In the Orenburg region, every year a stork gives away babies. In the Orenburg region, the stork gives away babies all year round. Minister of Labor: - It is not the stork that brings children into the family, but confidence in their own lives. Twins raised in vitro in Orenburg

Over the course of a decade, more than 5,000 IVF operations were performed in the Orenburg region; not all attempts were successful; as a result, one and a half thousand healthy babies were born. From 2007 to 2012, 24 million rubles were annually allocated from the regional treasury for the artificial insemination procedure, for which 250 IVF operations were performed per year (free for the parents themselves).

In 2016, referrals were already issued to 564 married couples, a third of them resulted in childbirth - 164 children were born. Almost 55 million rubles were spent on their birth from compulsory medical insurance funds. This year, more than 60 million rubles have been allocated for the implementation of the program. Next year, according to regional Minister of Health Galina Zolnikova, the number of operations is planned to increase to a thousand. Today, 700 Orenburg women are waiting in line for the long-awaited operation.

A month ago, the regional center for family health and reproduction on Gaya Street was reorganized, and now the Reproductology Center has moved under the vaults of the regional clinical hospital No. 2 on Nevelskaya Street. Recently, the first pregnancy occurred here using artificial insemination. According to statistics, today 15 percent of couples in the region face the problem of infertility. The IVF procedure currently guarantees a positive result in 40 percent of cases.

In the regional perinatal center itself, 5.5 thousand births took place during the year of operation. The weight of the smallest newborn that local doctors ever cared for was only 510 grams (the baby was born at the 22nd week of pregnancy). Technologies make it possible to perform operations on unborn children in utero in case of pathologies - if suddenly the child’s kidney does not work or there is an incompatibility due to Rh conflict, then specialists perform a blood transfusion, allowing the child to wait until the time when he can be born.

How to do IVF for free

To become a participant in the IVF program, you need to contact your doctor at the antenatal clinic. If infertility is detected, the patient receives a referral to inter-district offices for infertile marriage, where, after examination and treatment, a package of documents is compiled and sent to the regional Ministry of Health. Based on the conclusion of the commission, the regional Ministry of Health issues a referral for IVF treatment. At the same time, to carry out the IVF procedure, the patient can choose a medical institution on the territory of the Russian Federation, including a federal center. Infertility treatment using IVF is carried out free of charge - at the expense of compulsory medical insurance.


In 1986, 42 thousand children were born in the Orenburg region; in the 2000s there was a drop to 22 thousand births per year. In 2013, 30 thousand births were attended. This year, according to forecasts, the number of births should be within 24 thousand people, although the capacity of local maternity wards allows them to accommodate the previous 40 thousand births.

There are a few hours left until New Year 2020. Residents of the Orenburg region are preparing for the holiday, trying to observe all the necessary rituals. And it is at this time that many believe in real miracles.

What do you need for a good New Year's mood? Traditional sparkling drink, Olivier, tangerines and Christmas tree.

However, recently many people have become interested in various practices in order to attract good luck in the New Year.

Orenburg psychic Tatyana Romanova gives practical advice on how to leave all the problems in the old year and step into the future positively.

In December, all the negativity for the year is collected and negative energies are released, says Tatyana. - It might look like a volcano. Therefore, we must definitely leave something in the old year, not drag this suitcase without a handle into the New Year.

The New Year has always been associated with a transitional stage in life, when a person sums up his work, works on mistakes and puts an end to things. It is important to move into the New Year without troubles and problems, and to leave them in the past, we always say. so that you look at everything that interferes with a happy life. Leaving all this behind in the past year, you can begin a new stage filled only with positive events.

What should you get rid of before the New Year? Everything that interferes with happiness must be left in the past, and never return to activities, people, or things that cause inconvenience and cause troubles and problems.

Before the New Year, it is important to clean the house, throwing out all the trash, broken and old things. It is best to do general cleaning together, setting aside several days for this activity so as not to overwork. Systematic dismantling of each closet will help make your home cozy and free from energy stagnation.

In the past year, you need to cut ties with people who drag you to the bottom. These could be false friends who actually manipulate and live at the expense of others, toxic relationships, people who spread gossip behind their back and put spokes in their wheels.

You also need to get rid of debts, and not only financial ones. All promises fulfilled on time help to become happier, and good luck returns to the person.

Willpower will help leave problems in the past, thanks to which everyone will get rid of bad habits. They are the very burden that slows down development and causes trouble.

The passing year is the time to take care of yourself, and those who want to leave problems in the past need to pay attention to their own needs.

There is one very simple ritual that can be performed on New Year's Eve.

We draw a bath - the element of water, add a glass of salt - the element of earth. Place a fire element candle on the bath and light the air element aroma stick. relax and lie down, mentally imagining how everything bad and negative leaves you. And you are filled with golden light, which easily passes through your entire body, after which you get under the shower with your head and dry off.

These are some useful tips. So let's celebrate the New Year, bringing only good things into it.

Almost every woman, after giving birth to a child, experiences fear, discomfort, psychological problems and other difficulties with the toilet, because going to the toilet after childbirth is not only scary, but also quite painful.

The problem with the toilet after childbirth is a separate issue that certainly deserves attention, because for some women the process called “going big after childbirth” is equated almost to childbirth itself. Therefore, let's take a closer look at this topic, find out all the main reasons why it hurts to poop after childbirth, and also analyze all the ways to go to the toilet after childbirth without experiencing pain and without provoking other serious consequences for your own health.

Why do toilet problems occur after childbirth?

If it hurts to poop after childbirth or when a young mother begins to notice that she is pooping with blood after childbirth, the reason most often lies in postpartum tears and surgical sutures placed on them or in the appearance of postpartum hemorrhoids.

How to poop after childbirth? - a particularly difficult problem to solve for those, as already mentioned, who are faced with hemorrhoids or postpartum sutures. If a woman is faced with both of these problems at the same time, then the task becomes significantly more difficult, but not impossible. The optimal solution would be to prepare the perineum for the onset of labor, and begin treating hemorrhoids during pregnancy, but if it’s too late to talk about this, then you should start making a decision based on the situation.

“Why do I poop blood after childbirth?” - a frequently asked question among women in labor. You won’t have to look for an answer for long, because blood during bowel movements after childbirth is a consequence of a hemorrhoidal fissure.

Toilet after childbirth: hemorrhoids and constipation

Constipation after childbirth is the second most difficult problem to solve for women who have recently given birth. Often, after giving birth, a young mother is haunted by the feeling of fear that the stitches will definitely come apart during a trip to the toilet. In this case, the problem lies precisely in the psychological suppression of the natural need to empty. The consequence is the accumulation and compaction of feces, which provokes the formation of constipation. In addition to this, after childbirth, the abdominal muscles are often unable to perform fastening and squeezing functions, and the intestines also function poorly.

Many people, regardless of whether they are men or women, have to experience what it’s like to experience a lot of blood. The specifics of modern life often become a determining factor for the development of diseases for which such a complaint is very characteristic. Unfortunately, most often a person is embarrassed about diseases associated with the anus or genitals and keeps silent about his condition. The realities of life are such that it is necessary to forget about false shame and turn to specialists for help in time. Quite often, the complaint: “I go to the toilet with a lot of blood” indicates the presence of a serious health problem, especially if this is repeated regularly.

What does bleeding after bowel movement mean?

If, when going to the toilet after defecation, traces of blood are found, this indicates that somewhere along the intestinal tract there is serious damage in the form of micro-tears. The nature of the bleeding and the color of the discharge indicate where the defect formed:

  • black stool indicates problems in the upper gastrointestinal tract - in the esophagus, stomach or duodenum;
  • red-brown stool appears due to bleeding in the small intestine;
  • a bright scarlet hue indicates that the large intestine near the anus is damaged.

Bloody discharge after using the toilet, in some cases, may be accompanied by discomfort and pain. Sometimes blood literally pours from the anus, in other cases it is not visible outwardly, but it is present in the stool. The patient may also complain that traces of blood remain on the paper after defecation. Regardless of the volume and nature of the discharge, you must remember that you will not be able to cope with such a problem as “I’m walking around with a lot of blood” on your own. Consultation with a proctologist and strict adherence to his recommendations are required.

Causes of the phenomenon

There are quite a few known factors that cause blood after defecation. Among them:

If there are concomitant diseases of the stomach or intestines, the appearance of blood spots after a person has gone to the toilet is combined with poor general condition. The patient may be concerned about:

  • drowsiness;
  • increased sweating;
  • apathy;
  • blanching of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • the appearance of tinnitus;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • periodic dizziness;
  • stomach ache.

Heavy discharge after using the toilet in many cases leads to large blood loss, which can be accompanied by weakness, low blood pressure, fainting and shock.

Diseases that cause bleeding after bowel movements

A person may go to the toilet with bloody discharge if he also suffers from certain internal diseases, including:

  • haemorrhoids. Bloody, bright red discharge appears after defecation. As a rule, they are not mixed with feces;
  • gastritis. Formed feces are observed, accompanied by profuse bleeding.
  • anal fissure. After using the toilet, a scarlet liquid appears, not mixed with feces. It is released in small portions, and pain and burning are felt immediately afterwards;
  • colitis. The inflammatory process in the rectum leads to the formation of periodically bleeding ulcerations, after which complaints arise such as “I go to the toilet with blood”;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. These diseases are characterized by a combination of black stools with “coffee grounds” vomiting and pain in the upper abdomen;
  • polyps. When they form on the intestinal mucosa, blood is released moderately when going to the toilet, and there is no pain;
  • diverticulitis. Formations on the intestinal walls in the form of pouches usually do not cause much trouble, but their presence can cause a complication such as intestinal bleeding. Discharge flows from the anus in a thin stream or falls out in the form of clots. The patient's general condition is severe, with abdominal pain, weakness, decreased blood pressure, pallor, loose stools or constipation;
  • proctitis With this disease, ulcerations appear on the intestinal mucosa, which are then covered by the inflammatory process. If you go to the toilet for a long time, you will see that the feces are mixed with mucous and bloody discharge;
  • rectal cancer. In the presence of malignant neoplasms, blood can be released in different ways, from barely noticeable stains on toilet paper after using the toilet to heavy bleeding. Accompanying signs can help you suspect the disease - rapid weight loss, bowel dysfunction, ribbon-like stool, abdominal pain, and a feeling of incomplete evacuation.

In addition, patients who suffer from phlebectasis may go to the toilet with blood. The disease is more common in men and is characterized by increased pressure in the portal vein. The obstructed passage of blood through the vascular bed leads to its lengthening, expansion and tortuosity, resulting in the formation of varicose nodes, on which microcracks appear over time.

Diseases such as atherosclerosis and HIV can also cause blood to appear after you go to the toilet for a long time. In the first case, the disease causes a narrowing of all blood vessels that nourish the body. As a result of blockage by a blood clot or embolism, a rupture occurs and internal bleeding begins.

The human immunodeficiency virus itself does not cause discharge from the anus; the disease leads to a decrease in immunity and the progression of other pathologies.

What do we have to do?

It should be remembered that when you go to the toilet with pain and blood, you need to contact a proctologist. If bloody traces or signs of bleeding are detected, the causes should first be established, because such discharge is always a symptom and not an independent disease.

  1. Compounded heredity, when close relatives had cases of polyposis or rectal cancer.
  2. Intense bleeding lasting more than 15 minutes.
  3. Repeated detection of blood spots after defecation.
  4. The presence of complaints indirectly indicating the presence of internal bleeding (fainting, vomiting, dizziness, abdominal pain).

Treatment is prescribed after examination and clarification of the reasons why blood appears during or after bowel movement. The choice of technique will depend on the general condition of the patient and the final diagnosis.

If a person notes that he went to the toilet with a lot of blood and his condition worsens, he should call an ambulance or a doctor. Moving is strictly prohibited due to the risk of renewed or increased bleeding, so bed rest is observed while awaiting arrival.

The patient is placed on his side, and an ice pack or a heating pad with cold water is placed in the perineum. After 10–15 minutes, take a short break. Alternating cooling with periods of rest should last at least one hour.

Attentive attitude to your body, rejection of false shame, timely contact with a specialist will help to minimize the damage caused by diseases to the body.

Education: Graduated from the Russian National Research Medical University. N.I. Pirogov, Faculty of Medicine. Took advanced training courses. Primary specialization is in coloproctology at the State Research Center of Coloproctology. Worked at the City Scientific and Practical Center for Coloproctology of St. Petersburg.

Experience: Proctologist. Medical practice experience – 25 years. Author of more than 40 articles on medical topics. A regular participant in conferences and symposia, where problems of modern medicine are covered.

Provides highly qualified diagnosis and treatment of many diseases: hemorrhoids, anal fissures, various diseases of the colon, and successfully diagnoses neoplasms of the perianal area and rectum in the early stages. Also conducts examinations of children.

Hello, my legs got cold, I was tormented by frequent urges to go to the toilet, then painful trips to the toilet began, I began to feel like something was bothering me in the vagina, I looked, I touched a ball there on which you press a little and you want to go to the toilet again, this morning I woke up from the fact that this ball I started to hurt, I looked and it became even more inflamed, I won’t go to the doctor until Tuesday. Tell me what it is and how serious it is.

ANSWERED: 09/30/2017

Hello, this could be a cyst that develops due to the presence of infection. You should visit a doctor for an in-person examination, get tested for STDs together with your sexual partner, as well as a general blood and urine test. After the examination, the doctor will prescribe you a suitable antibacterial drug, as well as local treatment with intravaginal suppositories of complex action. You should also discuss with a specialist the possibility of adding the immunomodulator Galavit, which has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and strengthening effect for local and systemic immunity, to therapy. Galavit is used in the complex treatment of urogenital diseases, as it not only restores the body's defenses, but also reduces the intensity of the inflammatory process, helps reduce the severity of unpleasant symptoms, accelerates recovery, increases the effectiveness of antimicrobial therapy and reduces the risk of the disease becoming chronic. For urogenital diseases, galavit is used in complex therapy according to the following scheme: 1 day, 1 suppository rectally twice, then 1 suppository every other day. The course is 10-15 suppositories.

Clarification question

Related questions:

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Hello! Why can the drugs help little? I was prescribed losartan 100 mg in the morning, indapamide in the morning, bisoporol, and indapamide in the evening - 0. 4 mg, but I take it in the morning and either nothing happens or they help little, so the pressure in the morning today is 149 over 105 pulse 83, I took indapamide and bisoporol tablets, noted the time and measured the pressure an hour later, it showed already 166 over 108 with a pulse of 63, I decided later take a walk and after the walk the pressure showed that it was 139 over 97 with a reading of 73, and the earlier measurement...


Hello, please answer. Recently my boyfriend entered me 4-5 cm for a couple of seconds and I felt pain, but there was no blood, then after an hour or two my panties were wet and my vagina was very wet and slimy, plus right after that it was a bit painful to go to the toilet . Before that, he put my fingers almost all the way there. Am I still a virgin? Help me please.


Good afternoon, the problem is the following: When jumping on a jump rope, a colorless liquid, odorless, practically like water, simply begins to pour out of the vagina. Not just a couple of drops, but very heavy discharge that now I will go to training with a pad. Moreover, in the morning, when I jump rope, there is no such discharge, but in the evening there is. I don’t want to go to the toilet. I haven’t given birth, I do sports periodically, I’m not overweight.


Hello, please tell me, Is it possible to get pregnant from the remains of sperm on the penis, if you had sex with a condom, and immediately after removing the condom (didn’t wipe it off, didn’t wash it, didn’t wash it. Didn’t go to the toilet) the penis entered the vagina again, could sperm get in? Is pregnancy possible if there is an ovarian cyst? 9-11 days until your period.


In general, the girl and I were caressing and started rubbing against her, then he accidentally entered the vagina and immediately pulled out in 2 seconds, he didn’t finish, before this happened, I went to the toilet 2 times. Then we immediately ran to the bathroom and washed everything there. Could you get pregnant? Another question: is it normal to have a late period? I deprived her on December 4th, I repeat, I didn’t cum in her and immediately pulled out, the current was rubbing, and my period should be on December 7-9, but it hasn’t been there for 10 days, could I get pregnant, please help

Hiking is a rewarding and enjoyable activity, but even the simplest one-day hike requires proper planning and organization. You need to think in advance about all possible parking spots, distribute responsibilities between group members, provide food and equipment, and... take care of the toilet. Toilet on the go– this is a subtle question, but a necessary one. This is not just about the fact that you need to take toilet paper with you. But also about the fact that you need to go to the toilet, following some rules, so as not to spoil the impressions for yourself and other tourists. Let's consider how to properly organize a restroom during a hike.

If the trip lasts only one day and is not intended, then there is no point in building a permanent latrine. You just need to immediately indicate in which area you can fulfill your needs. At the same time, you need to remember that the latrine should be located no less than 50-100 meters from the camp. There should be no paths, slopes or bodies of water nearby.

To use the restroom while maintaining sanitation, a shovel. You need to use it this way - when you’re done with your work, bury them and mark the place, for example, with a branch, so that the next visitor to the restroom can notice it. Even at the planning stage, it is necessary to determine who is responsible for this equipment. It is not necessary to take a full-size one; an ordinary squeegee or garden shovel is enough. It is worth noting that if the group is large enough, there are more than ten people in it, then it makes sense to take a couple of shovels; it may happen that two members of the group need to go to the toilet at once.

Toilet during a long hike

If you are planning not a simple walk through the forest with a picnic, but a serious trip for several days, with stops and overnight stays, then it is better to build a temporary latrine. Especially if a large number of people go on a hike. The first thing to do is find a suitable place. It is selected in the same way as during a one-day exit. The second is dig a hole(30-50 centimeters in depth and width). The third is on top of her lay down a couple of large logs so that you can stand on them. For example, large thickets can serve as walls, if you move lightly. If opportunities allow, then you can build them from an awning or a tent specially designed for this. If you want there to be no smell, you can place a container of ash next to the latrine, which you need to sprinkle in the pit after each visit to the restroom. After leaving the parking lot, all structures must be removed, and the pit must be bury.

How not to go to the toilet while hiking?

Those who love, while walking, at least once, have come across piles in the forest that lie under almost every second tree. This particular example is one of those that is better not to do.

You can't go according to your needs near paths or directly on them so that other pedestrians do not accidentally get into it. Near bodies of water You shouldn't do this either. Because they can be sources of fresh water. On the slopes it is also dangerous to go to the toilet. Not only can you fall, but it is also unknown where your affairs will move under the force of gravity.

Toilet paper– this is a separate song. There is no need to scatter it anywhere or hang it on trees, remember that it takes a long time to decompose. To speed up the decomposition of toilet paper, bury it.

Tatiana Televich
About 40 percent of men who contact the regional Center for Family Planning and Reproduction are unable to have children. More than a thousand Orenburg women are in line for in vitro fertilization.
Tatiana Televich

Reason - lifestyle
An advertisement on the street in the center of Orenburg read: “Required man under 35 years old. Having a higher education is mandatory...” Do you think this is just another vacancy? Is the firm or company staffing it? No. This is a requirement for a sperm donor. He must also lead a healthy lifestyle and have at least one child.
The sperm bank is located on Gaya Street in the regional Center for Family Planning and Reproduction. The vault is in its eighth year of existence and was originally created for artificial insemination of women (where sperm were directly transplanted into the uterus). However, the progressive deterioration of men's and women's health has made this technique insufficiently effective. In addition, sadly, real fathers are genetically less and less suitable for the responsible role of inseminator. Since 2007, children in the Center’s laboratory have been “conceived” in test tubes using donor sperm.
According to the chief physician of the regional Center for Family Planning and Reproduction, Mark Grigorievich Shukhman, the reason for male infertility and the inability to conceive a healthy child lies in lifestyle. Promiscuous relationships and, as a consequence, sexually transmitted diseases affect reproductive function. Spermatozoa become immobile or the number of normal ones is so small that there are simply not enough of them to participate in the natural “race”. A noticeable addition to this problem is nicotine and alcohol. It makes no sense to discuss the ethics of such a birth of life. The growing statistics of childless couples speaks for itself. It's time for the sperm bank to expand...

There are miracles...
Today, this unusual storage facility is a small treatment room that houses an in vitro fertilization laboratory. The great mystery of the origin of life takes place here.
A small window connects this room with the operating room. Through it, “ready” sperm or female eggs are transferred for transplantation.
The laboratory assistant has six large containers at hand. Each contains about twenty servings of seminal fluid frozen in liquid nitrogen (minus 196 degrees Celsius). All flat jars are numbered. Donors have their own code. By the way, there are places in the sperm bank for those who want to postpone the birth of a child until better times. You can donate sperm for storage. This service costs seven thousand rubles a year, but so far it has not been in demand.
Donor ejaculate must also stand the test of time. It can be used only after six months.
“This is a mandatory condition,” says Mark Grigorievich. - Diseases such as HIV can be detected with complete certainty only after six months of laboratory analysis.

For the best result, two or three eggs are fertilized in vitro. A few weeks later, using the same “route”, through a small window, the embryo is transferred to the operating room, where the expectant mother is waiting for it. The transplant process is painless and quick. But even this sacrament performed by doctors is not a guarantee of success. A woman becomes pregnant only in thirty percent of cases.
Over two years, more than four hundred women were examined in Orenburg. Only a hundred of them managed to get pregnant safely. As a result of IVF, sixty babies have already been born. Among them are one triplets and eleven twins.
Previously, this service was inaccessible, you had to go to Samara and pay crazy money. Today you can make your dream come true with us and absolutely free. The IVF program is supported by the Government of the Orenburg Region. Forty million rubles have already been allocated for it. Twenty more this year. Thanks to this, every year 250 women have a real chance to give birth to a long-awaited child.
“It’s not always possible to get the desired result the first time,” explains Mark Grigorievich, “but you can try again several times.”
Determined women do two, three, sometimes four similar procedures. Those who do not want to wait in line carry out this operation at their own expense. It costs about one hundred thousand rubles. And to increase the chances, potential mothers require strong and healthy donors.

Who are you, dad?..
As we said, not everyone can become one. Those who wish undergo a thorough selection - starting from general tests and the so-called spermogram and ending with an examination by a geneticist and psychiatrist. For example, out of two hundred who applied to the Center for an advertisement, only five were suitable for the role of genetic fathers. Four Slavs and one Asian.
The expectant mother will never know the first or last name of the father of her child. The genetic father is selected according to description and phenotype. Within the five there is a blue-eyed blond and a brown-eyed brown-haired man, tall and short...
“We comply with all the legal subtleties of this process,” comments M.G. Shukhman, - we conclude an agreement with future parents, according to which, even in the event of a divorce, responsibility for the baby does not rest with the biological father.
The donor's task is to regularly donate seminal fluid. This procedure should not occur more than two or three times a week. The cost of one ejaculate collection is one thousand rubles.
According to doctors, money is not the main motive that forces men to become donors. Two out of five are wealthy people, and they donate sperm because they want to help childless couples.
It is impossible to be a regular donor. Such services are abandoned after the birth of the twentieth, maximum twenty-fifth child. This will eliminate later possible marriages between brothers and sisters.
The current donor reserve will soon dry up. Thousands of married couples dream of having a child. And if the stork is in no hurry with the gift, and it was not possible to find it in the cabbage, then who is stopping you from finding it... in a test tube?

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Where to send your child on summer holidays? Along with regular camps, there is an alternative for children - day camps.

Twins raised in vitro in Orenburg

All of them are located within the city. In such camps, the child will rest from morning to evening, and will return home to spend the night. These camps are a good opportunity for children to improve their language skills, play sports, and practice their leadership skills.

List of day camps in Orenburg

Children's language camp “New Generation 2017”

The flow in the camp lasts two weeks. During this time, children will engage in sports, intellectual development, English, make new friends and get a lot of bright impressions.

The price of the tour includes:
— Morning and evening transportation of children;
— Three meals a day (breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack);
— 20 exciting events: a karate master class, cheerleading, modern dancing, extreme BMX cycling, a visit to a 2000 sq.m. trampoline park, a petting zoo, sand animation, a robot modeling group and a scientific entertainment laboratory, participation in a theater staging;
— 20 English lessons in training format. A small amount of theoretical information, a maximum of practice.

The first stream in the camp has already begun on June 5 and will last until 06/16, the second - 06/19/17-06/30/17, the third - 07/03/17-07/14/17, the fourth - 07/17/17-07/28/17.

There are 4 squads in the camp:
1 squad - 5-8 years.
2nd squad - 9-10 years old.
3rd squad - 11-13 years old.
4th squad - 14-16 years old.

Cost - 17,000 rubles.

Day camp "Gazovik"

This is a camp based at the Gazovik Palace of Culture and Sports for children from 6 to 13 years old. Children can enjoy excursions to the hippodrome with horse riding and an ostrich farm, trips to the cinema, museums, theaters, a bowling center, a swimming pool, and hiking. Design, choreography, soft toy, vocals, fine art, football, volleyball, table tennis.

There are several shifts in the camp:

1st shift: May 30 - June 19, 21 days;
2nd shift: June 22 - July 12, 21 days;
3rd shift: July 15 - August 4, 21 days;
4th shift: August 7 - August 27, 21 days.

The camp's opening hours are from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

For questions about purchasing vouchers, please contact the Ozon LLC office at st. Chkalova, house No. 1 - DKiS "Gazovik", 73-26-79, 73-24-65, 73-20-87.

Cost - 13,671 rubles. (21 day).

Language Link Day Camp

Children's language camp with an interesting entertainment program.

What's included in the price:

- Delivery: Collection point - camp - Collection point;
- Balanced diet;
— Classes with teachers from the UK for more than 12 hours;
— Classes with Russian-speaking teachers for more than 12 hours;
— Trainings and master classes;
- Entertainment.

Cost - 17,800 rubles.

Fox&Kids Summer Camp

Camp for children 3-4 years old

— Full 2 ​​meals a day + snacks;
— Spanish classes;
— Fitness / Dancing / Games;
— Master classes.

Collection of children from 8:45. Time spent in the camp is 9:00 - 13:00.
Price: 10,100 rub. Academy students get a discount of 1,500 rubles

For children 4-6 years old

— Unique program FoxCamp;
— Full 3 meals a day + snacks;
— English classes in the fresh air;
— Spanish classes;
— Outdoor games (in a closed area);
— Mental arithmetic;
— Reading / Mathematics;
— Fitness / Dancing / Games;
- Daytime sleep;
— Master classes.

Collection of children from 8:45. Time spent in the camp is 9:00 - 18:00.
Price: 17,860 rub. Academy students receive a discount of 1,500 rubles.

Day camps of the Children's Creativity Center

The Orenburg CDT is organizing 13 day camps this summer. Among them:

D/k "Iskorka", st. Young Leninists, group for 15-20 people.
D/k "Helios", st. Dzhangildina, 20/2-46,47,48, group for 10 people.
D/k "Zhuravka", st. Salmyshskaya, 26-73.74 - 10 people.
D/k "MZHK", st. 70th anniversary of the Komsomol, 12 - 20 people.
D/k "Cosmos", st. S. Lazo, 12 apt. 33 - 10 people.
D/k "Fakel", Dzerzhinsky Ave., 32/2, entrance from the end - 15 people.
D/k "Scarlet Sails", st. Etc. Pobeda, 156/2-18 — 10 people.
D/c "Prometheus" st. Brestskaya, 16/1 - 1,2,3,4, - 20 people.
D/k "Olympus", st. Salmyshskaya, 21, from the end - 20 people.
D/c "Evrika", Pobedy Ave., 166a, apt. 166,167 - 20 people.
D/k "Spartak", Dzerzhinsky Ave., 17/1, from the end - 15 people.
D/k "Grenada", Pobedy Ave., 144a, 1 building - 20 people.
D/k "Iskatel", st. Volgogradskaya, 40, from the end - 15 people.

You can purchase vouchers and learn everything about the camp program in children's clubs. The first stream starts on 1.06. and will last until 30.06.

Yard club "Iskorka", day camp

Camp for children from 7 to 14 years old on the street. Young Lenintsev, 15. The program includes classes in the pool, a computer club, trips to bowling and museums. From 1.06 - 30.06 (from 9:00 to 15:00), registration by phone - tel. 62-97-76. Cost - 170 rubles per day.

Lena Dontsova - born 1986 - the first Soviet child conceived using IVF technology.

Lena Dontsova, the first Soviet test tube baby, is 20 years old. Now she works as a waitress and does not feel exceptional.

Until now, the name of Lena Dontsova and her place of residence were known only to a narrow circle of doctors. Information about who and where her mother was from was kept almost classified as “secret”. This went on for twenty years, until Lena Dontsova herself decided to break the silence.

“My mother told me how I was born when I was ten years old, but then I didn’t understand what was what,” Lena laughs. — By the way, they named me in honor of the doctor Elena Andreevna Kalina, who participated in that fateful operation. And in general, I somehow don’t focus on my, so to speak, uniqueness. I remember that I was conceived in an unusual way only on my birthday.

Alena grew up to be a determined girl. Having received a diploma from a trade college, I decided to go on vacation to Sevastopol. She liked the city by the sea, and Alena moved there to live. Works as a waitress in a restaurant. And my parents still live in the provincial Ukrainian town of Krasny Luch (Lugansk region).

The story of Olga Alexandrovna, mother of Lena Dontsova

At one time, her mother Olga Alekseevna decided on an experiment, the success of which even the most certified doctors of the Union doubted. In the early 80s, test tube babies were already being born in the West, but in the USSR such information was perceived as science fiction.

“The doctors gave me a verdict: “Don’t even dream about children,” recalls Olga Alekseevna. — And then I accidentally read a note that you can artificially conceive a child abroad. I wrote a letter to the “Health” program on ORT and asked for advice. A week later, the answer came: you need to contact the All-Union Research Center for Maternal and Child Health. I passed the necessary examinations and came to Moscow.

Forum "Test Tube"

My husband didn't dissuade me.

— Weren’t you scared when you found out that they were actually going to experiment on you?

“I remember back then I told the doctors: “I’m not afraid of anything except childlessness.” But I was warned that it might not work the first time. And when I recovered from anesthesia after the operation, the first thing I did was ask the doctors to sign me up for a second attempt, not even knowing whether it worked.

The first attempt was unsuccessful. Several more followed. And in 1986, Olga Alekseevna nevertheless gave birth to the first Soviet test-tube child.

“Alenka was not a sickly child,” recalls Olga Dontsova. - Chickenpox, colds - everything is like ordinary children, but she was never in the hospital.

How do they do it?

Artificial insemination (IVF) is the combination of an egg (which is removed from the ovary by puncture) and sperm. The union takes place, of course, outside the woman's body. Then the embryo is grown for 48 - 72 hours in a special incubator, roughly speaking, in a test tube, and transferred to the uterus. If everything is in order, the baby is born after nine months.

Now, if parents wish, doctors can choose the sex of the unborn child and eliminate hereditary diseases.


Today there are more than one million people born in test tubes in the world.

In Russia, the cost of artificial insemination ranges from two to four thousand dollars.

Who was the "pioneer"?

Louise Brown, the world's first child conceived in a test tube, was born in 1978 in England. It took doctors 600 attempts before the experiment was successful.

Lena Dontsova - the first IVF child in the USSR

Test tube babies

For many, the terrible diagnosis of “infertility” sounds like a final death sentence. Fortunately, today medicine does not stand still, offering artificial insemination for couples who cannot conceive a child naturally. Test tube babies are a fairly common phenomenon in the modern world. Poor ecology, illness, lifestyle, previous surgeries - all these are the reasons that approximately a tenth of the world's population cannot conceive a child on their own.

In vitro fertilization

In vitro fertilization, or the more common abbreviated term IVF, literally means “fertilization outside the human body.” This is precisely the essence of the method. During IVF, an egg is removed from a woman's body using a thin needle. Do not be afraid of this procedure - the process takes only a few minutes and is performed under local anesthesia. Next, viable sperm of the future father are injected into the egg, and the embryo obtained in this way is grown in an incubator for up to 5 days. At the next stage, the fertilized egg is placed in the uterus of the expectant mother. It is worth noting that conceiving a child using IVF is used in both cases of female and male infertility.

Children after IVF

The method of artificial insemination was first used in Great Britain in 1978. Since that time, thousands of full-fledged and completely healthy test-tube children have been born - thousands of women have experienced the joy of motherhood, thousands of families have waited for the birth of a baby.

On the wings of a stork. Who helped 15 thousand babies be born?

There have always been many rumors and myths around the sensational method. Some were simply interested in what kind of children are born after IVF, others stated that “test tube” children suffer from genetic diseases and, as a rule, lag behind their peers in development. This opinion has no basis, since the development of children conceived through IVF is exactly the same as those born naturally. The only way that children born after IVF may differ from others is the double attention and increased care that the parents of the test tube baby receive.

As for genetic diseases, everything depends entirely on the “source material”, that is, the mother and father. In some cases, artificial insemination can even help eliminate the possibility of transmitting the pathology to the child. For example, there are hereditary diseases that are transmitted exclusively through the male line. In this case, with IVF it is possible to plan the gender of the unborn child. It is worth noting that choosing the sex of a child during IVF is a forced measure, which is resorted to exclusively for medical reasons.

Surprise "from a test tube"

Quite often, with artificial insemination, happy parents get not just one child, but twins, triplets or even quadruplets. This happens for several reasons, one of which is ovarian hyperstimulation, carried out before IVF.

In addition, to increase the chances of fertilization, several eggs are placed in the uterus. Of course, the number of implanted embryos is discussed with the future parents, and with the onset of pregnancy, reduction is possible - removal of the unwanted fetus. But before carrying out such a procedure, doctors are obliged to warn the woman that reduction can provoke a miscarriage and is therefore extremely undesirable.

It has been absolutely proven that IVF has no effect on the health of children. Test tube babies grow, develop, just like others, and can give birth to their own babies naturally. All this is shown by the experience of Louise Brown, the first test-tube child, who has already become a mother without medical intervention.

Today, July 25, is the 40th birthday of Louise Brown, the English nanny who became the world's first test-tube baby. The first person in the world to be born as a result of artificial insemination (IVF) is alive and well today, Louise is a happy wife and mother of two sons conceived naturally.

Over the years, assisted reproductive technologies have changed a lot, and sometimes doctors manage to do the impossible: in Russia alone, over the past decades, more than 1 million children have been born using in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Today, reproductive doctors, thanks to IVF, help not only infertile couples to find happiness in becoming parents, but also people who want to preserve germ cells for future use (delayed motherhood programs), patients with cancer before heavy chemotherapy that kills germ cells, so that after If cured, they could have children.

IVF helps couples who do not suffer from infertility, but have hereditary genetic diseases, to give birth to a healthy child. The successes of reproductive specialists are impressive, however, there are a lot of myths and prejudices around IVF. Gynecologist-reproductologist Yulia Tsoraeva debunks the main myths about IVF.

Myth 1: Taking oral contraceptives can reduce and slow down the consumption of eggs and, thus, increase a woman’s chances of a late pregnancy.

It is impossible to slow down the biological process of maturation and release of eggs. There is such a thing as follicular atresia - the reverse development of follicles in the ovary: the follicles are genetically programmed to die.

Normally, with or without taking contraceptives, one follicle matures in the female ovary every month and ovulation occurs, the remaining 10 next to it die. And so on every month. When taking contraceptives, ovulation does not occur, but the follicles still rise, fertilization and division do not occur, and they become atretic - they die.

Myth No. 2: You can search for your prince for a long time, sort through candidates, pursue a career and give birth after 35-40; modern medicine allows you to postpone motherhood to a later date. It doesn’t matter that the number of follicles decreases in the female body, the main thing is that the woman has good genetics.

The female body produces a sufficient number of genetically healthy eggs to give birth to a healthy child only up to a certain age, as nature intended. There are no strict age limits here; for some, even before the age of 30, all eggs will be genetically defective and will not produce healthy offspring. But most doctors believe that you should still give birth to your first child before the age of 35. Let's explain why.

In a woman under 35 years of age, out of 10 eggs, seven will be healthy, from which, upon fertilization, three healthy embryos can be obtained. In a woman aged 35 to 40 years, out of 10 eggs, only 5 will be healthy, from which 2-3 embryos can be obtained. After 40 years, the number of healthy eggs falls catastrophically: at 40, only 10% of eggs remain high-quality and suitable for fertilization, at 42, even less - 5%.

In order to get a healthy egg and a healthy embryo at 42 years old, a woman needs to take 18 (!) high-quality eggs, but at 42 years old they simply don’t exist. Of course, doctors are trying to help women over 40-45 years old to give birth, but working with genetics is not easy: chromosome division is disrupted with age, and one of the most dangerous pathologies is the incorrect divergence of the 21st chromosome, which causes Down's disease.

Myth No. 3: After IVF, a woman’s risk of developing cancer increases greatly.

This is a misconception; the procedure for stimulating the female reproductive system does not increase the risk of developing cancer. There is no scientific data to support this. This opinion was formed due to the fact that patients in reproductive clinics are examined much deeper and more extensively than in any other clinic, and thanks to additional research, cancer can be detected at an early stage, which has not yet manifested itself.

If an ultrasound reveals some small pathology, for example, a small lump in the breast, the woman must undergo a mammogram to exclude the diagnosis of breast cancer. If the patient has a history of chronic gastritis, she will definitely be referred for a consultation with a gastroenterologist and undergo a gastroscopy to make sure that she does not have a malignant process in the digestive organs.

All this is done in order to exclude any complications and identify hidden health problems, if a woman has any. The more frequent detection of cancer among women who are preparing for the IVF procedure, or who have already had IVF, is only due to the fact that we examine our patients more thoroughly.

Myth No. 4: Children conceived through IVF are more often born with congenital pathologies and various diseases, including mental disorders and diseases of the nervous system.

This is a myth, because we, on the contrary, help embryos, which are indeed not always genetically healthy, to take root. The embryo receives more hormones, more nutrients and, even if it is genetically unhealthy, is helped to survive.

But with IVF there is a greater number of premature births, this is indeed true: if 60-70% of transplanted embryos take root, then much less reach birth.

Today there are methods that can reduce the frequency of chromosomal abnormalities in the embryo, but they cannot be completely eliminated. As with natural fertilization, sick children are born without IVF, and the woman is not always “to blame” for this.

Male factor accounts for approximately 40% of all cases of infertility, a man's fertility can be greatly reduced by sexual, hormonal problems (thyroid disease, pituitary tumors, low testosterone), problems related to the quantity and quality of sperm (for example, low sperm motility).

Myth No. 5: Immediately after transferring embryos into the uterus, a woman needs strict bed rest for the embryos to take root.

There is no need for this; moreover, the woman must move. Whether the embryo takes root or not strongly depends on the blood flow in the uterus: the more intense the blood flow, the better the nutrition of the organ; nutrients are supplied to the embryo with the blood flow.

Accidents with children

When a woman lies down, blood circulation in the pelvis decreases sharply, and blood clots form much more often.

If my patients are lying down and are afraid to move, I tell them: “You can lie down, but be sure to move your legs, do some simple exercises, and under no circumstances lie or sit cross-legged in a cross-legged position.” Normal physical activity should be the same as during natural fertilization.

Myth #6: Doctors have no control over the success of IVF and cannot guarantee a positive result.

The effectiveness of IVF, that is, data that shows how many women after the stimulation procedure will become pregnant, carry and give birth to a child - the numbers are very subjective, it all depends on the age of the women. Before the age of 30, 70-80% of patients become pregnant on the first try and carry the baby to term; after 35 years, the percentage of pregnancy and pregnancy is lower; after 40 years, it is even lower.

If a woman fails to get pregnant on the first try, the doctors’ task is to find out the reason for the failure so that the subsequent attempt at artificial insemination will be successful. But I repeat: the younger the woman, the higher her chances of getting pregnant. The effectiveness of IVF at 40-41 years old is only 5-7%. For such women, there is a next stage - donation or surrogacy.

The number of infertile couples is growing, doctors attribute this to poor ecology, a very high pace of life, chronic stress, poor nutrition and many other factors, among which one of the most problematic is postponing pregnancy to a later date. Young women are busy with their studies, careers, self-realization, and travel actively, preferring to postpone having a child “for later.”

And forgetting or simply not thinking about the fact that with age the probability of having a healthy child decreases - simply because this is how the female body works: according to the laws of nature, a woman should give birth for the first time at a young age - up to 30 years. But doctors are observing an increase in the average age of women planning to give birth to their first child: increasingly, beautiful ladies aged 45-50 who want to become mothers naturally, which is practically impossible, turn to reproductive specialists.

In Orenburg, at the international competition “Art Triumph”, students of Ruslan Arslanov Artyom Denisov (left) and Dmitry Kryukov received a first-degree laureate diploma for the originality of the “Wheel of Sira” act. Artyom is the son of Ruslan and Lyudmila. Photo by Valery Gunkov

Fairy tale. Miracle. This is the name given to the revival of a famous circus family after a terrible tragedy.

Great grief and great happiness. The couple agreed to tell our newspaper about what happened to Lyudmila and Ruslan Arslanov over the past five years.

First, let's say it for those who have never heard this name. The name of the circus studio “Ruslan and Lyudmila” comes from the names of the spouses, the creators of the children's circus studio in Gaya. For 28 years they have been preparing children who, for the first time, reveal themselves here as individuals, become psychologically liberated, become sociable, physically strong, and develop the habit of self-discipline.

Someone entered the circus school in Moscow, Sverdlovka. Someone lives and works in their hometown and, years later, brings their children to classes with their favorite teachers.

Now about what happened 5 years ago. Everything went as usual: daily training and performances. The Arslanov family boasted sons Timur and Arthur. It is not surprising that they became circus performers. And what kind! Participated in international competitions and festivals. They performed at venues in Germany, Turkey and Japan. And in 2014, during a tour of Dagestan, the driver of a car in which there were four artists, including the Arslanov brothers, lost control and collided with an oncoming car. All the artists died.

Losing a child is a blow for any good parent. But to lose two at once, and even young, talented ones, who had a brilliant artistic future ahead of them, is a doubly blow.

“From morning to night there were tears,” recalls Lyudmila, “before my eyes there was an accident and a funeral. Hands down. For the last 10 years I have been doing business and wanted to help my sons buy a home. Things were going well for me. After what happened, work lost all meaning. I was fading away.

The husband said: “That’s it, things won’t work like that. Let's have a baby. Medicine can do a lot now. If it doesn’t work out, we’ll take it from the orphanage.” I realized that there was no other option. Either live life to the fullest, take care of your new family every day, or die. In general, this saved me.

Of course, he was not young and his own child was a big question. We decided not to wait and came to the orphanage: “We would like to take in two children. Boy and girl. Physically active so that they can become our circus family.”

“We don’t have those. Now, if there are only three relatives: two girls and a boy. Will you take it? There’s one more, but they’re fast...” Ruslan nodded: “Where there are two, there are three.” This is how we became a large family in 2015. The mental wound did not heal, but faded into the background.

“Vika, Nicole and Artyom fell in love with us,” says Ruslan, “they try to distinguish themselves in front of each other. Training in the circus studio, studying diligently at school, participating in household chores - everything is the same as before when our sons were growing up.

Now Lyudmila and Ruslan Arslanov are sure: there should be many children in the family. F O then from the personal archive of the Arslanov family

“Fate, apparently, is wiser than us,” continues Lyudmila, “a year after we took the children from the orphanage, I became pregnant. I still don’t believe that this happened to me. But a fact is a fact. At 51, I gave birth to my daughter Nastya. And not the way wealthy older women sometimes do now - through a surrogate mother, but on her own, or, better said, with God's help.

And I also think that my physical fitness played an important role - I never stopped training. My husband, who is now 60 years old, walks freely on his hands and dances in a squat. In a word, we feel young, especially since we have four small children.

“When we brought Nastya from the maternity hospital and put the package on the table, the children became unusually interested. When they realized that this was their sister, they were delighted and immediately fell in love with her.

The kids are my helpers. Nicole is making pancakes. Vika knows how to do laundry. Artyom helps plant the garden. Nastya has already performed on stage with us when we participated in the regional competition “Best Large Family”. Ruslan also runs our studio at the children's creativity center. And I recently returned from maternity leave and also work at the children’s creativity center, although not as a studio teacher, but as a methodologist - there is no second job as a circus studio teacher now. I can't live without work. The role of a housewife is not for me.

We again live in the successes of our children, rejoice and worry about them. We cherish every day we live. From school and after work, each of us is greeted with a joyful bark by the dog Fedya, the caretaker of our private home.

We do homework with the children. We perform in front of orphanage children, old people, and at corporate events. We play, fool around, laugh. But we try not to get the photo album of our former family members - it hurts to look at our loved ones who have gone forever into another world.

Ruslan Arslanov tries to put two guys in the original number. This creates healthy competition and the boys follow each other. F O then Valeria Gunkova

This is how the fate of Lyudmila and Ruslan Arslanov unfolds. There is a difficult adolescence ahead, and you never know what other problems. But we have no doubt that they will cope with all the difficulties.

At their age, most people already have everything settled in life. As a rule, new things are not expected. But in vain.

You should never lose hope and faith. It's never too late to love, give and understand. And even nature, which cannot be deceived, feels this and opens up amazing, incredible possibilities for us...

Inna Lomantsova

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