How to remove chewing gum from clothes. How to remove chewing gum at home. Removing chewing gum with an alcohol solution

There are several effective ways to remove chewing gum from clothes and shoes. Not just any method will work for you. After all, everything depends on the material, color and quality of things. If one remedy does not help, feel free to move on to another, while observing the rules of caution. For example, fading colored items should not be treated with acetone or alcohol, and they can also be damaged by boiling water. General methods for removing chewing gum from clothes are divided into cold, hot and other.

Cool ways to remove chewing gum from clothes


The most effective proven method for removing gum from clothing is to freeze it. Simply put the item, packed in a plastic bag, in the freezer for about an hour. The chewing gum should freeze and fall off on its own. If this does not happen, you can try to scrape it off. But if this doesn’t help, try another method.


If the item is large and does not fit in the freezer, you need to apply a piece of ice to the contaminated area. After the chewing gum hardens, you need to remove it with a stiff brush. This method is ideal for removing chewing gum from carpets, carpets, fur coats, coats or other large items.

Hot ways to remove chewing gum from clothes

Boiling water

In order to use this method, you will need an assistant. One of you should pour boiling water from a kettle onto the damaged item, the other should clean the area of ​​chewing gum with an old toothbrush.

For greater effect, you need to immerse the contaminated area of ​​clothing in boiling water and wait until it gets wet. Without removing it from the water, pick off the chewing gum with a sharp object, then rub it with a cloth. After the procedure, the item must be dried and, if necessary, repeated.


You can use an iron to remove chewing gum from clothes. Use an iron to iron the stained area through a napkin, gauze or blotting paper. However, after this method, a chewing gum stain may remain on your clothes. But there is no need to panic - use Amway stain remover spray: apply to the stain, wait a few minutes, and then put the item in the wash. In this case, Fairy can also be useful - apply it to the stain and wash it off.

You can also place the item with the chewing gum down on a piece of cardboard and iron it with an iron at medium power until the chewing gum remains on the cardboard.


A hair dryer will help get rid of chewing gum on clothes. With its help, you need to warm up the chewing gum, and then clean the contaminated area with an unnecessary toothbrush.

Other ways to remove gum from clothes


This method is ideal for removing gum from jeans. It is necessary to slightly heat a little vinegar, dip a toothbrush in it, and then quickly, until the vinegar has cooled, rub the chewing gum with it.

Wedge with wedge

A funny, but very effective way is to remove chewing gum with its own help. To do this, you need to chew the new gum thoroughly, take it out of your mouth, and then stick it - peel it off to the contaminated area until complete victory.


You can buy a special spray for removing chewing gum at hardware stores called Chewing Gum Removers. Its effect is similar to that of freezing and applying ice: it cools the surface contaminated with chewing gum. After applying it, you need to wait a few seconds and then scrape off the gum using improvised means.

You can also use sprays to remove chewing gum stains. These can be regular stain remover sprays.


Many people believe that the best way to remove chewing gum is to use toluene. It must be applied to the place where the chewing gum is stuck, then wash the item with powder.

Another chemical method suitable for non-fading clothing is acetone. Nail polish remover that does not contain acetone will remove chewing gum from outer clothing, such as a fur coat or coat, as well as on the carpet, without leaving a trace or spoiling the color.

Dry cleaning helps many people remove chewing gum from their clothes. In order not to waste energy and precious time, you can take the contaminated item there, and specialists will easily cope with the task.


This method is perfect for you if the chewing gum is deeply embedded in the fabric. How to remove chewing gum from clothes? Just soak the damaged item in water and apply a cleaning agent to the stuck area. You can use both dishwashing detergent, powder, and stain remover. The main thing is not to skimp on the cleaning product, apply it with all your heart! Next, you need to remove the softened chewing gum and wash the clothes in a machine or by hand as usual.

Peanut butter

When using this method, be careful not to get any peanut butter on a clean area of ​​your clothing. You only need to apply oil to the gum, and then carefully scrape it off with a blunt object. Then the item must be washed in a machine or by hand.

If oil does get onto a clean area of ​​clothing, apply a liquid stain remover to it before you start washing.

How to remove chewing gum from shoes?

In order to remove chewing gum from shoes, the above methods may be inconvenient. But there is a way out of this situation: take a tampon, soak it in alcohol, acetone or regular nail polish remover. Rub the area with a tissue for a few minutes, then wipe off the gum with a kitchen knife or scrap toothbrush.

Remember that the main thing for you is not to give up, and victory will be in your hands! Also, learn to be attentive and teach your children to do the same - then the problem of chewing gum sticking to clothes or shoes will become irrelevant for you.

Chewing gum is a favorite treat for people of all ages.

Recently I was faced with the fact that my niece sat on chewing gum, and her outfit was catastrophically ruined. But I really didn’t want to throw away this dress, the baby looks like a doll in it. I decided to urgently do something about it. Armed with what was at hand, I declared war on the sticky problem. In fact, this did not require any magical means; I could find everything at home. What do we need to clean clothes from chewing gum?

1. Ice cubes

An effective way to remove sticky sweets from fabric is to use ice cubes. Place ice in a bag and leave it on the stained area for 15-20 minutes. This will cool the sticky area and allow you to easily scrape off the gum with a dull knife. You can also hide the clothes in the refrigerator for a while. The gum will freeze and be easily removed from the surface.

2. Freezer

An even more effective method is freezing the contaminated item. To do this, you need to pack the clothes in a bag and leave them in the freezer for an hour. Typically, the gum will freeze to the point that it will come off easily or require very little effort to remove.

Chewing gum from an item can also be removed by immersing the fabric in boiling water. This method works completely opposite to freezing. Pour a small amount of boiling water into a bowl and submerge your clothes in it. After some time, the chewing gum will melt and soften. Next, we will use a mild knife, which we will use to scrape off the chewing gum. Rinse clothes in fresh water and let them dry. If the stickiness does not disappear, repeat the same steps again.

4. Iron

The iron not only smoothes out all the creases and folds on things. He is also a faithful assistant in the fight against stuck chewing gum. Clothes must be ironed thoroughly. However, under no circumstances touch the heated iron directly to the chewing gum itself, as this may damage the equipment. Do this through a thin towel, gauze or white paper. To ensure that no trace of chewing gum remains, you can place another sheet of paper or cardboard under the ironed surface.

5. Hairdryer

The most common hair dryer will help you remove chewing gum from your clothes. Turn on the hot air mode, bring the device to the sticky area and warm it up thoroughly. Then scrape off the gum with a dull knife or an unnecessary toothbrush.

6. Gasoline

Gasoline and kerosene effectively remove all traces of chewing gum from clothing. Before using these products, it is necessary to remove as much sticky sweetness from the surface as possible. Then drop a few drops of gasoline onto the sticky area and rub the surface for 2-3 minutes. Since gasoline is a highly flammable liquid, follow safety precautions when working with it. To get rid of unpleasant odors, use powder and rinse aid.

7. Vinegar

Vinegar is an equally popular means of removing chewing gum from clothes. We will also need an unnecessary toothbrush. Apply a few drops of vinegar to the brush and thoroughly wipe the dirty surface with it. Sometimes you may even need to soak the item in water with a little vinegar added.

8. Chewing gum

No matter how paradoxical it may sound, the method actually works. Chew the gum for a while so that it warms up and softens thoroughly. You can also knead it in your hands for greater effect. As soon as it becomes sticky and starts to cling to your fingers, the cleanser is ready. Treat the contaminated surface with sticky gum. But make sure that the chewing gum on your clothes is also warm and in no case frozen.

9. Peanut butter

Another very effective method is to use peanut butter. First you need to remove the chewing gum from the surface as much as possible. Then apply a very small amount of peanut butter to the stain. Wait 5-10 minutes and scrape off the gum with a dull knife. However, be careful as peanut butter can stain your clothes. Therefore, wash and rinse the item thoroughly.

10. Spray

Today, there are special chemicals for removing chewing gum from any surface. I want to draw your attention specifically to the spray with a cooling effect. It must be applied to the soiled item, wait a few seconds and scrape off the chewing gum with a dull knife. What’s good is that the spray gets rid of not only chewing gum, but also the stain after it.

11. Acetone

We are used to using acetone to remove nail polish. However, it does an excellent job of removing chewing gum that sticks to clothes. Apply acetone to a cotton swab and thoroughly wipe the sticky area. Make sure your clothes are made of non-fading material.

12. Dry cleaning

If none of the above options help, then there is only one thing left to do - put the thing in the hands of specialists. They will carefully treat the stained area, wash and iron your favorite outfit. This will not be difficult for them, because any dry cleaner has a huge arsenal of gentle cleaning products. Take care of your items and they will last you for many years.

You can remove chewing gum from clothes or jeans using regular boiling. To do this, bring the required amount of water to a boil and place a cloth with sticky gum in a container of hot water. When the liquid reaches room temperature and you can easily dip your hand into it, take out the cloth and try to pry off the chewing gum with a sharp knife. We remove sticky particles by hand washing in warm water and soap. Dry the clothes and repeat the procedure if necessary.

Bring the water to a boil and place the cloth with the stuck gum in a container of hot water.

Hot tap water or boiling water will help remove chewing gum from your jeans. To do this, take the contaminated cloth in your hands and, holding it under running water, begin to rub off the chewing gum with your hands. To use the second method, bring water to a boil and carefully pour it from the kettle onto the stained area. When exposed to high water temperatures, the chewing gum will begin to melt and can be easily removed. To make this process easier, use an old toothbrush.

Bring water to a boil and carefully pour it from the kettle onto the stained area.

An iron will help remove chewing gum from clothes. To see how this all works, start by placing cardboard, thin gauze, or a napkin on top of the gum tissue. Next, set the iron to the lowest temperature and iron the fabric onto cardboard or gauze. Under the influence of heat, the chewing gum should melt and stick to the auxiliary material. We remove the remains with a knife and wipe the marks with alcohol. By the way, to remove marks you can also use Amway stain remover or the familiar Fairy. After such cleaning, we wash the clothes in the washing machine.

An iron can help remove chewing gum from clothes.

In addition to the iron, you can also use a hair dryer to dry your hair. To start cleaning, just direct a stream of hot air to the place where the chewing gum is stuck on your clothes and wait until it begins to melt. Then take some cardboard or other stable material and place it on the gum. It should stick to the cardboard surface, after which we remove the residue with alcohol or white spirit.

In addition to the iron, you can also use a hair dryer to dry your hair.

Household solvents – how effective are they?

With the help of household solvents that everyone has, you can easily remove gum from your favorite clothes. The main thing is not to overdo it, so as not to damage the tissue even more.

Sticky chewing gum from clothes can be removed using gasoline or kerosene. Drop a very small amount of gasoline onto the gum, wait a little while for it to saturate it, and then remove it with a knife. However, remember, do not flood the contaminated area, otherwise you will have another problem later. But the unpleasant smell of petroleum products cannot be avoided. Eliminating it is quite simple. To do this, simply throw the item in the washing machine and wash it with refreshing bleach.

Sticky chewing gum from clothes can be removed using gasoline or kerosene.

The first method for removing gum with pure acetone is not suitable for delicate and colored fabrics. It can be used on dense white or discreet material. To do this, soak a cotton pad in acetone and apply it to the stuck part of the fabric for a couple of minutes. After this, the chewing gum should easily come off the fabric, and its remnants can be removed with a small amount of acetone.

For delicate fabrics, it is better to replace acetone with nail polish remover labeled acetone-free

And to be sure that nothing will happen to our fabric, it is better to replace acetone with nail polish remover labeled without acetone. This solvent can effectively cope with this problem without damaging even delicate items.

Unlike many other means, this method is universal. It is suitable for absolutely all types of fabrics, combats the problem of removing chewing gum from the fabric and traces after it. As with acetone, soak a cotton pad in alcohol, place it on top of the sticky gum and leave for about 3 minutes. After this, remove the chewing gum with a sharp movement using the same cotton pad and remove traces with alcohol.

Soak a cotton pad in alcohol, place it on top of the stuck gum and leave for about 3 minutes.

Two freezing methods - standard and alternative

Freezing is considered the most effective and reliable method for removing chewing gum from jeans and other clothes. However, there are some subtleties that must be taken into account in order for the result to be as successful as possible.

To use this method, place your clothing with chewing gum stuck to it in a plastic bag, making sure that the area with the gum is on top. When placed in a bag, chewing gum should not stick to the surface of the polyethylene, this is important. Place the bag of clothes in the freezer and wait until they freeze. To avoid the possibility of gum sticking to the bag, you can place the item on top of it without wrapping it. Once frozen, remove the clothing from the freezer and scrape out the gum with a knife. In almost one hundred percent of cases, due to the fact that the chewing gum becomes hard, it easily comes off the fabric in a continuous layer, leaving no traces. However, everything must be done quickly so that the chewing gum does not start to melt.

If you are not entirely sure of the quality of the material of your clothing or are afraid that such an extreme method may damage the structure of the fabric, then use bags of frozen ice cubes. This option is no worse than freezing; it affects the material locally.

Place the bag of clothes in the freezer and wait until it freezes

Freeze the ice cubes in the freezer, place them in a plastic bag and place them in the area with the gum stuck to them for a couple of minutes. During this time, the chewing gum will have time to harden, and the ice will not have time to melt, and it can be easily removed with one movement using a knife.

In grocery stores you can find a special spray for removing chewing gum from clothes called Chewing Gum Removers. This industrial product works like regular freezing and ice cooling, only much simpler. All you have to do is spray the spray onto the surface of the gum cloth. After a couple of seconds, the chewing gum will become hard as if frozen and can be easily removed with a knife. In addition, this spray does not leave behind streaks and perfectly removes sticky marks.

A special spray for removing chewing gum from clothes will do the job perfectly.

Washing is an old proven method for removing any dirt.

Despite daily innovations, washing has been and remains the most reliable way to remove stains and dirt from clothing. To carry it out, various cleaning agents are used, but the essence of the method remains unchanged.

To avoid spending money on other cleaning products, use regular liquid soap to remove chewing gum from your jeans. Apply liquid soap to a dirty fabric with chewing gum stuck to it and rub it thoroughly into the fabric. This procedure can be performed either by hand, or you can make the task easier for yourself by using an old toothbrush to rub the soap into the fabric. When the foamy mass is well absorbed into the chewing gum, remove it with a knife. At the end of the whole process, we send the clothes to the washing machine.

Apply liquid soap to a dirty fabric with chewing gum stuck to it and rub it thoroughly into the fabric, then remove the gum with a knife.

If the chewing gum has already dried well to the fabric, this method will be a real salvation. Pour hot water into a basin, apply a cleaning agent, bleach or powder to the dirty area, and leave the fabric to soak until the water cools completely. At the same time, do not skimp on the cleaning agent so that the process of wiping off the chewing gum takes a minimum of time. When the chewing gum softens, scrape it off with a knife and wash the clothes by hand or put them in the washing machine.

We use products - what will help?

You can use peanut oil or vinegar to remove chewing gum from clothes at home. However, let's find out how effective they are.

For Americans, peanut butter is considered commonplace and is eaten as often as our usual butter. Today, in the homes of many Russians, you can find a jar of this delicacy, which also helps to cope with the removal of hated chewing gum from clothes. However, when using this product, be very careful. Apply oil only to the sticky gum itself, avoiding clean cloth. After application, leave the oil composition on for 5 minutes so that the chewing gum softens properly. Gently scrape off any stuck-on material with a knife. Remove any remaining oil with lemon juice or alcohol, and then be sure to wash the item by hand or machine. Alternatively, you can use regular butter or even hand cream instead of peanut butter. The main thing is that the composition is sufficiently fatty.

Apply peanut butter only to the sticky gum itself, avoiding a clean cloth.

If you want to remove chewing gum from cotton or other dense material, use table vinegar. In a small container, heat the amount of vinegar you need, dip an old toothbrush into it and begin rubbing the hot mixture into the dirty area. This should be done while the vinegar is still warm until all sticky residue is completely removed. If the chewing gum is well ingrained and it is difficult to wipe everything off completely the first time, warm the vinegar again and repeat the procedure. After cleaning, to get rid of the unpleasant vinegar smell, put the fabric in the washing machine.

Dip an old toothbrush into hot vinegar and begin rubbing it into the stained area.

Fight fire with fire

No matter how strange it may sound, another piece of chewing gum will help you get gum off your clothes. The method is quite unusual, but effective. To do this, thoroughly chew another chewing gum and stick it to the old chewing gum on the fabric, then sharply peel it off. We repeat the procedure until the chewing gum completely disappears from the surface of the fabric, and remove traces with alcohol or nail polish remover.

The content of the article:

Sometimes we encounter such a problem as stuck chewing gum in clothes, bags, shoes, hair, furniture, carpet, etc. Stuck chewing gum is very difficult to remove, even though it does not penetrate the fibers of the surface. However, there are still ways to get rid of such stains. In this article, you will learn several effective and simple ways to remove chewing gum stains to return things to their original appearance.

Cleaning off this sticky substance without improvised means is very problematic. You can't just wash the gum. But there is always a way out, the main thing is to choose the right remedy. Before using any method, I recommend that you first remove as much chewing gum from the surface as possible, because the less of it remains, the easier it will be to get rid of it further. And after the chewing gum is completely removed, wash the item using a stain remover and pre-wash in the washing machine.

Method 1. Wedge with wedge or other chewing gum

As strange as it may sound, another chewing gum will help remove the stain. Chew the new chewing gum a little and knead it with your hands so that the mass becomes softer, then it will stick well. Press it firmly onto the stuck stain and wait a few seconds. Then tear it off. Repeat the steps 2-3 times. The sticky substance will begin to stick to the new gum and will come off the surface.

Method 2. Heating

When choosing this method, you need to be sure that the damaged surface can withstand high temperatures well. Therefore, this method is not suitable for synthetics, but it will remove stains well from natural fabrics: cashmere, cotton or silk. Place a sheet of paper on the sticky mass. Heat the iron as high as possible and iron the damaged area. The Velcro will come off the surface and stick to the parchment. You can also melt the stuck mass with a hair dryer, and then remove it with a toothbrush.

Method 3. Freezing

Apply dry ice to the gum for a couple of minutes. During this time, it will turn into a hard crust, crumble, peel off easily and easily come off the surface. This method is suitable for cleaning upholstered furniture or carpet. Damaged clothing can be placed in the freezer for a short time. The effect will be the same: the chewing gum will come off easily. The only thing you need to make sure is that the fabric can withstand frost well. It is not recommended to put leatherette and artificial leather in the freezer.

Method 4. Vinegar

This method is more suitable for removing sticky material from jeans. Heat the vinegar without boiling and apply it to the damaged fabric. Don't wait for the vinegar to cool. Rub the damaged area with an old toothbrush. It will clean the gum well, the sticky mass will quickly come off. Wash your clothes afterwards to get rid of the vinegar smell.

Method 5. Gasoline

Gasoline is good for trousers or other dense surfaces. It will not spoil the fabric or corrode its color. Soak a piece of gauze in the solution and soak damaged clothing. Repeat this action several times.

Method 6. Acetone

The solvent will remove stains well, but it may leave behind greasy stains. Therefore, the item will need to be washed additionally. Apply acetone to the stain and scrub with a brush. The rubber band will dissolve before your eyes and will be easy to remove.

Method 7. Nail polish remover

Nail polish remover, like acetone, will easily remove the sticky mass. But for colored fabric, take it without acetone so that there are no traces of stains left.

Method 8. Solvents

Before using a solvent, you must first try it on the back surface to make sure that it will not corrode the paint, and only then treat the stain. The following will cope with this task: dimethylformamide, dichloroethane, lighter gasoline. Apply these products to the chewing gum, wait 5 minutes and carefully collect the mass. Repeat the procedure if necessary. At the end of the work, moisten a cotton swab with solvent and thoroughly treat the contaminated area. Afterwards, wash the item. This method is also suitable for shoes.

Now you know the TOP 8 ways to remove chewing gum stains. This knowledge will help you in the future. But if, nevertheless, none of the methods outlined above helped get rid of annoying chewing gum, then never rule out professional dry cleaning.

At the end of the article, I suggest watching the video “How to clean chewing gum from clothes. Tips from TV viewers."

Every day, many people are faced with such an incident as chewing gum getting on their clothes. For many, this situation causes panic and readiness to have to part with the item forever. But the case is not as tragic as people think. There are many life hacks on how to remove chewing gum from almost any fabric. After studying this material, you can be sure that even if you or your child dropped bubblegum on your clothes, the problem can be solved simply and effectively.

What types of spots are there?

Before deciding whether to remove chewing gum, determine what type of contamination it belongs to in a particular case. There are several types of chewing gum stains:

  • Poorly adhered chewing gum is a type of contamination in which the gum came into contact with the fabric recently. This type of stain is the most easily removed.
  • It is much more difficult to get rid of chewing gum smeared on clothes. Its fiber becomes thinner, and in a thin layer it eats into the fabric more firmly.
  • Sometimes you can find stains of chewing gum embedded in a dense piece. This option can be found on clothes that have villi or fur inserts, which are very susceptible to the influence of sticky chewing mass.

Required accessories

To prevent an incident with sticky gum from taking you by surprise, have on hand row products and equipment that will help you quickly clean dirt:

  • Always have ready-made pieces of ice in your freezer.
  • It would be a good idea to keep a small bottle of Pepsi-Cola in the refrigerator, the composition of which can cope with many household contaminants.
  • If it is not possible to remove stains with an iron, have either a hair dryer or a similar device for drying hair on hand.
  • You should keep hydrogen peroxide or alcohol in your first aid kit. Products with a cooling effect will also be useful for removing chewing gum.
  • Vinegar comes in handy in the kitchen.
  • To be on the safe side, you should purchase stain removers specifically designed to remove particularly difficult stains.

Features of cleaning fabrics

In addition to the characteristics of the stain, you need to look at the composition of the fabric from which the item is made. Each material has its own characteristics, so it is easier to remove chewing gum from some canvases, while others require more time and effort to clean:

  • To clean stains from cotton clothing, you should straighten it in the area where the stain is located and place it in a Ziploc bag or bag. After closing the bag, place it in the freezer. After a few hours of being in the cold, the chewing gum itself lags behind the tissue and is easily removed. But if there are small pieces of gum left, then soak the product with detergent and wash.

  • Jeans is a fabric from which chewing gum is removed by boiling. To do this, place a section of jeans with a stuck gum in boiling water and carefully try to separate the gum from the fabric. You can repeat the procedure several times to achieve full results.

  • An alternative method is to clean with vinegar essence. It must be heated in a water bath, without bringing it to a boil. Using a toothbrush, apply the substance to the stain and carefully remove the gum. Vinegar will help remove the sticky fiber from the fabric fairly quickly.

If the stain is not very stubborn, you can remove it with liquid soap. It will soften the fibers of the chewing gum, and then you can remove it with a needle. Then you should wash your jeans in the machine.

  • To clean your trousers, you can use an iron and a sheet of paper. The stained area should be ironed, and this will help remove the chewing gum. But this method is not suitable for delicate fabrics that react to temperature and for stubborn stains. Sometimes a hair dryer can be used as an alternative to an iron. This method is only suitable for natural materials, it is not applicable for synthetic items.

  • To clean sweaters or jackets with long pile, you can place the bag with the item in the refrigerator, but not for several hours, but for a day. This technique will allow the gum to harden enough that it can be cracked with one blow.
  • Sometimes chewing gum can stick to outer clothing, which is not always possible to put in the freezer. To remove stains from a jacket or bolognese pants, you can use ice cubes from the freezer. They need to process the stuck chewing gum until it becomes hard.

If you don’t have the opportunity to come home soon, you can buy a special freezing spray for bruises at the pharmacy. Its effect is similar to the effect after ice; you can easily scrape off dirt from the surface of your clothing.

  • Leather jackets require a different cleaning technique. In this case, it is advisable to remove the chewing gum using acetone or manicure remover. This technique will allow you to quickly get rid of contamination. When choosing between acetone and nail polish remover, you should give preference to the latter if chewing gum is stuck to a delicate fabric item. The product must indicate that it does not contain acetone.
  • A very unusual way to remove gum from thin fabrics such as chiffon is to dip the product in Coca-Cola. This drink has the property of detaching dirt molecules from the surface.

How can I remove a stain?

There are a number of interesting ways to remove chewing gum from fabric at home:

  • An excellent way to effectively clean chewing gum is household solvents. These include kerosene and gasoline. You need to apply a small amount of any of these liquids to the chewing gum, wait until its structure is saturated with the composition and calmly wipe off the dirt using a flat, thin object.

Such solvents should be handled with caution. Do not apply too much liquid to the product, otherwise an oily stain may form later. Remember that after using such substances, a specific odor will remain on the clothes, so it is recommended to wash them with powder, gel or conditioner.

  • Chewing gum can be easily removed from tight pants using alcohol and a cotton pad. All you need to do is hold the moistened disc on the dirt for three minutes, and you can forget about the problem.
  • If the chewing gum has dried out and become embedded in the fibers of the fabric, you should not experiment with folk remedies. It will be easier to remove the stain using a stain remover. Apply the product to the damaged area, leave the item in a bowl of hot water until it reaches room temperature. After this time, the chewing gum should soften and can be removed with the blunt side of a knife.

  • To clean off the stuck mass, substances that contain a lot of fat are suitable. Peanut butter, which has a very fatty consistency, is popular. You will need a very small amount of oil, which should be applied only to the chewing gum itself. If you go beyond the limits, the substance will stain your clothes, leaving a greasy mark on them. After 5 minutes, the composition will saturate the bubble gum fibers, and the dirt can be carefully removed with a knife.

If you don’t have nut butter on hand, butter, which is more common among Russian users, can solve the problem. Even a rich cream, such as Baby Cream or hand care products, can be an alternative.

  • An interesting way to remove chewing gum that has dried on clothing is to use another piece of gum. Chew the second piece of gum until it has a soft consistency, then place it on the old one and pull sharply. Very often, this practice helps to get rid of the main part of the stain.
  • It may happen that there is neither a hairdryer nor an iron at hand. Then an ordinary kettle with boiling water can come to the rescue. Place it on the stove, and when steam starts coming out of it, place the contaminated area of ​​fabric under the stream of steam. A hot stream of moist air can soften the gum, and then it can be removed with a toothbrush.

  • If the chewing gum stain is fresh, you can use tape to remove it. Adhesive tape pasted across the gum will catch it, then you should sharply tear the tape off the fabric to achieve a visible result.
  • Sometimes toluene is suitable for cleaning bubble gum from clothes. The substance should be applied to the area of ​​contamination and the chewing gum should be removed using a knife.

To ensure that the process of removing bubble gum from clothes occurs without damage to you and your belongings, you need to adhere to certain recommendations:

  • Before starting cleaning procedures, be sure to look at the recommendations on the clothing label. Some items are not resistant to high temperatures or other mechanical manipulation.
  • Do not use caustic substances such as acetic acid on delicate fabrics. Vinegar will instantly corrode the thin product, and it will become completely unusable.
  • If you remove gum using harsh chemicals, use gloves to protect your hands from damage.

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