Toy terrier girl care. Caring for a toy terrier puppy - small dog lovers club

In this section, we tried to collect as much information as possible about the proper care of your pet. You can read several useful articles about proper nutrition for toy dogs, their training and careful preparation for the exhibition. How to give your pet a model look by giving him a good haircut, clothing, and sometimes even shoes. And most importantly: how to care for the toy terrier puppy that has recently arrived in your family.

So that a man's friend remains a friend even after photography

Don't forget about patience. It will be very useful to us. After all, a toy terrier will be more capricious than any fashion model. And the photographs taken should highlight all the advantages of small toy terriers, and especially the large protruding ears.

Toy Terrier. Tray training

Many people who want to have a dog in their home are put off by the very fact of walking with it every day. But when walking a pet, the owner himself performs walking exercise, and even in such wonderful company. It often happens that neither the owner nor family members have the opportunity to walk the dog during the day, so in order to avoid misunderstandings, it is necessary to train the puppy to use the litter box.

Rules for trimming dog nails

Taking into account the physiology and standards of the Toy Terrier breed, cutting the nails of its representatives should be approached very responsibly. Undoubtedly, dogs need to have their nails trimmed, but this must be done carefully and in compliance with simple but very important rules.

If a charming Russian Toy Terrier puppy has appeared in your home, then you are faced with an important and difficult task - how to turn him into a well-mannered and obedient dog that will fully be your faithful comrade and reliable companion.

Let's talk about walks. Of course, you need to teach the puppy to perform all its natural needs at home, in a specially designated place. However, under no circumstances should a toy terrier be deprived of walks in the fresh air.

Important notes about the breed

Interesting notes about the history of the origin of toy terriers, some aspects of the breed standard. You can also get some advice on choosing a puppy and its further education. And of course you can learn a little about the character of your pet.

A conscientious breeder always instills in puppies the first skills of good behavior, which he will definitely inform you about when selling. The new owner’s task is to continue training and not discourage the dog’s healthy habits.

How and what to feed

Due to the small digestive tract of toy terriers, their nutrition must be taken very seriously and carefully. In this article, you will find out whether you should feed your pets canned food and dry food or still take some time to prepare “dog food”; what is absolutely unacceptable to give to toyam, and what they love most.


Is it worth cutting toy terriers and is it necessary to do it at all? Short-haired Toys can do without a haircut, but long-haired Toys can sometimes be pampered with a good or even fashionable haircut. But you need to remember that it is absolutely forbidden to cut toy terriers before exhibitions, since this is not provided for by the standard.

A little about a dog with a “big” heart, part 1

Among people who, due to various objective circumstances, do not have the opportunity to keep a devoted friend at home - a dog, or who do not subjectively perceive dogs, there is a strong opinion that a dog looks similar to its owner. And the owner chooses a pet precisely in his own “image and likeness.”

A little about a dog with a “big” heart, part 2

Despite the obvious rejection of bloody battles, it is clear that A.E. Bram admires the terrier, who bravely rushed “at the largest and strongest rats in order to complete the most difficult part of the work with fresh strength; then it was easy for her (him - author) to cope with the rest, even with some fatigue.”

A little about a dog with a “big” heart, part 3

The Stalinist regime inflicted particular damage on the Toy Terrier and other dwarf dog breeds. The repression of the intelligentsia as a class simultaneously hit dog breeding, since the vast majority of specialists in this field and owners of toy terriers ended up on the lists of those repressed.

A little about a dog with a “big” heart, part 4

A full litter of three long-haired puppies was obtained by Moscow dog handlers headed by E.F. Zharova after the mating of the first long-haired representative named “Chikki”, who had fluffy ears, bright red tan marks on a black background and an elegant shirtfront with a black and tan female with long hair.

Brought out in Russia, they can be a source of pride for patriots (finally, we have given birth not to a bomb or a Kalashnikov assault rifle, but to something sweet and kind). The breed enjoys some popularity abroad due to its unusual appearance and size. However, toy terriers differ from other small dogs not only in appearance, but also in behavior and maintenance characteristics.

In this material we will touch upon specific nuances that are unique to Toys. We are sure that after reading, those who are undecided will be able to decide whether they want such a dog in their home.

Temperament of a toy terrier

Try to walk your dog at least 2 times a day. Toy is a bundle of energy and needs active walks.

Let him off leash only in safe places. The fact is that the small size and cute appearance leaves its mark on the psyche of many representatives of the breed: most owners do not pay attention to raising their pet, as a result of which the terriers grow up to be hysterical, dominant-aggressive. The desire to control the situation, to “protect” the owner, never leaves them and becomes an obsession. They can rush at large dogs, or bark at “suspicious” passersby, who in fact just scare him.

For games, buy only special toys. Old children's toys are not suitable. Your pet can chew off a piece of rubber with sharp teeth. The consequences can be dangerous.

If you are not sure that you can provide conditions for Toy activity, it is better to opt for less calm breeds. Toys cannot stand loneliness, do not leave them alone for a long time.

An example of emotional lability in the video:

This video contains all the standard mistakes in parenting: baby talk, which leads to increased excitability, is interspersed with the introduction “for the sake of affection” into an aggressive-defensive state. As a result, the dog lives in a state of constant nervous tension.

Nutritional Features

Food from your table will not do. Choosing a natural diet will put you in front of the need to boil meat or fish every day. From cereals you can add rolled oats, rice or buckwheat.

You cannot prepare food for several days - toy terriers have a very sensitive gastrointestinal tract. The pancreas and liver are also weak points.

They will be harmed by foods high in fat and carbohydrates. Carefully cut out the fatty layers from the meat. Foods rich in fiber are beneficial.

It is better to give preference to dry food, they contain all the necessary substances and microelements. Premium food is more expensive, but it will not harm the health of the terrier. Be sure to read our article. Dry food should not be kept in the bowl all the time. Do not overfeed your dog; it is better to give food in small portions according to the dog’s age. And don't forget about clean water.

How to trim claws

It's high time for someone to take care of their claws. But do you think it will be given without a fight? 🙂

While it is growing, its claws must be trimmed. In puppies, shedding claws can harm the development of gait. In adult dogs, long nails break and split, which can lead to inflammation. The claws are trimmed with special tweezers in the place where they bend.

Hair and ear care

The Toy Terrier's coat does not mat and requires combing. You should not bathe your dog often - it is enough to do it once every three months, using a special shampoo. After a walk, be sure to dry the fur with a clean napkin. You will remove not only dirt and dust, but also harmful substances from exhaust gases, which abound on city streets.

When swimming, be careful not to get water into your ears. Clean your ears with a cotton swab. If dark discharge appears constantly, do not delay your visit to the doctor.

What you need to know about the teeth of a toy terrier

In Toy Terriers (as in Yorkies), when replacing milk teeth with permanent ones, the fangs often have to be removed, because the new tooth does not “pull out” the old one. When checking the condition of the gums, you will understand that a new tooth is starting to emerge, and the baby tooth is interfering with it. You can, of course, handle it yourself, but teeth are not claws. You can exhaust your dog and not really do anything, and it’s very easy to get an infection. Do not be afraid that your pet may be given too much pain medication at the clinic. Stories about such cases are either the work of completely incompetent veterinarians, or (which is much more common) from beginning to end are fiction based on fears.

Monitor the condition of your teeth and prevent the appearance of teeth. In service - the same cotton swab. Open the dog's mouth and clean the plaque from the teeth. To cleanse your teeth, let's chew biscuits.


A fall of a toy terrier, even from a height of 30-40 cm, is very dangerous - it can break its legs or get a concussion. A fall from a height of about a meter can be fatal. Therefore, do not place your dog on sofas and armchairs, and especially not on the table. Do not allow children to drag the dog around the apartment - he is very mobile and can easily slip out of your hands. You should not lift a toy terrier by the front paws or grab it by the scruff of the neck - you can damage the ligaments.

Before you take a dog into your home, think carefully. A momentary decision to get a dog can only be justified by pity for a homeless puppy.

You should only bring a Toy Terrier into your home if you are confident that you can provide proper care, which will require a lot of time and patience. Thanks to its playful and friendly nature, the Toy Terrier becomes a favorite in your home environment.

How to take care of someone who needs you!

So, your family has been expanded with a little friend. Now you have a small dog - Russian Toy Terrier. And of course, your first concern is how to properly care for your beloved toy or cat. Grooming a small dog is not very difficult (with the possible exception of Yorkies), but it still requires certain skills and knowledge. Let's look at everything in detail.


Bathing the Russian Toy Terrier should occur as soon as it gets dirty. There is no need to bathe your baby every day; you can limit yourself to washing your paws after a walk in the fresh air. It should be taken into account that frequent water procedures can dry out the dog’s skin and lead to dandruff. It is better to bathe a toy terrier using special products designed for bathing dogs in warm water. The fact is that a dog’s body temperature is about 1 degree higher than a human’s, so in cold water the toy can freeze. When bathing, it is better to cover your toy terrier's ears with cotton swabs to prevent water from entering.

Note: When using flea drops that are applied to the dog's withers, you should postpone bathing your terrier for two days from the date of application of the drops. The fact is that over these days the effect of the drug gains strength and reaches the concentration necessary to protect the dog.

Nail care

It is imperative to trim your toy terrier's nails, otherwise the dog will place its paws incorrectly, which can lead to bending of the limbs. Nails are trimmed as needed.

To understand exactly where to trim the claw, you need to take the dog’s paw in your hand and look at the claw from the side. In the place where the claw begins to bend down, you need to cut.

Practical advice: In order for a small dog to tolerate nail trimming more calmly, you can encourage it with a treat. The toy terrier, receiving a treat after each cut claw, will quickly understand that the unpleasant procedure is rewarded with something tasty, and it is easier to endure it and receive a reward than to growl and break out of the owner’s hands.

Ear care

Of course, the Russian Toy's ears need to be cleaned if wax discharge is visible. It is best to use cotton swabs, gently and shallowly cleaning the ears.

Owners of a small dog are often concerned about the question: “What to do if the toy terrier’s ears don’t stand up?” The answer is simple: massage and ear sizing.

Massage performed every day with two fingers from the base in the center and up. Give the procedure enough attention and time. The problem of weak ear cartilage will also be solved by timely and correct sizing. This procedure can be done at home. You will need:

  • Medical very sticky plaster approximately 2 cm wide;
  • Scissors;
  • An ear splint, which can be made from any thin, hard, long object (the base of a cotton swab, for example);
  • Degreasing lotion.

First, you should wipe the inside of the toy's ear with lotion (so that the patch sticks firmly and does not come off). Any lotion for degreasing the skin will do. Next we make the base for gluing. Take a splint (the base of a cotton swab, a piece of the rod from a pen, etc.), cut off two pieces of adhesive tape with rounded ends. We lay a tire between them and glue them together. Next, cut a piece of the patch the width and length of the toy terrier’s ear, but wider and longer than the blank with the splint. Using a piece of plaster, glue the blank with the splint to the ear of the toy terrier. This simple procedure will help to avoid creases in the ears of a small dog and will help them grow in the right time.

Dental care

Grooming a Russian Toy Terrier includes mandatory systematic dental care. The Toy Terrier's teeth must be periodically brushed or special biscuits used to prevent the formation of tartar. The frequency of teeth brushing depends on the composition of the saliva and the diet of the small dog. If tartar has nevertheless reached your pet’s teeth, you should contact an experienced veterinarian who will save your dog from this problem.

Another important point in caring for a small dog’s teeth is the removal of baby teeth. Unlike the teeth of large dogs, the canines of toy terriers do not fall out on their own because their roots do not dissolve. This necessitates the removal of the Toy Terrier's teeth.

Many owners of small dogs entrust the solution to this problem of caring for their terrier to veterinary clinics. However, these establishments often use unacceptably large doses of anesthesia when removing milk teeth for dogs, which leads to health problems for the animals. It is possible to remove the milk teeth of a Russian Toy yourself at home. For this you will need:

  • Any mounting side cutters that you can buy in a store with sharp short jaws;
  • Gauze tampons;
  • Lidocaine or novocaine 2%;
  • A steady hand and courage.


  1. The terrier's milk teeth are removed only when hints of molars appear - white tubercles on the gums, which indicate that several days will pass and molars will appear in these places. If you remove baby teeth before the molar cusps appear, you can ruin your dog's bite.

    Practical advice: The lower canines of Toy Terriers erupt from the inside of the lower dentition, therefore, in order not to miss their eruption, it is necessary to look under the dog’s tongue more often when changing teeth.

  2. When using side cutters, make sure that the handles are insulated and do not slip in your hands.
  3. Before removing a tooth, soak a gauze swab in lidocaine or novocaine and apply it to the dog’s gum for a few minutes. This will numb the site of tooth extraction.
  4. You need to break off the tooth with a sharp, precise movement right under the gum so that nothing protrudes from under the gum. If you are unable to completely break out the fang the first time, repeat the procedure. Try not to hit the gum, but if you do and you see a little blood, don't panic. Apply a sterile gauze pad and stop the bleeding.

The advantage of home removal of fangs is the absence of anesthesia, which has a harmful effect on the toy terrier’s body, as well as the avoidance of root canine removal, which causes excessive bleeding.

In addition to the advice we have already given, let me make a few additions that are undoubtedly important:

  • Do not take your dog out for a walk while wearing a harness. This causes the Toy Terrier's joints to form incorrectly.
  • Never leave your dog alone near a store or in a car.
  • If you have any doubts about your dog's health, contact your veterinarian immediately. It’s better to play it safe than to bite your elbows later because of lost time.

Reading the recommendations described above, it may seem that caring for a Russian Toy Terrier is complex and requires special skills and knowledge. We assure you, this is absolutely not true! Of course, certain knowledge and skills are needed, but they are simply acquired through experience. Believe me, after just a couple of weeks, caring for your toy will give you great pleasure.

It’s so nice to take care of someone who needs you, and in return is ready to give love and selfless devotion!

The appearance of a miniature toy terrier is touching. Still would! This tiny dog ​​looks absolutely adorable. He is endowed with an easy-going, friendly, cheerful character, making him a pleasure to communicate with. Despite the fact that toy terriers are representatives of the smallest dog breeds, they have good health, are unpretentious, and do not require expensive care.

Having studied the Toy Terrier breed: the care and maintenance of representatives is unlikely to be burdensome, each potential owner will be able to evaluate the feasibility of acquiring a tiny four-legged friend.

Proper care of your toy terrier will be the key to excellent health and a presentable appearance of your four-legged pet.

Ear care

A dog owner who is interested in how to care for a toy terrier will certainly need to perform a thorough monthly inspection of his pet’s ears. It is forbidden to examine the condition of the auricle with a finger or stick. It is advisable to remove wax accumulated in the outer area of ​​the ears with a cotton swab or disk, after moistening it in a special hygienic lotion. Under no circumstances should you allow liquid to get inside the ear.

According to the standard, a Toy Terrier with a short, smooth coat must have high-set ears. A long-haired dog may have slightly drooping ears. As a rule, ears standing up in a representative of this breed occurs at the age of 5 - 6 months.

The owner can help speed up the process of installing his pet's ears by gluing them. Experienced dog breeders advise performing this procedure after the dog reaches the age of 2 months. Gluing your pet's ears using adhesive tape can be done independently or you can seek the help of an experienced veterinarian. As a rule, the ears of a toy terrier are in the desired position for 4 weeks after gluing.

Dental care

Toy terriers are endowed by nature with small, strong, sharp teeth that require careful care. You should not allow your four-legged friend to entertain himself for a long time by tugging various objects because of the danger of deforming his jaws. Poor or slow loss of baby teeth at the age of five months can cause the formation of malocclusion in a dog.

To avoid oral diseases in your Toy Terrier, it is advisable to brush his teeth weekly.

Modern pet stores offer special products for sale: toothpastes, brushes for dental care. The recommended brushing time is a maximum of 2 minutes. An animal should be accustomed to this procedure from puppyhood.


According to experienced breeders, the toy terrier does not need excessively frequent water treatments. This is explained by the fact that miniature dogs have dry skin with increased sensitivity. The recommended intervals between washing a pet are 5 - 7 months. A pet that has been vaccinated can be bathed no earlier than after 2 weeks.

For bathing, you need to provide heated water in the bath, purchase special shampoo and conditioner.
Abuse of various hygiene products can cause dandruff. The fur of a bathed dog can be dried with a hairdryer.

For a smooth-haired pet, a special brush or mitten is suitable. A long-haired animal needs daily brushing using a comb or comb.

Claw care

Puppies can start trimming their nails at 10 days of age. In the future, the interval between nail trimmings is 10 - 20 days.
Adjustments to the claws of an adult dog are carried out monthly. The upper rounded section of the claw must be removed. It is necessary to buy a dog nail clipper and special nippers in advance. Experienced dog breeders also perform subsequent polishing of the claws with a nail file.

The hard surface on which the animal steps helps to wear down the claws. During long walks there is no need to trim the claws.

Conditions of detention

The Toy Terrier is very vulnerable due to its small size. Its owners will have to constantly look at their feet so as not to injure the dog, slowly open and close all the doors in the house, check sofas and chairs before sitting down for the presence of a dog settled there. A small pet should be held carefully and carefully in your hands. If there is a small child (under 6 years old) in the family, it is better to refuse to purchase a toy terrier.

Arrangement of a sleeping place

A sleeping place for a toy terrier can be arranged using a soft folded blanket covered with oilcloth. A diaper or woolen cape is placed on top of the oilcloth. A feather mattress and foam bedding are considered far from the best foundations for a small dog’s “bed.” A dirty diaper must be replaced.

The toy terrier is not averse to playing and being pampered. The owner will not go wrong if he provides his four-legged friend with latex, rubber toys of small sizes: balls, rings, bones, animal figurines. The dog enjoys playing with himself, but he enjoys having fun in the company of his owner even more.

When purchasing toys, it is very important to control their quality. It is advisable to get rid of old toys in a timely manner, since harmful microbes accumulate on their surface.

Raising and training a dog

Possession of information: how to train a toy terrier will allow the owner to raise an obedient dog capable of following some simple commands: “Sit”, “Fu”, “No”, etc. The main thing is to deal with the dog calmly, without threats or use of force.

A dog that successfully executes a command should be praised and rewarded. If the dog ignored the order, you can repeat the command again and show what exactly is expected from the pet.

Rules for walking a toy terrier

The animal needs daily walking. A small puppy will need 4-5 daily walks during the day. An adult dog should be walked three times a day.. In cold weather, walking time should be reduced as much as possible. To make the walk pleasant and comfortable for your pet, you can dress it according to the weather.

It is preferable to choose a quiet, calm toy terrier. A well-trained dog of this breed walks wonderfully without a leash. Veterinarians do not recommend keeping your dog on a leash all the time, as this is considered harmful to its skeleton. The animal can be allowed to run around a little, which will certainly have a positive effect on improving its health.

Clothes for Toy Terrier

The Smooth-Coated Toy Terrier can experience serious discomfort when walking in cold weather. The same can be said for dogs with longer hair. For this reason, animals need their owners to purchase warm clothing.

It is advisable to accustom a puppy from a very young age to wearing blouses, overalls, and hats, so that later the adult dog can calmly accept the procedure of dressing and undressing. It is best to purchase clothes made from high-quality materials corresponding to the size of the dog.

The toy terrier's paw pads are covered with delicate skin that can quickly freeze and become irritated by salts and aggressive road chemicals. The dog owner will need to take care of buying shoes (for example, boots with Velcro fasteners) to protect his pet's paws. Read more about clothes for small dogs.

Tray training

During the daytime, not all owners have the opportunity to walk with their small pets. To avoid troubles in the apartment in the form of puddles of urine, piles of excrement, you need to learn: how to accustom a toy terrier to the tray as quickly as possible. To do this, you should get special diapers, which have an upper absorbent and lower waterproof layer (it is also possible to use regular paper and newspapers).

If the pet begins to behave anxiously and sit down, it should be moved to the tray so that it can relieve itself. An owner who knows how to toilet train a toy terrier will certainly praise his pet for every successful bowel movement in the place designated for this purpose.

Features of feeding a toy terrier

If a toy terrier has appeared in the family, care and maintenance of what to feed the pet, you need to know. When deciding what to feed your toy terrier, you can choose a diet that includes natural products or specialized high-quality food. Veterinarians are categorically against mixed feeding of representatives of this breed.

Dry food

The problem of what to feed an adult toy terrier can be solved quite simply if the choice is made in favor of specialized factory-prepared products. When purchasing dry food for your four-legged pet, it is advisable to give preference to products from the “premium”, “super-premium”, and “holistic” categories.

When calculating the amount of food, a toy terrier weight table will be indispensable, since on its basis the necessary calculations of daily and portion norms will be made. for the toy terrier you need to buy only from well-known, well-established brands.

Natural food

Successful feeding of a toy terrier with natural products will be organized if the owner creates a balanced menu for his pet, rich in vitamins and minerals. Your dog’s diet should definitely include healthy foods: meat, fish, boiled egg yolks, cereals, vegetables.

Milk is suitable only when the relevant question is: “What to feed a toy terrier puppy at the age of 1.5 - 9 months?”
For adult dogs, it will be preferable to provide fermented milk products and cottage cheese.
Natural nutrition for a toy terrier requires a mandatory calculation of portions (80 grams of food / 1 kg of dog weight).

An owner who is worried about what to feed his toy terrier should know about foods that are strictly taboo. Sugar, sweets, fatty pork, egg whites, smoked meats, sausage, fatty sour cream, butter, pasta, spicy and hot spices should be excluded from the dog’s diet.

How many times should you feed your dog?

A toy terrier puppy purchased from a breeder at 1.5 months old needs 6 meals a day, including: milk porridge, chopped boiled beef, chicken. When deciding how and what to feed a toy terrier at 2 months, it is worth paying attention to the fact that such a dog is suitable for 5 meals a day with slightly increased portions. During the life period of 3 - 5 months, feeding 4 times a day will be optimal for the dog (the menu can be varied with stewed, raw vegetables and fruits). A dog aged 5 - 9 months requires three meals a day, and from 9 months the animal is given food 2 times a day.

Breeding Toy Terriers

It is not so rare for the owners of toy terriers to try themselves as breeders. It is considered optimal to breed a toy terrier when the age of the bitch is between 1.5 and 3 years. The period, including 10 - 14 days after the toy terrier's estrus began, is the most effective for the dog to meet the “groom”.

The owner will need to best organize the nutrition and maintenance of the pregnant bitch in order to subsequently get good offspring and not worry about the dog’s health.

Today, giving birth to a toy terrier at home is considered common. However, it would be a good idea to be on the safe side and agree in advance with the veterinarian so that he can help the dog give birth without problems at the right time, and also respond in time to possible complications.

The Toy Terrier is a wonderful dog that can quickly find contact with its owners. You can spend a lot of time in the company of this little dog, getting great pleasure.

The Russian Toy Terrier is a miniature decorative dog. Every owner of such a tiny dog ​​knows for sure: at heart this baby is a real brave lion, ready at any moment to rush into battle even with a large opponent.


Even before the October Revolution in Tsarist Russia, small dogs - English toy terriers - were popular among aristocrats. Later this played against the breed. In the public mind, she was associated with the aristocracy, so the new authorities did not approve of her. They were not imported to the USSR for many years.

In the mid-twentieth century, Soviet dog handlers began breeding miniature dogs similar to toy terriers. Few ornamental animals were brought back then; often these were puppies with defects, so their appearance in the Soviet Union did not coincide with world standards.

By the end of the 1950s, Russian breeders managed to obtain an animal with a successful set of genes and stable breed characteristics. The Russian phenotype was very different from the English one. And in 1958, the first puppy with long fur was born to short-haired parents. The new breeds were named Russian Smooth-haired Toy Terrier and Moscow Long-haired Toy Terrier.

In the 90s, exhibitions of “toy dogs” were already held in Russia. However, the International Canine Federation did not recognize the new breed for a long time. This happened in 2006, when the standard was adopted and the breed was recognized conditionally (temporarily). Both species are called “Russian toy”. According to the international standard, the word “terrier” was excluded from the name, since experts did not find any signs of a terrier in it.

Russian toy received permanent international recognition only in 2017.

Description of the breed

The word “toy” itself is translated from English as “toy”. This dog really looks like an elegant toy. He is elegant, thin, with high legs and lean muscles.

In size, the Russian toy is even smaller than its relative from Foggy Albion. Its weight is up to three kilograms, its height is 20-28 centimeters.

It also differs from the Englishman in its wide variety of colors. While the British Terrier is always black and tan, representatives of the Russian breed come in a variety of colors, including lilac and tan, blue and tan, red and others.

The smooth-haired Russian Toy has a short, shiny coat that is smooth to the touch and has no undercoat. The longhair has straight or slightly wavy fur, 3-5 centimeters long.

Toys are smart. Ideal for an apartment. They shed little. Russian Toy Terriers are undemanding in terms of care and maintenance.

By temperament they are very energetic, active and playful, always on the move. Therefore, for an elderly person, getting a Russian Toy is not the best idea.

Gets along well with others and other animals and can be an excellent companion. However, representatives of this breed may not be suitable for families with children. The Russian Toy has a rather labile psyche, the dog is excitable and prone to stress.

If the house is very noisy and there is a lot of shouting, the dog may grow up nervous and hysterical.

Toys cannot stand loneliness; they always need company. When left alone, the dog experiences severe stress. So the dog is not suitable for those who spend the whole day at work, leaving the apartment empty, or often leave. But toys are allowed into public places, including many hotels and restaurants. So you can take your dog with you everywhere. For traveling, you can buy a carrying bag for your pet. Small dogs are usually allowed on transport only in a bag.

Many owners are sure that such a small dog does not need to be trained. But if the owner is negligent in raising the puppy, the adult dog develops dominant-aggressive behavior; he believes that he is the boss in the house. This especially applies to males. He may try to constantly control everything around him and hysterically “protect” the owner from everyone and everything.

Despite its “toy” appearance and size, raising and training a puppy must be taken seriously. A properly trained Russian Toy is a friendly, affectionate, loyal dog and a good friend.

When choosing, you need to pay attention to a number of points:

  1. Buy your puppy from kennels or reputable breeders. You can check the breeder's reputation with your local kennel club.
  2. Pay attention to the puppy's behavior. A healthy dog ​​looks playful, active, and shows curiosity. If your dog seems lethargic, there is a chance that he is unhealthy.
  3. The dog must have documents - a puppy card with the parents’ details, a veterinary certificate.
  4. Examine the puppy. Check your ears and eyes - they should be clean and free of discharge. For long-haired Toys, the condition of the coat is important. The coat should be soft and shiny.
  5. The age of the puppy is important. You can pick him up no earlier than he turns 45 days old. If you do not have training experience, it is better to take an older puppy - about three months. At this age, he already knows the basic commands, is accustomed to the tray and leash, and has received basic vaccinations. On the other hand, babies bond with their owners faster than teenagers.

The Toy is a small but inquisitive dog, especially at a young age. He will explore every corner of the apartment that he can reach and will try everything he can get his hands on. Therefore, all wires and other dangerous objects must be removed away from the floor. If you don't want something to be chewed, don't leave it on the floor. It is better to cover with something the narrow gaps between pieces of furniture where the dog can get stuck. You shouldn't hope that he won't go somewhere. He will definitely climb if he can.

It is advisable to cover a slippery floor with a carpet. Your pet is a little perpetual motion machine that wants to run constantly.

The limbs are his weak spot; they are thin and fragile. If your dog slips, it can injure its paws.

Arrange your sleeping place away from radiators and windows. It should be soft, but a feather or foam pillow won't work (unless you want feathers and clumps of foam all over the house). The best thing is special beds that are sold in pet stores. It’s good if you can put a pillowcase on the bed, this will make caring for the sleeping place easier.

The dog should not be allowed to jump from high surfaces.

Toy is easy to potty train, but he needs regular walks. If you can’t go for a walk twice a day, it is advisable to allocate space for games in the apartment. The dog's energy needs an outlet.

Caring for a Russian Toy Terrier is easy. It is important to devote time to him, to play, then he will have a healthy psyche.

Hygiene procedures

Examine your eyes daily. If you notice any discharge, remove it with a cotton swab dipped in veterinary eye drops or tea.

If mucous discharge from the eyes is persistent, the dog should be taken to the veterinarian.

Also check your ears daily. Earwax is carefully removed with a cotton swab.

It is important to monitor the process of changing teeth. Sometimes baby teeth may not fall out when permanent teeth grow. In such a situation, contact a veterinarian to remove old teeth.

To cleanse your teeth, let's chew biscuits.

Toys do not need a haircut, but owners of long-haired dogs that do not participate in exhibitions sometimes give their pets a haircut, leaving hair only on the ears and tail.


You can't bathe Toy often because he has sensitive skin and irritation is possible. After walking, just wash your paws and remove dirt.

Veterinarians advise bathing smooth-haired toys two to four times a year, and up to six times a year for long-haired toys. Choose the mildest dog shampoo. The water is only warm. Be careful not to get it in your ears.

Nail trimming

Nails need to be trimmed regularly. Nail clippers or scissors are not suitable for this; you need a trimmer.

There is a vessel inside the claw that must not be touched when trimming. In light dogs it is visible, in dark dogs it is not, so you need to cut it carefully and little by little. If there is blood, treat the wound with an antiseptic.


Choose lean boiled meat and fish. Cereals – buckwheat, rolled oats. Foods with fiber are healthy, fats and carbohydrates are harmful.

You will have to cook food every day. You won’t be able to prepare it for future use: Toy has sensitive digestion.

It is better to choose premium dry food for small breeds.


A collar cannot be used: only a harness! In general, it is better to use leashes minimally; a sharp jerk can lead to injuries and bending. It is advisable to let the dog run freely in the open air (in a protected space).

For the cold season, buy a jumpsuit. The dog gets cold and cold easily. It is better to have several sets of clothes. The required minimum is a warm outfit for the winter and a waterproof demi-season suit.

On the street you will have to make sure that he does not get close to large dogs. This baby is not aware of his size and does not appreciate his real strength. It does not seem to him at all that he is smaller or weaker than others. He can easily attack even a Caucasian or a Great Dane to prove who is the biggest and most formidable dog here. It is better to avoid such meetings.


Vulnerable places are bones, skin, heart. There are diseases of the teeth, liver, and pancreas. It is important to ensure proper nutrition and safety. Allergies are possible.

Most often the paws break. If your pet begins to limp, contact your veterinarian immediately.

In the spring, as soon as the weather is warm outside, you need to treat against ticks. It is important to use a hypoallergenic product, preferably in drops. “Frontline”, “Mr. Bruno." It is undesirable to use "Bars" as it can cause allergies. Shampoos and collars do not provide sufficient protection. Most drops are effective for 1-3 months; treatment must be repeated on time. In spring and autumn, examine your dog after every walk. If you suspect a tick bite, contact your veterinarian immediately. Ticks are carriers of dangerous diseases; hours can count.

Complex vaccinations and rabies vaccinations are given once a year. 10-14 before vaccination it is necessary to treat your pet for helminths. The drug "Melbimax" and suspension "Helmintal" are suitable. Dosage is calculated by weight. Prevention of helminthiasis is carried out twice a year.

Tray training

Even if in the breeder’s house the puppy has already become accustomed to the tray or diaper, in the new home he may “forget” all his skills due to stress. You will have to toilet train him. You need to start from the first day when the baby appeared in the house.

For toilet training, you will need several trays with low sides or diapers. Place them close together so they cover a larger area. It is best if it is possible to allocate a room for this. Then cover the entire floor of the room with diapers. Don't be alarmed, this is a temporary phenomenon.

Every time the puppy has eaten, move him to trays or lock him in a room with diapers. Say: toilet. Don't let him run away until he's done his business. You can’t hold him by force, be nervous, talk rudely, it’s better to catch him several times. Speak kindly. As soon as the baby has done everything he needs to do, praise him and give him a treat.

Gradually move the diapers or remove the extra trays until there is one left where you intended.

Another option is to let her choose a place for her toilet and put a tray in this place. Once the habit is established, the tray can be gradually moved to where you need it.


A puppy is trained only through play. Under no circumstances should you raise your voice at him, get annoyed or punish him. The dog will completely stop obeying.

Try to clearly explain what you want. Praise for every success. For correct execution of the command, reward with affection and treats.

Toy is a smart dog. If he doesn't listen, it's because he wants to play and not learn. It will be a terrible punishment if you temporarily stop paying attention to it. Soon he will come running himself and will be more obedient.


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