Where is the baby at 7 weeks. Seventh week of pregnancy: bad habits, sports and nutrition

Each week of intrauterine life of the fetus is marked by new stages of its development, which are considered characteristic of certain time intervals. Therefore, for every seven days, specific symptoms may occur, indicating a particular phase of pregnancy. And about how the seventh week of pregnancy proceeds, and what happens in the body of the expectant mother during this seven-day period, we will tell in this article.

According to the calendar of medical workers, the 7th week of pregnancy is the fifth obstetric week, counted from the moment of actual conception, and the third from the first days of delayed menstruation. It is in this period that the active laying and development of systems, the main organs of the fetus, begins, which is accompanied by external changes and new sensations for the expectant mother.

What does a child look like?

As a rule, the middle of the first trimester is associated with the beginning of the seventh week of pregnancy. At this stage, every woman already knows that in the future her status will change, and life will brighten up the birth of a baby. In this time period, many are already registered with a medical institution and pass the first tests. The results of the examinations allow us to understand how the development of the fetus proceeds, and what happens in the body of a woman, in general. This helps to determine the patient's condition and set a starting point for determining the chronology of further pregnancy processes.

At this time, also patients in position undergo the first ultrasound. During this procedure, you can see the location of the fetus on the screen and note its size. In the seventh week (fifth from the actual conception) of pregnancy, the baby can resemble beans in size. The growth of the fetus in this period ranges from 6-13 mm, and its weight is about 0.8-1 gram. If you take a photo of the baby on an ultrasound, then the picture will look like in the photo.

The seventh week (it is also the fifth obstetric) of pregnancy is marked by the beginning of many vital processes for the fetus. For example, at this stage of embryonic development, the fetus can barely move its arms, which indicates its rapid development. At the same time, the expectant mother does not have new sensations, and these movements are noticeable only during an ultrasound examination. By the way, the external signs of pregnancy are also not very pronounced. By this time, the rounded tummy will be a little. As you can see from the photo, which depicts pregnant girls in the middle of the first trimester, it is very difficult to determine their position only by sight.

Physiological changes

As previously indicated, the development of the fetus at the 7th week of pregnancy is very rapid. Of course, it will not be possible at this stage to determine the sex of the baby, however, it will be possible to talk about other, more important phenomena.

As shown by numerous pictures of the first ultrasound examination, the embryo may look like a tadpole (see photo). Its disproportionate body is undergoing the initial stage of active growth, when the head looks disproportionate and large relative to the rest of the fetus. At the same time, development is taking place:

  • neck, due to the narrowing of the space between the body and the head;
  • handles - they are noticeably lengthened, and their independent activity is noted;
  • interdigital spaces and laying of future fingers;
  • lower extremities - the legs of the fetus are lengthening, finger plates are being laid;
  • a tubercle between the legs, which determines the sex of the child;
  • the front part (the formation of a new fossa, jaws, auricles);
  • trachea - stretching and expanding, it provides space for the formation of bronchi;
  • brain.

Also, the 7th week is marked by another important event for the baby - the formation of uteroplacental blood flow. From this period, nutrition and all life processes of the fetus will be directly related to the mother's body. That is, the formation of the umbilical cord will be completed, and it will become the main way to supply the body of the embryo with oxygen and nutrients.

The development of the brain of a small embryo is especially important for this period. The fact is that the result of the first mobility of the upper limbs of the fetus is carried out precisely due to the rapid progression of intrauterine development. At the seventh week (fifth from the moment of actual conception) of pregnancy, impulses of a tiny organism begin to flow from the brain to the muscle rudiments from the brain. By contracting, muscle tissue creates the first activity of the fetus.

How does this seven-day period go for the expectant mother?

The expectant mother learns about her "interesting" position a little earlier than the seventh week. Therefore, during this seven-day period, the woman will already be familiar with the first signs of her new status and will deliberately begin to look for its symptoms.

First of all, a two-week delay in menstruation and a barely noticeable increase in the abdomen will become a clear sign of pregnancy. Although the photo with the image of the abdomen at this time does not show significant changes, the uterus in this period becomes twice as large. Increasing in proportion to the growth of the fetus in the mother's womb, by the middle of the first trimester, the uterus in diameter is already capable of reaching about 15 cm.

The failure of the hormonal background, which began from the moment of conception and is relevant for the seventh week of pregnancy, has its consequences. For example, against the background of the onset of pregnancy, the patient may experience discomfort due to bloating, diarrhea, or constipation. These phenomena are caused by an imbalance in the hormone progesterone.

By the time of the seventh week, the breasts may increase significantly. The size of the patient's breasts in an interesting position can add in size. The soreness and hypersensitivity of the breast, characteristic of 4, 5 and 6 weeks of pregnancy, continues to appear. In addition to pain in the nipples, tingling may appear, which is also characteristic of women who have children in their womb.

Another sign of pregnancy that may begin to accompany a future woman in labor at the seventh week is frequent urination. The fact is that the bladder is very sensitive to changes in the body and is located near the uterus. Increasing, the uterus can have an effect on it, resulting in frequent urge to urinate in the early and especially late periods.

In addition to these signs, the following factors can surprise the environment of a newly-made pregnant woman:

  • emotional instability;
  • exacerbation of the senses;
  • loss of appetite;
  • distortion of taste recipes;
  • toxicosis;
  • general weakness, fatigue;
  • a slight deterioration in the appearance of hair and skin, which is a consequence of the active work of the uteroplacental blood flow.

What would you like to know by the beginning of the 7th week?

By the time of the seventh week, a woman in position should go to a medical institution, guided by personal guesses and concomitant symptoms. The initial visit of a pregnant patient to the hospital includes:

  • examination by a gynecologist, therapist, dentist;
  • delivery of biological material (blood, urine test);
  • taking smears;
  • in some cases, issuing a referral for an ultrasound if there is a possibility of a multiple pregnancy.

In the early stages of pregnancy, the expectant mother should be as attentive as possible to her feelings. The fact is that during the first weeks after the moment of actual conception, the body undergoes drastic changes. Against the background of the onset of pregnancy, the woman's body weakens, and therefore the tiny body becomes more susceptible to all sorts of influences. In addition, during this period, deviations in intrauterine development can often be observed, as a result of which pathologies may appear, and the risk of pregnancy loss also increases.

In what cases should you not hesitate to visit a doctor?

It is worth contacting a gynecologist not only in cases where a scheduled visit, examination or ultrasound is scheduled. At the first unfamiliar or alarming manifestations, you should consult your doctor. This will help to avoid many unpleasant situations and, first of all, reduce the risk of miscarriage.

The reason for a visit to the gynecologist may be:

  • severe throbbing pain in the lower abdomen, which is accompanied by fever and spotting;
  • cutting pain during urination, discomfort in the pelvic area and external genitalia (signs of inflammation of the bladder);
  • diarrhea with a sharp increase in body temperature (symptoms of poisoning and gastrointestinal disorders);
  • excessive tearfulness. In these cases, the patient is prescribed drugs that are acceptable for pregnant women to restore her emotional background.

The seventh (fifth obstetric) week of pregnancy is an equally important period of the “interesting situation”. Newly made mothers should pay attention to the fact that now the uteroplacental blood flow will become the main organ for normal life. This fact should be the reason for making significant adjustments to the usual way of life.

In order for the development of the fetus to comply with the established norms in time and the course of pregnancy as a whole to demonstrate excellent results, it is not advisable for future women in labor to adhere to the basic recommendations:

  • the diet should be balanced, and food should be of high quality and with the vitamin complex necessary for the body;
  • it is necessary to exclude alcohol, nicotine and other substances, drugs, addictions that can adversely affect the development of the fetus;
  • it is recommended to reduce intense physical activity and reconsider your attitude to active sports, giving preference to calm, but regular walks in the fresh air;
  • so that toxicosis does not bother, it is worth eating fractionally, without overloading the gastrointestinal tract and replacing foods that cause unpleasant urges for food that is not inferior in useful properties.

In general, by the time of the seventh week of pregnancy, many expectant mothers are already registered with the antenatal clinic and, in case of any incomprehensible moments, they can be guided by the instructions of the leading obstetrician-gynecologist.

Pregnancy changes the outlook of a woman, her well-being, since the changes affect her entire body.

7th week of pregnancy, what happens in the body of a woman, and what changes occur in the development of the unborn child. Sometimes at this time a woman is not yet aware of her interesting position, but the changes that are taking place can become the most basic symptom.

What diagnostic procedures and studies are required?

If pregnancy is confirmed at 6-7 weeks, first of all, you should register with a medical facility. Medical specialists without fail send a woman to conduct a series of diagnostic studies and pass the necessary tests. These include:

  • general urine analysis;
  • blood donation for diagnosis;
  • stool analysis;
  • taking a smear from the vagina to exclude infectious genital pathologies.

In addition to taking tests, a woman must undergo a consultation and examination with a general practitioner, ophthalmologist, dentist and cardiologist. Experts will give the necessary recommendations.

In individual cases, additional research may be required if any diseases or pathologies are detected in the expectant mother. These diagnostic procedures may include:

  • urinalysis (quantitative type for hCG);
  • blood sampling to examine the hormonal background of a woman.

Ultrasound is also performed at the 7th week of pregnancy, which allows you to see the state of development of the unborn child. You can also save a photo after the ultrasound, which will always remind you of pregnancy and how the baby looked at its 7 weeks.

The main parameters that doctors can see during an ultrasound examination (ultrasound) at a period of 7 weeks of pregnancy:

  • fruit size (photo)
  • hear heart rhythms (heartbeat);
  • motor activity of the child.

Expectant mothers should also take into account that the photo of the embryo (if the pregnancy is 7 weeks old) will be visible without the umbilical cord. At this time, the future baby is in the so-called fetal egg, which is attached to the uterine walls. And only after a couple of weeks the placenta and umbilical cord will develop. That is why the formation of the fetus and the development of the unborn child will depend on what lifestyle a woman leads (especially 2-7 weeks of pregnancy).

The umbilical cord performs a protective function and protects the embryo from the effects of all negative factors.How is the development of the unborn child during this period?

Despite the fact that the 7th week of pregnancy is a very short period, active changes are taking place with the baby, which is developing.

The process of development of the embryo consists in the growth and development of the following organs and systems of the body:

  • the heart becomes four-chambered, the right and left atrium develops;
  • large blood vessels are formed;
  • such important organs as the lungs and kidneys, bronchi and endocrine glands begin to emerge;
  • bile ducts develop in the liver;
  • the reproductive system of the unborn child is actively developing (at the same time, it is not yet possible to determine its gender on ultrasound);
  • the formation of abdominal organs occurs: intestines and colon, appendix;
  • the face acquires clearer features: eyes, nose, cilia, the iris of the eyes is formed, milk teeth and jaws begin to form;
  • the already formed nervous system of the unborn child continues to develop.

Pregnancy for a period of 7 weeks and the development of the embryo is not yet so noticeable. The expectant mother cannot yet feel the fetus due to its small size: during this period, it weighs about 1 gram. Most of the baby's body is occupied by the head, as the most active development of the brain takes place - its right and left hemispheres are being formed, its five main departments, which are characteristic of an adult, begin to take shape.

What changes does the female body undergo?

Each woman's body may perceive pregnancy differently, and the symptoms of the "interesting position" may also be different.

The most common symptoms for this period of pregnancy are the following:

  • the condition of hair and nails worsens, which is associated with a catastrophic lack of calcium;
  • there may be problems with the skin of the face;
  • sudden mood swings;
  • changes in the hormonal background can cause age spots on the face and body;
  • the figure acquires more rounded shapes as a result of the redistribution of body fat in the body;
  • there is an increase in the size of the uterus, as the embryo grows and becomes larger;
  • the breast increases, capillaries and vessels on it become clearer.

In addition, at the 7th week of pregnancy, a woman may experience symptoms such as:

  • constipation;
  • heartburn;
  • constant feeling of nausea (toxicosis);
  • possible insomnia;
  • digestive problems;
  • urination becomes more frequent, you may want to go to the toilet every 5-10 minutes;
  • increased levels of unreasonable anxiety or worry;
  • increased gas formation and bloating.

In addition, it should be remembered that the female body can respond to such changes with an increase in body temperature. That is why, if the thermometer mark is kept constantly at the number 37, this is not a cause for concern. If fever is accompanied by symptoms such as cough or runny nose, you should consult your doctor. During this period, self-medication can be even more dangerous.

Also, one of the factors that characterizes pregnancy is a change in taste and gastronomic preferences, an increase in appetite.

Pain that accompanies a woman during this period

Painful discomfort can accompany a girl throughout the entire pregnancy. Especially often at week 7, expectant mothers complain of constant pain on both sides of the abdomen. Such a condition, from the point of view of medical specialists, is absolutely normal and does not pose any threat to the life of the unborn child. The fact is that the uterus in this period is in a state of constant tension, which causes such painful sensations and discomfort. If bleeding is added to the pain at the 7th week of pregnancy, you should immediately call an ambulance, as there may be a threat of miscarriage.

One of the symptoms that may accompany the expectant mother at this time is soreness of the mammary glands. The breast swells a little and the woman feels a constant tingling in it.

The next painful symptom is a headache. It can also occur at different stages of pregnancy. It is strictly forbidden to remove such discomfort with the help of medications or tablets, as this can harm the normal development of the fetus.

It should be noted that during this period there is an increase in the amount of mucus from the vagina. Under normal conditions, it should be transparent, sometimes with a whitish tinge. If a woman observes brown discharge at the 7th week of pregnancy, this may indicate that there is a threat to the life of the child. Curd-like or frothy discharge indicates the presence of an infection in the body. In any case, you should immediately seek help from a gynecologist.

What pathological processes can occur during this period?

The 7th week of pregnancy may be accompanied by the fact that a woman will experience discomfort. In some cases, the development of various pathological processes is possible. The best adviser and assistant during this period will be a personal gynecologist who leads the pregnancy.

Most often, it is at week 7 that the following pathologies can appear:

  • There is a risk of miscarriage. During this period, the developing fetus is very vulnerable, while the formation of various malformations of its development is possible. The expectant mother may be disturbed by pain in the lower abdomen. Sometimes such discomfort can manifest itself in the form of heaviness in the lumbar spine. In any case, if you experience any unpleasant or painful sensations, you should immediately contact a gynecologist. Timely action can be saving for the unborn child. That is why you should not wait for the pain or discomfort to go away on its own. Medical experts strongly advise against wearing high-heeled shoes. Do not take too hot bath or shower. Heavy physical exercises and labor, increased nervous tension also negatively affect the course of pregnancy. All of the above factors can lead to uterine tone, resulting in a miscarriage.
  • It is possible to detect an ectopic pregnancy. The risk of such a pathology is highest at this time. It may happen that a fetal egg is not found in the uterine cavity, while the pregnancy is confirmed. This means that the embryo has attached itself elsewhere. In this case, the pregnancy should be terminated as early as possible, as soon as it became known about the presence of this pathological process.
  • Changes in the hormonal background can lead to a lack of one or more of them. One of the most important female hormones during pregnancy is progesterone. He is responsible for its normal course and for the proper development of the fetus. That is why progesterone must be contained in a woman's body in sufficient quantities. Its lack can lead to negative and irreparable consequences. An insufficient level of progesterone can be detected by the results of the tests (venous blood sampling for hormones). In addition, if it hurts and pulls under the pubic area during pregnancy at 7 weeks, this may indicate a reduced level of this female hormone.

In any case, not only at the seventh week of pregnancy, but throughout the entire period, the expectant mother should take care of her health, monitor the usefulness of her diet, and relax. Thus, the risk of any pathology will be much lower.

At a period of 7 weeks of pregnancy, it is better to discuss all incomprehensible and interesting questions with your gynecologist, who can tell you whether this or that can be done.

  • Despite the increase in appetite, the amount of food consumed should be controlled. Overeating can harm not only the figure, but also affect the development of the fetus. In addition, food products must comply with a healthy and rational lifestyle, contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals. It is very important to eat foods high in calcium, as the formation of milk teeth in the fetus occurs. The diet should be filled with plant foods, proteins, greens. It is necessary to limit the amount of sweet, excessively salty or spicy, as well as to refuse smoked and fried foods.
  • It is mandatory to register and be under the constant supervision of a gynecologist.
  • It is not necessary to overload the body with great physical exertion, it is required to observe a normal mode of work and good rest.
  • You should avoid various colds and infectious diseases, take care of your health.
  • You can do special exercises for pregnant women under the supervision of an experienced trainer. Such physical activity will have a positive effect on the course of pregnancy and the development of the baby.
  • Constant conversations with the unborn child, as well as light stroking of the abdomen will be pleasant not only for the mother, but also for him.
  • Relaxing effect is provided by light and calm music.

An important point is also the complete rejection of the use of any alcoholic beverages during this period, as this can adversely affect the nervous system of the fetus.

If you suffer from toxicosis (especially pronounced in the morning or after a hearty and hearty breakfast), you should take a small snack without getting out of bed. You can gnaw a small cracker or a piece of bread.

As for sex, if a personal gynecologist does not observe any violations or pathologies, there are no restrictions in this matter.

The birth of a child is considered the greatest miracle, which is preceded by 9 months of pregnancy, during which one cell (zygote) turns into a person. The most responsible is the first trimester of pregnancy, when the laying and formation of all organs and systems takes place. At this time, the developing embryo is very sensitive to the effects of harmful factors such as smoking, alcohol intake, and viral infection. The presence of other infections that are able to maintain a chronic inflammatory process in the organs of the reproductive system can lead to the formation of complex defects and spontaneous abortion.

7 weeks pregnant fetal development and size

The 7th week of pregnancy is considered one of the most important periods in the formation of organs and systems of the future person. at week 7, it is characterized by the active formation of the heart and large blood vessels. The size of the fetus at 7 weeks reaches 0.8-1 grams, and its length is 8 mm. During this period, the cranial thickening of the neural tube of the embryo begins to turn into the brain. The active formation of the gastrointestinal tract occurs exactly at week 7. So, at 7-8 weeks, the fetus already has a rectum, and now the esophagus and small intestine are being formed.

Fetal development at 7-8 weeks includes active growth and differentiation of cells and tissues of the lung system. During this period, the trachea and lungs develop. At week 7, the further formation of the umbilical cord and placenta continues, which is characterized by thickening of the placenta and attachment of the umbilical cord to the wall of the uterus. In the embryo at 6-7 weeks, the formation of the upper limbs begins. If at the 6th week only the rudiments of the handles appear, then at the 7th week it is already possible to distinguish the handle and the shoulder, the fingers will form a little later. It is at week 7 that a face begins to appear in the embryo, tiny pigment spots form on the side. Over the next couple of months, they gradually move to the face and form eyes.

7 weeks - what does the fetus look like?

You can see the appearance and determine the size of the embryo at 7 weeks using ultrasound. So, on ultrasound, the baby still resembles a fish, he still has a tail, which will disappear only at 10-11 weeks. The coccyx-parietal size at 7 weeks is 7-13 mm. The heartbeat of the fetus is the most important indicator of its vital activity and full development. The heartbeat in an embryo of 6-7 weeks is audible in almost 100% of cases. If, nevertheless, it was not possible to listen to the heartbeat, then ultrasound is recommended to be repeated after 7-10 days.

Feelings of a woman at 7 weeks pregnant

At the 7th week of pregnancy, a woman already knows that a new life has arisen in her and must give up everything that can disrupt or interrupt the development of the unborn baby. During this period, the pregnant uterus is below the pubic joint, so the stomach is not yet visible. The expectant mother may not yet worry that she will not fit into her favorite jeans. Sometimes there are complaints about unpleasant pulling feeling like before menstruation, which may be due to the gradually enlarging uterus. If they turn into pain or are accompanied by bloody discharge from the genital tract, you should immediately seek medical help.

So, we looked at which fetus at 7 weeks: its appearance, weight and size. We also considered the features of the formation of organs and systems during this period. For a future mother, it is very important to understand that it depends on her how well her child will form, therefore, it is necessary to give up bad habits, observe the correct sleep and rest regimen, and rational nutrition. Of great importance in the proper development of the fetus is the early registration in the antenatal clinic and the passage of all necessary studies.

At this stage, mucus appears in the cervix, which is called a "cork" and will leave the body only during childbirth. A woman this week is not recommended to be examined in a gynecological chair. The embryo begins to form bones, which leads to a decrease in the level of calcium in the body of a pregnant woman. If a woman does not consume enough of this element with food, then it comes to the baby from the venous vessels. This can cause cramps in the legs of the pregnant woman, and further exhaustion of the veins leads to venous expansion. In addition, hemorrhoids may worsen. In the seventh week, the amount of progesterone in the blood continues to rise, which relaxes the intestinal walls, which in turn causes constipation and bloating. On the chest, abdomen and legs, the veins become more visible. But you should not worry about this, after childbirth, as a rule, everything returns to normal again.

What can be the selection

Changes in the hormonal background and the formation of the placenta lead to an increase in the volume of secretions. Normally, the discharge should not have an unpleasant strong odor, and their color should be transparent or whitish. If there is a change in color, an unpleasant odor or itching, consult your doctor.

Nutrition and bad habits

This week, you need to slightly increase your calorie intake per day: by about 300-800 kcal. Eat more lean meats or fish, include more vegetables and unsweetened fruits in your diet, and do not forget about dairy products. To avoid bloating, stop eating foods that provoke the formation of gases: plums, cabbage, peas. Meat and fish should be well fried, as half-baked, these products can cause worms or infection. Food should not be overly salty or spicy.

intimate life

In this area, provided there is no threat of miscarriage, there are no restrictions on the seventh week. The main danger at this stage of pregnancy is the abnormal development of organs in the fetus, which can lead to his death or disability of the unborn child. To prevent this from happening, it is important to avoid exposure to chemicals and radiation. In addition, a lack of vitamin D in the mother's body can lead to abnormal bone formation, and calcium leaching can cause venous dilation or hemorrhoids in the mother. For most pregnant women in the seventh week, the main problem is toxicosis. Do not worry - soon this unpleasant phenomenon will end. There may be discomfort in the lower abdomen associated with an increase in the uterus. This phenomenon is quite natural and does not pose any danger.

Physical activity

Simple exercises at any stage of pregnancy bring only benefits. If there are no contraindications, then a woman during this period can do simple exercises, go swimming or perform special gymnastics for pregnant women. You can not overwork and perform complex elements. Regular walks are very helpful.

Medicines and procedures

At this time, it is forbidden to be treated independently, as well as undergo medical procedures. If you have any health problems, you should consult your doctor.

At the 7th week of pregnancy, the expectant mother already, as a rule, knows about her “interesting position”. She is told about this by two stripes on the test, and characteristic- delayed menstruation, morning, emotional instability, breast hypersensitivity and many others. A woman can confirm her guesses in a antenatal clinic, where she will be taken blood to determine the concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), will do and conduct a gynecological examination.

How did the baby become at 7 weeks pregnant?

There are also external changes in the baby. The legs and arms of the embryo are more clearly visible, although at their ends, instead of feet and hands, there is still only a semblance of flippers. The head is rounded, a miniature mouth and nose are formed on it. On the front surface of the body of the crumbs, a protruding pulsating formation becomes more noticeable - this is the heart. Otherwise, everything is the same as before - the head, body and limbs are disproportionate, there is a small tail.

As for the development of the internal organs of the embryo, then at week 7, his heart changes from a hollow tube to a two-chambered organ(the heartbeat is already clearly captured by the ultrasound machine). The development of the brain, lungs, liver, stomach, intestines, kidneys of the baby continues.

Mom's feelings at 7 weeks pregnant

Causes of headaches in the first trimester of pregnancy can be:

  • Hormonal reorganization.
  • Change in blood pressure (at this time it happens more often).
  • Lack of nutrients and fluids. Fearing attacks of vomiting, some women refuse to eat and drink, which further worsens their well-being.
  • . If a woman suffered from migraine before pregnancy, the disease may manifest itself with greater force.

Important: expectant mothers can drink any painkillers only after consulting a doctor. Many headache medicines are strictly contraindicated for pregnant women. In such situations, it is best to generally manage with non-drug methods of treatment - rest, good sleep, walks in the fresh air, water procedures, correction of nutrition and drinking regimen.

Another common problem for expectant mothers is this. Their appearance (or aggravation) in the first months of pregnancy is associated mainly with hormonal changes, in particular with hyperproduction of the pregnancy hormone -. This substance causes relaxation of smooth muscles, due to which the fetal egg is not pushed out of the uterus. As you know, there are also smooth muscles in the intestines, therefore, under the action of progesterone, peristalsis weakens, and the passage of feces slows down accordingly. To cope with constipation, it is advisable for the expectant mother to reconsider her diet.(increase the amount of fiber in it). Also, pregnant women can take lactulose, which helps to empty the intestines gently and safely.

Some expectant mothers already from the first weeks of pregnancy notice nasal congestion and a slight increase in body temperature. The appearance of these symptoms, again, is most often associated with hormonal changes, but it cannot be ruled out that they are dangerous for the baby. Therefore, if something like this worries, it is better to consult a gynecologist.

External changes of a woman at the 7th week of pregnancy

If a woman does not suffer from severe toxicosis, by the 7th week of pregnancy her weight may increase - by 0.5-1.5 kg (it all depends on the constitution). Weight gain is associated with an increase in the size of the uterus and mammary glands, as well as with a gradual increase in the volume of blood circulating in the body of a woman (more blood is now needed, since uteroplacental blood flow is being formed). But, despite the weight gain, there are no bulging circles in the abdomen yet, since the enlarged uterus is still in the pelvic area.

External changes that can be noticed in most (but not necessarily all) expectant mothers at 7 weeks pregnant:

  • Enlargement of the mammary glands.
  • Darkening of the nipples.
  • Appearance.
  • Hyperpigmentation of the midline of the abdomen.
  • Deterioration of the skin condition (it may become more oily or drier, a rash, peeling, increased sensitivity to cosmetics, etc. may appear).

Visit to the doctor and diagnostic tests

At the 7th week of pregnancy, it is advisable to already be registered in the antenatal clinic, because under the supervision of an experienced doctor it will be both calmer and more reliable. During the first visit, the gynecologist usually performs a standard gynecological examination and gives referrals for necessary research:

  • Blood tests (, for group and Rh factor, for coagulation, for infections, according to indications for hormones).
  • (in the future, this analysis will need to be taken before each trip to the doctor)
  • Analysis of feces for.

In addition, the expectant mother will need to undergo examinations with a number of doctors:

Possible complications of the 7th week of pregnancy

At this period, it remains quite high, pregnancy fading, as well as interruption. In this regard, the expectant mother should be very alert about her well-being and immediately consult a doctor when:

  • (pain of any localization and any intensity is suspicious);
  • bright bloody or brown discharge from the vagina;
  • strong , ;

You can not ignore the sharp improvement in well-being. As mentioned above, the cessation of toxicosis may indicate a stop in the development of pregnancy. If, on the contrary, toxicosis increases significantly, it is also advisable to tell the gynecologist about this, since frequent vomiting can lead to serious disorders in the body (, an increase in the concentration of acetone, etc.).

Intimate life: is it possible or not?

Can expectant mothers have sex? Will it harm the baby? These questions concern almost all pregnant women, especially those who have just learned about their situation. Doctors say that in the normal course of pregnancy, intimate life is not contraindicated.

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