Proper feeding of an infant. Refusal to feed if cracks or damage appear on the breast. Hiccups after feeding: why they occur and what to do

The birth of a baby is the most wonderful thing that can happen to a woman. And the most important thing that a mother can give a newborn is complete and proper nutrition. For an infant, such nutrition is breast milk. Doctors around the world insist that as many women as possible practice breastfeeding. The fact is that, in its composition, this product is an ideal food for a barely born baby, and there simply cannot be any analogues to this food. However, more and more women around the world are experiencing difficulties with lactation. Often it doesn’t work out or it doesn’t last very long. Why does this happen?

Doctors tend to believe that, first of all, the fault lies with the mothers themselves - their behavior is completely wrong. Thus, women in labor do not know at all how to feed a newborn. In this article we will look at what you need to pay attention to when breastfeeding, how to learn to understand your child, and how you can avoid most mistakes.

Correct application

So, how to feed a newborn with breast milk? First you need to understand how to do it correctly. Moreover, the most important thing is the first application, which must be done correctly. If the attempt is unsuccessful, the reaction of both the mother and the newborn can be extremely negative, up to and including refusal of the breast. Modern ones provide the necessary assistance in establishing breastfeeding, as they have special consultants on staff. But there are still maternity hospitals that do not provide such support, so the mother herself needs to know how to feed her newborn:

  • You need to choose a comfortable position. We must not forget that feeding a baby is a rather lengthy procedure, so you need to position yourself so as not to get tired during this. You can feed your baby in a variety of positions, so any woman can find one that is comfortable for her. Whatever position the mother takes, the baby should be placed with his tummy facing him, and his face should be placed opposite the nipple. In addition, the baby's head must be able to move so that he can control the position of the nipple in his mouth, and at the end of feeding he can independently complete the process.
  • The baby's nose should be close to the breast, but not drown in it, as superficial latching of the nipple is possible. Women with large breasts should be especially careful.
  • Under no circumstances should you put the nipple into your baby's mouth - this will almost certainly lead to an incorrect latch with all the ensuing problems. If the baby grabs only the very tip of the nipple, gently press the chin to release it and give the baby the opportunity to try again.


To make sure that the baby is properly attached to the breast, you need to carefully look at how feeding occurs. When gripping correctly:

  • The child grabbed both the nipple and the areola. In this case, its lips should be slightly turned outward.
  • The nose is pressed to the chest, but not immersed in it.
  • There are no other sounds during sucking, except for the baby's sips.
  • Mom has no negative feelings.


An important question is how often do newborns feed? The previous generation of mothers was taught that it was only necessary to wait at least 2 hours between meals. But pediatricians today have come to the conclusion that it is better to feed on demand. This is also important because the amount of milk produced depends on how much the baby eats. That is, the more often you feed the baby, the better the mother’s lactation will be.

Amount of food

There are no clear limits on how much to feed a newborn. The amount of food eaten at one time depends on the baby's needs. It is generally accepted that the minimum time that babies spend eating is approximately half an hour. If your baby eats faster, there is a high chance that he is not getting enough. There is no maximum allowed feeding time. A baby can suckle at the breast as much as he needs, it depends on the baby’s strength, the fat content of the milk, the fullness of the breast, and even the baby’s mood.

The time a baby spends at the breast is very individual. Someone actively sucks, gets full very quickly and releases the breast. Another child eats very slowly, occasionally falling asleep. If, when trying to take the breast, the baby continues to suck, it means that he is not yet full.

The duration of breastfeeding depends on the desire of the mother, the needs of the child and on external factors (the need to go to work, nutrition, illness).

On average, the answer to the question of how much to feed a newborn can be as follows: at the very beginning of feeding, the baby is put to the breast about 10 times a day. As the child grows, the amount decreases to 7-8 times.


While the child is small, he has few needs. And when they are all satisfied, the baby is happy. But it is not always possible to understand whether he is full and whether he will be satisfied. Determining whether the baby is full is quite simple:

  • the child released the breast on his own after feeding;
  • he is gaining weight well and growing in height;
  • The child is active and usually sleeps well.


In addition to how many times newborns are fed, it is important to know how much can be given at one time. Namely, whether to feed him from one breast or offer him the second. In most cases, one breast is given per meal. At the next feeding - the second. This alternation makes it possible to ensure proper functioning of the mammary glands. Sucking on one breast in one “approach” allows the baby to receive both “front” milk, which replenishes the baby’s fluid loss, and “back” milk, thick and nutritious, which contains the bulk of the necessary elements. If it is noticeable that the baby remains hungry, you need to offer him the other breast.

Although there are situations when less milk is produced than the baby needs. This usually occurs during periods of sudden growth spurts in the baby. Then, in order not to be tormented by the question of what you can feed your newborn so that he still gets enough, you need to offer him both breasts at each feeding. The next feeding should begin with the breast, which was the second during the previous process.

Some people believe that soft breasts indicate a lack of milk supply. But this is not true at all. And offering a second breast just because there seems to be little milk is a direct path to overfeeding the baby.

Feeding frequency

And yet, how to feed newborns if there is a possibility of overfeeding? Of course, you need to focus on the needs of the child. If he has eaten heavily, then it is unlikely that he will have time to get hungry earlier than after 2-3 hours. However, if the baby asks for the breast more often, it is necessary to feed him more often. Perhaps he did not have time to eat enough last time, or there is really little milk, or it is not nutritious enough. Thus, demand feeding is the main idea of ​​breastfeeding these days.

Questions about feeding

Many people worry that if they don't know how to feed their newborn, they will overfeed him. But, despite this possibility, there will be no harm to health. After all, the baby will simply spit up excess milk.

If a baby is fed too often, will he have time to digest the food? There's no need to worry about this. Breast milk is a perfectly balanced food, so it takes virtually no effort to digest. Almost immediately the milk passes into the intestines, where it is absorbed very quickly.

Some young mothers face unexpected situations. For example, a baby may cry a lot while at the breast. The natural question of how to feed a newborn if he cries so much arises for most mothers in this situation. To feed a child, you need to calm him down. Try to cuddle, talk, show a bright rattle, walk around the room, rock. If these are tears of resentment for not being able to take the breast, you can sprinkle milk into his mouth, touch the nipple to the cheek, etc. For any baby, the best way to calm down is to receive the breast. So it won’t take long to persuade the baby.

How to wean your breasts correctly?

You need to know not only how to feed newborns, but also how to wean the breast in such a way as to avoid injury and negative feelings. Therefore, it is impossible to rip a breast out of a closed mouth. You need to get the baby to open his mouth on his own: press your finger on the chin, carefully place your little finger in the corner of the mouth and turn it a little. This action will cause the child to loosen his grip. Now you can remove the breast.


Almost every woman knows about possible problems during breastfeeding. For example, if there is a lot of milk, the baby is simply unable to eat everything. Milk stagnation occurs. At the same time, it seems that the chest is “made” of stone. If you miss this symptom, you are not far from mastitis with mandatory surgery. What should be the reaction to the detected problem? When lumps are felt in the chest and the temperature rises, you need to start acting as quickly as possible. First aid is breast massage under a warm shower, active pumping or more frequent feeding. Of course, the baby is the best help, but he can't always eat that much. Honey compresses with cabbage leaves resolve stagnation well. You need to massage your breasts very carefully so as not to damage them. Compresses should be done after each feeding. You need to express constantly, ensuring that the lumps are absorbed. Most often, all these manipulations are quite painful, but you cannot leave everything as it is. If after 2-3 days there is no relief and the temperature persists, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Mom's nutrition

Of course, during this time you have to reconsider your diet. Many foods need to be abandoned for a while. Avoid eating citrus fruits, chocolate, and carbonated drinks. Of course, it is necessary to completely abstain from alcoholic beverages. You should be extremely careful when consuming spicy foods and various flavorings. Even for a healthy baby, these products are not healthy, and if he has allergies, then you should forget about it for a long time.

But a special regime does not mean that you only need to eat steamed chicken and cottage cheese with sour cream. A nursing mother should eat a varied and tasty diet so as not to experience negative emotions associated with breastfeeding.

Recipes for nursing mothers of newborn babies are easy to find. As your baby grows, you can introduce more and more varied foods into your diet, because, in the end, the child also needs to get used to eating a variety of foods. Here is an example of one such dish.

To prepare this you will need: potatoes - 10 pcs., 30 g butter, basil, parsley, dill, garlic clove, olive oil (any vegetable oil can be used), pine nuts.

Wash the potatoes, peel them, make deep cuts over the entire surface. Place the product in the mold and add salt. Place butter on top of each potato. Place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees.

Chop the greens and mix in a blender with garlic, salt and olive oil to form a paste.

After 50-60 minutes, remove the potatoes, place them on plates (you can first cover them with lettuce), pour the sauce on top and sprinkle with nuts.

A miracle happened in your life - a long-awaited baby was born. The new mother glows with happiness, and now the solemn moment of discharge from the maternity hospital has arrived, and she brings her treasure home. The little man so needs his mother’s care, and especially her tasty and healthy milk. And here a woman faces a serious question - how to properly feed a newborn with breast milk?

It would be great if there was a loved one nearby who could help establish breastfeeding for a newborn baby, but, unfortunately, this does not always happen. Let's talk about how to properly breastfeed a small child and discuss the most exciting moments of this process.

Breastfeeding rules

Often, upon returning home, it is difficult for mothers to independently understand the nuances of breastfeeding, and sometimes there is simply no one to turn to for advice. Don't worry, you're not alone: ​​try to communicate with more experienced mothers on specialized forums and communities, and if something really bothers you, call a lactation consultant at home. He will help resolve problematic situations and teach the basic rules of breastfeeding.
It is advisable that the expectant mother inquires in advance about the baby’s nutrition, but it will also be useful for established mothers to learn some rules of breastfeeding:

  • feed in a comfortable position - sitting, lying on your side, reclining, standing, while the baby’s head should not be turned to the side, down or to the side (this interferes with swallowing);
  • feed on demand and do not limit the duration of sucking;
  • put everything aside - ask your relatives to help with the housework, and relax with the baby and feed him at the same time;
  • maintain a positive attitude and enjoy the moment of closeness with your baby;
  • try not to be nervous;
  • eat tasty and varied food;
  • drink clean water, compotes, minimizing the consumption of drinks containing a lot of sugar and caffeine.

How to attach a baby to the breast?

To ensure that your baby sucks well and gets the volume of milk he needs, make sure that he is applied correctly to the breast:

  • the baby's spine should be straight;
  • the mother’s hand goes under the child’s neck, the back rests on the arm below the elbow;
  • the baby is turned with his whole body towards his mother;
  • to apply the baby to the chest, grab it with your hand at the base of the skull (not the back of the head), neck and shoulder blades. Thus, the thumb and index finger clasp the neck and skull, and the shoulder blades lie on the palm;
  • The mother places the thumb of her other hand on the breast with which she plans to feed the baby, namely, on the upper edge of the areola (the dark circle around the nipple), and slightly pulls the nipple upward with her finger. The remaining 4 fingers support the chest from below;
  • lifting your breast, touch it to the baby’s lower lip - he will open his mouth and be ready to suck;
  • Place your breast on your baby's lower lip and insert the nipple into his mouth using a rolling motion.
  • most of the areola is located above the child’s upper lip;
  • the baby's mouth is wide open;
  • lower lip turned outward;
  • the baby’s chin is pressed to your chest;
  • you see jaw movements and hear swallowing.

Feeding newborns in the first days

The first breastfeeding, or rather the first attachment, should, if possible, take place in the first hour after birth. Usually at this time the baby is already ready to suck and is actively looking for the breast. Early latching not only helps mother and her baby bond, but also triggers the hormonal process of milk production.

In the first 3-5 days, the mother feeds the baby with colostrum, which protects him from infections, allergies, promotes intestinal maturation and helps the original feces - meconium - pass out. During this period, it is important not to give the child any other liquids, because his intestines are still very permeable, and extraneous nutrition can harm his body.

Since the baby is still very small, he will be able to get enough of those valuable drops of colostrum that he gets from your breast.

How often should you feed your newborn breast milk?

It is advisable not to limit the number and duration of breastfeeding, at least in the first few weeks. The more often the baby suckles, the more intense milk production occurs. In the first weeks, lactation begins to develop (the mother’s body determines how much milk is required), so it is extremely important to allow the baby to breastfeed without restrictions. To the question of how many times to feed a newborn with breast milk, you can answer the following: the minimum number of feedings is 12 times a day.

In addition, in addition to the desire to be satisfied, in the first 2 months, babies experience an urgent need to suck, which, in turn, stimulates milk production. If for some reason you cannot allow your baby to latch on to the breast as often and for as long as he wants, use a pacifier between feedings. However, remember: frequent pacifier sucking can lead to problems with breastfeeding (decreased milk supply, improper attachment).
Make sure that both breasts are emptied evenly - this will protect you from stagnation of milk and inflammatory processes associated with this condition. If you feel uncomfortable heaviness and fullness between feedings, express some milk until you feel better. The frequency of changing breasts will depend on the intensity of the baby's sucking.

Problematic situations during breastfeeding

While mother and baby are getting used to each other, it is possible that exciting moments may arise, such as falling asleep or choking during feeding. However, sleeping at the breast indicates the baby’s complete satisfaction - he is full, satisfied and decided to rest. Choking occurs during the so-called “inflow” of milk, when it actively flows out or even spurts out of the breast. It is difficult for the baby to calmly swallow such a stream of liquid, so he chokes. To help the baby, wean him from the breast at the time of the flow and wait for a strong flow of milk (you can apply a towel). When the situation becomes calmer, put your baby to your breast again.

Reading time: 7 minutes

Breast milk is the best nutrition for a newborn, and breastfeeding is the most necessary thing a mother can do, a simple way to create the best conditions for the development of the baby. The composition of milk is adapted to the needs of the baby and changes as the baby grows. Minutes of closeness during breastfeeding will help establish and strengthen a special psychological connection between mother and child.

How to properly feed a newborn with breast milk

From the first hours of life, a nursing mother gives her baby everything she needs. In order for breastfeeding to bring not only benefits to the baby, but also joy to the mother, it is necessary to take into account many important points: caring for the mammary glands, choosing a position during feeding, the need to pump. It is easier for a prepared mother to cope with emerging issues while remaining calm.

Basic Rules

A mother who is committed to long-term feeding and is ready to make the necessary efforts to properly organize the process is the main key to establishing breastfeeding. A positive attitude is important, since lactation is a hormone-dependent process, depressed states cause a reduction in milk volume.

Well-established feeding brings satisfaction to both and promotes mutual understanding. It is not always possible to organize the process correctly right away, you need to know

  1. basic rules of breastfeeding (BF), which will help direct efforts in the right direction:
  2. It is better to put the baby to the breast in the first hour after birth, when the body adjusts to milk production and determines the required volume of lactation.
  3. During the first weeks, it is better to feed the baby on demand. Frequent nipple stimulation helps produce more milk.
  4. At first, it is better to try to do without a pacifier. The technique of sucking it and the breast are very different; if they mix it up, the baby can injure the nipple, which will lead to the appearance of painful cracks (in this case, special nipple covers will be needed until healing).
  5. It is important to put your baby to the breast correctly. Incorrect grip provokes the appearance of cracked nipples. A competent consultant will help you identify incorrect attachment and correct it.
  6. A suitable posture for a nursing mother helps avoid fatigue. Its importance is especially great during complicated childbirth or feeding twins.
  7. A nursing mother's varied diet of healthy foods is the key to the baby's health. The drinking regime should be sufficient, but not excessive.
  8. Breastfeeding requires strength and well-being. A young mother should take into account the increased workload and not overwork herself while doing household chores, rest more often and try to enjoy motherhood.


Proper breastfeeding is necessary to help the baby develop good sucking techniques. An attentive mother will cope with this without difficulty. The baby should be held so that his back is straight. Supporting the baby under the shoulder blades with your palm, use your index and thumb to guide his head towards the nipple. Support the gland from below with your other hand, pulling the nipple areola upward with your thumb.

Hearing the smell of milk, the child will begin to open his mouth, make sucking movements, and try to grab the nipple with his lips. Apply your breast to your baby's mouth, using your thumb to insert the nipple. The baby sucks correctly if his mouth is wide open. It almost completely covers the nipple and isola. The angle between the lips during sucking should be turned out, the baby’s nose and chin touch the gland.


Natural feeding involves two options: feeding an infant by the hour or at the baby's request. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. The feeding regimen involves latching the baby every 3 hours with a 6-hour night break. This option is convenient for the mother and teaches the baby discipline from the first days. Its disadvantages include the child’s frequent unwillingness to follow the feeding schedule and the difficulty of establishing a sufficient volume of lactation with rare feedings.

Breastfeeding at the baby's request more common today because provides more opportunities to take into account the individual needs of the baby. The intervals between meals are set by him independently. Close contact with mother helps to establish mutual understanding. Frequent nipple stimulation helps maintain a high level of mother's milk production. With this method, stagnation and compaction occur much less frequently.

How to properly position your baby for feeding

By offering the breast to the baby “at the first squeak,” the mother is deprived of the opportunity to mind her own affairs. To avoid this, the mother should learn to distinguish when the baby is hungry and not put him to the breast at the first sign of anxiety. Over time, the frequency of feedings decreases, the regimen is streamlined, the child eats once every 1.5-2 hours. The duration of feeding takes about 20 minutes (the norm is approximate); after eating, the baby will release the nipple on its own. If lactation is sufficient, it is worth gradually teaching the child to limit sucking to this time.

First breastfeeding

The most favorable time for the first attachment of the baby is considered to be the first hour after his birth.

By this time, the newborn develops a feeling of hunger that was unknown before. With the first drops of colostrum, the child receives beneficial bacteria to form the correct microflora. For mothers, early latching is beneficial by stimulating the nipples, which influence the establishment of lactation and contraction of the uterus after childbirth.

Feeding while lying down The first time you feed your baby comfortably while lying down, this helps the mother regain her strength faster.

  1. There are several suitable provisions:
  2. Lying on your hand. Mother and baby are lying on their sides. The baby can be raised with a pillow, giving him access to the upper breast. The lower arm serves as a support for the head. Having removed the pillow and hand, you can offer the baby the lower gland.
  3. Baby on mom. By laying the tummy on your stomach, you can feed a baby suffering from colic. This position is convenient for strong influxes of milk, when the flow is too strong and the baby chokes.

From under the hand. The mother reclines with support on her thigh and forearm, the baby is laid on a pillow perpendicular to the mother’s body, between him and the supporting arm. Supporting the baby's head with her hand from below, the mother feeds the breast from above. This position is useful against lactostasis.

Sitting feeding

  1. Cradle. A universal position suitable for both babies and older children. The mother's hands support the baby like a cradle: the head is supported by one hand, the back by the other. The baby is slightly turned towards the mother's body so that it is convenient to grasp the nipple with his mouth.
  2. Cross cradle. A variation of the previous pose, but the mother can guide the head with both palms. This makes it easier to control and direct the latch on the breast, which is necessary for weakened and premature babies.

How to alternate breasts correctly

A breastfeeding baby receives different types of nutrition: first, he sucks out the less nutritious “fore” milk, then the saturated “hind” milk. By changing the breast offered to the baby ahead of time, the mother does not allow the baby to receive adequate nutrition. In a steady state, the mammary glands alternate each subsequent feeding. In the process of establishing breastfeeding, the baby has to be fed from both breasts if he does not have enough milk. You can offer the second breast after the first has emptied.

How to feed a baby with large breasts

Feeding a baby with large breast size has its own characteristics. The large soft gland does not have a clear shape; it is difficult for the baby to open his mouth wide enough to latch onto the breast well. The mother should experiment with the position so that feeding does not cause discomfort for her and the baby. You can try the following techniques:

  • Use a soft towel under your breasts as support to secure a comfortable placement.
  • Hold the gland with your palm from below so that it does not put its weight on the child’s chin.
  • Use a bra to provide breast support during breastfeeding.
  • Use a light massage of the mammary glands for better emptying of the ducts.
  • Feed while lying down to take the pressure off your back.

Night breastfeeding

Breastfeeding at night is very important for maintaining sufficient lactation, since prolactin (the hormone responsible for the production of breast milk) is produced to a greater extent at night (from 2 am to 7 am). For this period there should be at least 2 applications, especially if breastfeeding is in the establishing stage and lactation has not yet been established.

How to express milk correctly

Express milk for the following reasons:

  • insufficient lactation (pumping at the end of feeding stimulates milk production);
  • the occurrence of lactostasis, mastitis, compaction in the breast;
  • prolonged absence of the mother (expressed milk is used to feed the baby).

With established on-demand feeding, there is no need to express milk. However, if such a need arises, the mother should know what manipulations to carry out. The process involves the index finger and thumb. They should compress the breast tissue in the nipple area (but not the skin of the nipples). If the need to express occurs regularly, you should use a manual or electric breast pump.

When not to breastfeed

In very rare cases Breastfeeding is not recommended when the mother suffers:

  • severe chronic disease (dangerous heart or kidney disease, severe anemia);
  • an infectious disease that exposes the child to the risk of infection (HIV, tuberculosis, scarlet fever, blood poisoning);
  • a disease that requires constant use of medications that prohibit breastfeeding (antitumor drugs, painkillers, tranquilizers);
  • drug addiction.


With the birth of your baby, many questions arise and, probably, the very first of them is nutrition. After all, restful sleep, normal stool and rest for the mother herself depend on properly organized feeding. How to properly organize the process itself, and how often to feed a newborn?

From this article you will learn:

On the first or second day, a woman who has given birth to a child begins to produce colostrum, which she needs to start feeding her baby. Around days 3-6 it will be replaced by breast milk. And so that all processes are set up and working correctly, and your baby receives adequate nutrition, you should often put the baby to the breast, at his request.

Here are some tips to help organize the feeding process:

  • Try to breastfeed your baby every two hours. Let him suckle even a small amount of colostrum.
  • Don't panic. This is quite enough for the child. Your nervous state is transmitted to the baby and he begins to be capricious, but this does not mean that he wants to eat.
  • Do not hesitate to contact the medical staff for help. If you don’t know how to put your baby to your breast and how often to feed your baby, ask your midwife, she will show you everything and help you.
  • Choose a comfortable position for you and your baby. Learn to breastfeed him correctly, it won't work the first time, but with a little practice and everything will be fine.
  • Drink plenty of fluids: tea or water.
  • Do not give your child extra water or formula.

How often to feed a newborn baby

To decide how many times a day to feed your newborn baby, observe his behavior. Most often, the baby is put to the breast once every 3 or 4 hours. However, you should feed your baby on demand - he will never eat more than necessary, so you will not overfeed him.

The frequency of milk intake depends on the duration of the sucking process. After all, it happens that a child falls asleep without having time to get enough, then he will wake up from hunger and the interval between meals will be shorter.

Observe the baby's behavior

If the mother manages to notice the baby’s signals that he is ready to suck, then he will not need to cry or draw attention to himself. As a result, you have a calm baby, and you are happy parents!

To understand how often to feed a newborn, you need to learn to distinguish what the baby wants. In the first weeks of life, breastfeeding can satisfy all the baby's needs: nutrition, communication, protection and reassurance. However, there are some signs by which you can determine that your baby is hungry.

Signs of hunger in newborns:

  • noticeable movement of the eyes under the eyelids;
  • muscle tension is observed;
  • the baby begins to spin and twirl;
  • makes various sounds;
  • puts hands in mouth;
  • tries to suck his hand or an object nearby.

How to feed a newborn correctly

There are several rules to follow when feeding your baby.

  • Wash your hands with soap;
  • wipe the nipple with a small amount of your milk;
  • feed your baby the breast correctly;
  • make sure that the child grasps the areola, and not just the nipple itself;
  • after the baby has had enough and released the breast, hold him upright;
  • put the baby on his side.

Feeding at night

The digestive system of young children does not allow them to go for a long time without food. Therefore, you will have to get up at night to feed your child. Some people sleep together with the child, the so-called co-sleeping, so that they can feed the awakened baby without getting up. Others are afraid to lie on a child in a dream and therefore sleep separately. There are no right solutions here. How to arrange your sleep, and how it will be more convenient, is up to your family to decide.

It is important, when feeding at night, to attach the baby to the breast several times between 3 and 9 o'clock. This promotes the milk production process. The rest of the time you can feed him on demand.

Comfortable feeding positions

It doesn’t matter what position you feed your baby in; the main thing is comfort for you and the baby. Today you can see special pillows for feeding on sale. You can use them, but you can do without such a pillow.

Sitting position

Some mothers find it convenient to feed their baby while sitting on a chair, armchair or bed. In this position, there is a hand under the baby's head, on the side of which he will receive the breast. When he grows up, he will be able to eat while sitting on your leg.

Lying position

It is more convenient to feed the baby lying on his side. It is worth placing the baby on a pillow so that you do not have to bend over and strain your back muscles.

How often to feed a newborn with formula

What to do if your baby is bottle-fed. How often should I feed the newborn in this case? Doctors are unanimous in their position on this issue - you need to adhere to the feeding regimen no more than every 3 hours. This allows the baby to have regular bowel movements.

There is also a formula by which the formula nutrition rate is calculated: the number of days of a child’s life is multiplied by 80 (if the baby was born weighing more than 3.2 kg) and by 70 (if his weight was less than 3.2 kg). For example, if a child is 6 days old and was born weighing 3 kg, then his daily ration should be 420 ml (6x70). You need to divide this volume by the number of feedings and get the amount of mixture for one time. Most often, a month-old baby drinks 30-60 ml of formula at a time.

Should I give my newborn water?

But on this issue there is no consensus of opinion. It all depends on the climate of the room in which the baby is located. If it is too hot and stuffy, then you should give your child boiled water, but you should not abuse it, because after drinking water, he will eat less milk.

If you practice swimming in cool water, then you also need to give your child water. However, it is worth saying that breastfeeding can provide the baby with all the substances it needs, so in most cases there is no need to supplement the baby.

The question of how to feed properly is the basis for the baby’s proper nutrition, connection and communication with the mother, as well as his physical and mental health. Therefore, a woman must take into account such factors as properly organized attachment, her own and much more.

How to properly child. Application

How to correct the emotional state of the mother

In the modern world, it is no secret that water has the unique property of reacting to external stimuli. Many studies have been conducted on this matter that prove changes and its effect in the case of charging with positive or negative energy. This factor must also be taken into account when breastfeeding. After all, milk is almost 90% water. Therefore, when wondering how to properly feed an infant, and about to put him to the breast, you need to calm down, if you were negatively excited before, and get rid of all sorts of “bad thoughts.” It is best if breastfeeding occurs in privacy so that the mother can focus on her love for the baby and communication with him. This is also favored by fresh air, being in nature, calm classical music, the absence of TV and other irritating factors. If these recommendations are taken into account as much as possible, you will create a solid foundation of trusting relationships with your child in the future, ensure the development of an emotionally stable and confident personality, and also provide nutritious, tasty and healthy nutrition to your baby.

How long should you breastfeed your baby?

Every woman must answer this question independently. Up to 6 months, the baby has enough mother’s milk, and then complementary foods can be introduced. Some people stop breastfeeding for many reasons at this age. Most breastfeed up to a year, and a few - up to two or three. However, science has proven that with constant stimulation, lactation can last almost a lifetime.

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