WHO standards for complementary feeding. How to introduce a new product. Fruit purees and juices for complementary feeding

The question of how to introduce the first complementary foods to a child at a certain period is very important for every mother. There is very different information about how the baby’s first complementary foods are introduced. At the same time, information on the Internet is fundamentally different from what people of the older generation talk about.

But no matter how many recommendations a young mother receives, it is important that the baby’s first complementary foods are introduced as correctly as possible. That is why you need to familiarize yourself with those recommendations that will allow you to get answers to the most important questions. For example, at what age can you give water to a baby, at what months can you give cottage cheese, and the like.

Every mother needs to familiarize herself with this information in detail so that she can provide her baby with complementary feeding that will be introduced correctly. This, in turn, will guarantee that the child who is on natural feeding , and the artificial baby’s digestive system will function correctly.

First complementary foods during breastfeeding, general rules

Young mothers always have a lot of questions about how to properly introduce supplementary feeding, whether it is necessary to give water, etc. First of all, it is important to take into account that with full nutrition, that is, if the mother maintains the feeding schedule, the baby is actively growing, supplementary feeding before six months the child doesn't need it.

Sometimes mothers, believing that the child is not getting enough breast milk, start supplementary feeding mixture . However, most pediatricians, including Komarovsky, believe that supplementary feeding is good developing babies no need. When to give additional formula and whether it should be done, it is better to ask your pediatrician.

A table or chart for introducing complementary foods will help every mother understand how to practice introducing a new product. breastfeeding. This table clearly outlines when to introduce complementary foods during breastfeeding by month, and exactly what foods should be given at certain times.

However, the beginning of the process of introducing complementary foods raises many questions about how and when to start giving the child specific product. For example, is it the “right” product to start complementary feeding? cauliflower or corn porridge , is it possible to give prunes six month old baby when to give water to a newborn, etc.

Ideally, every mother should not only study the literature, but also regularly consult with a pediatrician. It is he who will clearly answer questions about whether pumpkin is ok for breastfeeding, whether broccoli is ok, etc., and will also adjust the complementary feeding regimen that you intend to practice.

When to introduce complementary foods to an infant?

However, all questions that concern a young mother about how many months can a baby be fed and what exactly should she start feeding should first be asked to the pediatrician.

After all, for last years The approach to what time to start feeding your baby, and where to start best, has changed significantly. And if the majority of modern grandmothers really are of the opinion that, for example, porridge for a three-month-old baby or cottage cheese for a 4-month-old child is normal, then doctors believe otherwise.

All scientific research conducted by modern scientists and doctors confirm that the answer to the question at what age can a baby be fed is as follows: if exclusively breastfeeding is practiced, then feeding the baby should begin no earlier than 6 months . The recommendations are similar as to how many months you can start feeding a baby who is growing on artificial feeding : such children are introduced to complementary foods a month earlier, but it is also quite acceptable to begin acquaintance with “adult” food from 6 months.

It is very important to take into account all the nuances: what, when, how much to give to the baby. If the baby is approaching six months of age, you should ask the doctor all the pressing questions: when to give the yolk, when to introduce potatoes. It is equally important to know when to introduce meat into your baby’s complementary foods, and what meat to start with. In order to correctly carry out the process of introducing complementary foods and learn everything about its features, parents are also recommended to study special modern literature.

Why shouldn't complementary foods be introduced earlier?

Parents who are trying to take into account all the important rules for introducing complementary feeding should understand that for infants under 6 months of age, any food other than breast milk or artificial mixture, is not only not useful, but also harmful.

The introduction of complementary foods to infants is not carried out earlier, since the baby does not have the necessary enzymes to digest new types of food. Therefore, if the rules are violated and the baby receives certain food earlier (even if it is pumpkin or other “light” foods), it will not be absorbed and will not benefit the body. And if the food is not digested, then it is inevitable, and even small quantities of any food will create a load. That is why the procedure for introducing complementary foods according to Komarovsky, as well as according to the recommendations of other specialists, provides a certain sequence introduction of vegetables and other products.

When and how to start correctly depends on what the baby eats. First complementary feeding artificial feeding is introduced a little earlier due to the fact that the enzyme systems in such children mature a little earlier. There is a special table for introducing complementary foods during artificial feeding, which can significantly facilitate the introduction new food. However, there are also certain general recommendations not only about when to start, but also how to administer correctly: the administration scheme provides that any new food start giving the child 5 g daily. Gradually, the volume of food increases, usually every day, over the course of a week, and is eventually brought up to 100 or 150 g.

Introduce complementary foods when mixed feeding advisable in the same way as with artificial - approximately with five months . Correct administration during mixed feeding involves initially giving the child one type of vegetable and increasing the number of grams of supplementary food every day for 1-2 weeks.

There is a special feeding table for infants, which are on breast, artificial or mixed feeding . It assumes special scheme introduction of complementary feeding, there is information on where to start, etc. Similar diagrams of how complementary feeding occurs are offered by Dr. Komarovsky and other specialists.

Table of supplementary feeding for breastfed and bottle-fed children

Modern table for the introduction of complementary feeding according to WHO (by baby’s age)

Baby's age 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Fruit puree < 30 мл < 50 мл < 60 мл < 70 мл < 90 мл < 100 мл 100 ml
Vegetable puree < 30 г < 50 г < 60 г < 70 г < 90 г < 100 г
Porridge < 100 г < 150 г 150 g < 180 г < 200 г 200 g
Fruit juices < 30 г < 50 г < 60 г < 70 г < 90 г < 100 г
Vegetable oil < 3 г 3 g 3 g 5 g 5 g 6 g
Cottage cheese < 30 г < 40 г < 50 г 50 g < 80 г
Wheat bread < 5 г 5 g 5 g < 10 г 10 g
Cookies, crackers < 5 г 5 g 5 g < 10 г 10 g
Butter up to 4 g 4 g 4 g 5 g 5 g
Egg yolk 1/4 1/2 1/2 1/2
Meat puree up to 30 g 50 g up to 70 g up to 80 g
Kefir 100 ml up to 150 ml up to 200 ml
Fish puree up to 30 g up to 60 g up to 80 g

How to introduce complementary foods by month

Each modern monthly complementary feeding table provides that additional feeding baby gets with 6 months . However, many families still practice earlier introduction of complementary foods, believing that the nutritional norm for a newborn involves more abundant nutrition than exclusive breastfeeding.

Some sources, which describe the introduction of complementary foods by month, note that complementary foods should be included in the menu of a child under one year of age, focusing on the following indicators:

  • compared to the original birth weight, the baby’s weight has become twice as large;
  • the child sits independently;
  • The baby's feeding schedule is changing: the baby asks for the breast more and more often;
  • The development of a child under 1 year of age is very active: he is already interested in what is on adults’ plates;
  • The baby does not push pieces of food out of his mouth.

Nutritional standards also take into account that the introduction of complementary foods should begin at the moment when the baby will not receive any food in the near future. vaccinations .

When young mothers just begin to study the nutrition of children under one year by month, they often believe that when breastfeeding, they should start supplementing their baby with fruit juice. But both research by specialists and the complementary feeding table for children under one year old indicate something else: juice can cause not only digestive problems, but also manifestations of allergies , as well as a set excess weight due to the high sugar content in fruit juices . Therefore, the monthly menu should be written differently.

Also, the mother should take into account the food norm for the newborn. Complementary feeding needs to start with very small portions, and sometimes it takes up to a month until the baby is completely accustomed to a certain type of food.

If a child feels unwell and becomes restless, before introducing complementary foods, it is worth doing blood tests to determine the norm in newborns, etc.

Is it worth introducing complementary foods from 3 months?

Not every modern table provides for complementary feeding at 3 months of breastfeeding, since, according to most pediatricians, it is quite enough for a baby at this age to regularly breastfeed. Normally, in the fourth month, the baby receives approximately 200 g of milk at each feeding, eating 5 times a day.

Those who nevertheless decide to practice complementary feeding at 3 months using artificial feeding must strictly take into account what is possible for a child of this age.

It is recommended to start complementary feeding with a small piece of yolk , which should be given before breastfeeding. After one week, the child should eat half a yolk per day. What can you feed this one? small child It also depends on the recommendations of the pediatrician. But most doctors still recommend waiting to introduce complementary foods for at least 2-3 months.

What complementary foods should I give my baby at 4 months?

Those mothers for whom the main table for introducing complementary foods is not a direct recommendation are often interested in how to introduce complementary foods at 4 months correctly.

Complementary feeding is generally started at 4 months. artificial feeding .

First experience" - yolk chicken egg how to give it is described above. To properly feed your baby further, you can gradually introduce the next product.

For example, some experts recommend gradually introducing cottage cheese starting with half a teaspoon. But still, ideally, a complementary feeding regimen at this age should be approved by a specialist. Therefore, you should talk to your local pediatrician about what complementary foods you can give from 4 months of age while breastfeeding. Must be taken into account individual recommendations about how to properly start complementary feeding at this age, since the condition depends on this digestive tract and the baby’s overall health in the coming months, when you expand his diet by including porridge, potatoes and other foods.

What complementary foods should I give my baby at 5 months?

How to properly introduce complementary foods to a 5-month-old baby depends on many factors. First of all, it depends on what kind of feeding, breast, artificial or mixed, the child is on. Children who are breastfed at 5 months may not be supplemented for some time. But many mothers, believing that the child has too much little weight for his age, they are actively interested in what can be fed and what can the baby eat.

Every mother who is interested in what to feed a child at this age should take into account that a child at 5 months should receive complementary feeding, starting with the smallest amount of new food. The daily scheme suggests that initially the baby needs to be given half a teaspoon of the new product ( yolk , vegetable puree and etc.). Only after the baby gets used to a certain food can you start giving him another product. Accordingly, if at five months a child begins to try a certain product, then at 5.5 months he can already eat several products every day that will be introduced into his menu by this time.

At five months, a formula-fed baby's menu may be the same as a breast-fed one, with the difference that new foods are introduced into the baby's diet a little earlier.

How to introduce complementary foods at 6 months?

If a mother begins to introduce complementary foods to her child at 6 months while breastfeeding, as suggested by the modern table for introducing complementary foods and the advice of pediatricians, it is important to gradually introduce each New Product on the menu.

As a rule, the first foods introduced into the diet of children at six months are: vegetables . However, for children who have a very low weight for their age, it is advisable to give porridge . You can ask your doctor what cereals can be given to such a baby. Mainly rice, buckwheat porridge .

The complementary feeding scheme from 6 months onwards is as follows: initially the baby needs to be introduced into the diet vegetable puree , it is best to do this at lunchtime. What can a child who is starting to be fed with vegetables eat? Experts recommend initially giving your baby zucchini, followed by broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, and pumpkin. Vegetables are the food from which children are least likely to develop allergies. However, the menu for a bottle-fed baby suggests that a 6-month-old baby eats vegetables such as pumpkin and carrots no more than 2-3 times a week.

At 6 months They begin to give such puree with a small dose - initially the baby should eat 1 teaspoon of the dish, then the dose should be gradually increased.

If bottle-fed nutrition was initially practiced, and the child’s development, in the opinion of the pediatrician, does not deviate from the norm, already during this period you can gradually begin to mix vegetable purees. However, such a vegetable mix can be given to the baby only after he has tried puree from one type of vegetable, and he does not develop any symptoms. allergic reaction .

A new type of food is given to the baby only on an empty stomach, so that one can clearly determine how the baby reacts to such food. For example, if a mother is just starting to give yolk to her child, you need to wait with vegetables.

In many ways, where to start the first complementary feeding at this age depends on the preferences of the parents. So, mom can prepare puree from broccoli and other vegetables on her own. Having decided which vegetables to start with, you need to take the vegetables, rinse them well under running water and remove seeds and peels. Next, they are cut and placed in a double boiler or pan. Cooked vegetables (it is better to steam them to puree) are chopped with a blender, after adding water or vegetable broth. As a result, you need to prepare a puree similar in consistency to kefir. An older baby can be fed with thicker purees, but during this period, as a rule, he already eats porridge and other foods.

Such food should not be stored - the complementary feeding norm stipulates that the baby receives only freshly prepared food. By the way, salt, spices, and sugar are not added to the puree.

The diet of a child at 6 months stipulates that it is too early for the mother to think about the questions of what kind of fish or what meat to start complementary feeding with.

Approximate schedule for introducing vegetable complementary foods

Days Scheme
First 5 g of zucchini puree, then supplement with breast milk or formula
Second 10 g of zucchini puree, then supplement with breast milk or formula
Third 20 g of zucchini puree, then supplement with breast milk or formula
Fourth 40 g of zucchini puree, then supplement with breast milk or formula
Fifth 80 g of zucchini puree, then supplement with breast milk or formula
Sixth 120 g of zucchini puree, then supplement with breast milk or formula
Seventh 150 g of zucchini puree, then supplement with breast milk or formula
Eighth 5 g of cauliflower puree, you can add zucchini if ​​you are not allergic to it.
Ninth 10 g of cauliflower puree, after which the scheme is repeated every day, as with zucchini puree

When can you give it to your child? mashed potatoes , depends on what vegetables to of this period you have already entered into his life. As a rule, potatoes are introduced a little later.

If the child does not eat the entire portion, it means that the amount of supplementary feeding is too large for him. The baby refuses, which means there is no need to force him, since eating habits are formed already in the first year of his life.

How to introduce complementary foods at 7 months?

The age of seven months is the period when porridge should appear on the baby’s menu. The mother can ask the pediatrician which cereals can be introduced first. But it is important that gluten-free and dairy-free cereals are gradually introduced to a 7-month-old child.

Goat and cow milk, as well as milk porridges, are introduced after the child reaches one year. Doctors, while advising what a child should eat, claim that the baby should not eat milk porridge , since they have a negative impact on gastrointestinal mucosa and increase the risk of disease digestive system.

If it is difficult to introduce porridge into the diet because the child refuses to eat porridge without milk, you can add breast milk or formula to the porridge. Because gluten harmful for a child under one year old, as it provokes celiac disease (pathology of the large intestine), the nutrition table for a 7-month-old child suggests that he can be given gluten-free porridge - rice, buckwheat, corn.

When creating a menu for breastfeeding or creating a formula-fed baby's diet at 7 months, you should take into account that you can prepare porridge yourself or add ready-made porridge to the menu, which can be purchased at a specialized store. Making this porridge is very simple - you just need to add a little water. Your doctor will tell you what you can give your baby to eat at 7 months. But no matter what food the mother introduces, it is necessary to clearly monitor how the seven-month-old baby’s body perceives it: whether allergies are manifested, whether the baby’s growth and development are normal. If the product is poorly absorbed, the stool may change and an allergy may appear. It should be taken into account that allergic manifestations can appear not only during the first time after the introduction of a new product, but also after its volume has been significantly increased. Therefore, a new product should be introduced gradually, observing how the child behaves for a week or two.

What to feed a baby at 8 months?

The menu of an 8-month-old child can already be very varied, since the first complementary foods have already been introduced, and growth and development continue very actively.

During this period, the diet appears meat feeding , mashed potatoes . Potatoes are introduced during this period, since there is a high risk of allergies when taking them. Therefore, even at eight months, this product must be introduced gradually and very carefully, starting with 5 g and over the course of a week increasing its amount to 50 g. In this case, the basis of vegetable puree should not be potatoes, but other vegetables.

If it has not been entered yet yolk , now is the time to introduce your child to this product. For this purpose it is better to use quail egg . Nutrition at this age provides that the baby is given a yolk twice a week. It should be noted that you can give your baby the yolk to eat in the morning, rubbing it with breast milk or adding it to porridge. Complementary feeding at 8 months of breastfeeding and a formula-fed menu suggest the gradual introduction of types of meat that are considered the least allergenic.

It is recommended to initially drive turkey , rabbit meat . These types of meat need to be changed periodically, and later baby give veal . It should be noted that the baby should eat meat for lunch, along with vegetable puree. You need to start with 5 g, and the norm for a child of 8-9 months is considered to be 50 g of meat per day. Often the child does not want to eat meat pure form, in this case, you can give it in mixed puree - with vegetables.

Can be cooked meatballs made from pure fresh minced meat , freeze them after boiling them in boiling water. Minced meat balls can be boiled together with vegetables and pureed in a blender. How much meat to give depends on whether the baby is used to it.

What to feed a 9 month old baby?

There is a wider list of what a baby can eat at 9 months. First of all, the list of types of meat has been expanded: at this age it is recommended for a baby to eat beef , lamb , chicken .

Those who ask at what age can liver be given should take into account that pork, including liver, is not recommended for children under one and a half years old.

In the meantime, the menu of a 9-month-old baby when breastfed, like the menu on artificial feeding, should gradually expand due to the introduction fermented milk products. In particular, you can start such complementary feeding with cottage cheese , which is administered very slowly, starting with very small portions - no more than a teaspoon. It is best to use special cottage cheese for children for this purpose, and you should not add sugar or fruit to it.

When can you give kefir , depends on how quickly the child will like cottage cheese. Initially, 30 g of cottage cheese per day is sufficient for a 9-month-old child with breastfeeding. As a rule, it is better to give cottage cheese and kefir before dinner. Children sometimes refuse to drink kefir. In this case, it is better to delay the introduction of this product: for now, the baby has enough other dishes, because his menu is already quite varied.

The answer to the question of what cereals can be given to a child at 9 months is already known: gluten-free.

What should you feed your baby at 10 months and later?

Diversify children's menu at 10 months you can desserts . It is advisable to gradually start giving your baby fruits And fruit juice . First of all, you should give those fruits that grow on our territory - pears, apples, prunes and fruit puree from them. The child is given fruit as a snack, about 100 g per day. Later, other fruits are also available - banana, kiwi, orange. There is no need to introduce fruits before, since breast milk and the formula contain everything necessary for the baby vitamins .

Gradually, other desserts appear on the menu - cookies, crackers, etc. Doctors warn that the baby should not drink fruit juices, which are sold in stores in bags, as they are not useful for babies.

At 11 months, you can introduce other desserts, because the menu of an 11-month-old baby while breastfeeding is already quite varied. At this time, mothers often have questions about this or that food: when can you give pasta, at what age can you give liver, is it possible to dry it, when should you cook soup for your child, etc. You need to be guided, first of all, by the tables that give an approximate complementary feeding calendar, as well as doctor’s recommendations.

From what age nibbler can be given to the baby, and whether he needs this device is decided by the mother herself.

What should a baby drink?

After the baby is introduced to complementary foods, he needs additional fluid. How much water a baby should be given per day depends on several factors. First of all, on temperature: if the day is not hot, the child drinks 100-200 ml of liquid. On hotter days, the baby drinks more. Also if you have to treat cold if the baby has heat , the child should be given to drink in large quantities. It is better to give liquid to a baby from a cup to teach him to drink correctly.

From the age of seven months, babies can be given children's tea , which contains various herbs, as well as dried fruit compotes .

While practicing breastfeeding, a woman should also adhere to correct mode drinking and eating. There is a special nutrition table for a nursing mother by month that will help answer the most pressing questions. But there are also general recommendations aimed at making a baby on breastfeeding feel good. For example, instead of coffee while breastfeeding, it is better for a nursing mother to consume chicory.

What problems are possible when introducing complementary foods?

During the process of introducing complementary foods, the following problems may most often occur:

  • the baby refuses to eat the offered complementary foods;
  • manifestation of problems with stool ( diarrhea , problems with the gastrointestinal tract due to the fact that food is not digested);
  • allergic manifestations I am (allergic to zucchini, allergic to broccoli, allergic to raw carrots, etc.).

As a result of the manifestation of such problems, the baby becomes restless, constantly cries, and sleeps poorly. It is important to understand which product provoked such a reaction. It must be immediately removed from the child’s diet. So, if a baby has an allergy to pumpkin or an allergy to oatmeal, it is better to simply replace these dishes with others. You can reintroduce foods that provoked allergies no earlier than after 2 months. This is what the pediatrician advises Komarovsky and other doctors. Moreover, the introduction of such a product should be carried out as slowly and gradually as the first time and at the same time monitor the child’s condition.

If the child does not eat meat or other types of complementary foods, you need to temporarily abandon this product.

Food in jars

Those mothers for whom the question of how to introduce complementary foods to a child correctly is very important, often need an answer to the question of which food is better - canned food or homemade products (porridge, cottage cheese, kefir, etc.).

Doctors believe that canned food is one of the options for introducing supplementary feeding. At the same time, it is very important to give your child only high-quality products, and also to strictly ensure that the expiration date of such baby food does not expire. It is advisable to be absent and palm olein in baby food.

When giving your child canned food, you should adhere to the same rules as with “homemade” complementary feeding. If a child receives additional formula while breastfeeding, complementary feeding can be started a month earlier.

It is necessary to introduce the second vegetable only after the baby gets used to the first vegetable puree.

Before introducing porridge, how to introduce meat into complementary foods for a child, fish, etc., you need to make sure that the child’s body accepts well the foods that have already been introduced. In parallel with canned food Other foods are also included in complementary foods. For example, yolk is introduced into complementary foods after the child has already accepted several types of vegetable purees, etc.

What not to give to infants

Mothers who often bombard doctors with questions about when to give their baby liver when can you give kefir and other products, you must remember what food it is not advisable to introduce girls and boys in the first year of life to:

  • juices – they are not recommended to be given even to children after 1 year, as they irritate the mucous membranes and do not benefit the child’s body;
  • semolina , as well as other cereals with gluten free ;
  • butter cookies , sweets ;
  • goat milk And cow ;
  • Exotic fruits .

Basic rules of complementary feeding - conclusions

So, if we summarize all the information, we can deduce several very important rules, which must be taken into account by all parents of young children who strive to raise them healthy.

Often, from the age of 6 months, the baby requires supplementation of the nutritional diet due to a lack of certain vitamins. At six months of age, complementary feeding is introduced to the infant. If grandmothers recommend feeding your child something more mature from the age of three months, feel free to refuse this offer, since babies at that age will find it difficult to digest food due to a weak stomach. If necessary early complementary feeding, it’s better to ask your pediatrician.

The age of a baby when it is necessary to practice complementary feeding is always controversial. In most cases, offering new foods to a child depends strictly on his or her health status. If the baby exhibits the following behavioral phenomena, then complementary feeding will not be superfluous:

  • when the baby learned to sit independently;
  • if the baby actively begs for food that adults eat;
  • can hold a spoon independently;
  • tries products and chooses what he likes;
  • does not get enough of mother's breast milk.

There are two types of complementary feeding for children from six months: traditional (complementary feeding with vegetable purees) and pedagogical (offering the child foods that adults eat: bread, cookies, soups, cereals). Modern parents often use the first option, since it does not involve any special difficulties. Thanks to traditional method introducing complementary foods is very easy. The baby tries new foods and gets used to adult food. Parents also need to remember that they need to feed the child strictly according to the clock and follow the order of introduced foods.

Children say! 5 -year old boy whole year Already sleeping separately. Once he asked me to lie next to him. A few minutes later he asks:
- Mom, mom, when I fall asleep, will you go to dad?
Having received an affirmative answer, it displays:
- Mom, don’t go to him, he’s already big and is no longer afraid to sleep alone.

The first product other than breast milk that a child tries should exclude all allergenic substances. These include vegetable purees consisting of one component. The first foods for complementary feeding are zucchini, broccoli, and cauliflower. If the child’s reaction to these vegetables was normal, then pumpkin and potatoes can be introduced.

Important! If you make vegetable puree for your child at home, pre-soak the products to get rid of unnecessary components, for example, large quantity starch and proteins.

After some time, you can give your child complementary foods consisting of two or more components. Carefully monitor your baby’s diet: you can’t try a new product every day. Introduce new ingredients after one or two weeks. The first dose of complementary foods should be no more than 0.5 tsp. If you offer juices to your baby, make sure that they are not concentrated and well diluted.

For the first time of complementary feeding, give up milk soups and cereals, as cow's milk often causes manifestations in a child. And for babies who are underweight, you can introduce porridge from top-rated manufacturers. “NAN”, “Nestle”, “Malyutka” are suitable. Every day it is recommended to double the dose of complementary foods and thus gain the amount corresponding age norm. Be sure to keep a food diary for your child, so you won’t forget what your baby has already tried.

A detailed table of complementary feeding for infants is provided for parents so as not to forget anything.

Feeding a breastfed baby by month

If a child is pregnant and gaining weight rather poorly, pediatricians recommend supplementary feeding for such children in the form of cereals and special mixtures.

What is pedagogical complementary feeding? Method of its use

Recommendation! If a child consumes foods according to the method of pedagogical complementary feeding, he must be supplemented with breast milk.

This type of feeding for babies is an opportunity to familiarize children with various food products. Of course, it is impossible to get enough of one of these components, but as an acquaintance with its appearance and the taste is quite suitable. If the baby does not reject the food offered, you can give no more than three teaspoons per day.

Advantages of practicing this technique

Of course, from pedagogical method depends on how the child eats in the future, and the following qualities are developed:

  • the child learns to independently choose what he likes and what he doesn’t;
  • the baby eats at the same table with his parents, gets used to the company;
  • no need to force feed the baby;
  • he learns to eat on his own;
  • no need to grind food.

Using the pedagogical scheme of complementary feeding, the child will begin to eat food independently by the age of one year.

Children say! 3 The lazy Sasha sits and argues:
- Grandfather - Seryozha. And dad - Seryozha. Only mother - Sveta...

Features of a child's stool during complementary feeding

Be sure to consult a doctor if your baby's stool becomes watery and is accompanied by a rotten smell.

If the baby was given complementary foods in the form of green vegetables, such as broccoli, cabbage, zucchini, the stool may take on a green tint. This symptom indicates normal reaction body to the introduced product.

A range of complementary feeding products: their features

For stable operation digestive system, products should be used that are confirmed by quality standards and are suitable for a certain age of the child.

When offering vegetable puree to your baby, it is important that its ingredients are grown in the area where you live. That is, overseas fruits and citrus fruits are not acceptable for feeding infants. Fruit purees can be given to a baby from seven months.

Porridge is the second product included in a baby's complementary feeding. The first porridge should not contain gluten and sugar. After a month, you can add cream and olive oil, since these products perfectly provide the body of a small child with essential fatty acids.

It is better to offer meat to a baby from 8-9 months, when the baby’s digestive system has already become stronger. If at this age, it is advisable to add beef liver to the diet. Bread, eggs and fish are given to the baby from 10-12 months.

Important! You should not give your child fried or baked foods, as this greatly affects the liver. infant.

At the end of the article, watch a video about complementary feeding of a breastfed baby.

The introduction of complementary foods during breastfeeding begins no earlier than six months from the moment of birth of the baby, if he was completely breastfeeding. For children on artificial or mixed feeding, the introduction of adult food can begin to be given as early as the fourth month.

Complementary feeding up to one year only introduces the child to new food, and does not mean a transition to a full-fledged one. adult food. Therefore, at the beginning of complementary feeding, it is important to continue breastfeeding, only slightly reducing the frequency of feeding. In addition, pediatricians recommend feeding your baby breast milk until 2-3 years of age.

The main signs that the baby is ready to receive such nutrition is that he sits independently and does not push out the spoon. In addition, at the age of six months, only mother’s milk is no longer enough for a child. If the baby requires breastfeeding much more often than before, it’s time to introduce complementary foods.

Introducing complementary foods should not be started if the baby is experiencing stress (for example, during the first long separations with mom or when moving). Also, if they start, or the baby gets sick. In addition, it is not recommended to start complementary feeding at extreme heat. In this article we will look at the basic principles of introducing adult food into a baby’s diet. And the complementary feeding table by month during breastfeeding will tell you in detail what and in what quantity to give the child.

Rules and principles for introducing complementary foods

Complementary feeding begins at the sixth month. Don't force your child to eat if he doesn't want to. Perhaps the baby is not yet ready for the transition or he simply does not like the dish. Try replacing the dish or giving a smaller portion. You should not force your child to eat everything at once. The baby may have no appetite. When he refuses to eat, give your baby something to do and then offer food again.

For complementary feeding, use a small teaspoon. In the first days, give your child just a little, half a spoon. It is important that the body gets used to and adapts to the new food. After feeding, be sure to put your baby to your breast. Give only crushed food with a liquid consistency.

The first feeding is given in the morning between 9 and 11 am before the second morning feeding. Don't put two new dishes on the menu at the same time. Take a break of 3-7 days between introducing different products. Monitor your child's reaction to new ingredients. If your baby develops stomach problems, postpone the introduction of this product for at least a month. Better yet, consult your doctor for recommendations.

Introducing complementary foods begins with 5-10 grams (½-1 teaspoon) of zucchini puree, and then infants are supplemented with breast milk, and formula-fed infants with formula. Every day the portion is increased by 10 grams and brought to 120-150 grams. The final amount of food is determined depending on the needs and characteristics of the child.

The main rules of complementary feeding

  • Complementary feeding begins no earlier than six months;
  • The first complementary foods start with 5-10 grams per morning time(until 12 noon);
  • Complementary foods are given only from a teaspoon. Do not use pacifiers or bottles!;
  • Food is given only after heat treatment in a crushed state;
  • Between the introduction of new ingredients, pause 3-7 days;
  • Every day the portion is increased by 10 grams and brought to the daily norm;
  • If symptoms of allergies or stomach problems appear, the problematic product is removed from the menu. Repeated administration is carried out after 1-2 months with the consultation of a doctor;
  • Dishes containing several components are given only after each of them has been introduced;
  • When introducing complementary foods, do not stop breastfeeding! After feeding regular food, supplement your baby with breast milk or formula;
  • Do not force your child to eat;
  • Do not teach children to eat while playing or watching a cartoon;
  • Avoid starting solid foods if your baby is teething, sick, or stressed.

What to give to a baby

Vegetables are given first light shades. A suitable dish would be zucchini puree. Then include cauliflower and broccoli. From seven months - pumpkin, potatoes and carrots, from eight months you can give green pea. It is not recommended to eat beets, eggplants, tomatoes and cucumbers for up to a year! Among fruits, green apples, bananas and pears are considered the safest.

You can mix two types of vegetables and any other ingredients only after introducing each separately into the diet. The well-known television expert recommends starting with dairy products, namely kefir and cottage cheese, since they are most similar in composition to breast milk. But under no circumstances should you give your child cow's milk, as it contains a very allergenic protein.

Most pediatricians recommend introducing cottage cheese only after vegetables for 7-8 months. Gradually include in the diet natural yogurt without additives, fruit, meat and fish puree. As for porridges, first introduce dairy-free, gluten-free ones (buckwheat, rice, corn). Milk porridges are included after eight months. Oatmeal and wheat cereals are given from 8-9 months, semolina - no earlier than a year. Read more about how to choose and cook porridge for babies.

Meat is given to babies after 8 months. These should be lean varieties, including rabbit, chicken, turkey and beef. Choose pieces without veins, bones or fat. The best option will become a fillet. Fish is included from ten months. Pollock or hake are introduced into the first complementary food, then perch, pike perch and other species are included. Meat and fish puree can be given with porridge or vegetable puree. Fish and meat cannot be given on the same day, so the products are alternated, and fish puree is given no more than twice a week. Meat and fish broths!

You can cook it yourself or buy it ready meals. The first option is more reliable, since you will be sure of the composition and shelf life of the product. If you buy ready-made purees, pay attention to the date of manufacture, composition and integrity of the packaging. Also see if the food is appropriate for your age.

At self-cooking do not use salt and sugar. Wash and peel vegetables thoroughly. It is better to cook by steaming; food can also be boiled or stewed. Ready Ingredients passed through a blender and at first diluted with water or broth. A slightly older baby can be given thicker food. remember, that ready-made puree cannot even be stored in the refrigerator. Therefore, you need to prepare a new portion for each meal. Below is more full table introduction of complementary foods.

Table of introduction of complementary foods for infants up to one year

Dishes 6 months 7 months 8 months 9 months 10-11 months 1 year
Vegetable puree 10-120 gr 80-120 gr 150 gr 170 gr 180-200 gr
Fruit puree 5-60 gr 50-60 gr 60 gr 70 gr 80-100 gr 100-120 gr
Dairy-free porridge 10-150 ml 150-180 ml 150-180 ml 180-200 ml - -
Milk porridge - - - - 160-200 ml
Vegetable oil - 1 ml 3-5 ml 5 ml
Children's cookies - 3-5 g 5 g 5 g 5-10 g 10 g
Fruit juice - - 10-30 ml 50 ml 60-80 ml 100 ml
Meat puree - - 10-30 gr 30-70 gr 60-70 gr 80 gr
Butter - - 1 g 3-5 g 5 g 5 g
Egg yolk - - ¼ pcs. ¼ pcs. ½ pcs. ½-1 pcs.
Cottage cheese - - 5-10 g 10-30 gr 40 gr 50 gr
Kefir - - - 10-30 ml 50-100 ml 150-200 ml
Fish puree - - - - 10-40 gr 50-60 gr

What should not be given as complementary foods to children under one year of age?

  • Semolina;
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • Tomatoes and cucumbers;
  • Bell peppers and eggplants;
  • White cabbage and beets;
  • Sweets;
  • Whole milk;
  • Egg white;
  • Salt and sugar, various spices;
  • Fatty fish and meats;
  • Sausages and semi-finished products;
  • Broths and soups with meat or fish;
  • Exotic fruits (except bananas);
  • Berries bright colors(strawberries, raspberries, etc.);
  • Seafood;
  • Mushrooms;
  • Carbonated and sweet drinks, concentrated juices;
  • Pickles and sauces.

Feeding schedule and sample menu for babies

6-7 months 8 months 9 months 10-11 months
10:00 dairy-free porridge + additional feeding with milk/formula dairy-free porridge + yolk + fruit juice porridge + yolk + fruit juice porridge + yolk + fruit puree + fruit juice
14:00 vegetable puree + supplementary milk/formula vegetable broth + vegetable and meat puree+ supplementary feeding with milk/formula soup with vegetables + vegetable and meat puree + supplementary milk/formula soup with vegetables + vegetable and meat/fish puree + fruit juice
18:00 breast milk or formula fruit puree + supplementary milk/formula kefir + cottage cheese + supplementary feeding with milk/formula kefir + cottage cheese + cookies or fruit puree
22:00 breast milk or formula

Problems with complementary feeding

In the process of introducing complementary foods, parents and babies often face a number of problems. First of all, this food allergy at the baby. The child may develop a rash, itching, spots and other symptoms of the disease. To accurately determine which product causes such a reaction, the ingredients are introduced gradually. If signs of an allergy appear, stop giving this dish to your baby and consult a doctor. Only a specialist will correctly diagnose, select treatment and a suitable diet.

In addition, introducing complementary foods can lead to disruption. So, the child experiences constipation or, conversely, diarrhea. In this case, the menu needs to be adjusted depending on the infant’s digestive characteristics. After all, some products weaken, while others strengthen.

These products will also help adjust the menu of a nursing mother if she has problems with stool and digestion. If a child has problems with one or another product, re-introduction is allowed after 1-2 months and only with the permission of a doctor.

Another problem that parents often face is that the child does not eat complementary foods. In this case, you should not add sugar or salt to your food to make the food tastier! Simply delay the introduction for one to two weeks and then give the dish again. For taste, you can add a little breast milk, after seven months - a drop vegetable oil, after eight - butter.

To establish complementary feeding, feed your baby on an empty stomach. Therefore, the child is always given adult food first, and after eating, he is supplemented with breast milk. Be sure to stick to your diet. Try to feed your baby at the same time, but do not force him to eat. Detailed tips You will find what to do if your baby refuses complementary feeding by following the link.

Lure– this is the beginning of the introduction of new types of products to replenish the baby’s energy costs.

Based on WHO research data, we developed general rules complementary foods:

  • the first product in the baby’s menu is introduced between 4 and 6 months: at six months for natural babies, at 4 - 4.5 months for formula babies;
  • great attention is paid to readiness for a new type of food;
  • complementary feeding by month involves the introduction various types food: cereals, vegetables, meat, dairy products;
  • food should be in pounded form (puree). If you have teeth, you can try kibble food;
  • Breastfeeding is a guarantee of health and should be continued until the age of two.

Pediatrician, doctor highest category Yakov Yakovlev believes: “You need to treat the number 6 well. This is a great age for adult food."

When introducing complementary foods after optimal time the child will begin to lose weight and lack microelements. IN worst case scenario developmental delay threatens.

At early introduction New products increase the risk of developing allergies due to the unavailability of digestive system enzymes.

Complementary feeding rules

  • you need to give new food from 5 grams, increasing the portions over 2 weeks to 150 grams;
  • the child must be healthy;
  • the first feeding is not advisable summer period of the year;
  • another product should be introduced only after adaptation to the previous one, approximately every 2 - 3 weeks;
  • food should be freshly cooked and warm.
  • You need to carefully monitor the child’s condition. If diarrhea occurs, it is better to remove the product from the menu for a while and try again after a week.

Complementary feeding at 6 months

The baby's first dish is vegetable. If you are underweight, eat porridge. We start with hypoallergenic broccoli, zucchini and cauliflower.

Broccoli doesn't have the best flavor, so save it for last.

You can buy vegetable purees in jars or prepare them yourself. When preparing puree, you should take a vegetable, wash it, peel it. It's better to steam it. Then place the finished vegetable in a blender. Grind until pureed.

The most delicious purees are from Gerber, but in terms of price they are much more expensive than “Babushkino Lukoshko”.

Do not add spices, salt, or sugar for up to two years.

In 2 weeks, the child should get used to zucchini. Monitor the status skin and a chair.

Cauliflower will be the next step in expanding the diet, but subject to the absence of rashes and other elements on the baby’s skin.

It should be given before breastfeeding, at 12 noon.

You can offer one dish 5-6 times. If the baby does not eat the entire portion offered to him, perhaps he is simply full of breast milk.

One of the last in vegetable feeding- pumpkin and carrots. They are allergenic products, be careful.

Potatoes are the latest of all vegetables to be introduced into a child’s menu. A very allergenic product, the absorption of which requires a mature enzymatic function of the intestines.

Important information for those parents who are interested.

Complementary feeding at 7 months

Fruits and cereals are next. Let's start with green apple and pears. Then offer prunes, apricots, peach or plums. Of course, in summer time There is a much larger selection of fruits.

We introduce fruits, like vegetables, starting with a teaspoon, from one fruit, after a month we move on to another.

Porridge is our nurse

Introducing complementary foods at 7 months should begin with dairy-free cereals. Up to 12 months there is no need for cow and goat milk, as grandmothers advise. These dairy products increase the acidity of the stomach and can provoke the development of gastritis or ulcers.

You can add breast milk or formula to the porridge.

Start with gluten-free porridges - corn, buckwheat or rice. For children under one year old, gluten is quite difficult to digest.

Don't be afraid to buy baby cereal in stores. They are already crushed and ready for use, just diluted with water. No additives needed. The Nestle company produces a number of very tasty cereals at reasonable prices.

Porridge is given for breakfast, along with fruit. The quantity is the same as with vegetables. You can add 1/2 teaspoon of butter to the porridge.

8 months - meat time

By this time, the baby already has a full breakfast. Now we will create a menu for lunch. The first meat dishes are rabbit and turkey, as they are hypoallergenic. We start with 5 grams of canned meat puree, either separately or mixed with vegetables. Meat dish You can cook it yourself in the form of minced meat.

After turkey and rabbit, beef, chicken, and veal are given. It is better to avoid pork before 2 years of age.

We do not add vegetable oil to jarred meat puree. But if you cooked it yourself, you should add ½ teaspoon of vegetable oil to vegetables or meat puree.

Yolk is a storehouse of vitamins

We give the yolk 2 times a week, starting with ¼ part. Add to dishes or dilute with milk. Typically given in the morning. Then by the year we increase it to half.

Table for introducing complementary foods for breakfast and lunch while breastfeeding

lure4 months5 months6 months7 months8 months
Vegetable puree- - 5-100 grams - -
Fruit puree- - - 5-100 grams -
Fruit juice- - - 40-50 ml -
porridge- - - 5-100 grams -
meat- - - - 5-100 grams
yolk- - - - ½-1/4

Don't forget to give breast milk.

Formula-fed complementary foods table

lure4 months5 months6 months7 months8 months
Vegetable puree5-100 grams
Fruit puree 5-100 grams
Fruit juice 40-50 ml
porridge 5-100 grams
meat 5-100 grams
yolk ½-1/4

It's time for cottage cheese and kefir

Ukrainian doctor Komarovsky O.E. advises starting complementary feeding with kefir, as it is similar to mother's milk. But WHO recommends otherwise. It is better to buy kefir for children, from the companies “Nasha Masha” or “Frutonyanya”. Kefir should be unsweetened and without dyes.

We also start according to the “golden rule” - with a teaspoon. We serve kefir for dinner at 20.00. We also choose children's cottage cheese: “Agusha”, “Tyoma”. We start the cottage cheese with a teaspoon and by the age of 1 year we bring it to 50 grams. We serve it in the evening for dinner along with cottage cheese.

10 months - kibble food

You can give your child cookies, dry goods, since the baby already has required amount teeth. Give the fruits in pieces, peeling them.

A child with food should always be supervised!

It is better to make fruit juices yourself. Store-bought ones contain a lot of acids and sugar.

At 10 months, give fish dishes 2 times a week. Start with low-fat varieties- hake, cod, perch.

What should not be given before 1 year of age?

  • semolina porridge should not be given frequently, as it interferes with the absorption of iron and can provoke the development of anemia;
  • candies, chocolate;
  • goat, cow's milk;
  • tropical fruits, citrus.

General table for introducing complementary feeding to children

lure4 months5 months6 months7 months8 months9 months10 months
Vegetable puree 5-100 gr.
Fruit. Puree 5-50 gr.
Fruit. Juice 40-50 ml
porridge 5-100 gr.
meat 5-100 gr.
yolk ½-1/4
fish 5-100 gr.
cottage cheese 5-50 gr.
Kefir 5-100 gr.

Food in "banks"

Products are prepared only from environmentally friendly, carefully grown fruits and vegetables. This type of nutrition has a guaranteed composition. Lots of checks go through. Cannot be found on shelves baby food Low quality.

There are no preservatives in this diet. Why do they last so long? Vacuum packaging and aseptic storage conditions do not allow the product to deteriorate.

You can start introducing complementary foods with industrial products. Then, when the child gets used to it, cook on his own. Be sure to check expiration dates.

Complementary feeding for children with atypical reactions

It is very difficult to feed a child if he has allergies. The following rules must be taken into account:

  • do not add sugar to prepared foods, especially juices;
  • start complementary feeding only with “clean” skin;
  • observe monocomponentism. Don't mix multiple vegetables or fruits. This will make it easier to identify what you are allergic to if it appears;
  • leave sweet fruit juices, potatoes, carrots, pumpkin for last, by 10-11 months;
  • egg, fish are best introduced from 12 months;
  • It takes at least 7 days for the baby to get used to each new dish;
  • if a rash appears, the new product is canceled;
  • if you have an allergy to cow's milk, it is possible allergic reactions and for beef.

Until the age of one year, the health of the baby is established. Proper balanced nutrition will help avoid many problems in the future. New food products The child will definitely like it if they are prepared with love. Each baby is individual, and only the mother will be able to understand when it starts new period feeding

“Have you already started introducing complementary foods?” - one of the most popular questions among mothers of children 4-7 months old.

Where did you start? How does he react? Does he like it? Do you have any allergies? Are you breastfeeding less? Isn’t it time to give cottage cheese yet? - these are just a small part of the topics that mothers talk about on forums, on the phone, on walks and in clinics during this period.

In recent years, the scheme for introducing complementary foods has undergone a number of changes and modern parents are forced to seek a balance between the instructions of their Soviet-era mothers and grandmothers and the recommendations of modern pediatricians. What does the WHO complementary feeding table tell us and does it even exist?

  1. Until 6 months, the baby does not need complementary feeding. Breast milk is enough for him. And from the age of 6 months, the baby’s body is ready to accept new food, which is necessary for its full growth and development;
  2. Breastfeeding should be maintained for as long as possible (if possible, up to 2 years or longer), along with the introduction of complementary foods;
  3. When introducing a child to new food, be patient and consistent, do not force him to eat, be sensitive and attentive. Do not force him to eat large portions; the amount of food should correspond to the baby’s age, size and activity;
  4. Start complementary feeding with a small portion of a new product and, as the child gets used to it, gradually increase its amount;
  5. The consistency of food should gradually become harder, and dishes should be varied;
  6. According to WHO, the volume of complementary foods during breastfeeding should gradually begin to prevail over mother's milk. By about 1.5-2 years, the number of feedings is 3-4 times a day;
  7. Take care of balanced diet child with sufficient quantity vitamins and minerals. Food should be varied: the menu should include vegetables, cereals, eggs, meat and fish;
  8. Increase the amount of liquid your baby drinks.

Therefore, no monthly complementary feeding tables apply to WHO. They are created based on these recommendations and generally accepted norms given by pediatricians.

But they are by no means a dogma, but rather reflect the most desirable and popular scheme for introducing a child to new products.

Weaning age

If there are special medical indications, insufficient increase in weight and being on artificial feeding, doctors may recommend introducing complementary foods from 4 months.

The baby's stomach is not ready for complementary feeding.

Outwardly, everything will look decent - the child will open his mouth and eat the purees that you offer. But inside will go heavy load which will manifest itself as allergies, constipation or loose stools, restless sleep of the baby.

Know! At 4 months, you need to find the reason why the child is gaining little weight and eliminate it.

Complementary feeding table: sequence and volume

What is reflected in the table, which most mothers believe was developed by WHO (although it has nothing to do with it)?

  • The table suggests the following sequence of food introduction: zucchini – cauliflower – broccoli – buckwheat– rice – corn porridge – pumpkin – applesauce– millet porridge – rabbit meat – prunes – turkey – pear puree;
  • Next, as a rule, those not included in the table are entered: oatmeal, carrot puree, egg yolk, cottage cheese, kefir, semolina, other fruits and types of meat;
  • If the portion reaches 100 g, then it is recommended to add 1 teaspoon: to vegetable purees - vegetable oil, to porridge - butter;
  • Complementary feeding, according to these fictitious standards, should be started with 3 g of product (0.5 tsp). In a week it needs to be brought to 166;
  • In parallel with the introduction of a new product, the child should eat those dishes to which he is already accustomed. And the more of them in the diet, the more often you can alternate.

Important! The WHO complementary feeding regimen, if it had actually been drawn up by health care professionals, would never have provided such volumes for a 6-month-old baby.

The child's stomach is not ready for such portions.

Such volumes will quickly decrease food interest the baby and, I assure you, that by 7-8 months, you will be faced with a complete refusal of the child to eat complementary foods.

Every week I work with such mothers in individual consultations.

Why can’t the table be considered universal?

Let's talk about some points again:

  1. WHO has only general recommendations on how complementary feeding should be structured and at what age it should be introduced;
  2. There is no current or WHO-developed complementary feeding table. This is the invention of a very specific mother, who rewrote the usual pediatric scheme for introducing complementary foods, making it more detailed, breaking it down into products;
  3. Introducing complementary foods according to this scheme and with such a volume of complementary foods leads to 7-8 months. child to a complete refusal of complementary feeding and disturbances in the child’s nutrition.

What other mistakes can be found in complementary feeding schemes?

For example, if a child does not have any digestive disorders and is gaining weight well, then complementary feeding, as a rule, starts with vegetables. This is the most common option.

But if, on the contrary, the baby is underweight, then many pediatricians recommend introducing porridge first, and only then: vegetables, meat, and dairy products.

  • The volume norms for vegetables and porridge on the 7th day of complementary feeding for each product are up to 180 grams.

This number is far from reality. Few children at 6-7 months will be able to cope with this volume.

Do not put pressure on your baby to feed this entire amount, otherwise you will create a serious burden on his digestive system. Offering him several smaller dishes may be more effective.

  • The table of sequential introduction of products is concentrated within the framework of pediatric complementary feeding, according to which puree-like products are first given in small portions, then, as you get used to them, their quantity gradually increases, and the consistency becomes thicker.

Until one product is brought to the required volume, the other is not introduced.

For more than 10 years I have been teaching mothers how to introduce complementary feeding according to the system natural needs child. This involves introducing the baby to food based on his interest in it and readiness for complementary feeding.

The products are not mashed into purees, but given in very small pieces. The child is not prepared with separate dishes, but is offered what adults eat.

Introduction of complementary feeding according to WHO implies careful introduction of complementary feeding, without reduction breastfeeding. This is exactly the approach we learn in the ABC of complementary feeding course.

How is readiness for complementary feeding determined?

Psychological and physiological readiness for new food is distinguished.

  1. Psychological readiness is expressed in the fact that the baby begins to be interested in adult food, reaches out to her, wants to try;
  2. Physiological readiness is associated with the characteristics of the body and the need to expand the diet in order to obtain more nutrients.

Among these signs:

  • the child can sit independently or with minimal support (read: When does a child begin to sit >>>);
  • he holds his head confidently;
  • he often asks for the breast (as if he is no longer full of milk);
  • the reflex of pushing out food with the tongue weakens;
  • The baby's weight has doubled since birth.

All signs should be taken into account comprehensively, especially the combination of psychological and physiological readiness.

A few more rules for introducing complementary foods

  1. Try to be calm, do not rush the child or put pressure on him. Watch him and be sure to take his preferences into account. It is not so easy to get interested in food, but it is very easy to discourage the desire to eat!
  2. Monitor the child’s physiological reaction to each product: constipation, rash, abdominal pain, etc. If you notice at least one of the undesirable symptoms, postpone feeding the product to which the baby reacted until his condition normalizes;
  3. If your child doesn’t want to eat a new dish, don’t force him. Try offering this product again in 1-2 weeks;
  4. The volume of new food should increase gradually. But there is no need to strictly limit the baby, forbid him to eat an extra spoon if he really wants to and reaches for it. The child’s interest is most often an advantage over other factors.

The child has very clear signals about what, when and how he wants to eat.

A little knowledge and skill - and you will be the most the best specialist on introducing complementary foods to your baby.

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