Where is Liza Adamenko now? How Liza Adamenko turned from a girl with her daddy to the one who sleeps in the entrance. Celebrity Encounters

Article 134 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation states:

Sexual intercourse and other acts of a sexual nature with a person under sixteen years of age.

1. Sexual intercourse with a person under the age of sixteen, committed by a person who has reached the age of eighteen, -

shall be punishable by compulsory labor for a term of up to four hundred eighty hours, or by restriction of liberty for a term of up to four years, or by forced labor for a term of up to four years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to three years or without it, or by imprisonment for a term of up to four years. for a term of up to four years with or without deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to ten years.

Meet model Liza Adamenko:

Recently, schoolgirl Lisa got married. The chosen one is one of the top managers of Lukoil, 55-year-old Valentin Ivanov, who heads the Singapore branch of the oil company.

Liza Adamenko was born in Krasnoyarsk and the main secret is her date of birth. All sites indicate only the date and month - March 19, and the year is silent. Rumors about a love affair between Valentin and Lisa have been circulating for a long time, but no one except me could calculate her real age.

In Lisa’s account, which, by the way, has been quite thoroughly cleared, I found this photo:

Photo: Instagram

Photo taken 169 weeks ago, March 20, 2013. By counting the number of candles on the cake, it is easy to understand that the girl Lisa was born in 1999.

It turns out that today the wife of 55-year-old Valentin Ivanov, Elizaveta Adamenko, is 17 years and 3 months old.

The age difference between the spouses is impressive, but at first glance, there is nothing criminal about it. Well, almost not - assuming, of course, that the couple got married as soon as they met.

You won’t surprise anyone with hasty families these days. It happens, although statistics say that before getting married, people date on average for 3-5 years. But you never know, there are exceptions if a great feeling comes over you.

I am ready to believe in love, looking at the photographs of the newlyweds. It’s immediately obvious that this is love.

Photo: Instagram

Indeed, what, other than a great feeling, can unite a 17-year-old schoolgirl from Krasnoyarsk and a 55-year-old oligarch?

Photo: Instagram

The oligarch loves fresh food, the small and hungry girl drinks, eats, drinks again.

Photo: Instagram

Everything would be fine, everyone would be jealous, if only everything was within the law. But there are doubts about this.

And although Instagram was perfectly cleaned up until Lisa’s 16th birthday, I managed to find something interesting. Look at the photo, it was taken 22 weeks ago - March 3, 2016:

Photo: Instagram

It is logical to assume that since the groom is an oligarch, then Lisa enjoys spending time on his yacht. Well, in fact, even the most insidious woman is not able to fool two nouveau riche by the nose.

Lisa loves the sea and there is nothing wrong with that. A third of her account is pictures from the yacht. Here, for example, are pictures taken 36, 43, 54 weeks ago:

Photo: Instagram

Pay attention to the yacht - it's the same one. Consequently, Lisa and Valentin’s romance does not last the first day. Valentin, along with the yacht, was present in Lisa’s life three, six, and twelve months ago.

Among this whole series of yacht-bows, there was one curious one. It was published on November 27, 2014:

Photo: Instagram

Using simple arithmetic calculations, it is easy to understand that Liza Adamenko in this photo is 15 years and 7 months old.

As they say, all suspicions related to Article 134 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation were born.

The number of minors already hints at the fourth part of Article 134 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which provides for a more serious punishment than the first, and reads:

4. Acts provided for in parts one, two or three of this article, committed against two or more persons
- are punishable by imprisonment for a term of eight to fifteen years, with or without deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to twenty years.

The ex-wife, who gave birth to Valentin’s daughter, was sent into retirement when she was barely twenty years old, but Ivanov lives and doesn’t worry. In fact, who is he, and who are we with our criminal code?

However, all these are rumors that I personally do not believe and do not want to believe in.

Surely, Valentin took a person under 16 years of age for a ride on a yacht, just like that. He kissed me on the forehead, experienced purely paternal feelings and never made advances. And in relation to other persons under the age of sexual consent, one of the bosses of Lukoil did not allow himself any dirty inclinations.

Indeed, the top manager of a Russian oil company cannot be a criminal!

What am I talking about? Oh, yes: I, as always, am talking about my own things.

It seems that oil in our country is common. Only for some reason some can do everything, while others are forced to suck for rides on a yacht. Including, natural children do this for the sake of a beautiful life.

What did I want to ask? Isn’t it time to return oil to the people, and for the oligarchs to try to live on the reasonable salary of a teacher or doctor?

The young wife of a 55-year-old oligarch, Elizaveta Adamenko, filed a police report against her husband after a public fight in a New York nightclub. Despite the fact that two years ago she and her chosen one, Valentin Ivanov, swore love to each other at the altar in Nice, now Lisa describes her marriage in one word - “unbearable.”

For several years, Adamenko and Ivanov tried in every possible way to prove that a 17-year-old schoolgirl from the small Siberian town of Kansk and a 54-year-old businessman could get married and live happily. Elizabeth has repeatedly stated that she married solely for love, not because of money, limitless opportunities and a luxurious life in Singapore, which, by the way, she actively demonstrated on social networks.

However, as it turned out, behind the shine of diamonds and snow-white yachts, the young beauty carefully hid abrasions, quarrels and a broken heart.

What happened to you the night you went to the police?

I experienced the worst 24 hours of my life. Suddenly he started kicking me with his boots, pushing me, hitting me on the legs. I'm almost crying even now. Security arrived in time and took him out. After all this happened, I quickly left and stayed overnight with a friend, but my leg hurt very badly. When we finally decided to go to the hospital, we went down to the hotel lobby, and he was there watching me. Because he behaved inappropriately, I got scared and called the police, they took me to the hospital in a huge police car, and they carried me there in a wheelchair. Then I had to come to the police station where he was taken, and there I wrote a statement against him.

Elizaveta Adamenko and Valentin Ivanov

What caused the conflict between you and your husband?

He threatened me, shouted that he would kill me, that I would never see my things, my passports, my documents again. He shouted that I was a whore, only because I talked to my friends in this club and danced with them. These were photographers I knew - I am a very social person and love to communicate with people. When he begins to restrict my freedom by using force, this is not at all what should happen between a man and a woman, and especially between a husband and wife. At that moment I was very scared, I felt defenseless.

What injuries did the doctors diagnose when you were brought to the hospital?

I spent 24 hours in the hospital, I saw people walking barefoot, who were gathered on the streets with almost bullets in their heads. I just had my birthday, I turned 18, and it’s very difficult for me to experience all this, to let it all pass through me. I had a torn ligament in my legs and was transported in a wheelchair.

Has this happened between you before?

Yes, this is not the first time, he has already raised his hand against me. I have witnesses and confirmation in Singapore. But I can say that this continued throughout our entire relationship. It’s just that this time I realized that I no longer had the strength to endure it, so I decided to tell everything.

Where are you now? Do you have a roof over your head?

I am in America, he tore out two pages of my passport - visa and entry stamp, 8th and 9th pages. I need to go to the Russian embassy so I can fly out. I'm just afraid for my life. This is serious. He is just a dangerous man with no brains, who is now in prison in America, but he will be released soon. I just don't have words anymore.

Elizaveta Adamenko

I didn't cheat on my husband. At that moment we had already broken up and I was in a relationship with an American. We haven't lived together since November. The video with him was on my iPad, but it was also hacked, and my ex-husband sent this video to me by email. Later, my email was also hacked, as were absolutely all of my social networks. God will forgive my husband, and I will forgive, but I didn’t do anything bad to anyone, and I don’t know why it was necessary to betray me in this way.

You say that you haven’t lived together for a long time, why did you fly to New York with him then?

We parted hard, I left in November, but periodically returned to him. But most of the time I lived alone. We arrived to shoot a video in which we were supposed to star together - this had been planned for a long time. But I was finally convinced that living like this was unbearable.

Do you have any idea who might have hacked your social networks?

I think, judging by what they wrote on my account: Karma is the bitch. - Approx. ed.), this could be one of my friends, Denis Nicolero. He blames me for not being accepted into my college in Singapore because I insisted on it. You know, I don’t understand how people whom I myself helped so much, gave gifts and always wished only good things, can take such revenge on me. I don't wish harm on anyone. All my videos and photos were stolen from my personal correspondence and my phone. Even a photo shoot with my best friend Kyan was connected to this story about betrayal. He studies with me at the faculty, but he is a year younger, we only have friendly relations. After the breakup, I only had a relationship with the person I kissed in the video that went viral. I don't make love, it's not pornography, I don't see anything wrong with people kissing.

You say "ex-husband" - have you already filed for divorce?

Our marriage certificate was concluded in Nice, France. It is not real even in France, much less in other countries. Now I simply call this person “nobody.” I hope that he simply won’t be in my life anymore. I don't want to be with him even on the same continent.

Wedding of Valentin Ivanov and Liza Adamenko

What do you think went wrong in your marriage? Your wedding was a scandalous event due to the age difference, but you claimed that you were happy next to Valentin.

I have always said that age does not matter, even if it sounds funny now. He and I just have different interests, he can’t come to terms with the fact that I’m a beautiful and popular girl, that people like to look at me and give me compliments, that they constantly pay attention to me. Maybe he himself does not receive the attention he wants, and because of this he cannot be self-sufficient. He doesn’t respect himself, because a man who raises his hand against a woman cannot be a man. In our relationship there were constantly disagreements, disputes and misunderstandings. There are "alpha" and "beta" people - so, we were both "alpha". I never behaved like a six, I didn’t give in to him, I didn’t suck up and I never asked for anything. On the contrary, I sought to earn my money. I have never caved in to anyone, but apparently he needed just the one he could control.

Elizaveta Adamenko is a famous model. Despite this, it is difficult to find information about her on the Internet; the girl never even specified the year of her birth. Lisa Adamenko attracted attention to her personality, not thanks to her professional qualities, but by marrying one of the top managers of Lukoil, 55-year-old Valentin Ivanov.

short biography

Lisa Adamenko was born on March 20, 1999 in the city of Kansk (Krasnoyarsk Territory). At the moment, judging by information on the Internet, the model’s weight is 55 kilograms and her height is 173 centimeters.

Almost nothing is known about the family and childhood of the future model, other than the fact that Lisa was born into a fairly wealthy family of businessmen. And at the modeling school, where the girl studied from the age of 11, she was predicted to have a good career.

At the age of 13, Adamenko moved to Singapore, where he studied at school and then entered an art college, where he achieved success. Parents always supported their daughter’s initiative, even at such a young age.

Personal life: scandals and gossip

There are rumors that Elizaveta Adamenko and Valentin Ivanov, who is 37 years older than her, started dating when she was 13 years old. And in 2016, the couple legalized their relationship; the wedding, which took place in a castle in France, was actively discussed by the media; Lisa was only 17 years old.

The girl assured that their marriage is not a PR, she is not chasing a fabulous life, and their union is sealed by mutual understanding and sincere love. By the way, on her pages on social networks, subscribers constantly watched that very rich life with a millionaire.

In 2017, the couple again attracted attention. In the spring of that year, Lisa reported being beaten by her husband, contacted the police, and demanded a divorce. The oligarch's response was immediate. According to him, it was she who regularly cheated on him, spread her hands and even used drugs.

It is worth noting that unknown people hacked the model’s personal data, publishing videos and photos online proving the betrayal. Although Lisa herself claims that at that time she broke up with oligarch Ivanov.

However, already in the fall of 2018, the model compromised attentive users for an investigation on Instagram, where Lisa posted a photo proving the couple’s reunion. Subscribers noticed that in the photo there is a tattoo of the girl’s ex-husband, they spend time together on a yacht, and later returned together to Singapore, where Valentin works.

People following their love story wish the couple happiness. They hope that unions between lovers with a significant age difference have the right to exist and have a good ending.

  • instagram.com/lizaadamenkola
06 April 2017

Or would it be more correct to say “ex-young wife”? Recently, a model accused her husband, 55-year-old businessman Valentin Ivanov, of beating her, and the man responded by calling the girl mentally ill. the site recalls the scandals surrounding Adamenko that arose over several months of her married life

Quarrels on the Internet

The wedding of Lisa and Valentin, which took place in the summer of 2016 in a French castle, caused a stormy and controversial reaction. First of all, because of the impressive age difference between the lovers. The incessant discussions of the “millionaire-model” couple infuriated Adamenko, and the girl addressed her entourage and journalists with far from flattering words: “I’m not 14, and my husband is not 55. How can you condemn and write vile dirt about us (family) nonsense and wild lie. Many models - mistresses, kept women, escorts, etc. So you write about them, about how they break up families, sleep with men for something, and they are models, and there are a lot of them, and they all say that they are so cool and do everything themselves.

All this dirt has already crossed all boundaries, we are tired of it and seriously decided to approach this group of pathetic, poor animals without their lives and self-respect. Now you will be dealt with by law enforcement agencies as part of a criminal case for libel.”

After such a post, attention to the Adamenko-Ivanov couple did not cool down, but only intensified, especially since the young wife herself more than once gave reasons for this.

False beatings

At the beginning of February, information appeared that Liza was her husband. The model conducted a live broadcast on her personal page on a social network, where she said that the man was throwing his hands away: “Let him be ashamed.” Subscribers saw bruises on the girl’s arms and neck, after which they distributed footage and videos. Less than a week has passed since Adamenko denied everything, again threatening those around her with legal proceedings: “Everything your headlines are about is a lie. I refute all these stupid “facts” (which do not exist) about me, about my husband, about his alleged assault, pictures of my “bruises” and other nonsense. Please take note that libel is a criminal offense in our country.” What it was - the fashion model herself changed her mind about being frank or the fans fantasized about it - is unclear, but the scandal was a success.

Accusations of treason

At the end of March this year, hackers hacked Lisa Adamenko’s social media accounts and compromised photos and videos of the girl kissing an unknown young man and lying in bed with him. A long correspondence between the girl and her oligarch husband was also published, in which he accuses her of treason, violating the contract and practically kicks her out of the house. A few hours later, Adamenko commented on the situation: “I did not cheat on my husband. At that moment we had already broken up, and I was in a relationship with an American. The video with him was on my iPad, but it was also hacked, and my ex-husband sent me this video by email.” And deciding that the best defense was an attack, she accused her husband back. Beaten again.

Beating and reporting to the police

This time everything seems serious: Lisa filed a statement with the police, in which she described the men. Ivanov suddenly attacked the girl, beat her, kicked her, and the guards even had to intervene and take him away. According to the model, her legs were damaged and ligaments were injured, which is why she had to stay in the hospital for a day. Adamenko complained that she was afraid of meeting her former lover and being attacked again. In addition, Valentin tore out several pages from the girl’s passport - now she is home and in the USA.

Mental disorder

The oligarch has his own version of the scandal, according to which he, of course, is not guilty of anything, and Lisa is simply creating a stir around her name by inventing stories. “But there is another aspect: doctors have determined that she has a strong rage, she takes psychotropic pills that suppress this feeling of rage in her. So, then she didn’t take them all day, although that was good, because they shouldn’t be mixed with alcohol. I can't imagine what's going through her head. I can’t explain her motivation to you,” the man surprised at the end of his revelation.

The couple has not lived together since last fall, although the marriage has not yet been dissolved. Perhaps the final point in the scandalous story of the young model and the rich older man will be an official divorce.

Celebrity Encounters


Before her wedding, Adamenko turned to, or rather, to the wedding agency V.A. DAY", co-owned by the singer. After some time, the model accused the organization of all its sins: not only did the curator ask for an astronomical amount for the celebration, but she also specifically offered the bride and groom all the most expensive things. And in the end, the organizer Anna Chupris abandoned the work altogether, pocketing the money for herself. Brezhneva’s response to criticism was simple and laconic: “At the time of the conclusion of the agreement between these customers and Anya Chupris, our agency did not yet exist.”


On the set of the video for the Star Factory graduate, the ex-spouses met after many quarrels: Adamenko was supposed to star in the video, and Ivanov financed the work. On the set, a conflict broke out again between the girl and the man, which ultimately almost derailed Dakota’s creative plans. The singer refused to work with the model. “Rita told me that she would not work with a person with such moral principles, and I understand her in this. I wouldn’t want people to view this serious work from the point of view of comedy,” said Valentin Ivanov.


There was no open clash between the TV presenter and the model, but Sobchak’s statement caused heated discussions. Ksenia was outraged by the difference in the newlyweds’ years, combined with the young age of the model herself. “The wife became an 18-year-old model... they have been together for three years”??? And don’t write to me that nothing could have happened before the wedding, and he was seduced by the incredible intelligence of the 13-year-old girl whom “he began to court.” Do you even believe it yourself? :)) Excellent material for the investigation of the prosecutor’s office! ”, wrote Ksenia in her microblog. It is interesting that Adamenko did not react in any way to Sobchak’s attack, ignoring the open insult.


The tennis player’s daughter also decided her opinion regarding Adamenko’s behavior. In the microblog, Lisa often boasted about expensive purchases, branded items, travel with her husband and other attributes of a beautiful life, which angered Kafelnikova. Under one of the photos, Alesya left a caustic comment: “Here only one thing comes to mind: “You got out of rags to riches, but quickly becoming a prince, do not forget, so as not to jinx it, princes are not eternal - dirt is eternal.” Well, or whatever you boast about, you’ll be left without.” Her fans immediately came to Adamenko’s defense, and Lesya had to back down, assuring that she only wanted to warn the oligarch’s wife against mistakes and disappointments.

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