How many weeks are usually born twins. Double pregnancy: causes, signs, childbirth and pregnancy. Features of multiple pregnancy

Many women would like to give birth to twins. But the birth of twins may differ from the appearance of one infant.

Nothing amazing: after all, now more and more often women began to give birth more than one child.

So what is the probability of going two kids at once now?

It is believed: on 85 gods with the advent of one kid, one twins fall.

But every year multiple pregnancy is increasingly happening - doctors associate it with the fact that women (especially European) began to give birth more often after 35 years.

Just this factor is the reason that each third twin after appears, since women in women at this age are often not easy.

Why are twins are born?

The fact is that a woman can have ovulation immediately in two ovaries.

In some cases, one egg cell will be enough to conceive two kids - then the embryo is simply divided into two cell groups.

Thus, in the future it will be a prerequisite for the appearance of the same-timing kids.

With double ovulation, already give birth to diverse twins.

Than dangerous

"Double" conception is much more difficult to pregnancy usually when mommy is preparing to give birth to one baby.

  • First of all, the doctor will have to walk more often, because the risk of miscarriage in this case increases, and the birth is often premature.
  • If you expect twins, it can also begin for a few weeks earlier than the remaining ladies in an interesting position, besides, it will also last longer than the usual term.
  • Often, such women also has development.

Those who are observed is important to know: this complication can be very dangerous for both mom and twins. Especially harmful, the presence of gestosis can affect childbirth, which is already promised to be difficult.

  • Pregnant women waiting twins, more often.
  • We gain more weight, and the waist circumference of such a woman is already 110 cm for seven months.

At the average mothers, such a girth of the abdomen is characteristic of the term in when there are already births around the corner. On the Internet you can find photos and videos with such pregnant women - do not have to look for a long time to understand how difficult it is necessary for them.

  • In the uterus of which the pair of twins settled, you will have to eat two times more, like minerals, protein is important if she plans to give birth to healthy children.
  • At the same time, the risk of various sorts of complications at the mother becomes more. Those who have chronic diseases have been observed before pregnancy, it is especially difficult.
  • Many have already at 16 weeks, and closer to childbirth, pregnant women are not able to get up.

What is the difference

It also happens that regular future mother can feel for a couple of weeks earlier than the other future mothers.

But the likelihood of this is also small: the kids are not so strong in order to constantly make themselves felt.

But a few weeks will pass and the difference will become obvious - every baby will know by that time that he is not alone in her mother's belly, and it will only increase the activity of twins.

And in the seventh month, the stomach can literally "dance" at the moment when the crumbs will be awake. Already this month, a woman can give birth to kids - and the chances that they will survive will be great.

When is childbirth?

A very small probability that pregnant twins, informs kids until the end of the ninth month. After all, only units manage to get to the term of forty-week.

Almost always give birth premature (it is believed that this is for) or they have to stimulate on medical testimony.

But do not forget: how much the woman will walk pregnant, it is impossible to predict.

Often, future mothers give birth at the beginning of the third trimester, so the kids have to be loosen in resuscitation.

But most often, childbirth happens on a period of 34-36 weeks, because by this time the woman reaches incredible sizes, and the kids becomes very close inside.

Quite often prescribed a cesarean section for a period of 37 weeks.

So it happens if a woman has weakened so much that it is simply not able to give birth independently, because all the forces were spent on to wear.

Or in the case when both kids constituting twins occupy or arranged by currency.

Then one of them is born in a natural way, unless, of course, the birth begin with spontaneously, and the second remove the mommy from the uterus after the cesarean section.

How to conceive twins

Who is most often born twins in a natural way?

  • First of all, the "ability" to hurry twins is inherited, and it is not known how many times you will be able to repeat the "feat."

Just in the history there are cases when women for their childbearing period managed to give birth to 50 children. The secret is simple: they gave birth every time 3-6 kids.

  • It is also believed that the probability of conceiving twins increases after future mothers will afford the age border at 35, but not yet reached 38.

It is in this period that the desired hormonal background is created for this.

  • In most cases, the twins women did not give birth in the first pregnancy, but only after the moms once became.
  • It makes it possible that the probability of conceiving twins increases if a man before sexual act has abstained a long time from intimate relationships (a few weeks).
  • Speak, in summer, the likelihood of the twins is much higher than in winter. The fact is that for the development of multiple pregnancy, special conditions are needed and the most comfortable condition of the body is needed - all this is achievable only in the warm season.

Well, and almost one hundred percent warranty of twins and even triple gives such a method as an extracorporeal fertilization. Those who have the opportunity to do this procedure, with a lot of probability will be able to become parents of several kids immediately.

What is the difference of childbirth

How is twin born?

In principle, there are no special differences in the birth of two kids at once.

In many ways, twins depends on the location of the kids inside the uterus.

Even if the first baby is born independently, the second in the process can turn over and change

Multiple pregnancy differs in its course from toaching one child. The risks of complications for mothers and newborns increase, the birth of twins naturally differ from the standard. For women with multiple pregnancy, graphics visits a gynecologist are corrected, a pregnancy plan changes. The chances of getting into the hospital ahead of time increase, so moms with twins are under special observation.

The probability of becoming becoming twins

The mechanism of education twins can be different. There are two main types of twins:

  1. One-way - formed from the confluence of one egg cell with spermatozoa.
  2. Divisiony - 2 oocytes were fertilized, which ripened simultaneously in one or different ovaries.

Scientists note an increase in the number of twins. In different countries, statistics fluctuates at the level of 0.7-1.5% for all genera. Communication with several predisposing factors is established:

  • age older than 30-35 years;
  • a large number of pregnancies;
  • heredity;
  • malformations of the uterus;
  • the effect of recoil after receiving hormonal contraceptives;
  • treatment of infertility;
  • eco programs.

Heredity increases the likelihood of twins, if twins were twins on the maternal line. This indicates the features of the ovulation of a woman.

The mechanism of education twins

Eco causes multiple pregnancies due to the practice of sitting several embryos to increase the chances of their implantation. The risk of complications during pregnancy with high. Therefore, in the programs of reproductive technologies, not more than 3 embryos are trying.

Control the number of fertilized eggs can only be eco. In other cases it is impossible to predict how much fruit will develop.

Features of the prelationship of fruits and choosing the tactics of childbirth

On the mechanism of childbirth, the choice of a suitable way and the term of the delivery is influenced by:

  • type twins;
  • place attachment placenta;
  • malformations;
  • complications of pregnancy.

Twins may have a common amniotic shell, they are called monoamniotic. With this type, the chance of incorrect position of fruits increases. Sometimes twins are a currency, during the generic activity of the head of children can catch the chin, which will not allow them to appear naturally, an emergency operation will be required.

With a diaminiotic twin, each child has its own fruit bubble, it is delivered from his brother or sisters with a shell and its own spindlewater waters. The possibility of complications is reduced.

The attachment of the placenta affects the position of children and the choice of the method of the root separation is natural childbirth or caesarean. The placenta may be common for two babies, they are called monochorial double. In such fruits often develops the syndrome of the condiction, one of them becomes a donor, and the second recipient. Through the vascular network in the overall placenta, blood is discharged, so the donor has a delay in development, and the recipient has a heart overloading and a vice forms. Such children are difficult to be born naturally, doctors in the interests of babies make a cesarean section.

The place of attachment placenta also determines the tactics of childbirth. At low placenta, the risk of bleeding increases, and with natural labor it is impossible.

The doctor will be able to determine the tactics of gueament in the last periods, when the position and presence of twins becomes stable. Usually both fetal are located in the uterus longitudinally, the prediction can be:

  • head-head;
  • pelvic-pelvic;
  • head-pelvic;
  • pelvic head.

Less often note other options, sometimes one fruit is located longitudinally, and the second - transversely or both can lie crosswise. In pregnant women with congenital defects, the chances of anomalous presence increase.

Birth through natural generic paths are carried out in the case when:

  • both children are located longitudinally head to the entrance to a small pelvis;
  • the first fruit is head down, and the second - the pelvis (the head of the child has a greater volume than the pelvis, after the birth of the first infant, the generic paths will expand as much as possible, there will be no obstacles to the subsequently).

Cesarean section shows:

  • all women who have both children or the first of them will be transversely - to turn them into a longitudinal is impossible and dangerous;
  • all primordial, in which the first fetus lies (if the second birth is coming and there are no scars in the uterus, then the decision is made with regard to other possible complications).

The second child can be located across. The tactics of the doctor depends on the experience and equipment of the hospital. After the appearance of the first infant, the second under the control of the ultrasound turns onto the leg and complete them naturally. The second option is a cesarean section for the second fetus.

Tariffs of Rhodework

Women with multipleness rarely hatch children up to 40 weeks.

What week do you take birth at double?

According to statistics of numerous observations, this is 36-37 weeks of gestation. The more the fruit is having a woman, the higher the risk. At triple more often at 33 weeks, and at four fruits - 31 weeks.

Dates of the birth of double are shifted due to the separation of the uterus. The mass of two children in 35 weeks can reach 5 kg, additionally needs to take into account a large number of accumulating waters. When having tooling one child by the end of pregnancy, its mass rarely exceeds 4 kg, and the amount of amniotic fluid is 1 liter.

To anticipate the possible premature birth twins, a woman visits the doctor for pregnancy more often. Up to 28 weeks, the inspections are carried out with a frequency of every 2 weeks. After receiving a disability sheet - every 7-10 days.

For premature births, critical periods are identified:

  • 22-24 weeks;
  • 25-27 weeks.

In these dates, there is a transvaginal ultrasound of the cervix. During the study, it is possible to estimate its length, the state of the internal zois. With vaginal inspection it is impossible. The risk of childbirth is determined by the length of the cervical in accordance with the period of gestation. With a length of up to 32 mm on time 22-24 weeks there is a high probability of occurrence of birth up to 36 weeks. At 33 week of pregnancy, the neck must be longer than 27 mm.

Women with a shortened neck of the uterus are trying to extend the pregnancy to the term when children will become quite mature, which reduces the likelihood of postpartum complications. To reduce the load on the lower segment of the uterus. According to the testimony on the neck impose special seams.

In clinical protocols, prenatal hospitalization is carried out. With a diaminiotic double in the maternity hospital, they are sent at 35-36 weeks. Monochorial twins is accompanied by large risks of complications, pregnant is hospitalized at 33-34 weeks.

How are normal childbirth

With the right position of the fruit, the fever gives birth on his own. Rarely exciting is rarely resorted. In the first period, careful observation of the heartbeat is needed. It is recommended to send women to hospitalization in high-level hospital, which have good equipment.

The feminine should be constantly connected to the KTG apparatus during battles. So you can control the reaction of the cardiovascular system of children to reduce the uterus. When the neck disclosure, 4 cm can be painted the contractions using a doll solution, a diclofenac is introduced a little later.

In Western countries, the mother's comfort is used. She turns off the pain, but leaves a feeling of touch. The patient is capable of spending 2 periods, but with less pain.

The position of the guinea on the bed in the prenatal ward is different. To reduce the pressure on the lower hollow vein in the first period, the woman lies on the side. Do not use non-traditional ways:

  • standing;
  • sitting;
  • on knees;

To stimulation, the fights with the help of a solution of oxytocin are trying not to resort. The uterus with multipleness is polnered, therefore the risk of developing complications increases. In the minimum dosage, the drug can assign to prevent hypotonic bleeding. But so that oxytocin manage to act, the dropper is put in the transition to the second period of childbirth.

How much childbirth is dual, it is impossible to guess. After the birth of the first child, the uterus needs time to reduce and drive out the next baby. The case is historically recorded when several days have passed between the birth of twins. But in modern hospitals to reduce the risk of complications, they try to reduce this gap. Between the birth of the first and second child passes 5-20 minutes. The placenta regardless of the type of twin is separated after the appearance of the second baby.

Total duration of primary 8-10 hours. With second kinds, it is reduced to 5-6 hours. Third and subsequent labor can proceed rapidly and ended in 3-4 hours.

What complications violate normal generic activities

During pregnancy, the double risk of complications increases several times. Some of them appear even during gestation and their severity increases during childbirth. Most often the following states arise:

  • premature childbirth;
  • Derodovo moved;
  • loss of cord loops or limbs of one of the fruits;
  • anomalies of generic activity or its weakness;
  • premature placental detachment;
  • fruit collision;
  • intranatal blood perfusion;
  • twisted Pupovin;
  • In the postpartum period.

Forecasts of a prosperous outcome for childbirth ahead of time depend on the degree of maturity of fruits. In newborns with signs of intrauterine delay in the development of high risk of pneumonia, intracerebral bleeding. Children are placed in the resuscitation separation to the state when they can breathe and eat alone. The immature newborn often occurs damage to the retina, brain, so they can develop pathology of vision, centers and other neurological complications.

Baby on the 34-35 week of pregnancy is considered premature, but they give a more favorable forecast.

Testimony for cesarean sections

  1. Primary and secondary generic weakness develops with a large size of the abdomen. Muscular fibers of the uterus are not able to heat normally, so the fights are gradually faded.
  2. May occur from any of the twins. The reason for complications in a sharp decrease in the volume of the uterus, which launches the natural mechanism of the separation of the fruit location, and the pressure drop of intrauterine pressure. This is especially dangerous for monochorial double when children get food from a common fruit place.
  3. Fruit collision is a dangerous complication that arises once for every 800 multiple birth. The state may occur in monoamniotic twins, in which the first fruit is a pelvis down, and the second head. At first, the body of the first baby comes into the cavity of the small pelvis, and both heads behind it - both heads of chin.
  4. , the total weight of fruits is more than 6 kg often lead to hypotonic bleeding, native anomalies.
  5. Feto-fetal hemotransphus syndrome is diagnosed during the period of gestation for a period after 16 weeks. For monochorial twins with such a diagnosis during classic genera, there is a risk of intranatal blood perfusion. This condition, in which, after the appearance of one child, blood is discharged to the second. The first dies from acute hypovolemia, a severe injury of a gray brain substance due to the lack of oxygen (hypoxia).
  6. Twins often have short umbilical umbilies that can be stretched and lead to acute. Monoamniotic twins of umbilical cord sometimes spin together. This disrupts blood flow to both children, an acute intrauterine hypoxia occurs, which ends with antenatal death. To avoid complications characteristic of monochorial and monoamniotic duals, the operation is carried out on a period of 33-34 weeks.
  7. Siamese twins require a special approach, if the pregnancy was not interrupted on medical reasons on a long time or later diagnosed this state.

When pregnancy, the dual load on the mother's body at the time of birth as much as possible ... We learn what features of the birth of "pair" children.

The term of "double" labor

Usually, even with the uncomplicated course of pregnancy, the future mother, driving a twin, is sent to the maternity hospital 2-3 weeks before delivery. The reason lies in the fact that most girls give birth to twins before the deadline.

Double kids have a small body weight - not more than 2500g (in 50% of cases), and the difference in weight between them is about 200-300 g.

Calculate the date of birth twins

Therefore, the future mother, which is waiting for the birth of twins, is not recommended to leave for the last month of pregnancy, for example, to the cottage. And in order to eliminate the risk of childbirth, when there is no qualified medical care nearby, a woman needs to listen to his well-being and at the first signs of beginning fights to quickly go to the hospital.

Difficulties in childbirth twins

The birth of twins through the natural generic paths can take place without complications. But the problems of which the doctor should warn you will be taken:

  • too stretched uterus can not effectively shrink and there is a weakness of generic activity;
  • the first period of birth is drawn - the neck of the uterus is slowly revealed (therefore, during childbirth, it is almost always used by cutting uterus tools);
  • the pace of the second period slow down - the expulsion of the first fetus, and the birth of twins stretch longer;
  • premature or early oral influence;
  • loss of cord loops, small parts of the fetus, especially with a pelvic preview of the second fetus;
  • the most serious complications in childbirth are a premature detachment of a normally located placenta of the first or second fetus. The detachment of the placenta of the second fetus occurs due to the rapid decrease in the volume of the polished uterus. It is dangerous for the life of the future mother, because bleeding can begin. It is dangerous for the life of the second kid from twins.

Natural childbirth or cesarean section?

Due to the large risks of complications, the delivery of twins is considered border between the norm and pathology. Therefore, natural bodies of twins are necessarily under continuous cardiomonitorial control of both fruits and thorough observation of the state of the future mother.

The decision on childbirth with the help of cesarean section is taken at double both at the stage of preparation for childbirth and in the process of childbirth, if complications arise.

Natural childbirth twins

When the future mother is waiting for a twin and no prerequisites, doctors offer natural childbirth. However, objectively, the birth of twins is harder and more dangerous than the genus of the only baby. How does this happen?

Natural childbirth twins: the cervix is \u200b\u200brevealed, the first fruit bubble bursts - the first baby appears, then the pause. After time - from 5 to 15 minutes, the generic activity resumes and the second child is born.

The feminine, of course, is very hard at this time. During the birth of twins, there is a risk of extracting the muscles of the uterus, as a result of which the contractions become more weak, and the period of the revelation of the cervix and the expulsion of the fetus is delayed. It is dangerous lack of oxygen for children. Therefore, doctors who receive childbirth twins must respond quickly to everything that happens to the kids, and their mother remained healthy.

Indications for Cesarean section:

  • the location of both fruits in one fetus bag (so-called monoamnial twins);
  • premature fruit (up to 34 weeks of pregnancy).

Planned caesarean section at twins are made on a period of 37-38 weeks with accompanying diseases of the mother and the heavy flow of gestosis, when spontaneous childbirth is dangerous.

Operational childbirth twins are held at:

  • large fruits;
  • cross-arrangement of the first fetus of twins or both fruits;
  • pelvic preview of the first fetus;
  • hypoxia of the fetus (or fruit);
  • unprepared by tribute after.

Postpartum period Mom twins

For mom twins, the last and early postpartum period is a restless time. The risk of developing postpartum bleeding during dowel births is greater than when resolving from the burden of the only baby. Such complications may arise as a slowdown in the contraction of the uterus (sub-combat) and inflammation of the uterine cavity (endometritis).

In the postpartum period, for 2 hours, you must carefully observe and be sure to introduce a reducing uterus.

Belly after childbirth twins

Double bodies are a test for a female figure. After all, the size of the abdomen of the future mother suggests - there is not one baby there.

During pregnancy, the double uterus increases in its sizes 500 times. For this reason, the straight muscles of the abdomen stretch and often diverge on the parties from its middle line. This is a diastaz, which at home, of course, already after delivery, can be revealed in this way: lie on the back and lift the legs up 10 cm. If there is diastasis, it will give himself a "roller" on the middle line of the abdomen.

Many pregnant twins women are interested in the question - at what time a twin is born. It usually happens at 35-37 weeks. Statistics says that about 60% of childbirth when you wear twins - premature. At the same time, children often have low weight. Doctors try to track the condition of developing fruits and "reach" their birth to a viable state.

In some of the articles on the Internet, I read that from 100 born twins 25 dies. I will not argue with the figures, however, I did not meet such cases during my pregnancy - the birth was successfully or not very, but the children remained alive. And to be able to also be written during the constant "preservations" you have time to have a lot.

We were born for 36 weeks, but the children were not at all with a small weight - 3,050 and 2.550kg. Therefore, when they say about the docking double - it is quite difficult to say what time it is. One exactly - with the normal development of children and with this weight, as we, the stomach can withstand with great difficulty and up to 36-37 weeks. I hardly imagine what would happen, I am still a week with them ...

Natural childbirth twins or caesarean?

They give birth twins and naturally, but the planned caesarean is most often appointed, which reduces the risk of problems. So it was also with us, and everything went well, - once again thanks to the doctors thanks)) the decision on how the childbirth will take place, the doctor accepts, on the basis of the situation and the existing contraindications or complications. But in any case, expensive future mothers are not worth reading a lot of horror stories about unsuccessful childbirth and terrible complications. It is only necessary to tune in. Falling a few sites and reading on this topic, and now, after 7.5 years, the field of birth of my twins, it became scary. What to say about those who are preparing to become a mother! Sange your nerves - they will be more suitable for children after the birth of children))

Stomach after birth twins

One of the most painful questions is that it will be with a figure and belly after the birth of twins. Alas, a little happy, judging by the reviews on the forums, it happened to preserve their former beauty. But still such a chance is.

Use cream or not? Better yes. At least you will know exactly what everyone was able to do. How exactly will your skin react to a strong stretching - the answer will not be able to not be able to do any forum - you can not even flip and not horrified by the laid out photos. Perhaps you will be able to restore the former figure, and maybe the stomach will remain the stomach into a stroke with strips of stretch marks - how lucky. But believe me, you can live with it. The main thing is that the husband understands everything and perceived it normally, so that, together with concerns about children, the problems of relationships with her husband do not fall, and this happens. And if you really want to restore everything as it was, and there will be such an opportunity - plastic to help you. In any case, the first six months you will definitely be not up to this problem))

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