Combination skin. Combination or mixed skin type. Vegetable mask with lemon

Mixed skin type causes a lot of trouble for its owners. Some areas of such skin can be classified as dry - this is the area of ​​​​the temples and cheeks, while other parts (T-zone, that is, the areas of the forehead, nose and chin) are particularly oily. Here comes the problem: it is very difficult to choose products to care for such skin. Fat creams and light tonics are not suitable for it.

Usually this type of skin is characteristic of very young representatives of the fair sex. In adulthood, the mixed type of face usually turns into a normal one. But until this time, it can bring many problems to its owners, not only because it is difficult to choose cosmetics for this type of skin, but also because acne often appears on the so-called T-zone. The skin in this area is oily, which means it is susceptible to bacteria that lead to acne.

Dry areas often peel.
They should not be cleaned with disinfectant gels and lotions, which often contain alcohol, because this will further dry and irritate the skin.

Combination skin types should be cared for as follows. In the morning and evening, it must be cleaned with cosmetic milk or a soft gel for washing, which does not contain alcohol-containing solutions. After this, the problematic T-zone should be wiped with antibacterial lotion. Before you leave the house, apply a day cream designed specifically for combination skin types. It will help protect your face from external adverse influences such as wind or frost.

In the evening, after washing and toning, the skin should be well moisturized and nourished with vitamins and nutrients. Special night creams will help you with this.
Remember that you need to apply them not when you are already lying in bed, but at least half an hour before bedtime. Then the skin will have time to absorb the amount of cream it needs, and you will remove the excess with a napkin before going to bed. These daily simple procedures will help your skin maintain youth for a long time.

There are special preparations for mixed skin types. They should gently cleanse and tone, remove excess sebum, but at the same time not dry out your capricious skin. Such products will improve the appearance of the skin and will not “weight” it.

Mixed skin types need to be additionally cleansed from time to time with special masks, which should remove excess sebum from the forehead, nose and chin, but at the same time not overdry, but rather nourish the sensitive skin on the cheeks and temples.
It is impossible to combine this in one mask, so you will have to use two different masks: a cleansing one for the T-zone and a nourishing one for the cheeks and neck. You can prepare some masks for your skin yourself at home.

Cleansing honey mask with aloe

  1. 1 tsp. sauerkraut juice;

  2. about 1 tbsp. l. aloe juice;

  3. 0.5 tsp. honey;

  4. 0.5 tsp. fine salt or wheat flour;

  5. 1 tsp. carrot juice;

  6. 1 tsp. fresh cabbage juice;

  7. 0.5 tsp. mayonnaise;

  8. a little potato flour.

A T-zone mask will contain sauerkraut juice, aloe juice, honey and salt or flour. All components must be thoroughly mixed and applied to the forehead, nose and chin. A mask for the cheeks and neck should be prepared from fresh cabbage juice, carrot juice, mayonnaise and flour.

Berry-lemon mask

  1. 1 tbsp. red or black currant berries;

  2. 1 lemon;

  3. 1 tbsp. l. almond oil.

The berries need to be ground and mixed with squeezed lemon juice and almond oil. Apply the mixture to the skin of your face and neck for 10-15 minutes and rinse with warm water. This mask can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than five days. You can use it every two days.

Egg-milk mask

  1. 1 egg white;

  2. 1 tbsp. l. milk;

  3. 1 tbsp. l. liquid honey;

  4. 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice;

  5. 50 g oat bran.

The white should be beaten well, mixed with milk, honey and lemon juice. Then you need to add bran to the mixture. The mask is applied to the face for 15-20 minutes and then washed off with warm water. Finally, rinse your face with cool water and 1 tsp. calendula tinctures.

Yeast mask

  1. 40 g yeast;

  2. 2 tbsp. l. milk.

The yeast needs to be diluted with milk until the consistency of sour cream. Apply the mixture to your forehead, chin and nose for 20 minutes, and then rinse with warm water. This mask perfectly nourishes the skin and tightens pores.

Cucumber mask

  1. 1 medium cucumber;

  2. 1 protein.

Finely chop or grate the cucumber, mix with whipped egg white and apply to the T-zone.

Egg-sour cream mask

  1. 1 egg yolk;

  2. 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;

  3. 1 tbsp. l. sour cream;

  4. 1 tbsp. l. flour.

Beat the egg yolk and add vegetable oil and sour cream to it. Add flour to the mixture and mix everything thoroughly again so that there are no lumps. The mask should be applied for no more than 10 minutes, and then washed off with warm boiled water or milk.

Egg mask with lemon and milk

  1. 1 egg, separated into white and yolk;

  2. 5 drops of lemon juice;

  3. 0.5 tsp. milk.

Beat the egg white well and mix with lemon juice and apply the mixture to problem areas of the forehead, chin and nose. Mix the yolk with milk and apply a thin layer to your cheeks and neck. Both masks should be left on the face for 20 minutes, and then washed off with warm water and rinsed with cold water.

Not all skin care products are right for you. If after applying some cream you don’t feel any discomfort and you like the way your skin looks, then this product is what you need. If the drug does not suit you, you will immediately feel it in the condition of your skin. Perhaps it will become too oily or, conversely, dry. In this case, you need to continue searching for a suitable remedy.

Perhaps combination skin causes a lot of problems with choosing the right product to care for it, but this type of face looks quite good. In addition, early wrinkles rarely appear on it, which means that the face will retain youth and freshness longer.

Combination skin 80% of people have. Combines dry and oily skin types. In the area of ​​the forehead, nose and chin, the skin is oily and porous, usually called the T-zone, in the rest the skin is dry. The skin generally has a healthy appearance and an even structure.

The skin is divided into several areas with different numbers of sebaceous glands. Most of them are in the area of ​​the chin, forehead and nose. They are more exposed to sunlight, wind and bad weather. More sebum is produced here for protection, which is why the skin in this area is oily.

If you have combination skin and the areas are very different, then you need to have 2 sets: for dry and for oily skin. If these differences are not strong, then you can use regular cosmetics designed for combination skin.

Many people make the mistake of treating combination skin as if they were oily. Consequently, the dry area of ​​skin around the eyes turns out to be overdried. This leads to early wrinkles. Therefore, you should take care of dry and oily areas of combination skin separately.

The most common mistake in combination skin care lies in the fact that they begin to look after her exclusively as if she were fat. At the same time, the areas around the eyes become overdried, which leads to the early formation of wrinkles in this area. You should always remember that a differentiated approach to skin care for this type is the basic principle.

Usually the pronounced type of mixed skin appears in teenagers. This is when it is important to properly care for oily areas of the skin, preventing the appearance of acne, while not forgetting to moisturize dry areas. If you take care of your skin daily, it will become normal over time.

Daily care for combination skin

Facial care involves care not only in the morning and evening, but throughout the day.

Morning care

When you wake up, refresh your combination skin with warm or cold water. Use milk for washing or foam, gel. Prepare your skin for applying makeup: soak a cotton swab with tonic and wipe your face with it; you can use lotion for oilier areas.

Moisturize your face with a softening cream or cosmetic gel for combination skin. The gel will help retain moisture and restore the stratum corneum. It is better to lubricate oily areas with nourishing cream. But do not overuse it, use it in doses; it should not be applied to oily areas of the skin.

Care for combination skin during the day

Fatty areas will make themselves felt during the day, then use a napkin and remove excess fat. Then lightly powder your chin, nose and forehead. If your makeup has lost its clarity, then do not apply too thick a layer of cosmetics, it is better to reapply it. In summer, the skin produces more oil or sweat, use a spray bottle with thermal water. In case of severe acne, lubricate the skin with antiseptics during the day.

When choosing decorative cosmetics for combination skin, you should be guided by the following rules: foundation has a liquid consistency, dry powder and shadows are suitable, and it is better to choose a creamy blush, because the cheek areas are dry.

Evening care for combination skin

First thing skin cleansing remove makeup using cleansing gels, cosmetic milk or foam. Treat oily areas of the skin with lotion or tonic, do not touch dry areas. Then massage the moisturizer along the skin lines into a thin layer. After some time, dry areas can be moisturized with cream.

Youthful combination skin usually has pronounced patches, so it is necessary to use products for oily skin morning and evening. During the day, hydrogel is recommended. In the evening, lubricate the skin of the neck and around the eyes with cream for normal skin, but do not touch the middle of the face. Do not apply cream to the T zone at night.

Special care – peeling, masks

Peeling– superficial cleaning of the skin, previously cleaned of dirt, with a scrub once a week. Perform a facial massage along the skin lines: from the center of the forehead to the temples, in a circular motion from the chin to the earlobes and from the nose to the temples along the massage lines. Do everything carefully with your fingertips.

It is better not to combine peeling and masks. Do peeling one day, masks the next. Because combination skin has different skin areas. Then the masks should be different. For dry areas, choose nutritious ones. And for oily people, film (gel) masks. The gel mask will tighten the pores, turning into a film, which must then be carefully removed.

Daily care for combination skin may take a long time, but with proper care this type of skin will not age for a long time.

Recipes for combination skin

Apple mask for dry skin

nourishing face mask | apple, egg yolk, olive oil | combination skin

Peeled and grated apple on a fine plastic grater is thoroughly mixed with egg yolk and 1 teaspoon of olive oil. The mask is applied to the face for 20 minutes and washed off with soft warm water. This nourishing mask is suitable for combination skin that tends to be normal or dry.

10 minutes | | 2010-09-05

Lettuce mask

softening face mask | salad, sour cream, olive oil | combination skin

1 tbsp. A spoonful of lettuce leaves, mashed into a paste, is mixed with 1 tbsp. spoon of sour cream, add 0.5 teaspoon of olive oil and apply the mixture to the areas with dry skin. Keep the mask for 20 minutes, wash off with cool boiled water.

5 minutes | website | 2011-11-13

Sour cream and carrot mask

purifying face mask | egg yolk, carrots | combination skin

2 tbsp. Whisk tablespoons of sour cream with egg yolk, add 1 teaspoon of carrot juice and mix well. The mask is applied to dry areas of the skin and kept for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with warm boiled water.

15 minutes | website | 2011-11-13

Birch lotion

cleansing facial lotion | birch, alcohol, glycerin | combination skin

Mix 200 ml of birch sap, 30 ml of 70% alcohol and 30 ml of glycerin and wipe your face with this lotion in the morning and evening. It cleanses and tones the skin well.

5 minutes | | 2010-11-12

Curd mask

purifying face mask | parsley, cottage cheese, few wheat sprouts | combination skin

2 teaspoons of cottage cheese are mixed with 2 teaspoons of wheat germ oil and 1 teaspoon of parsley juice is added. The mass is applied to dry areas of the skin, left for 15 minutes, washed off with cool water or herbal infusion (mint, nettle, oregano) and a nourishing cream is applied.

15 minutes | website | 2011-11-13

Vegetable mask with lemon

purifying face mask | carrots, cucumber, lemon | combination skin

1 tbsp. a spoonful of carrot, cucumber and lemon juices are mixed with 1 tbsp. spoon of starch and apply the mixture with a cotton swab to the skin of the face. Leave for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. This mask well vitaminizes, softens and refreshes the skin.

30 minutes | website | 2011-11-13

Watermelon and peach juice lotion

cleansing facial lotion | watermelon, peach | combination skin

Mix watermelon juice and peach juice in equal parts. Cool in the refrigerator and wipe over dry areas of combination skin. Watermelon cleanses the skin well, and peach moisturizes and nourishes.

1 hour | | 2010-08-25

Almond mask

purifying face mask | almond, cucumber, blue clay | combination skin

3-4 peeled almond kernels are poured into 100 ml of cold boiled water and crushed in a blender. Grate 0.5 small cucumbers on a fine plastic grater, squeeze out the juice, add the cucumber mass to the almond milk and stir. Then add 2 teaspoons of oatmeal and 1 teaspoon of blue clay. Stir thoroughly and, lightly massaging, apply the mixture to the face. Keep the mask for 15 minutes, then wash off with warm boiled water. This mask cleanses the skin and makes it matte.

30 minutes | website | 2011-11-13

Honey mask for combination skin

softening face mask | egg yolk, honey, almond oil | combination skin

Egg yolk is ground with 1 tbsp. spoon of honey, add 1 tbsp. spoon of almond or nut butter and stir well. The mask is applied to the face for 15-20 minutes, washed off with linden or mint infusion. This mask is useful for dry, flaky skin.

5 minutes | website | 2011-11-13

Cucumber mask

purifying face mask | egg white, cucumber, beer | combination skin

A small cucumber is peeled, grated on a fine plastic grater and mixed with beaten egg white. Add 70 ml of unfiltered beer and apply the mixture to the face. Cover the top of the mask with a gauze cloth. Keep it for 15 minutes, then wash off with soft cool water.

10 minutes | website | 2011-11-13

Dandelion lotion

cleansing facial lotion | dandelion | combination skin

1 cup of crushed fresh dandelion plant along with roots is poured into 200 ml of vodka in a glass container, tightly closed with a lid and infused for 10 days in a dark place. Then filter, dilute with boiled water (1:2) and wipe areas with oily skin with this lotion 2-3 times a day.

10 days | website | 2011-11-13

Chamomile infusion for face

cleansing infusion for face | chamomile | combination skin

3 tbsp. spoons of chamomile flowers pour 200 ml of boiled water, heat in a water bath for 15 minutes. Leave at room temperature for 45 minutes. Chamomile infusion is used on oily areas of the skin: wet a cotton pad and wipe the T-zone of combination skin.

1 hour | | 2010-08-18

Peppermint lotion

cleansing facial lotion | mint, beer | combination skin

Half a tablespoon of peppermint leaves is poured into 100 ml of boiled water, heated in a water bath for 15 minutes, allowed to brew for 45 minutes and filtered. Add 100 ml of unfiltered beer to the infusion and use it as a lotion for dry areas of combination facial skin.

1 hour | website | 2011-11-13

Yolk mask

purifying face mask | egg yolk, cream | combination skin

Mix the beaten egg yolk with 1 teaspoon of cream and apply the mixture to areas with dry skin. Keep the mask for 20 minutes, then wash off first with warm, then cool water.

5 minutes | website | 2011-11-13

Washing with fermented milk products for all skin types

facial cleansing milk | cream, milk, kefir | combination skin

Washing with fermented milk products: cream, sour milk, yogurt, kefir. This recipe cleanses the skin, moisturizes and nourishes it, whitens it, removing freckles and age spots. The rougher and oilier the skin, the more acidic the cleansing products should be. Soak a dry cotton swab in a fermented milk product and wipe your face with it. Dampen another cotton swab and wipe your face again. Wet each subsequent one more and more abundantly. You can do this 3-5 times. Wring out the last tampon well and remove the excess. Rinse your face with warm water and apply nourishing cream. If your skin is oily, leave a thin layer on overnight.

10 minutes | | 2010-08-19

Yeast mask

anti-inflammatory face mask | yeast, kefir, soda | combination skin

1 tbsp. a spoonful of yeast is diluted in a small amount of warm water, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of kefir, yogurt or curdled milk and 1 teaspoon of baking soda. Stir well and apply the mask to areas with oily skin. Leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with soft warm water. This mask cleanses pores well and relieves inflammation.

15 minutes | website | 2011-11-13

Kefir mask for oily skin areas

moisturizing facial mask | kefir, oat flakes | combination skin

Mix low-fat kefir and oatmeal, 1 tablespoon each, in a bowl. Apply the mask evenly along the massage lines. After 15 minutes, rinse with chamomile decoction. The mask moisturizes the face well. After the mask, we recommend applying a nourishing cream.

Combination type is the most common skin type. It combines the characteristics of oily and dry types. Externally, such skin looks healthy, with an even structure.

The forehead, nose and chin, that is, the so-called T-zone, are oily, with enlarged pores, and are prone to inflammation. These areas contain many sebaceous glands, so they need to be matted and disinfected.

The cheeks, temples, and area around the eyes are dry, and redness and irritation often occur on them, especially in winter. Small wrinkles appear here faster; the skin requires good hydration. Usually, after thirty years, the activity of the sebaceous glands gradually decreases and combination skin becomes normal.

How to care for combination skin

In this case, it is wrong to use products for only one skin type in care. Products for oily skin further dehydrate dry areas, and products for dry skin cause inflammatory elements to appear in oily areas. Therefore, to achieve balance, it is necessary to have products for both skin types in your cosmetic arsenal. This is not as difficult and expensive as it seems at first glance, because the drugs will be consumed in small quantities and will last for a long time.

Proper cleansing

To cleanse the skin, it is better to choose foaming products - foams or gels. They should be marked that they are intended for combination skin. Such products thoroughly cleanse oily areas and do not dry out dry areas. It’s good if they contain fruit acids. They gently exfoliate the top layer of skin, improving complexion and increasing the permeability of the epithelium to other products.

You need to wash your face with warm or cool water, but never hot. Hot water activates the sebaceous glands in oily areas and dries out the rest of the face.

Don't forget about tonic

The next stage in skin care is toning. A toner for an oily T-zone may contain a small amount of alcohol. This is the prevention of inflammatory elements. It mattifies and refreshes the skin. Toner for dry skin refreshes and softens, it is applied to the cheeks and temples.

How to choose the right cream

A mandatory element of care is applying cream. You need to have two day creams for oily and dry skin. They perform fundamentally different functions.

Day cream for oily skin mattifies and moisturizes the T-zone, reducing the activity of the sebaceous glands. It has a light gel-like consistency. Cream for dry skin is richer and oilier. Its task is to moisturize and soften dry areas to avoid dehydration, peeling and irritation. It should only be applied to the cheeks and temples.

For the area around the eyes you need to have a special cream. The most effective moisturizing ingredients are hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin. They must be present in creams.

You will need one night cream. It should only be applied to dry areas, as the T-zone already produces enough oil.

Additions to basic care

You should use an exfoliator once a week. For combination skin, film masks are ideal; they harden on the skin and remove dead cells when removed. They act delicately, but are very effective. Scrubs with round synthetic particles are good. They are applied to damp skin, massaged for a couple of minutes and washed off.

Another important element of care is masks. They need to be done twice a week. In this case, a mask for oily skin, for example, clay-based, is applied to the T-zone, and a moisturizing one is applied to the cheeks and temples.

The desire to have flawless skin has always pushed me to try all the products and methods of caring for it.

But in pursuit of a miracle, we forget that many more factors affect our skin: the environment, poor nutrition, caffeine consumption, improper sleep patterns, lack of exercise and others. But it is they who, as a rule, become decisive in the formation of our skin type.

Main facial skin types: description

In order for the dream of beautiful skin to come true, you need to provide regular care appropriate to its type, and for this you need to know what type your skin is.
We will look at 5 main types of facial skin.

Characteristics of oily skin type

Shininess, porosity, frequent acne and pimples. It has a grayish color. The advantages of such skin are that it is elastic, better hydrated, well protected from the effects of the environment thanks to the film created by fat; wrinkles on such skin appear later than in owners of other skin types.

Dry skin type: signs

Thin and delicate skin, prone to premature aging, has low elasticity, often flakes, reddens, cracks, becomes inflamed, acne rarely appears on it, but it is highly susceptible to the influence of external factors.

Normal skin type

The rarest type. The skin is almost flawless, moderately sensitive, elastic, matte, pores are almost invisible. Over time, dryness, wrinkles and cracks may appear.

Combination skin type: features

This type is more common than others; its peculiarity is that different areas of the face have different skin types, for example, the skin on the cheekbones is dry, and on the forehead, nose, and chin it is oily. This skin is allergic, prone to acne and irritation.

Sensitive type

This is skin that, due to external factors, itches, feels dry, red, and inflamed. She reacts poorly to the use of aggressive cosmetics. This skin is less elastic and less hydrated than other types of skin, and it has weak protective properties.

How to determine your skin type: test

Knowing the visual description of skin types, you can determine your type yourself in 2 stages:
using a cosmetic wipe,
take the test by answering the questions.

Oily skin often changes its type and becomes combination over time; it is important not to miss this moment to make changes in your care.

Daily care for any skin includes:

  • cleansing,
  • toning,
  • hydration and nutrition

Cleanse skin in the morning and evening, using milk, a special gel or other product, preferably water-based, it’s good if it contains goat’s milk. To wash your face, you can use hot water and soap, but afterward, to restore skin balance, be sure to wash your face with cold water and vinegar or lemon juice (1 tablespoon per 2 glasses of water).
Tone After cleansing the skin, it is recommended to wipe your face with an ice cube with chamomile or use a toner with calendula extract.

After toning apply:

  • in the morning - daytime moisturizing or nourishing cream with UV protection;
  • in the evening - night nourishing cream, which contains D-panthenol, rosehip extract, aloe vera. During the day, if possible, wipe oily skin with various herbal infusions (sage, St. John's wort or calendula).

Necessarily, in addition to daily care, do the following procedures:

  • Peeling with apricot kernels and chamomile extract 1-2 times every 6-8 days. Massage the skin gently so as not to injure it.
  • After peeling, use masks: to reduce pores and add matteness - with kaolin; for moisturizing or nourishing - with cornflower or calendula extract.

Dry skin care products

Dry skin without proper care can become rough, tight, and irritated. In addition, it is prone to the formation of cracks and the appearance of wrinkles ahead of time. Therefore, when choosing care products, focus on nourishing and moisturizing her, but do not overload her with care products and do not often experiment with new ones.

Cleansing carry out with water at room temperature using gel or foam. To get a peeling effect, wash off the gel using a sponge. To avoid peeling, do not wash your face with toilet soap. After completing the procedure, pat your face dry with a napkin.

Toning After cleansing, use 2 types of tonic: in the T-zone for oily skin, and in the cheeks and neck area for dry skin. If there is inflammation, treat these areas with an antibacterial agent, possibly containing alcohol.

After toning apply cream. Use 2 products for different skin types or use one special cream for the entire face area.

In addition to daily care, pamper your skin and other mandatory procedures:

  • To thoroughly cleanse skin pores and improve the functioning of blood vessels, take cranberry and lemon steam baths once every 10-14 days.
  • To reduce skin greasiness, exfoliate the T-zone for 1-3 minutes every 5 days, being careful not to touch dry areas of the skin. Do not leave the house for 3-4 hours after the procedure to avoid infection of microtraumas received during peeling.
  • A (hot) compress on the entire face will be very helpful before cleansing or masking.
    compress (cold) is a good remedy for reducing pores and soothing the skin after exposure to procedures, recommended for areas with oily skin. A good effect is obtained if compresses are alternated.
  • Masks are a very effective remedy for solving the problems of oily skin, do them every 4-5 days: for the T-zone use a cleansing mask, for dry areas - a moisturizing mask.

Helpful Tips:

  • Don't use powder. Mixing with sebum, the powder completely clogs pores and stimulates inflammation. Use a foundation labeled “non-oil” or “oil-free” (water-based).
  • Pay attention to the skin of your eyelids every day, as “dry” eyelids are a related problem for those with combination skin.

Features of care for sensitive skin

In cosmetology, sensitive skin is classified as a separate skin type, but it is always combined with some basic type, for example, dry sensitive skin.

Another feature of such skin is that it belongs to the risk group for developing skin (dermatological) diseases, so before you start caring for such skin on your own, get a doctor’s advice.

Hydration will give the skin a special day cream with UV protection and minerals. Night cream should contain vitamins A and E and may contain panthenol and kavaine. Apply night cream in a thin layer and only if the skin is tight. Cosmetics should not contain fruit acids.
Nutrition sensitive skin is provided with face masks, do them once every 7-10 days, after applying the mask, cover your face with film so that it does not dry out. Choose masks with natural ingredients; it is good to use plasticizing masks. Clean your face from the mask with warm boiled water.
Protection- This is a mandatory final stage of care. In summer, use thermal water with UV protection to protect your skin; in winter, use foundation for sensitive skin.
Other care:
Perform peeling no more than once every 10-15 days, select based on the main type of your skin.

Any skin undoubtedly needs regular, proper care, but remember that the condition of your skin is just a reflection of the condition of your body, in addition to daily external care, take care of your internal health, engage in the prevention of diseases of internal organs, exercise, harden yourself, watch your diet . The beauty of your skin is in your hands!

Mixed (combined) skin types rightfully require a delicate approach. A peculiarity of the epidermis is that excess subcutaneous fat is secreted in the area of ​​the temples, wings of the nose, T-shaped zone, and forehead. At the same time, the epidermis on the cheeks and cheekbones often peels off, which indicates dry skin. For this reason, each of these areas requires an individual approach. Therefore, in some cases, you should use different types of cosmetics. Let's look at important aspects and provide practical recommendations.

Stage No. 1. Skin cleansing

  1. Morning awakening should begin with thorough washing. Give preference to products designed specifically for combination skin types. These include gel, foam, mousse, peeling with soft particles. Carefully read the “composition” column before purchasing; it should not contain alcohol, acetylsalicylic acid, activated carbon and other drying components.
  2. Some girls and women prefer to wash their faces with infusions based on medicinal plants, and this is not surprising. Herbs are ideal for almost all skin types. They also have a bactericidal, soothing and moisturizing effect. Each plant includes a specific set of elements that have a positive effect on dry and oily skin (mixed type).
  3. The main problem of combination skin type is considered to be a low acid barrier, which does not prevent the accumulation of microbes in the pores, causing inflammation. Take the habit of using dairy products in the morning to normalize the acid-base balance. Soak a cosmetic sponge in fatty kefir, wipe the surface of your face and leave for 10 minutes. After the time has passed, wash with melt water or mineral water with gas.
  4. In cases where you don’t have kefir on hand, clean your skin with a vinegar solution. Mix 30 ml. table vinegar with 1.3 l. cool water, stir. Soak a cotton pad in the product, wipe the skin of the face, paying due attention to the T-shaped zone, the wings of the nose, forehead, chin, and temples. Do not rinse off the product with plain water after completing the procedure.
  5. A decoction based on linden inflorescences is considered a particularly effective composition for washing. To properly prepare the infusion, pour 25 g. linden 1 l. boiling water, leave for 1.5 hours. After this period, strain and wash as usual. Strained herbs can be used as a compress for swollen eyelids, as well as to eliminate dark circles under the eyes.
  6. Particular attention should be paid to washing in the winter, autumn and spring periods. Prepare a decoction of chamomile and aloe vera juice. Thanks to its cleansing and nourishing properties, the product is ideal for combination skin types. Brew 60 gr. chamomile in 1.8 l. hot water, wait 1 hour. After this period, strain the composition, add 60 ml. aloe vera juice. Wash as usual until the solution runs out. The product saturates cells with oxygen, moisturizes the area around the eyes and normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands.
  7. Girls who are tired of dealing with comedones, rashes and blackheads are recommended to use a special brush. The tool is sold in a cosmetic store or pharmacy. To use it correctly, apply cleansing gel to the bristles, then thoroughly treat areas with increased greasiness for 1 minute.

Stage No. 2. Removal of keratinized particles

  1. Combination skin needs careful removal of dead cells, which, in combination with subcutaneous sebum, clog the ducts. To avoid negative consequences in the form of inflammation and ulcers, use scrubs and peels. The recommended frequency of use of the formulations varies from 1 to 2 times a week. In this case, due attention must be paid to the T-shaped area, forehead, and chin.
  2. If you use purchased products, pay attention to their composition. Preparations should not contain alkali or alcohol. In rare cases, the use of scrubs with activated carbon is allowed, but it is still recommended to give preference to more natural ingredients (coffee grounds, apricot and peach pits).
  3. The scrubbing procedure differs from peeling in that the latter option is more gentle. If you don’t have problems with increased greasiness, give preference to it. You can do the peeling yourself: pour kefir or sour milk over the crumb of black bread, add 35 g. baking soda, stir. Wet your face with water, apply the composition to the skin in a circular motion, rubbing thoroughly for 3 minutes. Perform such manipulations once every 2 weeks, as a result you will not have to use additional exfoliating procedures.
  4. A composition based on orange peel is considered an equally effective scrub. To prepare it, dry the peel in the oven, then grind it into powder using a blender or coffee grinder. Mix 30 gr. composition with 40 gr. natural thick yogurt, apply in circular motions to problem areas of the skin. The duration of the procedure is 3-5 minutes, no longer.
  5. During the winter period, the skin needs not only the removal of dead particles, but also intensive nutrition. For this reason, it is recommended to prepare a richer scrub that covers the face with a protective film. Mix 25 grams into one composition. rice flour, 15 ml. olive oil, 50 gr. full-fat cottage cheese, 20 gr. cane sugar. Wash with warm water, then scrub for 2 minutes.

Stage No. 3. Skin hydration

  1. After thorough cleansing, combination skin needs hydration. For these purposes, you can use special hydrogels or serums, which consist of 70% water and plant extracts. Give preference to age-appropriate products. Pay special attention to skin care in winter and summer, when the dermis is very dry.
  2. A feature of the selection of creams for mixed skin types is considered to be that you need to use two formulations at the same time. For the T-shaped zone, chin, forehead and temples, a gel with a drying effect is suitable. At the same time, the cheeks need intensive hydration, therefore, the composition must be purchased for normal or dry skin.
  3. Buy creams and serums with extracts of medicinal plants. The most effective and beneficial are sage, linden, geranium, chamomile, thyme, plantain, and yarrow. Pay attention to “Clean Line” cosmetics (Russia), it consists of 80% of the listed ingredients. The composition should also contain essential oils (patchouli, shea, ylang-ylang, roses, eucalyptus, etc.).
  4. Many girls successfully use homemade masks for intense hydration. To properly prepare the mixture, heat 70 ml in the microwave or in a water bath. heavy cream, add 40 g. oat bran and wait until it swells. Drain off excess liquid, apply the mixture to your face and leave for 10 minutes.
  5. A mask based on melon is considered no less effective. Peel a slice of melon, grind the fruit in a blender or pass through a sieve until it becomes a porridge. Mix the resulting mass with 50 ml. full-fat kefir or yogurt, cover the skin, rinse after a quarter of an hour.
  6. Brewer's yeast perfectly moisturizes and cleanses combination skin. Mix 40 gr. product with 20 ml. hydrogen peroxide solution (3%), add 35 g. honey and 10 ml. olive oil. Apply a thin layer to the skin, avoiding the area around the eyes. Leave for 15 minutes, rinse.
  7. If you are bothered by blackheads that form only in some places, draw out the stains with white clay. It dries out the skin, but in combination with natural oils it effectively moisturizes it. Mix 40 gr. clay with water according to the instructions, pour in 15 ml. castor oil, make a mask and leave it on for a quarter of an hour.
  8. Cucumber masks provide intense hydration. Pass half the cucumber through a blender, mix it with the egg white and add some oatmeal. Distribute over your face and leave for 20 minutes. After the expiration date, do not rush to rinse off, massage the skin for another 3 minutes.

Stage No. 4. Skin nutrition

  1. As in the case of moisturizing, combination skin is nourished simultaneously by two means. The area of ​​the cheeks and cheekbones is covered with cream for dry skin, and the T-shaped zone, chin, temples and forehead with cream for oily skin. At the same time, in the winter season it is necessary to use “2-in-1” products for the combined type.
  2. In summer, make sure that the cream has protection against ultraviolet radiation. The same applies to visiting a solarium; wear protective equipment. Carefully monitor the amount of liquid you drink; it should not be less than 2.7 liters. per day.
  3. Nutrients are applied 2 times a day in summer and 3 times a day in winter. It is important to pay attention to the area under the eyes, neck and décolleté. Under no circumstances leave the cream on overnight, otherwise the skin will not be able to breathe. Cover the epidermis with cream, and then remove excess with a paper napkin (after 15 minutes).
  4. Make nourishing masks several times a week. The most effective of them is carrot. Grate 1 fruit on a fine grater, mix with 15 ml. vegetable oil, add 10 g. gelatin. Wait for it to swell, spread a thin layer over the epidermis, rinse after 25 minutes.
  5. Sour cream will help saturate the skin with useful elements and prevent peeling of individual areas. Mix 50 gr. product with 20 gr. flax bran, add 1 quail yolk and beat with a fork. Apply to the skin, wait half an hour, rinse with warm chamomile infusion.

Despite all the variety of masks and care products, you will not find cosmetic ice on sale. You can prepare it yourself, spending just a few pennies. Rubbing the skin with cosmetic ice will saturate the dermis with oxygen, remove swelling and increase collagen production. The frequency of the procedure is 2 times a day for 3 minutes.

  1. Brew 60 gr. sage, 40 gr. linden blossom, 25 gr. yarrow in 350 ml. boiling water Leave the mixture for 1.5 hours, then strain (you can skip this step), pour into molds and freeze.
  2. Place 100 g in an enamel pan. birch bark and 20 gr. oak bark, fill with filtered water, put on fire. Boil the mixture for about half an hour, then filter and freeze. The product normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands and eliminates blockage of pores.
  3. Take 10 g. mint leaves, 55 gr. rosemary, 45 gr. daisies. Fill the listed plants with hot water and let sit for about half an hour. Pass the mixture through a cotton-gauze filter, pour into ice bags, and place in the freezer.
  4. Pour over 300 ml. boiling water 65 gr. sage, 35 gr. yarrow, 80 gr. ginseng. Brew the herbs for 1 hour, then strain, drop 3 ml. patchouli and grapefruit essential oil. Freeze and use as directed.
  5. Take green or long tea bags, brew 2 pieces. in hot water, let stand for 20 minutes. Pour into ice bags or molds and place in the freezer. The composition is especially effective in eliminating swelling under the eyes.

Combination skin requires careful care, for this reason it includes several stages. Carry out daily cleansing with a special mousse or wash with a decoction based on medicinal herbs. Make moisturizing and nourishing masks, wipe your skin with cosmetic ice 2 times a day. Choose the right cream: for the cheeks - moisturizing, for the forehead, temples, wings of the nose and chin - drying.

Video: facial skin care of any type

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