Who is Oleg Yakovlev's common-law wife? The common-law wife of “Ivanushka” Oleg Yakovlev will challenge his will. The document will be checked in Serbia

Oleg Yakovlev's common-law wife Alexandra Kutsevol said that there would be no funeral for the singer. The inconsolable woman is planning cremation instead.

Journalists talked to Oleg Yakovlev’s lover Alexandra Kutsevol. She said that the farewell date for the artist has not yet been set. “We will inform you additionally about the farewell date. There will be no funeral, there will be cremation,” TASS quotes Alexandra Kutsevol.


At the same time, the artist’s chosen one noted that the cause of Yakovlev’s death was cardiac arrest. It is interesting that Life.ru, with reference to the same Kutsevol, claimed that the singer died of double pneumonia. According to other sources, the 47-year-old singer died as a result of pulmonary edema. Complications arose against the background of liver cirrhosis.

Oleg Yakovlev spent his last hours with his loved ones. The artist’s press secretary said that the doctors understood the artist’s grave condition, who was unlikely to pull through, and decided to let his loved ones see him.

"We held his hand. Somewhere in the depths of our souls we realized that he was leaving us, but we hoped to the last. Although the doctors no longer encouraged us. Oleg never regained consciousness. We did not have time to say goodbye to him. And they didn’t say the most important words either,” admitted the artist’s representative.

Yakovlev’s press secretary was vague about liver cirrhosis.

“They say a lot now. He really had bad diagnoses, a lot of things fell on him. In an instant, his condition worsened sharply. Because of this, he was urgently hospitalized,” Moskovsky Komsomolets quotes manager Oleg Yakovlev as saying.

According to the representative, the singer was in the apartment until the last day.

“The fact of the matter is that Oleg preferred to be treated at home. When he became really ill, he was hospitalized. He did not want to be treated, although he had long been advised to go to a clinic. He was stubborn and wanted to stay at home. Perhaps if he If he had been hospitalized earlier, it would have been possible to save him,” the spokeswoman explained.

February 14, 2018

Alexandra Kutsevol is the common-law wife of singer Oleg Yakovlev, who died last summer. She intends to challenge the artist’s will, since she provided documents according to which she is Oleg’s official wife.

Photo: Instagram

Last summer, unexpectedly for everyone, the ex-soloist of “Ivanushki International” Oleg Yakovlev. According to his common-law wife Alexandra Kutsevol, the artist died due to pneumonia, but there were rumors in the media that Oleg also had cirrhosis of the liver due to alcohol addiction, which, however, Alexandra denied.

Kutsevol is very worried about the death of his beloved man and still cannot recover from the loss. Among Oleg’s relatives, he also has great-nephews Mark and Garik. Now Tatiana is fighting for the inheritance with Alexandra. Let us note that the artist’s will does not contain the surname Kutsevol, that is, the entire inheritance will go to his relatives. Alexandra decided to challenge her lover’s will.

“I am Oleg’s only relative! Kutsevol, in fact, is a nobody. Kutsevol is going to challenge the will! - says Tatyana Yakovleva. — The day before the document came into force, Alexandra sent our notary a document saying that she had been legally married to Oleg for about five years. True, they signed abroad.”

Yakovleva believes that the marriage document is fake, since Oleg during his lifetime said more than once that he was not going to marry his beloved.

“Oleg always said in personal and public conversations that he did not intend to marry Kutsevol. But according to the documents, it turned out that they allegedly signed in Serbia five years ago in some town with a population of 70 thousand people. I would also understand if the marriage took place in Montenegro. Oleg has an apartment there,” said Tatyana Yakovleva for “

The common-law wife of singer Oleg Yakovlev, Alexandra Kutsevol, told reporters that the singer spent the last minutes of his life with relatives. Despite the fact that Yakovlev never regained consciousness, doctors allowed his relatives to say goodbye to their loved one. The singer's press secretary said that the doctors did not reassure the artist's family.

We held his hand. Somewhere in the depths of our souls we realized that he was leaving us, but we hoped to the last. Although the doctors no longer encouraged us. Oleg never regained consciousness. We didn't have time to say goodbye to him. And the most important words were not said either.


She chose not to talk about the diagnosis of liver cirrhosis, saying only that the singer refused to go to the clinic for a long time, although he was already feeling unwell.

There is a lot that is being said now. He really had bad diagnoses, a lot of things fell on him. In an instant, the condition worsened sharply. Because of this, he was urgently hospitalized.

Pulmonary edema due to cirrhosis of the liver is a severe but common complication that develops due to the leakage of interstitial fluid from the blood vessels into the alveoli. As a result, the “breathing” surface of the lungs contracts and the person begins to suffocate. Although the liver itself is not directly related to the processes of blood circulation and removal of excess fluid from the body, it is in the digestive gland that proteins are synthesized that do not allow fluid to leak from the bloodstream into the surrounding tissues.


It is not reported how long the artist has had liver problems. The most common causes of liver cirrhosis are alcohol and hard drug abuse, viral hepatitis and various autoimmune diseases.


Posted by Oleg Yakovlev (@yakovlevsinger) Jun 18, 2017 at 10:32 PDT

The artist’s common-law wife Alexandra Kutsevol told reporters that the farewell date for Yakovlev has not yet been set and there will be no traditional funeral; the singer’s body will be cremated.

  • Oleg Yakovlev was born on November 18, 1969 in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. After finishing first grade he returned to the USSR. After graduating from school, he went to Moscow, where he graduated from GITIS, becoming an actor in the Armen Dzhigarkhanyan Theater.
  • He sang in the group “Ivanushki International” from 1998 to 2013, and then decided to pursue a solo career. “Ivanushki International” is a Russian musical group founded in 1995 by producer Igor Matvienko.

Former lead singer of the group “Ivanushki International” Oleg Yakovlev died of severe pneumonia on June 29. The artist was 47 years old. His ashes were buried at the Troyekurovskoye cemetery in the capital on August 7.

Oleg Yakovlev was as closed as possible in his private life and rarely shared stories about relatives and close people. It is known that his parents passed away many years ago. The singer has never been married and left no children.

In recent years, Oleg Yakovlev lived with his common-law wife, Alexandra Kutsevol, but this relationship was never formalized.

A post shared by Alexandra Kutsevol(@sashakutsevol) on Jul 29, 2017 at 5:49am PDT

Oleg Yakovlev and Alexandra Kutsevol

Recently, experts gave a preliminary estimate of the amount of the inheritance. It turned out that the total value of Oleg Yakovlev’s property is 200 million rubles. The artist owned several apartments in the capital, as well as St. Petersburg and Montenegro.

In one of his interviews, Oleg said: “I also have living space in St. Petersburg and Montenegro. I'm thinking about real estate in Sochi. I bought a small apartment in St. Petersburg in 2006, and later in Montenegro. Why do I need them? Maybe they will be useful for relatives in the future. And just like some kind of investment.”

The situation is complicated by the fact that, according to unverified information, the artist still has a son living in St. Petersburg. Journalists have not yet been able to establish the name of the child’s mother. It is currently unknown whether paternity has been officially established and whether the boy is mentioned in Oleg Yakovlev’s will.

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