Anti-cellulite manual massage. Technique: how to do anti-cellulite massage correctly. Contraindications to working on problem areas

Anti-cellulite massage is in great demand in beauty salons. Thanks to the experience of massage therapists and the use of special equipment during procedures, a high professional level of massage is achieved, which is confirmed by numerous reviews. But the operating hours of such salons, the cost of their services and the need to spend a considerable amount of time traveling are not suitable for everyone. These problems can be solved by performing an anti-cellulite massage at home.

To carry out a massage yourself, you do not need deep knowledge and professional training. Despite the lack of experience and skills, even at home you can cope with the initial stage of cellulite thanks to a special procedure. She may also become effective prevention appearance " orange peel“, for this it is enough to conduct several massage courses throughout the year.

How does massage work?

Accumulated fat deposits along with edema and tissue degeneration in certain areas of the body are commonly called cellulite. Most often, “orange peel” appears on the abdomen, chest, thighs and buttocks.

Anti-cellulite massage does not have a direct effect on acidocytes. This means that there is no need to try to “press down” their clusters. This will only lead to damage to small vessels and nerves, even worsening of the outflow of blood and lymph, the formation of hematomas, increased swelling and inflammation of tissues, and the formation of scars inside them. Fat will continue to accumulate in the cells, without being able to be released from there.

Purposes of massage

  • improve blood flow, increase lymph outflow;
  • attract blood to areas affected by cellulite;
  • increase metabolism, gas exchange;
  • increase the breakdown of lactic acid;
  • accumulate biologically active elements that help attract fibroblasts and macrophages. These substances destroy connective tissue partitions, restore normal metabolism, that is, lead to the breakdown of fats in cells.

Anti-cellulite massage can be performed either manually or using special equipment. By combining types of massage, you can significantly increase the effectiveness of such a procedure and quickly obtain the desired result.


Anti-cellulite massage should be performed using the following recommendations:

  • to ensure better hand glide, use a special anti-cellulite cream or diluted cypress, orange, juniper or lemon oil;
  • At the beginning of the session, massage movements must be performed slowly, gently and only gradually increasing the tempo and force of influence. At the end, only light, soft and relaxing movements should also be present;
  • Although the main massage movements should be strong, they should only make the skin pink, but not red;
  • Do not apply strong pressure in the locations of nerve trunks, nerve and vascular plexuses, in the area of ​​lymph nodes (supraclavicular, axillary, inguinal, popliteal and inner surface hips);
  • The massage should be performed in the direction of the outflow of lymph and blood. For the hips lumbar area, buttocks and abdomen - this is groin area, For chest and arms - the axillary region, for the lower leg - the popliteal fossa.

The technique of anti-cellulite massage at home has certain features:

  • manipulation should be performed 2 hours before a meal or 3-4 hours after it;
  • The lower abdomen and the area above the pubis should not be massaged;
  • you should avoid such manipulations during the menstrual period;
  • massaging movements should not put pressure on internal organs;
  • A massage session against the “orange peel” requires some preparation in order to improve the outflow of lymph. To do this, you need to put your head on a pillow (to relax your neck), lie on your back, bend your knees, take a big breath - inflate your stomach, and exhale, bend over to your knees, pressing your stomach with your hands. This exercise needs to be repeated twice and only then proceed directly to the massage itself.

Duration and number of sessions

For one area of ​​the body, a cellulite massage lasts 3-25 minutes, for all problem areas in total – 40-60 minutes. Of these, 20 minutes are spent to get rid of cellulite in the neck, back, buttocks; 18 – lateral surfaces of the chest, abdomen; 12 – arms and 10 – legs.

On average, one course should consist of 15 procedures. The frequency of their implementation is the first 10 procedures every other day, the rest - twice a week. In the future in for preventive purposes You can carry out the procedure once every 2 weeks.


You cannot perform anti-cellulite massage during the period:

  • exacerbation of chronic and acute diseases, inflammatory processes on the skin at the sites of manipulation;
  • strengthening of chronic systemic diseases;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding.

And also when:

  • blood clotting disorders;
  • varicose veins in the area of ​​intended impact.

Basic massage techniques

Anti-cellulite massage is performed to increase blood circulation in the capillaries, open additional vessels, improve lymph outflow and the functions of the sebaceous and sweat glands.

Stroking, vibration

The anti-cellulite massage technique involves stroking at the beginning and end of the procedure. They involve running your palm or fingertips across the surface of the skin. You can make light vibrating movements with your fingertips vertical to the surface of the skin. In the buttocks area, zigzag, circular, and straight movements can be performed.

It is easier to stroke the shins and arms with 4 fingers bent in a semicircle and the thumb pointed to the side. When performing a self-massage, you can work on the shin with 2 hands.


It consists of displacing and stretching tissues using straight, spiral, or circular movements with the palms or fingertips. This is how fluid begins to move, lymphatic drainage and blood flow in deep vessels increase, and oxygen delivery improves. Rubbing is aimed at reducing tissue swelling and preventing the formation of scars there.


It is performed with fast, energetic, rhythmic movements in the direction of the muscles. Massage for cellulite at this stage should not contribute to the feeling of pain.

You can “squeeze” in several ways:

  • transversely Press your fingers together, bend them slightly at the joints. The palm is placed across the problem area (abdomen, thighs or buttocks) and moves along it;
  • Place the edge of the hand perpendicular to the skin across the massaged area, move upward;
  • Place the palm in the direction of the muscle fibers, move it upward.


Performed in 2 ways:

  1. Tingling. The skin on the abdomen, thighs or buttocks is grabbed with the fingertips and moved with quick, short, sliding, continuous movements. Next, the skin is pulled back with your fingers and slightly squeezed for a short time. In this case, you should move to neighboring areas, but without tearing yourself away from the skin, but only rolling it.
  2. By placing as much of the skin, subcutaneous tissue, and muscles as possible between the palms. “Rind” the fabrics between them (while not lifting your palms from the surface).


It is performed with the ribs of the palms, fingertips, and the articular surfaces of the fingers bent into a fist.

Cupping massage

An addition to manual massage can be a cellulite massage using vacuum cans. To do this, you need to purchase special jars and carry out the procedure according to the attached instructions. As a rule, this type of anti-cellulite massage is allocated about 15% of the total time of the fight against cellulite.

In addition, you can use special massage brushes with hard and soft bristles, sold in pharmacies.

Hardware massage

In specialized stores you can find wide choose special devices used against cellulite. They differ in the presence of certain attachments, available functions, and the ability to configure certain parameters.

If the anti-cellulite massage consists of manual and hardware techniques, you can make the fight against cellulite at home highly effective.

Anti-cellulite massage is the most popular method of combating lipodystrophy. Behind last years Many techniques for performing it have emerged; the most common is manual action on the fat folds that poison life. Manual technique massage for cellulite has a number of features. The main one is that it should be carried out in strict sequence.

Instructions for performing and video of massage techniques for cellulite

A step-by-step description of the anti-cellulite massage technique will help you perform the procedure correctly. It should start with stroking. This is necessary in order to relax skin and prepare for the main impact. The next step is rubbing. Such manipulation is necessary to improve blood flow to areas of the body affected by lipodystrophy. You can do this different ways. Circular and spiral movements are suitable. However, rubbing can also be done in a straight line. The technique of anti-cellulite massage will not suffer from this.

The next stage is pressing. You should apply pressure with the pads of your fingers or the side of your palm on the muscles, lightly grabbing the fat folds. This technique of anti-cellulite massage is clearly shown in the video; you can learn it at home.

After pressing, you should move on to gripping and kneading. Essentially these are pinches performed sequentially. Finish the procedure with blows. Don’t think that these are practically boxing manipulations. Light blows are delivered with the edge of the palm. The anti-cellulite massage technique at home also involves clapping your palms, the video clearly demonstrates this.

Anti-cellulite massage technique: video training and preparation for the procedure

It is important not only to know how to correctly carry out manipulations aimed at getting rid of lipodystrophy, but also to understand that this procedure requires certain preparation. Firstly, you should find out about the contraindications. Such manipulations are prohibited during pregnancy and breastfeeding, with varicose veins (you cannot massage your legs), for any inflammatory process accompanied by high temperature.

The video of the anti-cellulite massage technique also demonstrates preparation for this effective procedure. Before performing it, you should steam the skin. In this case, you can use a scrub. The effect on problem areas of the dermis itself is carried out using special gel or oil.

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Every girl has orange peel to one degree or another. main feature This metabolic disease is that it is very easy to get, but almost impossible to get rid of. Anti-cellulite massage – enough effective method elimination of tubercles, while the result is noticeable after the first sessions.

Types of anti-cellulite massage

Massage for the treatment of cellulite is classified by technique. There are three types:

Massage techniques can also be divided according to the methods used. Manual can be plucked, lymphatic drainage and warming.

Separately, it is necessary to say about anti-cellulite massage in the bathhouse. In the steam room, the body not only heats up, but begins to do everything internal processes several times faster than usual. You can treat the areas with orange peel with your own hands using a special massager or trust a specialist.

How to properly do anti-cellulite massage in a bathhouse

Sauna – perfect place for massage treatments. Due to high temperature, blood vessels dilate and blood flow increases, which helps flush toxins and various harmful accumulations from the body. This massage can be performed manually, using a special track massager and a bath broom.

  • Manual technique involves patting, pinching and stroking problem areas. This allows you to even out and tighten the skin, significantly improving it appearance and also speed up metabolism. But, at the same time, the effect will be noticeable only after 5 procedures. The technique is used exclusively for initial stages cellulite;
  • Banya broom– the oldest massage instrument of our ancestors. Oak is considered the most practical - it has medium hardness and heals the skin, but combinations of branches can be used for anti-cellulite practices. This type of massage is characterized by combinations of patting, stroking and quilting movements. The technique is prescribed to get rid of cellulite of grade 2 and above.
  • Track massager found only in specialized steam rooms. Provides a machine on which to install different nozzles. A significant advantage of such a massager is that there is no need for a massage therapist - you can easily perform all the movements yourself. With its help, you can stretch the most problematic areas - the back and back of the arms.

Technique for performing proper anti-cellulite massage in a bathhouse:

  1. Use a brush or oak broom to gently stroke the body from heels to shoulders. For massage for the purpose of losing weight or treating cellulite, it is recommended that the main effect be applied specifically to problem areas. For example, the broom should stop on the thighs and buttocks, or repeat circular movements on the stomach;
  2. The next step is quilting. The effect begins with minimal pressure - the tips of the broom are lightly pressed against the problem areas. After a few minutes the pressure increases. It is important to do this stage professionally - the entire result depends on it. It is during quilting that excess moisture leaves the cells;
  3. Next, patting is performed. Depending on the degree of cellulite, the specialist determines the intensity and duration of the effect. Be prepared for the fact that late stages The masseur will hit you very hard.

To enhance the effect of a massage in a bathhouse, you can use honey or oil mask. The frequency is determined individually. On average, at least 8 sessions will be required to achieve long-lasting results.

Anti-cellulite cupping massage of thighs and buttocks

To carry out this massage, you will need to prepare certain devices - cups. Almost all girls have seen bruises after an anti-cellulite massage - that’s exactly what they are recognizable features can technology. This type of exposure is performed using cans or a special vacuum apparatus. For high efficiency, it is recommended to use jars of different diameters or different massager attachments.

Banks are:

  1. Glass. Previously they were used for all such procedures. Heats up quickly and lasts a long time desired temperature, but at the same time very inconvenient to use. Plus, they are incredibly difficult to buy now;
  2. Plastic. They are actively used for anti-cellulite massage at home due to their accessibility and ergonomics. They heat up at incredible speed and, due to changes in pressure, provide self-discharge - they are easily fixed on the skin. Among the shortcomings, it is necessary to highlight their fragility;
  3. Glass with plastic cover. They are used in most clinics and specialized massage rooms. They combine the advantages of glass and plastic jars, without having the disadvantages of prototypes.

There is also various techniques execution cupping massage– on dry or moisturized skin. The cans do not slide on a dry body, so the impression of intense impact is created. In fact, this is not true. The effect is much greater if it is applied to the skin before the session. anti cellulite oil for massage.

How to properly perform cupping anti-cellulite massage on the stomach at home:

The sequence of movements is important. You can’t just go and start massaging the problem area. If we are talking about legs, then the front surface is worked on first, then the back. Similarly, if we are talking about the stomach, then along with this area you need to work on the back.

Vacuum abdominal massage at home

Benefit from hardware massage undeniable - it is simple, safe and incredibly effective. Myself vacuum apparatus is an installation that consists of a power supply and a working attachment (this is MVT-01, roller B-flexy and Slim Body). You can use a variety of attachments for combined body treatment. The most popular are roller and vibration.

How is anti-cellulite hardware massage performed:

  1. As with many other techniques, there is no last role skin preparation plays a role: scrubbing, light stroking movements, applying a specialized anti-cellulite cream. Afterwards, the necessary attachment is installed on the device and other preparatory manipulations are carried out (selecting a mode, adjusting the intensity, etc.);
  2. The effect is carried out along the massage lines of the selected area of ​​the body. If anti-cellulite therapy is done on the stomach, then all movements go from the waist to the navel. Afterwards the nozzle returns to the starting point and the actions are repeated;
  3. The duration depends on the identified problems and goals. The device is used for a minimum of 10 minutes; if a light roller device is used, then you are allowed to massage the skin for up to half an hour.

Video: doing it vacuum massage

Manual massage technique

Cellulite in the legs is the most common problem for girls. In almost 80% of women, the accumulation of adipose tissue and lymphatic fluid is based on the lower part of the body. Helps remove bumps lymphatic drainage massage.

This is a special technique for influencing fat deposits, in which the master aims to manually crush and remove rotting lymph from the cells. After the first session, volumes may decrease by 0.5 centimeters. And this is a huge achievement for stagnant liquid.

How is lymphatic drainage massage performed on the thighs and buttocks:

  1. The skin must be scrubbed and wiped with a stiff brush. If you don’t have one on the household, then a hard terry towel will do;
  2. Anti-cellulite cream is applied to the heated skin for massage; for the thighs it is better to take a product with a warming effect. For example, Eveline or L'Oreal;
  3. The first movements help warm up and prepare the epidermis. With open palms, gently stroke the skin from the knees to the hips and repeat the movements back surface legs So you need to warm up for about 5 minutes. Afterwards, light tingling begins, turning into movement of skin folds;
  4. This is a very unpleasant stage, so it’s difficult to do it yourself. In addition, for effective massage you need strong hands. Experienced master will cope with the task without any problems, but a beginner who has watched the video on YouTube “How to do an anti-cellulite massage” is unlikely to;
  5. After such massaging, strips of skin are pinched and drawn from bottom to top. This technique is often used Thai massage to restore strength. Main features good result is redness and soreness of the skin.

You need to repeat sessions twice a week, but only a professional massage therapist can say for sure.

Honey massage

This species is not considered separate part massage techniques, but rather is their complement. Reviews claim that no cream orange peel will not replace honey anti-cellulite massage.

Why you need to combine honey and the described procedures:

  • This product is rich in vitamins and minerals that strengthen the skin, making the fibers more flexible and durable. At regular use the likelihood of re-formation of cellulite is reduced;
  • By itself, honey promotes excretion excess liquid from the body. In addition, it also warms up the skin and cleanses the epidermis of dead cells;
  • This is the softest and easiest way to massage yourself. Of course, it will not replace a full-fledged lymphatic drainage massage, but it will be an excellent addition.

For anti-cellulite treatment honey massage hands and other parts of the body, the product is heated in a water bath or in a microwave oven and distributed evenly over the skin. There is another way - apply the sweetness to your palms and simply pat the problem areas until the honey is completely absorbed.

Video: procedure for performing anti-cellulite honey massage at home

Both options are quite effective, but the second one is more economical. For best effect We recommend trying the tandem of vacuum exposure and honey. They write on the forums that the result is stunning.

Benefits and contraindications

What are the benefits of anti-cellulite massage? It helps eliminate the external aspect of problems. Even if you lose weight or regularly visit the gym, the hated tubercles will appear through the thin women's skin. And with sudden weight loss, cellulite may even increase. Massage will shrink cells, speed up the exchange of lymphatic fluid and help normalize metabolism. He will become real with a magic wand for athletes who are trying to remove cellulite formations with strength training.

Contraindications for anti-cellulite massage:

  • It is prohibited to perform sessions on the abdomen, chest and back during pregnancy and lactation. After a caesarean section, massage is allowed only six months later (but even here it all depends on individual characteristics organism);
  • Vacuum and lymphatic drainage techniques are strictly prohibited for varicose veins or other diseases of the blood vessels, circulatory and excretory systems;
  • It is believed that massage should not be performed during menstruation. This is not entirely true. If menstruation is painful and heavy, then it is not recommended to act on the abdomen and waist area. Legs and arms can be safely massaged using any available means;
  • It is not recommended for a nursing mother, or immediately after childbirth, to conduct a session in a bathhouse.

How often should you do it and the expected effect?

The intensity of the course is determined by the master in the beauty salon strictly individually. The most various factors: speed of recovery of the body, degree of neglect of cellulite, lifestyle and capabilities of the client. At home, it will be normal to do self-massage 2 times a week for 20 minutes.

If you still doubt whether anti-cellulite massage helps, we suggest looking at the before and after photos. If you regularly follow the recommendations, exercise and control your diet, you can achieve complete elimination of cellulite within 4 months from the start of the course.

Cellulite appears by various reasons. Basic - poor nutrition, passive and unhealthy lifestyle, poor environment, bad habits, genetics, hormones, lymph circulation disorders, pancreatic and thyroid diseases. Most fat accumulates on the buttocks, abdomen, thighs, and upper arms.. To make your body slim, healthy and beautiful, you need to do anti-cellulite massage at home and establish your own routine.

Cellulite occurs when fat cells become overgrown and do not release waste products. If the body is healthy, then everything unnecessary goes away with the lymph flow. If cell membranes are blocked, waste cannot be eliminated, causing fat cells to become denser. As a result, areas of fatty tissue are created that block the circulation of blood and lymph. An orange peel will form.

At home it is one of the most effective methods , which helps get rid of unnecessary fat deposits. Thanks to anti-cellulite massage you will get rid of problems in vulnerable areas of the body.

Before starting the procedure take a shower. The water should be warm, but not hot. When the skin becomes soft and supple, exfoliate. After gentle cleansing and removal of dead cells, the massage can begin. This is a superficial procedure in which stroking movements are combined with spanking and other influences. You don’t have to go to a salon to see a specialist; you can do anti-cellulite massage at home yourself and start with palm stroking, from knee to hip. Gradually you move on to intense arm movement.

You can easily master anti-cellulite massage on your own: the massage technique is simple, and there are several types. Choose yours.

Exercise 1

Start performing anti-cellulite massage at home, the technique is simple:

  1. Use your fingers to collect skin and fat near your knees.
  2. Roll up the roller.
  3. Move up to your hip.

This exercise needs to be done twice on all sides of the thigh except for the inner one (first on one and then on the second leg). Next, perform light strokes with your palm from the knee to the thigh. Move to intense movements. Knead and rub problem areas. Massage the movements should resemble kneading dough on problem areas.

Exercise 2

Make a fist with your hand and swipe with your knuckles from knee to hip. Repeat twice on all sides of the thigh. Perform vigorous pats on problem areas of the body. Make stroking movements with your palms. There is a slight burning sensation of the skin. At the end of the session she will be flushed.

Exciting movements work out problem areas and deep tissues, increasing blood circulation. As a result, connective tissue and skin are strengthened, and the appearance of cellulite is reduced.

Perform 10 minutes of manipulations every day, in the morning (after a shower), and better evening, when you no longer need to go somewhere. Do not use oil or cream for this procedure, because... the desired effect will not be achieved.

Exercise 3

Fold your hands so that fingertips were able to massage problem areas in a circular motion. Before doing an anti-cellulite massage at home on your thighs and arms, pinch a piece of skin between your thumb and forefinger. Perform exciting movements from the bottom up.

Pinch the skin on your thighs, abdomen, and buttocks with your index finger and thumb. Without missing the trapped skin, work your way up, passing the skin between your clenched fingers. In downward strokes, you will stroke the skin with gentle pressure.

How to do anti-cellulite massage correctly? Only on an empty stomach or a couple of hours after dinner. In this case, you will be able to work the muscles more effectively and deeply. At first, the body may hurt and bruises will appear.

If you are just learning massage, start with rubbing. Take advantage bristle brush or massage glove, move the skin clockwise until the body turns red. The procedure lasts 5 minutes.

If there are wounds or injuries on the skin, you should not rub these areas. Wait for complete healing.

Massage methods for cellulite

The anti-cellulite massage technique is selected individually. The procedure can be performed in different ways. For home massage, the pinch, honey, cupping, spoon or gripping methods are suitable.


Take a small area of ​​skin with your fingertips and release, repeat the action. You should pinch the skin with the fat layer in this way, maintaining sufficient intensity. Start at the knees and move up to the buttocks. Work over all areas until they turn red.


This impact option is simple. To do this, take a little cream or oil and rub it into the skin under different angles, as if “ironing” the body. Clasp your hands into fists work your body with your knuckles. Perform movements along the thigh up from the knee. Walk on different sides of the leg, it is important to repeat the movement 3-4 times on each side.


Deep way of influence. Strengthens blood vessels and connective tissues. Press lightly and gently. Grasp the skin with your fingers, and without letting go, perform upward smoothing movements. You should kind of roll a roll of fat from your knee to your buttock. Repeat the procedure on each area of ​​the thigh 5-6 times, until redness is observed.


Before doing an anti-cellulite massage using patting, spread honey over your palm. The hands should “stick together”, because this gives a vacuum effect. Slap on the skin, gluing your hands to the problem area. And then tear it off the skin. Do this for 30 minutes, alternating claps with strokes. Finally, take a warm shower.

Rules for anti-cellulite massage

  1. The technique of performing anti-cellulite massage requires smooth and light movements. You can’t immediately switch to a fast and intense pace. Start slowly and gradually increase speed.
  2. Each procedure lasts 0.5-1 hour. Repeat manual anti-cellulite massage at least 1-2 times a week. Or better yet, every other day.
  3. Before starting the procedure warm up and relax your muscles. Hands should be warm and dry, pleasant to the body.
  4. To properly perform an anti-cellulite massage, the technique must be followed. Move only via massage lines, taking into account lymph flow. In the lower part of the body, movements should be done from the bottom up (towards the heart).
  5. It is forbidden to massage groin area, pubis, under the knees, inner thigh near the groin area.

To give yourself an anti-cellulite massage at home, you can take training online. Watch several video lessons of anti-cellulite massage from different masters massage. You don't have to take courses.

But, before you start performing manipulations, it is important to know how the body works: study massage lines, know the movement of lymph, properly prepare the body for the procedure. By following the key recommendations, you will be able to master massage techniques very quickly and will do everything correctly.

According to modern concepts, cellulite is a structural change in subcutaneous fat in the abdomen, buttocks and thighs in women. The result of cellulite is partial fibrosis of adipose tissue. Typically, the appearance of cellulite is associated with age. Cellulite is considered primarily cosmetic and psychological problem. However, under certain circumstances and at a certain stage of development, it can cause discomfort and affect the woman’s health. In particular, with varicose veins, a vicious circle is formed: varicose veins provoke the development of cellulite, which impedes the outflow venous blood(especially in the edematous stage), which again contributes to the development varicose veins veins In addition, it is possible that a pronounced deterioration in microcirculation in the area of ​​the thighs and buttocks leads to a partial restriction of hormonal metabolic processes, which, according to the mechanism feedback contributes to ovarian dysfunction. There are many options available for the treatment of cellulite. modern approaches. These are both hardware techniques and procedures using professional cosmetics. Manual techniques that are well combined with cosmetics are very promising.

The basis of the presented anti-cellulite massage is: classic massage Russian school. However, this is a completely new original technique, physiologically substantiated and tested in practice. It is most effective in cases of local obesity in combination with cellulite, provided that lymphostasis is eliminated. Therefore, to achieve maximum effect from massage it is necessary to take into account the presence (absence) of swelling, concomitant diseases, obesity, etc. As a rule, a therapeutic course of anti-cellulite massage is performed only after a certain preparatory stage - the elimination of lymphostasis, as well as several sessions of lymphatic drainage. When using manual techniques in the treatment of cellulite, you have to deal with some standard disadvantages. This is, firstly, the painfulness of the procedure, which is associated both with the traumatic nature of the technique used and with hypersensitivity patient tissues. Secondly, since a massage course usually includes a large number of procedures, often daily, it can be difficult for the client to find time for complete treatment course. As already stated, this technique physiologically justified. The effectiveness of its impact is ensured by a gradual transition from superficial massage techniques to deeper ones. The massage is focused exclusively on the layer of subcutaneous fat (SFA). For this purpose, special techniques are used to control the depth of the massage. This reduces the massage therapist’s labor costs and reduces the time required for the procedure. Massage is performed only locally, in areas with pronounced cosmetic defect. If cellulite affects not only the traditional areas: abdomen, thighs, buttocks, but also the arms, back, etc., then the massage is performed alternating zones. It is important to improve blood circulation as much as possible in the massaged areas, since the main thing in the treatment of cellulite is the restoration of microcirculation. Therefore, you should not combine anti-cellulite massage with a relaxing back massage, osteopathic procedures, etc. But it is acceptable and even desirable to use reflexology techniques to improve blood circulation in problem areas (reflex segmental spinal massage, foot massage, acupuncture). Anti-cellulite massage procedures, if necessary, alternate with lymphatic drainage procedures. This allows you to increase the effectiveness of treatment and make the massage less traumatic. Lymphatic drainage massage leads to increased microcirculation in problem areas, which ensures adequate outflow of lymph from the periphery to the center.

Breathing exercises

The procedure starts with breathing exercises, which are necessary for several reasons: o firstly, deep breathing at a slow pace allows the client to relax, calm down, and tune in to a positive perception of the upcoming manipulations; o secondly, actions in contact with the massage therapist set the client up for cooperation as during the procedure. and after it, which makes it simpler home care; o thirdly, all the exercises proposed below help create negative intra-abdominal pressure, which enhances the outflow of lymph into the intra-abdominal lymph nodes and intestinal lymph nodes, i.e. carry out lymphatic drainage at the deep level.

First, “inhalation vibration” (1) is carried out; the massage therapist’s hands are on the lateral surfaces of the client’s chest, applying light pressure with stable vibration as he exhales. This ensures a slight indirect surge of the thoracic duct.

This is followed by the technique of “abdominal breathing” in combination with deep palpation of the intestines (2). The client breathes from the stomach. As you exhale, palpate the intestines clockwise, once. This technique, in addition to stimulating peristalsis, provides good surging of the lymph nodes. The last of the breathing exercises is “silent breathing”. The client imitates breathing movements with the abdomen without inspiration.

Abdominal massage

The main problem of this area is fat deposits below the navel, located in a crescent. The purpose of the massage: o restoration of blood microcirculation at the level of subcutaneous fat; o reducing the volume of the subcutaneous fat layer; o restoration of skin elasticity. The massage is carried out after appropriate preparation, taking into account the direction of lymph flow, and is performed intensively and atraumatically. Rubbing techniques are replaced by kneading techniques, also focused on the pancreas. It is kneading that promotes the active breakdown of fats and the removal of final products from tissues. The “swing” technique (3) is necessary in order to relieve bloating. This method helps make the procedure more comfortable for the client. The abdominal massage is completed with lymphatic drainage techniques, which accelerates the removal of fat breakdown products into the lymphatic channel. The “swing” technique is performed 5-6 times: the base of one palm is located between the lower edge of the costal arch and the upper edge of the client’s ilium. The base of the second palm is located on the fingers of the first. The fingers of the second hand are located between the costal arch and the upper edge of the ilium. Hands make smooth rocking movements in horizontal plane. After this, deep forceps-like stroking is performed along the edge of the costal arch (4), which is captured between the large and index fingers. The technique begins from the xiphoid process of the sternum and ends on the lateral surfaces of the chest. It is carried out intensively. Intensive circular plane rubbing (5) is carried out with the bases of the palms in different directions, in a spiral manner.

In this case, the massage therapist should feel the displacement of the layer of subcutaneous fat relative to the underlying tissues. This is followed by comb-like rubbing (6) with the second phalanges of all fingers (except the thumbs). The movements are carried out intensively, in different directions, in a spiral shape, so that the hands feel the displacement of the layer of the pancreas. After this, they move on to kneading. The first technique is vertical kneading of the fat fold along the lateral surfaces of the abdomen (7). The fat fold is grabbed between the thumb and the other fingers and thoroughly kneaded with the pads of the fingers. This is done vertically, from the side surfaces to the center. The next kneading of the abdominal fat fold is transversely directed (8). It is carried out similarly to vertical, but in the direction from bottom to top. It is very important to carefully work out the entire layer of PFA, so kneading is carried out in two directions.

This technique ends with a “swing”, which is performed 3-4 times. Next, deep lymph nodes are stimulated (9). At a distance of 2-3 cm from the navel, a vertical fat fold, pulled up and shaken 2-3 times. With spaced, straightened “rigid” fingers fixed in the joints, scraping movements are performed (10). Hands work alternately, carrying out rake-like intense stroking in the opposite direction from the periphery to the center. Abdominal massage completes the surging of the lymph nodes located under the diaphragm (11). One hand is placed with the base of the palm under the xiphoid process of the sternum and makes light pushes from the bottom up. The second hand can rest on the first. The reception is performed three times.

Front thigh massage

The main problems in this area are: o local fat deposits, especially in the riding breeches; o uneven structure of the PLC relief. To improve and restore microcirculation, rubbing is used to focus on problem areas. To reduce the volume and make the pancreas uniform, kneading is needed. Only after thorough rubbing and kneading of the pancreas is it possible to perform special anti-cellulite techniques. The “breaking” effect of these techniques allows you to most effectively improve metabolism in the most stagnant zones. The massage must be completed with lymphatic drainage techniques. This stage begins with stroking. First, deep stroking of the outer surface of the thigh is carried out: alternately with the palms of both hands, from bottom to top (12). During this technique, it is possible to apply a fat-breaking drug to the treated areas. Then comes a quick circular stroking: with the bases of the palms of both hands in different directions, spirally, quickly, so that the displacement of the pancreas layer relative to the underlying tissues is felt. The front surface of the thigh is processed several times. A quick but superficial rubbing with pads is carried out thumbs the inner surface of the knee (13), at the level of the condyle. This is followed by comb-like circular rubbing (14) with the second phalanges of the fingers: in different directions, spirally, from bottom to top, so that the displacement of the pancreatic tract layer relative to the underlying tissues is felt.

Horizontal kneading of the fat fold is performed (15). The fat fold is grabbed vertically and rolled horizontally, from bottom to top. Then the fat fold is rolled vertically (16). Using your fingertips, you gradually knead the vertically captured fat fold. The fingers move vertically from bottom to top. Next, specific anti-cellulite techniques are performed. "Tunneling" (17). Using widely spaced “hard” fingers at an angle of 30 - 35 degrees to the surface of the thigh, a pressing, slow stroking is performed from the bottom up. With each subsequent movement, the massage therapist's hands move a finger's width to the side until the entire surface of the thigh is treated. This technique can be performed with one hand or with both hands at the same time. In this case, the fingers of one hand can lie on the other to increase pressure (unfortunately, it is difficult to explain how to correctly perform this technique. In this case, only training can help. The same can be said about other anti-cellulite techniques).

The next technique is shifting (“knife test”) (18). The hands are placed on the thigh parallel to each other (the distance between them is 4-6 cm), then they slowly move the PCL in opposite directions until elastic resistance is felt. The entire surface of the thigh is treated in this way. This is followed by the “staccato” technique (19) - tapping with the pads of the fingers located perpendicular to the surface of the thigh. The movement is performed intensively, alternately with both hands. Continuous maximum labile vibration is carried out with both hands from bottom to top. This technique when correct execution is very effective and does not require the massage therapist to physical strength, but skill. The massage of the front surface of the thigh ends with a rake-like intense stroking (10). The technique is carried out with both hands from bottom to top.

Massage of the back of the thighs and massage of the buttocks

Massage of the back surface of the thighs is carried out similarly to massage of the front surface.

Buttocks massage. Standard problems in this area are: o loss of shape and tone; o excess fat deposits; o uneven terrain. Therefore, all massage techniques should be performed in the directions in which the lymph flow occurs, and, if possible, help improve the shape of the buttocks. Priority directions: from the periphery to the center and from bottom to top. This stage begins with deep stroking with the edge of the palm (20). The movement is performed from the periphery to the center: from above - along the iliac crest, and from below - along the subgluteal fold. Quick circular stroking (21). Stroking is performed with the base of the palms of both hands in different directions, in a spiral, from the lateral surfaces to the sacrum. This is followed by a similar deep stroking. Then a unidirectional transverse kneading of the fat fold (22) is performed. The horizontal fat fold is grabbed and kneaded from the bottom up. Now between the thumb and forefinger vertically The fat fold is grabbed and thoroughly kneaded from the side surfaces to the center.

This is a tong-like kneading (23). Next, “staccato” is performed (19). This stage ends with a massage of the coccyx - intense circular stroking in a clockwise direction (24). Finally, the lymph nodes of the ankle, popliteal region, subgluteal region, and sacrum are swabbed. The surging is carried out with both hands, with light pushing movements, three times in each zone. Hand placement: o bases of palms - under ankles; o thumbs- along the lower border of the popliteal fossa, hands touching the bases of the thumbs; o thumbs - along the upper border of the popliteal fossa, touching with pads; o The base of the palm is placed in the middle of the subgluteal fold.

The final

The entire procedure in classical localization - thighs, buttocks, abdomen - takes 40 - 50 minutes. It is absolutely painless and atraumatic. If bruises remain after the procedures, it means that the massage was performed unprofessionally. We should not forget that the resulting bruises will only aggravate the course of cellulite, and therefore, massage will not bring benefit, but only harm. In order to reduce the appearance of cellulite by one stage, as a rule, 12 - 15 procedures 2-3 times a week are sufficient. If anti-cellulite massage is performed using professional cosmetics or in parallel with a course of anti-cellulite multi-stage wrap, then the number of procedures is reduced to 6 - 8. They can be carried out with a break of 2 - 3 days - this makes it easier for the client to complete the course of procedures. In the future, it is necessary to support the achieved result in the regime - one massage procedure every 10 - 14 days. In addition, this will ensure stability of the result obtained. The standard recommendation for clients is one maintenance procedure per month, for maximum effect it is carried out in the second half monthly cycle. In addition to procedures in the salon, it is advisable to use cosmetics For home use. Result achieved With the recommended support mode, it is possible to save indefinitely. But this does not apply to cases with subsequent pregnancy or the appearance of a somatic endocrine disease (for example, diabetes mellitus or hypothyroidism). The effectiveness of this technique is confirmed by more than three years of experience of specialists in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Tyumen, Nizhnevartovsk and other Russian cities. The improvement is objectively recorded both by measurements (volume reduction by an average of 8 - 12 mm per procedure) and by contact thermography data.

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