and such communication will bring pleasure to few people. It's very good to send your guy encouraging text messages.


So, what can you talk about with the guy you like? Yes about everything! If people, as they say, are suitable for each other, they will not even have a situation where they have to think about what to discuss. The conversation will simply be natural and flowing. However, you can still give a list of topics that are good to talk about.

  • News. If young people have an active social position, they can easily discuss everything that has happened in the country or city recently.
  • New items. If a girl or guy has common interests, you can discuss new products in this area.
  • What can you talk about with a guy when you're walking? Great topic - sports. This is an eternal topic that can be discussed not only for hours, but also for years. The couple can exchange opinions about this or that sport, tell who likes what and why.
  • Animals. It’s also good to talk about animals, find out if the guy has a pet, tell about yours, if he has one. This will be especially relevant when a couple wants to feed pigeons in the park or ducks on the pond.
  • Hobbies. It's always nice for people to talk about what they like. So why not pay attention to your and your boyfriend’s hobbies. A conversation about this can last the whole evening.


What else can you talk about with your guy? So, you can consider a list of topics that you can talk about in a cafe over a cup of aromatic tea. We can say that there are no special restrictions here, you can talk about anything, but it is worth remembering that the situation is of great importance. Here you won’t be able to wave your arms while telling something very funny. In such establishments it is better to talk about something calm. Why not tell the girl about her position in life and ask how the guy plans to build his life. There is no need, of course, to go into details: at this time I want to get married, at this time I want to give birth to a child, this can scare a guy. Especially if the lady also asks him about it. You can simply give a general description of your desired future life. Why not talk here about childhood, about the past, about something pleasant and touching? These are all excellent, so-called “calm” topics. What else can you talk about with your guy? So, why not tell the girl about her achievements and ask about his. It will be very interesting and educational.


What can you talk about with a guy when meeting at an educational institution - school or college? So, here it is best to hook the young man with questions about his studies. It’s good to know in advance what sciences a man is strong in and ask for help in this area, provoking a date or just a meeting. You can also discuss the latest news from the school (institute), talk about what events are planned. Well, how can one not scold a teacher or teacher who is unloved by everyone? Nothing brings people together more than disliking something in common.

Intimate setting

What topics can you talk about with a guy if the couple finds themselves in an intimate situation, left alone in a cozy place? So, if the relationship allows, you can tell the guy why you liked him, what’s good about him, what character traits you like. However, here you need to know the limit and not over-praise the young man, because this may seem too forced. In such an environment, you can talk about those interesting places that a person has visited: these could be excursions, a vacation at sea. It is important to say that you should not throw yourself on a young man’s neck and kiss at the first opportunity; some guys may regard this as a girl’s “easy behavior”, her easy accessibility in an intimate way.


When looking at the topics you can talk about with a guy, it’s also worth saying that not everything can be discussed with representatives of the other sex. So, there are certain topics that should not be raised in any situation.

  • Disadvantages (both your own and others).
  • About intimate life (in general, you need to talk about this very carefully and only in a suitable environment, and you shouldn’t go into details at all).
  • Problems (there is also no need to burden the young person with your problems for one reason or another, especially if they relate to your own health or the well-being of your family).
  • Beauty (a woman should not talk about when, where and how she did her hair, manicure, bought a dress or handbag; a young man will be extremely uninterested in this).
  • Politics (also, you don’t need to go into discussions about politics, to talk about this, you need to know a lot, but just chatting about this is imitating the grandmothers on the bench).
  • Financial questions (you can’t ask a guy about his wealth, financial capabilities, you shouldn’t talk about your material well-being, this can show a material interest in the person, and not everyone will like this).

General rules

There are some general rules that are good to use when talking with a young man. So, you don’t need to burden the guy with yourself, you need to not only tell, but also listen. We need to have a dialogue. The tone of the conversation should be set by both members of the couple. If a young man, for example, has a headache, it is better to talk about something calm, without jumping around and telling a funny funny story. It’s also good to show your emotions in moderation; you don’t need to sit like a mummy or be too hyperactive. From time to time it is necessary to praise your interlocutor, doing it naturally, without excesses. Well, if there is a so-called uncomfortable moment when you don’t know what to say or ask, you need to start a conversation about your immediate plans for the future.

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