How to use parchment paper? Parchment or baking paper is a type of paper used for baking baked goods and pastries.

When baking something on a baking sheet in the oven, housewives usually use special baking paper. But what if it ends at the most inopportune moment? How to replace baking paper?

At home there is always something to replace baking paper with

How to replace parchment paper when baking?

The purpose of baking paper is to prevent the product from sticking to the baking sheet and prevent it from burning. It also protects against burning if the filling (juice) leaks. Based on this, you can find a replacement for baking paper from what you have on hand.

How to replace parchment paper when baking:

  • Drawing tracing paper coated on both sides with vegetable oil;
  • Regular office paper (clean), also oiled;
  • Food-grade parchment (thick paper that supermarket baking bags are made from).

If you don’t have any of the above at home, you need to generously grease a baking sheet with oil or cooking oil and sprinkle with semolina or breadcrumbs. This will help prevent burning, and the baked goods will be easy to remove from the pan.

A special silicone mat will serve as an excellent replacement for baking paper. It is convenient to roll out and shape dough, as well as bake. It does not melt at high temperatures and does not react with foods, so it is completely safe. In addition, such a mat lasts a very long time, so you don’t have to constantly remember whether you still have baking paper or have already run out. There are convenient silicone molds for baking bread, muffins and pies.

Is it possible to replace baking paper with foil?

If you have food foil at home for baking, it can also be used instead of paper, but with some nuances:

  • If you bake dough products, the foil should be greased with oil. No need for baking vegetables, fish, or meat;
  • To prevent the dough from sticking to the foil, place it with the matte side on a baking sheet and the shiny side on top.

You also need to remember that the matte side can oxidize due to contact with the product and change its taste.

Foil can not only be placed as a sheet on a baking sheet, like paper. You can make any arbitrary shape from it, for example for a pie. The sides will prevent leaked juice from getting onto the baking sheet and burning. To create the molds, you need to take two or even three layers of foil, then it will fold easily and will not tear. To prevent the top of the pie from becoming too hard, you can cover it with a sheet of foil and remove the sheet about 10 minutes before it’s ready to allow the top to brown slightly.

Knowing what you can replace baking paper with, you won’t find yourself in a hopeless situation if it suddenly runs out, and baking will always be successful.

What's happened baking paper? Why is it needed? How to use baking paper? Before we answer these questions, we'll ask you: Do you like to clean your baking sheet? What if there is burnt fat or coals left on it from a burnt pie? Or the sweet filling that has turned into caramel and leaked out of the pie? Raise your hand those who love! For some reason we don’t see a “forest of hands”...

Now we will tell you: baking paper- the greatest invention of mankind for those who do not like to wash the baking sheet. This paper is sold rolled into a roll, placed in a box, and is available from different manufacturing companies in different widths - choose according to the size of your baking sheet (the main thing is not to buy one that is narrower than your baking sheet; if it is wider, it doesn’t matter, you can always cut it). You can buy baking paper in almost any supermarket, convenience store, or hardware store.

Why is it good baking paper? Basically, it's parchment paper, BUT it usually has a thin layer of silicone coating (often on both sides) that prevents your awesome cake or equally awesome pies from burning. The paper doesn’t need to be lubricated with anything at all: it doesn’t stick to the dough (or the dough doesn’t stick to it? – it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that they easily separate from each other when you take the baking sheet out of the oven). By the way, are we talking only about the baking sheet? You can line any baking dish with this paper.


  • Cut a piece of the required size from a roll of baking paper to cover the horizontal surface and side walls of a baking sheet or baking dish (it’s better to take a little more and then trim off the excess).
  • We spread it, press it, bend it - in general, we adjust the paper to our shape.
  • Lay out the pie dough, pies, cupcakes or whatever you are going to bake.
  • Trim off the excess. Attention! The paper should not touch the oven walls during baking., watch this, but otherwise its edges may stick out slightly in any direction.
  • We send our baking sheet or form to the oven. Attention! Paper can be used at temperatures not exceeding 220 o C. Note that such a temperature is not needed for baking; usually for pies, pies and other things, 150-200 o C is enough.
  • When the baking process is completed, we take our culinary masterpiece out of the oven. Then you can let it cool in the mold / on the baking sheet, or you can remove / take it out while hot. If the baking dish was deep, we carefully pull the protruding edges of the paper up, and our baked goods, together with the paper, are easily separated from the mold, pulled out and transferred to a dish, plate or board, and then we separate the paper (first from the sides, then, using a spatula, from the base). If you baked pies on a baking sheet, then it is easier to first remove the pies with a spatula and transfer them to a dish, and then remove the empty paper from the baking sheet. If you were baking a large pie, there are three options: 1) shake the pie from the baking sheet onto a board or table along with the paper, 2) hold the paper by the edges - then the paper and baking sheet will remain in your hands, and the pie will smoothly “slide” onto the board (we recommend, in our opinion, this is the most convenient option), 3) cut the pie into pieces directly on the baking sheet and treat it as you would with pies - remove one piece at a time.

Result: your baking sheet and baking dish remain clean!

Baking paper (also called baking paper) is used not only for baking on it. This paper can also be used to roll out dough, make chocolate patterns, and prepare templates for cakes and decorations on them. It is also good for freezing food.

Unfortunately, not all housewives like to use baking paper (or simply parchment), because they do not know about all its advantages. Baking paper is designed to help maintain the shape of the item and will save you from washing up after you're done cooking. No-bake confectionery products such as cheesecakes and tiramisu are also prepared on parchment. With it, products retain their shape and integrity.

Baking paper is used not only in the baking and confectionery industry. It can be used to cover molds for preparing various dishes at home. Thanks to the layer, it can be used instead of dishes for heating finished products

Remember, parchment is not suitable for cooking dishes that release a large amount of juice; it will get soggy and spread out. For such dishes, use foil.

Often pastry chefs roll out dough, such as shortbread, directly on it. Then, without removing it from the paper, it is placed in the oven. This is very convenient, since you don’t have to later correct the product or redo it if it was suddenly damaged. Some pieces are so fragile that they are rolled out between two layers of parchment.

Baking paper is made from materials that differ in quality and use. The cheapest option is drawing tracing paper. It is not intended for long-term use due to its thinness. Because of this, it quickly gets wet, spreads out in shape, and sometimes can even stick to the product. If you use it for a long time, it begins to break and crumble. Tracing paper is used for products made from yeast dough, shortcrust pastry and cheesecakes. Lubricate it with oil before use.

The next type is parchment paper for baking. It is somewhat similar to packaging parchment: dense, smooth, brown. Due to impregnation with sulfuric acid, the material becomes durable, plastic, resistant to moisture and high temperatures. This type of parchment can be used for a long time, since after prolonged exposure to high temperature it does not change its properties. Absorbs oil and grease well. Therefore, this parchment is suitable for baking dough with a lot of butter. If you use low-fat dough, it is better to additionally grease it with confectionery fat.

The most popular baking paper is parchment, which has a thin silicone coating applied to it. This type of paper holds up well against baked goods. It does not need to be lubricated, it does not allow moisture to pass through, and does not absorb oil. Suitable for absolutely everyone. You can also use it in cooking for baking fish and meat. There is a specialized parchment of the same type. But it is adapted to high temperatures. As a rule, it is used in bread factories.

And the last type is silicone paper. In fact, it does not consist of silicone, just a thicker coating than in the previous version. Sold in packs of several sheets.

You can also find various paper molds for small confectionery products - cupcakes. They are placed in prepared metal or glass ceramic molds so that the latter do not need to be washed. In addition, the finished product is very convenient to take out immediately in the wrapper.

Now you know how to replace baking paper and what types it comes in. Happy culinary experiments!

When the inspiration comes to cook something, but you don’t have the necessary ingredients or equipment at home, you have to look for alternatives and improvise. Parchment paper is a thick and smooth material suitable for work involving cooking in the oven. Sometimes you don’t notice how it ended, because... Using a product does not happen every day. In this case, you can replace it with other options, especially for baking.

Parchment or baking paper

On supermarket shelves in the confectionery department you can see not only parchment, but also baking paper. Often consumers purchase these products thinking that they are the same in their properties. But is it? How are these products different and for what purposes is each suitable? Let's try to figure it out.

Baking parchment

This type of baking paper is very popular among chefs. And this is not surprising, because... parchment has many useful properties:

  • retains fat and moisture;
  • withstands high temperatures;
  • made from natural materials;
  • can be used as packaging material;
  • does not crumble.

Another special feature of parchment paper is that it does not need to be greased with oil. Even the stickiest dough will easily come off the parchment sheet. Use does not require special knowledge. A piece of parchment of the required size is cut from the roll and laid on a baking dish. It is better to cut off the excess along the edges of the mold so that it does not curl inward. Parchment paper does not require special storage conditions, but it is advisable that it does not get wet.

Baking paper

The use of this paper is also widespread in the economy. Baking paper is a material made from high-grade cellulose. It differs from parchment in that it can only withstand fat. Moisture and other liquids pass through it freely without lingering on the surface. The maximum temperature that baking paper can withstand usually reaches 170°C. It is allowed not to be lubricated with oil if products made from fatty shortcrust pastry will be baked on it. In all other cases, in order to avoid the paper sticking to the finished product, it is better to oil it.

How can you replace parchment paper when baking?

Sometimes the inspiration to bake some kind of cake or cookies takes you by surprise when there is no pastry parchment at home or in the nearest store. In this case, you have to replace the parchment with what you have. Depending on the dish, this universal culinary item can be successfully replaced with foil, sewing tracing paper, a silicone mat, regular writing paper, or flour (breadcrumbs, semolina) sprinkled on top of a baking dish. Each replacement option has its pros and cons. Let's take a closer look at each of them.


It is possible to use foil instead of parchment, but you should take into account some nuances:

  • for baking confectionery products, the product must be greased with oil;
  • When baking meat dishes, oil may not be needed;
  • products are laid out on the shiny side;
  • During cooking, a small amount of aluminum from the surface may get into the dish.

A significant advantage of this naaog is that, thanks to its properties, it can be made into any desired shape (for example, for a pie). To prevent the dish from burning during cooking, cover the pan with the culinary product with a sheet of foil.

Sewing tracing paper

This paper differs slightly from parchment: color, density, material of manufacture. As a replacement, sewing tracing paper is perfect for baking confectionery products from shortbread and yeast dough. You just need to oil it first. This option is also relatively cheap. It is convenient to bake cookies on tracing paper, but it is not recommended to cook sponge cakes or meringues on it, because... it may become soggy and stick to the finished dish.

Silicone mat

This is a very ergonomic device for baking and roasting. Cooking products do not stick to the surface of the mat. With proper use and care, a silicone mat will last a long time. It is convenient to bake almost any confectionery dish on it: from meringues to pies. Using a silicone mat, you can prepare a dish without dirtying the baking dish at all.

Writing paper

If you don’t have any baking alternatives to parchment at hand, then regular writing paper will do. Of course, it is not recommended to use it for baking. But why not try? The sheet should be well greased with oil and the dish should be baked on it at a relatively low temperature, because... there is a risk of fire. When working, you should be prepared for the fact that it may get wet or stick to both the mold and the confectionery product itself.

Flour (crumbs, semolina)

It is permissible to sprinkle the surface of the mold or baking sheet with flour, breadcrumbs or semolina if you plan to bake from shortbread or yeast dough. When using this method, you should carefully monitor the baking process, because... These types of powders may begin to burn, and the product will absorb a burning smell.

Fat (butter or sunflower oil, margarine)

These are good substitutes for parchment paper, but they will not be able to save the confectionery piece from sticking and burning. A significant disadvantage of this method is that the product can absorb the taste and aroma of these products.

If you really want to, you can always find a way out of the situation, even if there is no parchment paper in the house. The main thing is to act wisely and evaluate the consequences of using alternative means at hand when baking. And, of course, it’s better not to forget to purchase the necessary equipment for preparing delicious dishes for future use.

Today, baking paper has become such a common item in the kitchen arsenal that we are surprised how housewives managed without it during the times of the USSR and the general shortage. It was almost impossible to buy paper in stores, and the lucky ones (those who worked in design bureaus) used drawing tracing paper brought from work instead.

Baking paper is an indispensable thing in the household: it protects the baking sheet from sticking of dough products and, as a result, allows you to avoid long and thankless washing of dishes. In addition, baking paper can be used for serving dishes (see, for example, this recipe or this one), for baking in an envelope (in French - en papillote - in papillote) and heating in the microwave.

Now baking paper is sold in all stores, and the choice is huge. Paper differs not only in size and color, but also in materials. The classic version is regular parchment, somewhat similar to packaging parchment. Such paper is thick, often brown in color, impregnated with a solution of sulfuric acid (do not be alarmed, all paper on sale is absolutely harmless, and, unlike polymers, it decomposes in nature). Parchment with a thin silicone coating is also popular. It is believed that it holds up best when baking, does not allow moisture to pass through, almost does not absorb fat and does not require additional lubrication.

For testing, we bought six brands of baking paper from a nearby supermarket: Paclan, Sayana, Fresh, "Clean", Celest, Unnamed parchment (manufacturer: Alfoil-2008).


Most of the tested samples were packed in cardboard boxes, which were proposed to be used as a place to store paper. And this is really justified: as experience has shown, it is more convenient to store paper in a box, otherwise it tends to unwind.

The most inconvenient packaging is that of Fresh paper: a cut is made in the middle of the box and it is suggested to unwind the desired piece of paper and tear it off using a serrated edge, but the cardboard teeth quickly crumpled and did not ensure tearing. Pulling it out through the gap was also not very convenient.

All baking paper is white or light gray and all are more or less rough to the touch. As for sizes, manufacturers mainly offer standard ones: a roll of paper 8 meters long and 30 or 38 cm wide. The inscriptions on the packages stated that the paper can be used both for storage and for baking in the oven at temperatures up to 220 degrees.

Fire resistance test

Since manufacturers indicate that the paper can withstand temperatures of 220 degrees, all six samples were placed in an oven preheated to 220 degrees for 30 minutes.

After half an hour, all the samples turned brown and crumbled when crushed. Sayana and Chistyulya paper turned out to be the strongest. The most fragile are Fresh and nameless parchment.

Conclusion. When using baking paper, you must try to ensure that it does not come into contact with the walls of the oven, and also observe the temperature limit of 220 degrees, otherwise it may catch fire.

Strength test

Despite the name, baking paper can be used not only for baking, but also for baking. And since during baking the paper comes into one way or another in contact with hot water, juices and syrups, the next extreme test was cooking for 30 minutes. Almost all samples performed quite well on this test. Paclan and Sayana turned out to be the strongest after cooking; again, the nameless parchment was the easiest to tear. After drying, most of the samples retained all their properties.

As a real culinary experiment, it was decided to bake it in parchment. See our step-by-step master class to learn how to properly package products so that the contents do not leak at the folds.

Right out of the oven, the Paclan paper leaked slightly and the underside of the envelope was damp, and the unmarked parchment was also slightly damp. After half an hour, moisture seeped through all the envelopes. Paclan, Fresh and paper from Alfoil-2008 had puddles, the rest had a damp underside of the envelope.

Conclusion. Baking paper can be used to prepare foods that release juices during baking. But we must admit that paper can get quite wet, and in this it is very inferior to its main competitor - food foil.

Oil and water permeability tests

2 boxes were bent from sheets of paper. Vegetable oil (1 teaspoon) was poured into one, water (1 tablespoon) into the other. The oil bleed through the Paclan and Fresh paper. The rest absorbed the oil, but did not let it through, but water seeped through all the samples.

Conclusion. It is not advisable to store wet foods in paper rolls. It is better to use foil, cling film or containers.

Stickiness test

Since the main task of baking paper is to keep the baking sheet clean and prevent food from sticking, we decided to bake meringues. The meringues came off easily from almost all sheets of paper. Fresh and Chistyuli are a little worse, but not critical.

For our next experiment, we took a sheet of defrosted puff pastry and tried to lightly roll it out between two sheets of paper. The best result was shown by Paclan paper. Pieces of puff pastry were baked with jam on top or simply sprinkled with sugar. And here the Paclan paper was at its best, but the paper from Alfoil-2008 turned out to be the worst of all.

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