Nails for men: care and some interesting features. Long toenails on men Long toenails on men

Surely you have met men with long nails on their little fingers. These men could be of very different ages and social status, but they were clearly united by a very unusual manicure. What does this striking detail mean? Why do men grow their pinky nail? This nuance can be interpreted in completely different ways. Let's look at the main reasons why people grew their nails at different times.

First of all, a prominent nail on the little finger is considered a distinctive detail by which one can recognize a person belonging to the Masonic lodge. The Masons are a secret society that arose in Europe in the 17th century. The organization is based on general moral and ethical principles, originating in monotheistic religions (mainly Christianity). The Masonic society fully corresponds to the image that appears in the mind when hearing the phrase “secret organization”: it is known for its closeness and a whole set of various rules and rituals. Why men grow a nail on their little finger in order to thus show that they belong to the Freemasons is not entirely clear, but this explanation of the detail we are considering is very common.

Let's fast forward to the 18th century. At this time, an elongated nail was considered a sign that a man belonged to the intelligentsia. But why do they grow the nail on the little finger? representatives of this social stratum? Mainly for purely utilitarian purposes. With the help of a long nail, mail envelopes were opened: a letter opener was not always at hand, and in general, hardly anyone would carry it with them. In addition, in France there was a curious rule of etiquette: before entering a room, you should not knock on the door, but scratch your nails.

In the 20th century, the tradition of growing a nail on the little finger passed from intellectuals to representatives of the criminal world. For example, here is a fairly well-known fact that is often recalled when trying to explain why men grow a nail on their little finger: in the 70s and 80s, drug dealers and their clients measured out doses of bulk drugs (mostly cocaine) in this way. This measure was called “nail”, that is, “nail”. Card sharpers used a long fingernail to quietly place the desired card into the deck when shuffling. Perhaps the image of Ostap Bender will make you remember another answer to the question “Why do men grow a nail on their little finger?”: this detail was found among burglars. You can use your fingernail to pick simple locks, and Bender knew this well.

An extended pinky nail may be necessary for professional convenience. Drivers, for example, use their fingernails to curl ribbons that display information about the progress of the train. This detail is becoming more and more common among programmers and system administrators - a fingernail can be used instead of a stylus, and it is convenient for them to press buttons.

Why do guys grow their pinky nails nowadays? Most likely, there is no symbolism behind this, and someone simply considered the long nail a stylish and interesting detail. But you never know for sure. Take a closer look: what if there is some secret meaning hidden behind the long nail of that unfamiliar man?

Why do men grow their pinky nail?

Many representatives of the fair sex, when meeting men for the first time, pay attention to their hands. Not only the size of the palm is assessed, but also the condition of the skin and, of course, nails. This is where a topic arose that is often discussed in women's groups - why do men grow their nails on their little fingers.

To understand this, one should turn to history, since the first who stopped cutting the nail on the smallest finger of the left hand were aristocrats and they opened letters to them. By the way, this tradition persisted for quite a long time until letters began to be sealed with glue. In the history of Ancient China there is information that by the length of the nail it was possible to determine a person’s belonging to a certain class, that is, the longer it is, the more noble the person. In China, there was also a sign according to which if the nail on the little finger reaches the end of the phalanx of the ring finger, then good luck awaits the person in the material sphere. If a nail breaks, this is a harbinger of the loss of a loved one.

Why do men grow their pinky nail?

In America, a couple of decades ago, drug addicts grew long nails to make it easier to snort and separate cocaine. Dealers even had an unusual weight measure called “nail,” which translated means “nail.” Another long nail at one time indicated that a person belonged to the thieves’ caste. Such people emphasized that they did not intend to do any physical work. At one time, card sharps grew the nail on their little finger so they could more easily perform their tricks. Another fact that explains why men have a long nail on the little finger is that in the Middle Ages in France it was customary to knock on a door not with a fist, which was considered a sign of bad taste, but with the little finger, so representatives of the stronger sex also grew it.

There are other, sometimes strange, but no less popular versions of why men grow a nail on their little finger:

Another historical note - a long nail on the little finger was a distinctive sign of the Masons. There is also information that A.S. also had such “decoration”. Pushkin, who put a special cover on his finger while sleeping so that the nail would not break.

Why do men grow their pinky nail? What does a long nail on the little finger mean?

Often on the street you can meet a man with an unusually long nail on the little finger of his left hand. What kind of attack is this? Why do men grow their pinky nail? Many, seeing a young man with such a zest, begin to strongly doubt his sexual orientation, but, as it turns out, it is completely in vain. Many decent and even elderly men have a large nail on their little finger. What pushes a person to take such an unusual step?

Belonging to a technical or construction profession

The presence of an unusually long nail on the little finger may indicate that a person is engaged in repairing household or computer equipment. In this case, the nail plate serves as an additional tool that allows the craftsman to pick up various small microcircuits, bolts and other “joys” of modern electronics. If necessary, they can unscrew bolts and screws or strip insulation.

Builders are also sometimes partial to the process of growing a nail on the little finger. They use it instead of a pencil where they need to quickly make notes. The nail leaves a thin, barely noticeable groove that does not wear off like a pencil and does not stand out too much.

Adherence to old aristocratic traditions

Since the 17th century, aristocrats grew the nail on the little finger of their left hand, so that they could then use it to open the numerous letters they received. The messages were sealed with sealing wax, which made opening them problematic without the help of improvised means. The nail is always with you and is ready to cooperate. It was not by chance that it was grown on the little finger of the left hand. This finger is the most useless in the daily life of an aristocrat, which is why turning it into a “stationery knife” seemed such an attractive idea to them.

Nowadays, opening letters no longer requires much effort, and mail itself has been almost completely replaced by its electronic counterpart. But there are still those who want to amaze others with their “aristocratism.” It is not easy to adopt the education and high level of culture characteristic of aristocrats of past centuries, but growing a nail is a piece of cake.

Drug use

Another assumption that explains why men grow a nail on their little finger is the use of narcotic drugs. Of course, when you see a young man with a long nail, you shouldn’t immediately write him down as a drug addict. But historically, at a time when cocaine was especially popular in the United States, many of its users grew the nail on their little finger to make it easier to take the harmful powder with it. In America, a measure of cocaine called the “nail” even appeared.

Attracting happiness and good luck

Now our society is experiencing increased interest in magic, esotericism, Eastern spiritual teachings and superstitions. You can often see people wearing strange mystical items of clothing or amulets. A man who grows a nail on his little finger may well use it to protect himself from the harmful influence of evil spirits.

Belonging to criminal circles

Why men grow a nail on their little finger can also be explained by their belonging to the criminal world. For example, crime bosses serving time in prison thus emphasize their status, making it clear that their hands are not intended for work.

But not only the elite of the thieves' community can be the happy owner of an unreasonably large nail. Previously, pickpockets grew and sharpened it on the little finger in order to use it to cut a package or thin bag from onlookers on public transport. Sharpers also did not hesitate to have long nails. He became a faithful assistant in various card tricks.

Fashion, the desire to stand out

No matter how many logical and rational reasons there are to grow a nail on your little finger - from playing the guitar to picking your nose, in most cases the influence of fashion and the desire to somehow stand out from the crowd are to blame. You can make many assumptions about what the nail on the little finger means, guess what secret organization its outstanding owner belongs to... But the fact is that the practical significance of this exotic accessory is a thing of the past.

Today, the desire to be different makes people do strange and illogical things. There is no clear answer to the question of why men grow nails on their little fingers. Only a few of those who have such a feature derive practical benefit from it. For the majority, this is just a fashion accessory that gives the owner the illusion of their own uniqueness.

Why do some men grow their pinky nail?


It is assumed that the custom of decorating your little finger with a long nail appeared in Ancient China, where such an attribute symbolized belonging to the highest strata of society. In the 17th century, the French bourgeoisie grew their nails in order to “fashionably” scratch at the door, and not knock, as was usually the case. In the 18th century, in many European countries, aristocrats used the nail plate to open letters sealed with wax.
Sometimes the marigold could inform those interested about a person’s participation in the Masonic movement. According to historians, such jewelry was worn by Alexander Pushkin, who hid his “brainchild” in a special case at night. In the 1970s, on the American continent, drug addicts snorted cocaine from the fingernail of their little finger.
The rolled-up hundred-dollar bill is popular only among film directors for filming films, but in fact, for this purpose, a long nail was specially grown, on the inner blade of which a standard dose of the drug would fit.
Today, there are quite a few reasons why men grow a nail on their little finger, and for most representatives of the stronger sex it is simply a convenient “gadget” that often becomes useful in everyday life and work:
For musicians, it is a good assistant in playing the guitar and successfully replaces the pick, which for some reason tends to constantly get lost. With such a “natural” instrument it is easy to pry the strings, especially when placing your fingers in a difficult position.
For men involved in construction and finishing work, the nail on the little finger serves as a pencil, which is convenient for marking putty walls, wallpaper or linoleum. This mark is almost invisible and does not erase, unlike a pencil mark.
For specialists in the repair of computer and electronic equipment, a long nail helps to unscrew screws and various small nuts, pry off microcircuits and soldering wire.
Cashiers and bank employees grow their nails to make it easier to count money, in particular to separate stuck bills.
Some men need a nail (sorry!) to pick their nose and ears or to get rid of pieces of food stuck in their teeth.
In addition to bad manners, a long nail can tell a lot of other, sometimes unflattering, things about its owner. The most innocent of them is ordinary posing and the desire to emphasize one’s originality.
Some teenagers grow their nails in an effort to imitate adults or look more respectable in the eyes of their peers. Sometimes an elongated nail plate is a sign of unconventional orientation.
If you notice a long nail on the little finger of an adult man who is far from dapper in appearance, he may be a thief or a cheater. Gamblers use their fingernail to fraudulently remove cards (called volts) and mark them during shuffling. And among people with a prison past, this is a kind of symbol of belonging to the authoritative elite of thieves, thus demonstrating their negative attitude towards physical labor.


It’s convenient to bring coke to your nose when you lie long scooped up brought it sniffed that’s the point but this is Russia use of love a lot like someone said ear picking your nose ass and the like but the craftsmen grow one of the nails so that they can open the phones during repairs and not damage the case since it’s plastic stronger than a nail and a nail will crack faster than the plastic of some phone

What does a long nail on a man's little finger mean?

1. Previously, the long nail on the little finger was used among bohemians to accurately dose cocaine powder, which the owner of the nail wanted to snort. Then some people adopted this fashion, not knowing about this nuance - simply imitating those individuals (who were often extraordinary). Now in Europe, a long nail is bad manners. And he became one because of American blacks. In the 70s and 80s in America, drug addicts and distributors, mostly black, snorted cocaine from the fingernails of their little fingers. For this purpose, a natural “shovel” was specially grown onto which the powder was raked. Even the measure of weight was “nail”.

2. In seventeenth-century France, it was customary for the nobility to grow their pinky fingernails. According to court etiquette, before entering, one should not knock, but delicately scratch.

3. The aristocracy was the first to grow fingernails on the little finger in the 18th century. This was done for purely utilitarian reasons - for quickly printing letters when there was no special knife at hand. And with a sword, as you understand, it was inconvenient. So they began to grow nails on the most unnecessary finger - the little finger of the left hand. They held the sword in the right, they also wrote with the right, but the left was, as it were, of no use. In addition, even if you hold the weapon in your left hand, the emphasis on the grip of the sword was on three fingers - index, middle and ring... This tradition of growing a nail on the little finger for such a utilitarian use lasted until the beginning of the 20th century, when letters began to be sealed not with sealing wax, but with simple glue.

4. (Quote) V. Veresaev. Pushkin in life:
“At one time, the distinctive feature of every Freemason was a long nail on the little finger. Pushkin also wore such a nail; from this nail the artist Tropinin learned that he was a Freemason, having come to draw a portrait from him...”

5. A long nail on the little finger, usually of the left hand (If a man is left-handed, then on the right) is necessary for “katals”. Card sharpers. When performing a fraudulent removal (“volta”), the nail is used as a bookmark when dividing cards. Everyone else, having seen this (long nail) in childhood in courtyard companies, also grew this same nail in imitation of their older comrades. Many people still have the habit.

6. Each assistant driver had a long nail on his little finger. As usual, they twisted a tape with them, which displays speed, stops, braking distance, etc., something like a “black box”, like on an airplane.

7. Criminal tradition. A sign of a thief who fundamentally does not work. So they try to pay attention to their blue-blooded origin, I think. In order to emphasize their complete non-involvement in physical work (in the zone - “negative”), they defiantly grew a long nail, which needed careful treatment and care. This is 40-50 years of the last century.

Riko mail

I myself was always interested, I met 2 people in my life with such a problem and there was only one thing in common between them - show-off, or
in their own opinion, participation in the class of “vagabonds”, in the criminal world - both fucking assholes - although they are athletes.

Why do guys grow their pinky nail?

I have repeatedly noticed that guys have long nails on their little fingers. Why is this?

In fact, growing a nail on the little finger of the hand has been a custom since ancient times, as, at one time, some aristocrats did this in the eighteenth century, and this was done for one sole purpose - for the convenience of opening letters received. But in France, if you believe historical sources, a man was recommended to have a long nail on his little finger, due to etiquette, since this quite successfully helped to enter premises, because knocking on doors, at that time, was considered bad manners. At this point in time, a man who wears a long nail on his little finger, no matter which one, right or left, is simply trying to seem original, in order to somehow stand out from others.

I noticed this among Muslims in different countries, even among Africans. I asked my Tatar friend why he had a long nail on his little finger. He said that the Koran says to do this, like it drives away evil spirits.


I also saw it, not only in guys, but also in older men. I don’t know the exact answer, but I dare to guess:

1) snort cocaine;

2) pick your ear or nose;

3) use instead of a screwdriver.))

Vladimir apchel

I won’t say anything about the little finger, but for some time I didn’t cut the nail on my thumb because I used it as a pick for playing the guitar; maybe someone uses the little finger that way. It is highly likely that a person with an uncut nail is a guitarist.


It seems to me that mostly Caucasian peoples walk around with a long nail on their little finger, this is some kind of symbol, a tradition. I often see them exactly like this, both in young and old men. Why exactly, I don’t know.


Nowadays, men grow long nails on their little fingers for two main reasons:

1) for convenience, so that there is something to pick up, pry, scratch, etc.;

2) they saw someone’s, liked it, and wanted this “beauty” for themselves.

Everyone, of course, has their own concept of beauty and style, but personally, it’s unpleasant for me to see a long and, as a rule, dirty nail on a man’s hand.


There can be a lot of reasons. The nail on the little finger is needed by card sharps to manipulate cards, and drug dealers also need it to measure out a dose of cocaine. Surely, for most men, the reasons are more banal, for example, to stand out from the crowd and it is more convenient to pick your nose for those with thick fingers.


There are several versions of why they do this:

  1. In order to stand out in this way, in the 19th century men who belonged to the secret society of Freemasons were distinguished in this way. Now this sign is sometimes used by former prisoners.
  2. For convenience in everyday life: to pry something, hook it, open it.
  3. Musicians for playing the guitar.


There are different possible reasons for the nail growing on the little finger in men:

1) the desire to stand out from the crowd;

2) convenience for a certain profession;

3) something gangster;

4) something Masonic;

5) or this person may even belong to the intelligentsia.

Everyone has their own reasons.

Natalya Sokolova

A long nail is grown to be used for practical purposes. To poke around somewhere, pick up something.

And also so that everyone asks: “Why do you have such a long nail?” and to attract attention I am of the opposite sex.


The only answer that comes to my mind is to pick my ear. I immediately remembered Genka Bukin on the sofa. Why else? It says at the top that this is held in high esteem in the criminal world, but some people have nothing to do with this.

Every girl dreams of meeting the ideal man who would become her soul mate, with whom she can create a strong family. However, men, in principle, like girls, have certain character traits that define them as a person. Based on the shape of their nails, men can be divided into four types. Thanks to this distribution of character traits, it will be easier for a representative of the fair sex to understand what kind of man is in front of her.

The Modest Prince (Nails. Photo No. 1)

Men who belong to this type are shy. They cannot take the first step and be the first to meet a girl. Even if such representatives of the stronger sex have a beautiful appearance, their shyness prevents them from feeling that they are worthy and to be loved. Because of this, they become even more withdrawn and never dare to express themselves. In turn, a girl who wants to meet such a man must take all the initiative into her own hands. This, of course, does not mean that a lady should impose herself in communication; rather, she should show the young man that she is interested in him. Also, after meeting, it is worth considering that in the future such a man always needs to be set up for a certain action and his self-esteem increased. If you are ready for this, your humble prince will appreciate your initiative. Click on photo to enlarge.

Confident knight(Nails. Photo No. 2)

Such a man will make a girl feel like a real princess. His intentions and feelings will always be clear. His self-esteem is not low, he feels harmonious with himself, he is who he is and the girl will have to accept it. However, you will always be aware of his plans for the future.

If a relationship with a girl does not suit him, he will not be modest, but will tell it like it is. On the one hand, you will really feel the support of a strong man nearby, on the other hand, you may encounter his selfishness and excessive self-love. A real knight will be able to win the heart of a princess; whether to accept such courtship or not, it all depends on you.

High flying bird(Nails. Photo No. 3)

An amazing and unpredictable man with charisma. He knows what girls like and is confident. However, his arrogance can be off-putting, because he only plays by his own rules. Such a man believes that he has no equal rivals, which means he is a winner. Belittling someone's abilities, loving criticism, using pressure when communicating with other people is a clear disadvantage of men of this type. This happens for the reason that they consider themselves superior and smarter than everyone else. Do you like the type of man like this, are you sure you can win his heart? Perhaps this will be the case, because if such a man has chosen his beloved woman, then she is the best. Another woman simply cannot be with him. If you feel ready to fly that high, then your bird is perfect for you. Forward to victories and conquering heights!

Favorite clown (Nails. Photo No. 4)

A man of this type will not let you get bored, because he is the life of the party, and the holiday would not be complete without him. And his friends love him for his amazing sense of humor. Such a man attracts the attention of many women, because he will always find an approach to the heart of a beautiful lady. If you like to have fun and joke, then this man is perfect for you. However, we should not forget that sometimes under the mask of a clown there is a very vulnerable person who can sometimes become sad. If you are ready to support your “favorite clown” in difficult moments, you are lucky, because such a man will appreciate your attention and give you many more smiles.

Reasons for wearing long nails on the little fingers by men of different nationalities.

Each person looks individually and tries to highlight their best sides externally. Some people in this way pay tribute to fashion and the rules of etiquette in a particular society.

So there are standards for hair length, neatness of clothing, its style and combination with other accessories. You may object that these rules are not axiomatic to follow. Yes, this is true, but if a person wants to be accepted in the society in which he lives, then he will subconsciously begin to follow them.

There are a lot of legends, fictions and real explanations for such an unusual phenomenon as a long nail on the little finger of a man’s hand.

Let's look into history and take a closer look at the reasons that influenced this.

What does a long nail on the little finger mean for men?

the hand of a dark-skinned man with long nails on the little finger and thumb
  • Historical data says that growing a nail on the little finger in men dates back to the 17th century.
  • Then representatives of the strong half of humanity conducted active correspondence and communicated with the world in this way. And to quickly open letters, they found a way out - the nail of the little finger of the left hand, because the right hand was used for writing and firing weapons

However, with changes in the peculiarities of sealing postal envelopes, the need for nails of different lengths on men’s hands also disappeared.

  • At the same time, in France there was a rule of good manners when a guest did not knock on the door with his fist, but scraped it with his finger. Agree, it’s easier and faster to do this with a grown nail
  • The past century has been turbulent in events and changes in human appearance. So in the 70s, the United States was overwhelmed by a wave of youth addiction to drugs. Cocaine was especially popular

Young guys began to grow the nail on their little finger to make it easier to measure one dose of the drug. In their world, their own measure of the weight of white powder appeared - a fingernail.

the man just started to grow a nail on the little finger of his left hand

  • In Soviet times at the end of the last century, crime bosses grew their pinky nail to stand out among other prisoners. Since the former enjoyed special conditions for serving their sentences and did not work physically, they could afford to take care of their hands and nails
  • Card sharpers have jumped on the bandwagon with the long-nail fashion for performing exchange tricks. They placed it between the cards in the deck and performed a tricky removal called "volt"
  • Continuing the theme of those who do not respect the laws, let us remember about pickpockets. Among them there are representatives with an overgrown nail on the little finger, with which they carefully cut the bags and pockets of their victims
  • The real need to have a long nail on the little finger was accompanied by the work of an assistant driver. This man gave them a tape with information about speed, route stops, and braking distance. And this tape was akin to a black box on modern airplanes
  • Among pilots there are also many representatives who wear a long nail on their little finger. The history of the tradition dates back to the Second World War. The pilots then did not have time to really sleep, much less take care of their appearance. And they got used to cutting their nails on the spinning propeller. But one day Meresyev did not have time to cut them off completely; he was left alone on the little finger of his left hand. This is what saved the pilot. He was able to get food, cut the parachute cables, build himself stilts and get to his people. Since then, the elongated nail on the little finger of the pilot’s left hand has become the personification of the faith, resourcefulness and invincibility of the Soviet soldier
  • Employees of jewelry workshops have such a distinctive sign as a long nail on the little finger. They use it to grab small gems and chain links during repairs.
  • Many guitarists to this day leave long nails on their hands, which make it easier for them to play the guitar without a pick.

Although there are other explanations for wearing this phenomenon. For example, A.S. Pushkin had a long nail on his little finger because he was a member of the Masonic society.

portrait of A.S. Pushkin, who also wore a long nail on his little finger

A few unconfirmed explanations:

  • superpowers. In ancient times, sorcerers, magicians and wizards had nails of different lengths, which distinguished them from other people. Perhaps this tradition has become firmly entrenched in the family and now the descendants simply follow it
  • palmistry. The little finger symbolizes a person’s oratory abilities and his penchant for science. If a nail grows on it, then the owner wants to strengthen these traits in his character. Therefore, among teachers you can often meet men with long nails on their little fingers and in practice you can be convinced that talking with them is pleasant and interesting
  • a talisman, that is, the owner of a non-standard length of a fingernail thereby attracts good luck and success into his life

Unconvincing, but valid arguments in favor of the presence of different lengths of nails on the hands of men are:

  • to attract women
  • show your involvement in Satanists, the vampire movement
  • to be identified among sexual minorities

Nowadays, it is not uncommon for men's manicures and differences in the length of the nail plates on the hands. This is how representatives of the stronger half of humanity express themselves in order to simply stand out and follow a specific style. A striking example of this is the Chinese. They tend to rarely cut their nails and wear them very long.

Why do Asian, Armenian, and Muslim men grow their nails on their little fingers?

young asian man wears a very long nail on his little finger
  • The male population of the Celestial Empire everywhere loves to wear long nails on their hands, especially on the little fingers

If you go to China, you will come across this appearance feature on the streets and in transport. Loaders, builders, janitors, market sellers, posters, factory workers, taxi drivers wear long nails.

There are several explanations for this manifestation:

  • historical.
    During the reign of emperors and court nobles, the entire poor population worked hard in the fields to grow rice. But the nobility and the ruler were exempt from this, because they wore long nails on their hands. They served as a kind of symbol of difference and involvement in blue blood. To psychologically compensate for such injustice, in our time, Chinese men of all classes began to grow their nails
  • religious.
    There is an opinion that if the little finger is longer than the index finger, then the owner of such a hand has a good fate and karma. And since such a natural hand structure is extremely rare, the Chinese compensate for the situation by growing a nail on the smallest finger
  • for the convenience of performing specific actions, for example, tightening screws, taking care of your appearance, scratching an itchy spot, typing on a push-button telephone
  • esoteric.
    The Chinese believe that the long nail on the little finger of the left hand is a magnet for money and represents the health of their family. That’s why it is cherished and protected from breaking off. Otherwise, money will bypass their home, and relatives will become seriously ill and die
  • an attribute of a man that testifies to the well-developed qualities of a representative of the strong half of humanity and attracts beautiful ladies

Among Armenians, an elongated nail on the little finger is also not uncommon. This people has a tradition when the youngest son in the family acquires such a feature of appearance.

Muslim with a long nail on his little finger

Other examples:

  • household necessity.
    For example, for market workers, the nail comes to the rescue for cutting tape, cheering and unscrewing something
  • a tribute to fashion, when a person is surrounded by men with long nails and he likes it, then he will pick up this trend
  • imitating a person who commands respect, such as a crime boss

Men of Muslim countries are sure that a long nail on the little finger is their protection from evil spirits and destructive influences.

Whatever explanation for men wearing long nails on their little fingers resonates with you as reasonable, this phenomenon exists. Therefore, it is easier to accept and come to terms with it, rather than imposing your point of view and demands to be cut off.

We all tend to make mistakes, seek the truth, find it and change. The main thing is comfortable, peaceful communication and recognition of the other’s right to preserve their individuality.

Video: why do men grow nails on their little fingers?

Every girl dreams of meeting the ideal man who would become her soul mate, with whom she can create a strong family. However, men, in principle, like girls, have certain character traits that define them as a person. Based on the shape of their nails, men can be divided into four types. Thanks to this distribution of character traits, it will be easier for a representative of the fair sex to understand what kind of man is in front of her.

The Modest Prince (Nails. Photo No. 1)

Men who belong to this type are shy. They cannot take the first step and be the first to meet a girl. Even if such representatives of the stronger sex have a beautiful appearance, their shyness prevents them from feeling that they are worthy and to be loved. Because of this, they become even more withdrawn and never dare to express themselves. In turn, a girl who wants to meet such a man must take all the initiative into her own hands. This, of course, does not mean that a lady should impose herself in communication; rather, she should show the young man that she is interested in him. Also, after meeting, it is worth considering that in the future such a man always needs to be set up for a certain action and his self-esteem increased. If you are ready for this, your humble prince will appreciate your initiative. Click on photo to enlarge.

Confident knight(Nails. Photo No. 2)

Such a man will make a girl feel like a real princess. His intentions and feelings will always be clear. His self-esteem is not low, he feels harmonious with himself, he is who he is and the girl will have to accept it. However, you will always be aware of his plans for the future.

If a relationship with a girl does not suit him, he will not be modest, but will tell it like it is. On the one hand, you will really feel the support of a strong man nearby, on the other hand, you may encounter his selfishness and excessive self-love. A real knight will be able to win the heart of a princess; whether to accept such courtship or not, it all depends on you.

High flying bird(Nails. Photo No. 3)

An amazing and unpredictable man with charisma. He knows what girls like and is confident. However, his arrogance can be off-putting, because he only plays by his own rules. Such a man believes that he has no equal rivals, which means he is a winner. Belittling someone's abilities, loving criticism, using pressure when communicating with other people is a clear disadvantage of men of this type. This happens for the reason that they consider themselves superior and smarter than everyone else. Do you like the type of man like this, are you sure you can win his heart? Perhaps this will be the case, because if such a man has chosen his beloved woman, then she is the best. Another woman simply cannot be with him. If you feel ready to fly that high, then your bird is perfect for you. Forward to victories and conquering heights!

Favorite clown (Nails. Photo No. 4)

A man of this type will not let you get bored, because he is the life of the party, and the holiday would not be complete without him. And his friends love him for his amazing sense of humor. Such a man attracts the attention of many women, because he will always find an approach to the heart of a beautiful lady. If you like to have fun and joke, then this man is perfect for you. However, we should not forget that sometimes under the mask of a clown there is a very vulnerable person who can sometimes become sad. If you are ready to support your “favorite clown” in difficult moments, you are lucky, because such a man will appreciate your attention and give you many more smiles.

What does a long nail on the little finger mean? Why, why do men grow it?

Let's start not with the version that it is so fashionable. Let's put it off, perhaps, a little later. However, let us not forget that such a “version” will have the right to exist.

Even aristocrats began to grow their pinky nails. It was with the nail on the little finger that they opened the letters. Quite a convenient way, by the way! Previously, there were no mobile phones, no Internet, or other means of communication.

Ancient China also “reminds” the nail on the little finger. It was in this city (in ancient times) that the “caste” affiliation was determined by the length of the nail (the longer the nail, the higher the caste, the more noble).

In the seventies and eighties, in the USA, long “little finger” nails were used for bad purposes: drug addicts snorted cocaine from such little fingers (starting around the twentieth century).

Card sharpers also grew their nails. With the help of its length it was much easier for them to “perform” their extraordinary tricks. And also shuffle card decks.

Sources “claim” that Alexander Pushkin had the nail on his little finger. On it he wore his case (gold). It is unknown how true this information is, but it sounds quite interesting.

France…. In medieval times, it was customary to knock on the door with your little finger to avoid knocking on it with your fist (knocking with your fist was considered very bad manners and disrespect).

Why do men need a long nail on their little finger (why do men grow it):

  1. Doesn't find time to cut his hair. Or laziness has completely “permeated” his consciousness. It’s stupid to assume that all the scissors in the world have disappeared somewhere, disappeared!
  2. Works in a jewelry store. Use your imagination and immediately understand how you can “intertwine” your nails and jewelry.
  3. For comfort. So to speak…. A nail for all occasions! And life often shows such cases.
  4. Seriously interested in computers. It's convenient to clean your keyboard and mouse from dirt with your fingernail! If you have a laptop, then there is a touchpad.
  5. He is a person with a non-traditional orientation. Few people will be ashamed of this (in our times). Vice versa! Homosexuals strive in every possible way to defend their rights.
  6. Relates to people from aviation. The fact is that a little finger with a grown nail is a symbol of faith for them, it is an airplane mascot. Do you know such a pilot... Maresyev! So here it is. It was the long nail that saved his life. With this nail he was able to get food for himself, and cut his stilts, and cut his parachute lines. By the way, this nail is still kept in the museum. Now you understand the relationship between the long nail and aviation.
  7. He believes that with such a nail you need to caress a woman’s body and its intimate parts so that she feels incredibly pleasant.
  8. He is not indifferent to the career of a hairdresser and works in this “romantic” field.
  9. Uses the nail as a tool. To open something, take it apart, “pick it up”…. A healthy “tool of labor.”
  10. Considers himself a Freemason. A long nail (on the little finger) is their distinctive sign. Who are the Masons? Representatives of the most controversial and secret religious association. Signs by which they can be easily recognized and distinguished from others: Love of the sun. For the Masons, the sun is a kind of talisman, something divine and wonderful - beautiful. A special handshake. “Ban” on truthful testimony against each other. Despite their love of truth, Masons will never betray their own! The gallows noose is a “participant” in their rituals. Taboo on atheism. Masons will believe in God even if the whole world doubts his existence.
  11. Why does a man grow a nail on his little finger? - He decided to “imitate” the driver’s assistant. They (these same assistants) twirled a tape for them, which depicted speed and other “necessities”.
  12. He cleans the keyboard with his fingernail. Quite an unusual method of cleaning, you will agree. This may not be the case in the world.
  13. Opens bottles and door locks with his little finger. Of course, now you’ll think about thieves! And not in vain. They used the nail in the same way (that is, for their criminal purposes). But now we will talk about a man who often loses the keys to his apartment, and who is simply tired of constantly making duplicate keys.

Why does the nail on the little finger (long) have anything to do with fashion? Because she is always watched in everything (both women and men). The fact that the long nail of the little finger is fashionable was “warned” by gossip. Who alone believed in them and told others. And someone, by the way, can “invent” such a fashion as a joke in order to develop it and spread it.

One - a single long nail is often observed on a small female finger. The fact is that the little finger is “lucky”. The nail on it rarely breaks and is the strongest of all others.

It happens that a woman or girl gets her nails extended, and one of them breaks accidentally. I have to cut off almost everything because the beauty of my hands has been lost. But since the little finger is considered the most beautiful female finger, the nail on it is left untouched (in memory of its former beauty, for the sake of peace).

Since we've already talked about fashion... There is something to add. Some representatives of the fair sex have one unusual point. They specifically grow the nail on only one finger. They wear their favorite little ring on it. And the nail itself is decorated with rhinestones, thus trying to draw the attention of passers-by to its length.

“Nail” (“pinky”) fashion is not clear to everyone. But few people care about this aspect! People are structured in their own way: they believe (and continue to believe) that they are doing the right thing, that their fashion is the most… Women are a separate issue. A long nail on the little fingers can be a banal manifestation of capriciousness or extraordinaryness.

Finding out what kind of man is standing in front of you and what kind of character he has is quite simple. Look at his nails. They can tell you a lot. So how can you tell a man's character by his nails?

Nail length

If a man’s nails are cut very short, almost to the root, then this is a man-leader. He likes to dominate both in his work and in his personal life. He does not like to be argued with and his words are not taken for granted. Such a man needs a special approach. With a kind word and due attention. Requests for help or assistance should not be ordered, but gently and unobtrusively. In response, such a man...will lend you his reliable shoulder.

In society, a long nail says more negative things about a person than positive things. In Europe, this issue is treated tolerantly, so the question of why they grow the nail on the little finger does not arise. This is explained by the fact that the fashion for wearing such a nail came from Europe. Back in the 17th century, the French bourgeoisie wore long nails.

This is because before entering a room it was customary not to knock on the door, but to scratch a little on it. Every man was required to wear a long nail. A century later, the bourgeoisie of England used such a nail to open envelopes with correspondence. In modern China, a long nail on the little finger, on the contrary, is considered a beautiful and emphasizing element of every man. Also, in Asia there is a belief that a long nail brings good luck.

A long nail can be observed in hard-working men. Some people use it to tighten small bolts or cogs. Also, these men may have a nail not only on the little finger. If a man is comfortable with a long nail on his index finger, he will grow it there. When working with wood, some men may make marks with their fingernail if they don't have a pencil or marker handy.

Not the most aesthetic reason for wearing long nails is picking your nose or ears. Yes, some people use long nails for these activities and sometimes do not hide it. Usually, in such people, the nail does not stand out much, because it is inconvenient to perform these actions with too long a nail.

It happens that a young man has a long nail, but looks quite neat, has no relation to various subcultures, etc. Most likely, this person plays the guitar. Many guitarists use a long fingernail to replace the pick. Some people like this way of playing the guitar. The only disadvantage of using the nail this way is its fragility.

Many jewelers have long nails on their hands. This is due to the fact that you have to work with small elements. By the way, not only jewelers can wear long nails. There are many professions that require working with small parts. People with such professions usually have 2 grown nails. Typically these nails are located on the thumb and index finger. Typically, such nails are used to replace standard tweezers.

Long nails can be seen in chefs. This is due to the fact that some dishes require very careful work or decoration. Also, chefs use the nail to taste dishes. There is no need to be afraid of eating such dishes. All chefs are required to maintain strict nail hygiene, which is checked very often and thoroughly.

When asking a man his reason for wearing a long nail on his little finger, you may not get any answer. In this case, this person is hiding something, and it is not recommended to contact him.

By chatting on forums, you can find out other people’s opinions about why they grow a nail on their little finger and why specifically on their little finger. There can be a lot of options, and their diversity will surprise you.

On the little fingers. These men could be of very different ages and social status, but they were clearly united by a very unusual manicure. What does this striking detail mean? It can be interpreted in completely different ways. Let's look at the main reasons why people grew their nails at different times.

First of all, a prominent nail on the little finger is considered a distinctive detail by which one can recognize a person belonging to the Masonic lodge. The Masons are a secret society that arose in Europe in the 17th century. The organization is based on common origins in (mainly Christianity). The Masonic society fully corresponds to the image that appears in the mind when hearing the phrase “secret organization”: it is known for its closeness and a whole set of various rules and rituals. Why men grow a nail on their little finger in order to thus show that they belong to the Freemasons is not entirely clear, but this explanation of the detail we are considering is very common.

Let's fast forward to the 18th century. At this time, an elongated nail was considered a sign that a man belonged to the intelligentsia. But why do they grow the nail on the little finger?

representatives of this social stratum? Mainly for purely utilitarian purposes. It was used to open mail envelopes: a letter opener was not always at hand, and in general, it is unlikely that anyone would carry it with them. In addition, in France there was a curious rule of etiquette: before entering a room, you should not knock on the door, but scratch your nails.

In the 20th century, the tradition of growing a nail on the little finger passed from intellectuals to representatives of the criminal world. For example, here is a fairly well-known fact that is often recalled when trying to explain why men grow a nail on their little finger: in the 70s and 80s, drug dealers and their clients measured out doses of bulk drugs (mostly cocaine) in this way. This measure was called “nail”, that is, “nail”. Card sharpers used a long fingernail to quietly place the desired card into the deck when shuffling. Perhaps the image of Ostap Bender will make you remember another answer to the question “Why do men grow a nail on their little finger?”: this detail was found among burglars. You can use your fingernail to pick simple locks, and Bender knew this well.

An extended pinky nail may be necessary for professional convenience. Drivers, for example, use their fingernails to curl ribbons that display information about the progress of the train. This detail is becoming more and more common among programmers and system administrators - a fingernail can be used instead of a stylus, and it is convenient for them to press buttons.

Why do guys grow their pinky nails nowadays? Most likely, there is no symbolism behind this, and someone simply considered the long nail a stylish and interesting detail. But you never know for sure. Take a closer look: what if there is some secret meaning hidden behind the long nail of that unfamiliar man?

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