Pension for mother of 4 children. Early retirement for women with children. Conditions for early retirement of mothers of many children

Until 2019, only women who had raised at least five children could retire earlier than the generally accepted period. Recent legislative changes have reduced these requirements, increasing the number of potential recipients of the large-child pension.

Retirement age for a mother of many children

In accordance with Federal Law No. 350-FZ “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation” dated October 3, 2018, retirement before the generally accepted period has become possible for mothers with 3 and 4 children. For women who have more children, the situation does not change. Their benefits continue.

Mothers who have 3 or 4 children can exercise their right to receive a preferential pension no earlier than 2020-2022. This is due to the gradual increase in the time for retirement and the unevenness of this process for the preferential category of workers.

It is important to note that such benefits relate only to reducing age limits and do not affect the amount of accruals.

Pensions for mothers of many children in 2019 (and in the future) will be determined according to general principles. It does not depend on the number of children.

Conditions for receiving benefits

Early pensions for mothers with many children are granted if they meet the following criteria:

  • Reaching the required age. This indicator is determined by the number of children (three or four) and will be discussed below. In this case, the upbringing of each child must continue until at least 8 years of age. If at least one of them is younger, then the deadline for going on vacation is postponed.
  • Availability of a 15-year insurance work interval.
  • Accumulation of the required value of the individual pension coefficient (IPC) - this requirement will increase annually until 2025.

The table shows the size of the IPC for a specific year:

Preferential retirement for mothers of many children from 2019

The table indicates when the right to early retirement begins for women with 3 and 4 children according to new legal requirements:

Year of birth

Number of years lived and year of retirement

On a universal basis

For those with 3rd

For those who have 4

First half of 1964

Second half of 1964

First half 1965

Second half of 1965

In the first years of the transition period, it is more profitable for mothers of many children to apply for pensions according to generally accepted rules (without benefits). For example, if a woman was born in March 1965 and has three children:

  • The benefit begins when you reach 57 years of age (in March 2022).
  • As a general rule, you can apply for a pension at age 56.5 (in October 2021). The second method is preferable because it provides the opportunity to become a pensioner 6 months earlier.

The delay in the opportunity to receive the required preference is temporary. Retiring under a legally established benefit will become more profitable:

  • from 2021 – for women with 4 children;
  • from July 2021 (after age 57) – who has 3 children.

With three children

According to Law No. 350-FZ, women with 3 children have the right to apply for a pension from the age of 57 (or earlier, if the generally established age for this is lower). In order to realize the required pension benefits for mothers of many children, you must submit an application to the Pension Fund of Russia.

Taking into account the fact that after checking the package of documents, new certificates or clarifications may be required, it is rational to submit the necessary papers six months before the grace period.

The documentation package for assigning a pension includes:

  • Application in the prescribed form (the form can be obtained during a personal visit to the Pension Fund or downloaded from the website of this organization).
  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation with registration.
  • Birth certificates for all children. If one of the children died after he turned 8 years old, a death certificate must be attached to the package of documents. If he died before 8 years of age, then he is not taken into account. Children are also not considered if the woman has been deprived of parental rights (or the procedure for canceling the adoption has been carried out).
  • Work book.
  • Other documents confirming insurance/work experience.
  • A document confirming the right to additional benefits, for example, for single mothers or parents of disabled children.

The time for consideration of the application and verification of documents is 10 days. After that:

  • The applicant will be notified that he has been assigned a pension for mothers of large families with three children (indicating the withdrawal period and the preliminary amount of accruals). If you disagree with the information provided, this decision can be challenged.
  • New certificates must be provided (for example, if the mother receives preferences for work in the Far North or other hard work).

With four children

In this situation, the law provides for the right to early retirement upon reaching 56 years of age (or earlier, if the generally accepted age is lower). The application deadlines and documentation package for the Pension Fund are similar to the situation discussed in the previous section.

With five or more children

The right to benefits is determined by Federal Law No. 400-FZ “On Insurance Pensions” dated December 28, 2013. Such a mother with many children can receive a pension at the age of 50 if she meets the requirements for length of service, IPC, etc. This benefit is still relevant after the generally accepted retirement age has been increased. The table shows what conditions are needed to obtain the right to a pension:

Time of early retirement, city

Year of birth

Retirement age, years

Insurance experience, years

Required IPC size, points


Let us recall that in 2018, women with fewer than 5 children could apply to the Pension Fund (PFR) for an old-age insurance pension only on a general basis - at the age of 55. Mothers who have given birth and raised 5 children or more can do this 5 years earlier - upon reaching 50 years of age, subject to having the necessary and.

As a result of the pension reform, all women with many children who gave birth and raised 3 or more children will receive. For them, the final retirement age will be:

  • 57 years - for women with 3 children (60 - 3 years = 57);
  • 56 years - for mothers with 4 children (60 - 4 years = 56);
  • 50 years - for large families with 5 children or more, it will remain the same as it is now (60 - 10 years = 50).

However, benefits for mothers of 3-4 children will not start working immediately during the reform. Due to the fact that the retirement age (in stages), they will not be able to take early retirement at the ages of 56 and 57 until the generally established retirement age for women exceeds the corresponding values ​​(and this will be accordingly. For example, in 2019- In 2020, this category of women will retire on a general basis when they reach 55.5 years of age (regardless of how many children they have).

The opportunity to become a pensioner early until 2021 and 2023 will only be valid for mothers with 5 or more children - because... From 2019, this category of women will also continue to retire early at age 50, provided that they have at least 15 years of insurance experience and the required number of pension coefficients (IPC).

At the same time, the requirements for the IPC will also increase (they have been increasing for several years):

Retirement age for women with many children in Russia before the reform

The age of retirement by age in Russia is determined by Federal Law No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013. “About insurance pensions”. According to the document, by the end of 2018, Russian women could become pensioners at the age of 55. But there are also special categories that have received the right to early retirement “for social reasons” - due to a special contribution to society or for health reasons. There is a separate section dedicated to them in this law.

Mothers with many children now also fall into this category. But before the reform, these were only those who gave birth and raised 5 or more children. In 2018, they could retire early if:

  • they gave birth to and raised 5 children at least until the age of 8;
  • the woman is 50 years old;
  • she has 15 years or more work experience;
  • the sum of pension points (IPC) is at least 16.2 (standard for 2019).

Women who gave birth to 3-4 children in 2018 could become pensioners only under general conditions - that is, after reaching 55 years of age and with the necessary length of service and IPC (9 years and 13.8 points, respectively, for 2018). If there is not enough length of service or pension points, then you will not be able to get an old-age insurance pension, no matter how many children the woman has raised.

Pension reform for mothers of many children from 2019

The reform, which began on January 1, 2019, affected the retirement age for mothers with three and four children. Initially, the law assumed that mothers with 3-4 children in 2019 and subsequent years would retire in the same way as women with fewer children. However, on September 6, 2018, the President introduced it to the State Duma. In particular, he proposed reducing the new retirement age by 3 and 4 years for mothers with 3 and 4 children.

Here are three important amendments to soften pension reform for women from Vladimir Putin:

  • The age for registering pensions for everyone will be raised to 60 years (and not to 63 years, as originally proposed).
  • Mothers with many children with 3 children can retire 3 years earlier, and with 4 children - 4 years earlier than 60 years old (that is, at 57 years old and 56 years old, respectively).
  • In addition, all citizens (women and men) who, according to the old law, were supposed to become pensioners in 2019-2020, will be given another benefit. They can take out payments six months earlier (for example, at age 55.5 in 2019 and at age 56.5 in 2020).

All of these presidential amendments together and each individually will have a positive impact on the conditions for obtaining an insurance pension for people with many children (compared to other Russian women who gave birth and raised less than 3 children or are childless altogether).

At what age does a mother of 3 and 4 children retire?

Taking into account the President’s amendments to the pension bill, in 2019, women will generally be able to retire at 55.5 years of age. Does this mean that large families with three and four children will have to wait until their 57th and 56th birthdays, respectively? Of course not. They will be able to apply to the Pension Fund on the same basis as other women, also upon reaching 55.5 years of age. And this will continue until the female retirement age, established “on a general basis,” exceeds these 56 and 57 years, taking into account.

That is, in fact, mothers with 4 offspring will be able to take advantage of the new benefit from 2021, and with 3 – from 2023. After this, the retirement age for the corresponding categories of large families will stop increasing and will stop at 56 and 57 years. For other women, it will continue to rise until they reach age 60 in 2028 (see).

Due to the fact that in 2019-2020 the retirement age will be increased in increments of 6 months, its own peculiarities also arise. For example, consider the case of a woman born in 1964:

  • If she turns 55.5 years old in the first 6 months of 2019, then, according to the table below, she will be able to start receiving pension payments in the 2nd half of 2019 (regardless of the number of children).
  • If she turns 55.5 years old from July to December 2019 inclusive, then she can count on payments only in the corresponding month of the 1st half of 2020 (that is, also only six months later).

The retirement age for families with many children will change annually until it reaches 57 years and 56 years, respectively, for mothers with 3 and 4 children. And that’s where the promotion stops for them. How this will happen taking into account the transition period is shown in the table.

Table - Benefits for mothers of many children upon retirement from 2019

Woman's date of birthIn what year will you turn 55?Retirement age for women under the new law, years
On a universal basisWith 3 childrenWith 4 children
January-June 19642019 55,5 July-December 201955,5 July-December 201955,5 July-December 2019
July-December 1964January-June 2020January-June 2020January-June 2020
January-June 19652020 56,5 July-December 202156,5 July-December 202156 2021
July-December 1965January-June 2022January-June 2022
1966 2021 58 2024 57 2023 56 2022
1967 2022 59 2026 57 2024 56 2023
1968 2023 60 2028 57 2025 56 2024

The following abbreviations are used in the table: RA - retirement age; GVP - year of retirement.

The table presented clearly shows why benefits for families with many children will actually be postponed for several years:

  • In accordance with the new legislation, mothers of 4 children born in 1965 will be the first to become pensioners in 2021, taking into account benefits. They will be able to do this at 56 years old, while ordinary women this year will be able to retire only at 56.5 years old.
  • For mothers of 3 children born in 1966, benefits will apply in 2023. They will retire at 57, while the rest of the women will retire in 2024 at the age of 58.

If woman born in 1965 with 4 children, under the old law she could retire in 2020, then as a result of the reform she will only be able to do this in 2021 at age 56. And this will already be considered early retirement, because the general retirement age for women of this year of birth is will be 56.5 years(i.e., in general, you will need to work 6 months longer).

What age do you retire if you have 5 or more children?

Even before the new pension reform, preferential retirement rules were in effect for mothers with 5, 6 or more children. Therefore, according to the new law, nothing will change for them - they will still be able to retire at 50, as provided for in paragraph 1 of part 1 of Article 32 of the law “About insurance pensions”, provided that they raised these children at least until they reach the age of 8, without depriving them of parental rights or canceling adoption.

The main advantage for women with many children is the possibility of early retirement. How to obtain the right to early rest for mothers who have given birth to 4 babies, how to prepare documents, where to apply, in detail in this material.

Definition of the concept of a mother of many children according to law

For women who have more than 3 children, that is, those considered to have many children, benefits are provided when accessing state support. This concept is given, for example, in the legislation of Moscow and the Moscow region. In some cases, mothers with 2 or more dependents fall under this definition, subject to the following conditions:

  • successful education until they reach 8 years of age;
  • the number of children in general is up to 5 people.

Important: when providing an early pension, not only the woman’s raising of children by blood, but also adopted children, is taken into account. However, minors who are under guardianship and trusteeship are not taken into account.

General conditions and features of granting a pension for mothers of many children in 2020

As a general rule and on the basis of the Law “On Insurance Pensions,” retirement is carried out according to the following standards:

  • the person is required to have public insurance;
  • for women it is enough to reach the age of 55 years, for men - 60, an increased qualification is established for employees, their age should be 63 and 65 years, respectively;
  • insurance experience - at the time of application and retirement - up to 15 years at the time of 2014;
  • pension points, by 2025 it is enough to accumulate 30 according to the IPC system.

For mothers with many children, the following factors do not matter when assigning state support:

  • seniority;
  • age at the time of registration of pension;
  • insurance contributions to special funds.

The procedure for calculating points for early assignment of pensions to mothers with many children

The total number of points under the IPC program must reach 30 at the time of submitting the application to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in accordance with the general procedure. When raising two or more children, the summation occurs in multiple amounts according to the following standards:

Expert opinion

Additional points for raising children are taken into account for both parents in a formal marital relationship. They influence the possibility of early retirement for both the father and mother. In this case, for the mother, indicators are taken into account from the first child to the fourth, and for the father - from the fifth to the eighth dependent. For regions, the calculation procedure is different. For example, in the Rostov region, it is possible to count points only up to the fourth child.

Shapovalov N.N., employee of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the Samara region

Where to apply to receive a pension for a mother of many children

To apply for state support in connection with reaching the age of incapacity, you should visit and obtain confirmation from the following authorities:

Employer To confirm work experience, obtain archival certificates in the event of liquidation of an enterprise in the absence of records of periods of activity in the work book.
Employment Center If for any reason the mother has never worked or is not employed at the time of registration of the pension, a certificate of unemployed status from the local employment center will be required.
Social protection authority On granting the status of a large family.
Management Company Confirmation of the fact of cohabitation with dependents.
Prosecutor's office, court With a requirement to comply with the rights of the child and the law, provide compensation or appeal the illegal refusal to grant a pension.

Important: when a woman retires at the age of 50, if her children also remain dependent and have not yet reached the age of 18 or 23, if they are receiving full-time education at an institute, then the amount of material support will increase by a certain amount, provided for by law in relation to each disabled child in care. When calculating the mother’s work experience, all the benefits inherent in working in the northern regions must apply.

When a mother of many children is denied an early pension

When certain cases occur, registration of state support in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is refused:

  • if the child did not live to be 8 years old;
  • when the mother was deprived of parental rights based on a court decision;
  • in situations where a child is transferred to full state support, for example, to orphanages, a boarding school, he is assigned a disability benefit, etc.

When raising children on the basis of guardianship or trusteeship, it is recommended for parents to establish the official status of adoptive parents. Only in this case is it possible to qualify for a preferential pension.

Registration procedure and documents in 2020 for mothers of many children

Registration of the right to early retirement is carried out in the following order:

  1. Collecting documents, making copies, and, if necessary, certifying them.
  2. Filling out an application and sending it along with a package of documents to the local branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.
  3. Waiting for a decision to be made, obtaining a pensioner’s certificate and receiving financial support from the state. Typically, the paper review procedure takes no more than 7 days from the date of application. To speed up the process, it is recommended to provide a detailed calculation of the length of service with links to the attached documents.
  4. Making monthly payments to the bank details of a pensioner with four or more children.

The list of documents that will be required to register the right to a pension includes:

  • copy of identity card;
  • birth certificates of children from the registry office;
  • SNILS for both parents;
  • marriage certificate from the registry office, divorce if necessary;
  • adoption decisions from the court that have entered into legal force;
  • work book, certificates of work experience;
  • an extract from the house register or a certificate from the management company about the composition of the family and cohabitation with children, respectively, the incurrence of expenses for their maintenance and participation in upbringing.

Common Mistakes

Error 1. Assignment of an early pension to the father upon accumulation of the total number of points required for registration of state support. Based on federal legislation, a father, natural or adoptive, is entitled to receive state support before reaching the age of standard for every fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth child. From the first to the fourth, only the mother receives the benefit.

Error 2. Waiting for a pension to be granted early automatically due to raising children in a large family. In any case, if there are more than three children in a family, it is necessary to contact the Pension Fund with supporting documents to calculate points and assign financial support prematurely.

A case from one's life

The family raised five children. The mother received an early pension in connection with the cumulative accumulation of points in a total of 30 for raising her first to fourth child, taking into account going on parental leave before each of them reached 1.5 years.

Question answer

Question 1. Our family has four children. Two of them are adopted. I am 50 years old, when can I apply for an early pension?

When raising four children, mothers are granted early retirement. At the same time, reaching a certain age, as well as length of service, do not matter. You need to calculate how many points you will receive according to the IPC system according to the table presented in relation to all children and during the period of being on parental leave until they reach 1 year and 1.5 years. If the total number of points is 30, then you can qualify for a pension. To do this, you need to submit an application to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at your place of residence.

Question 2. Can my husband claim early retirement if we are raising four children?

You can contact the Pension Fund to register for early retirement. However, for a husband, this opportunity, according to the requirements of federal law, is only permissible if he has 5 to 8 dependent children. Thus, he has the right to apply for financial support from the state only upon reaching retirement age if he has length of service. When submitting your application, you should also seek advice from staff about opportunities for large families, based on local laws.

At what age does a mother of many children retire? To understand this, you need to understand who is given the status of having many children, and also know the requirements for women with several children. There are a number of possibilities for going on vacation earlier, each of which has its own characteristics. What circumstances affect the amount of payments?

Conditions for calculating pensions

The opportunity to be on state support several years earlier is provided for in Article 32. Russian legislation allows men and women to retire from 60 and 55 years old, respectively. But fulfilling a number of conditions significantly brings this deadline closer.

Having many children is one of the reasons to end your working life earlier than others. There are 2 options for conditions. First:

  1. Having 5 children or more.
  2. Raise them for at least 8 years each.
  3. Have a personal coefficient of 30 points.
  4. Accumulate at least 15 years of insurance experience.

Or the second option:

  1. Have 2 children.
  2. Earn a coefficient of 30 points.
  3. Earn 20 years of insurance experience.

In this situation, one more condition must be met: part of the total working period must be spent working in the Far North (12 years) or equivalent territories (17 years).

If a woman is denied parental rights or other circumstances arise that prevent her from raising a child until he is 8 years old, then he is excluded from the calculation. But if these events occur after the early pension has been accrued, then it should not be cancelled.

Other accrual features:

  1. Adopted children are also taken into account, but only if the adoption is formalized.
  2. If the mother is not deprived of parental rights, then it does not matter with whom the children live.
  3. Children from the husband's other marriages are taken into account only if the new mother legally adopted them.

These conditions apply only to women. Men do not have the right to retire early on this basis.

Terms of service

One of the requirements for granting pension benefits earlier than the generally accepted period is to accumulate a minimum number of points. In this case, no more than 30 are required. Having children adds points for each of them as follows:

  • for one - 1.8;
  • for the next one - 3.6;
  • for the third and subsequent ones - 5.4.

For 5 children, 1.8 + 3.6 + 5.4 + 5.4 + 5.4 = 21.6 points will already accumulate.

The next requirement for a preferential pension is earned service. Until recently, the period of maternity leave was not included in the calculation in full, but only for raising the first and second child. That is, 3 years spent at home were counted, but the rest were not. Since 2014, legislators have allowed to include another 1.5 years of maternity leave in the length of service. In 2020, up to 6 years of childcare will be added to the length of service required for the retirement of a mother with many children, if the time worked is not enough.

When determining whether a woman has the right to retire earlier than expected, the number of children she has is also taken into account. A pension for mothers of large families with three children up to the age of 60 is possible provided that the woman has managed to work enough time in the North or in special areas. If this requirement is not met, then an early pension is granted only to the mother of many children who gave birth to 5 children.

The number of children and the fulfillment of other conditions only affect the age at which a mother with many children retires. This will not affect the amount of payments. Their amount depends on other factors: accumulated points and the amount of tax contributions that were officially deducted by employers.

Thus, the pension of a mother with 3 children may be greater than that of a woman who raised 5 children.

How is it calculated

The amount of pension for a mother of many children depends on the following indicators:

  • the accumulated amount of deductions that were made to the Pension Fund;
  • earned experience;
  • total number of points collected (IPC);
  • worth 1 point.

Points are accumulated on the personal account of each citizen during his work. This is capital that will subsequently affect the size of your monthly pension income. The amounts that a citizen earned before the 2015 reform are also converted into points.

If a person for some reason did not work, then no points are awarded to him during this period, with the exception of several situations:

  • being on maternity leave for up to 1.5 years;
  • completion of military service;
  • caring for a seriously ill family member who has lost the ability to work.

To calculate points, a special formula was developed: Bb=(Bb1+Bb2)*K, where:

  • Chb1 - points into which the pension accumulated before 2015 was recalculated;
  • Chb2 - accumulated points after the reform;
  • K is the magnification factor, if applicable.

The following calculation helps determine how many points a worker has earned in 1 year: OB=(РВг/МРг)*10, where:

  • РВг - deductions for the year made by the employer;
  • MRg - annual deductions for the maximum tax amount.

The maximum base is indexed annually, as is the cost of one point.

In 2020, the pension of a mother with many children consists of two amounts: a fixed payment and an insurance part, which is influenced by individual indicators (the number of points earned, the amount of deductions, and so on).

The fixed payment for different categories of citizens is different, and in 2020 it has the following amounts:

  • 4982.9 - upon reaching the required age;
  • 7474.35 - for those who have worked in the Far North for 15 years or more, if they have the required length of service;
  • 6477.78 - for persons who have worked for 15 or more years in areas equated to the northern ones, having accumulated the required length of service.

Men and women must work a minimum number of years to qualify for these fixed benefits. For women the term is 20 years, and for men - 25.

Disabled people and orphans are entitled to their own supplements to the disability or survivor pension.

How to apply for a pension

Pensions are calculated in the Pension Fund. You should contact your place of residence, collecting a package of documents:

  • application for early retirement;
  • identity card and registration information;
  • salary certificate;
  • labor;
  • document on family composition and birth of children;
  • marriage and divorce certificate (if available);
  • medical documents confirming the child’s disability, if it needs to be taken into account.

When the documents are submitted in full, then, according to the law, the specialist must, after 3 months, fully formalize the pension file and assign payment of the pension. , children are enrolled in preschool education out of turn;

  • travel on city public transport at the expense of budget funds;
  • privileged placement on ;
  • increased tax deductions;
  • shortened working day.
  • Although large families are granted after the birth of the third child, early pensions are not provided for mothers with many children with 3 children. The exception is work in the northern regions for a specified number of years.

    Benefits for mothers of many children upon retirement do not depend on whether the woman has her own child or an adopted child. It is important that the adoption be official. If all conditions regarding length of service, number of points, and working conditions are met, a woman has the right to submit an application to the Pension Fund for the accrual of her pension benefits 5 years earlier than the deadline established by law.

    On October 3, 2018, Vladimir Putin signed Law No. 350-FZ on amendments to pension legislation. According to its provisions, the retirement age for men will increase from 60 to 65 years, and for women from 55 to 60 years (that is, by 5 years for both sexes). For mothers of many children, there is also the possibility of early retirement.

    According to Art. 32 of Law No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013 “On Insurance Pensions” in 2018, mothers of many children could retire at 50 years old if they gave birth 5 or more children and raised them before reaching the age of 8 years. It was also necessary to have at least 15 years of insurance experience.

    It was originally planned that the retirement age for women would be increased by 8 years (to 63 years). However, on August 29, during an address to citizens of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin spoke about measures softening the new pension reform. The changes will mainly affect the working age for women; for mothers of many children the opportunity will be provided early retirement.

    Retirement benefits for mothers of many children

    Women with three children will be able to apply for a pension three years earlier due period, if there are four children - four years earlier. Conditions for women with five or more children will remain the same; they will also be able to retire at 50 years.


    It is necessary to understand that early retirement will be determined in relation to the final retirement age for women - 60 years, and not to the transitional one (starting from 56 years old).

    Women will be the first to take advantage of the new benefit Born 1965, raising four children. They will have the right to early retirement in 2021, at the age of 56, which is a year earlier than their peers with three children.

    Women will be the next to receive early retirement benefits Born 1966, also having 4 children(they will receive the right to retire in 2022, that is, 1 year earlier than peers with 3 children and 2 years earlier than peers with less than 3 children).

    In 2023 Women will have the right to early retirement Born 1966 who raised 3 children(they will be able to apply for a pension at 57 years old, when the retirement age for women will be 58 years old), as well as for women Born 1967 having 4 children(this is 3 years earlier than peers who are not mothers of many children), etc.

    As Tatyana Golikova reported at a press conference on August 31, the number of mothers raising three or four children who will be able to apply for early retirement until 2024 is approximately 760 thousand. The number of such women is expected to increase to 2.5 million between 2025 and 2035. Moreover, mothers raising both natural and adopted children will be able to take advantage of the benefit.


    Bryansk, Ulyanova street, building 4, office 414

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