Diet for 7 months. The undoubted benefits of porridge. Meat broths and purees

On the one hand, we are no longer looking at a baby who feeds exclusively on liquids. On the other hand, the toddler is still far from fully adapting to the adult food scheme. These reasons explain the close attention to the nutrition of a 7-month-old child.

The pressing questions are: how often to offer food, what to feed, how to combine foods and what portions to choose.

From this article you will learn:

Ideally, five meals are shown throughout the day. For comfortable stomach functioning, it is recommended to move on to the next meal no earlier than 4-4.5 hours after the previous one. But if the baby cries inconsolably until he gets food, then it’s worth satisfying his need.

In practice, the nutrition of a 7-month-old child often consists of six feedings during the day and several additional feedings with milk or formula at night.

Due to individual characteristics, it is easier for some children to eat fractionally - in smaller portions, but more often. By trying to feed such a child the age-appropriate amount, parents risk discouraging the desire to eat even more.

The occasional refusal, for example from an afternoon snack, should also not be perceived as a disaster. Feed your baby when he wants to. Don't worry that your entire schedule and routine will be disrupted. Dinner doesn’t have to be too far from its usual time.

Failure to accept any foods may be caused by the lack of those enzymes that are responsible for their digestion and further absorption. So don’t rush to attribute the baby’s behavior to whims.

Choosing a diet for a 7 month old baby

If at this stage the baby already has at least one tooth, then this signals the need to diversify the menu. Try introducing new ones into your diet along with the usual fruits and vegetables.

So, if your baby already loves banana and apple, you can add a soft, juicy pear to them. If there are different fruits, the baby will receive all the variety of organic substances along with mineral elements and vitamins.

If broccoli and cauliflower are already recognizable to your little ones, then try choosing pumpkin or zucchini puree for tasting. Due to their high fiber content, vegetables have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, eliminating constipation.

The presence of vitamin C develops children's immunity. There is no need to stuff your child with only potatoes. Even if it is present in the daily diet, it should not prevail over other vegetables.

Oatmeal and rice are good porridges. An allergic reaction to buckwheat is possible. Even if the baby accepts fruit porridge normally, it is better to limit himself to just one fruit. Have you decided to try porridge with a mix of prunes, bananas and dried apricots, and even at night? Don’t be surprised later that your child is unable to sleep because of the pain in the tummy. Cereals contain an abundance of carbohydrates as well as fats. Of these, the child receives compensation for daily energy costs.

Menu options

Before or after six months

If complementary foods were introduced at the age of six months, then by this time the baby had time to appreciate the taste of cereals, vegetable purees, and also fruit purees. For those little ones who have experienced adult food earlier, you can already offer egg yolks every other day and meat purees.

Give half a teaspoon of pureed meat at the beginning. Over time, the amount reaches three spoons, but already tablespoons. Beef without fat is best. Turkey and rabbit are perfectly digestible. True, the price of such products is higher. The yolk is served from 1/4 to half.

For those who were introduced to complementary feeding at six months, a soup with a puree consistency is added. There is no need to add salt to it. In the seventh month of life, it’s time to let your little one try baby cottage cheese or yogurt. These can be classic flavors, or fruit and berry flavors, or with cookies inside. There is no need to sprinkle them with additional sugar.

Convenient feeding of a baby at 7 months according to the table

With the addition of more and more new products, parents are confused about what, when and how much to give. If this table is in front of your eyes the first time, then soon your cooking abilities will reach automaticity. In the future, you can combine the proposed combinations depending on your children's preferences.

Time of receipt Dish Serving (g, ml)
Breakfast breast milk or adapted formula. 150
Lunch fruit porridge with added butter; 160
Dinner vegetable puree soup with chicken or meat broth; 50
puree from boiled or stewed vegetables; 150
juice or fruit drink. 60
Afternoon snack cottage cheese or yogurt; 30
fruit puree; 70
compote or jelly; 60
cookies or bun. 5-10
Dinner porridge with or without fruit; breast milk or adapted formula. 100-120

Thus, milk or mixture is necessarily present in the first and last meals. Other times they are given at the child’s request.

Artificial drinkers can try fermented milk mixtures. Another permitted but optional product for this age group is cheese.

A piece of soft cheese can be mashed in soup. Curd and cheese products contain the right amount of calcium for the full formation of skeletal bones, teeth, hair and nails.

Choosing and preparing correctly

When grating fruit, use plastic or stainless steel models. This way, vitamin C will not react with iron, and therefore will be preserved in fruit puree. After all, the high-quality composition of the finished dish is more important than the presence in the menu of products devoid of vitamins.

You can puree vegetables and meat in a blender, and you can let your little ones enjoy fruit through a nibbler. Along with the usual cookies, instant cookies are also available. It drops into milk and turns into a porridge-like dish.

There is no fundamental difference between a chicken and a quail egg. The latter is given in double dosage due to its small size.

Many parents are concerned about the question: what meat to choose for their baby? It should be young, tender, without fat or streaks. The best option is the sirloin. If you doubt your own abilities, then tell the seller that you are choosing meat for an infant. They will definitely choose the best portion for you.

All products must have a uniform consistency, without lumps. If it was not possible to get rid of them during processing, then it is better to remove the large pieces. A meat grinder can handle meat better. You can prepare meat balls in advance and put them in the freezer. And then you won’t have to bother with a piece of meat weighing 50 g separately each time. Purchased baby food should be homogenized.

Feeding a 7 month old baby taking into account new skills

One of the main attributes that facilitates the feeding process is a high chair. Different models differ in appearance. But basically the chair comes with a built-in table. It may have recesses for cutlery. Now the child is sitting confidently and the mother does not need to hold him. Still, be sure to wear seat belts. At this age, children are quite nimble and unpredictable.

Every time you offer your child a drink, you need to bring the cup to him and wait for him to wrap his fingers around the handle of the cup. Next, you should help the baby take a sip. This will develop the skill of using a cup independently to satisfy your thirst.

It is better to choose small, lightweight plastic devices. At first, it is difficult for the baby to handle the new element, and spilling liquid is inevitable. Therefore, you should not pour juice or water to the brim.

It is enough to monitor whether the baby gets food from all food groups. If a certain food representative “does not work,” then abandon the idea of ​​​​feeding it to the child for a while. And later add it to your favorite ingredients. As a rule, such a problem is not observed with the consumption of fruits. But with some vegetables and cereals, manifestations of hostility occur.

The task of parents and relatives of the baby now is to carefully instill in him an interest in food. It is important to adjust your actions if the child rejects anything offered. Along with nutrition, a 7-month-old child receives emotions at the table from observing and interacting with adults.

It is optimal if the diet contains cereals, vegetables, fruits and cottage cheese. For those who have mastered complementary feeding before six months of age, meat and egg yolk are added. Monitor the consistency of food by using acceptable cooking methods. Teach your baby how to handle a cup.

At seven months, the baby becomes more mobile, his body needs additional calories, vitamins and microelements. Of course, new foods should appear in the baby’s diet. All young mothers need to know what to do to ensure that their 7-month-old baby has a balanced diet and menu.

Pediatricians say that after the first six months of life, children should begin a gradual transition to an adult diet. Therefore, the changes apply not only to the list of permitted products, but also to the time and frequency of their use.

Breast milk or formula still has a significant place in the baby’s menu, but the list of complementary foods is expanding significantly. A child's diet at 7 months should be replenished with proteins (meat, eggs), calcium (fermented milk products), carbohydrates (porridge), vitamins and fiber from vegetables and fruits.

But this does not mean that the baby can already be transferred to an adult table. All meals for babies are prepared separately, in compliance with age recommendations and careful control of food freshness. Despite the presence, hard and difficult-to-digest foods are first crushed to a mushy consistency.

Child nutrition

In addition to basic foods, a baby's diet at seven months must include a sufficient amount of liquid. Allowed drinks include ordinary purified water, compote of pears, apples, prunes with a small amount of sugar, or preferably without it, fruit juice diluted with water, kefir.

New foods are introduced into the diet gradually. At the beginning of the seventh month of life, vegetable purees are added first, a week later - porridge, after 2 weeks - meat, egg yolk, cottage cheese. The last baby is offered kefir. Let's look at the nuances of preparing and combining dishes for a 7-month-old baby.

Vegetable puree

Usually at this age, children are already familiar with several types of vegetables - zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli. At 7 months you can add pumpkin, boiled potatoes, carrots, and legume dishes: peas and beans. The latter, due to their irritating effect on the gastrointestinal tract, cannot be given in their pure form; they can only be added to vegetables that the baby accepts well.

Purees can be either single-component or consist of several ingredients. You can add 0.5 tsp to vegetable dishes. olive or sunflower oil.

Many mothers buy ready-made jars of purees, but homemade ones will be no worse.


Cereals give your baby energy and help him smoothly transition from liquid foods to more solid ones. A child's diet at 7 months should include buckwheat, oatmeal, corn and rice porridge. All of them are prepared liquid and unsweetened. If regular cereals are used, and not specially designed for baby food, after cooking they are crushed with a blender to the desired consistency.

If the porridge is too thick, add a little formula, breast milk or vegetable broth. To obtain the optimal consistency, it is important to correctly calculate the amount of cereal. In the first days, 1 tsp is required per 100 ml of liquid. After 2 weeks, the thickness of the porridge is gradually increased by adding 1.5 and then 2 tsp to the same volume of water. cereals

Porridge is introduced into the menu in small portions. If well tolerated, starting from 1 tsp, the amount of product is increased daily until it reaches 120-150 g. The best time to feed porridge is second breakfast.

You can add a little vegetable oil for taste. The first porridge must be made with one component. Later, if the product is digested normally, it can be combined with a small amount of vegetable puree or other cereals.

Egg yolk

After the introduction of cereals, a child’s diet at 7 months can be varied with yolk. Most parents give their children chicken eggs, but for kids prone to allergies, it is better to start with quail eggs. Of course, both must be fresh and cooked until tender (cook for at least 10 minutes).

The yolk contains valuable fatty acids, vitamins D, E, A, phosphorus, but is a strong allergen, so it is introduced gradually, observing the baby’s reaction. This product is best given in the morning.

The first portions of the yolk should fit on the tip of a teaspoon. If within 3 days the child absorbs the product well, the amount is increased to a quarter of a teaspoon.

Despite the benefits of the product, it should not be on the menu every day. In the seventh month of a child’s life, egg yolk is allowed to be given twice a week.


Meat is another new thing in the diet of a 7-month-old baby. It serves as a source of protein, B vitamins, iron and many other beneficial microelements. Meat is especially important for children who are not gaining weight well or have low hemoglobin levels. At 7 months, beef, veal, rabbit, as well as chicken and turkey fillets are allowed.

If you don’t want to bother with preparing meat puree (only in this form does the child digest these products), you can purchase it ready-made. A lot of domestic and foreign manufacturers are engaged in the production of baby meat food: “Agusha”, “Babushkino Lukoshko”, “Hipp”, “Gerber”, etc.

At home, you can get meat puree of a suitable consistency by passing the cooked product through a meat grinder twice or grinding it in a blender.

If the resulting mass is a bit dry, dilute it with a small amount of broth. It is not yet recommended to give meat broth in the form of soup to 7-month-old children; you should also refrain from offal in any form: liver, kidneys, chicken stomachs, hearts, etc.

Like other products, meat is introduced into the menu gradually. For the first portion, 0.5-1 tsp is enough. Over the course of 10 days, the amount is increased until it reaches the daily norm - 50 g. Meat is a nourishing and difficult to digest product, so it is given to the baby for lunch.


Proper nutrition of a child at 7 months is impossible without fruits. By this age, children are already familiar with them, so no problems are expected with the introduction of new products. A 7-month-old baby should receive about 80 g of fruit puree per day.

One of the best options is banana. It is tasty, nutritious, well absorbed by the body, rich in vitamins and glucose. Banana puree is prepared quickly and easily - chop the fruit with a fork or blender.

You can also give your baby apples, pears, peaches, apricots, and cherries. All of them must be thoroughly washed, pitted, peeled, grated or chopped in another way. In addition to bananas, your child should only be given seasonal fruits. During the period when there are no fresh fruits, it is better to purchase ready-made fruit purees for babies.

Dairy products

At the 7th month of life, fermented milk products are introduced into the diet of a bottle-fed baby, which provide the growing body with the necessary amount of calcium. For children who eat mother's milk, their introduction can be delayed for 4 weeks.

First, the baby is given baby kefir to try. Starting with 1-2 tsp. per day, the amount is gradually increased to 100 ml. A contraindication to the introduction of this product is the baby’s tendency to diarrhea.

If kefir is well absorbed, the child is offered a little cottage cheese (20-30 g), intended for baby food. To prevent it from being too dry, the portion is diluted with kefir.

How to cook food correctly?

All dishes for children at this age are prepared separately. Frying meat and vegetables, adding spices, mayonnaise, and various sauces are not allowed.

All vegetables are thoroughly washed, boiled, chopped in a blender or ground through a sieve. Meat is only acceptable when boiled on the stove or cooked in a double boiler.

Fruits can be either raw, grated on the finest grater, or baked and then pureed. Adding sugar to food should be avoided; salt is allowed in small quantities for cereals.

Menu for a 7-month-old breastfed baby

The diet of a 7-month-old child, provided breastfeeding, involves receiving food 5 times a day.

The sample menu includes the following products:

  • breast milk;
  • any permitted porridge (150 g), fruit puree (50-80 g) or juice (40-70 ml);
  • vegetable (100-150 g) and meat puree (50 g) or 0.5 egg yolk, compote (100 ml);
  • baby cottage cheese (30 g), supplementary feeding with expressed breast milk or kefir (100 ml), biscuits or other cookies for the little ones;
  • breast milk.

Menu for a 7-month-old bottle-fed baby

The nutrition of a 7-month-old baby on artificial feeding differs slightly.

  • milk mixture (about 200 ml);
  • baby porridge (up to 150 g), fruit in the form of puree (up to 80 g), juice (70 ml);
  • vegetable puree (100-150 g) and meat (50 g) + half an yolk, compote from allowed fruits (50-100 ml) or juice (70 ml);
  • mixture or kefir (100 ml), children's cottage cheese (30 g) and cookies;
  • mixture (200 ml), can be replaced with kefir.

Of course, the list of products and the sequence of their intake may differ slightly. If a child is behind in weight, with the doctor's approval, a more nutritious menu can be drawn up or special formulas can be added to promote weight gain.

Baby's diet at 7 months

Pediatricians recommend that from a very early age, accustom the child to a certain daily routine, and, accordingly, nutrition. Parents who want to care for their baby according to generally accepted standards should take into account that the normal break between feedings at 7 months is 4 hours.

The daily diet is divided into 5 meals as follows:

  • first breakfast at 6:00;
  • second breakfast at 10:00;
  • lunch at 14:00;
  • afternoon tea at 18:00;
  • dinner at 22:00.

This distribution will begin the formation of eating habits in older age. Make the first and last feedings light, and the remaining three should account for the bulk of the calories.

In time, a child’s diet at 7 months may deviate from the above, if it has already formed and suits you completely, there is no need to change anything. But recommendations regarding the regularity of feeding should not be neglected; they ensure optimal functioning of the baby’s gastrointestinal tract at this age.

What to do if a child refuses the food offered?

Mothers often face this problem when it comes time to introduce a new product. If the baby does not want to try and spits out meat, cottage cheese, yolk or other food in its pure form, you can use a trick - mix a little of this ingredient into a dish that the child eats with pleasure.

This way, the product is usually consumed more readily, soon the baby gets used to it and the quantity can be increased. But if this does not help, there is no need to insist on immediately eating what you have prepared; it is better to wait and offer a similar dish again in a week or two.

Caring for a 7-month-old child, feeding him, daily routine, and development are completely dependent on the parents. The resource laid down in early childhood is very important for the child’s health in the future, so it is worth taking into account all the recommendations of pediatricians and, of course, listening to the individual needs of the child.

Useful video about how much a baby should eat at 7 months (pediatrician’s opinion)

The baby grows quickly, so its diet should change accordingly. A 7-month-old baby's menu is quite varied, because he tries different foods. Nutrition is extremely important for full development, so it is not surprising that mothers pay a lot of attention to it.

What can you feed a baby at 7 months?

The peculiarity of a seven-month-old baby is that he has already tried different types of complementary foods, which were started at 6-7 months. Most likely, now several meals consist exclusively of complementary foods and no additional feeding is required. But what foods are included in a baby’s diet at this age?

As before, a very important place is occupied by mother's milk during breastfeeding and an adapted formula during artificial feeding. A child needs them up to a year. It’s good if the baby doesn’t eat them at every feeding, as he gets full of other food. But if he does not eat complementary foods in full and remains hungry, then it is not recommended to refuse additional feedings. Many children also need more late-night snacks.

Your baby's diet must include porridge. If there is any doubt about which ones, then it is worth remembering that it is also advisable to choose hypoallergenic and gluten-free ones. These include rice, buckwheat and corn. The child should also eat pureed vegetables. You can continue to feed the ones you already know or introduce new ones.

Meat can be included in the menu of a 7-month-old baby. Especially if he is bottle-fed and complementary feeding was started at 5 months. Turkey and rabbit are the best options for introducing this product. But you need to give up fatty meat. You can prepare it yourself or buy it ready-made. It happens that the baby refuses to eat meat. Then you should try mixing it with vegetables, maybe he will like this option better.

At the same age, you can feed your little one with fermented milk products - cottage cheese and kefir. They are very useful as they contain calcium, which is necessary for the normal development of the baby. Therefore, they must be included in the diet. In addition, they have a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, helping to improve its functioning. This is especially true for children who suffer from constipation.

At this age, you can mix different foods to introduce your baby to new tastes. For example, do not give one-component vegetable puree, but combine two or three types.

It is also worth introducing a yolk into the diet of a seven-month-old baby. The question may arise as to how much to give. You need to start with a grain and gradually work up to half the yolk, if we are talking about a chicken egg. You can give the whole quail yolk to your toddler.

The menu should also include fruit purees. They are suitable for afternoon snacks or can be added to cereals, especially if the child eats such food without pleasure. After all, sugar is not recommended at this age, and fruits can make a dish tastier.

What can you give a 7 month old baby to eat and drink - table

At 7 months, a certain diet should already be developed. The baby can easily withstand intervals of 4-4.5 hours between meals. So the answer to the question of how many there should be is 5. But, although many doctors recommend giving up night feedings, many children still need them, especially those who are breastfed. So you need to focus on the needs of your baby and adjust the diet to suit them.

The table will tell you what a sample menu looks like.

  • First feeding, around 6 am. When waking up, you need to give the baby a breast or an adapted formula if the baby is bottle-fed.
  • Breakfast at approximately 10 am. The best option is porridge; you can add as much fruit puree to it as the child will eat.
  • Lunch, 2 p.m. Vegetables are good and meat is added to them.
  • Afternoon snack. Cottage cheese or kefir, fruit puree, and, if desired, children's cookies are allowed.
  • Dinner. Shortly before bedtime, the baby is given breast or formula.
  • It is advisable to add yolk to vegetables or porridge twice a week.

Of course, the baby’s diet is very approximate. Maybe he will prefer vegetables for breakfast and porridge at other times of the day. The table will just help you get your bearings.

Regardless of what the child eats - formula or milk - he needs to be given something to drink. This should be completed at the end of each feeding and offered a little in between. Regular drinking water is best. If the baby completely refuses it, then you can give dried fruit compote or juice, but only very diluted with water.

How much should a 7 month old baby eat?

It is difficult to say how much he will eat from the proposed menu. After all, even if a child eats normally, at this age his teeth may begin to cut and his appetite will deteriorate. Or, on the contrary, a growth spurt will occur and he will remain hungry after the usual portion of food. Therefore, first of all, you need to look at the condition of your baby, and then at the tabulated nutritional standards.

But it’s still worth knowing the approximate diet in order to understand what to strive for.

  • In the morning and evening, a bottle-fed baby should eat 200 g of the mixture. It is unlikely that you will be able to track the amount of breast milk, and this is not necessary: ​​the child himself knows how much he needs.
  • For breakfast, the portion should be 150 g of porridge and 70 g of fruit puree.
  • For lunch - 170 g of vegetables and 50 g of meat.
  • For an afternoon snack - 50 g of cottage cheese and 30 g of fruit puree.

The menu for a 7-month-old baby is quite varied. The diet includes already familiar products, and acquaintance with new ones continues. If your little one eats less than the recommended portion, there is no need to force him. Gradually he will learn to eat as much as he should.

Starting from the age of six months, a child’s life enters a new stage - this is a time of exploring the world around him and the capabilities of his body: the baby actively tries to grab objects (and people nearby), tries to move independently (even on all fours), and reacts more consciously to what is happening events around him and closely monitors his mother’s actions, trying to imitate them. Such activity of a child undoubtedly requires large expenditures of energy, and therefore other conditions for its replenishment.

The routine of a 7-month-old baby is no longer as monotonous as it was before: sleep becomes longer, waking time increases significantly - accordingly, the diet also requires some adjustment, as the intervals between feedings lengthen.

Although the main source of nutrition for a child at 7 months is still breast milk, the baby is already familiar with some examples of “adult” nutrition: usually, from 6 months of age, fermented milk products, some vegetables and fruits (containing minimum allergens), as well as cereals. Therefore, familiarization with a variety of tastes and the introduction of more and more new complementary foods to the menu should be continued - this way, the baby maintains an interest in food and develops taste preferences (not to mention the fact that the child’s body learns to recognize and respond to qualitative changes in food).

Once again about the principles of introducing complementary foods

The menu of a breastfed child at 7 months of age is supplemented with products of animal origin: dietary meat, egg yolks.

The signal for the introduction of these products into complementary foods is the appearance of teeth in the child: the body makes it clear that it is ready for a change in diet and is sufficiently developed to assimilate “serious” food - by nature, a person is a predator, and therefore meat is necessary for him as a source energy and building material for muscle and bone tissue.

Menu for an 8 month old breastfed baby

The basic principles of introducing complementary foods are unchanged at any age, and they can be briefly formulated as follows:

  1. tender chicken meat,
  2. turkeys,
  3. rabbit,
  4. veal.

Meat cooked and chopped in a blender can be added to vegetable puree, or mixed with buckwheat porridge - a little gourmet will appreciate such combinations.

Another product included in complementary feeding for a child from 7 months is a hard-boiled egg yolk. The energy and nutritional value of this product has been known to everyone for a long time: as a rule, children love eggs very much, and therefore introducing them into the diet does not cause difficulties.

However, it is necessary to remember: yolk is a rather heavy product for a child’s gastrointestinal tract, and therefore it should not be present in large quantities in the baby’s diet - no more than ½ chicken yolk per day (or 1 quail egg yolk).

Moreover, it is better to add an egg to soups, meat and vegetable purees or milk porridges - this way the baby’s menu will be more varied. In addition, the egg yolk gives all these dishes a different taste - which is useful for the development of the baby's taste buds, and gives him the opportunity to compare and determine his own food preferences.

When drawing up a menu for a 7-month-old family member, you should take into account the compatibility of food products in terms of taste and effect on the baby’s body, focusing on your own experience and family traditions: you should not accustom your baby to “exotic” combinations, such as the taste of cucumber with honey - if No one in your family eats this dish.

The introduction of new products is still happening as slowly as before. Despite the fact that complementary feeding has become commonplace for you, you should not rush. is expanding due to an increase in the amount of cereals, vegetables and fruits consumed. It may also contain kefir (cottage cheese) and meat.

What foods can your baby eat?

The menu of a 7-month-old breastfed and formula-fed baby includes the following basic products.

  • Vegetables - zucchini as the basis for vegetable purees. Additionally, you can offer your baby pumpkin, cauliflower, green young peas, green beans, and potatoes.
  • Porridge - rice and corn are added to the familiar buckwheat porridge. Also, porridge for a 7-month-old baby can be prepared from barley and oatmeal.
  • Fruits - they are offered to the baby in the form of purees (for example, apple, pear and plum). It is not worthwhile to diversify this list yet, since fruits have an aggressive effect on the baby’s intestines. You can also give the baby juice from the same fruits, which makes the menu of a seven-month-old baby on mixed feeding more complete and rich in vitamins.
  • Chicken egg yolk, hard-boiled - if you have not previously introduced your baby to this product, start adding it to the puree literally little by little, gradually bringing it to ½ yolk.
  • Vegetable and butter- they are added to porridges and purees, 5 grams each (that’s about 1 teaspoon).
  • Meat is included in the menu of a bottle-fed baby at 7 months. You need to plan 2 lunches with meat per week. Preferred varieties are chicken, turkey or rabbit. It is better to choose lean breast for poultry. Offer it to your baby in the form of a pate or a homogeneous puree with a volume of up to 50 grams. However, you still should not give your child meat broth or cook vegetables for puree in it.
  • Dairy products- cottage cheese and kefir of zero fat content. The curd should be homogeneous, without lumps. And kefir - no more than three days, since a longer shelf life can cause constipation in the baby.

Features of cooking

In order for a 7-month-old baby’s menu to be not only healthy, but also tasty, the products must be properly processed.

How to cook porridge

This porridge is suitable for the first acquaintance with a new cereal. In the future, increase the volume of cereal to replace one meal per day with porridge. The weekly menu of a 7-month-old baby does not allow active alternation of foods, so it seems that the baby eats the same thing all the time. To prevent this from happening, add another grain to the familiar porridge, gradually bringing it to a 1:1 combination, for example, half buckwheat and half corn. The porridge will be delicious seasoned with butter and a piece of chicken yolk.

How to cook meat

For first complementary foods, it is more convenient to buy ready-made canned meat that is suitable for your age. They are pates without salt and spices; they can be added to pureed vegetables to make a balanced diet for a child at 7 months.

  1. The baby's menu may also include meat prepared by the mother. To do this, the piece must be cleaned of veins and films, boiled in water without salt and spices, and passed through a meat grinder twice.
  2. In this form, the baby most likely will not like it, since it will still be thick. Therefore, it can be mixed with familiar vegetable puree.
  3. You need to bring the volume of meat to the maximum (50 g) within a week. Then you can try offering it yourself, as a side dish. To avoid dryness, mix it with vegetable broth.

How to make vegetable puree

An approximate menu for a seven-month-old child includes mono- and multi-component vegetable purees.

  1. To prepare them, use seasonal, fresh vegetables, which must be washed, peeled, boiled in water or steamed.
  2. Then mash the vegetables with a fork and mix with the broth to the desired consistency. If you beat them with a blender, you get a completely homogeneous mass.
  3. Salt, sugar and other “flavor enhancers” will be unnecessary. But you can already add vegetable oil or meat puree.

Combined meals in a child's diet

As you approach 8 months, your baby will be familiar with many foods. Therefore, you can offer him combination meals. The following table will present such a menu for a child at 7 months.

Such a varied menu will relieve the mother of worries about the monotony of the baby’s diet. And the baby will be given everything necessary for proper development!

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