How to recognize a girl of easy virtue by her appearance and habits. What do men think about women?

Incredible facts

Men like to conquer a woman. They are attracted to the one they need to fight for.

And, of course, he loses interest if a woman gets to him too easily. And her availability can alienate even the most in love man at the beginning of a relationship.

Check yourself on all points to see if you are too available for your partner.

Or you can safely be called the one who excites men’s hearts and intrigues them with her inaccessibility.

Men love the unavailable

So, you are too accessible for a guy if you have the following signs:

1. The most common word in your vocabulary is the word “Yes”

If you constantly say “yes” to him, agreeing with everything he says, plans and requests, this is the first sign that you are too available.

Don't have your own plans or opinions? Don't you just want to curl up on the couch and watch a movie or hang out with your girlfriends instead of taking him to a car show you're not interested in?

Let him go to similar men's events with friends, and meet your girlfriends and spend time the way you want, not your boyfriend.

2. You respond to his texts or calls instantly.

You answer any phone call or text message immediately.

And even if you are in the shower or toilet at that moment and hear the sound of your mobile phone, you instantly run out of the bathroom to answer a call or message.

Stop doing this!

After all, such behavior indicates that you are too accessible. It's okay to answer right away if you're not busy doing something. But if you're at the dentist's office or standing in the shower soapy, don't stop everything you're doing to answer the phone.

If he waits a little until you are free, nothing bad will happen.

3. You apologize for missed calls or messages.

You feel guilty because you were busy and he had to wait for you to call back. You apologize for missed texts/calls and for not being able to respond quickly.

When you see a missed call because you were in a meeting or even just sleeping, do you quickly call back and immediately proceed to apologize and explain?

Why are you doing it? After all, it looks desperate and pathetic.

Instead, try making a joke or continuing the conversation in a casual manner. This will make you much more mysterious and attractive. This behavior shows that you have other things to do and are not just focused on your partner's call.

And a woman who has other things to do besides a man is always attractive and desirable.

4. You initiate almost all conversations.

You initiate most of the conversations.

As a rule, you write or call him several times a day for no apparent reason.

Believe me, in this way, your actions reveal that you are not only an accessible woman, but also a slightly desperate one.

After all, if you are busy with your own life, as you should be, then there is no need to write or call your man 100 times a day. This kind of behavior is just repulsive.

5. You happily accept invitations to go on dates at the last minute.

You accept last-minute date requests from him.

For example, on Friday evening he calls you at 16:00 and invites you on a date, say, at 17:00. You have little time to get ready, but despite this, you quickly agree, at the same time showing poorly hidden joy that you were invited on a date.

You instantly abandon your plans for the evening and readily answer him: “Of course, I’ll be happy to be there in an hour!” You drop everything, including cooking, cleaning, girlfriends, and rush towards him.

Believe me, this behavior does not portray you in a favorable light. After all, this is certainly a sign that you are too accessible.

Perhaps sometimes it is worth refusing him something.

An inaccessible woman attracts

6. You let him change plans at the last minute.

You let him reschedule your date at the last minute.

For example, if you have already agreed to meet, and suddenly at the last moment you receive a message from him that the date is cancelled...

Of course, if there are good reasons for this, that’s one thing. But if the reason for the cancellation is simply his whim, it is unpleasant and indicates that he does not value you and finds other things more important than meeting you.

Look at yourself from the outside: you are already dressed up, made up and ready to go out, and then his call or message cancels all plans. Agree, there is little pleasant in such a situation.

Everyone must decide for themselves what to do in such a situation. But, of course, you need to show the man that such behavior is unpleasant for you, because you are a living person, and not a doll that he can play with whenever he wants.

7. You cancel plans with friends for him.

If you cancel previously planned plans with friends for his sake, this is already his small victory.

Of course, the reason for such a cancellation could be very serious.

But when you cancel plans just because your partner wants to have lunch with you or just chat, it's a sure sign that you're too available.

You shouldn’t indulge him in everything he wants. Sometimes you need to show character and express your desires.

There's nothing wrong with showing them. Believe me, this way your partner will only begin to appreciate your personality, and not see you as a girl who is ready to do anything for him.

8. You don't plan anything with your girlfriends.

Or, on the contrary, you do not plan anything with your girlfriends and friends, in the hope that you will spend time with him.

It looks at least funny and pathetic to wait for his invitation.

If your friends invite you somewhere, say, on a Saturday night, and you say no just because you are waiting for him, this means that you are dependent on him, which means you are very available.

On the contrary, you should not passively wait for his invitation, like manna from heaven! Live your life to the fullest, meet friends, don’t cancel your plans for him.

This way he will see that you do not live solely for him, that you have a lot to do, opportunities, and therefore you are very interesting to the opposite sex.

Don’t get hung up on his invitations and don’t wait for good weather by the sea! Act, live and have fun!

Signs of an approachable woman

9. You are always “free” for him.

Every time he asks if you are free, and you readily answer that yes, even if at that moment you are overwhelmed with work, or busy with a new hobby, or just at a meeting with friends.

You drop everything and rush to meet him.

It's even worse if you tell him you're not busy and he asks you to do something for him. This behavior suggests that he is simply taking advantage of you, and you are too accessible for him.

Unfortunately, there are many such men looking for their own benefit from communicating with a woman.

10. Your friends tell you that you are approachable.

If your friends are already saying that you are too accessible, perhaps this is a reason to think about it.

Listen to your loved ones, please!

Probably, you know better from the outside, and your behavior raises doubts among others.

Announcement: Not free, but available.

We didn't have time to meet each other. She says: “Shall we go to me or to you?”

- Yah you. You're kind of problematic!

Men often miss out on what is worthy, choosing what is available.

Aphorisms about men

Easily accessible woman Ease of access as a personality quality is a tendency not to be strict in morals (about a woman).

A prostitute during sex says to a client: “I am an accessible woman.” For reference: my fee is five rubles there, five back. He: - And I only have five...

What does the hen think about when she runs away from the rooster? Am I running too fast?

In contrast to accessibility, a woman’s easy accessibility has a completely different social connotation – vicious.

Ease of access is when a woman has a password set to 1,2,3,4. A motorist would say: “The front oil seal is leaking.” Women say even harsher: “Weak in the front.” An easily accessible woman views sexual relations as a frivolous man. She sees no reason to get acquainted with sexual intimacy.

The trouble is that a woman becomes what a man wants her to be. This is female nature, her psychology. The less chivalry, that is, nobility, generosity, honor and dignity, in a relationship, the more accessible women become. The degradation of men pushes towards the downfall of women.

What kind of woman does a degenerate want to see? Always accessible to him, undemanding, inclined to forgive him everything, weak-willed and wordless. Responsibility for the state of accessibility of women lies with men. A man, in the context of his life goal, is always a leader for a woman. The higher his goals, the higher the culture and loyalty of the woman. A woman often becomes easily accessible in the company of an unfocused man. A woman cannot be faithful to someone who does not believe in anyone or anything, whom she does not value at all.

Ease of accessibility tends to be a sell-out. She is ready to go with anyone, at his first whim, as long as her wallet is full. Even the ancients noted: “For the sake of a moment of pleasant possession of someone else’s body, the hunter begins relations with easily accessible women and from now on is forced to support them, and at the same time their relatives, who often insult and humiliate him. It happens that he bribes a woman with his prey, but another more dexterous hunter will lure her away. In order to taste a drop of honey, the pleasure hunter has to endure the stings of a whole swarm of bees.”

Ease of access is a complete disregard for all stages of development of relations between a man and a woman, even the candy-bouquet stage is out of place. That is, the acquaintance is casual. Why know who he is, what his name is, what he does? It is enough to know the driver. Uncertainty is on the side. A woman does not ask herself the question: “Do I need to enter into a relationship with him?” Such a psychological problem is not easily accessible. There is also no need to reveal your best qualities: - Take off your pants - we’ll get to know each other. That's all the disclosure.

Writer Yuri Polyakov in “The Sky of the Fallen” tells how his hero visited easily accessible women in the institute’s dorm: “There, some senior student who has already managed to get married, give birth, divorce and send her child to her mother in her native Gadyukinsk, will pour me some vodka and feed me scrambled eggs. with coarsely chopped sausage, and then, if the neighbors have left, we will squeak a little on the narrow government bed: I will patiently chase an orgasm through the nooks and crannies of my irrevocable body after alcohol, and she will passionately whisper in my ear: “Not in me!” Not at me!!” The women of my youth were divided into sane and insane.”

According to Vladimir Kolechitsky, “A woman is similar to the Arctic: she also has a pole of relative inaccessibility.” Easily accessible – a planet without poles of inaccessibility. Just as a line is the shortest distance between two points, accessibility is the shortest time between exchanging glances and rolling over in bed.

Ease of accessibility signals itself so clearly that the male subconscious is rarely mistaken about it. How do men scan for accessibility? Vulgar, too revealing outfit, excessive exposure of the body, intrusiveness and importunity in all forms, non-verbal unambiguous signals of sexual hunger. When a woman, especially a married woman, laughs loudly, men get the impression that she is easily accessible.

Where good traditions collapse, women become easily accessible. Loyalty must be earned. Loyalty as a personality quality is the ability to once make a decision regarding any object and, on the basis of one’s choice, without any doubt, show steadfastness and constancy towards it in one’s feelings, relationships, in the performance of duties and duties.

There is a cause-and-effect relationship between the wife’s easy access and the husband’s lack of faith and determination. A woman can be faithful and devoted only to the man she respects. She becomes easily accessible if she sees that he is not striving for anything, does not set high goals for himself, and does not believe in anyone or anything. A man’s responsibility is not only to provide physical, material and emotional protection to a woman, but also to lead her spiritually. If, in front of a woman’s eyes, he turns into an animal, concerned only with food, copulation, sleep and self-defense, she loses respect for him, becomes rude and cynical - an easy prey for other men.

Jokes on topic. The guy invited the girl to go boating. Having sailed not far from the shore, he says: “Of course, I don’t really like easily accessible girls, but keep in mind that I hired the boat for only an hour.”

An easily accessible woman returns from her summer vacation. He sits on the plane, looks at his knees and says: - Finally, you are together!

The husband leaves to rest and asks the neighbor to look after his wife: - If he goes on a spree, give me a telegram: “My wife has died,” and I will understand. A week later, such a telegram arrives, but the man was not in the room. Compassionate friends respond with a telegram: “Let me know when the funeral is.” A neighbor received this answer and wrote: “I don’t know when the funeral is, but access to the body continues.”

Peter Kovalev

April 16, 2017, at 02:17

We all know very well that girls are divided into two types: inaccessible, modest angels and licentious devils. However, at first glance it is difficult to determine the degree of accessibility of a particular girl. Today we will tell you about how you can find a girl of “easy virtue” on the Internet.

Web service with speed dating function

If you decide to find a woman “for once” and do not want to waste time on all possible pick-ups and courtship, then the sites will help you sex dating. Women's nature is on an equal footing with men's, it is just as seething and eager to get a sexual partner at its disposal, and in a short time. On dating sites with an intimate slant, young girls, as well as older women looking for lovers, and few of them want to bother serious relationship. So all you have to do is choose any Internet portal you like, look through the profiles and choose the right beauty for yourself. But you must understand that meeting a girl, in any case, must be done in a respectful manner.

Dating for adults without registration

In addition to specialized services for sex dating , there are simple ones, loved by everyone, free dating sites . This option is more complicated, since these portals gather people with a variety of goals: some want to make new friends, some dream of finding a life partner, but there are also those who want to find a “one night stand” partner. If you go for dating"" or at " ", then you can see an innumerable number of profiles. A convenient search will sort out the profiles and help you select girls who came to the site only to find a guy for sex.

Social groups networks

There is another simple way - searching for easily accessible girls in special groups. Type in search " Speed ​​dating for sex" or " I want to meet you for making love" and you will see quite a list of public pages where "starved" girls are sitting. However, be careful, because, as you know, the Internet is full of fakes. So trust only those girls who have real pages with plausible information on them.

In a small town, the notoriety of girls who “let us know, slept with half the area” spreads faster than the wind. And often, outwardly, they do not at all resemble the prostitutes that everyone imagines them to be. They look quite neat, speak competently and behave decently in society. But even if no one says “anything like that,” then it is still possible to calculate them based on indirect signs. Which girls are definitely not worth building a serious relationship with? We find out in the new rating.

She has an inordinate number of friends and idiotic quotes about relationships on social networks.

Of course, there is a larger male audience. And, of course, there is no time to communicate with everyone. The main thing is the feeling of an army of fans. Only she enjoys receiving dozens of “likes” under snotty reposts from the groups “Women’s Secrets” and “Appreciate My Feelings.” Either he really believes in their wise meaning, or he thinks that it’s all “with subtext”. Like, whoever is given will understand.

And half naked photos. Caught a fish!

Stretch out on the bed, bend over on the sofa and lift your T-shirt - yes please! Our heroine posts such photos with popular tracks or phrases about “good morning.”

Every week she's in the club, like she's on duty

How he manages to “waste his life” if his wallet is always empty is a mystery. Or not. But she never pays for herself and considers this the norm. Every report about the party will have her photo, and she will make sure that no one gets caught wearing the same dress. In the photographs, she either cheerfully and drunkenly hugs someone, or languidly does not look into the frame and portrays a femme fatale.

She is not averse to drinking, but when sober she can be sad and moody

He gets drunk quickly and deftly, but rarely gets drunk to the point of hellish fog. Alcohol makes her more charming (she thinks so), sobriety can make her depressed. Then he'll look at his phone and remember his name.

A capricious childish voice is her thing

You can purr with such a voice in the spirit of “I am innocence myself” all evening, but make her angry, and with the same tone she will drive you crazy! This voice also eliminates the need to have a serious conversation. Who discusses literature and politics like that?

First he takes a selfie and a couple of photos of the table, then eats

When you order everything and leave her at the table for a second to answer the call, she will have time to take a million things at once: a selfie, a photo of the salad and the interior, a couple of posts on Instagram,” a hair and makeup redesign and a look around the room (suddenly there are a couple more hiding there prince candidates). Then you can eat. Just a little - that's what princesses are taught.

Gifts and flowers will also be recorded. The more expensive and well-known the brand, the larger it is in the frame

These posts will be between quotes and naked photos. If no expensive gifts are given, she will find pictures online and attach enthusiastic emoticons to them. The main thing is that the names are better known.

He takes care of himself, has a good manicure, but can buy clothes in a cheap store

And most importantly, he’s terribly embarrassed about it. He will make his way to such a store through the vegetable gardens, and then cut off the tags and burn them on a moonlit night. And he keeps himself in shape - that’s true, no doubt about it.

Knows all the bartenders, security guards, friends of security guards, famous city characters and their friends

She had affairs with half of them. The men left, but the gossip remained. You can always find out the latest news from her about where Petya went and who Masha became pregnant with.

She won’t tell you anything about herself and will agree with you on everything until you treat her to coffee or a cocktail.

Ready to talk about everything and everyone except myself. No, no, this is not modesty, she loves herself and oh how! But she's mysterious. And you haven’t even bought her champagne yet. How did it happen?

It seems to me that for many women something has happened to their self-esteem. Good women consider themselves “too” good, and instead of encouraging men to develop and spiritually grow, inspiring them to great feats with our beauty and inaccessibility, in a matter of days and weeks we are ready to give up our positions and do everything to keep yourself as a man.

Women agree to live with men who do not want to start a family, because they hope that “who knows, one day he will suddenly change his mind.” Women agree to be “one of”, because now “everyone lives like this”, “men are of a polygamous nature.” Women themselves now play “alpha females” and predators, using the charms of external attractiveness, starting relationships with this, and then complaining that “the men have been crushed, there are no real ones anywhere.” So why should men put in extra effort if everything is given to them anyway? What is there to conquer if the “prey” itself has come and persistently offers itself as a fulfiller of a man’s desires? This is not about all women and not about all men, but, unfortunately, there is a lot of this.

I understand that there will be disagreements among readers. Both among men and among women. And the most surprising thing is that among women there will be disagreements and dissatisfaction...

What has a woman gained from the opportunity to “conquer” a man in the modern world? What do we all gain from rapid physical intimacy? It seems to me that we don’t even have a special culture of communication between men and women, there is no culture of dating, there is no culture of courtship. It is clear that who would wait two months without intimacy if there are many easily accessible options for pleasure around there. I think the question here is not even a question of male or female physiology, but where we direct our energy.

Raising boys in modern society does not really encourage the manifestation of masculine qualities, at least internal masculine qualities - responsibility, determination, determination, fortitude, restraint in emotions, but will in feelings. Outwardly, yes, the image of a sculpted male body excites the minds of thousands of women, but it’s surprising why the male body needs so many muscles if many only need them in the gym. Chop wood, build a house, work in the field, fight in armor on the battlefield, work physically on your land - among young people, not such a large percentage is engaged in such activities, and the easiest way to feel your masculinity is through physical intimacy. And the more women, the bigger the man. Hmm... It seems to me that there is much more meaning in all of us. Raising girls these days is also divorced from the image of a mother and wife. Seductive predators, highly intelligent bitches, “iron ladies” and much more are popular in the modern world. And if you are a wife, mother and housewife, then this is not exactly “prestigious”. Olga Valyaeva was one of the first to talk about this in her articles and books, and, of course, such statements cause resistance. I mean the statement that a woman’s purpose is to be a Woman, to be a Wife and Mother. But we are fighting for independence and for the fact that “I want to realize myself in my business.” Being a wife and a mother is not a very worthy occupation for many of us... In my opinion, it sounds terrible. And admitting this is not very easy.

Starting a relationship with physical intimacy, can we expect that it will last for many years, that it is about family and children, that it is about a joint journey, that it is about self-development and depth? Perhaps there are such stories, but they are more about exceptions than about rules. The problem is that there is no such request within us - a relationship for life, a family for the rest of our lives, etc. Some people have it, but in general society does not value family. Get divorced without even being married for a year, don’t even make it to your baby’s fifth birthday, get married, but “if I meet someone better, I’ll leave for someone else.” There was a system error somewhere, it seems to me. Something is wrong here.

It is clear that many of us already have it as is. And children, and divorces, and not the first family. But we somehow need to pay more attention to this, it seems to me. Learn, develop, increase the level of spiritual development. Everyone should start with themselves, first of all, and not throw accusations at their partner. I am very close to the idea that in spiritual societies there is no need for psychologists, because everyone lives according to their conscience and internal high standards, there is no need for external regulation of relationships.

Is there any point in striving for a partner to be alone for life, so that the first intimacy happens after marriage, I don’t know. I think everyone needs to decide for themselves. But I am convinced that it always makes sense to take a more conscious approach to creating relationships, first communicate more, spend some time alone, get to know each other better, but do not rush to jump into bed until a more subtle connection has been established.

Physical intimacy is certainly pleasant, but without mental contact it is more likely to devastate than to give strength. Satisfying the needs of the physical body can hardly be the highest goal of a person’s life, leading him to happiness and harmony with himself. Warmth, love, friendship, support, growth and development are the foundations of a good and strong relationship, and physical intimacy is part of it. But not the other way around. This is what I think, and you, of course, have the right to think differently.

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