Products good for the skin. List of useful products for beautiful skin

Mostly women use creams, lotions, tonics or masks to maintain youthful and beautiful skin. Of course, all this helps, the skin looks well-groomed, clean and beautiful. However, it is equally important to support and nourish yourself from the inside. Let's talk about facial skin and what products will make it even more beautiful.

Product #1: Red and orange vegetables

Red and orange vegetables renew the skin. These include: pumpkin, tomatoes, carrots, apricots, bell peppers, etc. It is recommended to eat them to have a healthy complexion, since they contain a lot of carotene. And it, in turn, is considered an excellent antioxidant, responsible for the renewal of skin cells, which is subsequently converted into vitamin A in the body.

Product #2: Nuts and seeds

This is a real storehouse of useful properties. The products contain vitamins A, E and coenzyme Q10, which are included in many creams. In addition, they are known as antioxidants, protecting the skin from solar radiation, atmospheric influences and damage from toxins. The leaders in health benefits are pumpkin and sunflower seeds, walnuts and almonds. They are added to salads, to cereals or consumed separately. However, it should be borne in mind that they are very high in calories, so there is no need to get carried away with them. To improve skin condition, 50 g of products three times a week is enough.

Product No. 3: Berries and fruits

Oranges, kiwis, grapefruits, strawberries, black currants, citrus fruits, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries and blueberries are not only tasty, but also contain vitamin C. This component is considered a powerful antioxidant that restores the skin, strengthens blood vessels, slows down aging and helps collagen production.

Food #4: Oily fish

Many have heard that fish strengthens hair, improves vision and is good for brain function, while it is also important for the skin. The following seafood will save you from wrinkles: salmon, sardines, herring, mackerel, tuna, mackerel, oysters. They contain good fats (omega-3) that soothe and moisturize the skin. Improve blood circulation, relieve inflammation and prevent rashes.
In addition, marine life contains zinc, which is necessary for skin renewal and collagen synthesis. Its lack leads to premature aging of cells.

Product #5: Olive oil

As you know, it is dry skin that ages the fastest, and natural, high-quality, directly pressed olive oil, which is called the real elixir of youth, can save it from dryness. It contains 3 times more vitamins E, B and fatty acids than other oils. It instantly restores and moisturizes skin cells.

By the way, in Greece and Italy this product has the status of not only a food component, but also a medicine. In these European countries, it is common practice to apply oil to the skin to soothe inflammation and relieve sunburn.

Product No. 6: Porridge and cereals

Porridge and whole grain bread help remove toxins from the intestines, improve metabolism and digestion. And when the body frees itself from this, the skin noticeably becomes better and fresher. In addition, grain crops contain silicon, which produces collagen, and with its help the skin is strengthened and renewed. Vitamin B is also included in the products, which significantly softens the skin.

Product #7: Cottage cheese

The main components of cottage cheese are selenium and vitamin E. These are powerful antioxidants that prevent premature aging. In addition, this product contains calcium, and this mineral is important for strong teeth and bones.

Product #8: Avocado

Soft and ripe avocados are excellent skin nourishment. It is very rich in essential oils that moisturize the skin from the inside. Use it in salads, on its own or mix with sour cream.

Product #9: Green tea

Green tea is a leader in the amount of antioxidants that slow down the aging of skin cells and increase resistance to viruses. It is beneficial for the functioning of the heart, and is one of the components included in the creams. Drink two cups of tea a day, and you can forget about early wrinkles. Green tea is also used externally; cotton swabs are used to lubricate bags under the eyes.

Product #10: Live yogurt

Fresh fermented milk product, which contains lactobacilli, remarkably improves digestion and cleanses the skin. Drinking 150 ml of “live” yogurt per day will help defeat skin diseases and preserve the beauty of the skin of the face and body.

After reading this list, you can note: eating right is, of course, not a cheap pleasure. But if you think about how much money is spent on expensive skin care products, you will see significant savings, and the body will also be saturated with important vitamins and microelements.

What products you need to consume to keep your skin beautiful, watch this video:

Women's beauty is a secret behind seven seals. This article will lift the veil of darkness, dispel myths and give you answers to many questions.

Female beauty is a very abstract concept. No one can clearly say what it is. Every person has their own ideas about what a woman should look like. Each person is unique, therefore each woman is beautiful in her own way.

You can achieve a beautiful appearance in various ways: good cosmetics, properly selected clothes, well-groomed hair. But these are means for external use. As a rule, clothes mask figure flaws, cosmetics mask acne and rashes on the face, and hair beauty is achieved through the use of all kinds of balms and masks.

Nutrition and products for women's youth and beauty. Healthy eating for beauty

In order for your eyes to shine, your skin to sparkle with health, and your hair to be smooth, you need to improve your nutrition. It's no secret that there are products that have a positive effect on female beauty. These include all kinds of fruits, berries, vegetables, herbs, oils, fish, and cereals.

These products contain a huge amount of healthy vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Oils and fish contain fatty acids that women need, on which the health of the female reproductive system depends.

In addition to including healthy foods in your diet, you need to get rid of refined sugar, fatty and fried foods, white bread and, in general, any bakery and confectionery products containing white flour, fast food, chips, crackers and sweet sodas, alcohol. These products will not only bring no benefit to the body, but will also significantly harm it.

Hair beauty products

The condition of your hair depends on many factors. These include ecology, nutrition, climate. But the fundamental factors are healthy nutrition and proper care. If you burn your hair with a hot hairdryer, it will never be healthy. If you only eat hamburgers and cola, your hair will be greasy and thin.

Some of the healthiest foods for healthy hair include:

  • Unrefined, cold-pressed vegetable oils. These oils are added to salads; they are not heated.
  • Green vegetables and herbs. Magnesium and calcium contained in greens are vital for maintaining hair in excellent condition.
  • Fatty fish. It is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. The lack of these acids in the human body causes serious changes: hair falls out, skin dries out, immunity weakens, and women’s reproductive function fades.
  • Nuts. Nuts are a source of healthy vegetable fats. The properties of each nut variety are unique. It is enough to include a handful of nuts in your diet for at least two weeks, and you will notice how your appearance will improve. But you shouldn’t overuse nuts, they are very high in calories and hard on the stomach.
  • Carrot. This bright autumn vegetable is rich in vitamin A, so regular consumption of carrots has a positive effect on the health of the skin, hair and visual acuity.

Diet for beauty and health of hair

People go on diets not only to lose weight, but also to improve their health. To keep hair healthy, there is a special nutrition system, the main components of which are: vegetables, fruits, cereals, nuts, fish.


  • Breakfast: oatmeal/buckwheat/barley porridge and 1-2 fruits (apple, banana, persimmon, peach) or 2-egg omelet with vegetables and a piece of yeast-free bread
  • Snack: 30 g nuts or dried fruits / 1-2 fruits / 1 egg
  • Lunch: oven-baked fish with a small amount of grated cheese and vegetables, a large bowl of vegetable salad, preferably with raw vegetables (no potatoes) / vegetable soup with a slice of unleavened bread / vegetable stew
  • Afternoon snack: small bowl of vegetable salad / egg / 100 g cottage cheese or kefir
  • Dinner: 200 g cottage cheese with nuts. You can add a little honey and dried fruits / 100 g of stewed or boiled fish or chicken breast and a bowl of salad

The use of flax seeds is allowed as a useful supplement. Salads can be dressed with 2 tsp. unrefined vegetable oil.

Be sure to add cabbage to your salads: cauliflower, white cabbage, broccoli or Chinese cabbage. This is a valuable source of vitamins necessary for female beauty. Particular attention should be paid to the consumption of broccoli.

With this diet, fried and fatty foods, sugar (fruit and honey are allowed), mayonnaise, ketchup and other harmful sauces are prohibited. It is necessary to reduce the consumption of salt, coffee and tea. You need to drink at least a liter of clean water a day.

Products for beauty and youthful skin

The condition of the skin is the condition of our intestines. When the intestines work “like a clock,” then there are no rashes, redness or other “pleasant” things on the skin. To normalize your intestinal health, you need to include the following foods in your diet:

  • Honey. It contains many vitamins and has antibacterial properties
  • Vegetables: carrots, broccoli, cabbage. Carrots are high in vitamin A, and cabbage is high in vitamin C.
  • Dairy products. They gently cleanse the intestines
  • Oils and nuts are sources of vegetable fats
  • Fruits. This is the main source of antioxidants after greens. These substances help the skin stay elastic longer

Also, the skin does not tolerate dehydration, bad habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol, or improper care.

There are different skin types: dry, oily, normal, problem and combination. Each skin type needs special care. You should not use products that are not intended for your skin type. This can cause even bigger problems.

Diet for beauty and healthy skin

A diet to maintain skin in ideal condition is based on a smooth cleansing of the intestines, as well as sufficient consumption of healthy fats and vitamins.

You can take various vitamin complexes. This will enhance the effect of the diet.

Before breakfast, be sure to drink 2 glasses of water. It is advisable to do this 15 minutes before each meal.


Option 1: oatmeal steamed overnight with water or milk, 1 apple and a teaspoon of honey.

Option 2: 2 slices of whole grain bread with cheese (10-15 g each) and a thin strip of butter.

Option 3: A glass of kefir and cottage cheese with honey and banana.


Option 1: 20 g of nuts or dried apricots.

Option 2: banana.

Option 3: soft-boiled egg.


Option 1: buckwheat porridge with tomatoes and greens without salt and a piece of boiled chicken breast.

Option 2: omelette without butter with vegetables and cheese and a slice of rye bread.

Option 3: boiled not very fatty fish with vegetables and buckwheat without salt. You can add spices.

Afternoon snack.

Option 1: A pack of cottage cheese 5%.

Option 2: 300 g of sauerkraut or raw cabbage.

Option 3: 2 hard-boiled eggs.


Option 1: boiled chicken breast with a large portion of carrots and broccoli.

Option 2: cottage cheese with an apple or pear and a glass of kefir.

Option 3: stewed lean fish with broccoli, carrots and onions. You can add cheese. 1-2 loaves of bread are allowed.

Beauty and weight loss for health

Excess weight always has a detrimental effect on a person’s health and appearance. To achieve harmony inside and outside, you need to get rid of extra pounds. This must be done wisely so as not to harm yourself even more.

A clear mind, lively, playful eyes, clear skin and healthy hair - all this can be lost if you are overweight.

If you don't care about your health, then you should at least care about the aesthetic side of the issue. There are situations when a person is sick and cannot control his weight. But most often the cause of sagging bellies and cellulite on the legs is simple laziness and dislike for oneself.

Getting rid of this is quite difficult, but nothing is impossible when there is a goal. If your goal is to be beautiful and healthy, then you must do everything to achieve it.

Diet of health and beauty: menu

This diet will help you lose 4 kilograms in a month, while it will bring you great benefits: it will improve your health, well-being and appearance.

The diet rules are simple:

  • At least 2 liters of clean water per day. Lemon juice may be added
  • “Gastronomic garbage” should be completely excluded from the diet. And these are: cakes, pastries, cookies, sausages, ice cream, white bread, processed and sausage cheeses, curd masses, fatty and oil-fried dishes, sugar, salt (in large quantities)
  • Add as many greens and vegetables to your diet as possible
  • Fruits and honey are the best sources of sugar. Remember the quantity. Any medicine in excess turns into poison
  • Keep track of your KBZHU norm (calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates). The ideal BJU ratio is 40/20/60. The calorie content of the diet should not fall below the level of 1200 kcal
  • Fermented milk products contain beneficial bacteria, which in turn contribute to the proper functioning of the intestines
  • Don't forget about oils! You cannot completely eliminate fats from your diet. This will have a very bad effect on your health. First of all, your women's health, skin and hair will suffer
  • Play sports! This is a must. Sport speeds up metabolism and improves the supply of oxygen to cells. It is simply necessary for excellent health
  • Replace bread with whole grain or rye. Preferably without yeast. Remember a simple rule: the simpler the composition of the bread, the healthier the bread
  • For breakfast you are allowed to eat fruits, vegetables, cereals, omelettes
  • Lunch should include grains or vegetables and protein. It can be boiled eggs or an egg omelet. Fish also with vegetables. You can and should eat various soups
  • Dinner is fiber + protein. Use your imagination and make your dinner varied

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates should be distributed as follows:

  • Most carbohydrates for breakfast
  • For lunch, carbohydrates should also exceed protein.
  • For dinner, it is best to eat protein + complex carbohydrates and fiber.
  • Fats can be spread throughout the day

Healthy sleep and beauty

  • A proper daily routine will protect your body from stress. And stress leads to premature aging
  • A special place should be given to sleep. Ideally, you need to sleep at least 6 hours. It is most beneficial to sleep in a pre-ventilated room. Sleeping in a stuffy room is the number one cause of sleep deprivation. The root of the problem is lack of oxygen. To get enough sleep, you need to ventilate the room 15 minutes before bedtime.
  • Another secret to good sleep: you need to sleep on a firm mattress and on a low pillow. This way blood circulation is not disturbed; this position is close to the natural position of the body
  • You need to sleep on an empty stomach. Sometimes before going to bed you can drink a glass of kefir or fermented baked milk without sugar. The last meal should be 4 hours before bedtime

Never go to bed in a bad mood. It will carry over to the next day and you will be out of sorts in the morning.

  • Before going to bed, it is recommended to take a walk and take a warm shower. This will calm your nerves and mind, preparing them for sleep.
  1. Never eat anything that is subject to secondary heat treatment. Only the freshest products
  2. Don’t overdo it: everything needs a “golden” mean. Too much protein is just as bad as too much fat or carbohydrates.
  3. Spread out your food throughout the day! Plan your meals
  4. Drink more water
  5. Love citrus fruits - they are a source of vitamins
  6. Diversify your menu with products that are unusual for you. This way the “diet” won’t seem dull
  7. It's better to eat more often. In this case, portions should be placed on a small plate.

Marika, 19 years old, Kaliningrad.

All my life I had problems with nutrition. I ate everything. Naturally, I was overweight and had problem skin. I turned a blind eye to this. I remembered about proper nutrition when my hair literally began to fall out. The doctor said that this was due to an excess of harmful chemicals in the body, and recommended “cleansing” the diet. I’ve been eating this way for a year now and have had no skin problems for six months. I make various masks from oils for my hair. New hairs grow smooth and shiny.

Olga, 30 years old, Dnepropetrovsk.

I really love vegetables and fruits since childhood. But ice cream and condensed milk are favorite childhood treats. Alas, only in adulthood did I understand the need and importance of proper nutrition. Doctors forbade giving birth due to excess weight. At the time of my visit to the clinic, I weighed 120 kg. This was my anti-record. 3 years have passed and I weigh 70 kg even though I gave birth a month ago. It remains to get rid of the last kilograms, it will not be difficult, given my knowledge base. My body said “thank you” to me for my efforts.

Video: How to start eating right

Every representative of the fair half of humanity wants to maintain youthful facial skin. Not only women, but also young girls think about this. Modern life leaves its mark, constant stress and worries, junk food and dirty air contribute to premature aging of the skin. Not everyone can afford expensive treatments in a salon, so let’s look at the important aspects of proper care.


Some ladies use a variety of serums and creams, but they are all to no avail. Pigment spots and dark circles have not gone away, wrinkles under the eyes accumulate at lightning speed. It's all about the wrong diet.

  1. Review your daily menu and eat more fruits. Give preference to pears, apricots, peaches, melons, watermelons, and apples. For vegetables, consume spinach, bell peppers, cucumbers, asparagus, cabbage and carrots daily.
  2. Replace unhealthy white bread with black bread with cumin. If this option is not suitable, buy products containing seeds, nuts and other cereals. Plant fibers contain fiber, which improves skin elasticity and tone. In addition, toxins are removed from the body and the activity of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized.
  3. Eat more seafood, they are rich in Omega-3 vitamin and promote elastin production. Buy salmon, tuna, salmon, shrimp and sea cocktail in their own juice. Eat 1 citrus fruit several times a day. Oranges, lemons, kiwis, grapefruits are responsible for the formation of collagen.
  4. Replace black tea with green tea, make mint infusions and drink 150 ml. daily. Avoid sweet carbonated drinks, give preference to homemade compote or still mineral water. If you drink coffee often, dilute it with heavy cream and limit your consumption to 1 time per day.
  5. Drink about 3 liters of liquid per day, of which 2 liters of water, 1 liter of tea, compote, juice, etc. Do not abuse alcoholic beverages; if you really want to, drink red or white dry wine.
  6. Reduce your consumption of spicy, salty and starchy foods. Instead of sweet cakes, eat dried fruits, raisins, and dried apricots. Please note that highly peppery foods contribute to the formation of blackheads and dilate pores.


  1. If you have the willpower, quit smoking. Otherwise, reduce your cigarette consumption to 10 cigarettes per day. This harmful habit not only contributes to skin aging, it gives the epidermis a yellow tint and, moreover, causes lung cancer.
  2. Take care of healthy sleep, preferably resting while lying on your back. Lack of sleep provokes the appearance of those hated dark circles under the eyes.
  3. Ladies who spend a lot of time in the sun are advised to cover their faces with a hat/cap. Always apply a cream with maximum protection to your skin. If you are afraid that your body will tan and your face will remain white, choose safe hours for sunbathing (from 09.00 to 11.00, from 16.00 to 18.00).

Beauty care

  1. Never leave makeup on overnight. At this time of day, the skin needs to breathe and recover.
  2. Morning and evening, use a moisturizer designed specifically for your skin type.
  3. When you wipe your face with lotion or toner, don't forget about your neck and décolleté.
  4. Do not use pharmaceutical anti-acne medications in large quantities, they dry out the epidermis. Make stretching and moisturizing masks, gradually the water balance will return to normal and sebum production will be reduced.
  5. Face cream is like shampoo, it needs to be changed every three months. Otherwise, the skin gets used to it, resulting in minimal care.
  6. Not everyone knows about such a miracle remedy as thermal water. You can apply it not only to clean skin, but also to makeup. This option is suitable for ladies who work in a stuffy room. Spray your face with thermal water, then remove excess with a cotton napkin. The product is also an indispensable assistant on hot summer days.
  7. Do not overuse scrubs and peels; cosmetologists advise carrying out the procedure no more than once a week.

Folk remedies are not much inferior to professional cosmetic procedures, so their regular use will rid the skin of lack of moisture, smooth out wrinkles, and remove freckles and bags under the eyes. Try to use the composition at least 4 times a week.

Kiwi mask

  • cottage cheese with fat content from 20% - 70 gr.
  • kiwi - 2 pcs.
  • banana - 1 pc.
  • milk - 80 ml.
    oat bran - 30 gr.

Peel the kiwi, cut into pieces and place in a blender. Do the same with the banana, then mix in the fruit. Pour milk over bran, add cottage cheese, combine all ingredients into a homogeneous mixture. Cover your face with the mixture and wait 50 minutes.

Aloe Vera Mask

  • freshly squeezed aloe juice - 50 ml.
  • aloe stems - 2 pcs.
  • corn oil - 35 ml.
  • quail yolk - 1 pc.
  • potato starch - 10 gr.

Grate the stems on a fine grater, combine the pulp with pharmaceutical aloe juice. Pour in the oil, add the yolk and starch. Mix thoroughly; if the mixture turns out liquid, squeeze it out using gauze. Apply the mixture to your face and lie down to rest for 3 hours.

Brewer's yeast mask

  • brewer's yeast - 20 gr.
  • kefir - 40 ml.
  • honey - 30 gr.
  • olive oil - 20 ml.

Pour kefir into the yeast and wait until it swells. Melt the honey in the microwave, pour in the butter, then mix the ingredients into a homogeneous mass. Cover your face with the mixture, paying due attention to the skin under the eyes, nasolabial folds and wrinkles on the forehead. Wait 1 hour, rinse with cold water and wipe your face with a soft lotion.

Zucchini caviar mask

  • gelatin - 25 gr.
  • squash caviar - 40 gr.
  • sparkling mineral water - 50 ml.
  • burdock oil - 20 ml.

Heat water in the microwave, pour gelatin over it, wait 10 minutes. Add caviar and oil to the mixture. Mix thoroughly, apply to skin and wait half an hour. The mixture may drip, so cover your shoulders, neck and décolleté with a towel. You can replace squash caviar with grainy salmon caviar, but the ingredients will be more expensive.

Clay mask

  • blue clay - 30 gr.
  • white clay - 35 gr.
  • green clay - 25 gr.
  • pink clay - 30 gr.
  • sea ​​salt - 20 gr.
  • lemon juice - 40 ml.
  • sour cream with fat content from 15% - 50 gr.
  • honey - 30 gr.

Pour 200 ml of clay. warm water, add lemon juice and sour cream. Place the honey in the microwave for 30 seconds, combine with the rest of the ingredients and steep for 15 minutes. Cover your face with the mixture, place cling film on your forehead, chin and cheeks (including the area under the eyes). Lie down to rest for 40 minutes.

Dill mask

  • fresh dill - 40 gr.
  • parsley - 25 gr.
  • oatmeal - 30 gr.
  • almond oil - 30 ml.
  • egg yolk - 1 pc.

Chop the dill and parsley, beat the yolk and add it to the greens. Brew oatmeal in 40 ml of boiling water, pour in the oil. Mix the ingredients, whisking them with a fork, and apply to the skin. Keep for 45 minutes.

Green tea mask

  • tea with lemon balm or jasmine - 30 gr.
  • green apple - 0.5 pcs.
  • olive oil - 40 ml.
  • rye bran - 40 gr.
  • honey - 25 gr.

Grate the apple along with the peel on a fine grater. Brew tea in 70 ml. hot water, immediately add honey, wait 40 minutes. After the time has passed, pour in the oil and bran, heat the mixture in the microwave. Cover the skin with the mixture and leave for 50 minutes.

Orange mask

  • lemon juice - 20 ml.
  • chicken yolk - 1 pc.
  • sour cream - 40 gr.
  • orange - 1 pc.
  • almond oil - 20 ml.

Squeeze the juice out of the orange; you won't need it. Grind the zest and mix with lemon juice. Add butter, sour cream and yolk, beat the mixture with a mixer. Apply the mixture and lie down to rest for 1 hour.

Beeswax mask

  • natural beeswax - 40 gr.
  • honey - 30 gr.
  • onion - 1 pc. small size
  • grape seed oil - 30 gr.

Grind the onion in a blender until the juice comes out. Add honey and butter to it. Melt the wax in a water bath. Combine the ingredients, cover your face with the mixture and wait 35 minutes. After the procedure, carefully remove the mask with a napkin, wash with cold water and wipe your skin with ice cubes.

To maintain youthful facial skin, it is not necessary to visit a cosmetologist twice a month. It is enough to give up bad habits, drink more fluids and eat healthy foods. Make masks from folk recipes regularly, and within a month and a half, your skin will become radiant and toned. Take care of yourself and be irresistible!

Video: how to stay youthful and look like you did at 30 at 50

What women do not use to maintain youth and beauty: tonics, lotions, creams and masks. This all helps to remain well-groomed and prevents skin aging for some time. But it is very important to support yourself from within. Today we suggest you figure out which products help your facial skin look younger and more beautiful.


Nuts are considered a product of eternal youth, as they contain coenzyme Q10 and vitamin E, which accelerate the processes of nutrition and regeneration of skin cells. Despite the fact that coenzyme Q10 is independently produced in the body, after the 30-year mark it loses its position. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that protects the skin from sun damage and toxins. But you shouldn’t get carried away with nuts, as they are very high in calories. Therefore, for the skin of the face three times a week, 50 grams of walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds or cashews will be enough.

Red and orange vegetables and fruits.

Orange and red vegetables and fruits are good for a good complexion. These include: peppers, pumpkin, apricots, carrots and tomatoes. They contain a lot of beta-carotene, which acts as an antioxidant. Vitamin A, which is formed in our body from carotene, is included in many creams as retinol.

Sour fruits and berries.

Vitamin C, which strengthens blood vessels, helps collagen form, slows down the aging process, is found in foods such as strawberries, black currants, kiwi, oranges and grapefruits.

Fatty fish.

Seafood such as salmon, herring, sardines, mackerel will save you from wrinkles. Sea fish is a source of vitamins A and D and omega-3 fatty acids. These beneficial substances help relieve inflammation and improve blood circulation. And the result is glowing, beautiful skin.

Whole grain bread and cereals.

Silicon, which stimulates collagen production, and B vitamins, which soften the skin and promote its renewal, are found in legumes and grains. Whole grain bread and cereals help remove toxins from the intestines, improve metabolism and digestion. When the body is freed from toxins and waste, the skin becomes noticeably fresher.


Substances that constantly fight the aging process of the skin and prolong the life of cells that produce collagen and elastin are contained in pomegranate. Wrinkles appear due to loss of skin elasticity, which directly depends on the fragility of elastin and collagen fibers. Pomegranate helps slow down the aging process of the skin, heal wounds, accelerate skin regeneration from scratches, abrasions, and age-related changes.

Olive oil.

Dry skin ages faster. Extra virgin olive oil will help get rid of dry skin. It is a source of healthy fatty acids, which allow you to quickly restore skin cells and help absorb fat-soluble vitamins A, D and E. Fatty acids and vitamins B and E are contained three times more in olive oil than in other oils.

Cottage cheese.

Vitamin E and selenium are powerful antioxidants that nourish the skin from the inside, and are a component of cottage cheese. Also, the calcium contained in cottage cheese strengthens the strength of the teeth and skeleton as a whole.


Essential oils, which avocados are rich in, nourish the skin from the inside. And the vitamin niacin contained in avocado has an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect, and makes the skin smooth and fresh.

Green tea.

One of the leaders in antioxidant content is green tea. In order for your facial skin to look healthy, you need to drink three to four cups of green tea a day, maybe with lemon. It can also be used externally. In the morning, brew a couple of green tea bags, then remove them from the water and put them in the refrigerator. Apply cooled sachets to your eyes for 10-15 minutes. This will help solve the problem of swelling of the eyelids and bags under the eyes.

Any person wants to stay young and beautiful for as long as possible, and many use all kinds of ointments, scrubs, creams, and tonics for this purpose. Most of these drugs cost a lot of money, but they do not always help. However, many people forget that there are a lot of natural remedies that naturally help rejuvenate the body - and this is the normal food that we eat. Products for youth and longevity: what can and should be eaten to be healthy and beautiful?

With age, any of us develop wrinkles, the condition of hair and nails deteriorates, and the skin fades - after all, youth is not eternal. Few people think about the fact that all these signs are associated not only with age-related changes, but also with certain problems in the body.

What does the average city dweller eat most often? According to the survey, the majority of the population of megacities eats sandwiches, processed foods, drinks soda and fast food. Unfortunately, sooner or later such nutrition will definitely affect your health and well-being.

However, it is never too late to make positive changes to your diet and lifestyle. Today we invite you to familiarize yourself with the list of the most useful products that will help any of us easily restore health to the body and prolong youth.

Vitamins to prolong skin youth

  • Retinol - also known as vitamin A - acts as a catalyst for redox processes. It is usually transformed within the body from β-carotene supplied with food. It is generally accepted that orange and red plant products are rich in carotene - for example, carrots, sea buckthorn, etc., which have long been considered storehouses of useful substances and necessary products for youthful skin.
  • Vitamins gr. B – thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), para-aminobenzoic acid (B10) – provide skin elasticity, give it an even color, suppress the negative effects of free radicals that provoke rapid cell aging. The proposed vitamins can be obtained from food: many of them are found in cereals, offal, nuts, and vegetables.
  • Vitamin C - a well-known ascorbic acid - is responsible for the normal course of metabolic processes in the skin, promotes elasticity and youthfulness of the skin. Sufficient doses of ascorbic acid can be obtained by eating berries and fruits (especially kiwi and citrus fruits).
  • Vitamin PP - nicotinic acid - provides local skin immunity and restores damaged cells. A full dose of the vitamin is obtained by eating cheeses, meat, dates, legumes, and rosehip decoction.
  • Vitamin E - also known as tocopherol - is a well-known antioxidant that promotes active cellular renewal. It is not for nothing that tocopherol is called the vitamin of youth - it is widely added to cosmetics and preparations for the care of the skin of the face and body. The vitamin can be obtained not only with complex preparations, but also by regularly consuming foods such as flaxseed oil, eggs, and berries.

Products for youthful skin

A well-designed diet containing the necessary products for youth is a step not only to general health, but also to active longevity. Our facial skin reveals all the current problems within the body. You just have to pay attention to a number of unfavorable signs:

  • earthy (gray) skin tone;
  • early formation of wrinkles;
  • swelling near the eyes;
  • areas of redness and spider veins;
  • dark circles under the eyes;
  • rashes, acne;
  • irritated dry, or, on the contrary, overly oily skin.

All of the listed signs can be prevented or their severity reduced by regularly including the following sets of products for youth in the menu:

  • Plant foods are preferably consumed raw, as they contain fiber and other beneficial substances.
  • Fish oil and products containing it (sea fish) contain a number of polyunsaturated fatty acids, without which normal and healthy skin is simply impossible.
  • Seeds and nuts bring a lot of benefits, as they actively restore all tissues of the body, including the skin.
  • Freshly brewed green tea is an excellent antioxidant that protects the skin from the negative external effects of ultraviolet rays, temperature changes, wind, etc.
  • Cereals and beans are products that have a beneficial effect on digestive function, help get rid of toxins, and activate the production of collagen - the main indicator of youthful skin.
  • Vegetable oils - olive, flaxseed, sesame, camelina - improve digestion and accelerate cellular regeneration.
  • Fermented milk products are rich in minerals that slow down the progression of age-related processes. Kefir or cottage cheese is recommended to be consumed not only internally, but also in the form of masks on the face and neck.
  • Avocado is an essential product, enriched with fats and vitamin E. It has an excellent rejuvenating effect when consumed regularly or as a face mask.

10 products that kill skin youth

  1. Alcoholic drinks interfere with the preservation of youthful skin, impair the body's absorption of many vitamin substances, and also significantly impede the functioning of the liver and kidneys, which are natural filters of our blood.
  2. Excess sugar in the diet blocks collagen synthesis in the skin, which leads to thinning and dry skin. The result is the early appearance of wrinkles.
  3. Excess salt is no less harmful, as it causes fluid accumulation in the tissues. As a result, we observe swelling and impaired skin nutrition.
  4. Artificial fats, trans fats, margarine - it has been proven that these products lead to disruption of metabolic processes in cells. As a result, acne and other problems may appear on the skin.
  5. White bread and baked goods negatively affect the functioning of the intestines, which certainly affects the condition of our skin: acne appears, complexion deteriorates, and the functioning of the sebaceous glands is disrupted.
  6. Carbonated drinks also hinder the function of the digestive system. And, as you know, the condition of the skin is a reflection of the work of our internal organs.
  7. Excessive coffee consumption can lead to early wrinkles due to its diuretic effect. In addition, caffeine disrupts the functioning of the sebaceous and sweat glands, which cannot but affect the health and youth of the skin.
  8. Sausages, smoked meats and semi-finished products contribute to the appearance of rashes and excessive oily skin.
  9. Fried foods, with a crispy crust, contain carcinogens that aggravate the processes of age-related destruction of epidermal cells.
  10. Animal fats, such as lard or rendered fat, increase cholesterol levels in the blood and impair the absorption of food and vitamins. An excess of such foods in the daily diet can cause acne and give the skin a grayish tint.

10 foods that keep you young

  • Leafy vegetables: lettuce, spinach - contain large amounts of iron, vitamins, and microelements. Such herbal products can not only support, but also restore youthful skin in the early stages of its withering.
  • Flaxseed and oil are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and other beneficial substances that help smooth out wrinkles and eliminate hyperpigmented areas of the skin. If you use these products regularly, you will notice that your skin gradually becomes clearer and smoother.
  • Cabbage - contains sulfur, iodine and other substances that are extremely necessary for our skin. Cabbage plays the role of a “brush”, cleansing the body of toxic and other harmful metabolic products. Studies have shown that daily consumption of cabbage in various forms helps to increase skin turgor.
  • Beetroot – cleanses the intestinal walls, eliminates problems with bowel movements, and promotes active hydration of the surface layers of the skin. Not only freshly squeezed beet juice will benefit, but also borscht, salad, beetroot soup and other similar dishes.
  • Berries - raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, blueberries - help rid the body of toxic substances, increase immune defense and neutralize the negative effects of free radicals.
  • Sweet bell peppers are an excellent source of ascorbic acid. Adding a tasty vegetable to your diet helps eliminate minor skin problems, improves its color and facilitates capillary blood circulation.
  • Honey and other bee products help fight free radicals and improve skin protection. It is not recommended to consume honey unless you are allergic to this product.
  • Sea and fatty fish - salmon, mackerel, tuna - help improve the smoothness of the skin, and make it noticeably healthier and younger.
  • Nuts and seeds contain healthy fats that effectively fight premature wrinkles and also help moisturize the surface layers of the skin.
  • Gelatin, being a natural product, is able to restore collagen synthesis, strengthen the skin and prevent the early appearance of wrinkles. If you periodically consume jellied dishes, jellies or jellied meats, you can maintain the elasticity and youth of the skin, and preserve it for many years.

If the skin loses its elasticity, fades, becomes dry, or, conversely, excessively oily, changes color or texture, or flakes - all this means that the body needs additional vitamins and nutrients. The products for youth that we described in the article will help not only the skin, but also other organs. And in combination with a healthy and active lifestyle, fresh air and hardening, high-quality and nutritious nutrition, positive results will not take long to arrive.

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