Congratulations to women by name on their 8th birthday. An original version of congratulations to girls on International Women’s Day – presentation with music, video

You are brave, smart and promising,
You are quite active in life.
But sometimes, Nastya, you are soft,
And you often have your head in the clouds.

We wish your dreams to come true,
Everyone around was surprised by this.
Let March 8th give a start -
It will bring happiness in your personal life.


Good, sweet, beautiful,
Stunning, gentle, Alina!
Be lucky everywhere
Don't be sad at all.
Smile constantly
And just make mistakes less often.
Be passionate, be romantic,
May your day be great.
Congratulations on March 8th,
So that there is no confusion!


Alexandra, dear,
Happy Women's Day!
Happy that I know you
I want to be alone with you.
Your hair is beautiful
And the eyes are so beautiful
You are the best - that's clear
There is no way to argue with this.
Alexandra, dear,
I wish with all my heart
Personal happiness without end,
Don't be sad at all!


Open your windows wide open today,
And breathe in the fresh spring air.
Anna, expect congratulations and miracles today,
We will dedicate the entire holiday to you alone.

We wish you great female happiness,
And a kiss from your beloved, hot and golden.
Let March 8 please you with gifts,
Let them be light and very bright.


On a spring day the sun is shining,
And the nightingales chirp,
It's unlikely that anyone will notice:
Your eyes are good
And also unique
Your locks of hair
You are beautiful, Valentina,
I'm in love with you to tears.
On this day, the eighth of March
All bouquets for you -
It's not even enough
Congratulations, my life!


Your name means
That you bring victory.
I constantly notice
That both in the sun and in the rain,
Veronica, you are beautiful
And always friendly.
May the sky be clear
Never be sad.
On a bright day, March 8
Congratulations to all women.
I will say: live richly,
Let success follow!


My beloved, Alice,
Today is a holiday - Women's Day,
Look around with a smile,
Flowers are growing, drops are ringing.
The winter was certainly long,
But finally she left
So as not to write words to no avail,
I will say: thank you for coming,
You came into my life silently,
She eclipsed everything around her,
And for me there is no higher happiness,
What to do with you and me together!


You have chained me to you for a long time,
I fascinated you very much, Alla,
You are a woman, like the main emerald,
And everyone always looks forward to meeting you.

You are like a sorceress, you beckon to yourself,
You intoxicate with your love and beauty.
On March 8th I wish you strength,
May your deeds bring you fruit.


On this holiday, Antonina,
I confess, without hiding,
I need you so much
Like flowers need soil,
On this bright spring day
I wish you
Be in a good mood
Smile only for me!


Your figure is as tender as a birch tree,
A tear will fall from tenderness.
I will gladly congratulate you, Vera,
Happy March 8, Happy Women's Day, I boldly.

Always live with faith in miracles, love,
Let everything excite the blood so pleasantly.
Men give admiration and care,
And you’ll be eager to receive recognition.

After a long, cold winter, the first days of spring are truly perceived as the mercy of nature and a long-awaited gift from higher powers. Migratory birds return from warm countries, ringing drops are heard in the air, and the heart is joyful and light - spring has come! In addition, very soon March 8th is the favorite holiday of all women. According to tradition, girls, girls, women and grandmothers receive gifts and surprises from the stronger sex on this wonderful day. After all, every woman, regardless of age, is worthy of admiration and sincere admiration – and not only on International Women’s Day. On March 8, beautiful ladies receive the most beautiful congratulations and compliments, and men try to protect the “heroes” of the occasion from all worries and troubles. In kindergartens and schools, solemn congratulations to girls on March 8 from boys are held, matinees and themed class hours are organized. What congratulations can you come up with for girls in your class on March 8? We offer a selection of original ideas on how to congratulate girls in a class or kindergarten group - with beautiful poems by name, arrange a festive presentation with music, rehearse songs and even dances. Let the girls remember March 8th for a long time, and let interesting congratulations from the young “knights” add a touch of fun and humor to the holiday.

Beautiful congratulations to girls on March 8 from boys - in verse, presentation idea with music, video

The tradition of congratulating girls in the class or “native” group of the kindergarten on March 8 dates back to Soviet times. So, for the holiday of March 8, “in the Soviet style,” it was customary to learn poems and songs about mothers and grandmothers, which were then read out at the matinee. According to the script, the boys congratulated the girls with homemade gifts in the form of paper flowers, postcards, notebooks and pens. Today, the range of gifts for March 8 is much wider, as are the original ideas for the holiday scenario. If you don’t know how to congratulate girls on March 8, we suggest using our original ideas and being creative. Choose a beautiful congratulation in verse for each girl - in the form of a bright card with the image of the “traditional” number eight and delicate spring flowers. If you wish, you can make a beautiful presentation for girls for the March 8 holiday with slides and music, using well-known computer programs. On our pages you will find options for congratulatory poems and videos - on International Women's Day, girls will definitely appreciate your ingenuity and creativity.

The best poems-congratulations to girls on March 8th:

Dear girls, happy spring day to you,
Happy March 8th! Love, mood,
Happiness, smiles, gifts, flowers,
The most pleasant words to you today.
Joy, laughter, great success.
Let your dreams come true again and again.

Allow us to congratulate
You, girls, on this day!
For beauties like you,
Let the drops always ring!

May your eyes always shine
There will be more luck in life
And nothing upsets
On Women's Day, March 8!

Happy Women's Day to you, girls,
Today I congratulate you.
Laugh and have fun
I wish it from the bottom of my heart.

So that you will always, always be
In a nice mood.
Peace, joy, goodness,
Happiness, without a doubt.

An original version of congratulations to girls on International Women's Day - presentation with musical accompaniment, video

To create such an original greeting you will need a little patience and the ability to work with well-known computer programs. As an option, we select the most successful photos of girls in our class and come up with touching congratulatory inscriptions. On each slide we place a photograph of a girl, accompanying the image with poems of congratulations on March 8 or warm lines of prose. Finally, you can add a few general photos of the class. Complete the slideshow with beautiful background music, video and special effects - and the girls will be delighted with such a magnificent congratulations on March 8!

Congratulations to girls on March 8th by name - poems from class boys

March 8th is considered a holiday of spring, love and admiration for women, the most beautiful and gentle creatures. As you know, a woman needs to feel loved, one and only, which is why men’s compliments and beautiful words have such a charming power over her. When choosing congratulations for March 8, pay attention to the poems by name - for each girl in the class. Undoubtedly, receiving such an original personalized message is much more pleasant than “impersonal” words of congratulations on March 8th. We have collected congratulation poems with the most common names of girls that will definitely be found in every school class. When giving a girl a beautiful card with congratulations, do not forget about flowers - an excellent gift and sign of attention for the holiday of March 8th!

A selection of personalized poems-congratulations on March 8th - to girls classmates:

The eighth of March has arrived.
I want to wish Anya
So that everything is always perfect,
And you won’t know defeat,
So that in this life along the way
You walked correctly and evenly,
To conquer many,
And I could become the best!

On this bright women's holiday
We hasten to congratulate Nastya.
We want to wish her in life
A sea of ​​tenderness and love.
Let every day become bright,
Let life give her gifts.
You, Nastyusha, don’t be sad,
Smile and bloom!

How beautiful Ekaterina is!
May Women's Day bring you
Beautiful pictures of love,
May you be lucky in everything!

Cool congratulations on March 8 to girls at school – interesting celebration ideas for school Women’s Day, video

The modern scenario for celebrating March 8 at school includes not only “standard” musical numbers with theme songs and poems, but also new original “notes.” So, boys can prepare interesting competitions for girls - for example, for the best poem or photograph on March 8th. A couple of weeks before the holiday, the conditions of such a competition can be written on a large poster and hung on the wall in the classroom, and on March 8, a photo exhibition or poetry reading can be organized. The winner will receive an interesting prize and a luxurious bouquet of flowers. How to beautifully congratulate girls at school on March 8th? We offer some cool ideas with videos that will make a school event in honor of the main Women's Day special and memorable - both for girls and teachers.

How to congratulate girls on March 8th - some interesting ideas:

All girls are romantic, gentle creatures. Therefore, the March 8 scenario can include the holiday program “Love at First Sight”, with the participation of girls and boys. Another thematic program is also suitable as a basis - all that remains is to supplement the plot with interesting details or arrange improvisation.

If the sun is shining outside the window and the weather is pleasant with spring warmth, a picnic in nature - in the forest or the nearest park - will be a great idea for March 8th. This option will appeal to the whole class, and the girls can have a festive “outside” photo shoot. A wonderful gift-congratulations on March 8th.

Congratulations on March 8th to girls in kindergarten - from boys groups, poems, videos

In kindergarten, children enjoy learning poems and songs to congratulate mothers and grandmothers, and making touching gifts with their own hands. In addition, touching poetic lines are also heard for the girls of the group - in honor of the “universal” women's holiday on March 8th. On this day, little princesses receive greeting cards and small gifts from their gentlemen. An excellent idea for congratulations on March 8 would be a skit performed by boys and girls, and at the end - a traditional sweet table with a birthday cake.

A selection of poems to congratulate girls on March 8th:

I wish you the best girls

To be princesses, like in a fairy tale,

And smile more!

On this day of our girls

There is nothing more beautiful and beautiful!

You put on your outfits -


I wish you happiness and love,

They are more valuable than all gifts.

And may all your dreams come true

How to choose a beautiful congratulation for girls on March 8th? On our pages you will find many interesting ideas for congratulations for girls from boys in kindergarten and school - poems by name, an example of an original presentation with music, video. After all, every girl will be pleased to hear beautiful words of congratulations on March 8th, receive a flower and a cute souvenir. Give your classmates a romantic song or a cool “remake” of famous tunes performed by boys - such a congratulation will lift the spirits of the “heroes” of the occasion and will remain in their memory until the next March 8th!

Let the women's holiday illuminate
Yours, Alexandra, is beautiful!
Let him give you love,
And let every day be clear!

March 8th, congratulations to Alexandra,
And from the bottom of my heart I wish the beauty -
Always remain as wise
And never give up on obstacles.

So that you find everything you want in life,
So that it is both easy and simple for you.
I wish you good luck, happiness,
Taste the forbidden fruit of tender passion!

Alena, on Women's Day say
I want - there are few people like you,
There's no need to be sad at all,
And don't judge people harshly!

I want to wish you good luck,
Kindness, patience and faith,
Protect your love
And also – joys beyond measure!

Happy Women's Day to you,
Dear Alena!
You step forward, love!
Towards goals - steadily!

Spring has come, and with it the eighth of March,
And on holiday I just want to dream,
I want Alina happiness and excitement
I wish you from the bottom of my heart today!

Be beautiful, live with a pure soul,
And never envy people
Don't be sad, let your thoughts be good
They never leave you!

Alina is gentle and beautiful!
Let Women's Day light up
You with kindness and affection,
And he will give you earthly happiness!

Nastya, the most beautiful,
Unbearably good!
For men - always dangerous,
For friends - irreplaceable.

On Women's Day, bright, colorful,
Be in a great mood
Act and think festively,
May good luck come to you!

Happy Women's Day
Congratulations to you today!
Let your eyes burn with fire,
Success lights the way!

The eighth of March has arrived.
I want to wish Anya
So that everything is always perfect,
And you won’t know defeat,

So that in this life along the way
You walked correctly and evenly,
To conquer many,
And I could become the best!

Anna, Anechka, Anyuta,
May you be lucky in everything
Let everything in life be cool!
Happy Women's Day!

Happy March 8th, Valentina!
You love and be loved
Have fun and smile
Remain the best.

May good luck come
Everything you want
You attract goodness
To be lucky in life!

Valentine, may it be March day
Will bring you feminine happiness!
May luck be a bright shadow
Will bring a sea of ​​affection and passion!

Valeria, you are good
Beautiful in appearance,
And amazing soul
I'm just crazy about you.

On the eighth of March I wish
I want you not to know the falls,
And never experience
The melancholy and bitterness of defeat!

Valeria, let the gentle glance of spring
It will be reflected in your beautiful eyes.
May you only have joyful dreams,
Let happiness knock in your heart every moment!

I wish you joy without measure
To you on March 8th, Vera,
I wish you not to be sad in life,
And just be real.

Be yourself
And only sincerely fall in love,
May you be lucky in all matters,
Good luck and health awaits!

Vera, always be happy!
May it be wonderful on Women's Day
Everything in life will be beautiful,
And sadness and sadness will go away!

Vika, your life is similar
Let it be for chocolate,
Still sweet and pleasant -
Exudes aroma

May you have a wonderful life
On Women's Day, every moment,
May you be terribly lucky,
So that your face glows!

Victoria, I wish you
On the wonderful holiday of all women
Move forward without knowing any worries
Have success in all matters!

Today I congratulate Galina,
On the eighth of March I sincerely wish,
So that everything good happens in life,
For luck to show mercy,

So that happiness comes daily,
It was warm and nice in your soul,
So that your life seems like a tender fairy tale,
And only good things happened!

Galina, may March be young
Suddenly it will make the soul happy.
Always remain like this -
Smiling, gentle, beautiful!

Let the women's holiday come into the house,
To the beautiful and happy Dasha!
Let him only bring happiness,
May you become more beautiful every day!

Let the eighth of March, Dasha, -
Not once a year, but every day,
To become only more beautiful
To live in your soul

Hope, joy, pleasure,
And only faith in miracles,
Incredible luck
And only happy voices!

I congratulate Elena today,
Let the eighth of March bring love,
I sincerely wish you good luck,
So that the blood boils only from passion,

So that tears come only from happiness,
And my head was spinning from love,
So that you don’t lose your dream,
And so that you are always right!

Beautiful Elena
Happy Women's Day.
Let you, princess,
Always lucky in everything!

Zoya, let it be a women's holiday
Will bring you happiness
Lots of wonderful gifts!
Only pleasant troubles!

Today I congratulate Zoya,
The eighth of March has arrived
I sincerely wish you
Love, patience and strength.

So that all good things come true,
She was the happiest person in the world
Only to fall in love with those who are worthy,
Be the best on the planet!

Ira, Irochka, Irina
On Women's Day we wish you
So that the only man
The door has opened to all dreams!

I congratulate you, Ira,
I wish you happiness, kindness,
There is warmth and peace in your soul,
Let your dreams come true!

The eighth of March is a bright holiday -
I want to wish you good health,
And there are always gifts from fate
And receive a lot of happiness!

Katya, happy holiday to you!
Women's Day has arrived!
And I wish, lovingly,
Lots of praise

Compliments and flowers,
Peace, kindness,
The most important words in life,
Dreams will come true!

How beautiful Ekaterina is!
May Women's Day bring you
Beautiful pictures of love,
May you be lucky in everything!

On a wonderful holiday like spring
Inspires itself
Christina we are all over the country
We wish you love and joy!

Christina, I'm on March 8th
I want to wish the beauty
More happiness and excitement,
Never know despondency

Achieve any goals you have -
Everything will be cool, you know for sure
Try to make your dreams come true,
Don't forget about rest!

On Women's Day we Larisa
From the bottom of our hearts we want to wish -
Be beautiful like an actress
Find your happiness!

Congratulations to you, Larisa,
Happy International Women's Day,
And I sincerely wish you
I am in your future of love,

And a real man
To be able to meet such a person,
So that he gives you baskets of roses,
He knew how to indulge his whims!

Dear, kind Lydia,
You only bring happiness!
Let, like a tender lily,
You bloom tirelessly!

To the beautiful Lydia on this holiday
I wish you only happiness with all my heart,
Find a calling in this world,
And let your dream follow you.

I wish you goodness and longevity,
Never doubt your strength,
Become the happiest person in this world,
Forget what grief and misfortune mean!

Happy March 8th, Lisa!
May you be happy in your destiny!
And let in all the whims
Life indulges you!

Lisa, you are the most beautiful of all,
And success suits you,
Stay brave, stay strong,
Achieve your goals

Always moving forward
Know that luck awaits only those,
Who is on the path of life
Not afraid to go through everything!

Love, I wish you happiness with all my heart,
May success always be with you,
Avoid failures
Today, my dear, is your holiday!

On the eighth of March, each of us
Let it look - well, just top class.
I want to wish you health
And never think of being discouraged!

Love, we wish you
On a beautiful March day,
Success to all matters,
Love and passionate life!

Dear, gentle Lyudmila,
Let everything happen that is sweet to your heart.
I wish you luck
To move forward without knowing any obstacles.

Achieve a lot in this life
It is possible, if you sincerely strive,
So never be discouraged
And go ahead, don’t forget!

Our glorious Lyudmila,
Happy Women's Day to you!
Always be as sweet as you are
Respect, value yourself!

Marina, I wish you
Never know sorrows forever
And never lose heart,
Protect your love.

The eighth of March has arrived
And I want to tell you
Let your heart be sweet!
I wish you no luck!

We would like to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
Happy Women's Day to you, Marina
And glorify your kindness!
We can't live without you!

I want to wish Maria
March 8th is a beautiful day
Don't betray yourself
Don't be discouraged and think clearly.

May your health be forever
He will come and bring good luck,
Love for many years
And everything that means a lot in life!

Maria, in your name
So much tenderness and passion!
We congratulate you on Women's Day
And we sincerely wish you happiness!

You can't stop halfway!
Today I want to wish Nadya,
To good luck golden bird
I never dared to leave you,

So that everything I always dreamed about comes true,
So that there are few failures and grief,
So that you are always lucky in business -
May happiness follow you throughout life!

Hope, may it be a wonderful moment
What does March bring you as a gift?
Your magical face will illuminate,
And let every day be bright!

I want to wish Natalia
On the eighth of March you know for sure
That all good things will come,
Love will lead you through life.

That flowers are blooming
To make you happy
I remained cheerful myself,
And I didn’t take offense at others!

Natalya, always be beautiful,
May Women's Day be a success!
Live your life cheerfully and passionately,
May your laughter be heard more often!

Nina, I want to tell you -
In this life it is worth knowing for sure
A couple of rules, succinct and simple,
If you follow them.

First, beauty passes,
Youth fades away over the years.
Only love is worth waiting for
And also – don’t be discouraged!

Nina, no matter what happens,
We want to wish you
So that you glow with happiness,
So that the whole world falls at your feet!

Oksana, I wish you happiness,
Back on the eighth of March I wish
If I want love, then real love,
And never lose your luck.

Remain worthy throughout your life,
Live beautifully and be happy,
Do not be sad. Just smile.
And please forget about the bad things!

You, Oksana, are the best -
Everyone knows this.
May you be successful in everything
Greets you on Women's Day!

Olga, you know, there’s only one like that,
And respect yourself
Just trying to become better,
Never be discouraged.

In this life let luck
Will be there all year round
And worries and doubts
March will take it with it!

Our dear Olga!
Be happy on Women's Day!
May happiness come for a long time,
So as not to slip away in the future!

I wish you, Polina,
Good luck on your life's journey,
Let it be difficult, long,
But it's worth going through.

The eighth of March is a tender holiday,
And now you are so beautiful!
Don't forget your former friends,
Be a beauty queen!

We wish Polina on Women's Day,
May all your dreams come true!
Congratulations to you today,
You will always be happy!

Svetlana, like light in a window,
I will always need you.
I want to wish you
On March 8th there is no trouble,

May you always be lucky
Good luck in life is definitely waiting,
She shouldn't be missed
It's worth holding tight!

Eyes more beautiful than the ocean,
The mystery is in your name!
Today dear Svetlana
We hasten to congratulate you on Women's Day!

I wish you, Tamara,
Find the most worthy pair.
You deserve only the best
Be majestic and calm.

Know how to achieve heights,
Laugh at failures
After all, only those who are always lucky
Who knows what luck awaits!

Tom, Tomochka, Tamara
We congratulate you on Women's Day.
May the couple be worthy
And love is more tender than spring!

Today, be drunk with happiness,
After all, your holiday has come, Tatyana.
I want to wish you good luck,
And never know problems.

All the best - don't miss it,
Don't forget your love.
May all your dreams come true,
Be the brightest person in your life!

Tatyana is the embodiment of spring,
So let women's day bring
Everyone's admiration for you,
And in life and feelings there is flight.

I wish Yulia with all my heart
On March 8, your holiday,
Win more victories
Live in the world for many years,
There is a lot of luck to experience,
And don't forget about yourself!

Yulechka, you are so beautiful!
Happy Spring Day!
Let it always be a wonder to others,
You will be the most beautiful of all!

Today I want with all my soul
I wish Yana good luck,
So that your loved one is with you,
And so that he doesn’t think about losing!

For love to be beautiful
And I always made you happy,
Let your eyes and mind be clear
Everything else is nonsense!

As a female, I want to tell men a little secret. We women like personalized congratulations on March 8 more than ordinary universal ones. Saying the name in a congratulation gives us the feeling that we are the only one and the most significant. So, dear men, I want to present to us this wonderful selection.

On the eighth of March I congratulate Alexandra,
And from the bottom of my heart I wish the beauty -
Always remain as wise
And never give up on obstacles.

So that you find everything you want in life,
So that it is both easy and simple for you.
I wish you good luck, happiness,
Taste the forbidden fruit of tender passion!

Alina is gentle and beautiful!
Let Women's Day light up
You with kindness and affection,
And he will give you earthly happiness!

Happy Women's Day to you,
Dear Alena!
You step forward, love!
Towards goals - steadily!

Anastasia! Happy Women's Day
Congratulations to you today!
Let your eyes burn with fire,
Success lights the way!

The eighth of March has arrived.
I want to wish Anya
So that everything is always perfect,
And you won’t know defeat,

So that in this life along the way
You walked correctly and evenly,
To conquer many,
And I could become the best!

Valeria, let the gentle glance of spring
It will be reflected in your beautiful eyes.
May you only have joyful dreams,
Let happiness knock in your heart every moment!

Victoria, I wish you
On the wonderful holiday of all women
Move forward without knowing any worries
Have success in all matters!

Let the eighth of March, Dasha, -
Not once a year, but every day,
To become only more beautiful
To live in your soul

Hope, joy, pleasure,
And only faith in miracles,
Incredible luck
And only happy voices!

How beautiful Ekaterina is!
May Women's Day bring you
Beautiful pictures of love,
May you be lucky in everything!

Beautiful Elena
Happy Women's Day.
Let you, princess,
Always lucky in everything!

I congratulate you, Ira,
I wish you happiness, kindness,
There is warmth and peace in your soul,
Let your dreams come true!

The eighth of March is a bright holiday -
I want to wish you good health,
And there are always gifts from fate
And receive a lot of happiness!

Christina, I'm on March 8th
I want to wish the beauty
More happiness and excitement,
Never know despondency

Achieve any goals you have -
Everything will be cool, you know for sure
Try to make your dreams come true,
Don't forget about rest!

Ira, Irochka, Irina
On Women's Day we wish you
So that the only man
The door has opened to all dreams!

Our glorious Lyudmila,
Happy Women's Day to you!
Always be as sweet as you are
Respect, value yourself!

We would like to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
Happy Women's Day to you, Marina
And glorify your kindness!
We can't live without you!

Natalya, always be beautiful,
May Women's Day be a success!
Live your life cheerfully and passionately,
May your laughter be heard more often!

Nina, no matter what happens,
We want to wish you
So that you glow with happiness,
So that the whole world falls at your feet!

You, Oksana, are the best -
Everyone knows this.
May you be successful in everything
Greets you on Women's Day!

Our dear Olga!
Be happy on Women's Day!
May happiness come for a long time,
So as not to slip away in the future!

I want to wish Natalia
On the eighth of March you know for sure
That all good things will come,
Love will lead you through life.

That flowers are blooming
To make you happy
I remained cheerful myself,
And I wasn’t offended by others

Eyes more beautiful than the ocean,
The mystery is in your name!
Today dear Svetlana
We hasten to congratulate you on Women's Day!

Tatyana is the embodiment of spring,
So let women's day bring
Everyone's admiration for you,
And in life and feelings there is flight.

Yulechka, you are so beautiful!
Happy Spring Day!
Let it always be a wonder to others,
You will be the most beautiful of all!

Yana, let the March holiday
Will bring love to the heart,
Many different acquaintances,
Life without unnecessary worries!

Oksana, I wish you happiness,
Back on the eighth of March I wish
If I want love, then real love,
And never lose your luck.

Remain worthy throughout your life,
Live beautifully and be happy,
Do not be sad. Just smile.
And please forget about the bad things!

Olga, you know, there’s only one like that,
And respect yourself
Just trying to become better,
Never be discouraged.

May you have luck in this life
Will be there all year round
And worries and doubts
March will take it with it!

Well, girls, what are you thinking about this? Did you like these personalized congratulations on March 8, would you like to receive them on this holiday?

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