How to iron a long sleeve shirt. How to Iron Long Sleeve Shirts Made from Different Fabrics

Well-ironed clothes create the same first impression of you. But a wrinkled item or a lot of random iron marks on it make you a sloppy person in the eyes of others. Unpleasant? But all this can be easily fixed if you understand in detail how to iron a long-sleeve shirt. Believe me, the details are very important in this matter!

Attention to detail

The shirt is the main link that ties all other items of clothing together. It sets the tone for your appearance. Therefore, it is necessary to understand all the nuances.

Stage 1: Collar

First, iron the collar inside and out. Place it on the ironing surface. First, go along the wrong side from the corners to the middle. From the front side - the same actions. Do not iron the collar along the fold! Some experts advise putting the collar at the very end.

Stage 2: cuffs

Unfasten the cuff and spread it on the surface as evenly as possible. You need to iron from the inside out to avoid streaks.
From the front side, iron only those cuffs that you wear with cufflinks. To do this, fold the cuff and pass it from the front side very carefully so as not to create transverse folds.

Stage 3: sleeves

Is the presence of arrows on the sleeves a style or bad manners? There is no clear answer. Most designers offer shirts for business people with arrows, but for sports style it is recommended to avoid arrows on the sleeves. So, with or without arrows - your decision.

Place the sleeve on the surface with the seam facing up. Smooth the seam, then turn it over and iron the other side. Fold the sleeve along the seam and draw from the cuff to the shoulder so that there are no arrows or folds in the fabric. It is better to use a special board for ironing sleeves, where you can make movements in a circle. If you don't have one, roll up a towel and stick it into the product.

Stage 4: Body of the Shirt

Start ironing the button rack. First go over the yoke, and then along the rest of the shelf. Be very careful around the buttons so as not to melt them. Now align the left shelf.
To properly smooth the back, start from the right side. The order is as follows: side seam, then up along the sleeve seam, turn - the yoke and the middle, then - the left side of the yoke, down along the seam of the left sleeve and then along the side seam.

A few ironing secrets on video

A few words about women's products

How to iron a shirt with a bunch of finishing elements? The most important thing is to be patient!

  1. First, iron the collar from the wrong side. Then smooth the front side, pushing the wrinkles towards the base of the collar. If the collar has various additional folds and decorations, try to work around all this beauty with the tip of the iron.
  2. Unfold the cuff and iron it without creases. Straighten the sleeves correctly in a circle on a special board. They will not tolerate any random folds or arrows!
  3. Straighten the back from the wrong side. Place the fold (if there is one) parallel to the side seam and secure the result with an iron. The principle of ironing is to move from the seams to the middle.
  4. Then proceed to the shelves. Iron the smallest parts first. The iron tip will help you straighten the fabric between buttons and embellishments correctly. Take your time, carefully go over every centimeter of the product. See if there are any random arrows.

Choosing the right temperature

  • Cotton with the addition of polyester irons well at an iron temperature of 110°C. Do light steaming.
  • Iron a viscose product at a temperature of 120°C. The use of steam is acceptable. Do not get your shirt wet: drops of water will leave stains. Wrap the overdried item in a damp flannel napkin or terry towel for a few minutes.
  • Iron a cotton item at 150°C with steaming. If the fabric is dry, spray it with a spray bottle and hold it in a plastic bag for 20 minutes so that it is evenly moistened.
  • Cotton, along with linen, loves strong steaming and iron pressure at a temperature of 180-200°C.
  • You can properly straighten clothes made of linen fabric with abundant steam and strong iron pressure, setting the thermostat to 210-230°C.
  • Treat crinkled fabric without steam at 110°C.

Are you convinced that ironing is not such a difficult task? A little patience and skill - and your things will look magical!

First, look at the shirt's hinged or sewn-in tag. Special care marks will help you keep the product in its original form for a long time.

Wash at a temperature of no more than 40 degrees in regular powder

Without the use of bleaching agents

It’s better not to wring out or dry your shirt in the washing machine - later
it will be easier to iron it out

If you wash by hand, do not twist the item.

Dry your shirt flat on a hanger

Usually collars and cuffs get very dirty from constant contact with the skin of the neck and hands. Use special detergents for washing shirt collars. But under no circumstances should you clean the collar with brushes or your hands, because... this leads to destruction of the fabric and loss of the collar's shape.

How to iron a shirt correctly

Iron - must have a good stainless steel surface that does not damage the material when ironing. You can use steam irons, but the best results are achieved when ironing shirts that are still damp after washing. But if they are already dry, you can moisten them with a home spray bottle, and then place the shirts in a plastic bag for some time so that the moistening becomes even.

Ironing modes

The ironing mode depends on what fabric the shirt is made from:

It is easiest to iron shirts made from mixed fabrics, i.e. cotton with polyester added . Sufficient temperature is 110 degrees. A small amount of steam and a slight pressure of the iron on the surface of the fabric are required.

Shirt from viscose It's also quite easy to iron. Ironing mode: temperature 120 degrees, with steam and light iron pressure on the surface of the fabric (water may leave stains, so use only steam).

Shirt from pure cotton requires stronger iron pressure, a temperature of 150 degrees and wet steam.

Textile cotton with linen – temperature 180-200 degrees, a lot of steam, strong pressure.

Linen fabric – 210-230 degrees, a lot of steam, strong pressure.

Fabric shirt with compression effect – temperature 110 degrees, no steam.

On dark fabrics When ironing, streaks (shiny stripes) may remain on the front side, so it is better to iron from the back; if ironing on the front side is necessary, use steam, lightly touching the product with the iron.

Ironing technique

The basic rule is to iron small parts first, and then large ones.

On large pieces, move the iron in the direction of the grain to avoid stretching and distortion of the fabric. There is no need to press the iron hard against the surface of the fabric or hold it in one place for a long time.

It is best to dry your shirt on a hanger. And while it is still wet, it can be ironed with a minimum of effort. If the shirt is already dry, then an hour and a half before ironing, moisten it with a spray bottle, roll it up and put it in a piece of linen, a towel or a clean plastic bag. The moisture will be distributed evenly throughout the fabric, which will make ironing much easier. Start with those parts where the material is double stitched.


Smooth the collar from the corners to the middle so that there are no folds left in the material on the outside. First from the wrong side, and then from the front side. Continue ironing until the collar is completely dry. A well-ironed shirt should not have the slightest crease. This is especially important with soft collars. There is no need to iron the fold of the collar.


Flatten the sleeve and start ironing from the middle. From the center to the edges, otherwise slight folds will be imprinted into the material. If you are using an ironing board for sleeves, pull the sleeve over it and iron it without creases.

Attention! Arrows on the sleeves, regardless of whether the sleeve is long
shirt or short, do not iron it! This is bad form.

Only if you are absolutely sure that you will not take off your jacket and have little time for ironing, can you afford to iron out the creases on the long sleeves of your shirt. But it's better never to do this.


The cuffs are ironed first from the inside, then from the front side. First unfold the double cuff and iron it without folds. Then fold it to the desired width and press the fold. Fold the cuff again in the middle and press the fold so that the button loops lie flat on top of each other.


Place the back of the shirt on the ironing board, wrong side down. Stretch the fabric and iron it. As you do this, pay attention to the central fold. It should be ironed symmetrically. Place the pleat on the edge of the ironing board so that it runs parallel to the side seam. Hold the shirt tightly as you iron out the crease. Repeat the entire procedure on the other side.


There are shirt shelves left.
First, place one half face up on the ironing board and iron.
If it is a right front with buttons, iron carefully between the buttons.
Repeat the procedure with the other half.

It is best to keep shirts on hangers. Once the ironed shirts have cooled, you can hang them on top of each other in the order in which you will then remove them from the hanger and put them on.

Where to begin?

First you need to properly wash and dry your laundry. If most of the clothes can be hung on a line, then a man's shirt needs to be shaken well and hung on hangers.

Now you need to find out what fabric the product is made from. Usually this information is indicated on the back of the shirt label. It also gives recommendations at what temperature this item can be washed and ironed.

At what temperature of the iron? Can I iron out wrinkles after washing a shirt? It depends on the type of fabric:

Image Temperature conditions


The weakest heating, no more than 110–120 °C.

The ideal option is not to iron silk men's shirts at all. It is enough to dry them on a hanger without spinning.




Wool material will withstand average heat - 150–170 °C.


Linen shirts can be ironed at the highest temperature - 200–220 °C.

Ironing a shirt quickly and correctly

To iron a shirt we will need:

  • Iron;
  • Ironing board;
  • Spray bottle with water;

All men's shirts need to be slightly dampened before ironing. To do this, treat the fabric with a spray bottle in the “spray” mode or take an item that is not completely dry after washing. The main thing is not to overdo it, you need a slightly damp, not wet shirt.

There are many ways to properly iron shirts. Some people advise starting with the front side, others - with the cuffs and collar. I suggest using the most effective method - moving from complex parts to simple ones. Let's get started:

Minute 1. Sleeves and cuffs

I once started ironing men's shirts from the back - this is the largest detail of the product. After ironing this area, it seemed to me that most of the work was done. But I quickly realized how wrong I was. I'll explain why.

While you iron the remaining areas, the shirt will have to be turned over several times. Because of this, the back will be wrinkled again. It turns out to be a vicious circle. Therefore, I was convinced that processing should begin with the sleeve of a man’s shirt.

The instructions are like this:

  1. Place the sleeve on the ironing board so that its lower part lies as flat as possible;

  1. Iron along the seam first, then along the entire length;
  2. Gently iron the cuffs, try to avoid buttons and buttons;
  3. Repeat steps with a second sleeve.

Products with short sleeves should be ironed using the same principle. The procedure is a little simplified - the entire sleeve can be pulled over the edge of the board and ironed on both sides at once.

Minute 2. Front and back

The sleeves are done. Now we move on to the area where the buttons and collar area are sewn. Place the shirt on the ironing board, straighten it from wrinkles with your hands and carefully go through the iron.

Do not press the iron on the buttons under any circumstances. They can melt and ruin both the shirt and the iron.

Minute 3. Shoulders

To smooth out the hangers, it is convenient to use the rounded part of the ironing board. Pull the shirt over it so that you can fully see the desired area. Walk the tip of the iron through hard-to-reach places with increased pressure.

Shoulder seams and yoke require special care. To avoid folds and deep creases, spray them again with water before ironing and straighten them thoroughly with your hands.

Minute 4. Collar

It will be easier to properly iron men's shirts in this area if it is possible to remove pits and seals from the collar. If they are not removable, leave them in place.

To consolidate the effect, treat the shirt with steam. Fill the liquid reservoir built into the iron with water and turn on the special mode. All that’s left is to hang the ironed shirt on a hanger and run a stream of steam over it.

other methods

If there is no iron nearby, but you need to iron your shirt - there is a way out. Here are the three best ways to eliminate wrinkles:

  1. Hot steam. Hang the shirt on a hanger in the bathroom and turn on the hot water. The steam will act like an iron on the wrinkled areas. All that remains is to wait for the shirt to dry completely.
  2. Special solution. Mix laundry powder, hydrogen peroxide and clean water in equal proportions in a spray bottle. Spray your shirt with this mixture and hang it up to air. After drying, all wrinkles will be smoothed out;

  1. Wrinkle-resistant fabric. If the shirt is made from a fabric that doesn't wrinkle, you're in luck. You can moisten it well and shake it sharply a couple of times.


I think you will be able to deal with any wrinkles without any problems, because now you know how to properly iron a shirt. If you need visual instructions, watch the video in this article. For any questions, please contact us in the comments.

Every woman who wants her man to always be well-groomed and neat should know how to properly iron men's shirts, trousers, and suits. And not only to know, but also to be able to do it masterfully - without a hitch, or rather without...

Every woman who wants her man to always be well-groomed and neat should know how to properly iron men's shirts, trousers, and suits. And not only to know, but also to be able to do it masterfully - without a hitch, or rather without a single wrinkle. Even knowing the algorithm of work, ironing men's shirts is not easy without the skill, but it is a fixable matter. The main thing is that there is someone for whom these shirts need to be ironed. Therefore, do not rush to complain about your hard lot as a woman when you see mountains of linen waiting to be ironed. You are a happy woman! And when love lives in the heart, even such an unpleasant activity turns into pleasure. If your chosen one is not completely hopeless, by using feminine charms and showing ingenuity, over time it will be possible to teach him this “art”. In truth, it is worth noting that among the representatives of the stronger half of humanity, whose brains are not burdened by gender stereotypes regarding the division of labor, there are individuals with whom you can safely sign up for a master class on ironing men’s shirts, but this is rather an exception to the rule.

    • Fold according to video instructions

Video tutorial: shirts without a single fold

Master class: how to properly iron men's shirts

The washed shirt should be dried flat on hangers and ironed while still damp. Wet shirts are much easier to iron and require minimal effort. If the moment is missed and the fabric is dry, an hour and a half before ironing, moisten it from a home spray bottle, roll it up, wrap it in a towel, a piece of linen fabric, or place it in a clean plastic bag so that the moisture is even.

Do not spray rayon shirts with water, otherwise stains will remain on the fabric after ironing.

To ensure that the ironing process gives you the minimum of hassle and is as comfortable as possible, be sure to get an ironing board and a high-quality iron with a stainless steel surface and a thermostat to select the optimal temperature for different materials.

To avoid unpleasant surprises in the form of stains, do not forget to regularly change the water filters and clean the soleplate of your iron. To steam fabrics, it is better to fill the iron with distilled water, which is sold in pharmacies, rather than tap water. When using distilled water, salt deposits do not form in the iron reservoir and the likelihood of staining is minimized.

Most shirts should be ironed right side out. Shirts that are dark in color or decorated with embroidery are ironed on the reverse side to make the pattern more prominent. When ironing from the front side, shiny streaks may remain on dark fabrics, but if it becomes necessary to iron the shirt from the front side, then use steam, lightly touching the product with the iron. In addition, shirts made of shiny fabrics should be ironed from the inside out to prevent them from fading.

Choosing the optimal mode for ironing shirts

The ironing mode should be selected according to the type of fabric, so as not to burn or ruin the shirt.

  • Pure cotton shirts require 150 degrees, wet steam and high iron pressure.
  • Shirts made from cotton with a polyester blend should be ironed at 110 degrees. A small amount of steam can be used.
  • Linen shirts are ironed at a temperature of 210-230 degrees, with a lot of steam and strong pressure.
  • A mixture of cotton and linen requires a temperature of 180-200 degrees, abundant steam and intense pressure.
  • Viscose shirts are easily ironed at 120 degrees. To prevent water stains from leaving the fabric, it is not recommended to wet viscose, but using steam is acceptable.
  • Shirts made from fabric with a compressed effect are ironed without steam at a temperature of 110 degrees.

Techniques and procedures for ironing men's shirts

A men's shirt should be ironed in a strictly defined sequence: first the collar, cuffs and sleeves, and then the placket, front and back. The basic rule is to iron small parts first, and then move on to large ones.

When ironing large parts, to avoid warping and stretching of the fabric, the iron should be moved in the direction of the grain thread. Also, do not hold the iron in one place for too long or press it too hard against the surface of the fabric.

  • Collar

Iron the collar from the wrong side from the corners to the middle. Then we iron the collar from the front side in the same way. Under no circumstances should we iron the fold or bend the collar along the stand. Continue ironing until the collar is completely dry. A perfectly ironed shirt should not have the slightest wrinkle, which is especially difficult to achieve with soft button-down collars.

  • Cuffs

It is from the cuffs that you should begin ironing long sleeves. As with the collar, the cuff is first ironed from the inside, and then from the front side. A double cuff is ironed a little differently: first we unfold the cuff and iron it on both sides without folds, then we fold it and, having given the desired width, iron it along the fold so that the buttonholes lie flat one on top of the other.

  • Sleeves

Fold the sleeve in half so that the seam is in the middle. Having smoothed the seam, turn the sleeve over and iron it on the other side. After this, we fold the sleeve along the seam and iron it from seam to edge so that folds do not imprint on the fabric. When using an ironing board for sleeves, simply pull the sleeve over it and iron it in a circle. Regardless of the sleeve length, the arrows on the sleeves are not ironed out! This is considered bad manners and is allowed only when there is very little time for ironing and you know for sure that the man will not take off his jacket.

  • Front of shirt

We start with the right shelf (in men's shirts it always has buttons). On the narrow part of the board, lay out the front of the shirt with the front or back side (depending on the fabric) and iron the yoke and top. Then we iron the rest of the front, paying special attention to the spaces between the buttons. The left front is ironed in the same way, but much faster, since, unlike the right, there are no buttons on it.

  • Back

Place the back of the shirt on the ironing board with the wrong side or right side down, depending on the type of material. We iron the back, moving from the right side seam to the left. At the same time, we gradually turn the shirt and iron it in the following order: first the side seam, then we move up along the sleeve seam, then we unfold and work the yoke, move to the middle, turn again - the left side of the yoke, move to the seam of the left sleeve, and then down to the side seam.

How to fold a shirt without wrinkles

Ironed shirts are best kept on hangers in the closet. After the ironed shirts have cooled, you can safely hang them on top of each other in any convenient order. You can also fold an ironed shirt, but this trick should be performed so that the shirt does not wrinkle. This is done as follows:

  • fasten all the buttons;
  • turn the shirt upside down;
  • fold the sleeves;
  • then fold the shirt at the sides;
  • straighten and carefully fold the shirt in half.

To prevent the collar from creasing, you can insert a strip of cardboard under it. In the closet, folded shirts are stacked one on top of the other, with collars in opposite directions. Shirts should be folded and placed in a suitcase in the same way.

The procedure for tidying up a men's shirt is not difficult for experienced housewives. But for those who are faced with the need to properly iron a long-sleeve shirt for the first time, you just need to learn a few rules. There are several different ways to do this, but the basic rules are the same.

To iron a long-sleeved shirt, you need to know a few simple rules


The washed shirt should be dried on hangers, this way it better retains its shape. But don't overdry it. Using a spray bottle, you need to make the fabric slightly damp before ironing. In order to find out the correct heating temperature for the iron, you should look at the information on the tag on the back of the shirt.

  • If it is missing, you can set the regulator to two. If the iron starts to glide poorly, then you need to reduce the temperature. But it’s better to set the correct temperature by determining the type of fabric:
  • Natural cotton –150 o C. Strong steam is used, it is necessary to apply force when ironing.
  • Cotton with linen - you need a higher temperature of 180-200 o C, as well as more steam. Strong pressure from the iron on the fabric is required.
  • Cotton with polyester – 110 o C, light steam.
  • The crinkled effect of the fabric requires a temperature of 110 ° C without the use of steam.
  • Viscose is ironed well at 120 degrees. You can use steam, but do not wet the fabric to avoid water marks.

Pure linen fabric must be ironed at a very high temperature of the iron sole, 210-230 o C. You also need to apply force by pressing on the iron. It’s great if the washing machine has such a function as “easy ironing”. If this is not the case, then you need to wring out the shirt just a little bit, after which you should immediately hang it on a hanger. This technique makes the subsequent ironing process easier. You need to pay attention to whether the steam coming out of the iron is clean.

This is especially true for light-colored fabrics. If necessary, you should clean the iron first. Then he will always be ready to iron even snow-white shirts.


To properly iron the collar, you need to turn the shirt inside out. The procedure begins with ironing the collar. Ironing is done from the wrong side, moving from the center to the corners. These steps must be repeated on the front side. Iron the corners as thoroughly as possible, removing all wrinkles. After all, it is this part of the shirt that is always in plain sight and attracts the eye.


Next, you can begin ironing the sleeves. This is the most time-consuming part of the entire process for those who want to learn how to iron things correctly. But with experience comes skill. To make the ironing process easier, you will need an ironing board with a special device for sleeves in the form of a narrow attachment. However, you can do without it.

The sleeve should be placed along the board and the buttons on the cuff should be undone. It is always better to start ironing with a part such as a cuff. It needs to be ironed on both sides. The cuff is double. In this case, the unfolded cuff is ironed as usual. Then, folding it so that the loops match, iron it along the fold.

You need to try to ensure that arrows do not form. It doesn't look aesthetically pleasing on long sleeves. Only the presence of small arrows near the cuffs is acceptable. The sleeve should be carefully aligned correctly and positioned on the edge of the board. Then start ironing from the seam line, from the center to the periphery, on both sides of the sleeve. But you don't need to bring the iron to the fold line. Now you need to unfold it so that the fold line is in the center. All that remains is to carefully run the iron along the central part of the sleeve and get an excellent result. The same procedure is performed with the second sleeve.

However, arrows are acceptable if a jacket is always worn on top. In addition, in European countries and the USA, people wear men's shirts with arrows. To get an arrow on a sleeve, you need to lay it so that the arrow goes from the shoulder seam to the cuff. The arrow on the cuff must be smoothed out.

There is another original way to iron your sleeves correctly and without much effort. You need to wrap a rolling pin or bottle with a terry towel to create a roller. This method will allow you to quickly and accurately iron long sleeves.

To get a neat arrow, the sleeves need to be folded from the shoulder to the cuff


Having worked on the most difficult part of the work, you can proceed to the easiest one compared to the rest. The back is ironed quite easily, from the right side seam to the left. It is correct to start by ironing the seam, moving the iron from bottom to top. The main condition for good work when ironing a shirt is the absence of wrinkles on the seams between the front and back. After this, it’s time to iron the yoke on the unfolded shirt, followed by the central part of the back. Again you need to unfold the shirt and iron the other part of the yoke, the middle of the back and successively another seam. It is not recommended to iron labels. Most often they contain synthetics, which can melt slightly, harden and create discomfort for the skin of the neck.


When getting to the shelves, you should start with the one with buttons. The yoke and the upper part are ironed. You can then continue ironing the rest of the front, also paying attention to the fabric between the buttons. You should be careful with the buttons themselves, as they can melt if they come into contact with the iron. It is necessary to carefully iron the fabric around the pockets and the pockets themselves.

After completing the work, hang the shirt on hangers so that the fabric can cool.

So, step by step, you can learn how to iron a long-sleeved shirt correctly and efficiently. This sequence is not a sample. You need to iron in the way that is most convenient and quick. This process seems labor-intensive only the first time. One men's shirt can be ironed in just 5 minutes. With experience comes skill.

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