Who is Selena Gomez dating? Selena Gomez: “I’m one of those girls who love on a grand scale. Who did Selena Gomez have an affair with?

For a long time she was Justin Bieber's muse, and even when the couple broke up for the second time, the whole world hoped that both would come to their senses and again try to reunite their broken hearts. Unfortunately or not, this was not destined to come true. The army of fans of the young singer lives with the question of who Selena Gomez is dating and to whom she dedicates such romantic songs.

Who is Selena Gomez dating now?

After the girl broke up with the 21-year-old singer, the beauty had a hard time: not only was her new album filled with notes of sadness and despair, but she also ended up in the hospital with a severe nervous breakdown. As it turned out, no matter how long Selena Gomez dated Justin Bieber, which was about three years, a simple guy from the city of Saratov managed to make the singer really happy.

At the closing party of the Golden Globes, the young star was spotted surrounded by a mysterious young man who never left her side throughout the entire event. From that moment on, everyone - both fans and the media - began to actively discuss the appearance of a new unknown person in the life of the American actress and singer. After some time, curious journalists managed to find out that Selena Gomez’s new boyfriend was the musician Zedd, aka Anton Zaslavsky from the glorious city of Saratov, in the Russian Federation. By the way, it was his pen that produced such popular hits by Justin Bieber and Ariana Grande as “Beauty and a Beat” and “Break Free.”

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In July 2015, the singer boldly stated in one of her interviews that she was in a romantic relationship with the famous DJ Zedd. You don’t need to think long about whether this is really love or just another PR stunt; just look at the Instagram accounts of both of them to see with your own eyes a considerable number of romantic photos with the hash tags “crazy”, “thank you”, “hugs” , "kiss".

Singer Selena Gomez, who is dating 25-year-old Saratov native Anton Zaslavsky, better known as DJ Zedd, shared new details of their common story: these details can be easily gleaned from the star’s Instagram feed.

Selena Gomez and Dj Zedd

After Selena Gomez broke up with Justin Bieber, journalists wrote down whoever was her boyfriend - even Orlando Bloom. However, the singer of the hit Come & Get It showed sympathy for the talented Russian DJ Anton Zaslavsky, better known under the stage name DJ Zedd. Anton left his native Saratov many years ago, lived for some time in Germany, and today is one of the most sought-after producers, arrangers and DJs in the USA. Justin Bieber and Ariana Grande should be grateful to him for their hits - Beauty and a Beat and Break Free, respectively.

Selena Gomez and DJ Zedd at a German festival with friends

Rumors about a romance between Selena and Anton have been circulating for a long time, but only now they are beginning to acquire evidence. So, yesterday a photo of them from a music studio appeared on Gomez’s Instagram, where the artists are currently recording a new song. A few hours after this, a joint photo of the celebrities was published on Zedd’s page. The still image from Facetime shows Selena in her night clothes under the covers, and Anton can be seen in the small window in the left corner.

Oh hello my darling...

It appears in the caption to the frame. But don’t rush to think that this is Zedd’s appeal to Selena - rather, it’s a quote from a new song. The picture is also accompanied by the tags The Room, which, according to many, reveals the name of the future composition.

Dj Zedd and Selena Gomez

Previously, Selena and Anton were spotted together at the Golden Globes after-party. According to eyewitnesses, the young people were almost constantly together and holding hands.

Selena Gomez, Dj Zedd and Cara Delevingne at the Golden Globes after-party

How well do you know Selena Gomez? If you think so, you're probably wrong. The “white and fluffy” actress has a lot of skeletons in her closet. We'll talk about them in this material.

Unlike her fellow bad girl Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez has always been an exemplary face of the Disney Channel. The brunette with the face of an angel can be safely set as an example for children: she never allows herself too much on the red carpet, looks and behaves as discreetly as possible.

Smart, beautiful, hard worker - in a word, simply a standard of behavior for every modern girl! But is everything really so rosy?

We should never forget that in our time too many people live by the motto “appear, not be.” And the stars - first of all. Digging a little deeper, reading insider stories about Selena, comparing facts from her biography and taking a closer look at some of her interviews, we can conclude that this girl is not as simple as she seems.

Miss Gomez has enough skeletons in her closet to fill half of Hollywood. It becomes more and more difficult to hide them, and the truth gradually comes out. Today we are ready to tell you about this dark and very restive horse and introduce you to the unknown sides of her personality.

Difficult childhood

A lot, if not everything, depends on a person’s origin and upbringing. It’s unlikely that anyone will argue with the fact that the lion’s share of our problems and complexes come from childhood. So we’ll start the story about the true essence of Selena Gomez from the beginning: let’s remember how it all began for the famous artist.

And the beginning was not at all rosy: my mother, having given birth to Selena at the age of 16, was forced to live with her in frankly monstrous conditions, working as many as three jobs to feed the baby and herself. The future superstar grew up in poverty in the Texas wilderness, seeing from childhood how problems were solved on the street, what lengths people went to in order to survive.

It was then that, along with the desire for success, little Gomez developed an iron grip, and with it a clear intention to achieve her goals at any cost. From a young age, she did not shy away from going over the top and skillfully used almost every person on her path as a means of achieving her goals. And this was especially true for men...

Selfish feelings

Selena Gomez's first serious romance happened with Justin Bieber - and it is no coincidence that it was with him. From the outside, of course, it seemed that the young artists had great and bright feelings. They publicly declared their love to each other, and no one even thought to doubt the sincerity of these declarations. But in vain.

When Gomez met Bieber, the whole world was already talking about the young king of pop. It didn’t take long for Selena, who had just gained popularity thanks to her starring role in the Disney series Wizards of Waverly Place, to realize that this guy would help her skyrocket up the career ladder.

The calculation turned out to be correct: thanks to the sweet-voiced handsome man, who now followed her everywhere, Gomez became famous throughout the world. And even if someone spoke of her only as “Bieber’s girl,” she herself knew very well that this label would not last long.

Selena openly used Justin to get comfortable in Western show business. She mentioned his name during PR campaigns for her new songs (for example, Everybody Knows and Love Will Remember), regularly published pictures with him on Instagram (knowing that they would get a record number of likes), regularly went out with him and often talked about relationships in her interviews (although, paradoxically, she carefully pretended to live by the principle “happiness loves silence”).

Sometimes, in conversations with journalists, the brunette allowed herself such careless statements about her boyfriend that one felt uneasy: how could a young romantic person, and also such a smart one, say such a thing about the subject of her feelings?

Well, fortunately, Bieber himself understood perfectly well that an affair with him was simply beneficial for the dark-haired artist. And she herself never really hid it, but in public she continued to play at love.

When the couple had already broken up, Selena's true attitude towards Justin became even more obvious. So, in 2013, on David Letterman’s evening show, the artist, chuckling, said: “We are no longer together, and I feel so good! The last time we spoke, I made him cry."

Several years have passed since the breakup, but the singer has not stopped mentioning “ex” at every opportunity. Why? The answer lies on the surface: in 2015, the performer’s second album, Revival, was preparing to be released, and she knew that in this way she would attract more attention to her work.

Blackmail in the best traditions of Hollywood

Using your ex's name for self-PR purposes is the lesser of all evils. Alas, Selena was capable of more, which she demonstrated to the whole world, but especially to the naive Justin. The girl turned out to be a talented manipulator and blackmailer, capable of ruining even her ex-boyfriend’s super-successful career overnight.

So, in 2016, she launched an entire campaign against Justin, making it clear that she could easily crush him as an artist and a popular favorite. The fact is that, according to rumors, Gomez had a whole collection of compromising photos and videos in her hands, after the publication of which Bieber would be in trouble.

The girl hinted that she had evidence that the young king of pop was dabbling in illegal drugs, and she was also ready to post pictures online in which the performer was captured completely naked from the most bizarre angles.

Continuing the theme of intimacy: a girl with the face of an angel willingly chirped in an interview about how bad Bieber is in bed. She made rude jokes about his manhood, saying that the sizes shown to the whole world in advertising for Calvin Klein underwear were greatly exaggerated with the help of graphic editors.

Why did Selena hit Justin like that? There are many reasons. Obviously, she wanted to raise hype around herself, as it is now fashionable to say, and also wanted to show everyone how bad Bieber is and how good she is (however, it turned out quite the opposite). And, of course, we won’t rule out the fact that Gomez was annoyed by her ex’s happy relationship with young Sofia Richie.

The girl didn’t even try to hide her jealousy: she became the unspoken leader of all his haters and almost daily wrote comments on Instagram calling for “not to show off your personal things.”

The artist, mentally unprepared for such an avalanche of negativity, even left the popular social network. And then he broke up with Sofia - as if still trying to prove something to Selena.

Through men to the stars

Enough about Bieber: he was not the only victim of Gomez on the way to global recognition. Remember, the brunette beauty had an affair with Russian-born DJ Anton Zaslavsky, performing under the pseudonym Zedd? So, know: there was no talk of any feelings on the part of the singer. The basis of these relations was pure calculation. Anton, being a talented DJ and musician, helped Selena mix new tracks and made a significant contribution to her musical style. When Gomez conquered a new creative stage with the help of Zaslavsky, she no longer needed him.

But with Orlando Bloom everything was completely different. Fascinated by the influential actor, the singer set herself a clear goal of gaining his attention. And the fact that the leading actor in Pirates of the Caribbean was then in a relationship with Katy Perry did not bother the girl at all.

She looked for meetings with him, figuring out how to “accidentally” run into each other somewhere at a social event, and was only glad if the paparazzi photographed her and Orlando. Bloom resisted, but gave in several times. Because of this, he and Perry started having serious problems...

It’s funny, but while openly trying to steal someone else’s man, Gomez didn’t even remember how she herself broke off relations with the Jenner sisters in 2014 because one of them allegedly flirted with Bieber - although Justin was no longer Selena’s boyfriend at that time. Rumors about the singer’s affair with Kylie, by the way, were never confirmed, but the Disney Channel star still deleted all joint photos with reality show stars from her Instagram and stopped communicating with them forever. Because I saw a speck in someone else’s eye, but in my own...

Secrets of the rehabs

But I didn’t notice any logs in mine. And this applies not only to love dramas, but also to Selena’s relationship with the same illegal drugs. She tried so zealously to prove to others that Justin was using that it gave rise to ambiguous thoughts.

In 2016, Gomez became a regular client of rehabs. Moreover, the rehabs are not simple, but maximally closed and remote from civilized society. It was as if the star specifically chose such clinics so that no one could figure her out. She herself claimed that she was being treated for lupus: they say that the side effects of the disease, including panic attacks and deep depression, did not give her peace.

In order to get her health in order, the performer even interrupted her Revival concert tour, leaving fans in different cities and countries without her performances.

They reacted to this action with understanding, because this has already happened: in 2013, Selena also canceled performances as part of the Stars Dance tour due to the fact that she simply wanted to take time for herself.

Having learned that the Revival tour was suspended, fans sincerely sympathized with the singer, supported her and wanted to recover as soon as possible. However, the treatment dragged on, and even Selena’s most devoted listeners began to have suspicions: was she being treated for lupus for months?

The most terrible guesses of admirers of Gomez’s work were confirmed by insiders. No one directly stated anything, but several people from the singer’s circle claimed that her true problem could not be cured with one month’s course.

The singer disappeared from the radar for too long. When she came out of rehab, her weight almost doubled, which fans learned about after seeing shocking beach photos. Of course, Selena quickly got rid of the extra pounds, but her health problems did not stop.

At the beginning of 2017, musician Abel Tesfaye appeared in her life, performing under the pseudonym The Weeknd. Gomez's loved ones did not immediately approve of this novel.

Why? It's simple: Abel has repeatedly admitted that he wrote all his hits while under the influence of drugs. Selena’s family realized that with such a boyfriend she would definitely not be able to control herself and would end up in rehab again. Gomez wasn't listening. As a result, her health problems only worsened, and in September the artist was forced to undergo a kidney transplant.

The official version is complications due to lupus. Some people had the courage to say that certain drugs primarily affect the kidneys, and this is no coincidence.

A month and a half after Selena received a kidney transplant from her friend, actress Francia Raisa, the singer's relationship with The Weeknd quickly ended. The whole world breathed a sigh of relief.

And yet, the main reason for the end of the novel is said to be Gomez’s suddenly flared up feelings for Bieber with renewed vigor: just a few days after breaking up with Tesfaye, the girl was riding bicycles around Los Angeles in the company of her new-old boyfriend. By the way, she did not consider it necessary to tell Abel that she was leaving for Justin. The musician learned about Selena’s reunion with her ex after the fact.

Less personal, no less two-faced

Selena's complex character manifested itself not only in relationships with guys. We have a few more stories in stock that are worthy of becoming the final touches to the portrait of a beautiful dark-haired girl.

So, while all Western pop divas are afraid of soundtracks and simply refuse to give concerts if there is no way to set up live sound, Selena is not averse to performing to plus. The artist does this so professionally that it is extremely difficult to catch her, but fans still managed to do it a couple of times.

For example, in 2013, while performing the hit Slow Down at one of her concerts, she tripped on stage and fell, but this incident did not affect her vocals at all: the song went on as usual, and the artist pretended to continue singing, even after losing her balance.

Particularly attentive viewers saw that the performer’s lips twitched treacherously, which means that the phonogram was definitely there, but Selena, having been caught red-handed, did everything to get away with it.

More than once Gomez has been involved in religious scandals. Also in 2013, she released the track Come & Get It, and as part of the promotional tour she decided to use the image of an Indian woman. Performing with a new hit, the brunette dressed up in Indian national clothes and painted a bright bindi dot on her forehead.

Representatives of Hinduism were deeply touched by the performer’s behavior. “Bindi is our ancient tradition and has serious religious significance! You cannot use a bindi simply to make your stage appearance more impressive. This is not a fashionable accessory in which you can dance seductively,” Rajan Zid, the leader of the World Society of Hinduism, was indignant in an interview with Wenn.

The man rightly demanded an apology from the singer and advised her to more seriously study the history of world religions. However, the pop star did not react to the accusations and did not even think about asking for forgiveness.

Selena also quarreled with Muslims. When, on the eve of 2014, a photo from a mosque in Abu Dhabi appeared on the Internet, in which the artist, dressed in an abaya, playfully lifts her hem, showing off her bare ankle, a big scandal arose. Gomez was accused of disrespect for Arab traditions, but she did not consider herself guilty and did not ask for forgiveness, limiting herself to only deleting that very frame from Instagram.

There are many more similar stories. They are told by close sources, colleagues, once close friends, former fans and random witnesses. Everyone who has dealt with her says that Selena is a real demon in the guise of an angel.

And if earlier we were skeptical about such statements, not believing that this charming beauty could do such things, now we understand that such rumors do not exist out of nowhere, just like there is no smoke without fire. And all that remains is to sympathize with Justin Bieber, who has reunited with her...

No matter how much fans of Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez would like to see this couple together, it seems that the former lovers will not enter the same river for the fourth time. As you know, the popular Canadian performer tickles the nerves of the female half of his audience every month, starting one romance after another, and among his latest passions is still the daughter of actor Stephen Baldwin, Hailey. Well, Selena leads a more orderly lifestyle and since she put an end to her romance with DJ Zedd back in the spring, the paparazzi only yesterday managed to confirm rumors about the presence of a new boyfriend.

It turns out that since November of last year it was rumored that the 23-year-old singer was having an affair with a guy who had nothing to do with show business. From that moment on, reporters vigilantly monitored every public appearance of Selena Gomez, but they managed to solve this heartfelt mystery absolutely by accident - a certain Samuel Krost tagged the singer in his photo on the social network, and the reaction began to be irreversible.

It took the tabloid press only a few hours to find out that this young man, a tall and handsome guy, is a graduate of New York University, and currently works as a sales manager for a famous fashion brand.

For the first time, reporters spotted a couple in love on January 14 at the 1OAK nightclub in Hollywood and on January 15 in Malibu, but...

As they say, the beast runs to the catcher, and yesterday Selena Gomez and Sam Krost were once again caught on camera just as they were leaving a hotel in Beverly Hills holding hands together!

It is worth noting that this time the Western tabloids did not draw hasty conclusions, but limited themselves to reporting on Selena’s poor choice of outfit (a tight black dress) and the careless appearance of Samuel Krost in a black jacket and jeans.

Well, let's discuss Selena's new boyfriend?

As you know, Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber broke up. However, the star did not kill herself and shed tears for the idol of all teenagers, but immediately found a replacement for him. It is not known for certain who Selena Gomez is dating at the moment. However, at the party dedicated to the Golden Globe Awards, the actress appeared in the company of a mysterious blond man. So, who is dating Selena Gomez?

Rumors that Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez had broken up began in November 2012. True, after some time, information was published that the young people broke up only for a while, and that in fact they still have strong feelings for each other. However, since that time, Gomez and Bieber have never been seen together. And at the Golden Globes party, the actress was seen with a handsome blond man. According to an anonymous source, Selena's companion is none other than Australian actor Luke Bracey, with whom Gomez starred in the 2011 film Monte Carlo.

Who will take Justin Bieber's place?

At the moment, it is unclear whether Bracely will be able to become a worthy replacement for Justin Bieber. However, the star shows with all her appearance that she has forgotten about the affair with Bieber and continues to enjoy life. At the same Golden Globes party, Selena danced and had fun with her friends Vanessa Hudgens and Ashley Tisdale. In addition, media sources unanimously claim that although Selena appeared at the party with Braisley, she left accompanied by Josh Hutchertson, star of The Hunger Games.

Recently, photos appeared online in which Selena was spotted at Justin's house. And although her face is not visible in the photo, sources claim that it was really her. Maybe the reason for Selena’s appearance at Bieber’s house is trivial, she simply decided to pick up her things. Or maybe the couple decided to reanimate their relationship, so it is possible that information will soon appear that Selena Gomez is dating Justin Bieber. Some are already talking about Selena and Justin getting back together.

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