Herpetic infection during pregnancy. Genital herpes during planning and pregnancy

Carrying a child is always accompanied by a decrease in the protective forces of the female body. At the beginning of pregnancy, the body in this way seeks to preserve the fetus, which the immune system can reject as a foreign body. In the 3rd trimester, the child is actively growing and developing, the mother has to use all resources to protect not only herself, but also the baby from infections. Immunity is reduced by working for two. And at this moment the woman is ambushed by herpes, which manifests itself only in a weakened body. What danger does herpes pose during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester for the mother and her fetus? How to treat this scourge while bearing a child?

Herpes is a viral disease that appears as a rash in the form of a cluster of small pimples filled with fluid. A rash appears on the skin and mucous membranes. The location of herpes can be the area around the mouth, the inner and outer surface of the genitals, the perineal area, and the eyes.

It is transmitted through direct contact with an infected person, as well as through household contact. Infection through the respiratory tract is also possible. Once settled in the body, the virus takes root in it until the end of a person’s life. Susceptibility to the virus increases when the body weakens.

The following factors can provoke its manifestation:

  • hypothermia or overheating of the body;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • viral infectious diseases;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • the presence of an inflammatory process in the body;
  • physical fatigue;
  • prolonged mental stress;
  • mental instability.

It is impossible to completely get rid of herpes, however, antibodies to the virus are produced in the blood, which suppress its effect during the period of exacerbation.

Symptoms of herpes infection

In addition to the blisters, which cause pain and itching, a person may also be bothered by other signs of illness:
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • temperature increase;
  • aching joints;
  • chills;
  • muscle pain;
  • prostration;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • depressive state.

Sometimes the disease is asymptomatic.

Types and forms of herpes infection

There are 8 types of herpes viral infection. Among them, the most common are labial herpes (on the lips) and genital herpes.

The virus that causes varicella (chickenpox) and shingles is also a member of the herpes virus group.

Rarer forms of viral infection are also known: cytomegalovirus and Epstein-Barr virus. In addition, three more types of herpes have been identified, which are poorly understood.

Almost every second person from the entire population of the globe is infected with the herpes virus.

There are primary and secondary herpes infections.

The primary form of the disease is characterized by a more severe course. At the same time, sexually transmitted herpes is the most dangerous, since for the first time after infection, a person often has no symptoms of the disease. A carrier of a hidden infection can transmit it to other people without even knowing it.

Secondary infection is an exacerbation of the disease caused by an increase in the activity of the virus present in the blood. Relapses are less dangerous for the body, since the virus is fought by antibodies developed specifically for this purpose. The disease occurs in a less acute form.

Herpes during pregnancy

The appearance of herpes during pregnancy is extremely undesirable, but, unfortunately, the virus often manifests itself precisely during this important period of a woman’s life. The development of infection at any time can lead to serious consequences, but the risk of contracting herpes in the third trimester of pregnancy increases significantly. If the fetus was infected in the womb or during birth, this can lead to the development of various pathologies or even death.

The increased risk of infection of the fetus at the end of pregnancy can be explained by the high degree of permeability of the placenta. If in the initial period this risk is about 10%, then before the onset of labor it increases 5 or 6 times.

Ways of transmission of herpes infection from mother to child in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy:

  1. The transplacental route, when the virus enters the child’s body during gestation from the mother’s blood through the placenta.
  2. When passing through the birth canal. Infection occurs through direct contact of a child with infected genitals.

The main danger to the fetus is primary herpes, especially the genital form of the virus.

Damage to the external genitalia can be complicated by the infection penetrating inside, from where it can easily reach the child. But the labial form of herpes is no less dangerous if the mother’s body does not have antibodies to it. When the infection gets into the blood, it can also harm the baby.

If a woman had herpes before pregnancy, a recurrence in the later stages does not threaten her or the child. When the infection worsens (secondary herpes), the defenses suppress the destructive effects of the virus, preventing it from spreading throughout the body. Antibodies reliably protect the fetus in the womb.

Genital herpes

It is worth dwelling in more detail on genital herpes in the third trimester, as it is most dangerous for the child. Both the mother and the father of the child can be the carrier of a hidden herpes infection. Therefore, a man must undergo examination so as not to put his unborn child at risk. This is especially true if the woman has never had herpes before. In such a situation, a married couple should protect themselves by using condoms during sexual intercourse.

Course of the disease:

  • at the beginning of the disease, redness and itching are observed in the perineal area, the anus area and the inner thigh may be affected;
  • after a few days, rashes appear in the form of watery blisters; they can spread both outside and inside the genital organs;
  • on the fifth day, the blisters begin to open, forming small ulcers covered with a crust;
  • After a week or two the crusts disappear.

Associated symptoms with this form of herpes will be painful and frequent urination, thin transparent vaginal discharge, swelling of the lymph nodes in the inguinal folds, as well as classic cold symptoms (headache, fever, fever, etc.).

The total duration of the acute period is up to 10 days. Exacerbations can occur with varying frequency, depending on the state of the immune system.

What threat does herpes pose?

Secondary herpes, apart from unpleasant sensations, cannot cause any problems for the mother and child. But a disease that occurs for the first time threatens both mother and baby.

For a woman, there is a danger of damage to the internal genital organs, which can even lead to the development of infertility in the future.

Pregnancy with primary infection with herpes is at risk of premature termination. In the early stages, there is a danger of developing a frozen pregnancy. The occurrence of herpes in pregnant women in the third trimester can lead to premature birth. The child may be stillborn.

Infection in the third trimester can cause the following fetal pathologies:

  • cessation of fetal development and death;
  • disorders of the central nervous system, they manifest themselves as epilepsy, hydrocephalus, microcephaly, meningoencephalitis;
  • damage to the organs of vision, which can cause blindness;
  • intrauterine pneumonia;
  • skin diseases characterized by a prolonged inflammatory process (stomatitis, gingivitis);
  • pathological changes in the liver leading to the development of cirrhosis and hepatitis;
  • partial or complete deafness;
  • blood poisoning (sepsis);
  • hemorrhagic syndrome, it manifests itself with frequent bleeding.

To prevent the baby from becoming infected during childbirth, the infected woman undergoes a caesarean section.

Preventive measures

To prevent relapses, a pregnant woman must:
  • monitor your health; a disease that is not treated in time will cause a weakening of the immune system;
  • strengthen the immune system with vitamins, proper nutrition, exposure to fresh air, moderate physical activity, and proper rest;
  • avoid prolonged exposure to heat or cold;
  • protect yourself from stressful situations.

To avoid primary infection, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • maintain personal hygiene;
  • do not use other people’s intimate hygiene and household items;
  • avoid contact with people infected with the virus;
  • have a permanent sexual partner;
  • use a condom if you suspect your partner has an infection.

The best way to avoid a problematic pregnancy is to plan for it. Having planned a pregnancy, both spouses must undergo a full examination to identify diseases that pose a threat to the unborn child.

How to treat herpes

It is very important to treat herpes during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester on time, especially before the imminent birth. Even the next relapse of the disease cannot be left to chance. For initial symptoms, topical antiviral drugs are prescribed. But if herpes appears during pregnancy, how to treat it in the 3rd trimester? Not all medications are suitable for women in this position, so you should not self-medicate. Most often, Acyclovir or Zovirax is used as prescribed by a doctor. There are other effective remedies: Famacyclovir or Famvir, Penciclovir or Denavir, Valciclovir or Valtrex.

Treatment should be started as early as possible. The greatest effect can be achieved only in the first day from the moment the first signs appear: redness of the skin, itching, burning.

If you have a high temperature, you should take an antipyretic. To prevent the development of concomitant bacterial infection, it is necessary to use antibacterial ointments based on tetracycline, oxoline, or erythromycin.

Tinctures based on echinacea or eleutherococcus will help strengthen the immune system before childbirth.

It is recommended not to eat foods high in agrinin, a substance that creates favorable conditions for the spread of the virus. Such products include chocolate and dried grapes. Products containing lysine can have a beneficial effect on the rapid outcome of the disease. For example, it is useful to include vegetables and fruits, as well as chicken, in your diet.

How to treat herpes during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester without resorting to medications? recommends its methods:

  • Garlic, aloe, and Kalanchoe juice are used to treat ulcers;
  • you can try lotions with herbal infusions (based on chamomile, calendula, tansy);
  • Herbal baths effectively relieve pain and inflammation.

Herpes and pregnancy are a bad combination. But it should be remembered that only the primary disease poses a real threat. If an exacerbation occurs before childbirth, it is important to treat it so that the birth canal is safe for the baby. If necessary, a caesarean section should be performed. The best way to combat herpes is to strengthen the immune system, and a routine examination before pregnancy will save a woman from many tragic consequences.

What can sadden the weekdays of a woman who is waiting for a miracle? There is one very unpleasant virus - herpes on the lips during pregnancy.

You probably noticed a change in your well-being and health status while being “in a position.” The thing is that during pregnancy, a woman’s body works a little differently. These changes lead to a decrease in the body's immune defense. Reduced immunity makes it possible to conceive, successfully go through the gestation stage and give birth to a child.

For the body, the embryo is a foreign body; a decrease in immunity is simply necessary, otherwise the miracle will not happen. This is how nature intended it.

Almost 95% of the inhabitants of planet Earth are infected with herpes. But for many, herpes is hidden and waiting in the wings, which, by the way, may never come. At a normal level of the body's immune defense, herpes does not manifest itself in any way. But if the immune system malfunctions, then it is quite possible that herpes will appear on the lips (and not only). Pregnant women are a special risk group.

Causes of herpes on the lips during pregnancy

The main and only reason is the weakened immune system (as you already understand, a decrease in the body’s protective functions simply cannot be avoided). This disease can manifest itself due to the following factors:

  1. Overwork;
  2. Hypothermia;
  3. Bad habits;
  4. Colds (read the article on the topic of ARVI in early pregnancy >>>);
  5. Stress;
  6. Taking medications;
  7. Avitaminosis;
  8. Hormonal changes.

Once a person has had herpes, he remains with this disease forever and is now a carrier of the virus. For a pregnant woman who is already a carrier, the disease during pregnancy is not dangerous (but at least unpleasant).

Herpes can only be transmitted from a person who is a carrier of the virus. And it is transmitted in several ways:

  • Air-drip;
  • Domestic;
  • Personal contact with an infected person;
  • From mother to child through the birth canal.

Herpes symptoms

Have you noticed strange bubbles on your lip that are accompanied by unpleasant sensations? This is the same herpes.

First, itching appears in the corners of the lips (less often, on the oral mucosa), but you can skip this moment and not react (you never know what can itch?). Bubbles form and burst after a few days.

Important! The fluid coming out of the blisters is infected with a virus; it is important to keep the wound sterile and prevent the spread of herpes to other parts of the body.

After the fluid has come out, the wound dries out and becomes crusty. Depending on the form of herpes, general weakness, joint pain, and increased body temperature may also appear.

Three forms of herpes

  1. Primary – the most dangerous for the fetus, in which there are no antibodies to the virus;
  2. Recurrent – ​​re-infection occurs. Antibodies to the virus have been detected in the body;
  3. Asymptomatic – herpes acts in the body without external manifestations and is safe.

Attention! If signs of herpetic disease appear not only on the face, but also on the woman’s labia, then this threatens to infect the child.

How to treat herpes during pregnancy?

If it so happens that you still see signs of herpes on your lips, don’t panic! Know that proper and timely treatment of herpes minimizes all risks.

  • Try to start treatment as early as possible, it is better to catch the moment when the skin on the lips begins to itch - this is the first bell;
  • Herpes on the lips during pregnancy is treated with medication, using antifungal agents, in the form of a cream or ointment;

Know! For example, acyclovir drugs act exclusively locally and do not penetrate the blood and placenta - that’s what you need!

  • After the bubbles have broken and all the liquid has come out, treatment is carried out with vitamin E, which has a wound-healing effect;
  • In cases where a pregnant woman’s immunity is severely weakened, it is possible to undergo an immunomodulating course using natural immunomodulators (echinacea, eleutherococcus, ginseng) or vitamin complexes for pregnant women;
  • Healthy sleep, proper rest and balanced nutrition are also important. Nutrition is discussed in detail in our course Secrets of proper nutrition for an expectant mother >>>.

It is better to exclude simple carbohydrates (sweets) from your diet and add chicken, seafood, vegetables, and fruits, which will help prevent herpes from spreading.

In addition to drug treatment, a woman must strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene:

  1. Wash your hands every time after contact with your face (lips in particular);
  2. Do not peel off the crusts yourself (it’s clear that your hands seem to itch, but you still shouldn’t do this);
  3. It is better to give up cosmetics during the period of exacerbation of infection (for example, you can transfer the virus to lipstick or lip gloss and you will get a vicious circle - more and more new infections).

With proper treatment, herpes goes away in 4-7 days.

Prevention of herpes during pregnancy

If antibodies are detected, you can breathe easy and enjoy your pregnancy. But if not detected, there is a risk of infection of the fetus and the woman simply must take precautions and protect herself from this virus.

To avoid contracting herpes during pregnancy, a woman should:

  • Avoid contact in every possible way with a person who has rashes characteristic of herpes (the same blisters);
  • maintain a high level of sexual culture - one sexual partner and preferably using a condom;
  • immediately treat with antiseptic agents the areas that may have been exposed to the virus;
  • It is mandatory to have exclusively personal hygiene products;
  • After traveling on public transport or being in crowded places, be sure to wash your hands.

What to do if herpes appears on the labia?

The so-called “Genital herpes” is an infectious disease caused by the herpes virus, which is characterized by rashes on the mucous membranes of the genital organs and the cervix. It is most often transmitted through sexual contact, and less commonly through household methods.

  1. There are primary herpes (a woman fell ill for the first time in her life):
  2. And secondary (an infection that already lives in the body is activated).

Important! The most dangerous is primary herpes, in which the probability of infection of the fetus is 60%.

Symptoms of genital herpes

They are very similar to the symptoms of ordinary herpes on the lips, only the location has changed:

  • Swelling and redness of infected areas;
  • The appearance of rashes;
  • Unpleasant sensations in the area of ​​the rash;
  • Temperature increase;
  • Muscle pain, general weakness;
  • Vaginal discharge. (One of the unpleasant phenomena during pregnancy can be thrush; read more in the article: Thrush during pregnancy >>>.
  1. Treatment is carried out medicinally with the help of ointments, creams, gels that act exclusively locally (acyclovir, alizorin ointment, oxolinic ointment);
  2. You can use sea buckthorn or rosehip oil - they will not be superfluous (they have a wound-healing and antiseptic effect).

Is herpes dangerous during pregnancy and why?

No matter what trimester of pregnancy a herpes infection occurs, there is a high risk for the child.

  • The most vulnerable period for the fetus is the 1st trimester of pregnancy. The virus easily penetrates the blood and spreads throughout the body. There is a possibility of penetration through the placenta to the fetus (and this is as much as 90% of cases), which is very dangerous. May cause spontaneous abortion;
  • In the second trimester, the virus is no less dangerous and can increase the risk of miscarriage and congenital abnormalities of the fetus. Causes disruptions in the formation and growth of the fetus. Read about what changes happen to the baby during pregnancy in the article Development of the child in the womb >>>;
  • In the third trimester, herpes, in severe forms, can cause premature birth (for information on how labor begins, read the article 39th week of pregnancy: harbingers of labor >>>), the child may be stillborn;
  • During childbirth, herpes can be easily transmitted from mother to child, and through direct contact it penetrates into the tissues of the child’s body.

Know! The causative agent of genital herpes causes mortality in 50% of newborns, and also poses a very high risk of disability for surviving babies.

Recurrent (secondary) herpes is absolutely safe for the fetus, since antibodies in the mother’s blood protect the fetus from infection.

Follow the precautions, get tested and be healthy!

Thank you

Herpes during pregnancy: causes of its occurrence, signs and symptoms, modern methods of therapy
Herpes during pregnancy occurs as a result of exposure of the expectant mother’s body to certain types of herpes virus. At pregnancy In most cases, this disease affects the skin of the face, lips, and genitals. In the latter case, the disease is called genital herpes. It is this type of this pathology that is considered to be the most dangerous, since it tends not only to complicate the course of pregnancy, but also to disrupt the normal development of the fetus. If it is present, a woman may even have a miscarriage. Obvious signs of the presence of this pathology in a pregnant woman include rashes on the lips, facial skin or mucous membrane of the genital organs, which cause quite painful sensations in the expectant mother. Treatment of this pathology during pregnancy most often involves the use of local antiviral drugs.

Herpes during pregnancy - what is it and what is its danger?

Herpes called a viral pathology, accompanied by damage to the skin, as well as the mucous membranes of the human body. This disease occurs as a result of exposure to the herpes virus. It should be noted that this pathology occurs in pregnant women more often than any other, significantly complicating the course of pregnancy, as well as disrupting the normal development and growth of the baby.

The number of expectant mothers infected with this virus is increasing all the time. If you believe the statistical data, today in developed countries this pathology is observed in twenty to thirty percent of cases. It is a well-known fact that this virus tends to have a negative impact not only on the course of pregnancy, but also on the development of the child in the womb. When initially infected with this virus, a pregnant woman is at high risk of premature birth. The severity of complications that can be caused by this virus is determined primarily by the stage of pregnancy at which the infection occurred. The earlier the pregnancy, the more serious the complications. It turns out that infection with this virus during the first three months of pregnancy most often ends in miscarriage. In addition, during this period of time the presence of this virus can cause deformity in the child.

If infected after the sixth month of pregnancy, infants are usually born with the same infection.

We draw the attention of readers to the fact that during pregnancy, genital herpes is observed in eighty to ninety percent of cases. And only in ten percent of cases does it make itself known herpes lips. In fact, the most dangerous thing for expectant mothers is genital herpes itself.

Genital herpes during pregnancy

This infectious disease occurs as a result of exposure of the expectant mother’s body to the herpes simplex virus type 2. Infection with this virus can occur both through contact with a patient, sexually, and other ways. In most cases, infection occurs during sexual intercourse. It should also be noted that this virus is most often accompanied by other infectious diseases of the genital tract, namely syphilis, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis and some others.

Once infected, the virus remains in the female body for the rest of her life. It is common for human immunity to fight directly against the active form of this virus, but it is unable to cope with its latent, that is, hidden form. During pregnancy, a woman may have both primary and recurrent herpes. It is worth drawing the attention of readers to the fact that in the case of the primary form of this virus during pregnancy, the possibility of the same infection occurring in the fetus increases to fifty to sixty percent. In the case of a recurrent form, this figure is only five to seven percent.

Primary genital herpes during pregnancy

We already said a little higher that genital herpes is especially dangerous for pregnant women. Its incubation period lasts from three to seven days. Obvious signs and symptoms accompanying this pathology include:
  • Vaginal discharge. In this case they are insignificant and watery. Sometimes pregnant women have only this symptom, indicating the presence of this particular pathology. Such discharge continues for approximately five to seven days.
  • Rashes on the skin of the labia minora and majora, as well as on the mucous membrane of the cervix and vagina. These rashes resemble bubbles, inside of which a clear liquid is concentrated. After about two to three days, the bubbles begin to burst. As a result, ulcers can be observed in their place. This pathology lasts during pregnancy from seven to ten days.
  • Burning sensation, itching. Sometimes these symptoms during pregnancy make themselves felt much earlier than the rash itself.
  • Pain in the muscles, increased body temperature to thirty-eight to thirty-nine degrees, general weakness and malaise, headache.

Recurrent herpes during pregnancy

In most cases, recurrent herpes in expectant mothers develops due to a decrease in the body's immune defense. The signs and symptoms of this form of this disease are similar to the erased symptoms of its acute form. In this case, the newborn runs the risk of acquiring the same virus only in five percent of cases.

Treatment of genital herpes in pregnant women

If infected with this virus during the first three months of pregnancy, expectant mothers are advised to interrupt the development of the fetus. Preservation of pregnancy is possible only if infection with this virus occurs after the sixth month of pregnancy. Therapy for this pathology is based on the use of antiviral agents.
Antiherpetic agents can be purchased both in the form of ointments and in the form of tablets or creams. If the fetus is not at high risk of contracting this infection, then doctors advise reducing the intake of certain antiviral medications to a minimum.

In the fight against genital herpes during pregnancy, in most cases, antiherpetic ointments or creams are used. If this pathology is present, these products should be applied directly to the affected areas. For example, you can use help Acyclovir, which should be applied approximately five times a day. Among the ointments that can be used in the fight against this pathology are: alizarin And oxolinic ointment. Since this type of ointment does not tend to have a negative effect on the fetus, this makes it possible to use them for a fairly long period of time.

You should be extremely careful when using medications such as Penciclovir, Acyclovir And Foscarnet, since they tend to negatively affect the growth and development of the fetus.
To speed up the healing process of the rash, you can use sea buckthorn and rosehip oil. In most cases, these oils are used to lubricate the vaginal walls. The course of therapy with these oils is three weeks. In this case, immunostimulants are necessary to strengthen the body's immune defense. These include both ginseng and group vitamins IN, as well as echinacea and eleutheroccus. In case of infection with this virus, it is very important that the woman be hospitalized three weeks before giving birth. In order to prevent infection of the fetus during childbirth, the woman undergoes a caesarean section.

Prevention of herpes during pregnancy

  • Strengthening the body's immune defense during pregnancy ( taking vitamins, regular exercise, hardening the body of the expectant mother).
  • Examination of the female body for the herpes virus before conceiving a baby ( during the period of conception planning).
  • Complete cessation of all bad habits, namely alcohol, drugs and smoking.

Frozen pregnancy with herpes

Frozen pregnancy is a condition in which fetal development stops already in the first trimester of pregnancy. The main reason for the development of this condition is considered to be the presence of the herpes simplex virus. As a rule, frozen pregnancy can be determined in those women in whom genital herpes can be detected during pregnancy. Other reasons for the development of this condition include: use of drugs, consumption of large amounts of alcohol, chlamydia, and toxoplasmosis. In most cases, implantation of a fertilized embryo into the uterus in this case occurs very favorably. However, after this there is absolutely no development of the fetus. Modern experts cannot indicate the main mechanisms of development of this condition, and all because they are still unknown to anyone. Most often, this condition is not immediately identified by specialists. This is explained by the fact that a frozen pregnancy is not accompanied by any symptoms at all. Moreover, the expectant mother feels great. When this condition develops, a woman’s body does not tend to reject an undeveloped embryo. Thus, it continues to be located in the uterus. During pregnancy, the presence of a dead embryo can cause intoxication of the female body. As a result, the following consequences of this condition make themselves known:
  • Inflammatory lesions of the uterus, which can provoke the development of endometritis and infertility.
  • Disorders of the hematopoietic system ( thrombosis, bleeding and so on).
H What should be done in case of a frozen pregnancy?
In this case, early diagnosis of this condition is of particular importance. It is very important to identify a dead fetus during the first two months of pregnancy. This condition is detected using ultrasound (ultrasound). The fetus is then removed from the uterus using vacuum extraction, which is performed under general anesthesia. Sometimes curettage is also used. This procedure involves scraping fetal debris from the uterine cavity. Then therapy for genital herpes itself is carried out, which lasts about six months. Most often, after long-term and highly effective treatment, a woman still manages to give birth to a healthy baby.

Herpes in newborns

The herpes virus occurs in approximately one in three thousand babies. In most cases, newborn herpes occurs as a result of the development of genital herpes in the mother in the third trimester of pregnancy. Infection of the fetus with this virus is carried out in the following ways:
  • Transplacentally, that is, through the placenta.
  • After childbirth ( through contact with contaminated instruments, through breast milk).
  • When a newborn passes through the birth canal.
  • Infection of newborns with this pathology is most often observed during childbirth. This happens in ninety percent of cases.
Signs and symptoms of this pathology in infants make themselves felt within two weeks after birth. First of all, rashes in the form of bubbles appear on the baby’s skin, mucous membranes or conjunctivae of the eye. After about ten days they disappear. This infection is much more complicated in premature babies. In their cases, it tends to even affect the brain. In medicine, this condition is called herpetic encephalitis . Symptoms indicating brain damage during the development of this type of infection include:
  • Convulsive states.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Drowsiness.
  • Difficulty in breathing.
At a consultation with a pediatrician, you can find out that approximately eighty percent of premature babies who have this infection die.

Treatment of herpes in newborns
Treatment of this disease in newborns is carried out using antiviral drugs, which help save the lives of approximately fifty percent of sick infants. If certain symptoms of this pathology develop, the baby is immediately prescribed a drug called Acyclovir. It is prescribed at fifty milligrams per kilogram of the baby’s weight per day. The course of treatment is three weeks. Eye pathologies that were caused by the same virus are treated with an ointment called Idoxiridine.

Materials used:
Herpes during pregnancy

Before use, you should consult a specialist.

Lives in the body of every second person. Pregnant women can become infected with it both during pregnancy and before. In the first case, intrauterine infection occurs in 30-50% of cases, and in the second - in 6%. It has been proven that infection with this virus in the first weeks of pregnancy provokes spontaneous abortion in 30% of women, and in the second and third trimesters, 50% have a late miscarriage. Every 4 children who were infected with herpes in utero experience latent carriage of the virus and dysfunctional disorders that appear with age. 70% of newborns are born already sick with herpes, if the mother has an atypical or asymptomatic form.

Important:Every woman should know that herpes during pregnancy can be treated. And they do this at any stage of gestation. Prevention and treatment measures should be started as early as possible to avoid complications.

The herpes virus begins to activate in the body when the body's immune defense decreases. Pregnant women are especially vulnerable in this regard.

Table of contents:

Why is herpes dangerous during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, a woman must take a blood test for blood tests, which are considered the most dangerous for her unborn child. Two of them are and. They are both types of herpes and do not have a negative effect on the woman herself, unlike the fetus. Bypassing the placental barrier, these viruses negatively affect the unborn child. The consequences of such infection depend directly on the gestational age and period of pregnancy.

Risks to the fetus

The teratogenic effect of the virus is highest in the first trimester, when the placenta has not yet formed, as a result of which various types of defects of many organs and systems are formed. The main targets are the nervous and cardiovascular systems, and the liver. When a child becomes infected, the following pathologies may develop:

Note:the likelihood of contracting herpes in the fetus during pregnancy is actually not that high. The maximum danger is a primary infection with type 2 of the mother’s virus, when the risk of its transmission is 50%, as well as a period of exacerbation of herpes in a chronic form when it is released into the blood.

Typically, infection occurs during childbirth, both natural and via cesarean section.

Risks for the mother

In a pregnant woman, herpes can cause the following complications:

  • termination of pregnancy in the form of early and late abortion;
  • fetal freezing;
  • stillbirth;
  • premature birth.

There is a particular danger hdead pregnancy, then the fetus is already dead, but it has not been rejected and expelled from the uterine cavity. In this case, the woman can feel normal, while the decay products of the embryo cause intoxication of the female body. This provokes...

Nevertheless, the birth of a healthy child with herpes is quite possible, because the main factor protecting the fetus in this case is the mother’s antibodies to the virus, which act even after birth for several months.

Herpes type 1 during pregnancy and its treatment

It is also a virus that manifests itself as rashes on the mucous membranes and skin near the lips and nose. The rash looks like blisters with liquid, which cause itching and pain, and when they open, they leave erosions and crusts. It often first manifests itself in women during pregnancy. There is no immediate threat to the fetus in this situation, but there is also no 100% guarantee that the virus does not enter the body through the hematogenous route.

If a woman has single rashes on her lips, there is no need to worry, as this is not a terrible threat to a developing child. In such cases, the natural immune defense mechanism is sufficient to defeat herpes.

In any case, if you have herpetic rashes of any location, it is worth visiting a doctor so that he can assess the real degree of risk to the fetus and, if necessary, prescribe therapy. Typically, treatment consists of increasing a woman’s immunity by prescribing immunoglobulins allowed during pregnancy, as well as vitamins.

There is no drug that can cure herpes. The means used help prevent the appearance of rashes and their spread. In particular, local treatment is prescribed in the form of applying Panavir gel, which is one of the few products approved for use during pregnancy. It is applied to rashes up to 5 times a day. Traditional medicine uses cauterization with propolis infusion, fir oil, (pharmaceutical), .

Herpes type 2 (genital herpes) during pregnancy and its treatment

If type 2 herpes is confirmed during pregnancy, especially if it was detected for the first time, the doctor will definitely prescribe treatment. It will help stop the virus from multiplying, thereby reducing the likelihood of it being transmitted to the fetus. In practice, antiherpetic drugs are indicated during the period of exacerbation after 36 weeks. Usually prescribed:

  • Famciclovir;
  • Valaciclovir;

The dosage, frequency and method of application are always determined individually by the attending physician. The course of therapy is up to 2-3 weeks. The above products belong to class B safe during pregnancy. That is, during studies on animals, no negative effect on the fetus was noted, but there is no accurate data on their effect on human pregnancy.

Herpes type 3 (chickenpox) during pregnancy and its treatment

This type of virus causes, upon initial contact, and if the woman has already had it, then herpes zoster upon secondary contact. In the first case, a picture of a characteristic rash will be observed throughout the body, with itching and erosions at the site of the blisters. In the second, a rash appears along large nerves (on the abdomen, back, limbs, head) and causes severe pain.

A real threat exists if a woman becomes infected with chickenpox for the first time during pregnancy, since she does not have active immunity to this disease.

Note:Studies have proven that chickenpox in a pregnant woman after contact with someone who is sick with it is more dangerous for the fetus than chickenpox, which developed as a result of contact with someone who had herpes zoster.

That is why, if a rash similar to shingles appears, it is important to contact an infectious disease specialist as early as possible. When the diagnosis is confirmed, the prescription of Acyclovir is indicated to stop the replication of the virus in order to reduce the risk of complications. Also, in the absence of immunity to chickenpox, the administration of antiherpes serum is indicated, especially if the woman has had contact with someone with chickenpox or herpes zoster. For its administration to be effective, it should be done within 4-5 days after contact with the patient.

Type 4 herpes (Epstein-Barr virus) during pregnancy and its treatment

This type causes such pathology as. The latter in turn provokes. Once in the body, it remains there forever, and periodically makes itself felt when the immune defense is reduced. It affects internal organs, nervous and lymphatic tissues, and is characterized by a sluggish course.

It is more dangerous to become infected with it during pregnancy than before, since the consequences in this case can be completely different. This is due to the fact that the presence of antibodies to the virus in the mother’s blood will protect the fetus from repeated contacts with herpes of this type from developmental defects and intrauterine death. If the Epstein-Barr virus is in a woman’s body in a latent form, then it does not cause miscarriages or fetal abnormalities and is not transmitted to the child. That is, it has an asymptomatic course or a typical mild degree.

In 0.1% of infected women, against the background of an existing immunodeficiency, it occurs in an acute form and is called infectious mononucleosis. As a result, recovery, chronic infection, or asymptomatic virus carriage may occur. It all depends on the state of the pregnant woman’s immunity. In relation to the fetus, EBV can provoke the following pathologies:

  • recurrent type chroniosepsis;
  • premature termination of pregnancy;
  • damage to the nervous system;
  • hepatopathy;
  • fetal hypotrophy;
  • pathology of the organs of vision;
  • respiratory distress syndrome.

With intrauterine infection of the fetus and latent infection, after birth the child may develop lymphadenopathy, hepato- and splenomegaly. Treatment is carried out only in case of clinically significant symptoms in a hospital.

Type 5 herpes (Cytomegalovirus) during pregnancy and its treatment

This is one that has a great affinity for the spleen, liver, and nervous tissue. This type of herpes can negatively affect pregnancy as it penetrates the placental barrier. The main routes of its transmission are contact and airborne droplets. Today, cytomegalovirus is often the cause of death in newborns and neonatal pathologies. He provokes the development of various defects:

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