Have a good party. Invite your friends, old and new. Food, drinks, moment of engagement

A successful party can only be organized after preliminary preparation. It requires careful planning of all aspects. To ensure you don't miss anything and plan for an unfavorable outcome, use our party plan.

The plan includes determining the theme of the party, selecting the date, time and premises, drawing up a list of invitees and mailing, budget planning, selection suitable games, creating a menu, drinks, choosing decorations for the room, small gifts for guests and saying goodbye. Each of these points has its own nuances. Let's look at them in more detail. Subject. It is preferable to avoid "80s" type parties, since guests may have attended them more than once. Try to come up with something original. You can pick up an idea. After choosing, select the necessary details and decorations for the room. Take care of musical accompaniment . Collect enough songs so that they don't go around in circles. Don't forget about the equipment.. Date, time and place. Choose the best date for the party for your guests. Choose a time when most guests can arrive. Home parties have become a big hit these days, but you can choose public place A good option are restaurants, bars, public parks, entertainment centers, sports complexes, etc. Don’t forget to decorate the room based on the theme of the event. If you're throwing a classic party, be sure to have napkins, cutlery, and lighting ready. Make sure people have easy access to food, drinks, and toilets. Place fragile and valuable items away. List of invitees. Events with big amount people are considered the most successful, but guests should not feel like sardines in a barrel. Decide how many people you plan to invite and find out in advance exactly who will come. This is very important because you need to budget properly for food and room rentals. You can create an invitation using social networks and post it on your page. message. To get people to respond, ask a question at the end. If some people are not there, contact them most in a convenient way. Don't forget to include in the invitation important points, for example, for guests to take drinks or food, choose the appropriate outfit, indicate the cost of the party (if any). Start inviting them three or two weeks before the event.

Budget. List all costs. If the amount turns out to be too impressive, exclude things that are not too important. Experts recommend including every guest in the party. Ask them to bring something with them, prepare music, do costumes, etc. This way you will involve people in the process, give them responsibilities and they will feel important and needed. This will increase the chances that all planned guests will arrive. Games. Find games that suit all guests. You can play mafia or any board game. Is very popular board game "Party Alias" Food and drinks. Decide on the preparation of dishes. It is preferable to create snacks so that people can grab food and eat it on the go. Good options include fruits, vegetables, chips, cheese, desserts, etc. If you want to include more nutritious items in your party, make a list and stock up on groceries. To avoid standing in the kitchen for 3 days in a row, take the main course yourself and ask your friends to take something light with them. You can prepare a large punch bowl or pour a large tub of alcohol and soda. There is another idea. Create a special corner for creating cocktails. Place all the ingredients for cooking there and post small instructions.

Personalized items. Choose for each guest unique gift. You don't have to buy expensive things. Make something memorable for everyone personally. You can decorate cupcakes in an original way or decorate glasses of drinks with bright stickers printed from the Internet. Now you know how to throw an amazing party. Only formalities remain. Take responsibilities seriously and resolve them as early as possible important details

. Guests will remember you as nice leader and will be happy to come next time. The most common misconception about parties is that if you bring together an unusual doing the same thing - with light snacks, in a rented room and with a guest DJ - does not guarantee stunning success. What is needed in order to arrange good party?

Keep in mind: the most important part of a good party is you and your talent for picking people. You can gather a group of your coolest friends, all of whom are wonderfully interesting and would like each other terribly if they had the opportunity to meet, but without a catalyst, a crossroads, mutual friend, which will connect them, they will all stay close to those with whom they came or whom they know. They may have a good time, but the magic of meeting new people... general conversation different people, adventure - all this will not happen at the party.

For a party to be a success, you need to be a good hostess whose etiquette is so impeccable that the guests don't even notice that you are running the whole show.

What should a good housewife do?

Firstly (and most importantly), a good hostess has fun at her party. If you are comfortable and fun with both two and two hundred guests, the rest will catch the same from you. In addition, the following is characteristic of a good housewife.

Represent everyone strangers friend friend: “Dima is a photographer, and Dasha works in a photographic agency.” It is very important. One of the best things about parties is the opportunity to meet new people.

Don't leave anyone to prop up the wall, smiling stupidly while everyone around is having fun. Do you see that poor guy who was abandoned by his friends? Good hostess will speak to him and introduce him to one of his friendliest friends, who will involve him in the general fun.

A good housewife will make sure that everyone's glasses are not empty. Of course, for those who don't drink, you can stock up on soft drinks. AND a good housewife will call a taxi to an over-done guest.

The theory of supply preponderance in practice in party planning: always err on the large side - ice, food, cups and spare drinks. Nothing kills the atmosphere like when the booze runs out and people leave for pizza.

Never Do not force guests to take part in dubious “entertainment”. If everyone spontaneously agreed that now is the time to fool around, then pseudo-infantile drunken games can begin, but when the hostess proclaims: “Now let’s play “Crocodile”!” - This The best way clear the room of guests unless everyone has agreed in advance.

Don't get drunk to the point of intoxication so as not to spend a fair part of the evening in an embrace with a former friend, saying goodbye to the eaten snacks. This will ruin all your efforts to become a good housewife. A good housewife drinks a couple of glasses, makes sure her lipstick doesn't smudge, and has a good time herself - in moderation.

A good hostess will take care not only of drinks, but also of snacks. Offer as high-end an appetizer as your budget allows. This could include cheese and crackers or French bread, sauces and vegetables. Sushi and rolls always sell out quickly, large pitted olives (stuffed with all sorts of interesting things like almonds, orange, sun-dried tomatoes and whatever else if you want complexity) and grapes. Firm salami works well for a crowded crowd - even if no one admits to eating meat, the salami is always the first to go. The main thing is to cut everything into such pieces that you don’t need to bite off

If you, as a hostess, received a bottle of wine or cake as a gift, unless the gift is clearly intended for later or does not match what you gave, put it on the table. Your guests will enjoy it, the giver will feel appreciated, and you won't look like you're saving the best for yourself.

A good hostess won't clean everything up herself after a party., otherwise the whole atmosphere of the evening will spoil. Make sure your mom or a girl from the agency helps you with the cleaning. You should not involve the remaining few guests in cleaning, even if they themselves offer their help. Let everyone at the party have pleasant memories.

Now you know the secrets of a good party. Use them and your friends will always happily respond to your invitations.

Electro & House 2013 Summer Dance Mix

Any person, even one who has never watched " Apple pie", sooner or later he is faced with the need or has an irresistible desire to organize a loud house party and become her king. TTR interviewed local art directors and partygoers about how to throw a party even better than the Project X heroes, and with a happy ending at that.

Vladimir Olovyanishnikov (Jeff D), art director of Gm Family campaigns (Oj Bar, Nebo Summer Restaurant, Teahouse No. 1 Lounge):

— House parties are parties that are built only on the atmosphere, which can happen by itself or be carefully thought out! Positive mood - main basis any home party. Among friends and beautiful girls everything will work out by itself. The amount of alcohol at the party, of course, is also not small. important factor(I only recommend high quality ones). Our basics are over here, perhaps I’ll talk about those moments, or rather about what is needed in order not to spoil these basics. I won't write about themed parties, here everything is clear: Halloween, so put on a vampire costume (as an example). I'll tell you about a house party with music and dancing:

  1. Only verified friends. Girls are an exception, although even here you need to be selective, because you don’t want to ruin your mood in the middle of the party.
  2. Service. You are the host of the party, make sure that you and your guests are comfortable, think through everything to the smallest detail.
  3. Music. 40% have a good party- this is a musical mood, if you don’t want to tear your drunken friend away from the computer, remote control or tape recorder, you’d better call a pro! It could be anyone: a professional DJ or just your responsible friend.
  4. Purity. I don’t understand people who shit at guests, so I recommend it plastic dishes for drinks, but still depends on the level and budget of the party.
  5. MS or Language. There is always a person in the company who will amuse or rock your guests with his stories, but if all your friends are boring, just call cheerful guy, which will not let you get bored.

Radion Rozadeev, former partygoer:

— The key to a successful house party is alcohol, neutral music, responsible friends who drink a little, at least two or three people (after all, you want to know your home in the morning), unbreakable dishes, but the most important thing is to distribute flyers about the party to people you really care about want to see, although there will be more than enough extra characters.

Vlad Revkov,event manager in the music industry:

Everyone at least once in their life has tried or wanted to throw a house party in the style of American films, but I think that not everyone succeeded as intended. I'll give you a couple of tips based on own experience. The most important thing is to create an atmosphere so that your guests feel relaxed and at home!

The music should be chosen according to the tastes of the guests, since these are your friends, only you know what they prefer. Now every second person calls himself a DJ, so finding one for your party will not be difficult for you, choose from those that you like and that suit the music format. And you will also need a ringleader who will encourage and energize your guests.

The more guests, the merrier, but guys should only be invited to those with whom they know and have communicated personally! More than once there were cases when strangers ruined a party and destroyed the apartment, leaving only ruins.

An important point is the design of the apartment. It will set a contrast for your party, work on light music and garlands. Take ultraviolet lamps, or just paint regular lamps with paint. The ideal solution there will be strobe lights. I also love fog generators! At all inexpensive item, which you can rent, but it will crash your party and your guests will be delighted. The rest of the design depends on the flight of your imagination.

You need to think over an entertainment program, some active games. They will help make friends with your guests and introduce those who have not yet met. Drinking games, twister, and those where girls touch boys and boys touch girls.

Of course, you can’t go without drinks. Everything here is limited only by your budget. Buy enough to have enough for all your guests until the morning. Be sure to buy sparkling water.

If suddenly your mother comes home, pretend that you are all cleaning the house. She will be happy.

Roman Romanov, “Choose” magazine, “Radar” media group:

The main thing for a home party is to invite your close friends and everything will work out right away, and there will be activities for every taste.

Parties at home are often more memorable and fun than evenings in a cafe or restaurant, because the relaxed atmosphere of a home party is always liberating and promotes a pleasant pastime. In addition, at a home party it is much easier to realize your ideas and take into account the wishes of the guests. Where to start? And how to throw a cool party at home?

What theme?

First of all, decide on the theme of the future party. Themed parties are especially popular now. There are a lot of options: Mexican, pajama, pirate, oriental, retro, Hawaiian, disco. Show your imagination! The theme can be anything, the main thing is that all guests like it. Involve your friends, so they will not only help in preparation and give fresh ideas, how to throw a party at home, but also be charged with a positive mood for the upcoming fun. Are costumes necessary? Definitely!

This will add zest, unite and amuse your guests, and immediately add a sense of celebration. Of course, it is not always possible to dress in a costume from head to toe, but choosing a pair of accessories that match the theme is not a problem. Let this be a must for every guest!

How to decorate?

Once you decide on a theme, you should think about how to decorate the apartment. First of all, remember that the apartment must be clean. It is also worth removing all unnecessary things, empty them as much as possible more space so that guests feel comfortable and comfortable.

Think about where it is better to arrange dancing and where to place a table with treats. It is worth putting away valuable, fragile objects that could be damaged in a fit of unbridled fun. Thematic attributes will help to decorate and create an appropriate atmosphere in the apartment. For example, for Hawaiian party Prepare beads from multi-colored paper flowers and decorate the room with such garlands. Of course, it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to get a real palm tree, but you might find a toy or artificial one. Hang posters around the room depicting islands, the ocean, and the beach. Multi-colored umbrellas for cocktails, bright drapery fabrics and dishes will come in handy, balloons, tropical fruits. Furniture can be decorated with “skirts” in the style of hula dancers.

Who should I call?

This is one of the most important points, since the company of friendly, pleasant, cheerful people, getting along well with each other is already the key to a successful party. To avoid conflicts and spoiled mood, you should not invite those who cause antipathy among those gathered or could disrupt the celebration.

Inform your guests about the party in advance; few people like spontaneous events. Invite everyone personally!

What kind of entertainment?

This point should also be taken care of in advance. Create a playlist of fun and upbeat songs to match your party theme. Make sure that the music does not stop and does not play deafeningly loud.

By the way, don't forget about entertainment. In addition to dancing, karaoke and funny games, in which everyone present can take part. Let them be as simple and stress-free as possible. Also, don’t neglect your camera, because such an evening is definitely worth capturing! Later, showing the photo, you will tell your friends how you managed to throw such a fun party.

What table?

Nowadays, a buffet with treats and drinks that can be placed in the corner is becoming increasingly popular. Don't forget about sufficient quantity clean dishes (you can use bright disposable ones) and napkins. Don't bother with cooking.

Limit yourself to light snacks, simple salads, cold cuts, sandwiches and canapés. Moreover, no one has canceled meals delivered to your home. If you and your friends have agreed on equal expenses for the table, do not be lazy to distribute in advance who will bring what and who is responsible for what. When it comes to alcohol, people often have different preferences. Let there be several options. Cocktails with various syrups are great. However, don't forget about non-alcoholic drinks.

Again, remember the theme of the evening: for example, if your party is in Japanese style, sushi and sake are yours best friends, and no Mexican party would be complete without a few bottles of tequila.

The main thing in a house party

Remember that the main thing in the matter of organization perfect partygood mood everyone present and a relaxed atmosphere. No matter how carefully you plan your evening, something can still go wrong. Don't get upset and don't focus on it. After all, a party is about having fun!

Home parties or so-called “Home parties” are a special type of leisure. Previously, dissidents gathered at such parties, then more often informal groups, who were not allowed into clubs, and now this is an ultra-modern trend among all young people. From schoolchildren to students, different subcultures and religions. Throw a house party too!

Where to start preparing

First you need to decide to do something at home! In any case, you need to decide on the place where you will invite guests. If the company is small, about 10-15 people, then the party can be held even in a rented one-room apartment at home. If there are more guests planned, then remember which of your friends has the largest living space and turn on your charm to persuade him to this adventure.

Today it is not uncommon to find an advertisement for renting a small cottage or house for a day. There you can organize a classic party, like in pop American films.

What is worth considering even before the noisy fun begins:

  • calculate the number of guests (plus or minus 5 people, since friends can bring more of their friends. However, this should be tactfully warned in advance);
  • think over the concept of the holiday;
  • It is advisable to clean the house;
  • empty closets and shoe shelves for guests;
  • stock up disposable tableware so as not to be distracted by endless washing;
  • warn your neighbors and get their agreement not to call the police after 11;

Who to invite

No matter how strange it may sound, the success of your holiday directly depends on who you invite to visit, and whether it will ever be discussed, for example, on social networks. Who are we inviting?

  • Old familiar friends. And no one superfluous. At first sight perfect option. You have known each other for a thousand years, you general views, you know who listens to what music. But there is also a fly in the ointment: it may happen that you are already that's all friend you know about each other, and casual conversation it won’t stick, and your mood will start to drop. Be sure to prepare some entertainment. Give your usual group something extraordinary, like a Hawaiian disco at home. Friends will appreciate it.
  • Fifty fifty. You know most of the invitees, but they brought colleagues/new friends or someone else with them. Or you invited friends from different lives, and they don’t know each other yet. Here you also need to be prepared for two options. The first one is when everything goes well. The guests actively get to know each other, get involved in conversations and even have a drink at the brotherhood. Sometimes a party becomes even more interesting if there are a couple of strangers there unmarried girls or single guys. The process of getting to know each other, taking an interest in new people around you is a great start. The second, less desirable, but not critical. If guests suddenly split into interest groups and there is no common drive. There is a way out - unite them with a toast, introduce them yourself, use some kind of entertainment or game where everyone says something to themselves.
  • Strangers. Sometimes it happens that the owner sees most of his guests for the first time. When friends bring their friends or the news of the noisy fun spreads further than you expected. This may occur if you advertised the holiday too much or if your friends decided to give you big surprise. If this happens, we still smile and receive guests.

What to treat

Experienced home-party organizers advise you to immediately give up sitting at your home table in front of a bunch of mayonnaise salads. It will be, firstly, trivial and boring (was it worth throwing a party at all), and secondly, it will be a complete hassle for the hosts, who by the beginning of the holiday do not have the strength to have fun.

At a house party, buffet cuts, chips, tartlets and chopped vegetables, as well as a large supply of drinks, are ideal. And let us remind you about disposable plates.

Which alcohol to choose

Any holiday host wants to seem generous, insightful, and able to guess the desires and preferences of each guest. Don't fall for this bait, because seasoned party kings advise just the opposite! It is better to choose one, or at most two, types of alcohol, so as not to create an explosive mixture and sad consequences for some not-so-skillful guests.

Don’t forget about non-alcoholic drinks – mineral water or juices, drinking water. There will probably be guests who do not drink alcohol.

How to entertain guests

A party at home, of course, can happen on its own. However, you should not hope for this. Even if you invite only the most erudite, cheerful and intelligent guys, but they have nothing to do at your celebration of life, or fill the pauses between toasts, then bitter failure cannot be avoided.

If you are planning intimate home gatherings and quality communication, then here win-win options entertainment can be:

  • a game of mafia, the rules of which, we think, make no sense to explain;
  • a “truth-fiction” game, when everyone can tell a true or an invented fact about themselves, and the task of those around them is to figure it out;
  • the “Guess Who” game, when a self-adhesive sheet with hidden characters is attached to the forehead, and the task of each player is to guess his character;
  • the well-known “Crocodile” will amuse even a completely sober person;
  • the dance game “Twister”, a canvas with colored circles, can be bought in advance if you are the host of the holiday, or taken with you as a gift if you are a guest.

For a more glamorous option, which is more appropriately called “party at home,” you will also have to make arrangements in advance. For example:

  • negotiate with a DJ who will mix the best modern music and will create a good musical background;
  • organize a couple of alcoholic competitions in the category of “who has more”;
  • dance battle “boys versus girls” and so on and so forth.

Entertainment depends on the range of interests of your guests. And, of course, it’s better that they coincide at this party. A George Michael fan is unlikely to have anything in common with the searing rocker.

Home Party Ideas

They are limitless. More precisely, you are limited only by your imagination. Themed house parties are usually dedicated to big holidays– New Year, Valentine’s Day, pancake parties on Maslenitsa, Soviet-style parties.

You can arrange whatever your heart desires. You can gather friends or girlfriends without special occasion. Everyone’s favorite types of parties will help:

  • pajamas;
  • to watch and discuss the film;
  • "celebration of beauty";
  • pillow fight day;
  • glamorous glass day.

And so on and so forth!

Event Rules

If you intend to organize something similar at home in the near future or are invited to a house party as a guest, you should know some basic rules: what should be required at it, and what should be avoided so as not to overshadow the holiday.

So, let’s put all of the above into a single list, which we print out and prepare for the holiday, marking the completed items with a marker!

  • Party place. You clean up your apartment or book a “square” with a friend or a rented cottage. Agree with your housemates in advance.
  • You can decorate the room according to the theme.
  • Table and bar. Alcohol of one or two types, water, juice, as well as simple and light snacks in huge quantities.
  • Entertainment script. Depending on the company gathered, you can organize competitions for erudition, humor or talent. Dance competitions and table games are beyond competition.
  • Select a musical background in advance that will not irritate anyone. Or even invite a DJ for these purposes.
  • A photographer as an additional option to any successful apartment building.
  • General safety. Prepare everything you might accidentally need - from a comb to a fire extinguisher. And do not allow the use of psychotropic substances at the party.

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