How beautiful it is to propose marriage. How to propose marriage to your beloved girl in a beautiful and original way: ideas, phrases, words, speech

After long meetings, if you are sure that your girlfriend is the one you would like to see as your wife and mother of your children, the question arises: how to propose so that it is touching, beautiful and original? This is a pretty serious question. After all, you really want everything to work out and for you to be answered with consent! How to propose so that this day will go down in your family history as one of the most beautiful?

When making an offer, you need to remember that this step will most likely be the beginning of your life together, so it should be thoughtful and beautiful. Here are a few very important details, without which it is unlikely that you will be able to make a beautiful proposal:


All special occasions require champagne, celebration, fruit, chocolate, dance. This will create an overall romantic atmosphere, thanks to which the girl will remember your proposal for the rest of her life. The best accompaniment will be beautiful music.

As for the location, it can be almost anything. Just not at home! You can propose in a restaurant, outdoors, in another city - the main thing is that you like it there, and it is something unusual!

To beautifully propose to a girl, the place must be memorable, romantic, and generally match the reasons for its choice. Maybe your couple has your “special” places, remember them, choose the most romantic one and feel free to ask the main question.

Girls love it when their boyfriends remember important details of their relationship. You will move her to tears if you propose in the place where you met or kissed for the first time, where you took your first vacation, etc. Remember what is dear to her, what place she remembers most often, what photographs she keeps, etc.

And, of course, choose the right moment. If a girl needs to study for an exam at the institute, and you make an appointment with her in a restaurant at eight in the evening, it is clear that this is not the best day to propose.


Buy flowers - this is the first thing you need to take care of. Just give your favorite flowers. If a girl loves lilies and you give her roses, it will make you think about how well you know her and how much you want to bring her joy. Please note that some people like flowers in a basket, others in cellophane. But have you had time to find out what flowers your girlfriend prefers?

Wedding ring

This is a very important action and the main thing here is not to get into trouble. After all, the wedding ring needs to be chosen correctly. How to do it? You can go to jewelry stores and casually ask what the girl likes; you can ask a friend or the mother of your future wife to help you in this matter.

Be sure to find out in advance, before proposing to a girl, whether your bride wants to choose the ring herself! Because some girls are very scrupulous when it comes to jewelry. Many girls now know what kind of ring they want on their hand, so buy the rings together later.

You can also casually walk past a jewelry store window and casually ask what exactly she likes. Or you can ask her mother, sister or friend to help you choose a ring.


This is also very important. Just don’t repeat “hackneyed” phrases from movies. Better tell her how much you love her and how much you want to be with her. Listen to your heart, and do not give out a speech you have memorized - the words must come from the soul.

It would seem like a simple sentence, “Marry me!”, but sometimes it is very difficult to pronounce. The stage of creating a family is the most important decision for a loving couple and, of course, you want this moment to be remembered for a lifetime. There is no specific answer to the question of how to make an offer, but there are a number of tips.

You need to make an offer unexpectedly. After all, what could be better than a surprise, especially such a pleasant one. Choose a moment when the girl does not expect anything like that from you - and act! However, it should be understood that the environment must be appropriate; you should not propose, for example, in a supermarket.

The first option for proposing to a girl is quite common. You invite your beloved to a good restaurant. In order to make such an offer, you need to pre-book a table, buy flowers, buy a ring, put on a classic beautiful suit, prepare a speech - and at the right moment say the main words in your life.

Despite its popularity, this method is very effective and works almost flawlessly. Live music, which can be a violinist, can add efficiency and romanticism to this method.

The second option is that you propose to the girl publicly. In this case, options are possible both from a narrow family circle at some kind of general celebration, and proposals publicly, for example, on the radio. You can propose at a party or in a karaoke bar while singing her favorite song.

This method is especially effective in rooms where there is a small stage and a microphone, after reading a speech that lists all the advantages, as well as a story about the history of your relationship.

The next step should be a declaration of love and a marriage proposal. When giving a speech in such exciting conditions, it is best to have a cheat sheet on hand, since your excessive anxiety can simply ruin everything.

An extremely romantic confession can be made by booking a hot air balloon flight.

If you have enough money, you can propose to a girl during a trip to Paris, or, for example, on exotic islands. By the way, you can also hold a wedding ceremony there according to their customs. This is very spectacular and will definitely be memorable for both you and your bride.

If you and your fiancée are skydivers, divers, or are just planning to become one, you don’t need to be told how to beautifully propose to a girl. It will be unexpected, beautiful, romantic and, at the same time, extremely exciting.

You can invite your beloved on a trip around the city at night in a limousine or climb onto the roof and admire the starry sky. Why is there no place for a proposal?

Is there a concert of her favorite band coming soon? Make every effort, and she will learn about your intentions from the lead singer of the group. And you with the ring and flowers will be nearby.

You can also propose to a girl in an original way. To do this, you can organize flash mobs that have recently become popular for your significant other, involving a large number of mutual friends, as well as completely strangers who are ready to help you. It is noteworthy that with this method, the essence of a flash mob can be completely different and is limited solely by your imagination.

If your girl has strong nerves and doesn’t mind pranks, you can turn your proposal into a small action. Invite her out for a walk or dinner by asking someone or hiring a courier to deliver the ring box to her. And you can pretend that you are surprised too.

And finally, you can propose to a girl in contrast. Those. this should happen in the most everyday setting. For example, on an ordinary gray morning, when she is making coffee, you invite her to look out the window and see a banner pre-positioned there asking her to marry you.

Or place the ring on her in the most inappropriate and everyday place - on her dressing table, for example. This method requires two important things - a carefully thought-out continuation and at least 1 hour of free time for both of you.

Proposal to your girlfriend

Starting a family is an important life milestone, a responsible decision for every couple, and if you decide to be together through thick and thin, then it is necessary that the moment of your marriage proposal be remembered for a long time. Here are some tips that may be useful to the groom:

  • First and most importantly, to avoid surprises and discord in your future family life, weigh the pros and cons before making an offer. Talk to your future spouse about your upcoming family life, make sure that your ideals and values ​​coincide. When you make sure that you and your future wife are looking in the same direction, you can begin to take action. Make sure the two of you are committed to this kind of life. But despite the talk about family life, the proposal itself should come as a surprise. Choose a moment when the woman is not expecting it.
  • When you decide to propose to a girl, you will need to tell her why you want to marry her. The most important thing here is not just to mint the cherished five words that almost all men pronounce. If you are concerned about how to make a beautiful proposal to a girl, then remember - it should be classic, but at the same time individual.
  • Explain to your future spouse why you want to marry her. For example, you can focus your speech on the fact that with her appearance, your life, and you yourself, have changed a lot for the better, that you really want your girlfriend to always be with you.
  • Talk to the girl's parents. Yes, such a ritual is no longer mandatory. Many years have passed since the daughter was considered the property of her parents, and her marriage necessarily required the consent of the father. But there is still something respectful about asking for the blessing of the bride's parents. This, moreover, will help, in the future, to establish good relations with them.

And last but not least, don’t expect your lady to say “yes” right away. Remember that making such an important decision takes time.

How not to propose marriage

In the desire to exceed the expectations of their beloved, many men begin to go too far. A surprise is great, but you shouldn’t hide your wedding ring in food, it’s no longer relevant. This has been shown in dozens of films, so you won't win any prizes for ingenuity.

There is no need to try to propose marriage to a girl at sports games; the stadium will not allow you to achieve the attention and concentration that such an event deserves. Don’t complicate your life with limousines and garlands of flowers and balloons. The head should be free from vain problems. The most important thing is you and her, and what connects you.

Don't expect a woman to say yes to you right away. You offer to spend your whole life with you. This is a difficult and quite serious decision. If your lady friend said, “I’ll think about it,” treat this with dignity and understanding and give her some time to think. This decision must be conscious and come from the heart.

Now you know how to propose to a girl. Good luck!

A marriage proposal has always been considered a very important event in the life of both men and women. Almost all girls sooner or later dream of the moment when her lover proposes to her. And men who decide to take this step are racking their brains about how to propose marriage so that his beloved will be pleasantly surprised and agree to marry him. There are many traditions, recommendations, manuals, rules on how to make a beautiful, romantic and memorable proposal. But the main thing is to remember a few rules on how not to propose to your beloved:

  1. While intoxicated
  2. On the go: either chewing or listening to music
  3. During a telephone conversation
  4. In bed, especially after intimacy

The basic and main rule of a successful marriage proposal is the choice of a suitable place and setting in accordance with the mood of the chosen one. After all, some unexpected little thing can ruin such an important moment.

As a rule, the majority of the male population makes a marriage proposal traditionally: they choose a cozy cafe or restaurant, go down on one knee in front of their beloved and, holding a ring in their hand, pronounce beautiful words about love prepared in advance and propose their hand and heart.

Curious! Some nations do without this ritual at all, since the betrothed for their daughter, and vice versa, is chosen either by the parents or by an astronomer-predictor. You can find out more about these traditions.

If you want to stand out, then today, thanks to modern progress, you can organize a marriage proposal in a bright and original way. We present to your attention several such creative ideas.

Original marriage proposal ideas

Before you start planning a marriage proposal, you need to understand what exactly your girl loves and wants, what secret desires she has, and how you can surprise her. You also need to take into account what kind of person she is by nature - a romantic or a materialist, an optimist or a pessimist, whether she likes jokes and practical jokes. All this is necessary in order not to get into an awkward situation and not to spoil the solemn moment, which can radically change not just your marital status, but your whole life. Therefore, a marriage proposal must be made not in the heat of emotion and passion, but with a cool head, having weighed all the pros and cons.

So, how can you make a marriage proposal:

  • On a day off, when your beloved is still sleeping, you need to write in large letters under her window “... (name)! Marry me!". First, dress nicely, buy a beautiful bouquet of white roses and of course don’t forget about the ring. Then dial her number and ask her to come to the window. You should stand next to the sign and greet her with a bouquet of her favorite flowers. It is better to write the inscription in chalk, otherwise the yard cleaners will be very unhappy

  • Before the marriage proposal ceremony, buy a huge bunch of heart-shaped helium balloons, which in themselves will say a lot. Tie a box with a ring or a note with a marriage proposal to them. When your beloved opens the door for you, she will probably guess what all this is for. Don't forget to say out loud what you came for

  • If your beloved loves indoor flowers, then you can give her some exotic flower and hide a ring under the leaves. You can tell the girl that this is a magical flower that fulfills all your cherished desires. And when examining the flower together, as if by chance, you will discover a hidden ring and a beautifully designed note with pleasant words. Thus, the flower fulfilled your deepest wish

  • If your beloved is a music lover, and you know exactly what radio station she listens to, then if you try hard, you can ask the DJ for a live broadcast for yourself, in which you will voice your proposal to your beloved’s favorite music. It is very important that at this moment she is next to the radio and hears your declaration of love and marriage proposal

  • If your beloved is an avid theatergoer, invite her to the premiere of a romantically touching play, negotiate with the theater administrator to allow you to go on stage and propose after the performance

  • As funny as it sounds, you can give yourself. Courier mail will deliver you in a box to the office where your loved one works. Surely all the employees will gather around the huge box and begin to open it with interest. And then you will appear like a long-awaited gift with a ring, a bouquet of beautiful roses and champagne and make her an offer that will be supported by her colleagues - and this will certainly help her make a positive decision

  • Your beloved loves to watch new films, then you can record a disc with the words of a marriage proposal. The main thing is to choose a good time, preferably a weekend evening. When you return from the store, tell him that the video store recommended you watch a very exciting film. She will certainly be looking forward to watching it. By turning to a professional videographer for help, you can create a short and very romantic film about you. To do this, you can use various joint videos and photographs.

  • If you are a student, you can ask your girlfriend to help you understand the intricacies of the Russian language. When she opens the task that needs to be sorted out, she should see “Marry me!”, and you immediately begin your confession. An excellent score is guaranteed

  • If there is a large advertising stand in front of the window of the apartment or office where your chosen one lives or works, then feel free to contact an advertising company that will place your offer on it. You can also place words of recognition on one of the pages of your beloved’s favorite magazine.

  • Gorgeous marriage proposal! Hire a limousine, stock up on delicious champagne and an engagement ring. Arrange a luxurious holiday for your loved one. Drive around the city, and then let the driver take you to a romantic place where, as a rule, they propose to their beloved. And then, with the breeze, go celebrate this significant event

  • If your loved one has a sweet tooth, then order a festive and delicious cake. On which the pastry chef must write a marriage proposal brightly and catchily. When your beloved unpacks the package, she will immediately understand what’s going on

  • Give your beloved a beautiful watch, on the dial of which you will engrave in advance with the inscription “Marry me!” If the girl says “yes,” then feel free to take her to a restaurant, where you will present her with a ring in a solemn atmosphere.

  • If it’s raining outside and your girlfriend is a big romantic, then standing in a quiet cozy place with an umbrella, confess your love to her and propose your hand and heart. Please note that it is best to do this in the warm season
  • On vacation, you can come up with a pirate declaration of love. To do this, write a note asking her to marry you and place it in a bottle. And when she basks in the sun, pretend that you fished this bottle out of the water. She will of course be interested in what is written there. Let her open the bottle herself and read your note. It is recommended to choose a bottle with a wide neck so that the ring can fit in it
  • If your beloved loves to travel, organize a romantic trip to the city of eternal love - Paris and, being on top of the Eiffel Tower, propose to her. The result will be 100%, since the very atmosphere of Paris is full of romance and love

  • Winter, by the way, is also a great time to propose marriage. When leaving her house, make a snowman and put a bouquet of roses and a ring in his hands, and write “Marry me” on the snow using red rose petals. You can propose marriage on New Year's Eve: to do this, you need to beautifully package a ring and a note and hang this unusual gift on a tree branch. When the chimes strike, invite your loved one to find her gift. Surely this will be your most original gift
  • You can organize a small treasure hunting adventure in the form of a quest. To do this, bury a box with a ring and a note with a marriage proposal in a certain place, draw a map and place various clues. Hints can be given in the form of questions related to your acquaintance, first kiss, etc. In the meantime, she is looking for her treasure, prepare champagne and flowers
  • What could be more romantic than a marriage proposal in the sky? For this occasion, book a hot air balloon ride at sunset. Take a couple of glasses and champagne with you. Confess your feelings to her, tell her that she is the best and most beautiful girl in the whole wide world and then, among the clouds and birds, ask her to marry you

  • And if your beloved is an extreme sports enthusiast, then you can make a parachute jump together. And during the flight, propose to her, and put the ring on her finger already on the ground

Tip: If you want your marriage proposal to become a family heirloom in the form of a beautiful romantic film, invite a professional who will not only help you choose a script, but also edit an original video clip starring you and your beloved.

Fall in love, create, enjoy love and... get married with pleasure!!!

Do you want to be original on this significant day for her (and for you, of course!)? Then don’t put the ring in a piece of cake or a cookie with Chinese fortunes (this is trivial), but carefully read the advice of experienced people and choose something to your liking!

Inexpensive ways to propose marriage

In the age of equality, patriarchal foundations are still strong and your lady love (no matter how advanced her views are) still wants to see a reliable man next to her. Marriage means children, renovations, family holidays. If you feel that such expenses are beyond your means, then do not rush into an offer. Save some money, get on your feet and only then ask her to marry you.

But this is a theory, in practice there are different situations: an unplanned pregnancy, a move (which can separate you for a long time), or you just don’t like the world without a stamp in your passport and the ups and downs of family life don’t frighten you, because your chosen one loves you so boundlessly that she “ with my dear one in heaven and in a hut.” Well, then we offer a selection of economical ideas for inviting your beloved to get married.

Write the sentence on a nice piece of paper. Take an antique bottle with a wide neck, put a note and a ring in it, and then tightly cap the bottle. Call your loved one for a walk along the beach, when she turns away for a minute, put a bottle at the water's edge and make her notice it. Curiosity will prevail, your chosen one will immediately open the mysterious message and a pleasant surprise awaits her. Just make sure there are no waves, otherwise you will have to swim after the floating ring.

2. Quest “Be my wife”

Come up with a quest through your memorable places, at the end of which (as a treasure) she will receive your marriage proposal.

3. New Year's miracle

If you decide to ask a girl to marry you for the New Year, you can hang a box with a ring on the Christmas tree along with the toys.

4. "Matryoshka"

Present your beloved with a huge box. Opening it, she will find a smaller box, and in it - another one. The very last box will contain a ring.

5. Flower of love

Write your marriage proposal on rose petals. Practice calligraphy in advance and buy beautiful paint (for example, gold or silver) to make the inscription look as elegant as possible.

6. Photos with friends

Encourage your friends to wear "Be My Wife" T-shirts to the party or ask them to take "Marry Me" signs and take a group photo with your friends in the correct order. A quick photo print right on the spot or an old, trusted Polaroid is desirable!

Everyone is well aware of the tradition with the bride's bouquet. A girl who catches a bouquet at a friend's wedding will soon get married. If you and your beloved are going to attend a friends wedding together, persuade the bride and all the unmarried girls to play along with you. When the bride throws the bouquet, it is your chosen one who must catch it (let her friends step aside, giving her this opportunity). As soon as she grabs the bouquet, immediately present the ring and propose.

Replace your girlfriend's regular ring with an engagement ring at night. The main thing is to be there in the morning when she gets ready for work and reaches for the box for a ring.

9. Daydream

Another nighttime sabotage - at night, carefully put the ring on her finger so that she doesn’t wake up. Be solemn - with flowers, a glass of champagne in your hands and a tender kiss!

10. Surprise!

A girl with an excellent sense of humor may like the funny proposal in Kinder Surprise. Buy the most ordinary Kinder Surprise, carefully remove the packaging and open the plastic egg. Print out the instructions with funny pictures. Place a ring and instructions inside the egg. Carefully pack everything in chocolate and wrap it in wrapper.

11. Road of light and love

Make a path of lit candles through the entire apartment to the place where the ring will be waiting for her.

12. Internet video

Upload a video of your marriage proposal to YouTube and send her the link.

13. In the style of a programmer

If you know a little about programming, you can create a web page with a main question and two answer options: “Yes” and “Yes.”

14. Creative approach

Give a puzzle with the phrase “Marry me.” To be even more original, you can make a puzzle from a photo of you together.

15. “I’m ready to kiss the sand you walked on...”

Invite her on a date on the beach after building a sand castle at the meeting place. It can be decorated with the inscription “Marry me.”

16. Switching roles

Decided to get married, but you're not sure if that's what she wants? Tell your chosen one that you have always dreamed that she would propose to you herself. If she does so, rejoice! And immediately give her a ring, otherwise she will nag you all your life for your indecisiveness.

17. Sweet offer

Order a cake with the inscription “Marry me” and send it to her work as a courier. Why not go home? If a marriage proposal evokes envious sighs from her friends, then your chances of success become higher. Who should I show her the cake at home? The neighbor and the cat?

18. “Love that moves the sun and luminaries...”

Write a sentence on the ceiling with glowing stars, and then turn off the lights...

19. View of the inscription from the window

Write “Marry me” in front of her door in the snow or write it in flowers (depending on the time of year). In winter, you can even create a whole composition of funny wedding snowmen.

20. “From Seville to Grenada, serenades are heard in the quiet twilight of the night...”

Confess your feelings and propose under her windows. Sing a serenade and invite friends to sing along or accompany you on instruments.

21. Nostalgia

Hide a lot of notes for her in your apartment with pleasant memories from the history of your relationship. When she finds them all, the bonus will be your ring and marriage proposal.

22. You illuminated my life!

Make an unusual lamp from a black box. Cut out various figures and the inscription “Be my wife” in it. When the girl leaves the room, place the lamp on the table with a flashlight or candle inside and turn off the light. As soon as the beloved crosses the threshold of the room, she will see in front of her an inscription burning on the wall.

23. Unusual menu

Before going to a cafe, print out the question “Will you marry me?” in advance. Ask the waiter to put a sheet of paper on the menu before serving it to the girl.

Ask the girl to turn on the radio at the appointed time. Call the station and propose to her on air by ordering your favorite song.

25. Fun balls

Buy colorful helium balloons and write “Marry me!” on them. and fill your beloved’s room with them.

26. Romance in the bath

Cute and slightly childish: make a bubble bath with rose petals and candles, and put a ring around the rubber ducky's neck.

27. I will give all of myself to you

Have nothing to give at all? Then give yourself by becoming her... organ donor! You will have to undergo a medical examination and draw up a will, but you will literally offer her your hand and heart.

28. Mug with inscription

If your chosen one loves to drink tea, order a mug with the inscription “Marry me.” A surprise for the girl will be a thermal mug, on which the inscription appears only when heated. As soon as you pour hot water into a cup, letters begin to appear on its walls.

29. Melody of the heart

Write a proposal song for her. You can even make a short music video.

30. A proposal in a picture

If your girlfriend has a good sense of humor, ask an artist you know to draw a funny picture in which you propose to your beloved, and she, of course, answers “yes.”

Expensive ways to propose marriage

Any woman is pleased if a man spends time and money on a gift. No, she won't love you any less if you buy an inexpensive ring and stick it under your nose at McDonald's. Yes, yes, we are talking about sincere girls, and not seekers of an ATM husband. You're much more likely to get married if you're not a cheapskate.

A man’s desire to spend his hard-earned money on his beloved on such an important day shows how seriously he takes marriage and his chosen one. In other words, if preparing the proposal was not expensive, then your loved one is not so expensive. And the point is not that all women are mercantile sweethearts, eager to sit on your neck until the grave. Scared? In vain, we are not at all calling for giving her a castle made of gold. Simply the proposal should symbolize maturity and readiness to become the head of the family. However, one should also take into account the character of the beloved. A practical girl may not appreciate millions of roses, considering them a waste of money.

1. Sensational news!

Print your marriage proposal on the front page of your girlfriend's favorite newspaper. Of course, there is no need to publish this version of the newspaper with the usual circulation of hundreds of thousands of copies (this is too great a luxury even for millionaires). Make one single copy for your future spouse.

2. Graffiti outside the window

Find the best graffiti artist in the city and order him an unusual painting, which he will create in front of the windows of your beloved’s house. Keep in mind that the painting must be a beautiful work of art, otherwise the utility workers will paint it over.

3. Over the moon

An expensive, but very effective option: hire a plane that will draw your proposal in the sky.

4. City posters

Advertising agencies provide the opportunity to order banners with a marriage proposal. You can install just one poster, but always where your chosen one takes it away - near the house or in front of her work.

5. Love is above the clouds

A hot air balloon is one of the most terrible types of transport: it is clumsy, consumes too much fuel, and when braking, the basket drags along the ground so that all passengers fly somersaults. And yet, balloons remain the epitome of romance. If your girlfriend loves heights and extreme sports, invite her to ride a balloon and bring a basket of champagne with her. When you take to the skies, propose to her.

6. Classic

Invite her to the best restaurant in town for a romantic dinner and ask the musicians to perform her favorite song.

7. Original ring

Make an unusual engraving on the ring. For example, Vladimir Mayakovsky once gave his beloved Lila an unusual ring. On it were the initials “LOVE” (Lilia Yuryevna Brik), arranged in a circle so that the inscription read like an endless “LOVE”. Carefully study the interests of your other half and choose a successful engraving. For example, you can give a philologist a ring with a Latin proverb, a music lover with sheet music, a movie fan with a ring of omnipotence (after all, she will gain power over you), etc. Let your beloved understand that you didn’t just give it as a gift, but tried, racked your brains.

8. I will give you a star from the sky!

There are official companies offering to name celestial bodies by any name for a fee. After completing the procedure, you will receive a special certificate stating that the celestial body has been named after your bride.

9. Romantic trip

Go on a romantic trip together to an ancient European city or resort. For example, a proposal against the backdrop of the Eiffel Tower has been considered one of the most romantic options for many centuries.

10. Mating games

Does your lady love puzzles in the style of “Find the exit from the room”? Contact the questroom for help by paying for the organization of a special game. The questroom management will definitely come up with unusual riddles and tasks related to you and your bride. The last riddle will encrypt your marriage proposal. If the girl agrees, she will receive the treasured key (with a ring, of course) and will be able to leave the room and... marry you!

11. A murmurous sentence

Give her the pet she has always dreamed of. Let's say a cute fluffy cat in a basket (the box will be hidden at the bottom). You can give a puppy with an elegant ring on its collar.

12. And they lived happily ever after

Why not turn to fairy tales? Take riding lessons, rent a white horse and rent a prince costume. Then drive up all so handsome to your sweetheart. Jump off the horse, fall on your knee and take out the ring.

13. On the waves of love

Rent a boat, gondola or small yacht for the evening. Have a romantic dinner and, after uncorking a bottle of champagne, propose!

14. Dinner on the shore

Order dinner on the beach from a coastal restaurant. It is better to set up a table or tent near the water, away from the noisy crowd. A wonderful addition would be a musician performing a romantic and tender melody.

15. In the underwater kingdom

If you and your girlfriend share a love for scuba diving, give her a ring while diving, like the hero of the video did. Just make sure that the ring doesn’t fall to the bottom and make sure that your lady love doesn’t choke on her joy. No, I'm serious. Girls have a tradition of oohing and aahing at such moments. As soon as she opens her mouth, the oxygen tube will immediately fall out. But she will never forget your proposal!

And most importantly, just let her feel that she is SPECIAL, then you will definitely hear the answer “Yes!” May your life together be cloudless and happy.

You will need: clear evening, access to the roof of a multi-story building with a good view, a camp table and two chairs, a beautiful tablecloth, two blankets and candles in tall glass candlesticks.

Having climbed to the roof, seat your beloved at the table, cover her with a blanket, light candles, treat her to dinner and only then propose.

For a romantic evening, choose light dessert snacks, fruits and sweets. Canapés, tartlets, small sandwiches are suitable, which you can order in advance at a restaurant, make yourself, or turn to the invaluable experience of the female half of the family. For drinks, give preference to good champagne, and in order to avoid freezing, prepare a thermos with delicious tea or in advance.

The extraordinary setting, coupled with the billions of stars overhead, will make the evening truly memorable.

2. Unexpected package

You will need: balloons filled with helium, champagne, roses, refrigerator packaging and the help of best friends.

In a businesslike tone, warn the future bride that the courier will deliver her a package from one online store at exactly such and such a time. Stop all questions with the phrase: “Sorry, my love, I don’t have time, I’ll call you back a little later!”

At the appointed hour, there should be a large box outside the girl’s door, which her friends will carry into the house with a serious look.

You will be waiting inside an unusual package, armed with romantic attributes, a ring and your most sincere feelings. Ask one of your friends to capture the entire process: from opening the package to tears of happiness and the cherished “yes.” Unique shots will sincerely delight you and your family.

3. Attention! Emergency meeting

You will need: help from the manager of the future wife, a bouquet of flowers, a cake, two presentation slides prepared in advance with the inscriptions “The most important project in life” and “Darling, marry me!” (with a photo of you together).

The marriage proposal scenario is as follows. The boss asks his colleagues to urgently gather in the conference room. Your chosen one should be among those present. Taken away from work, serious, straightening her hair in a businesslike manner and ready to write down valuable instructions in her work notebook.

Everyone is seated, the manager takes the floor: “Colleagues, today an extremely important event for our company will take place. I ask everyone to look carefully at the screen.”

The first slide starts, then the second, and while the eyes of those present are increasingly widened in surprise, you enter. Get down on one knee next to your lovely lady and propose. Applause, amazed laughter, congratulations, general joy and tea with a delicious cake will truly become an unusual event for the company and your future family.

4. Painting “Confession”

You will need: permission from the administration of the art gallery to rent space for your masterpiece, an agreement with the guide, a painting depicting the two of you.

A picture can be created by applying artistic filters in Photoshop and high-quality photo printing. You will definitely need a real frame so that visually your masterpiece does not stand out too much from the originals. Invite your loved one on a tour of the gallery.

Imagine, you are walking through beautiful halls, and a professional is telling you about the history of the paintings presented at the exhibition. Suddenly you stop right in front of your painting. The beloved does not believe her eyes.

The guide, meanwhile, authoritatively declares: “But this painting depicts an extraordinary couple, later known as an example of an ideal family and undying love.” Here is the exit of the future groom. Ask the gallery staff in advance to applaud you at this important and responsible moment.

5. Unexpected surprise

You will need: your creativity and love of surprises.

A marriage proposal can be short but effective. For example, you decide to watch it together. Make a video in advance - a cut of scenes where the hero asks to marry him. In the end, all you have to do is present the ring and say the cherished words.

As another option, you can choose a photo story with an unusual continuation. Print out your photos together in advance and create a photo album, leaving a few blank tabs. Include a sticker in them that says “The rest of the photos are in album No. 2.”

Gracefully take out your previously hidden wedding photo album, open it to the first page and say: “Darling, I would be happy to see our wedding photos here. Be my wife!".

Or you can simply fill the trunk of your car with flowers, balloons, sweets and put your treasured jewelry box in the middle. Busily ask your girlfriend to get...whatever out of the trunk. The effect will be amazing!

Choose any marriage proposal option you like. Experiment, fantasize, try! May your engagement and upcoming married life be full of love and happiness.

Do you remember how you asked for the hand of your future spouse?

0 February 9, 2016, 15:45

For some couples in love, Valentine's Day marks the beginning of a new stage in their relationship: many men decide to give a ring to their girlfriend on February 14th. The scenario is usually standard: flowers, a romantic dinner, a ring in a velvet box and the most important question. It is believed that a girl who hears the cherished “Will you marry me?” no longer has the right to judge her beloved for lack of originality, so over the years the plan has remained virtually unchanged.

However, among men there are still those who risk coming up with something much more interesting. These rare cases are then talked about for a long time to friends, relatives and acquaintances. And the most unusual marriage proposals, captured on video, beat the ratings on video hosting sites. On the eve of Valentine's Day, we invite you to watch several popular videos about the most unusual marriage proposals.

Roller coaster

The hero of one of the videos unexpectedly proposed to his girlfriend while riding a roller coaster.

Life has incredible twists and turns - just like a roller coaster. You can ride them alone, but it will be better if you do it with someone. I would like to ask, will you accompany me on this roller coaster? Ellie, will you become my wife?

The boyfriend asked a question.

Computer game

Programmer Robert Fink made an original proposal to his beloved. However, not everyone can repeat the man’s feat, because to do this you need to have knowledge in the computer field. The guy created an entire computer game. The unsuspecting girl played the console until at the end of the next level she read “Will you marry me?” on the screen.

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And 38-year-old Englishman Ray Smith. The man asked his beloved to marry him for five months, and during all this time he took pictures of himself and his girlfriend, hiding the inscription “Will you marry me?” from her eyes.

The guy's fiancee, 33-year-old Claire Bramley, did not suspect anything. She thought Ray had simply decided to document her pregnancy in detail.

Date at the hotel

Romantics from Russia are also capable of beautiful deeds. For example, on January 24, photographer Anton Vaganov from St. Petersburg surprised his girlfriend Elena Gaf by making a heart from the burning windows of the Azimut Hotel.

Later, the photographer told on his social network page how he succeeded in the adventure:

It was a long story - from the idea that settled in my head to the hour of X. The windows folding into a familiar symbol were something I never dreamed of. Traditional enumeration of options, negotiations. Surprisingly, the Azimuth administration acquiesced and took over the entire technical part. All I had to do was sketch out a sketch, calculate the optimal time, find angles, settle organizational issues for filming the event and call a taxi for my beloved. The excitement subsided a little only when I opened the car door for her and hugged her. A few steps - and a heart, hidden for the time being by a neighboring building, appeared. It is indescribably pleasant to surprise her. See her crying with happiness, hold her close and whisper: “You are the best. I love you.”


American Joshua Head came up with a very original way to propose. While on vacation in Hawaii, a man invited his girlfriend to swim with sharks in an aquarium.

Having plunged into the water, Head showed his beloved a sign with a marriage proposal. The oxygen tube in her mouth did not prevent the lucky girl from expressing her emotions: the girl nodded diligently and seemed to have completely forgotten about the sharks surrounding her.

Colorful offer

Jeff Gervin spared no expense in spray paint to bring his idea to life. The guy creatively painted the wall on which that very question was asked. The picture pleased not only his beloved Caitlin, but also passers-by, who were touched every now and then as they passed by the drawing.

Ask someone else

Musician Matt Hulbert persuaded actor Zach Braf to propose instead of him. Great idea, because who can say no to a star?

He asked me to help him ask you something, Janice. He knows he will never be a real rock star like he promised you. But I'm sure in your eyes he's a rock star. He asks you to be his wife, his bride... But before you answer, let's see what other people will advise you,

Brough says in the video.

Matt also asked his friends, acquaintances and even pets to push Janice towards a positive answer. But the grandmother did not agree to the adventure - she wanted to keep Matt for herself. The touching video made Janice cry with happiness - and, of course, say “yes.”

Everything will be Coca-Cola

American Donnie McGilvray proposed to his girlfriend using cola bottles. He placed six bottles in the refrigerator, which were collected in the inscription:

Fair Heloise, will you marry me.

Unfortunately, Coca-Cola did not invent bottles with a question mark and a comma...

Donnie casually asked his girlfriend to give him milk, and when she opened the door, there was a bouquet of roses, a ring in a glass and six bottles of cola waiting for her.

Photo by Donnie McGilvray

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