Baby development at three months of age. Opinion of pediatrician Koval Anastasia "3 months of life". Comparative analysis of the main parameters

Another month has passed and now your baby is 3 months old! Your baby has changed a lot, he is no longer as helpless as before. The body became stronger, the face acquired a more meaningful expression. The difference in development and skills is simply amazing! By this time, the child's body has adapted to extrauterine existence, the brain is actively growing and developing, changes are taking place in the digestive system. If earlier the child was tormented by intestinal colic, by three months he should completely pass. Some mothers at this stage begin to introduce artificial complementary foods, but it is better not to do this. Until the age of six months, the baby has enough mother's milk. The only thing that can be added to a child's diet is vitamin D, since there is little of it in mother's milk, and additional prevention of rickets will not hurt, especially in winter.

What can a 3 month old baby do?

  • Confidently holds the head, if you put it on the tummy.
  • Recognizes the faces of close people, laughs when they appear.
  • Lying on back, roll over to side.
  • She turns her head towards the sound.
  • Gulit, trying to "talk" in this way.
  • Expresses dissatisfaction with a cry, is capricious.
  • He manages his own hands well, grabs toys and tries to put them in his mouth.

One of the most significant achievements of a child at 3 months is laughter. The kid laughs openly and boisterously. If he is dissatisfied with something, he shouts loudly. May begin to act up, whimper, cry "at half strength." Most often this happens when he is bored. It is enough to pay attention to him, play or talk affectionately, tell some fairy tale, and now the child's face again lights up with a smile.

The baby likes to be picked up, now he has learned that it is much more interesting and comfortable in his arms than in a crib. He enjoys listening to music. For a child at 3 months old, it is recommended to hang a spinning musical toy above the crib so that he learns to make a connection between what he sees and what he hears.

Sleeping at 3 months 16-17 hours a day, night sleep falls from 10 to 11 hours, the rest of the time is divided into portions of about 2 hours, falling on sleep during the day. The daily routine depends on the individual characteristics of a particular baby, someone gets up earlier, someone later. Adjust to his routine, but try to feed and put to bed at the same time. Thus, the correct daily routine is formed and a number of problems with digestion and sleep can be avoided.

Development at 3 months

A child at 3 months not only knows how to raise and hold his head on weight, but he also controls it, turns from side to side, to the voice of his mother, can follow moving objects.

The fontanel on the head has not yet become overgrown with bone tissue and is soft, so care must be taken when handling the little one. At this age, babies learn to roll from side to side. Therefore, so that the baby does not get injured by hitting the head against the back of the crib, special soft pads or pillows should be used. In no case should you leave your baby unattended on a crib or changing table without sides - otherwise, he may fall off the edge.

Every day, the coordination of movements is getting better, the child has been studying the possibilities of his body for 3 months and already controls the movements of his hands quite well. He tries to grab everything that is in his immediate vicinity and immediately puts it in his mouth. Dear mothers and fathers, remember: there should not be anything near children that is dangerous if it gets into the mouth. All sharp objects should be removed, as well as small objects that are dangerous because the little researcher will swallow them or get into the respiratory tract. The same applies to all toxic and dirty things.

Speech continues to form, new sounds appear, with which the baby tries to express his emotions. When you turn to him, he listens to the words, tries to “answer” in his own way, moves his arms, changes his facial expression, shows a desire to communicate in a different way. Although a child at 3 months does not understand the words spoken to him, he already feels the emotional state of the speaker, so always speak to him as affectionately as possible.

Care at 3 months

The child is increasingly trying to "talk" with his mother, actively cooing, using facial expressions, smiling, waving his arms. At 3 months, he is unlikely to be able to utter at least one word, but it is extremely important to maintain the desire to communicate. Talk to him at every opportunity when changing a diaper, changing clothes, or just picking up. Thus, you form a passive vocabulary in a three-month-old baby. The more often and more you talk to the child, the faster and easier he will speak himself.

It will be better if baby food at 3 months will consist exclusively and only of mother's milk. In the absence of medical indications and the mother has enough milk, it is better not to start complementary foods at this age. During feeding, a three-year-old child is distracted and stops eating more often than in the previous month. No need to be nervous about this or the whiter wean him from the chest - be patient, wait a bit until he starts sucking again.

Bathe You can take your child every day, preferably at bedtime. Then your baby will know that at first there will be pleasant water procedures, then he will be fed, and then he will go to sleep at night. At 3 months, the baby still sleeps for a long time, up to 17 hours a day, but more and more time falls on night sleep. As a rule, during the night, babies wake up 2-3 times for feeding and almost immediately fall asleep again.

Don't forget about walks- you need to walk with a three-month-old baby daily, at least 2 hours. In good weather, you can increase the time spent outside up to 6 hours. Don't worry if your little one falls asleep while walking - sleeping in the open air is very helpful. Just make sure that it does not freeze in winter - touch your nose from time to time. A warm nose is an indicator that everything is in order with the child.

With the advent of a baby, young inexperienced parents have a lot of new worries and troubles, so often new moms and dads resort to special literature and advice from older comrades to solve incomprehensible issues. The development of a child at 3 months is quite active, so this time should be used as efficiently as possible, because right now the basic skills and habits are being laid.

Physiological changes

In the very first months of life, newborns develop very intensively, changes affect all organs and systems of the body. During this month, the child will grow by about 2-3 cm, and the head will acquire a more proportional size in relation to the body.

The digestive system is actively progressing, by this time the stomach has at least doubled in size, so the newborn needs more breast milk. In addition to the mother's breast, a child of this age does not require additional nutrition, the only supplement acceptable for 3 months of life is vitamin D prescribed by a pediatrician, which prevents the development of rickets. Increased attention should be paid to weight gain in the initial stages, since during this period there is a high probability of overfeeding the baby, especially for infants who are bottle-fed. The optimal weight gain for 3 months is 600-800 grams, however, it should be noted that this is an average figure, and it may vary depending on the characteristics of the organism.

By 3 months, coordination of movements is being established, the child already consciously takes toys with his hands, can clap his hands or reach for his face. Most newborns are able to roll over onto their side or tummy by the end of 3 months. The most active children may attempt to pull themselves up with their hands and rise a little. The task of the parents at this stage is to help the baby perform the desired action, however, it is impossible to lean the newborn on the legs or let go of the hands abruptly, since the ligaments of the limbs are not yet fully developed, therefore they are not able to withstand the weight of the baby.

Psychological development

Every day of life, newborns develop new skills and abilities, children spend less time in a dream, and more and more learn about the world. During this period, many babies tend to be in the arms of mom and dad as often as possible, as this allows them to see more interesting things around.

A child at 3 months easily perceives sounds and freely distinguishes native voices. He already turns his head on hearing his name, can focus on small elements and follow moving objects with his eyes. This is a good time to introduce him to soft music, such as classical music or nursery rhymes. You can use a crib mobile, which will give mom a little more free time. Spinning rattles and toys, together with light music, will occupy the baby for a while, and gradually the child will fall asleep on his own with the help of such a simple device.

Even without being able to speak, at this age the child gives signals to parents, with the help of which one can understand his condition. During 3 months, by crying the child, it is already possible to distinguish the cause of his discomfort:

  • slight sobs, gradually gaining momentum and eventually turning into a loud cry, most often mean that the child is hungry;
  • crying in a dream, during which the baby is spinning or rubbing his hands, is a sign of lack of sleep, in which case it is best to create silence in the room and rock the child;
  • piercing and sharp crying, most likely symbolizes painful sensations. The third month of a newborn's life is accompanied by colic and otitis media, therefore, first of all, attention should be paid to the baby's ears and tummy;
  • evening crying, starting at the same time, may indicate intracranial pressure. The solution to this problem is the use of a pacifier, which will relieve discomfort and calm the newborn.

Being in a good mood, a three-month-old baby will actively walk and laugh. Every day, the sounds uttered by the baby become more distinct and varied, it is possible to enhance the speech activity of the newborn at this time with the help of songs and poems. By the way, soon the baby will begin to distinguish phrases already familiar to him, which he will inform you about with a joyful exclamation, and having learned to speak, he may surprise you with an independent repetition of the studied material.

What to do with baby

A child at 3 months is quite active and mobile, tends to turn around, move his arms and legs, so this time is the most suitable for active games. Of course, the baby still does not know how to crawl or sit, so active activities with him should be as follows:

  • study of hanging toys - by hanging several different rattles or soft animals in the arena, you will give the baby the opportunity to independently carry out gymnastic exercises. The child himself will try to get objects first with his arms, then with his legs, which will significantly strengthen his muscles;
  • morning exercises - after the morning bath procedures, a little gymnastics will be useful. Gentle flexion and extension of the arms and legs promotes the development of ligaments, and turning movements of the torso from the back to the tummy will help the baby learn to roll over without your help. When conducting gymnastic exercises, one should take into account such an indicator as the weight of a child at 3 months, since cardinal deviations from the norm require special classes;
  • massage - light stroking of the back and neck area will avoid muscle stagnation, and light massaging of the knee and elbow joints will increase muscle elasticity;
  • outdoor walks - take the baby for a walk as often as possible, children of the 3rd month of life are very interested in observing the outside world, for example, animals, plants, etc. To make the baby more interesting, slightly raise the back of the bed or take the child in your arms more often, giving him the maximum outlook;
  • fitball exercises - a soft elastic ball for physical exercises allows you to coordinate the movements of the child, while it is considered an excellent prevention of intestinal colic.

At three months, the baby takes pleasure in new games and activities. This is a good period for the development of tactile sensations, which will help homemade toys. Offer the newborn a few soft objects of different textures, for example, a velvet soft toy, a harsh kitchen glove and a ball made of thick thread - touching different surfaces, the child develops hand motor skills. Soft cubes with a rattle inside are also popular. Take a few ordinary cubes and one with a rattle, show the baby the difference between them. Soon the baby himself will find a rattling object from the mass of the rest.

At three months, the baby will be happy to meet other children, they, of course, will not be able to play together, but they will get a lot of new experiences. If you have pets at home, do not limit their communication with the child, of course, under your strict control.

Since the baby of the third month is able to distinguish sounds and familiar objects, it will be interesting for him to observe himself. To do this, hang a safe mirror in the arena, the baby will definitely appreciate this innovation.

Try to introduce your baby to different styles of music, turn on rhythmic songs during wakefulness and accompany them with clapping your hands, as well as light dance moves. Before going to bed, it is better to put on calm music, and soon the child will distinguish the relationship between the rhythm of the music and subsequent actions.

Such simple exercises help the correct and active development of babies of the third month, in addition, children who receive a lot of attention from their parents grow smarter, develop faster than their peers and get sick less often.

In a three-month-old baby, the rhythm of feedings and dreams is already well traced. The child actively communicates with close smiles and sounds, loves to explore his hands and confidently lies on his stomach, leaning on his forearms.

Newborn child

The main thing that a newborn needs is bodily contact with the mother, warmth and breastfeeding. These needs will be the most important throughout the entire neonatal period - the first month of life.

Baby 1 month

The main achievements of the first month are weight gain from 500 to 1500 g, attempts to keep the head in the supine position and eye contact with the mother.

Baby 2 months

A two-month-old baby is very sociable and mobile: he smiles at his mother, reports his condition with various sounds and waves his arms and legs with might and main, sometimes hitting a suspended toy.

Baby 3 months

In a three-month-old baby, the rhythm of feedings and dreams is already well traced. The child actively communicates with close smiles and sounds, loves to explore his hands and confidently lies on his stomach, leaning on his forearms.

Baby 4 months

At 4 months, most children can roll over and are increasingly interested in the world around them: their vision acquires an "adult" quality, and their hands are able to grab a toy.

Baby 5 months

A five-month-old baby is preparing to crawl - spins around the navel, rolls. May be interested in adult food. Often the first tooth is on the way.

Baby 6 months

At 6 months, they begin to introduce the baby to new food - they offer the first complementary foods. The child intensively communicates with loved ones, babbles, begins to manipulate toys in various ways.

Baby 7 months

At 7 months, some children are already crawling well, others are just trying to tear their bodies off the floor. Some master sitting before crawling. Many stand up with support.

Baby 8 months

An eight-month-old child, when asked to find an object, looks for it with a glance. The first onomatopoeic words appear. Most crawl well, can get up with support from a sitting position.

Baby 9 months

The kid can stand and step over, holding on to the support. There is a "tweezer grip" - the child can now take objects with the thumb and forefinger. Gums and teething teeth need increased chewing load.

Baby 10 months

At 10 months, many babies take their first steps. The kid is fascinated by picking up items in boxes and scattering them, closing and opening lids.

Child 11 months

At 11 months, many children begin to walk and master the actions with objects that correspond to their purpose: the doll is put to bed, goods are transported by car. Some children have their first words.

Child 1 year old

A one-year-old baby understands and fulfills simple requests, imitates the actions of children and adults, manipulates with a pyramid, cubes.

Child 1 year 3 months

The child actively and varied moves, knows how to run. Learns to use a spoon, knows how to drink from a cup. Compared to the first year of life, it almost stops in weight gain and growth.

Child 1.5 years

At a year and a half, the baby speaks about 40 words, the first sentences may appear. Interested in books - looking at pictures, turning pages. Learns to use pencils, begins to master dressing skills.

Child 1 year 9 months

At this age, the baby is usually already oriented in simple shapes and colors, watching with interest the children playing (“playing nearby”). Can finish the last words in familiar verses.

Child 2 years old

By this age, many children master the potty, learn to eat neatly themselves. The child can listen to the explanations of the adult, some children begin to ask questions.

Child 2.5 years

At two and a half years, children begin to say "I" about themselves. The kid can learn to ride a tricycle, throw and catch a ball, draw and sculpt from plasticine with pleasure.

Child 3 years old

A three-year-old child can dress and wash independently. Communicates with other children in the game, can follow simple rules. Very inquisitive and seeks independence.

At 3 months baby:

  • confidently holds his head lying on his stomach, leaning on his forearms;
  • finds one hand with the other, sucks his hands and examines them;
  • laughs out loud;
  • turns (rolls) on its side;

Some babies at 3 months:

  • grab and hold a toy in their hand;
  • roll over from belly to back and from back to belly.

Height and weight of a child at 3 months, data of domestic pediatricians

Height and weight of children at the age of 3 months WHO data

Nutrition for a 3 month old baby

Breast-feeding: usually 10-12 feedings during the day and 2-4 at night. The number of short attachments in a child of 3 months is noticeably reduced. During feedings, the baby often comes off the breast. Night breaks in feeding are usually 2.5-3.5 hours.

Baby care 3 months

Chair a breastfed baby becomes more regular and homogeneous, in the form of a creamy mass. The frequency can be different: every day at about the same time; up to 5 times a day, stool sour; and even once in 2-5 days. This is normal for children who are exclusively breastfed at 3-4 months of age - if the stool is still soft, the child does not need enemas and laxatives.

Dream. A 3 month old baby sleeps about 10 hours a night, usually there are 2-4 feedings between 4 and 8 hours. During the day there are 2 long - 1-2 hours and 2 short sleeps - 30-40 minutes each. The baby still falls asleep for a long time (20-30 minutes), sucking on the breast. At about 3 months, the baby begins to react to changes in the weather, the new moon and the full moon - he can sleep restlessly, act up for no reason.

Cognitive development of a child at 3 months

A child at the age of 3 months peers into a toy, a large pattern. Notices the toy in different positions:

  • lying on your back
  • lying on the stomach with the support of the hands on the forearms,
  • lying on the side
  • in the hands of an adult.

The development of a child at 3 months allows him to carefully follow the movement of large objects (human, animal), focus his eyes, follow with his eyes small toys that are different in shape, color, size. A 3-month-old child listens to the sounds of a rattle, turns his head towards the source of the sound. What else can a child at 3 months? Pulls his hands to the suspended toys, runs into the toys hanging low above the chest with his hands, straightens them, unclenches his fingers. Captures, attracts, holds toys (rattles).

Emotional and social development of a child at 3 months

At the age of 3 months, the child responds with a smile when he sees the face of the mother (recognizes). Smiling, humming, moving (revitalization complex):

  • at the sight of a loved one,
  • just hearing his voice
  • looking at the toy
  • in response to the singing of an adult, the sound of a musical instrument.

Attracts (holds) the attention of a loved one:

  • smiles
  • movements
  • cooing,
  • cry,
  • whimpering
  • restless movements.

It responds with a smile to both negative and positive soft exclamations and various facial expressions of an adult. Discontent, negative emotions shows when:

  • cut off contact with mother
  • sudden disappearance of a toy,
  • a sudden change in ambient temperature,
  • pain sensations,
  • restriction of movements.

A 3-month-old child shudders when he hears sudden sharp sounds, freezes (for a short while), examining the toy, hearing its sound. At 3 months, a child can listen to the singing of an adult, the sound of a musical instrument, and carefully look at people who are talking. At 3 months, the child is able to walk, awake on his own, and in response to lingering sounds (vowels) pronounced by adults. There are individual intonations of the voice.

In this article:

Not only young parents, but also pediatricians are interested in the physical development of the baby. Every month, during a visit to the children's clinic, the baby undergoes a control weighing and measurement of height. According to pediatricians, the weight of a child at 3 months depends on the proper organization of feeding and caring for him, as well as the physical health of the crumbs.

Average indicators of weight and height for children who have reached the age of three months are determined according to the schedule, which was compiled by WHO specialists. Finding out if the child has deviations in or everything is going well is not difficult - just compare his weight with the criteria indicated in the table.

Normal weight and height of a baby at 3 months

In the first 3 months, weight gain in infants should be 200-250 grams weekly. That is, by the first month of life, the baby should weigh about 800 grams more than on the day of his birth. At 2 months, this figure should be approximately 1.6 kg. And, accordingly, at 3 months, the average weight of the child should be 2.4 kg more compared to his body weight at birth. If a newborn was born with a weight of 3 kg, then at 3 months the child weighs more than 5 kg.

Sometimes kids do not fit into the "average schedule" and gain more or less than the designated norms. There is nothing wrong with this, since the height and weight indicators given in the table can be called conditional.

The body weight of the baby should not have strict limits or criteria, because each child is individual.

After weighing, the pediatrician compares the weight of the child with the norm of 3 months according to the table. This allows the doctor to determine the level of physical development of the baby. Indicators of height and weight "less than average" and "more than normal", in harmony with each other, may indicate that the child is simply small by nature or, on the contrary, large. If growth indicators are not combined with body weight indicators, this should be paid attention to.

Comparative analysis of the main parameters

The average height and weight parameters of a child at 3 months according to the table are:

  • 55-62cm height;
  • 5200-6000 gr weight.

For 3 months of life, the baby should gain about 2400 grams and grow by 8.5 cm. Of course, these are average figures, and they may vary.

The main thing is not to violate the proportions of the torso, head and limbs in infants.

It is these parameters that allow you to monitor the normal physical development of the child.

Does the weight of breastfed babies differ?

The pediatrician tracks the weight of the baby, who is on, from birth. Many mothers are completely unreasonably worried about the apparent thinness of the child compared to. These worries are completely unfounded.

When given mother's milk as the main food, babies always gain more slowly and less, and this is normal. In the case of breastfeeding, you do not need to strictly rely on how much a child should weigh at 3 months according to the WHO table. It is more important to evaluate such criteria as the baby's body weight at birth, the quality of breastfeeding, how the baby takes the breast, etc.

On average, babies who receive breast milk in the third month of life gain from 170 to 245 grams per week. As a result, the total increase per month can be only 600 grams.

Most pediatricians insist that if a baby takes a breast 10-12 times a day, willingly sucks milk for at least 20 minutes, pees at least 12 times a day, his feces have a normal consistency and color, and the baby himself is active and cheerful - nothing to worry about.

Many mothers make the mistake of starting a baby from the age of three months. Nowadays, pediatricians advise not to rush into this and give new products from 6 months of a baby's life. At 3 months, for the normal weight of the child, there are enough nutrients and trace elements that are contained in mother's milk. If it is not enough, the baby is prescribed a complex of vitamins and minerals additionally.

If a child at 3 months weighs more or less than normal

Most young parents note that it is by the age of three months that the baby becomes more rounded. Puffy cheeks, folds on the arms and legs, a well-shaped tummy - all this is an indicator of the formation of metabolism. But in some cases, a child of 3 months gains little weight or, on the contrary, adds very quickly, not fitting into the norm criteria. Why is this happening?

Causes of insufficient weight gain in a child:

  • underfeeding . The most popular reason associated with a lack of breast milk in a nursing mother. The daily volume of mother's milk for an infant of 2-4 months should be at least 1/6 of its body weight. To find out if the baby has enough milk, before and after feeding for 24 hours, it is necessary to calculate the amount of food entering the body. If an underfeeding problem is identified, the pediatrician should be consulted to select an adapted formula that will replace the missing amount of nutrition.
  • Pathologies . A child at 3 months may not gain weight due to illness. For example, the usual one causes nasal congestion, as a result of which the baby can only breathe through his mouth. This significantly interferes with feeding - it becomes difficult for a baby to take a breast or a bottle. In addition, the baby can persistently refuse food if candidiasis occurs on the mucous membrane of his oral cavity. In such cases, it is required to treat the underlying diseases and not try to force-feed the baby.
  • zinc deficiency . The lack of this trace element in a woman's body during pregnancy can lead to the birth of a child with a lack of body weight, even if the birth was on time. During lactation, every mother should continue taking multivitamin complexes. For artificial babies, zinc-based preparations are introduced into the diet.
  • Individual composition of the child . The spread of weight values ​​among newborns can vary by a factor of two! There are both record-breaking babies with a weight of more than 5 kg, and miniature crumbs with a body weight of 2.5 kg. If one of the parents of the child naturally has a thin physique, the underweight of the baby is not a pathology, provided that otherwise his physical development is normal.

Causes of excess weight gain in a child:

  • overfeeding with artificial mixtures;
  • adding sugar to the mixture or drinks for the baby;
  • violation of the rules of feeding;
  • genetic predisposition to be overweight;
  • endocrine diseases.

You can find out from the table above how much a child weighs at 3 months. If the baby scored 15% more than the average values, most likely we are talking about overweight or obesity. In this case, the baby has pronounced deposits of fat in the abdomen and thighs. Sometimes this specific completeness is an individual hereditary feature and subsequently disappears. But in any case, it is necessary to consult with a pediatrician.

The consequences of obesity in infancy are insidious. In the future, the child may experience chronic problems with digestion and the cardiovascular system, arterial hypertension, a tendency to cholelithiasis and urolithiasis, type 2 diabetes, sexual dysfunction, flat feet, and much more.

If the child is rapidly gaining weight as a result of overfeeding, it is recommended to offer him a less concentrated milk formula and reduce the frequency of attachment to the breast, replacing them partially by supplementing the baby with boiled water. Of course, such actions should be discussed with the doctor.

Young mothers should be easier to relate to possible discrepancies in the main parameters of the child - height and weight - with the average figures. If the baby develops according to age, is physically active, eats with appetite and sleeps well, is interested in the environment, does not suffer from problems with defecation and urination, and doctors do not find pathologies in him, then everything is fine with the child.

Useful video about height and weight in children

From the article you will learn: what a child should be able to do at three months, what can mom and baby eat at this age; how much breast milk or formula eats, we determine the norm of weight and height. How much should a baby sleep at 3 months. And also at the end of the article we will show a video on how to do a general firming massage and gymnastics for a three-month-old baby.

Baby development at 3 months

How much should a baby weigh at 3 months

The weight of a child at 3 months depends on gender, genes and diet.

Parents of the baby should clearly understand that only big changes from the norm in any direction should cause feelings. Below is a table of normal weight for boys and girls of three months of age. From the second to the third month, the boy should add approximately 700–900 grams in body weight, and the girl 600–870 grams.

Weight chart for boys 0 to 3 months (WHO)

Month min. Weight, kg) Max. Weight, kg)
0 2,9 3,9
1 3,9 5,1
2 4,9 6,3
3 5.7 (5700 grams) 7.2 (7200 grams)

Weight chart for girls 0 to 3 months (WHO)

Month min. Weight, kg) Max. Weight, kg)
0 2,8 3,7
1 3,6 4,8
2 4,5 5,8
3 5.2 (5200 grams) 6.6 (6600 grams)

According to the standards of the World Health Organization, the lower weight limit for a boy at three months is 5 kilograms 700 grams, for girls - 5 kg 200 grams. The normal maximum weight is 7,200 for boys, 6,600 for girls.

Baby growth at 3 months

Graph and table of normal minimum and maximum height for girls from 0 to 3 months

Month min. height (cm) Max. height (cm)
0 47,3 52
1 52 56
2 55 59,1
3 57,7 62

Graph and table of normal minimum and maximum height for boys from 0 to 3 months

Month min. height (cm) Max. height (cm)
0 48 52
1 52 57
2 56,4 61
3 59,4 64

What should a child be able to do at 3 months

A child at 3 months old knows how to smile at family and friends. The part of the brain that governs the infant's hearing, some aspects of language, smell, memory, and emotions, begins to work actively. Physical activity increases and the baby gradually learns to show his emotions.

At three months, the child should be able to move more or less meaningfully with his hands. The baby is able to turn his head to a favorite voice or a familiar pleasant sound. Lying on the tummy, and fixes the shoulders, focus on the hands.

The grasp reflex in a three-month-old child is increasingly developing. The baby begins to gradually hold the rattle, grab the mother by the hair, fingers and pull it all into her mouth. During the crying of a baby at three months old, he looks at the reaction of his parents, whether mom and dad understood his desires correctly. When the baby does not like something, he stubbornly takes his eyes off the unwanted object.

What can a child do at three months

Play light music or read aloud to a 3 month old. Children love to be sung to, especially a lullaby at night. Try singing and clapping your hands at the same time. There is the so-called "Mozart effect": including classical music, the baby calms down and this has a positive effect on mental development.

How much does a baby sleep at 3 months

A three-month-old baby often wakes up in the middle of the night, but wait at least 30 seconds before approaching and comforting him. Babies at this age may cry at night, but quickly calm down. No need to run to the baby, otherwise he will never learn to fall asleep on his own.

Before going to bed, you need to feed a child at 3 months in the twilight, so as not to irritate the nervous system with bright light.

Daily sleep schedule is adjustable. At three months, babies usually sleep 1 to 2 hours a day at a time.

A baby at 3 months begins to feel the world around him. As his brain develops, he increasingly looks at everything around him with interest, even at his own reflection. Hold a mirror that doesn't break, or sit opposite one. The child will not at first understand that he is looking at himself. This will make him laugh a lot.

Physical development of a 3-month-old baby

To encourage your baby to exercise at three months, try putting him on his tummy. The baby will raise his head and shoulders up, using his hands for support. This small lift strengthens the muscles.

Advice! If you spend most of your time with your child, give your spouse a chance to strengthen the bond between them. It will also give you some time to relax and build your partner's trust.

There are many ways to encourage your husband to be alone with the baby and experiment. Remind him to remember his needs. If a child cries at 3 months, the husband may try to lean him against him, rubbing his back or give him a baby massage. Small children enjoy gentle and rhythmic movements. This will also give the partner the opportunity to feel able to soothe the child. Do not forget that breast milk is nutritious and healthy. You can express milk into a bottle and let daddy feed the baby.

spitting up baby at 3 months

Many three-month-old babies "spit up" most often after meals or even during feedings. After ten months of life, the frequency of regurgitation decreases. If the child burps no more than 30 grams, approximately 20 ml, this should not worry the parents, but otherwise you should consult a doctor.

3 month old baby spit up often and constantly after feeding

The following are reasons for frequent regurgitation at three months of age.

  • The main reason for the constant spitting up of a child is overeating. There's nothing wrong with that, but you don't have to force yourself to eat.
  • Keep the baby in a semi-upright position during feeding and for the next hour after feeding;
  • It is not necessary to put the baby on the stomach within 30 minutes after feeding;
  • You should not be active after feeding, turn the baby over, play active games or make you laugh.

If the baby at the age of three months began to spit up frequently in large quantities after each feeding, consult a pediatrician for advice. Do not wait for the time when the child will begin to lose weight, and the development process will slow down.

Without fanaticism, control the temperature of the child's body. One strong regurgitation a day is not a cause for concern.

Touching a 3 month old baby

Give your baby a gentle touch at three months. The baby flourishes from them, and this is the key to proper development. Contact "skin to skin" strengthens the emotional connection with the baby, soothe him. Stimulate tactile sensation to different materials.

Try playing with a three-month-old baby with soft fabrics such as faux fur, felt, or a terry towel. Also, many parents believe that pets play an important role in the development of the baby. But you need to keep animals safe, because they are one of the sources of the spread of lichen, fungal infection and wool.

How much should a child eat at three months

Infant formula, unlike breast milk, is digested much more slowly by a three-month-old baby. Therefore, such food should be fed less frequently. Over time, the child will eat and drink more, and the breaks between meals will become longer.

All this will also affect the sleep pattern: the baby will be able to sleep virtually all night without waking up. In the second month of life, the baby will eat approximately 110 or 140 gamma of food at each feeding. By the end of the 3rd month, the baby will eat another 30 grams more than in the second.

Overfeeding a baby at three months while bottle feeding is easier because breastfeeding is a difficult process. Be sure to give your baby as much as he needs, and the signs on the bottle will help with this. Fluid should drip slowly from the hole, not overflow. Also, resist the temptation to refill the bottle if your baby shows he wants more.

Never use bottles with support, they are not safe. With these types of bottles, you can easily fall asleep, which is not the best type of sleep.

What happens to mom's life?

Mom still feel anxiety and bad mood, but pushes it to the nerves of the "new mom"? Most likely it is. One in four women suffer from it. Do not be embarrassed and do not be afraid to visit a doctor. This is a real, but completely curable disease.

This week's tip: When it's summer outside, this is a great opportunity to take your child for a walk. Lay a rug in the park or garden and the baby will enjoy stretching and kicking arms and legs. The skin of a baby is delicate, so do not forget to protect it from the harmful effects of the sun.

At 3 months, it is better to avoid direct sunlight, as red spotted pimples may appear on the baby's skin. Choose a warm, shady spot, take a panama hat or umbrella, and sunscreen.

Breastfeeding: how much and how often?

During the three months of breastfeeding, over time, the amount of milk will decrease, and the baby will wake up less and less at night. You are offering enough milk if:

  1. child active
  2. Stably gaining weight, growing, developing
  3. If the child does not have enough food, he will be dissatisfied, fastidious, the baby will be annoyed. If you notice any of these signs, call your doctor.

Remember that after about a month, babies tend to go to the toilet less often. At two months, babies have a bowel movement after each feed. If the child has not pooped for three days, you should contact the pediatrician.

During periods of rapid growth of the child, the mother may notice that the baby wants to eat more often. During this period, the body of a nursing mother enters a special mode of increasing milk production, and after a couple of days, it should regain balance.

Exclusively breastfed babies should get vitamin D for the first few days of life, and the mother should also give the newborn water, but it's worth remembering that solid foods are unacceptable.

After three months, you will realize that breastfeeding is second nature. This can come as a surprise and can be very frustrating if the baby refuses to breastfeed. But giving it up is common and shouldn't last long once you discover the cause.

What can a mother of a 3-month-old baby eat

Often mothers do not have enough time and energy for good nutrition. However, no matter how busy or exhausted you are, it is worth starting the day with a nutritious breakfast. If you like to snack, try eating healthy, vitamin-rich fruits rather than cookies or chocolate.


Breastfeeding mothers need to drink enough fluids. In addition to water, you can drink non-carbonated mineral water, rosehip decoctions, dried fruit compote, weak teas, low-fat kefirs, yogurts without additives. Water does not affect the amount of breast milk, but hot liquid stimulates lactation. The dark color of urine will tell mom about the need to drink more water.

Are your breasts inflamed, red, swollen, and sore?

In this case, you may have . Approximately 10 percent of nursing mothers suffer from mastitis. Continue to feed the baby, as the disease often arises from the overflow of milk in the breast. Stopping breastfeeding will only lead to worse outcomes. But also be sure to see a doctor.

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