Summary of the safety lesson “How to behave with strangers. How should a child behave around strangers? Politeness and caution

Most young children are trusting and easily make contact with strangers. There are often cases when attackers simply take future victims away from playgrounds. The task of parents is to protect the child from dangerous strangers. And for this it is necessary to teach him to react correctly to attention from them.

You can tell your child about the risks associated with strangers at any age. But he will be able to understand you and adequately apply the acquired knowledge in practice in about three years. At this age, the child is already capable of reasoning, but is still very naive and trusting. The easiest way is to prohibit any communication with strangers in your absence. You need to explain that when you are nearby, the baby is safe and can talk to whomever he wants. If you are not there, talking, much less leaving, with someone is dangerous.

Under no circumstances should you frighten a child that a man with a bag or Baba Yaga will take him away for bad behavior. If a stranger really grabs him, he may get scared and not figure out what to do, or he may perceive the kidnapping as a punishment for disobedience, and not even try to free himself.

Young children may find it difficult to comprehend serious information by ear. To help your child remember how to behave correctly, the most dangerous situations can be depicted in a playful way. To do this, parents can pretend to be kidnappers themselves or play with dolls with their child.

Most children, even relatively adults, at 6-8 years old, naively believe that dangerous strangers can be scary and seem suspicious from the very beginning. Explain that the attacker can be quite cute and even the same age as the baby. Therefore, it is dangerous not only when a child is grabbed and dragged in an unknown direction, but also when:

  • They offer to go for a ride in a car or go buy some candy;
  • They ask you to help catch a lost kitten or show you the right house;
  • They ring the doorbell and ask you to open it on behalf of an electrician, plumber, etc.;
  • They say that the mother was late and asked a colleague or friend to pick up the child from the playground or school.

The child must understand that any communication with strangers is potentially dangerous, so you should always follow the parents’ instructions in such a situation.

Rules for a child's behavior with strangers

Every child who is left even for a minute without the supervision of parents or other adults should know the rules that will help him avoid danger when communicating with strangers:

  • Never go anywhere with strangers. We are talking not only about adults, it can also be children. If a new boy on the playground says that it’s more fun in the neighboring yard and offers to go have a look, you must refuse. If an unfamiliar girl says that she is afraid to pass by the dog near the house and asks to be escorted, do not do this.
  • Never open the door to strangers. No matter who they say they are or what they say, you need to call your parents immediately and tell them about it. If there are neighbors at home, you can call them and ask them to sort it out.
  • Don't allow strangers to touch you. If a person approaches or reaches out, it is best to run away immediately.
  • Do not approach other people's cars and especially do not get into them. If a driver or passenger asks for directions, this can be done by pointing in the direction with your hand from afar.

All parents try to raise their children to be kind and sympathetic. But for the sake of his safety, it is necessary to tell the child that he is not obliged to help a stranger, even if public morality requires it. For example, a sweet old lady asks you to help her carry her shopping to the neighboring house. Of course, a well-bred child will want to help his grandmother. But it would be much safer to advise an elderly woman to ask for help from an adult and call her parents, moving away to a safe distance.

The child must clearly remember the algorithm of actions in case a stranger speaks to him:

  • Assessment of the situation. The child should know that any stranger is potentially dangerous. But, if he is in a well-known place and his parents are nearby, and the person makes no attempts to get closer, you don’t have to panic ahead of time.
  • Maintaining distance. Usually a distance of two meters is considered more or less safe. Show your child how much this is by measuring it on the floor with a measuring tape, and explain that if a person approaches, you need to move away or run away from him.
  • Stopping communication. Most attackers are good psychologists; they know how to find an approach to a child and talk him into a conversation, putting him to sleep. Therefore, to any attempts to start a conversation, children should answer “Now I’ll ask my parents” or something similar, move away to a safe distance and/or call adults.
  • Care. If a stranger tries to force communication or take a child away, he must immediately stop talking and leave the dangerous place. But this must be done carefully. If, in order to get home, a child needs to go into an empty entrance, a dark gateway, etc., it is better not to take risks, but to approach familiar adults and tell them about the situation. If there is no one you know nearby, you can ask for help from a police officer, a security guard, or a store clerk, anyone who is not clearly related to the alleged attacker.

The most dangerous thing is if the attacker has already grabbed the child and is dragging him away. Tell us that in this case you must not only try to free yourself by any means, but also call for help. You must definitely shout that this is a stranger and he is kidnapping a child, otherwise others may regard it as a joke or a family scene.

Try to tell your child as clearly as possible about the dangers that await him. This does not mean intimidation, it is necessary to warn and prepare. Remember that your story can save a child's life.


  • To promote the development of safe life skills and key communication competencies in students (responsible attitude towards oneself and people, caution, readiness to act in inappropriate situations).
  • To prevent possible negative situations for a child if he is alone in the house or on the street, to help children develop skills of correct behavior when meeting strangers.
  • To promote the development of caution, attention, and ingenuity.
  • To promote a responsible attitude towards one’s life and health.

Equipment: drawings by students on the topics: “My house”, “My street”, task cards with texts for work in pairs and groups.

Description of lesson stages

1. Organization of the beginning of the lesson.

2. Work on mastering new material.

2.1. Introductory conversation between the teacher and the class.

Approximate content of the conversation:

“In our lives there are not only dangerous objects, but also dangerous people. They can rob an apartment, steal a child, or even kill a person.

What adults can be dangerous? ( People of unpleasant appearance, unpleasantly dressed...)

Does good looks always mean good intentions?

Children your age often have to stay home alone. Parents are at work or have gone to the store or to the hospital. You are surrounded by your own walls, familiar objects, books, toys. The mood is good, but sometimes evil people try to ruin it.

How else can you call people whose goals and actions are criminal? ( Criminals, intruders, and terrorists. Explain the meaning of these words)

Having learned that there is only one child or an elderly person in the apartment, they try to enter the apartment in order to steal, kill, or blow up the house. We must remember this and be very careful and prudent with such people.

How can such people know that you are alone at home? ( Expected answers from children: “They can ring the phone or the door and have a polite conversation that will make it clear to them who is in the apartment.”)».

2.2. Work in pairs. Read the suggested texts. Several options for action are given for the situations proposed in them; discuss the situations and choose the correct answer, in your opinion.

1.The boy is home alone. The phone rings, he picks it up and hears:

- Hello, boy! I am an acquaintance of your dad, please call him to the phone.

The boy answers:

- Dad is not at home. He is at work. It will only be in the evening.

- Dad is busy now. Provide your phone number, he will call you back.

2.The girl is alone at home. The phone rings, she picks it up and hears:

- Hello, girl! I am a plumber, please tell me how can I get into your apartment to fix the tap?

The girl answers:

- Parents are not at home. Our apartment number is 17.

– Our faucet is not leaking. Dad will come over now, and I’ll hold the dog.

3. Doorbell. The stranger says in a gentle voice:

- I am a postman and brought you a letter.

The boy answers:

– Leave a letter at the door, I’ll wake up my parents now.

- No one is home. I’ll open it now and take the letter myself.

2.3. A dramatization of the poem “Resourceful Dima” by M. Tambovtseva-Shirokova.(the scene is prepared in advance).

Teacher: Watch the scene and answer the question:

– How does this story make you feel?

“Zero, one, two, three, four!
Dima was alone in the apartment.
Silence on all sides.
Suddenly the phone woke up.
It rang, it began to shout,
He asked me to pick up the phone as soon as possible.
There is an unfamiliar voice on the phone:
Robber:“Boy, are there any adults at home?
If you're at home, call!
Say your name"
Dima:“Mom and dad aren’t at home!”
Dima said in response.
Dima:“And my name is Dimon!”
Laughed into the phone.
The stranger said goodbye
I asked you to say hello,
Dima hung up
And again there was only one left.
An hour passed, then another...
The doorbell rings:
Robber:“Dimon, open up!”
Dima comes running to the door:
Dima:"Who's there?"
Dima:"No I do not believe:
My dad is on a business trip
You tricked me cleverly:
I recognized you: you called,
Did you decide to deceive me?
But they couldn’t find out everything.
I won’t open the door!”
Robber:“Too much, boy, you’re prickly,
It’s okay, let’s find the key -
It hurts, Dimon, you're cool!
Not a boy - Pinocchio!
Maybe Malvina is nearby?
So, hold on - I’ll get you:
I am the terrible Karabas!”
But resourceful Dimon
I remembered about the phone.
Screamed loudly and angrily
From behind the door he told the bandit:
Dima:"You don't have to try
It is in vain to break through the door:
Even though I'm alone in the apartment,
I know the number 01,
And also 02, 03!
Look around, look -
The drums are waiting for you
Fast firefighters!
If suddenly there is a blow,
A paramedic is waiting with the ambulance!
And if you want to get away,
The police are waiting for you!”
A phone can be a friend:
If necessary, he will help!”

Content questions:

  1. What mistakes did Dima make?
  2. How did his resourcefulness manifest itself?
  3. Give the phone numbers of services that can help you in difficult times.

2.4. Work in pairs. Assignment for schoolchildren: choose proverbs that could fit the situation presented in the poem.

List of proverbs:

  • "A secret to the whole world."
  • "Keep your mouth shut".
  • "The world is not without good people".
  • “A mistake is not a fault, it teaches people reason.”
  • “Fear is a bad advisor.”
  • “Whoever talks too much invites trouble upon himself.”

(The proverb “He who talks too much invites trouble upon himself” fits this situation.).

3. Work on consolidating new material.

3.1 Game “Finish the poem”

Don't let your uncle into the house
If the uncle is unfamiliar!
And don't open it to your aunt,
If mom is at work,
After all, the criminal is cunning,
Pretend that... (fitter)
Or he will even say
What came to you... (postman)
He will show you the package
(And there is a pistol under his arm).
Or did he put on a robe,
And under it there are five... (pomegranate)
And the “old lady” hurries after him,
In her string bag... (a gun).
Anything happens in life
With the one who doors... (opens).
So that you don't get robbed,
Not grabbed, not stolen,
Don't trust strangers
Close it tight... (door)!

3.2. Work in groups: Collect a proverb.

Believe, lock not everyone's door tightly

(Answer: “Don’t trust everyone, lock the door tightly.”)

Assignment for children: what other words can convey the meaning of this proverb? ( Expected answers: “Don’t open the door to strangers”, “Don’t trust strangers who ask you to open the door”...).

Teacher: What to do if there is no telephone in the apartment? ( Call for help from a window or balcony)

Teacher: Dangers can await you not only at home, but also on the street.

– Remember what happened to Pinocchio when the cat Basilio and the fox Alice called him to go with them to the Field of Miracles. ( He was robbed)

– What mistake did he make? ( You can't go anywhere with strangers)

3.3. Working with the class. Discussion of situations.

Teacher: Imagine this situation:

A boy is walking down the street. A stranger approaches him.

- Boy, give me your phone, please. I need to call a friend.

The boy may answer: “I don’t have a phone” or “I’ll get it now.”

Teacher: What do you think is the correct answer in this situation?

Teacher: You are walking on the street. A stranger comes up and says:

Do you want to go for a drive?

Teacher: What are you going to do? ( Expected answers: “You can’t get into a car with strangers”, “You can’t talk to strangers on the street”...)

4. Lesson summary:

What new did you learn in class today?

What should you do if you are alone at home?

How should you behave with strangers on the street?

5. Homework: Create a memo with rules of behavior at home and on the street.

Unfortunately, no one can protect you from adults who might pester you on the street with bad intentions. We want to talk to you about how you can avoid this. So that you remember these rules of behavior, we presented them in various life situations.

I. How should a child behave with strangers on the street?

With strangers, you must observe ordinary politeness and remember that these are strangers and that you do not know them.

1. If they ask you something...

If a stranger asks you about something, then first you need to think about whether to answer or not. You don’t know what kind of person this is and what he wants from you. Maybe he is telling a lie and wants to offend you.

If, of course, they ask you where a store or post office is located, then you need to help the person: explain where the place he needs is. It is even better to advise him to seek help from adults. And if some man unfamiliar and suspicious to you begins to ask you where you live, then under no circumstances should you continue the conversation. You cannot communicate with those strangers who at first sight aroused your trust. They may have bad intentions towards you that you have no idea about.

2. If they want to treat you...

You also cannot take anything from strangers - for example, if they want to treat you with candy for no reason at all. Even if it seemed to you that it was from the pure heart, still refuse. Or, for example, they offer you money or some gifts. Remember: a person’s appearance is very deceptive; even a pleasant-looking person can turn out to be a dangerous criminal.

3. If you are offered to go somewhere...

Also, under no circumstances should you go anywhere with strangers. Bad adults can lure gullible boys and girls into their homes. For example, promising to show your kitten, a brand new bicycle, or who knows what else... We don’t want to scare you, but very rarely did anyone see these kids later.

They may try to lure older boys with a request to help carry the bag, promising to pay for it. Answer categorically “No!”

4. If they offer you...

  • get in the car

Never get into a stranger's car, even if he (or she) says he will take you to mom and dad. Don't believe it under any circumstances! Mom and Dad will never send a stranger after you without warning you about it.

How can this be avoided? First of all, don't be so gullible. The street is the street, and anything can happen. Secondly, evil people with criminal intentions look quite ordinary in appearance. Sometimes criminals are given away by their eyes; they are unkind, darting, and have an ugly and false smile. But not even every adult can read the bad intentions of another person in the face, let alone a child.

  • acting

If suddenly on the street you were offered to act in a movie, participate in an interesting competition or TV show, don’t agree either. Ask when and where you can come with your parents.

5. If you are being followed...

If someone can't take their eyes off you, try to get rid of this person or stand next to some woman so that everyone thinks it's your mother. In this case, the offenders will not dare to touch you.

If a person does not lag behind you, go up to any house and pretend that it is your house, wave your hand and call your relatives, whom you seem to see in the window. Try not to leave a crowded place as long as you see yourself being followed.

If you have a mobile phone, use it, inform your family about your location and ask them to pick you up.

So remember: You shouldn't talk to strangers, and if someone starts to forcefully force themselves on you with conversations, then there is nothing left to do but call for help. Even your scream can scare away the offender. Try to attract the attention of others - shout unexpectedly loudly; in extreme cases, you can even, for example, break the glass in the nearest window, etc.

II. How to behave with strangers at the entrance

When approaching the house, pay attention to whether a stranger is following you. If someone is coming, do not approach the entrance. Walk on the street for about 10 minutes and if the stranger continues to follow you, tell about him to any adult you meet, or better yet, an acquaintance.

If the house has an intercom, before entering the entrance, call your apartment and ask your parents to meet you.

If a person you don’t know is already in the entrance, immediately go outside and wait for one of the adult residents of the house to enter the entrance.

1. If a stranger gets into the elevator...

Never get into an elevator with a stranger. Enter the cabin only after you are sure that there is no stranger on the site.

If a stranger does enter the elevator, do not stand with your back to him and watch his actions. Press the button for the nearest floor.

2. If a stranger came to your home...

If you are alone at home, and at that time someone unfamiliar comes, then no one should be allowed in, no matter what they say. They may tell you that they are different locksmiths, friends of your parents, and may ask you to give them something or tell you any other story - for example, that you received a package with sweets, etc. Don’t believe it!

Always be careful and vigilant towards strangers. It is better to be overly suspicious and distrustful than to be careless. Adults have a saying: “It’s better to be safe than sorry.” Follow it, especially when it comes to your personal safety.

For pupils of the children's associations of the Constellation Center, psychologist Elena Alexandrovna Shulyakovskaya held a conversation on the topic:

How to behave when meeting a stranger.

What kind of person do we call a stranger?A stranger is someone with whom you are not personally acquainted, a person whom your parents do not know and whom you do not know.

Imagine that a woman approaches you on the street. She calls you by name, says that she works with your mother and asks you to take her to the pharmacy. Before you go with her, think for a minute. Do you know this woman personally? No. You see her for the first time. Did the woman call you by name? But she could have found out your name by chance or asked one of your friends. The fact that a stranger says that she knows your mother and works with her may well turn out to be a lie. In any case, you cannot check this now. Finally, you can object to me that the unfamiliar woman makes a pleasant impression, she has an open smile and a soft voice. But it’s only in fairy tales that villains have a disgusting, repulsive appearance. In life, criminals outwardly look like ordinary people. They can even be cute and friendly. By the way, what should immediately alert you to the behavior of this stranger is that an adult is asking for help from you, a child.Remember, asking for help is a common trick of a criminal, especially a kidnapper. Adults should only seek help from adults.

What should you do in this case?

In response to a suspicious request to accompany an unfamiliar woman to the pharmacy, you must firmly answer: “Sorry, I can’t help you.” Quickly move away from the stranger, and maybe even run away.

Do not think that only men are criminals, unfortunately, this is not the case. The criminal can be a young girl, an elderly woman, or even someone your age. Most often, criminals pay attention to children who walk alone. Therefore, it is better to go for walks with friends, and even better accompanied by adults.

Imagine that you are walking along the sidewalk. A car pulled up next to you. Immediately move away from the edge of the sidewalk. Never get into a stranger's car. If a stranger offers you candy, ice cream, chewing gum, a toy or something interesting, refuse without hesitation. Don’t trust him, don’t agree to go or go anywhere with him. It is best not to engage in conversations with strangers at all. If the person is too persistent, call loudly for help, try to break free and run away. You need to quickly run to a crowded place where you can ask for help. This is, of course, first of all, a police station. Then a bank, a large store, a hospital - any place where there are guards at the entrance. Such places in the city are called “safety islands”. And be sure to tell your parents about it at home.

At the end of the conversation, the students happily answered the following questions:

1. Which person do we call stranger?

2. How to behave with a stranger if he asks you for help?

3. What should you do if a stranger offers you toys, chocolate, or a gift?

4. Why can’t you start a conversation with a stranger?

5. What does the expression “appearances can be deceiving” mean?

6. Why shouldn't you walk alone?

To remember the rules of safe behavior when meeting with a stranger, the children listened to a poem.

How to Deal with a Stranger

With a stranger

Don't engage in conversation!

Hurry up to the house:

One, two, three - and run away!

From sweets, toys, chewing gum

You give up right now.

You don't need handouts.

Maybe he's a good person

Well, maybe it’s bad.

Be polite and careful with him

Remember - the person is a stranger!

MSCOU boarding school of the VIII type" in the village of Berezovka

Educator: Zakarieva F.M.

Conversation "How to behave with strangers"

Goals : - To promote in children the development of safe life skills and key communication competencies (responsible attitude towards oneself and people, caution, readiness to act in inappropriate situations).

To prevent possible negative situations for a child if he is alone in the house or on the street, to help children develop skills of correct behavior when meeting strangers.

To promote the development of caution, attention, and ingenuity.

To promote a responsible attitude towards one’s life and health.

Equipment: drawings by children on the topics: “My house”, “My street”, situational pictures for discussion and identifying the correct behavior. A toy telephone (for staging a poem), cards with the numbers “01”, “02”, “03”. Illustrations for the fairy tales “The Golden Key”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “Kolobok”, “Zayushkina’s Hut”, “Little Red Riding Hood”

1. Organizational moment. Message topic of conversation

2. Introductory conversation between the teacher and the children .

Educator: “In our lives there are not only dangerous objects, but also dangerous people. They can rob an apartment, steal a child, or even kill a person.

What adults can be dangerous? (People of unpleasant appearance, unpleasantly dressed...)

Does good looks always mean good intentions?

Children your age often have to stay home alone. Parents are at work or have gone to the store or to the hospital. You are surrounded by your own walls, familiar objects, books, toys. The mood is good, but sometimes evil people try to ruin it. How else can you call people whose goals and actions are criminal? (Criminals, intruders, and terrorists.)

Having learned that there is only one child or an elderly person in the apartment, they try to enter the apartment in order to steal, kill, or blow up the house. We must remember this and be very careful and prudent with such people.

How can such people know that you are alone at home? (Expected responses from children: “They can ring the phone or the door and have a polite conversation that will make it clear to them who is in the apartment.”).”

3. Working with visual material .

Review your cards. Several options for action are given for the situations proposed in them; discuss the situations and choose the correct answer, in your opinion. (the teacher helps the children consider and voice the situation depicted)

Situation No. 1. The boy is home alone. The phone rings, he picks it up and hears:

Hello boy! I am an acquaintance of your dad, please call him to the phone.

The boy answers:

Dad is not at home. He is at work. It will only be in the evening.

Dad is busy right now. Provide your phone number, he will call you back.

Situation No. 2. The girl is alone at home. The phone rings, she picks it up and hears:

Hello girl! I am a plumber, please tell me how can I get into your apartment to fix the tap?

The girl answers:

Parents are not at home. Our apartment number is 17.

Our faucet is not leaking. Dad will come over now, and I’ll hold the dog.

Situation No. 3. The doorbell rings. The stranger speaks in a gentle voice :

I am a postman and I brought you a letter.

The boy answers:

Leave a letter at the door, I'll wake up my parents now.

No one is home. I’ll open it now and take the letter myself.

4. Staging of the poem “Resourceful Dima” by M. Tambovtseva-Shirokova. (the scene is prepared in advance).

Educator : Watch the skit and answer the question:

How does this story make you feel?

Dima was alone in the apartment.

Silence on all sides.

Suddenly the phone woke up.

He asked me to pick up the phone as soon as possible.

Robber: “Boy, are there any adults at home?

If you're at home, call!

Say your name"

Dima : “Mom and dad aren’t at home!”

Dima: “And my name is Dimon!”

The stranger said goodbye

I asked you to say hello,

Dima hung up

And again there was only one left.

An hour passed, then another...

The doorbell rings:

Robber: “Dimon, open up!”

Dima:"Who's there?"


Dima: "No I do not believe:

My dad is on a business trip

You tricked me cleverly:

I recognized you: you called,

Did you decide to deceive me?

But they couldn’t find out everything.

I won’t open the door!”

Robber: “Too much, boy, you’re prickly,

It’s okay, let’s find the key -

It hurts, Dimon, you're cool!

Not a boy - Pinocchio!

Maybe Malvina is nearby?

So, hold on - I’ll get you:

I am the terrible Karabas!”

I remembered about the phone.

Screamed loudly and angrily

From behind the door he told the bandit:

Dima: "You don't have to try

It is in vain to break through the door:

Even though I'm alone in the apartment,

I know the number 01,

And also 02, 03!

Look around, look -

The drums are waiting for you

Fast firefighters!

If suddenly there is a blow,

A paramedic is waiting with the ambulance!

And if you want to get away,

The police are waiting for you!”

If necessary, he will help!”

Content questions:

What mistakes did Dima make?

How did his resourcefulness manifest itself?

Name the phone numbers of services that can help you in difficult times..

V - l: - Guys, listen and try to remember the proverbs that fit the situation in this poem:

"A secret to the whole world."

"Keep your mouth shut".

"The world is not without good people".

“A mistake is not a fault, it teaches people reason.”

“Fear is a bad advisor.”

“Whoever talks too much invites trouble upon himself.”

(The proverb “He who talks too much invites trouble upon himself” is suitable for this situation)

5. Physical education minute

Game: “Familiar, friend, stranger”

If I say “your” person, then raise your hands up and clap your hands and say “your”.

If it’s “stranger,” then you stomp your feet and say “stranger.”

If “familiar”, then put your hands forward, clap and say “familiar”

When repeating the game, invite the children to act as a leader.

6. Work on consolidating new material.

Game "Finish the poem"

Don't let your uncle into the house

If the uncle is unfamiliar!

And don't open it to your aunt,

If mom is at work,

After all, the criminal is cunning,

Pretend that... (fitter)

Or he will even say

What has come to you... (postman)

He will show you the package

And under the arm….(pistol).

Or did he put on a robe,

And under it there are about five... (pomegranates)

And the “old lady” hurries after him,

She has in her string bag... (a gun).

Anything happens in life

With the one who opens the doors... (opens).

So that you don't get robbed,

Not grabbed, not stolen,

Don't trust strangers

Close it tight... (door)!

7. Educator: Listen and remember one more proverb

“Don’t trust everyone, lock the door tightly” (Children take turns repeating)

What other words can convey the meaning of this proverb? (Expected answers: “Don’t open the door to strangers”, “Don’t trust strangers who ask you to open the door”...).

V - l : What to do if there is no telephone in the apartment? (Call for help from a window or balcony)

V-l : Dangers can await you not only at home, but also on the street.

Remember what happened to Pinocchio when the cat Basilio and the fox Alice called him to go with them to the Field of Miracles. (He was robbed)

What mistake did he make? (You can't go anywhere with strangers)

Let's remember the overly trusting heroes of fairy tales who found themselves in a similar situation and behaved incorrectly (examining illustrations for the fairy tales “The Golden Key”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “Kolobok”, “Zayushkina’s Hut”, “Red Cap"

8. Discussion of situations.

V - l : Imagine this situation:

A boy is walking down the street. A stranger approaches him.

Boy, please give me your phone. I need to call a friend.

The boy may answer: “I don’t have a phone” or “I’ll get it now.”

V - l: What do you think is the correct answer in this situation?

V - l : You are walking on the street. A stranger comes up and says:

Do you want to go for a drive?

V - l : What are you going to do? (Expected answers: “You can’t get into a car with strangers”, “You can’t talk to strangers on the street”...)

9. To summarize:

What new did you learn today?

What should you do if you are alone at home?

How should you behave with strangers on the street?

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