Chinese buns. Chinese hair sticks! Original hairstyles with a pencil and Chinese chopsticks: styling options with step-by-step descriptions and photos

Chinese women have thick, long hair with a healthy shine. Like all Asian women, Chinese women love to wear bangs, which gives their face a touch of innocence. is a styling with two sticks that cross each other. This Chinese version looks cute and attractive. However, there are still many interesting solutions that modern fashionistas are adopting.

Styling Chinese women with chopsticks and traditional hairpins: the pinnacle of hairdressing

Many Chinese women like the traditional hair stick style. However, this does not mean that this arrangement exhausts the number of interesting options. Moreover, Chinese women pay great attention to hair care.

The base of a Chinese-style hairstyle is a bun, which is done on the top of the head. It can also be done on the back of the head. Traditionally, unmarried fashionistas made it from the temple curls, leaving the rest of their hair loose. Sometimes they wove braids, decorating them with flowers or ribbons.

It was customary for married women to do rather complex hair styling. Usually they chose Chinese hairstyles with several partings, large and small rollers. Volumetric loops could rise above the head.

Modern interpretations of Chinese hairstyles: for girls, young women and women

Today, the choice of styling is influenced by the place of residence. In big cities it is difficult to find girls who use classic options. Modern haircuts are currently in trend. In some cases, Chinese women allow themselves quite short options.

Women with long hair sometimes make buns at the back of their heads. They use hoops or small bows as decoration. In addition, most hairstyles are usually complemented with sparse bangs.

As for hair color, young girls prefer to choose light brown or chestnut options.

Chinese crested styling technique

To choose a styling, you need to consider the following:

  • hair type;
  • length of strands;
  • personal preferences;
  • appearance features.
Another way of Chinese styling

A common option is this installation:

  1. Twist your hair into a tight rope, forming a ring out of it.
  2. It is good to attach each curl to the previous one.
  3. When all the strands are twisted, they need to be fastened crosswise using Chinese chopsticks.

There is another option for an interesting hairstyle using sticks:

  • Rinse your curls, dry them and comb them until they are smooth. For those with curly hair, use gel or lightly wet your curls.
  • Gather your hair and make a ponytail at the back of your head, securing it with a thin elastic band.
  • Place the chopsticks behind and cross them slightly.
  • Divide the strands into two equal fragments. Place the left curl behind the left stick, and the right curl behind the right one.
Chinese buns look very good
  • Intertwine the strands as if you were planning to tie them into a knot.
  • Tighten the curls well and secure.
  • To get a neat hairstyle, the ends should be hidden in the hairstyle.


Chinese national style for girls with long curls

Owners of long curls can do the following styling:

  1. Gather the strands at the back of your head and twist them, tightening them as much as possible.
  2. When twisting, lift the strands up.
  3. When all the curls are curled, the ends should be hidden under the base of the hairstyle.
  4. The result is a shell, which is secured with a stick from the top of the head to the back of the head.
Chinese hairstyle with chopsticks

To create a beautiful Chinese hairstyle for a special occasion, it is better to contact a professional hairdresser.

Chinese hairstyles for girls look stylish and fashionable. To get a beautiful and harmonious option, you need to strictly follow all the styling rules. In addition, when choosing a hairstyle, you should take into account your appearance and hair type.

Today it is fashionable to do hairstyles that were invented in overseas countries. Some of them have become trends in hairdressing, others are considered beautiful among girls belonging to a certain social group. Today we'll talk about Chinese hairstyles. What they are and how to make them, read below.

Hairstyle with sticks

In China, hair is considered a woman's pride and adornment. That is why hairstyle has always been given great importance. Girls never hid their hair under scarves or hijabs. The standard Chinese hairstyle is a bun, which is held together with two chopsticks. Rich girls wore ivory in their hair, while women of lower incomes used wooden accessories.

Today, the bun, pinned together with chopsticks, is popular not only among Chinese fashionistas. How to get a legendary hairstyle? Very simple. You need to comb your hair and make a tight braid out of it. Then this tourniquet is wound clockwise. It is pierced on both sides with chopsticks. This hairstyle looks amazing all day long.

Its main advantage is that the hair does not fall out, because it is tightly fixed. The Chinese chopstick hairstyle has many variations. For example, the beam can be fixed on only one side. The second stick will play a decorative role.

Loose hair with backcomb

Chinese hairstyles are not always made with buns. There are many variations where the hair is left loose. But Chinese girls always pulled back their front strands. Otherwise, hair will get into your face, thereby interfering with your work. How to create a simple but effective hairstyle? You need to comb your hair and separate the crown area.

To create this hairstyle you will need a flat comb. The separated hair on the top of the head is combed. With the help of invisible ones they are fixed on the back of the head. Now you need to separate those strands that are located near the ears. They need to be combed and pinned together with bobby pins. In this version, the hairstyle looks simple and elegant. If you need to add something more festive, you can decorate your hair with a beautiful hair clip with rhinestones.

Loose hair with a bun

This hairstyle is at the peak of popularity. Few people know that it originated in China. After all, it was here that girls from ancient times decorated their hair with all kinds of buns. This type of Chinese hairstyle is very easy to do. You need to comb your hair and separate the crown area.

This hair needs to be combed. Chinese women do not have voluminous hair, so they create visual volume for themselves. The comb should be combed well and a loop should be collected from the hair. To be secure, it should be secured with an elastic band. Chinese women often use ribbons as decoration. They hold red textiles in special esteem.

But you can also choose something more elegant, such as a piece of lace. The ribbon is wrapped around a loop of hair. Moreover, the ends of the textile decoration are not hidden in the hairstyle, but, on the contrary, remain loose. If you don't have ribbon on hand, you can decorate a loop of hair with an elastic band or a beautiful scarf.

Men's hairstyle

Despite the fact that China is a closed country, many members of the stronger sex prefer European fashion. That’s why they copy their hairstyles from foreign film actors and other media personalities. What is in demand among Eastern men today?

A popular Chinese men's hairstyle is a head shaved on both sides. The hair on the crown is left long. They are styled with gel or varnish into a mohawk, sometimes simply combed back. But at the same time, the hair should have an almost mirror-like surface.

Children's hairstyle

Chinese girls don't wear braids. And you can rarely see them with their hair down. The fact is that the Chinese are practical people. And loose hair is beautiful, but uncomfortable. Therefore, Chinese hairstyles for girls are simple, but at the same time they do not forget about beauty.

Most often, young ladies wear buns. How to do this hairstyle for your daughter? You need to divide your hair into two parts and collect them in high ponytails. Now each of them needs to be twisted into a tight bundle and formed into a bun. It is fixed with hairpins or sticks. If a girl does not have bangs, then the front strands do not curl into her hair, but remain free.

Chinese women use colored ribbons or massive hairpins as decoration. According to tradition, head decorations should be made in the shape of a flower. Moreover, the decor should not be miniature. Sometimes flowers are twice as large as tufts of hair.

Bun with stick

Chinese hairstyles for girls include buns and partially loose hair. The variations are very diverse. Let's talk about the most popular. To make this hairstyle, you need to comb your hair and separate the crown area. The collected hair is divided into three parts. A beam is formed from the central one.

It is fixed with an invisible one, and so that it is not visible, it is covered with the ends of the hair. Braids are woven from two side strands. Moreover, the strands do not intertwine near the face. Braids can be created both traditionally and in the French style. One or two sticks are inserted into the bundle.

You can use tape instead. This hairstyle can be both casual and festive. In the second case, it is decorated with fresh flowers or shiny hairpins.

Hairstyle with collected hair

Chinese girls are not known for their voluminous hair. But they manage to compensate for the lack of hair by having cunning. To make their hair look more voluminous, girls use various rollers and extensions. By the way, such devices are appreciated by fashionistas all over the world. One of the popular Chinese women's hairstyles is hair gathered into a large ring bun.

It's easy to repeat at home. To do this, you will need a foam roller that matches your hair color. How to create a Chinese style hairstyle? We comb the hair and thread it inside the roller. We fix the ends of the hair on foam rubber and gradually twist it inward. Thus, you need to twist all the hair onto the roller. The wider and more voluminous the foam base, the more beautiful and voluminous the hairstyle will be.

In principle, a roller wrapped in hair holds well on the head, but for reliability it should be secured with hairpins. Now you need to remove a few front strands from your hairstyle. You can use various tiaras and massive hairpins as decoration.

50's hairstyle

Chinese and Japanese girls rarely cheat. By nature they have beautiful straight hair, and they emphasize this with various hairstyles. To keep the hair out of the way, it is often secured to the head. Here we will analyze one of these techniques of Chinese women.

To do this, you need to divide your hair into three parts. We separate the crown area and two side ones. Now you need to curl your hair around your face with a round comb. You can fix them in this position with varnish or mousse. To prevent a large curl from falling off, it should be secured with bobby pins. The side areas need to be combed. Now you can twist them one by one onto a comb and fix them with varnish.

It is advisable to make the side curls large so that they reach the middle of the head. But it still depends not only on desire, but also on the volume of hair. This hairstyle does not need additional decoration, but if you really want to, you can insert some decor, such as flowers, into the side strands.

To reliably fix a large hairstyle and curl curls, it is customary to use a huge number of devices. But many ladies are most interested in how to pin up hair sticks, since they allow them to achieve a more reliable hold of curls in this form.

Photo of hairstyle with chopsticks

This method was invented in Asian countries, which is why the device is usually called Japanese hair sticks.

An old legend and a little history

But there is a long-standing legend that shows that this kind of knitting needles first began to be used in Old China (read also the article “Jojoba for hair - masks for all occasions”).

Thus, the narrative claims that the ruler of Zhou had a concubine named Daji, whose duties included tasting all the food served at the imperial table. One not very beautiful day, she did not have time to properly cool the meat, and in order to grab it, she snatched jade hairpins from her hair.

Zhou marveled at such a wonderful decoration, seen at such an extraordinary moment, and decided that all ladies should use similar hairpins.

Direct your attention. Asian women never used sticks as fixatives, but only as decorations. The curls were held in place through the use of vegetable fat and wax.

Now you can, without any hassle, choose different hair clips with sticks made from:

  • wood;
  • jade;
  • metal;
  • bones;
  • plastic, etc.

An abundance of the brightest and most unusual models

Such products can be decorated with various decorations:

  • crystals;
  • inscriptions;
  • flowers;
  • rhinestones.

Naturally, the more attractive and varied the decors, the higher the cost of the product.

By the way, they can hold up different designs of curls:

  • bunches;
  • braids;
  • squiggles and almost everything else.

Below are the main hairstyles with Chinese hair sticks - we are convinced that our detailed summary will be indescribably useful to you.

Several hairstyle options

We won’t talk about how exactly to choose a hairstyle.

Everything depends in this case on several reasons:

  • hair type;
  • curl lengths;
  • your personal preferences;
  • features of the face shape;
  • ear size, neck length etc.

You can find out about this in articles aimed at specific topics, including on our website. It will also tell you how to pin your hair with a Chinese chopstick if you have already chosen one or another hairstyle.

How to make a bun

This type of installation is rightfully considered more common and easier.

To create it, follow the following sequence of actions:

  • comb your hair back;
  • gather your curls into a ponytail on the top of your head;
  • twist them into a bun and pierce them diagonally with knitting needles.

Styling a bun

Direct your attention. After inserting one stick, strengthen the second one - on the other side, also at an angle.

How to make a braided bun

If you want to make a bun from a braid, then you will only need one stick. This hairstyle was considered classic for Chinese ladies for quite a long period - from the mid-17th century to the beginning of the 20th century.

Advice. Here it is better to use iron sticks, since the weight of the scythe is quite impressive, and they will be better able to withstand it.

To make a similar hairstyle with your own hands, you should follow these steps:

  • make two braids;
  • they must be very close to each other;
  • tie your braids with elastic bands;
  • twist the braids around each other on the crown;
  • take a stick and insert it horizontally so that it passes through both braids;
  • if necessary, the ends of the braid should be wrapped and additionally secured with hairpins.

How to make a French shell

If you are looking for unique hairstyles with hair sticks, then be sure to pay attention to the French shell style.

It is curious that this style is quite old and, as you can tell from the name, comes from France. It is clear that at first there was no talk of any chopsticks in it. But now the world is changing rapidly, globalization is seeping further and further, and therefore it is not mind-blowing that the eternal French hairstyle can be complemented by an Asian item.

Example of a French shell with chopsticks

To make a French shell, you need:

  • twist the curls into a ponytail;
  • twist the tail strictly in one direction and vertically the hair into a plait;
  • secure the shell with 2 chopsticks, piercing the hair crosswise.

How to make a beehive

This type of styling came to us from the 50s of the last century - at that time it was indescribably fashionable. It enjoys well-deserved popularity even now.

This retro style coupled with chopsticks will look:

  • presentable;
  • exotic.

The photo shows a traditional beehive

To create a hive, proceed as follows:

  • divide the curls into two parts;
  • comb the upper part;
  • twist the lower part into a tight bun;
  • insert two sticks strictly horizontally through the beam;
  • Collect the remaining hair and wrap it around the protruding ends of the sticks.

To further secure the structure, use lots and lots of varnish - this is exactly what fashionistas did in the 50s of the last century. Well, or practically so, if you remember that they didn’t use chopsticks.

Abundance of options

In general, there are a huge number of hairstyle options, but we talked about the most favorite ones.

But even they can be varied if you approach styling with imagination and creativity, for example, using not only snow-white hair sticks, but also various other models, such as:

  • varnished;
  • dark;
  • reddish;
  • iron;
  • bone and others.

Direct your attention. This device will help you fix even a hairpiece so that it stays firmly on your curls.

Iron sticks with pendants

If we talk about decorating the upper part of such typical knitting needles, then it is necessary to note the models:

  • threaded;
  • with pendants;
  • with rhinestones, etc.

It is curious that it is customary to use straight models, but curved and wavy ones are also appearing more and more often, which confirms that these knitting needles have long become not only a multifunctional, but also a decorative item.

At the end

Chinese hair sticks are a great opportunity to pin your hair into a beautiful and unusual hairstyle. Tens of thousands of ladies around the world have been convinced of their convenience and unusualness (find out here what needs to be done to prevent your hair from getting greasy).

The detailed video in this article will help you better understand how to correctly use chopsticks to create an unusual hairstyle.

Chinese hairstyles are very beautiful and unique. Hair has had an important symbolic meaning in Chinese culture since ancient times. By the way a person cut his hair and combed his hair, one could determine his social or civil status, affiliation with profession and religion. Ungroomed and unkempt hair was a sign of illness. Chinese girls have thick, coarse hair, usually black.

Excursion into history

Traditionally, Chinese women used a large number of jewelry for their hairstyles. These were products made of expensive metals and stones, feathers and flowers. Hairpins were varied, large hairpins, tiaras. Silk cords, pearl threads, and flower garlands were woven into the strands.

The multi-tiered hairstyle was decorated with additional symbolic details and rank decorations. Chinese hairstyles of those times could weigh more than 5 kg. A large hairpin was the main attribute of a woman's hairstyle. There was a ritual when a girl was given a special hairstyle and a hairpin was stuck in her hair, this meant that the girl had reached adulthood and could be married off.

How are things today?

Currently, expensive hairpins with stones have replaced ordinary Chinese chopsticks (hairpins), and with their help you can create many variations of Chinese-style hairstyles. Chinese hair sticks are called "kanzashi". They can be traditionally straight, curved or wavy. Used as a fixative and as decoration. They perfectly replace pins, combs and clamps. Basically, all Chinese-style hairstyles are designed for medium and long hair. If they are not very thick, then it is better to use 2 pins for greater stability of the hairstyle.

Several variations for girls:

  1. Simple option. Comb the strands, twist into a rope and lay in coils in a circle. Fasten the curls with chopsticks crosswise.
  2. Second option. Comb your hair and gather it into a ponytail at the back of your head, securing it with an elastic band. Cross the sticks and place them behind the elastic band. Divide the tail into two parts, place the left strand behind the left stick, and the right part behind the right one. The curls must be crossed among themselves, pulled tightly and secured with hairpins.
  3. Braid two braids close to each other and tie the ends with an elastic band. Twist both braids together and place them on top of the head. Insert the sticks in a horizontal position.
  4. Option with one stud. Gather the strands with your hand and wrap them around a stick, as if you were going to make a shell. Form a knot and thread a Chinese hairpin.
  5. Clean curls are gathered into a high ponytail, pulling the ponytail through an elastic band to pull out part of the hair. You should get a bun, wrap the remaining hairs around an elastic band and secure with one or two sticks.
  6. Comb your hair and gather it with your hands as if you were going to make a high ponytail. Start twisting the curls, forming a roll, then secure them with a stick, twist the remaining strands into curls.
  7. Braid two French braids on both sides, cross them to the end and insert the sticks crosswise.

Elegant hairstyles

If you decorate the sticks with additional accessories, they can be used in elegant evening hairstyles.

They can be bone, metal, plastic. Metal sticks hold hair best.

A large assortment of jewelry allows you to make an ordinary hairstyle elegant. For an evening out, you can use bright shiny hairpins and hairpins.

Sticks decorated with flowers look beautiful; for a special occasion, the flowers can be larger and brighter.

  1. Divide the braids into 2 parts. Twist the upper part into a rope, roll it up like a shell and secure with an elegant stick. The lower part can be curled with large curls.
  2. This hairstyle requires long locks. They must be carefully combed, twisted and tied in a knot, pulling out the free part. Twist your hair again and, again tying a knot, pull out the remaining strands. Insert the sticks into the first knot at an arbitrary angle.
  3. The hair is collected at the bottom and curled, lifting the hairstyle to the top. A roller is formed, which is secured with one Chinese pin, vertically from top to bottom. The remaining tail can be hidden under the roller, or brought to the side and twisted.
  4. Clean hair is collected in a high ponytail. The braid is braided and the end is tied with an elastic band. It is folded around the base of the tail and secured with two Chinese chopsticks. You can braid 2 braids instead of one. They can also be laid in a spiral, in this case the bun looks more original.
  5. Make 2 ponytails, one lower than the other. Each one is rolled up with a shell and secured with sticks.
  6. Form a tail on the top of the head. Select 2 thin strands from the bottom, and braid them into two braids. The tail is twisted into a tight rope and laid around the base. The crossed braids go up and are secured with chopsticks; they should hang beautifully.
  7. The hair is gathered into a ponytail and tied with an elastic band. Wrap a separate strand around the elastic band and secure with a hairpin. Then tie the tail in a knot and pass the Chinese hairpin through the elastic band.
  8. Elegant bun. The curls are gathered into a ponytail; you need to select one strand from the tail and begin to weave a weak braid in a circle, weaving small strands from the tail into it. The braid should return in a circle to the beginning, by this stage the hairstyle will resemble a fungus. The braid must be secured with hairpins, forming a bun of hair. Next, you need to braid the rest of your hair into a regular braid, securing the end with an elastic band. Wrap the bun with a braid and secure with hairpins. You can soften the look if you leave 2 strands on the sides.

Chinese haircuts have the subtlety and beauty characteristic of the East. They suit everyone, and it doesn’t matter what appearance the girl has - Asian or European.

Every woman can find her own zest, and this is the beauty of Chinese hairstyles.

Hair sticks were originally used to make it easier to curl and hold large amounts of hair. In Asian countries, if their hair grew too long, women twisted it into all kinds of buns and buns. These bundles were then decorated with sticks called "kanzashi". Today, sticks have become a real hair accessory that helps you create casual and elegant hairstyles.

Bun hairstyle with sticks

A bun is one of the simplest and most common hairstyles that can be decorated with sticks. First, comb your hair back into a ponytail at about the top of your head. Then the strands are twisted into a bun and secured with one beautiful stick diagonally. It is important that the sticks are attached to the head. When the first fastening is ready, insert the second stick on the other side, also diagonally. The bun can be loose and fluffy or tight.

Braided bun

Braided buns are a more traditional Chinese hairstyle and were primarily worn by women during the Qing Dynasty (roughly 1644 to 1910). A braided bun requires only one decorative stick. Moreover, metal sticks work best, simply because they can better support the weight of the hair. We braid the hair into two separate braids close to each other, tie their ends with an elastic band and twist them around each other at the top of the head. A beautiful Japanese stick is inserted horizontally through two braids. The ends of the braids are tucked under the bun and secured with hairpins, if necessary.

French shell

Chances are, a 1940s hairdresser wouldn't have thought to insert a wooden stick into a seashell's strand. But in modern society, this elegant style can become an unusual, Asian accent to the hairstyle. The classic French twist is created by twisting the tail to one side vertically into a strand. The hair is secured with two short sticks in a crisscross pattern.

Beehive hairstyle

The classic beehive was commonly adorned on the heads of fashionistas in the late 1950s. Its combination with Chinese chopsticks can give a retro style a more modern and exotic look. To make a beehive, you need to divide your hair into 2 parts: comb the top one and twist the bottom one into a bun. The sticks are inserted horizontally through the hair bun to secure it. Loose hair is collected and wrapped around sticks. Anyone who likes to wear a beehive hairstyle can feel free to use a lot of hairspray - just like they did in the 1950s.

You also have other options if you want to get a little creative. Use conical, lacquered sticks in black or red, wooden, bone or metal accessories.

Japanese chopsticks can be both functional and decorative accessories.They hold all hairstyles well, in addition, you can even fix a chignon with them.The top of the sticks can be cleverly decorated with pretty pendants or carvings. TTypical and traditional hair sticks are straight, while new trends also feature wavy or varying degrees of curved options.

Photos of ideas on how to insert sticks into your hair

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