I'm sorry, or how to apologize to your wife. How to apologize to your wife: sincere and warm words in prose and poetry, the easiest and most beautiful ways to apologize to your loved one

Forgive me please! I'm sorry this happened. And this, indeed, was without malicious intent on my part. Our relationship is very important to me. And I want no resentment or disagreement to come between us. Most of all now I want to make peace with you!

I sincerely apologize and forgive me for the fact that in a moment of anger and bad mood I said a lot of unnecessary and indecent things, which of course became very offensive to you. I admit that I was wrong and bitterly regret my ridiculous action. I hope for your goodwill, that this trouble will be safely forgotten over time and our relationship will become wonderful again.

We sometimes want to stop time or turn it back. This is because we are people, and people make mistakes for which they are ashamed and offended. And now my soul is very heavy and bad. Only your kind heart can ease my suffering, forgive me.

I sincerely apologize and ask for forgiveness for all my bad actions. I didn't want this to happen. Please smile, I want to see your beautiful, dazzling smile. This is the only way I will understand that you are no longer offended by me. Forgive me again.

Man is not perfect, which means that he often has to correct mistakes. A man, with his characteristic harshness in actions, is capable of offending a woman inadvertently, for which he later pays with a healthy atmosphere in the relationship. How to ask for forgiveness from a friend, wanting to correct what was done?

First of all, it is necessary to understand the causes of the offense. Women's consciousness is much more complex than men's. Very often, emotions do not allow a girl to look at the state of things objectively. Pride and a sense of wounded pride delay the moment of reconciliation and escalate the situation even more. You can harbor a grudge because of a mere trifle, but also because of a huge problem that hangs over the relationship in the form of a sword of Damocles. The category of minor experiences includes lack of attention, misunderstanding, rude words or indifference.

At first glance, an innocent mistake can become the cause of omission. Incorrect intonation in a man’s voice can provoke an increase in aggression on the part of a woman, especially during the period of premenstrual exacerbation. Emotional outbursts should not be underestimated. Noticing that her beloved man does not draw conclusions from the increasing frequency of conflicts, a girl may become disappointed in her choice and subconsciously seek a more caring and attentive partner. The situation may be more complicated with a serious insult to female dignity. A practically unsolvable situation may arise with betrayal, betrayal, or assault. Should we emphasize that a real man is not capable of such actions?

Any girl makes her own decisions whether her man is worthy of forgiveness of a grave sin. There is no standard answer to the ambiguous question “should I forgive?” Perhaps the good done earlier will help the man to rehabilitate himself. Sometimes a woman decides to forgive due to hopelessness, financial dependence or physiological weakness. You can resist the male anger that falls on the shoulders of a fragile girl by treating the situation either with indifference or by overly justifying your partner. A man should remember that any woman’s insult can be decisive and final.

When deciding how to ask for forgiveness from your wife or girlfriend, you should not rely on her spiritual affection. Love, even the strongest and most selfless, can break against the wall of misunderstanding, anger or cruelty. Offensive actions can simply disgust a woman.

In any case, understanding your beloved like no one else, you should dare to ask for forgiveness. The most important thing in this matter is to demonstrate sincere repentance. Only after noticing a true desire to make peace in a man’s eyes will a woman decide to pardon. It is also important to assure the woman that such an act will not happen again. The easiest way to ask for forgiveness can be a confidential, calm conversation. The man’s task will be to explain the motives that prompted him to behave in a way that offended the woman. Problems at work, fatigue, illness will help awaken a sense of compassion in a sensitive woman.

However, you should not manipulate or deceive a woman. Sooner or later, the lies will become obvious and provoke another conflict. Even if you are confident that only a conversation is enough for forgiveness, it would be useful to use proven catalysts for female forgiveness. First of all, these are flowers. It would be a good idea to send an armful of roses to your loved one’s work. This man can kill several birds with one stone. Firstly, the bouquet will not look banal.

Secondly, every girl among her employees has a couple of bosom friends who are able to influence her opinion. Having experienced delight, they cannot help but advise her to change her anger to mercy. A more expensive, but also more effective way to obtain forgiveness can be a piece of jewelry. An experienced woman reasonably believes that the more a man invests in her, the more valuable she becomes to him. However, psychologists say that the tradition dates back to ancient times, when valuable stones and metals were considered a talisman against evil spirits, diseases, and even against physical attack.

Surely, being in a long-term relationship with a woman, a man will be aware of his companion’s cherished dream, the realization of which will require material investments. The moment of asking for forgiveness is precisely the case when this desire needs to be realized.

Public apologies should be approached with caution. Perhaps the damage or insult caused are not aspects of life that need to be exposed to the public.

In case of an innocent mistake and your friend’s predisposition to overcome obstacles and adventures, you can organize a simple quest for your beloved. Having gone through a labyrinth of simple tasks, she will be mentally prepared to forgive her negligent partner and decide to reconcile.

How to ask forgiveness from a creative girl - organize a performance by a musical group in her honor or order a luxurious limousine? You can decorate a representative car with balloons with the image of your lady love and sweet promises for the future. By the way, such manifestations will be useful not only if you want to make peace, but also in winning female attention.

Women and men perceive apologies differently. And often problems in marriage arise due to different approaches to this issue. And if women know how to ask for forgiveness, then for many men this becomes a real problem. How to apologize to your wife?

Tell me you're wrong

The first thing to do is admit that you are wrong. Tell your beloved “I’m sorry, I was wrong” - it’s simple. And that’s exactly it, because stupid phrases like “I’m sorry that you think I’m wrong” will only make things worse.

Admit that you hurt her feelings

You must also admit that your action hurt the girl’s heart and her feelings. So a phrase like “I’m sorry that I offended you” will be just right. Again, the words “I’m sorry that you’re hurt” will be inappropriate, because you haven’t let the girl know that you’re sorry that you offended her, and not that she simply feels bad.

She needs to understand that you are remorseful.

When you express your remorse, you let the girl know that you really realized your guilt and now you sincerely want her to forgive you.

Tell me this won't happen again

It's difficult to tell a girl that you won't make the mistake that led to her offense again, especially if you don't learn very well from your mistakes. However You must promise that you will not repeat this mistake again. Maybe next time you will remember your promise and then keep it.

Make amends

Offer the girl something specific to make amends because otherwise, if you say something like, “What can I do to stop you from being offended anymore?”, you are absolving yourself of responsibility. But if, for example, you refused to help your loved one, which she was offended by, it’s time to offer to fulfill her specific request. And not just offer it, but also fulfill it, even if the girl refuses. Then she will soon change her anger to mercy.

Ask me to forgive you

If you did everything correctly, as a final phrase you can say “Will you forgive me?” - usually this is quite enough. If your action was too rude and offensive, then it is worth rephrasing the question somewhat: “Can you forgive me?” Even if your beloved says that she needs time, she will soon forgive you. To increase your chances, behave in such a way that she can see that you truly repent of what you did.

Please, my love, forgive me
My guilt with your tender soul,
Let go of your offense like a bird -
Let it dissolve in the boundless blue.

I admit that I'm very guilty
But the apologies are also full of hope -
To what a warm look will give me
My desired affection and forgiveness.

I'd like to explain myself
And apologize for the rudeness.
Bunny, forgive me
I love you so much!

I know that I did something wrong
I was wrong, I got excited,
I apologize
Don't be angry, please!

I apologize. I am very sorry that this happened, I am very annoyed that the sweetest and most beautiful girl is offended by me. Don’t be angry, I’ll fix everything and won’t repeat this in the future. Let's forget about this incident and continue on our way. Honey, I wish you only goodness and happiness, prosperity and love. Know this and stop pouting your pretty lips.

Forgive me, I was wrong!
I offended you in the heat of the moment.
And now realizing the mistakes,
I apologize to you.

I'm to blame for you.
Tell me how to make amends?
Give me a chance to meet you
I'll try to fix everything!

Darling, my dear, forgive me,
I'm guilty and I repent of it,
I beg you to let go of the offense,
After all, without you, my baby, I’m suffocating.

Forgive me, dear, I won’t do this again,
Probably the weather had an effect
You are my tender, special miracle,
And without you I have little happiness in the world!

I want to make peace with you.
In a quarrel, it’s as if I’m not myself.
And, of course, I must apologize,
I'm to blame for you.

I'm sorry that I offended you,
He was rude and couldn’t contain his emotions.
Only now did I see my guilt.
I'm sorry. I was wrong.

Forgive me, my dear,
That I offended you.
Without realizing it,
I hurt you in the heart reluctantly.

He threw words like stones,
Into your tender soul,
Let me heal all my wounds
What did he inflict on you in your delirium?

I'm sorry I acted very stupidly
I said a lot of hurtful words,
But please, make concessions to me,
After all, I’m ready to beg for forgiveness!

Sorry, this won't happen again,
Give me a chance or at least a little hope!
Please, dear, stop being angry already,
After all, I want everything to be as before!

I don't know how to ask you for forgiveness,
I've already exhausted all your patience to the bottom.
I only know that I lived without you without loving,
And for all your grievances I blame myself alone.

I don't know how to say I want to start over
So that you recognize me from the best side in everything.
I only know - I’m ready to prove without further ado,
That from now on I will give you all my care and love!

Forgive me, forgive me, dear,
Why did I offend you so much?
I don’t know what came over me.
Please forgive me.

Sorry for this stupidity of mine,
Why have I done so many things?
I'll never do this again
I'll do it. Sunshine, I'm sorry.

Sorry for the insults, dear,
Sorry for my rude words.
It's my fault, I understand everything
And forgive my stupid actions.

How I would like to see a smile again -
Your soul is like that.
Yes, darling, I made a mistake,
And I’m not looking for someone else’s smile.

A properly organized apology will help smooth out the conflict in a matter of minutes and make the injured party forget about their grievances. When a husband is guilty before his wife, asking for forgiveness is simply necessary, because tension in the relationship negatively affects all aspects of family life. Psychologists give a number of universal recommendations on how to apologize correctly. There are also original ways that will not leave any girl indifferent.

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    You need to apologize to your wife so that she will probably forgive you sincerely and from the bottom of your heart. Some common advice from psychologists will help.

    Don't sort things out

    Men tend to think rationally, while women tend to be more emotional. When trying to ask for forgiveness, it has no fundamental meaning:

    • who started it first?
    • what is the true reason for the man’s behavior;
    • how the woman herself provoked this situation;
    • who offended whom more?

    If the wife is very offended, and the husband wants reconciliation, then logical arguments and evidence will only anger her even more and lead to new tension in the relationship.

    Don't demand, but ask for forgiveness

    The speed with which a girl is ready to let go of negative emotions depends on:

    • her temperament;
    • character;
    • an act committed by a guy;
    • way of apologizing.

    There is no point in putting pressure, demanding a quick answer - a guilty man is not in this position.

    Appease before the meeting

    You can do this using:

    • touching SMS;
    • letters with nice words;
    • postcard;
    • a gift sent by courier: a box of sweets, flowers, some cosmetics.

    Try to apologize in person when meeting

    If a girl doesn’t make contact, you can try to ask for forgiveness remotely, but it’s better to get a meeting. Physically being nearby will help you look into your eyes at the right moment, take your hand, hug, if appropriate. With tactile contact and glances it is much easier to express your emotions. Sometimes there is a need to apologize publicly - this must be done after forgiveness has been received in private.

    Don't go overboard with drama

    It is enough to sincerely ask for forgiveness, communicate your regret, plans for the future in order to avoid such situations and confess your love. Excessive accusations of oneself, persuasion to stay in a relationship, tearful confessions at a time when the girl has not yet cooled down will only irritate her, because they demonstrate the guy’s selfishness and his fixation on his own suffering.

    An example of a speech that would be appropriate:“I want to apologize for my behavior. I was very wrong, I regret that this happened, and most of all that I gave you negative emotions. I realized during our quarrel how bad I feel without you, and I will try not to offend you in the future. If you forgive me, let’s try to never create such provocative situations. But if they arise, remembering this incident, I will control myself. I love you very much and want us to be together always.”

    Admit guilt

    The guy needs to take responsibility for the action he has committed, and not say that someone else is to blame. The guilt and responsibility for the emotional state of his beloved is on him, he admitted it and is ready to correct it.

    Support your words with something tangible

    No matter how beautiful the spoken words are, the effect of them will be brighter if accompanied by:

    • flowers;
    • sweets;
    • favorite perfume or other cosmetics;
    • certificate to a beauty salon;
    • tickets to a concert of your favorite band, to a movie or theater.

    Draw conclusions

    The girl needs to be told that a serious lesson has been learned from the whole situation about how to behave with her, what to avoid, what to add to the relationship and how bad it is to be in a quarrel with her.

    When apologizing, it is very important not to ask: “What should I do to make you forgive?” The girl may demand something that will infringe on the guy’s personality or at this stage will be impossible for him. As a result, new misunderstandings, conflicts, and tension may arise.

    When you've done something wrong

    The most common situations when a man messes up badly: betrayal, drunkenness, violence.

    Psychologists give the following advice to men who have offended their loved ones in these ways.


    What do we have to do:

    1. 1. Start apologizing immediately after the fact of exposure, do not wait until the woman complains to her friends and relatives and they begin to give her their “good” advice.
    2. 2. Be patient and gain trust slowly, with increased attention and beautiful actions.
    3. 3. Let your loved one speak as many times as she needs. Listen to everything and apologize for every thing she is offended or angry about.
    4. 4. Completely refuse to communicate with your lover: block her cell number and all pages on social networks.
    5. 5. Start caring for your spouse from the very beginning: invite you on romantic dates, give gifts, give compliments and try to win in every possible way.
    6. 6. When talking about your high feelings, you need to remember about real common problems: finishing or starting long-awaited repairs, buying her boots to replace worn ones, making an appointment with the doctor, a visit to which she constantly postpones due to being busy or lack of funds.


    In order for the apology to be heard and accepted, the husband must always remain sober and avoid drunkenness in every possible way. The following tips will help with this:

    1. 1. After an apology, state that you are determined to fight addiction.
    2. 2. If it is difficult to cope with the craving for alcohol, ask your wife for help - moral support and joint contact with a qualified specialist.
    3. 3. Apologize and thank you for your patience as often as possible.
    4. 4. Do everything that was impossible due to a constant state of intoxication: improve everyday life, invite your wife on a date, try to have a heart-to-heart talk, pay attention to the children.


    When apologizing for violence, the main thing a man must convince a woman of is that this will not happen again, that now she will be completely safe. When children witness assault or humiliation, you need to ask for forgiveness from them too.

    If the wife forgives, then the spouse has no right to make a mistake and is obliged to fulfill his promise.

    Original ways

    You can approach apologies creatively and with a sense of humor. This is appropriate when the girl has an easy disposition, the cause of the offense is not very serious and the partners know each other well.

    Try on the image of her favorite actor

    How to proceed:

    1. 1. Find a photo on the Internet with a portrait of her favorite actor. Cut out the face, glue it onto the cardboard and stretch the elastic through the sides of the face.
    2. 2. Buy a beautiful bouquet.
    3. 3. Prepare a touching text of apology.
    4. 4. Wake up a girl in a mask with a bouquet, morning coffee and kind words asking for forgiveness.

    This is a great way for girls with a good sense of humor; if organized correctly, the couple is guaranteed reconciliation and good sex.

    Write words about forgiveness under the window

    You can use regular paint as a material:

    Candles, lanterns or garlands look impressive:

    You can write “sorry” to your neighbors’ cars, having previously asked them for such a favor. If at the right moment everyone turns on their headlights, you will get an unusual sight:

    In addition to cars, you can ask your neighbors or mutual friends for help:

    In the winter season, it is very inexpensive and effective to write a message simply in the snow:

    A romantic option - an inscription with rose petals or flowers:

    To prevent weather conditions, such as wind, from carrying rose petals away, they can be glued to the asphalt using honey - an excellent natural fixative that will not affect the structure and appearance of the petals.

    Apology in Kinder Surprise

    To do this, you need to carefully disassemble the egg and put a note with a beautiful apology in the toy capsule. If your financial situation allows, you can also place jewelry there:

    Unusual breakfast

    You can put the word “sorry” on the fruits or write something funny on the fruits that will cheer up your wife and make her smile:

    It’s very creative and practical to order sweets with an apology text if your wife has a sweet tooth:

    "Accidentally" plant a message

    Having placed in a prominent place a personal notebook where it is written about experiences and suffering, illustrations are drawn showing the guy’s sadness, compliments to his beloved and at the end - a text with an apology.

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